THREE This is the Stove Polish YOU THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY. SEPT. 7. 1915. Should Use -rTS different from fVs I tv,ora hw.r.ise mure care yim," - . - is taken in tha making vM and the materials used ere of Uiu.i 5 Black Silk Stove Polish M-es a u'llimnr, sn ;ypo:isn mac oaes j nut rub of if or dust otf.p.a tt'.ioshiriebists ) four times ns Ions R ordinary slovo 1 ooiish Used on sample stoves Bad bold I K hardware enlirroc.-jrjrecnlprs. J All w nk isatnal. UBtdtcnyourcookstove, 1 vmir d'rlur stove or your ttas mure. If you iioii't Vrv! it the bot Movo poliah you cvir !r..i .Wleri mitl'trizpil to ivft-ml your 5 motiv Iiiei. t on Bliick Sillt Steve Polish. Jkde in liquid or puito-oiie quality. Black Sillc Stove PoliaU Work SUrlinj, lliir.oi Uc Black Silk Alr-Dryins: Iron Enamel em Brntr rritil'r.stovc-pipe-l'reventM rusting. LlftL- Black Silk rolotul Poil.h forailver, nickel rrbrus. It buanoequoJ loriwuufuiioiuooucs. C. 0. Young Spoke On Union ism Last Night Advocating Organization DO-v! My Corn-n!" H-m, Use 'Gets-It Then You'll Have No Corns to Bump! Your Corns Will Come ' 'Clean Off," Quick! Did you ever see a corn peel off after you've used "Gets-It" on itf Well, it's a moving-picture for your life! And you hardly do a thing to it. "Sore Corn Bumped Attain! Use flfts-lt,' Corns Vanlslil" f csU V Co. Put a little "Gets-lt" on, it dries at once. There 'b nothing-to stick. Put shoes and stockings on right over, it. No pain, no fuss. 48 hours corns gone. "G-ets-It" never hurts tho true flesh, never makeB toes sore. If you Lave tried almost everything else for corns, you will be' much more sur prised to see how uickly and easily your corns and calluses will come right off with "Gets-It." Quit limping and wrinkline up your face with corn- wrinkles. Try "Gets-It" tonight on that corn, callus, wart or bunion, and you 11 be glad you read tins. "Gets-lt" is sold by all druggists, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. Philippine Policy Is Not Indorsed By Taft San Francisco, Sept. 7. The Wilson administration stands accused today by former President Taft of failure with its Philimiino policy. The ono timo govt I nor of the islands, speaking before tiio Commonwealth club, churned that politics have crept into the Philippine administration, that placing former inai'.rroctop in the ag riculture department has resulted in an increase or tho eatt.e disease, rinder pest, and that tho Wilson government is making a fatal mistake by impress ing tho natives with tho idea that they ran attain self government short of two generations. A fair sized audience greeted C. O. j Youn'g at the Union Labor hall lust ev ening wncn no gave ms second tulk on labor conditions, and tho aims and am bitions of labor organizations. When labor is not organized, declared Mr. Young, they arc subject to what the mun above wnnrs to give them. As far as organization' is concerned, the object is for three things, more pay, better hours and better working conditions'. The shortening of business or working hours was regarded by the speaker as one of tho most significant things nttnehed to tho labor movement. .Short hours make better pay, give a man more ambition to amount to some thing and, also, gives him a chance to become nequninted with his family. Men who work the longest hours get the least pay. In opposition to the open shoo. Mr. Yonno" clnlmeit flint nn nnnn ( qlinn innnnt n nrni.tmim. .Inn Kni a man who advocates an open shop, is usjninst tho union. Referring to com plete organization, he referred to the railway conductors who are over 99 per cent organized, and that in the regular railroad service, a man could not be discharged without cause. He was of the opinion that labor hnd made n great advancement wncn the courts de cided that men have tho right to strike, and had the right to stay any place if they did not trespass. As to the em ployes of tho Ford automobile company, Mr. Young would have much preferred that the men got the $5 a day by de manding it, rather than taking addi tional pay as a gift from Mr. Ford. Among other ideas suggested by the speaker was, that no strike was ever lost, that non-union men nr oettino- better pay because of the union, and that the hardest thing for labor to over come is the lack of interest shown by the women. In paying his respects to the school teachers for not organizing and joinir' uie iaDor union, Mr. Xoung said that au ordinary hod carrier was paid better than the average toucher, and that they would never receive adequate wages un til organized. "I have no political faith," said Mr. Youn'g, "but will go in any direction to secure better laws for the laboring men." He referred to tho new law passed by congress, giving the seaman a right to leave a ship when living conditions are intolerable Heretofore, if a senman left his ship, ho could bi legally taken back, regardless of coudi tions on the ship. As a means of furthering the union, he suggested that women do their part, and they could easily accomplish much by demanding articles with the union trade label. But tho greatest advance maue in recent years, was the ruling 1m an article of commerce. Jn tho hall of labor and talking di rect to laboring men', Mr. Young is more at homo and a hotter and a more forcible orator than when speaking in u church. Preceding tho address of the evening, Gus AV. Kramer, president of the Salem Trades and Labor Council, gave an in teresting talk on labor conditions and what labor hoped to accomplish. I1A6NESIA STOMACH MISERY QUICKLY, VANISHES Your money back if you want it is the way in which Daniel J. Fry, the popular druggist, is soiling Mi-o-na, tho great dyspepsia remedy. This is an unusual plan, but Mi-o-na has so much merit and is so almost in variably successful in relieving all forms of indigestion that ho ran but little risk in selling under a guarantee of this kind. Do not be miserable or make your friends miscrsblo with your dyspepsia. Mi-o-na will help you. If it doesn't, toll Daniel J. Fry that you want your money back and he will cheerfully re fund it. A change for the better will be seen from the first few doses of Mi-o-na and its continued use will soon stnrt you on the road to perfect digestion and enjoyment of food. Mi-o-na has been so uniformly suc cessful that every box is sold under a Sacred Heart Academy I Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names SALEM, OREGON BOARDING SCHOOL AND DAY SCHOOL Most approved methods, Pri mary, Grammar and High School Departments, Com plete Course in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Violin and Harmony. No interference with religion of pupils. Modern Conveniences Domestic Comforts Scholastic , year " begins second Monday in September Address, SISTER SUPERIOR To Cigarette Smokers in America j ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY "LUXURY" in the new flat box, at 1 5 cents, establishes a newSancarcJoFaueinTurkish- Egyptian Cigarettes. "LUXURY" in the new flat box is a grade of cigarette never offered by any other manufacturer for less than 25 cents. "LUXURY in the new flat box is made of Turkish tobaccos never used by any other manufacturer in a cigarette selling for less than 25 cents. "LUXURY in thenewflat Joisa25 cent cigarette in everything exeep price. It gives you almost double quality value for your money. It is the greatest achieve . ment in cigarette making for many years. 'S' ' Do not pay 25 cents for cigarettes " -until you have tried "Luxury" inthe neio flat box. 15 Cents o and er Paper f 1 An absolutely harmless antacid in all rnseg of fermantation nnd souring and belching of food, 'gsfl indigestion, etc. A tcaspoonful m a fourth of a glass 01 hot witter usually gives INSTANT RK LIEF. Sold by all druggists in either powder or tablet, form Ht. fid cents per; (0 rpfun,, ,h monBy - if u ,loel not relieve. What fairer proposition could be made Diiniel J. Fry Hives his personal guarantee of "money buck if you want it" with every box of .Mio-na innt, ne sells. A guarantee like this speaks volumes for the merit of the remedy. Permanent, Hereditary Form of Presidency Teking. Sept. 7. Retention of the re publican foim of government with a presidency permanent und hereditary, tins been decided upon by the govern ment, according to authentic informa tion obtained today. President Yunn Shi Ktii, in a messnge to the council, declared that although many citizen' have petitioned the act ing "parliament to change the form of government, such action is Incompatible with his position ns president. He stat ed, however, that as rno presidency is conferred bv the people it should de pend upon the will of the people. It was announced that General Li Yuan Hung, who was reported to hnv.? resigned the vice-presidency, hns recon sidered. GREAT VENISON BARBECUE Roseburg, Ore.. Sept. 7. Riddle's labor dnv venh'on bnrbecne was today voted a "grent success, four thousand people having partaken of the feast Sixteen fat bucks nnd hundred, of pounds of other edibles were consumed by the hunery multitude The venison barbecue which is nn annual event. m riven under the snsptces of the Kiddle Rod nd Gun club. Frank Ford, Injured By Fall From Wagon, Lies at Point of Death (Capital Journal Special Service.) Ouinaby, r., Sept. 7. Injured by ill fall from n wagon on his laiin lit Luko I.ubisli, Krr.nk Fold is KhiK frit- ieully ill at a I'ortlrnd lmpitiil und but ; little hopo is iieid out for it is nvoVii'.y. : Some months ni;o Mr. Fold iit-c-i. leiitJi 1 lv , shot himself in the hiind by the burst-' ing of a gun, und hi'.d not yet fully re-1 covered when this iiccident befel him.! Tlie Willinin .ililiwev lion yard wlicie n strike was de-lured Wednesday, hns I resumed picking witu a new crew. I The John .loiisb.'ri: bcim patch of 2"i acres on the Frank Ford J'lnce is! shout ready for tho diy bean harvest, those used for mccii beans having been;' planted on a titte:'ii R'Me tract owned! ,y Mr. Jonsherg at Ouinnby. I 'Tho liouso of Willin"! Shnfer w.ib narrowly t'nved fr-ini destruction by I fire last Sundry whin a defective flue! spread flames "tiironyhout the interior; nf the kitchen, before being discovered, bv Mrs. Shaft r, who ni in the gnrd?n,! t'nniiled. Mrs. ShU'er extinguished the lilnze with smnll loss except tu the roof. Tho Itilinii.i have been en camped here for the summer engaged in rllllrooi! WOIK iihvo nunm to wi-i-i vuis. At this point they rniseil the Southern I'nific grade twelve inches ; with crushed n. k, rcplnced the mils; with heavier ones and put i new j culverts at the crosses. Previous to this work for b:iir mile ndjiicent to the track, vibrations were felt at puss ing trains which traveled under full; Jjeiid of Sion.n lroin tneimnva in Hrook;, iiiiikiiik b iii"" they went along. Since the work h-is been enmideted trnins timvc along wit ll ' tho noisnie ease of an nntomobile over an asphaltuin pavement. Mr.1. tlobar, tiio vifo of one vt Ore gon's early pioneerr, aged Hi years, was iiiveii her first aitomobilo ride last week by Miss Christine Harold, who inotcfcd' about the country with her,: giving her the ii.'.-t glimpse of the old: familiar seems Mie nus una lor niiniy One hindrcd mid ten persons iinve now enjtiveil Miss llurold's cur, iiltiiotigh she tins only owned it since .fllliO. The many yoiinu prune orchards in this secticn'rre bcuiing their first clop this season, which it of excellent tpuil itv. Nn obscrvi n-e v.; s minle of Itlior Tlav thi.t y.'i.r in ' section., except that no iiiial iim.'l wan delivered. Hop vnrils were lmv, nmng to the fact tmit rein threat eneil. Auto Hits Man Standing Off Sidewalk Near Garage While entering the Great Westeri. garage about 7 o'clock b st night n tour- ing enr driven by C. Van 1'ntlen. a contractor. of this city, took n sudden j jump and struck Mwnrrl Unllock, who wtis stiiiiding on th" sidewalk about li foot from the edge of the driveway into the garage. The fender cuught Tlim and rolled him along the wall nnd soncezed In in down under the wheels of the car. The momentum f the cur caused it to jam against the side of the entraii-e Hiid it was necessiuy to use ft li ft i iter inck to rnlre the mr off of Mr. Pol lock. At the time Mr. Bullock appeared to be badly shocked but was only slight'y bruised 'about the hnnd though it later developed that he suffered bruises on his lower limbs nnd body. He is in bed today. The car appear to have been seized with a sudden notion to jump nwnv from the driver as it hit the curb ot the giiruire entrance. Poetical Plea For Peace I me woiilki dakuahn muuol offers exceptional Bargains in Mew and (econuiiand camping supplies. We buy, sell or trade, now and secondhand goods of every description. Best cauh prlcog for all kinds of junk. Western Junk & Bargain House 317-327 Center Street, corner Commercial. Phone 706 MonriaiMwmm-iii..mwiMljiM, f 1 iV for tal. a Journal Want Ad will iL New York, Sept. 7. The following rcniarkiililc poem has been written by an American woman who is very iictie anil well known in (die of the belliger ent countries. The words were inspired by the mi l oily of "My Con n try Tin of Tl ," which is the siane as the tune of Kng lmi'd's national iinlheiti, "liotl Save the King," and Germany's "Weil I'ir in! Hiegerkranz." 1. My heart is wrung with giief, God grant lis soon, relief God grunt us Pence Strife Hate mid Tragedy Crush all the Harmony God grunt us Peace. 2. To death our Hero's g' To music soft and low God grunt us pence. Our National II y inn of Years 1'niting grief with teuis Replacing l.ove with Fear God grant us Pence. U. Singing the National Hymn Prnving we each may win . God grant IIS Pence, Marching to meet our Fate To this same song of llitte ' , God grant us Pence. 4. Crush not the melody With this grent Tragedy God grant us Pence. Pdnod that unites ns all Flows with each Hero's fall Dying wn hear their call God grunt us Pence. Finds Lane Honnickers Are Short Weighted Eugene, Or., Sept. 7. Charles I,. tile total weight of a suck of. hops, the average weight of these sucks should the prevailing figure. b Hanson, district sealer of weights and measures, w ill HIS been ill IMlgclle mi ll week Kist, correcting- existing mis takes in scales used in various Iiiiiiicich of luisiriCKS, tuts discovered that, the hIch at .1 hop yar l between hngca" nnd SiuiiiL't'.e III are wrong: nnd thfl. I Ii-Ivi-ih hnu been "over-weighted." Mr. Hanson cited Hie owners of the yard to oi'l'eur before him Saturday; night ami they were told that lhey must nav the bicliirs fir the over-. weight that has been charged lip to . , them. Tim seuler also found thliti Angeles, (ill., Sept. 7. Oscar these men v.cre d'ductiiig from the . Woi'lmtiiin, of Ocean Park, claims tln weight of each wick of hops, twnj ,,f ..buinpiiiii cg-tr .tittr tt' tho worbl ,uiis tor toe sue, ,,,-. Tn . ,. ,, ... ...,. j - - - - Mr. Hanson bus examined II public, giiiudiiie puiiips ill Kiigeue and ha i foiiud all but four uf Iheiu to bo giving H,nit iiiiiisiire, enrli liom one gill to one Int. Tiie.-e pumps have been cm rcctcd and tlie owners warned to keep ; tln ui in here. Iter. CHAMPION EGG EATER for the suck, whether it u flint tnocil or tlllt. till v illi down u rule Tor them to fiJIow thnt , I taw eggs in 1 1-2 minutes ami top the total weight of 4d or .'d siicltM shall ped it off by swallowing a flask el' be ascertained nnd in deducting l'iom,iile at a single draught. A Big Surprise for Hop Pickers : L 400 Tents nt cost prices for this week only. Also everything needed " r . . .. . , . . , .i. i i.. it.:- for camping, iton'i tan 10 bch us ir you nwu iinjiuunj in hub huc H. Steinbock Junk Co. Th House of Half a Million BaiKalns. 302 N. Commercial Bt, Thor.e 808 J