Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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A Maj-torpieee of Modern Real
inn with a terrific lesson,
l'robabiy the slroncest Mother
Drama Ever Written.
iTfcyr'"'"","11, "'"""a.1 ' ' ,ww,wsBwiiwwpswsiptsjsB
M , yV jr fc - sf '-A
.J Ht'.N JkF 7 VwLsai V - I v-V- . ifiuUCti
- h v , l m i v , v ;r o - - . r
fen sl-
"V1S' 'VAi An' no process will ever make I
I'-nl 5 'CrViVt1 ,V iV iofcacco.mafure. You got to let i
One Pound Glass Humidor? T TOW do you suppose the bite gets into a tobacco 1
,,,, , - f leaf? Nature, of course. 1
Eugoce C'Brien and Elaine Hammer
eteia in "The Moonstone."
World Film eorpvtatiou will prosout
the five-part pho:o luy "The Mou.i
stono" kasoil uon Wilkie Collins' fa
mous novel of the sane rinnio.
Myrfory is thj kornnte, and lot it bp
raid the .dominant theme of this of
fering, which wr.s very popular in
stago form, mid is so ehiirm teristie of
the Author's s4ylo of a prising and
biistai'iini; tne mie-est of his rentiers.
ollins was a i!ip.st r stery teller. At
levisinK a plot wtifh held yotir inter
est from t-ov.-r to eover ho was without
peer; at orij;ia".iity of chKiat'teriza-
tion, he was unique.. His writing style
was "ercojiy, " allmin, inspirational,
thrilliiiK, Ii9 ket you uwake at nights
by preventing yu.i from noinj; to sleop,
HOW o!o you suppose trie "bite gets info a tobacco
leaf? Nature, of course.
How do you suppose, . the, bite
Nature, of course;
Natures way slow, careful ageing is tie way. Thats why
VELVET ages tor not less than two years. . nuge wooaen casts
protect the leaf. Out comes the natural harshness, commonly
called "bite." n stays the natural flavor and aroma.
And VELVET starts right by being the pick of jhe.Burley
aop considered unequaled tobacco foi the pipe.
- What are you smoking?
Hat) yea read "Tip Thitatophy"
i Vet-Vet Joe' j neto bocK. of tierse.
and bright saying f
'Send a tUo cent rtampfor a copy.
St. Louis, Mo.
Only Two Teachers Left
Who Belonged to President
years, thero has 'been but four presi
dents. i'dUowing Congressman Haw
ley, ciimo' Dr. Hamlin Coleman, then
Dr. Flcteher Honinn and this year, Dr.
i i f lii-n P Cnrl (irecsr Doner, tor one year Dean
mWieySVVIliameUeraCmry, Hover i& as president and for the
I past year, Dean Allien has held this
J Y. Matthews, teacher of niatlieinn-! position,
lies in Willamette University, audi Twenty-two years ago, when Air.
Mary K Reynolds, teacher of mnthema-1 Matthews and Miss Reynolds were first
tics "in the Academv. are the only two j associated with the Vniversity, Waller
teachers now with "the University who: hall was used for scholastic purposes,
were here in ISllil, when CougTessman Lausanne hall was then, as at present,
"W. C. Hawley was president of the in- a home for the girl students, and the
Btitution. During the time they have gymnasium was built during the first
teen associated with University, 22 1 year of Congressman Hawley g presi
Special Today
Eay Lawrence, in "Just an
American GlrL"
Billie Strong
The ..Minstrel Boy A Gag and
a Bong Twelve Minutes of Joy
His Beloved Violin
Universal Feature 2 Parts
Lost Three Teeth
Nestor Comedy
Coming Thursday
The Lindons Marion
and Tim
Sayings Songs Steps
The Angelus Duo
Classy Costnmes change sod
Harmony Singing Act.
Come and see pictures shown on
the new Diamond Eay TUter
Screen Giving Daylight effect
and mellow pictures.
(Society Talk.)
To make Btrniuht hair nice and curly
in one night by merely applying plain
liquid silmerine that 's one of the best
beauty secrets that has leaked out in a
long time. Home peculiar property of
this harmless fluid causes the hair to
dry in just the prettiest, most natural
looking curls and creases imaginable.
It is valuable as a dressing also, as it
puts new life and lustre into dead-looking
hair. "
This means that the singeing, drying
piirlinir iron ean now be dispensed witl
forever! . A few ounces of the liquid
Bilmerine, which may be found in any
drug store, will keep tlio hair in wave
for weeks. It is neither Bticky nor
greasy and is really quite an agreeable
thing to use. It can' be applied with n
clean tooth brush before retiring and
the trnsformation will afford a most
pleasant surprise in the morning.
San Francisco, Sept. 7.
"Walking, duncing, talking and
corsets have spoiled woman's
beauty," declared Dr. W. H.
Hurrit'on, noted physician null
surgeon of rnn Francisco today.
"Mic scarcely bears a resemb
lance to the nobly molded wo
men of Greece and Home twelvo
centuries before Christ.
"Our celebrated beauties of
today would have been forced
to take back seats in tfie bleaehJ
ers of Nero's arena because
their figures have been twisted
out of shape by the rapid chang
ing of style."
sc ic sc sfc )Jc sfc )c sc sjc sfc s( sc s(( sc
i corai
Frank Crni.e directed tho picture and
has east it rerfully. Kugene O'Brieu i
makes his debut in motion pictures in
tiie offering, which also has a part for!
Klaino llaniinorslein t lies grnnddnug'.itcr I
of Oscar llai:imnr::tein, iew York's'
very famous i ml versatile) impics.irio;
opera manager, and man of alums.
Tho opening tcenea occur in India
nntl then the setiofi is removed to
Kngland A stolen diamond is (he
pivot of tho story wiih which the photo
piny is studied. It':i a marrow freezing
film. In the vordo of the tat hoy in
Churl. Dickens' "l'ickwick," "It
will make your fleih creep."
Three Indian priests attempt to re
cover the ilit.monU and thereafter an
nppiilliug seiies of .disasters results.
"Tho Muttnstonc " will be presented
today and tomorrow at tho Oregon.
I.enore Ulrich in "Kilinery"
comes Friday, and M;iry Pick
ford conies Sunday.
ATrnrtit TAn air P"
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Oro., Sept. 7. Circuit Judge
H. T. Belt will hold a short session of
court at Mc.Minnvillo this week.
Miss Ella Carpenter left today for
Portland, where sho will teach school
this year.
Mr. nud Mrs. C. Hisser have returned
from a several weeks' outing at Newport.
Mr. ard Mrs. D. J. Grant and son.
Jack, of Falls City, were Dallas busi
ness visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Chitty have re
turned from a week's stay iu Independence.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyer, of Sn
lein, were in. Dullas Saturday evening
the guests of Muyot ud Mrs. K. C.
Mr. and Mrs. hd Smith, of Uorvullis,
were Dallas business visitors Saturday.
Miss Winnie Hargrove is a guest :it
the home of her parents in Salem.
Mr. ami Mrs. I'.d Utmes ami Airs. I.
B. Sundberg will leave this week for
San Francisco, where they will tnke in
the Panama-l'ucilic exposition, lhey
will make the trip on the Great North-
Actor Charlie Chaplin
Spends Night On Ocean; -Unfortunately
Is Rescued
Santa Monica, t'.-l., Sept, 7. Charlie
Chaplin, motion picture comedian, spent
last night tn.r.uu: on an nngrv sea in a
tiny launch, tho "Vaquero,'' off the
long wharf uear here. With him, was
a company of motion picture people
whoso faces are familiar to all movie
fans. Two of thorn .lesso liobinaon
and Lew Twoniley nearly drowned.
Today, after hiking abrr.rd provisions,
tho amateur mariners resinned t'.ieir
voyage to tho channel islands.
Chaplin and his company sailed from
San Pedro yesterday intending to land
at tiio Long Whan" for tho night. The
soa wns so rough however, that it was
impossiblo to put in. Robinson and
Twomloy attempted tu go ashore in a
skiff. They , were hurled into the
breakers and cist high and verv. wet
on tho sand after l" minutes of so
vero buf I'cl ing.
When daylight dawned, Chaplin got
into communication with tho Jnpnucso
fishing village by nieiius of wig-wag
signals and a dory, carrying food, put
out to the tossing vnquero.
Admission 10c
One cent per word each Insertion.
Copy for advertisement an 4
der this heading should be la by
p. m.
HAliliY Windowcleauor. Thone 708.
$11.50 per cord.
Lynching In California
watch noii
Inc. Fred's
Pass Resolutions at Bristol
1 Opposing Compulsory
Germans forced back ten
miles in the Marno valley Siege
of PariB declared not an im
mediate probability.
Russia claim to have taken
82,000 Austrian prisoners along
the Vistula and (ho Bug. De
clares entire 4-"th regiment sur
rendered near Lublin.
Ghent surrendered to Germans
bv Belgians.
"Breslau and Ooeben of Oer.
man fleet how flying Turkish
flag, but Turkey insists she is
still neutral.
Spanish steamship Montserrnt
seized on high ( by British
with 150 German reservist on
One Hundred Men Charged
With Electiin Frauds
Facing Court
IndinnnptVix, Ind., Sent. 7. Major
Joseph Bell, indicted with 100 others in
alleged Marion county election frauds,
went on trial here today on a chargo of
The trial means, in the belief of poli
ticians, that "Tom" Taggart's demo
cratic organization in Indiana rises or
falls, with the acquittal or conviction
of Bell. Tnggert, national democratic
committeeman tor tie state, also is un
der indictment in connection with the
alleged frandu. With a few men al
ready down as guilty, under tlwir own
Bristol, K g., iVpt. 7. Condemna
tion of any governmental plan of com
pulsory enlistment wes vrn ed in unani
mous "resoluiio.is voted by the trade
union congress here toduy.
Tho action followed reports that, the
government lias under consideration, as
a possiblo future step, a method (tf forc
ing "shirkers'' into military service.
Apropos of tlie course of the con
gress President .lames Scddon declared:
"Tho agitation for conscription is an
attempt lo embroil the nation in 11
great internal ii:iflic,t wiijch would
nplit it in twin i! at a time when unity
is most essential.
Speakers reported that tho conscrip
tion, movement is gaining strength,
and that possibly pr.rliu.mont will be
called on to enact a compulsory en
listment mei.iiuic. In support of their
assertions, the;,' quoted press, reports
which said Lord Kitchener had already
appeared bet'ne a secret parlia
mentary ettninittio which whh consid
ering till Slllli "'t.
They urged tin t labor unions inform
tho government that conscription
would result scrimiuly for tiie nution.
1 pica, the Pell ease promises to bo a bit-
tor legal bnttl.i, for all of the more
! prominent men named stoutly main
i(ain they know nothing of tho alleged
Chicago Tost: Suffrage may come
into its own in F.nrope because at the
111111 ..j. i-.ii:.,,, mlitf DC
i present rnto 01 smumk
' . ..n.n lef; lo vote.
t muds.
It was lielieve-l today that days might
be required to pick a jury, as both
sides will udoubUidly exhaust all their
challenges in view of the seriousness of
tho rase and the f:.ct that nil the par-
must bo cheap.
M-rysville, Cal., Sept. 7. All thr'
invert John W. Mcl.urnev, who nhnt anil
killert Patrolnian .T11I111 I. Sperbeck aft
er robbing a Chinese lottery place, from
being hung from 11 11 ornamental nreh
in the center of the city shortly nftcr
midnight today was the fact that the
police gave the key to the jail to one
of the officers who went into hiding.
"he officer could not be found by'
tho well organized crowd of men who,- STANDS of
were renrty to ding Mctarney out, ami , ' i,-,.i.' i ,'in
aim (,l,,v .till l...,.,l...l t ..,!., 1.1... niMS, I III lip.
if given a rnnnee.
The local jail was only recently com
pleted and is considered one of tin
strongest in the stnte.
Mel.nrney's finger prints were taken
today ami will be sent to police de
partments, I'lircnuN of identification
and rogues galleries to learn whether
the prison had a previous record. Mc
I.arney denies he wns ever urrested be
fore. Marysville is being cleaned of sus
picious characters today by 11 special
squad of police.
Saloon's were closed and on the sur
face the town was quiet. Neverthe
less, the lime for Mcl.nriiey 's arraign
ment on charge of murder is kept sec
ret, for fear angry men may get li i id.
It is. believed ho will bo arraigned Into
Redding, Col., Sept. 7." Nice little
bear," said Conductor R. T. Walsey,
of tho Iron .Mountain railroad to an ap
parently docile circus bear. Result
minus only on i thumb, that's all.
Oakland, Cal., Sept. 7. Applicants
lor (ho posit'on of truck driver in the
local fire ilep" riment must have
"high bncka, and sides" to say nothing
about being " upholstoretl with leather
and curled l.nir. ' At least, the speci
fications for th.) new truck ask fuz
seats "to ncco.nmndnto two men with
high backs" a. el tlio upholstery.
tf..L. t.,,t 1 t:, i,,.n...
tics havo ninny close inentis, some or f ......,.v ,,iv iH,,J0,i a ..n for
t'lO I. .4K...n..t A..n,ltti.. tit nil t l.inri I
ern steamship.
wuck 011 uusiness.
Rev. C. P. Gates has returned to
his home in Dayton ufter a two weeks'
visit at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Ella J. Mctzger, on Oak street.
Miss Gertrude Irwin has returned
from an extended outing at Gearhart
Miss Dora Klkins, an operator in the
Dallas Telephone coinpnny 's office, hns
returned from a several weeks' visit lit
the home' of her pu rents at Falls City.
Mrs. Joel Shaw and daughters, Mil
dred and Georgia, wilt Icavo this week
for Snlem, where the girls will utteii l
school this year.
Professor and Mis. Glenn and family,
who have been spending the summer nt
the I.yle ranch north of the city hav,1
returned to their home in Senltle.
Fred Morgan, of Mc.Minnvillo, wns
a Dallas business visitor last weelc,
Carl Gcrliiigcr has returned from a
business trip to Portland.
O. O. I.owe. a former Dallas resident,
wns in the city looking after business
inteiists lust week. Mr. I.owe now
resides in Portland.
Mrs. Kmnin Washburn has returned
to her home in Echo, Ore., after nn ex
tended visit at the home of her moth
er, Mrs. Viola Morton', on Church
Mr. and Mrs. M. Burforrt havo rented
the Ed Smith property on l.even street
and will move into it immedintelv.
Miss Gladys ' Ciirtwright, of Snlem,
was u Dallas visitor the latter part of
last week.
.Miss Snrtie I.ynn and Miss Veva
Burns left Monday for Portland, whcio
they will teach ill the public schools
of the .metropolis the ensuing school
Mr. ami Mrs. T. S. Grnnt have retur '
ed from a visit with relatives ami
friends in Lebanon. .
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bnllnntyiio have
gone to Newport for a week's outing.
Mr. nnrt Mrs, W. II. Bonis and son,
Ray, will leave this week for San
Francisco, where they will attend the
exposition, rrom tnern liny will go
to rittsiiiirg, I'n., where ho will tnke nn
od va need course in electrical engineer
ing nt the Carnegie institute.
County Judge John II. Teal spent
Hiinduy with his parents at Falls City.
A large number of Dallas young peo
ple attended n dance given in 11 hoo
yard nner Independence Saturday night, i
Mr. anil Mrs. George piiltison liuve)
moved to this city from Oregon City
and will make Dallas their future homo.
The Piittisoris formerly resided at Block 1
Rock. I
George Walker, of (he Willumiim
neighborhood, was transacting business
in Dallas the latter part of (he week,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins have re
turnert to their home in Portland after
nn extended visit nt (he home of Mr.
ami Mrs. Ezra Hart.
J. J. Brady, of Portlanrt, was in the
city last week on business for the
Southern Pacific company. Mr. Brady
is chief electrician for the above company,
ORDER ash wood at Ward K. Richard
son s. tf
WANTEDTWO plum pickers.
81 K.2.
OU I.UMBEH for sale, cheap.
MO Court street.
sale. Phuno ;Ul''l-l.
FOR SAIiE Modem house,
easy lerieii. Phone oIllM.
close in,
for sulo to hop
Night l.iiiieli.
I'OH KENT Furnished litt.isekeeping
room; clo.0 in. G. W. Johnson. If
slccoud hand trunk ;i
Phone 20H or 1527-.I.
bees for sale; niodero
lit. S, Box .10.1. tf
I'Ol! SAI.K Choice pointer dogs, trains
to field work. Phono 2I-F-2. Chas.
Swegle. tf
WANTED Man wants plowing or oth
er farm work with team. Koute 4,
Box H.'l, Salem, Oro. tt
Locked Up Mrs. Armour
and Robbed Palatial Home
l.i is.'T ,u:.( nigh!, a giny Iioisk about
I (,",( 1 pound. I'lcaso notify Ed ward
Bros, al, II11I1 and Stall'. Aug.
WANTED Maid for second work, per
manent place. Willamette snniitoi'iuui.
Apply corner Winter and Ferry. Sep!
BI.AI K BEUItlES 2."e per gallon de
livered, .Leave or phono orders to
Royal Bakery. Phone H7M. Septl.1
mav havo been drawn on
; a statement of the eomlitirai of national
br.nks at tho clo:o or business Hoptem
bcr '1.
Si-nttle, Wr.sh., Sept. 7.-Morn than
ll.iloi) miles 'has been covered by W.
i . . .-f:-:..! .... I 1,1.... C.w tlin
nsrwicK, o..,.-m, -""'."' "' !.. u U llrnvn. nf Sun I'mnrl..
Yellowstone Trail association, since nt - , , 1.... '..
Su Mateo, Cal., Sept. 7. May be it
was a rabbit's foot or may be they
have charmed live;, but anyway .Mr.
left Plymouth Hook, Mjiss. Ho is now
in thin slate headed lor M-stlie, ami
announces that since starting he hns
used 420 gtilloio of yellow paint in
marking the highway.
sre nursing nnlv minor bruises to
day following s wild two h 11 nil red fool
plunge of their automobile over an em
bankment ahoti Lake San Andrius on
the Crystal Springs drive.
Chicago, Sept. 7. Every plain
clothes man in tho city was ordered to
day to bo on wh tell for the two daring
oo'cii climbers who last night iield up
Mrs. J. Ogrtcii Armour with revolvers,
lucked her and lor iiinid:; in an up
stairs mum and then looted tho pala
tial Armour home on Michigan avenue.
More (hen if.l.OUO worth of jewelry
and money was the burglars' haul.
Olio of the pair sloid guard over
Mrs. Armour ami the maids while the
oliier riins'H lied jewelry cases. Mrs.
Armour retained a marvelous com
posure, and when the holdup men had
left sho calmly telephoned the detect
Ivn bureau, giving iieciirato descrip
tions of the two men, The authorities
declared today that Mrs. Armour had
not tieeii " black jacked."
Up to noon today the jiolicn had
obtained no clue. They inclined to be
lieve the robbers hurt (dunned their
work well, nud iind awaited a time
when they knew Armour wns away
from tho house.
LOST -Small coin purse, containing
small chan;;e ami luvelier, Tuesday
lim ning, liewnril for return to the
Barnes' Cash Store. Sept 1 t
NEW neiilly furnished apartments for
riMit , prices reasonable. Also 11 house
lor rent. 2C'tl iN Uig.l street. Phone
' lll'.l,-,. Sept 7
THOROUGH HHEH female pointer pup,
partly broke, to i-nlo for 11 good
Colt or Sinitli 1111 Wesson revolver.
Turnkey, O. S. P. SeptM
sale. Aboil nine i, mollis old, scut
C. O. D., subject to Inspection. I5
each. Kegintered free. John , Posl,
I'iiilonmlb, I Iregon Sept!)
Ti 111, Wash., Sept. 7. "Mamma,
ma a, iliituy won 1 piny wnn niei
cried the baby daugnler ot Oliver
Devis, n Milwaukee railroad secret ser
vice agent, just lifter ii hurt ran into
Iher father's room for her before
'breakfast romp with him. Her mother
I hurried to the room to find her hns-
bund dead. Heart disease had at
llneked him an ho slept.
Will Launch Eurania
j ' The ship, which is limned nftcr Mrs.
I Charles M. Schwab, will be released by
an electrical contrivance and a hot Ho
1 n ...:n I I....1 .... l,.,- I,.,,.
. t . - j 01 wnn" VVIII m; niiinrm-.i uii
Al I minn Irnn Wflrk when Mrs. Schwab presses a billion at
m muuii nun !iuina1(liu ,,,,, ,,,,., W()rUH i,etitiehcni,
Pa. Mrs. Schwab will juonounce into
Pendleton, Or., Sept, 7.-Thren of
the foir men who dug their way
through the Uinalilla county jail wail
August US and escaped, have lieen ro
captured, aecording to advices today
from Sheriff Taylor at lookout Moun
tain, One of tho escaped men was
armed with 11 stolen rifle, but surren
dered without n fight. The men re
raptured -iro Italpii Pen In, Coleman
Gray nud (). W. Hayni'nrt.
No trace of (he fourth man, Hnrley
Arlington, has besn found.
Htm Francisco, Sept. 7. The Euran-
1.. -1.:.. ... .1... l..'..n. t..i.. 1. 1
in, sisM-r nuio in 1 in; tnni-iii. itnii'ii.- , ,, ,
rece.illv cm deled at the Union Iron i 1''""' ''"! w"r''1!
Works, will receive u "long ilistancc
launching" Saturday.
(lie transmitter of ft long distance tele-
I christen thee Euriinin."
An amplifying device will rentier
these words audible nt the ship yard.
Theda Bara
1 nouu uuv T.V...V--