Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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    1 1
Sport News
J Watching the Scoreboard
loc While hail rauf'i.' f r collapse yes
terday when the A (f'tf trim ii' the
Vernon Tigers twiccly.
The morning gunie wa. garnered l,y
Hie seraphs by a three run' affair orl
Henley in the eighth, just after Vernon
bad laboriously overcome uu early lead.
And the second wiik Hon right off the
ree'., when the Angels, hainburgerod llitt
for four tallies.
All of which, however, failed to re
gain first place f,r Dillon, an Sun,' Fran
'isco took a doublehoader from l'ort
lind, making eight game out of nin?
t:tkea from the erstwhile champions.
Oakland nnd Suit Luke divided.
Med Hoi dropped a douhli liondcr to
Now York. Brave lost twice to the
Giants nnd slimied down to tl.ir.l
Nation of the Athletic hurt his hurl
ing arm and had to quit in the acror!,
Athletics lout twice to Washington.
Chicago, 'pt. 7. Mr. ( hnrles II.
Vanderlieck, of Philadelphia, eastern
woman golf champion, today stands at
tlie hea.i of the entrants in the national
woman's elinnipiumJiip gulf tourney at
tlie Ouwontsia club. Tiie champion !
quiiiiriou ycter,l! y witfi H .Mnte.t
piny round began today.
Chicago. Went. 7
tionnls have purchased Alcn M.i arthv
The Chicago .Va
from the I'illslurg National.
Ht. Louis, Held. 7. Herman l.auliis
today is n tin i'liuuiiion ten mile swim
iner of 111" Missouri Athletic associn
tiou. lie came in ahead of nineteen
HwinimerH, his time lining one hour, .'MS
minute and five smm.ls.
Sacramento Cal., Sept. 7. A. P.
Michelhon was probably fntnllv in
jured nml Lew Manning badly hurt
shortly nl'l.-r m i.l n i )i t this morning
nil automobile r.eeiilent (ill tlie Dublin
road near Man Hmmuin .l.m, .;,. a
large Mnnwoll car, containing aevernl
men and women crashed ilo the rear
or the ear in which Micholsou mid
Miinning were ridig. Maiming was
thrown clear lint Mil nelson was caught
in the w rochngc.
Michelami is secretary of tiie jilnev
bus association.
tKtut;iiminii)iiitmumw !n 1 1 nun in Minimi Inriiiii nrnnrn in I twit
i mii iNiyiAra nuun mm
if '
i 111
National League.
W. ..
Philadelphia J ,".'i
ISruoklyu 0!i IU
iioston .",!
St. 1uiis 0:1 IV,
''hicngu li'l fl
New York .'. .V.i m
Pittsburg I',:', till
Cincinnati .ri7 Ij'.t
American League.
Brought In By Returns At
First Accurate Indication Dr. Miles Is Looking After
Enforcing of Rules of State
Health Board
Washington .
-New York ...
St. lrfiuis
Cleveland .. ..
. ri
. r,o
Federal League
PiltfdnirK 71
Newark f7
Kansas ''ity (is
St. Inuis OS
(hieuKo I'M
Itufl'alo .....fl.i
Urooklyn 01
lialtiinoro 4.'i
.34 1
San Francisco W) OH
1"ih Angeles 811 71
Vernon 7H 7!
Salt Lake 70 77 .4!7
Portland 00 Hi .440
Oakland 70 HO ,4.'I7
At Kan Francisco Him Fran
cisco ID .'), Portland :t l.
At Angeles Vernon 3-2,
Fjiia Angeles ,ri-4.
At Salt Lake-Salt Luke 3-10,
Oakland O-.'l.
loin, Kan., Sept. 7 Hundreds of resi
dents were rescued today from roofs
and upper stories of their homes, und
from tree tops, after they hud sought
safety from the floods of Kim freek.
They were warned liy fire ularmH, tele
phone calls nnd shuts that the seven
men rain was linnging ilevnstation in
its path toward tho eastern' and soulh
era section of town.
Many persons, nowever, are miss
ing. Property loss is pliu'ed at 100.
A etnt a word wilt ttll yom
ttory in lh Journal Nw Today
Get a Copy
I o-day!
" 11
ii ij ii
it d ii'ii ft i
f Mr"! J
J IM -1
From one end of tho country to the other, the
question on the tip of every tongue is:
"Have you seen the new PUCK?"
It is a brand new magazine with an old name.
It has been accorded the most astounding reception
ever tendered a weekly periodical in America.
Newsdealers have had difficulty in supplying
the demand. Etviybhty wonts to SiV this M kind
of uwkly!
If we placed a Paris date-line on it, you would
hardly believe it was printed on this side of the water.
Its color-pages are by the foremost illustrators
of America and Europe.
Its stories, bon mots and reviews are by the
greatest of contemporary humorists.
This rare combination of entertainment costs
you 10 cents a copy at al! news-stands.
This week's PUCK Is a splendid issue with which
to begin a long and delightful acquaintance.
Ma i ion county is enabled tj put
' down hard surface paving at a co.-it of
' appmiuuiti-ly 1)0 cents per sipiare yard,
(c or. "ili.l cents per square yard, to lie
)(! exact, according to die prices charged
to tlie slate for laying of the hard sur
face pavement inside the state fair
ttrouin!. This is HirniiK-
however, as to the cist of the pavement
in i lie rest of me county. All of the
Ik i hills for lilivini nru Tint It, Vet an.! If
it, is iiupisihle to make a final statement
unui an or nie prices are available ac
cording to liond -Master Culver.
sj:! Inside the fairgrounds 41W square
jk1 yards were put down at a total cost of
ifc $21SoSI and of this sum $07.7,7 was Set
if aside fur the use of the paving plant to
he applied on the purchase price if tho
if plant is purchased liy the countv and to
l en as a roany tor ine rent ot the plant
skiif the county does not purchase. The
it; above price, however, is exclusive of tho
Kraiuug oi i ne ron. i as this was done
Hciuy ine convicts or the state pen and
sfcjwns simply for the application and
finishing of the hard surface pavement
ami the cost of labor ami materials.
The extremely short haul from tho
plant on Highland avenue to the fair-
grounds also reduced the cost gome-
what but for the entire distance in
front of the new pavilion, or about one
if third of the total yardage, two courses
:Were laid which nearly evened ur for
ski the abort haul, Where the haul is
j longer the cost will be greater and also
where the grading must bo counted as
an iKuiitionni expense the cost will be
more than 00 cents per yard. The
county court, however, feels satisfied
mat ii has provided R good service
able road nt a minimum cost and at
a cost that, enn he tiiu.le un mif ne it,.,
general road fund and will not call for
an issue of road bonds or extra taxes.
It has been proven by repeated tests
mui, mere is no suck a thing as a
"permanent " road though some are
more permnmeut than others. In past
years owners of the patent right on
pavement bousled that theirs would
provide a permanent road but tho many
that purchasers of permanent
roads have hnd to patch the holes and
eracHs in tnese same permanent roads
bus brought the county courts and tax.
payers to discount nil clainiH for a
permanent road. Whether or not tn
puvemeiit put down by the county this
vear will stand tho test of time can
only be proven by time. On tho face
the roads nmicar to be ns nermimnt m
any roads of this nature and of even a
cost of four or five times as great.
The pavement this year was more or
less of an experiment with the Marion
county court and even if a few holes
appear it is not likely that the road
will "go to pieces nil lit once" as the
one boss shay, and the experiment will
not be an expensive one even if tho
roads are nut a success. Jf they are
successful this county will have been
provided with severu'l miles of hard
surface pavement roads at a minimum
cost and lit no increase iu tuxes, and
without an issue of road bonds to
mortgage tlie county's lax receipts for a
generation or more.
Daughter of Minister
and Italian Count Suicides
Koine. Sent. 7. Cliwi.e.l In
others arms Odilla Vim Wulderson,
beautiful young daughter of the Dutch
minister to Italy, and Count (iiiealeni
1 Aiinln Argann were found dead in
the count s Naples villa, dispatches
"ere umiiv nere ileelare,
. i . i ' i . . . .
Minn i, ci, .re separation ' read a
note in which tlie count poured out his
passionate love for the charming do
bntante and wrote of his wife's throats
io expose and disgrace- him.
Cricml, f the diplomat's daughter
hiiew oi in,, count's love for her. They
believe tlie couple met at the Italian
court and afterward f r.,,, ,,... K. .. i
secretly at the villa.
The count had joined his regiment at
the outset of the war. lmt :..
Naples on leave of absence.
b'eonrts here .it ll.. l i .
wile were separated, as she had ob
.lee t I'd to his ardent attentions to other
lr. (. B. Wiles, county health efficer.
has been spending several !ay. out in
different parts of the county inspecting
hop yards. Last Sunday the iii.-pcctinii.-weie
mostly north of the citv, wlnie
yesterday, lie worked in the southern
part of tiie couu'ty.
The state board of health has i.-sueu
rules covering nop, prune aim hern
yur.ls und these have uecii printed on a
large placard and posted iu nil the yards
in the county. Dr. Allies slates thai this
your the health in the county is excep
tionally good, and that by calling the
attention to the owners of" the yards to
the speciul rules of the state health de
partment: he hopes that the usual sick
ness following the full picking may be
As the greater cause of sickness iu
the fall is due to eontumiiiiiti.il .,i
geueral unsanitary conditions and care-
h-.t.i uaiiuuug oi garoage aim refuse,
the state board has issued the following
rules and regulations:
1. Every camping ground must be
supplied with pure and unpolluted wa
ter. The use of individual drinking cups
is recommended.
2. All garbage must be kept covered
in barrels or galvanized irnn .nnu ml
removed dailv.
3. AH foodstuffs, refuse or anything
... vi nujueuni io canip-uousea or tent
that would serve as, n hrecdim, i,. ,
flies must bo effectively covered or
a. ivwu in sucn a mnauer as to exclude
4. Adenuatn numluar r.t .,;!.,!-
, , i .v.,. mum
be provided and they must at all times
be kept in a sanitary condition. Port
able toilets with galvanized iron recep
tacles are recommended and in these
receptacles, disinfectants must be dailv
used, but if a pit is used, the building
must be moved at least once a year and
during the picking sesson disinfectants
acceptable to the state, board of health
must be used nt least twice a week.
5. Tents or camp houses must not be
ocatod nearer than 200 feet from anv
oarn, hog pen or other place where
manure accumulates.
0. No horse shall be tied, stabled or
penned nearer than onn ... .
- -- -,v Hum nnv
camp house or camp tent.
i. uoors of buildings used for liv
ing or sleenintr nunrter. m.. i
tight. " n
8. PooIh nr nnmlu ,.t u .
with oil tbr0l,8lll.v Jriul r covered
Uemeinber-Dyiwnlety. tvphoid fever
nnd pneumonia follow the
sou. Allure preventable. Do your
Residence of Homer Sauder
When is a cigarette
A cigarette is not sensible
-0 - - -
for you if it leaves your
So they surely are sen
sible for you except pos-
taste and your smoke-hun- sibly for the' taste
ger a little bit unsatisfied. , And when it comes to that
nor if it bothers your
throat or tongue
nor if it makesyou "feel
mean" after smoking your
usual number.
None of these things will
it will be mighty str.ange if
you don't like Fatima's taste
they couldn't sell so fast
if the taste weren't extra
good, could, they?
Whv not fret Ffltirrms this
happen to you if you find verv day and. find out for
(and sficA to) the right yourself how sensible a
; ctVarette can reallv be ?
o j
But the cigarette that is
right for one man may nor
be right for another. For
instance, Fatimas may not
just suit your taste in spite
of the fact that they are the
best-selling cigarette costing
over 5c.
Fatimas ARE cool and
friendly to the throat and
tongue and they will NOT
make you "feel mean" after
smoking all you want.
PA TIM A vat ike Only Cinarrtlt Awariti the Urani
" ' ' tntcmauonat exposition.
Q DistinMvely Individual trt
ivw vi nuuici oduuer :
Is Destroyed by FireERE EARTHQUAKE
reside,,,.,. 0f Homer Sander at! HUWIIIH.
Stocks Are Inactive
But Unusually Firm
-. .. .., , l.r,,mi 8trt,(t
- o clock and was a total loss. The
alarm was turned in at 2:27 but bv the
t ine the fire department reached the
scene ot the fire ,,e flame, had inn e
too much head wayto save the building
H e hauiler lnmily was nsleep when! the
his wife and baby to a place of safetv
nd then turned in , he alarm.
Iho lire started near the place where
Mr k V"' ,'",r O' nil
Mr. Niuder is of the opinion fht ,
.rt circm, was the cause of the trou
D o'd, in ,1 l'"'" 0f '"""-'hold
R ods m the lower glory were saved
the entire t,, story burned off and
. ,:; :s, wm, ,hurred
"round the bungalow so that it will be
necessary to entirely remove II, .. old
structure before rebuilding. Tlh' ls
j o,n.st,, . 2.300 which ;,
!' covered by insurance.
Ambassador Will
Answer Serious Charges
(Outiiiiied from Fg One.)
Former President Taft
Gives Advice To Cities
Costa Rica, Nicaragua and
Other Central American
States Rocked
(Copyright liil.1 l.v the New York
Kvening rest.)
New York, Sept. 7.-Taken M
llitl.t t r.ii.. tl... I .1 .
;hunge, one ,,,igh, have imagined IHnuba's frnk Ju, " ion V
. r e I X l "'" !"nt,, J"lnrt,net
based "" v,'r,,B",t n" ''
Z ' 'm'"ir Im..b,i that hit
.. i 'tine j ii i nrt'iM nil lis
Hespite the tens';..,. ,..i.:..i. i. . ,
ZVX m,,,i i "';;;
t vov hL l'" '"' hifh a '"'""
ine I h is "'volved, en.bnrras,.
io in"r""'""t. The adu.ini.trn
inv ii '.',"'V ,''s'rou''' of av"i'liK
bueren '." ",,M "M an' -
noilniig whatever of interest haj hap
I-..,,,. ,n iiiiernniioiiai attairs
Vfler recovering from a flight Initial
weakness, the market remained iuactiv
the i t of the day, but firm.
An during last week, so 0,lav rail
way share inonopoluod such agg'roiuivo
"irength as existed; anthracite coal
hr.' led the advance. The mrketi
gges ,g the strike Irf American fac
1, 1 , , """'''" r,is,,J '.lict,.
T lu.wever. ,d much
'hxed Irregular, but the most impre.- h'K'' Austrian of fieinl aaid to-
.... ni , ,,,...., .
justify hi iitrike- SITe.tion r,n .1...
Oakland, ( al., Sept. 7. "anploy ex
perts and pay them a good fee then
conform t their plan and accept their
judgment. '
This was the advice given by Form
er President Taft tcciuv to the repre
fcutulives of California municipalities
attending tho second California confer
ence on city planning at the Oakland
city auditorium.
Washington and Manila were held up
as examples of wnat g00d city planing
can nccomii is hv ' .. r
v. I , . . ."c Auiuier presi-
.ncw ork. Kent 7 su,... dent. I itv tilanini n-n .:. ....
ijuakes lust night rocked Costa Hiea ' I jr''ak,'r '? "10 Juty of' nil municipal
xioarngua and elsewhere in Central1 i e "("a,lty of Washington to
Amonca and lower Mexico, reports to'!.h'i ni"1!, 81"1 "is lllle to tllc fore
able companies here today declared. ! ; , ' ".''"'tJ'on is securing a def-
( able service to these sections is in- 1?, I . .
terrup.ed, hence no details are avail- bv Tift for h?" KM,e
uble as to the damage. i,i V ' - " flrst "'i the
Cable officials thought, too. that no,, he to, ' 1 oalltltul- Jackson,
l'ly l-anaaiu nnd the' is"a , 'off trea ' ,' v bn'l '"e V" f th
lV",r!" A -"ored. ""j -"lott
Registered In London. al lil',,r..
Loudon. Sent ?..,- . I .i..: tuo. "lot upon till
. . ' -v..,c eui unui iKe ."K'"ai 1' n 1 nnil l.a :, .
uocks, believed to be in the Pacific ' ''lared font the futu e n.av brinJ ab V
ocean nenr 1'annina or i Central "l'.,ge i the 0Uon of tK bu.l,
n-""'-" Ull Mt'lMlllll. ,
Ki'iiphs here today.
This report is believed to refer to the
same disturbances which were recorded
for several hours late last night, oe":la,',"l i( done because the con
the l.nr.r.,t..- . ' . L'ressiiu.n i ... . T. ,UB ton
,i w, si ;,,, . iV A M'1!,"'0raph , " "''"em pUiticnllv.
i 1 III T Hi j !;... - ' 01-A.
,j;V,,!WOI,,,!'r-' t in the Waite lear eo,;i ,iexW TZr S,?.nd
in,, ui niiiMin park were given a P""'
rest val.,..!.,. -.1 t " " ..
It was declared that so far as known
no British patrol ships were within
miles of the Hesperian. Captain Mai ,
and his officers believed, on a matter
of fact, that they were out of tho suo
marine zone.
Tho official report of Captain Main
ou mo uuuck reacnea tne admiralty
today. When the report is digested, "a
brief statement is promised as to wheth
er the Hesperian,' was torpedoed without
warning or attempted to escape or ram
the submurine. This statement will also
touch upon any other material subje
that might be a matter of controversy.
The InteBt report from the Allan of
fices is a complete contradiction of the
first official statement declaring that
all pussengers and members of the crew
of tho Hesperian were saved. The body
of Miss Carberry, of St. Johns, K. 1, is
now at Queeritown and six second
cabin and six steerage passengers aro
missinr. Tn mMitinn n, ,,
of the crew- are unaccounted for, muk-
uiu toini list or dead J26.
Vith the arrival of officors who re
mnined aboard the Hesperian in Qucens-
Th lnenr ni nf ,i B " rtlle 11 was established that the uer
yXZ:TETTrtUe onIy a short dis-
, ,! .1.; ."t'vu ': '' irom tne scene of the attack, a
though she remained afloat almost 30
hours after being torpedoed. With the
flooding of the forward enmnnrtmentii.
I The ex-president rinned '. however, the Hesperian 's propellers
Policy of ceng esL : "n to the air and it was
; "Pl-ronrjation "for tJle c,.itol Z t ""f 8Slb,e tow the vessel. .
"'Z'ZLn bu the con- herr'y'nlFn88el,K,er!! n.nti mfmh"" of
Trout In Waite Fountain
Grew Into Beauties
rrk,..'V""l,r'1S, V',1"'',' ,h-" w,l,or w,,s nl" f-.-asod expression,'
organic troubles. Tl, ".
lassitude, head-
ive fact about it whs that "war stocks"
nn.l uecii relegated to the background
an undoubtedly wholesome Indication.
Sterling demand opened alwuit a half
Hut under Saturday ' prlce-the last
.Uiled because of yesterday ' holiday
tuit the early mmtation was mostly
nominal, and a downward treud was
presently in evidence. This carried the
rate from .00 to l.(t i fro,,, which
It Inter recovered a half ceut, but fell
back to 4.0;t 1 2 before the close.
Auburn, Cal.. Sept. 7. K. M. Aryia.
chnrge.l with atlemoliiu .. ......It i.:.
- " I n '- n, Hin
step daughter, Jen ell Tooley, gl IS,
".....- niiimeii in ju at nooa tod.
Arvin coufeunl to IK. ..I... .J hi.
wif did latt May.
iir.,,i . . ""ggesiiou on the
rjunJ '" ""olcrable lHbor condition,
i- Ka"- pTT-Kour Miwourl,
Km ms and Tev., railWaT Urr p!
h..'h they h,,l cliinbed, from a handcar
m.sstj. T- other person, ar.
l'i V'."" S,r;r: IVtrograd Mv. the
rnd duke is luring the Germans Into
a trap and will rike dsisiv blow
later. Later U In.ui.it. uw. d...
in th race now going on U a
r " ,v
arntorv . !:. . , '. I lyl " -,' "''I'ression are i
. o uii 11 1 -HI I 111 va .Inc.... I lit' ICIl.Till.i . " - - un
h; tf.ir. ' j troubled nl.r , 7vvT'n P0
Tho trout w..r. . ;- .i. . .. . . I I. .. TUKe I-ydia E. lini,.
on May 1. iU nn, ve '!!!' ! e" l. ?", that im.
an inch long. Xow they nnvisnre easily i hl,s and 'restore tlT 'u
1. to lo inches . I ...... , i i .. . "rB lUeir hcnlth .
reu.lv ,... .. ..i .'"'" were ""-""'iii condition. " "
Siiu'o tho iii'w ,ir,.;,.n.... .
been laid .;,.; I.." . I"'" n
., n.. ,. ".. . "e emptied in
.,,, . nuutes, while former-
n wneu a i
s uve1 Report of Pa?e Received
lv U re,uired six ii' H
L?V$' T hV . " founi (Contin.-ZZ-
tain and the colored
ma, no nas trouolo in
oasin clou
..u K.VSM l TO k. rhntw ... .. . sa ,1
..ii .. . . ----- ni.n.es ana , "". giving the i,,,r.... .."
, l.'M'vr in me i.nsin. Yixterdav i.. least. ., ., "' ", ",u.n that he. at
u.an,g. nillv a l.ushel of stones were i Wined. l e Ai " i'ncr '
taken out. Mr. arsh i. ,.... .1 lu A"ttI "ne. he ad,l..,i
i , , iires
, """" Kwpinu the' "" '"is. Al eh. "Hthni
clean, as so many children ,d 'w when t ie ,," "' lllfl w bP.
grown up folk, throw J ! said, giving K "trUCk-" "
nper in the basin v.. ..... ! i...... ' ,lle ""pression. t in v,
... ...,.,.,,,,,.11, ,i, , . r,, ;, x ,,r
WANT ABE RTJEr-8 ADVICE London .BfIn5 Conyl.
Vkiah. P.l. h. ri. r . I't'-Pcrianwasnotbei;...- mn. i,nfr
: . i J .. V. I. '. ' "r "uet, &c- tori.e, .v. . V. ""'oyeu w hen
...u.iinie oy ur. Kainsford and a rartr t ,V . , Irish coast it
of friends, ;ui,ed Orr. hot springs' ' i",hnr;!n,i"1-V here tv
today. The former .. a '1, .w,,n n ofncinl stin,.n. i: ..
i dai,y ..king for "T
lv..vuBMiance iurroundinB th. .tV.w .h1- K,on' M-tin8 Powtirely rthat
h ttack.iah,pwltori)edoe;ithout
ne crew were scheduled to leave
ueenstown for London todny by spe
cial train. i i r-
The Hesperian 's commnnder was
quoted here as saving the vessel was
the subject of an." unwarned torpedo
attack. . 1
l T.''f A1!nn liue officials are hopeful
that further chocking of lists of pas
sengers and crew will reduce- their esti
mates of missing.
Evidence is Gathered.
London, Sept. 7.-i;vidence, gather
V ottieiul and unofficial quarters
fuuy, pointed increasingly to the be
l'f that the Allan liner Hesperian was
a submarine victim.
yueenstown dispatches said that
eight hours before the explosion, tho
! !i ,Bhted a ut"narine a few miles
! ' ' whereupon she took a lig lag
Course, the n.nol . ...8 .
in u:l i """ oi avoiuing oe-
'ng hit by a torpedo.
sttn,l BffidaVit t0 thi effect, it was
e' gerV. ' I'romised hT the pas- .
fir1errl'!te.thi' claim- the A' line ot
show.i i'L,"r',,,'d that a11 their report
showed the commander did not know of
hne r . of the submarine
nence hud no nm
These officinU n!,..i :.
whether (i. " - . " r.'"
el ... "-'"ua 1-a.m tne ves-
attorn f to Uw in vit" 01 ho
attem.it son.ri,119 , tlr to tho aclui
m??lJ l: ,1 ' T y 1 ' 1 1
ild justify torpedoing.
..., ineory was lurtaer
Btreilirthpna.l l.M J . . .
, k V; J".. : ' r amoavits, ;
i un