Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social and Personal
Mra. GoorRe Brown wan hoBtesa at, Eekorlin; at Cannon Heath hotel, L. H
a prettily appointed luncheon on Pri-! (itland.
Slwa Gladys Cartwriutit will teach
day, compliinontary to the Missee Dor-
omy ana Jloloa I'earee who left yoa
torday to attend achoolo in tho Kaat.
Tke deeoritivo nmtif throughout. Iran
Jiialc, being tarried out in maaaca ofi
weet peaa and pink candelabra. . Ihir
ing tho afternoon the Ruesti onjoynd
iwveral piano numbers by Miiw Dorothy
Pearco. Cover Tore laid for ten.
A party conflicting of X)r. and M. B.
I Ktoevea, th;.t ten Mid daughter, La
baa and Muriel, .Mr. and Mra. Fred
I-ejtff and aon Kenneth, and Miss Grace
J-arrar motored to Taylor 'a Camping
Ground near Meiinma, Saturday, to
spend tho week end.
Mra. IT. T. Slater u expecting Miaa
Ml Neil, a nicco if Mr. .Slater, to ar
rive tomon-ow from La Orande. Mini
Neil will spend a few days aa the jruest
'the hlatera, on her way to Kugene,
i a aenior at tho Univor
ity of Ore;;on.
Mra. ir. n. Tbiclscn linn returned from
week 'a oiitltif? arwt at Astoria.
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Mra. Mnrj;aroi I'riehu and .lumen Kron
oa, were quietly married at the home
or Jir. and Mm. W. It. riiunrnervillo on
Cantor streel, Kov. Carl H. Klliott uf
Ticintiiijr. The hrido viih attired in a
travelling nuit of l.lun nilk ami imme
diately lollotviiijr
f I Byrne Noud left today for an outing
j of several days on the coist.
.mvi nuoy j'O'inu reriieu nuay
from a shjrt vi.t at Auisvillc.
Mrs. Ella Watt if in Albany today
on business for the Cnited Artitiina.
Mita Edith Bailey mil leave tomor-
me r-nRiisn department at the Dalian visit
high school tho coming year. j KuV'Pne Eilcy, formerly with the Sfy-
I lum. left yesterday far an extended
Amid a profusion of pink and white visit in California,
dahlia intermingled with 1VV. MlKKl Maroon TViri. nrinirml nf AVillnm.
traukye E. and Bert Ifallier werelette aeademy, is in Amity today on
quietly married .Saturday morning at ; business for the university,
the home of the bride'a parent, Mr.j Emerv Do-in. i gr:. liiatrt of Villain
and Mrs. J. B. Con, 721) .North Four ette, 1!I5, '.as been (-cgHgid fr.r hipli
teontn "treet. Kev. T. L. .Jones, of school w;-v the coining yc-r i.t W:.)d
young people, (iffieiated at the cere I'red D. Thiel.ven. (secretary and trena-
mony. J lie bride was gowned in cream ;,,., of the Itodirers Paner ,.,.
. j j
frepo de chito and carried white roues.
Following tho ceremony, a five course
breakfast was served' in the dining
is home, after a two weeks' vacation
on the coast.
Foster I'riddy, a prominent debater
and orns McKay, of
law student, are here
today, and have entered as students at
the Willamette university for the com-
ia an employe of the Southern i'ueif i,. I "lg year
ir,l1u'b w? tt,tra,'U7'l7 "'orated frna Lakeview'
in yellow Aft?r a wedding trip at Forest (irr.v( -Har.
Kraneisco nd..U. Angelea.' Mr. Zl 'TJt
ami airs, nallier will make their resi
denee at Albany, Oregw. Mr. Ifallier I
woililing (.'HCKts were:
Mr. and Mra. J. Ji. (ox, Milton Cox, jit!k!ii
Mia. Mildred Cox, Mrs. Jlarrv ((. Me'
ceremony, Mr.
Cain, and Miaa Kuth McCain of ToiK'ka
V w k-- .. .. ... '.
"ir. iiina nallier or 1'ortland.
Kdward, Ernest and Krunk llallier, nil
of I'ortland; Mrs. ilouiman and daugh
ter, Mins Jt.dle llousman, ami Mr. and
Ma. T. 1 1. .Ikim s, of Hrovi iisville.
Miss Xfyrtle King, of Wasliington, T.
('., has been spending the week in Salem
M 'tin irii.i.1, .. 1 k I i-
and Mrs. Itionwin nwitorod to li,ril., i,i i other fric.lu iV ...i... i... inent.
T .1 .... . . (villi I Ir,
Mrs fizzm Miller left Sunday i
ing fur Kldoiado, Kansas, i0 visi
I,u,w w'l Ito via Tacoma and
Vancouver, H. C, visiting her ilaughter,
in. n in Im, nut,,, Clty
,'hiiui niii ie
jjflMir thi.tr - l e... n-i .
m i II '-aiiioriiia to ooeii uneniung fie exposition at San
V. ii "" -.criimenio, wnerej rruncisco, win Pave tomorniw for In
. , u ,1Us ir.'sineM interests. The nomo wher.. she is n sudor in one i.f
V," ' w,l"'K worn: inn ni(;n schools lit Washington, D. C
i '."' k"' ,V- Hl,"'"''fvillo, Mr. Miss King lormerlv lived in Salem be
am) Mrs. Nenl Suminerville, Mr. anil ing the daughter of Mrs. Will U King
iih'c" Mi's'.Vn'''''1 r""' '"r vis.iti her many friend'
' - " .,'mihiihiij MI uriilji" mill vicinilV.
r.mmett Summerville. "
Mr. anil Mrs. C. i. Webb entertained
a motor party from Portland, Sunday
ineliiiling Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Webb, Mr
Weld, s parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. S
Tiitlnll, and Mr. und Mrs. W. A. Nelson
and son, of San Kmncisci,.
Mrs. tiny Hiiniioii Stewart, of Min-
The member., of i.h. n i ,. I npm.ia, who has been visiting her par-
tboir famili.,,, mo,,,;,.,! , , Ide Ferry v ' l"; n, , M"V "' J'!l es'
on tne Kamiam river. Hun I V ""' ,'""t ""J",h. ,',,t"""''' "- to-
tf -f .T jfm riiiiriuijt;.
Mr. and Mrs. M. 1', Haldwiu lira ex
.'ted to return from Seaside (his
week. Alter sending a few dava in
N.leiu (h,.y to , ,
Women returning from the seaside
with browned, reddened or freckled
complexion, will be wise in immediate
ly taking un the mercnlizeil wa trent.
vveatherbeaten skin hail best
San Francisco, Sept. 7. The
laat bit of tragedy was added to
the death of little May Cole
man, aged 8, who was burned to
death in the fire wlii"" wpt
the St. FraBcis gnls' rectory
Saturday, when the "mystery
mother'"' of the child 'aice to
view the charred remains.
"Parentage unknown" rend
the morgue record, after the
name of the child.
Seven years ago sne w&s
placed in the home by the juve
nile court, and since that t.ine
the parentage has been a mys
tery, and .till is. Last night a
little woman viewed the remains
at a local morgue, hur t into
tear, and left without giving
her name.
Simple ceremonies marked the
funeral today.
our tradition, and wonlri
unwarranted invasion of right. I1'
have heretofore been jculou.lv lhltk
by the people. It isVnn,3'11
J 10 J
and danjr
John W. L Smith Re-Elected
For Coming Year and J. E.
DmiMe Chosen Also
girio acverul
for a short visit.
Mis. Jean lfa. r)ur, f
sjr wil" fri"""" 1,1 t""u""'
The Y. W. A. held their first
monthly entertei,,,,,,,,,, , ,,, H1(l(((n
t.ni. nvcilll ui toe ) . , (
A. hull.
Nr-gUtcred at Iho
The Woman's Foreign Missionary so
M.'ty f the First M. 1). church " will
iiim-t tomorrow nfl.-riii.in at tin, I .
of Mrs; Henry Tiilbott at Kimball col,
'ge.o lll8 wji , ,h(, ,,,j,ulu. ,, rt ,.r.
-.- .... , ,, ,,. mm meeting of the I f in i .
7j,(r.r: f,,r ""'Opuuon Is Rendered
r. , ... ; ' "ifu iiuniirrow i
und plans will be completed for the !
aniiuiil branch meeting t . j.i, j,, I
loin, (leln'ier 7 10.
(nine off, for no amount of "beautify
ing'' will ever make such skia pretty to
look at. The surest, safest, ensiest way
to shed the despoiled cuticle is with
the treatment suggested. Put the wax
on before retiring, an you would cold
cream, and rinse it off next morning
with warm water. Minute particles of
scarf skin will peel off day by day,
gradually showing the healthy, youth
ful skin beneath. One ounce of incr
colizcd wax, obtainable at anv drnir
nun-, is cnoiign to mane any discolored
or spotted complexion clear, white and
satiny soft. Its action is so gentle no
injury is caused and the fact shows no
trace of its use.
Horning heat, irritating winds and
dirt are such wrinkle-makers that the
daily use of the following astringent
tonic lotion at this Reason is highly ad
visable: Powdered wixolite, 1 oz ,' dis
solved in witch hazel, 1-;; pt. Used ns
a face ,uth this is a splendid wrinkle
remover and preventive.
On LaFollette Seamen's Act
Hot,', It..v
inn I ii hi wtu'U u-.i... r ii
in Hali.m i... , '. ." I '" w. Krim.
.. I. .tir. mill .11 M. u.
"', miss iiertr.uln ,1
I'ilt.'burg (Inzetto Times- . . J Vyu"ni"Ktu- Sl I't. 7. Attorney Gen
"istoria,, dep ,reM (ho act , , ""' V'"K" V 8 ' !''"'"" '"'Herning sec
hnvo ever fcen the .... u i. ' , ." nppaiatus
lauded. Wl,v .... ;i; .,. ' ' :I''0WM,MIN :,K Jai tho chief maritime
Ki.'k i i. .... ... . 'V ooimi inaiima lire .oiucicd. was made imlili,.
ones, Mis. Maryl cracked. 1 1 1 s not I tmlny. '
j in u no piinljil out that section 4140
jot the revis.-d statutes left the question
jot apraiauis to a board appointed b
ithe serri't.iry of counnerce. Section II
deprived I Ii us. board of power ami speci
I led appunitns the vrsael. shii-ild currv
Gregory th. retipon iiiled that tile I.ii
i-oiietio Mvtiun cannot supercede a pre
vious statutory provision.
"When not carrying passcntfers, for
eign vessels are not subject to section
i, me onimoii li . 1,1
for IS years-
Instant Relief for all Skin Troubles
J. (. Perry, Drussist, 1 1,1 . Commercial s,r..t.
IN ,
, rS::
r. 1
: " 'Vft
Showing Fascinating Fashions In
The New Fall Suits
Priced from $15 to $75 Each
An Interesting Assortment of New Fall Coats
Tho (livKicitv ,if oi..i ...
o,an antl c rt S' rEi ri r fr,an indivil,ual fr
suited to luM- xnJfJ 8 CXCr 0,11311 a chance to got that style which is mruJ
ersity of Fall styles onons finnnffiniitj..., f.... .
woman am it cot-tninlv . . 1 V " lv" 4
suited to her personality ' u,Han a cnance 10 ftot that tyle which is most
Materials are riush. FnHiv fni,,.;,.o r i , ..
tares. ' v Iam ciotns and mannish mix-
Julia Marlowe.
Julia Marlowe, the famous Shakes
pearian actress, has announced tha't
he will never appear on the stage
afcain. o
Miss Marlowe s.iyg that siie will never
appear on the stuno again, that she lias
given up the toot-lights for all time in
order that hhe may enjoy a happy home
life during the remainder of her days.
"There isn't an nctor today who
dt. 'so 't desire more thnu anything elm
in life to be able to retire 'und settle
Tho first visit of the vonr ahull
visint? tho teachers as to
The county board of education met
yesterday afternoon and after draft
ing a set of rules governing the rural
school supervisors of this county pro
ceeded to elect John W. L. Smith and
J. K. Pruillctte as supervisnirs for tie
coming year. .Ur. Smith who resides
at Woodburn was supervisor of the
north end of the eountv last vear but
next school year will be assigned to
the south end of the county. Mr. Dniil
letto will supervise the s'chon's in the
north end of the county and County
School Superintendent W. M. Smith
will supervise the central part of the
Mr. Dniillette has had a long ex
perience as supervisor and principal and
for tha last two years has been prin
fipal of the Bunker Hill school at
The fo!lowing rules were adopted:
I. Visitation.
1. Supervisors shall visit schools un
der the direction of the eountv e,lnc.
tional board, provided that each school
shall receive a visit once during each
i"Mit, vi :-i.x weens, or as often as di
rected by tiio county school supciin
bo given to actvisi
daily program, classification of pupils
and the careful inspection of grounds
toilets, arrangement nf seats and gener
al condition of building and apparatus
This visit should b- made with one or
more of the members of the school
board if possible.
3. Visits shill be so planned that
the supervisor shall have rnportunitv
to obseive the worl; of both niornin'.r
anil atternoon clnsfes, either bv spend
ing tne entire dr-.y in the school, or bv
alternating half day visits from morn
ing to afternoon.
4. Supervisors' visits shall be for
he purpose of revising and assisting
the teacher m classification, in making
modifications in the daily program, in
methods of instruction, in securing rog
ulnr attendance, in tho uso of the li
br.'irv and of s.-curing the co-r.-.eration
ot directors and patrons in furnishing
required apparatus and in making need
t'tl n pairs and ii.itirovements. The ..n.
ervisors snail cooperate with the
te.ich-r ani he frnnni ni,.. :.. v
foreement of the rninr.iiW., ...,"
ancolaw. ' '
ful ,m A ' I'orvisor shall make eare
tul note of the progress of such class at
-h visit, of the thoroughness of the
teaching as snewn bv observation bv
t'ontluctK.:, of the closer, or hv "hort
.;.;tr ort,,(1(1,,lil: of tI,oo.lit-in" ami
nt books. nuriP.nifns ,1 l.;i.i:
Argues Congress Had No
Civa Tntcf Cn
I M.il 1 D.1.JSpir,t of Amurican liberty
rowers to nauuodi dahas ous B8.w,e- man, cr cr:
men, shall have the unrestricted f
Seattle, Wash, Sept. 7.-That con- ' tank, "You ma 'J
gress trespassed constrtutional limita- rtee executor, administrate r or i L"
tions in one section of the Federal Re-1 ln8.' f " nd bonds." and V
serve Board act and that the reserve i''j Yon',h oti"orto&
board is going beyond its rights in pro-1 .f . bank the BiB
ceeding under that section was the dce-l hl.,t shall make use of the S
laration of Henry JJ. Campbell, of De-1 cKf granted.
in the idea that a man frnm c1
of the country, unfamiliar wit? CJ
needs, possesses the power to irapoieT
ideas upon a far distant eomZ.-.'
with which perhaps he has ,0T
common, and of whose ideas and
sities e ignorant, tocnl ,et
ernment is not a matter of grace i?,
favor, but rt constitutional right
"Certainly it is not unreasonable t.'
question the w.sdom of conferring
i i " Bei or inci viit.
troit, to the American Bankers' asso
ciation today. The section he referred
to is that permitting the board to con
fer trustee powers on national banks.
It was the principal feature of the op
ening day of the convention, attended
by hundreds of bonkers, though a dis
cussion of the relations between the
railroads and the people, led by Presi
dent William Sproule of the Southern
Pacific on the one hand and Rev. John
W. Hill, of Seattle, on the other di
,.;.irti ini.iM.1 i;i, a
Congress did the damage complained I nals' hwevc' 'wise or disinterested thr-t
of, Campbell said, in a four-line para- m .be: Particularly when they are
-.. iuo ,,euple wnose interest,
them ttre "0t TC8PnsilI i to
graph which said the reserve board
should have power "To grant by special
permit to national banK applying there
for, where not in contravention of
state or local law, the right to act
as trustee, executor, administrator or
registrar of stocks and bonds, under
such rules and regulations as" the said
board may prescribe
"From the beginning of our govern
ment," he said, "fiduciary trusts have
been defined and Tegulated by local
law; the administration of estates has
belonged exclusively to the states
where the property or the deceased is
located, and the subjects upon which
the inhabitants of a state may eon
tract have been prescribed by state
authority. The state laws pertaining to
these matters fill volumes of our state
I statutes. Ihey vary m the several
states according to local requirements
and are the result of years of effort
on the part of the representatives of
the people affected by them. By virtue
of this brief paragraph of four linVs, if
valid, all these statutes may be set at
"In order to arrive at a solution of
this problem, three questions must be
"First Has Congress itself author
ity, under the federal constitution, to
confer upon national banks the right to
exercise the powers stated in section 11
"Second If it enn lawfully do so
itself, can' it delegate such authority-to
the federal reserve board f
"Third If neither the federal re
serve board nor congress itself can con
fer such powers upon national bunks,
have the states, or imr of them, con
sented to the exercise of them, and if
so, will consent on the part of the state
be effective?"
Answering his own first question;
Campbell said there was nothing to be
found in the constitution giving con
gress authority to crentc corporations
for tiny purpose, though it has the im
plied authority to create them ns ap
propriate instruments for carrving into
effect the powers of the government.
"Xo one will contend," he said
"that the right to act as trustee, exec
utor, administrator or registrar of
ei".in null uonus IS 111 n 11 V
"I have been unaMo to discover ...
general demand on the part of the w!
pie for this surrender of the!, .:vr.
regulate their own local affairs."
Will Co-operate In
Offensive Against Germans
(Continued from Fage One.)
injured when allied aviators vestcrnV
bombarded a villnge north of Routed
it was officially announced today, a
French aeroplane was also reported shot
down in Lorraine, nnd its occunaa'u
killed. Grenade attacks near Arras and
artillery fighting in the Champagne
region were reported in the official
statement this af tern eon.
German Submarine Lest.
Berlin, via London, Sept. 7. That
the German submarine' 1T-27 sunk 'a
small-British cruiser in the West He
brides islands' region August in, and
was believed to have been sunk herself
a few days later was announce! i,v il
admiralty today. . "
Civilians Are Victims.
Taris, Sept. 7. Several civilians were
killed when German aviators made a
raid over Gcrardmer, it becnine kuown
Steamer is Sunk.
London, Sept. 7. Tho Harrison lino
steamer Dictator has been' sunk by a
submarine. The vessel's crew of 42
men were Tescued and ' lauded todaj.
The Dictatdr rvns a vessel of 4.1 ir, font.
required of th
is no,, intended that the
down' in :i im .,. ..;.i vi i r. .. ... " on
sense nece.
f th heating, -on .ti' -V'T 7C "''"""ration of the nf.
of the ,-omli n " oft i r'!' ' f w -''aI """- N-ith
''to-Mmard ",,,1 of the pupils ! written ' ti il V'i 7B "n '" "r m
"oi i. Frequent o-ul or vr en re "rt 1 ' i ,f ' hVn "M "n h'
""' or all i:c,s t)h," . , ,? ! """'I'"1 ,,anlis- "t a bankine
made solely
Therefore the section enn'nnt 1 J,.
-..i.., iij.iiii ,iny ineory or implied pow-
He disposed of his own second ques-
it has been a oin.ik Tt.
one .., u,ic or i wo wccks in ting hotel, I carefully th
........ in huh, one, nmt then all Million:
int. irerpicntiv a ililferont hotel nearly
tvu n nignt in the week. 1 have been
ill and have recovered. I am going to
do my best to retain my health ami
spirits ami my activities will be else
where Hum on the stage. Hot'a Mr.
Sothern and myself have other interests
than the st.igc. I am looking forward
to a winter in N,17 yorkr wjth the op
era, i i.ncerts iii opportunities to read,
to meet my friends and to do nil those
onlinuiy things Hint have been impos
sible horetcitorc."
L'lVO Till" t. .. . ' r,i-collll (l ie,.
needed resistance !,. ti.! "' ''eelaring congress could not
in cxiilaiiiiiiir her neriniiiienl iciu... I,... ! T' "l11' erit-l
ili'seriint, imm il,., mi... ..... .. I . , 1 ne fllll
, ' ni.iB.:. . " nun u it llclinitf
; able ii. live i ! 1... ."'!MS!!,za,",.n "' instruction of ""thority to the reserve boa rti
' "" --,1 in u 'I V I li i ..... : . .. " In i'r.i . a:... ...
r isor snould itmlv' poiution or autl to a cor-'-'
specific tirolilcmo n.i ..' ! porntion s powers, liecnnue u.i, h u
ot en;.h school, should' make hisji"y"',M 'Kislative discretion and can
Ullll 1IK riii.i:,,., .1 : Oil V Im nvo-n; 1 V... ..i i ...
h. li.fMl iV' . V ." '"'""Ho and v? " . me legislature.
',. t-'OOIIII Si live In s.'i'Min ,, I ! - II
-('. li. Ionk who was arrested Sunday
'"Kl't on a chaige of being drunk,
pleaded cuilf x in police court this
morning and W.M giVPll ft sentence of
seven days i ,,, ,.jty jai )tiak myi
e is a piuno tun, r and
properly tuno.l ui
this city fi .un !( i rip to l'orthtud,
tresh, Ripe Tomatoes!
Cooked the same day
tliey are picked in kitchens '
that are famed for cleanli-
ness and care. That i
fk. explains the delicate
Uftlilit. a fiA
Free from Benzoate of Soda
I .'i fur t in v.: "
through ,.,.., d , . i.K ,i,ir.i n ::rM fc v. , ,n'
t'ouriigeinen'- of ,1,., . , i "un eii i , ii.cnireu:
ti... .r.. ot the toucher an, nimil, ! ' do so would, n effect h
?'. ll.rVlSlll III,,' i, I .. . I r,.,p. !. .U . ..... , '. . T '
duct stS,ors:-! f;nf , ,ht --
elat-ses in , . ,i r 'T or .Ui -n"titutiorf. In other words;
tion r ,. M " 1 1,,r. he illu.str.vj" ""possible to give effect to Hit
. ' 1 ''! ot (,, ,, pi section without violating the eonitit...
KncirKu'.i.rvi .,, j ""'!' rights of the stute
rseu , ,l. v! , f S,,,ll, five! l, "''I-'" powers cannot
i. ii d 4 ;; , ,! '''n, "''; l,rt,lrs ,,f ;',U!"VP "thority over the
room u,i'," ,a:;;:!, '"".. th
a. m
e C Z tlinvt
s- At the i f , IU ' ""'v1-! ".m
; ..ecu tnel "f
".ii n
M'y .tbe sa.'
exen lse ex
siiina obiect
o'i 1 Imil ies cu n
puce ot th jiune
supervisor slia
answer to the third
r., ....... . .. I . .. -.... WIICMIUIl
-inny school superiuteiid.',, i ,. . ' T . n'1" consented to
"M lilt" "
fhuiniinn of tiic
He hlHrl
liVlll-.nc, ,.6 ftl. .
hu.l lm,.,i ..'.! Vi. ",v. Vn specified in
visited, covering t . ,, ,7'! In" " u,on,,h terms d condi-
in.- - - .. mi unit consent in
' ticciuai
and iiccis of the ci.,im
. Patrons' Meeting,
that he got
vor shall, ind
;'t lea-t one p.-troiis
in ench M-ii,il ,i';tri
yr.uc.icaoie, hold our, an amendment to the
eticrni cimstitution would be rcpiired
meeiing uunuallv
of the ,, ,,,,.. '
UI. Teachers' Meeting,. ' '
I liil-'r the .1,, ; , ..
schoid miner!,, I ..... ' 'H fOllutV
upon his return to hold S,,t,ii,l-v .' ' ""l'ryisors
tear her. f,. .... .7:.. 1 tiok't with
. , " 'i:. ell
Priced $7.50 to $65.00
New Silk Dresses.
New Tailored Drosses.
New Oopo De Chine Waisls
Now Fall Hosiery.
Now Novelty Neckwear.
New Child's Coals.
New Child's Dresses.
Now Carter's Underwear.
Warner's and Modart Corsets. Phoenix Hosiery. Itlack
at : Hosiery. Kayser's Hosiery, Underwear and Cloves. '
Hurds, Stationery. Notions. Pictorial Review Patterns.
U. G. Shipley & Co.
North Lilwrty Street. Salem, Oregon
William Tarplcy. who has been up be
fore .Indue Kluin on charires of Udm,
' 1 I'-Hted sew., times before, no-
peine, I this inoriiin.r and entered a plea
of Kutlty. ,lu,!kc KlKi gave him a
tine of ,-, r ,,,,1 (lnVlt in ja,, Ru,
Inrpley chose to pay the fine.
,"hii Ncxil'.c, h!,0 was arrested Sat
"nia.v incut un.
" " '" suites surrende- th-'r
M.vereiRn. authority over manv of their
Wijl "tfairs, ,! permit cone, ess i t'
llcsil'llnl., I... ,. 1 . . . "MiK IO
'""I SUl 11 111 ti iry 1 V ' '" "'"""ff
lith T . " h "''ministered. Such
.... Oil ml I II ill 11 III 1 1 Ti tf U, ,1 ....
methods f , , ; tu.y of "'" fcon xvtth
vomnimnty Interest
:''"t of sciiou ,, d V ""I'l-ove
t-.t:.e useun l ' ," '"'''.bounds.
I il. K'HltMH lf tll( Si' ii ti 1 1
""ii . in ruin, i v.
t Massage and Sham- I
pooing a Specialty...
My scalp treatments cure (land
t ruff and ston fallinir hair. I
t cure black-beada and pimpb-s and t
i - i-l i.i T
m i.-uiutv WOriB, IllOH'S liccniv.-.
r hair on face, neck or arms.
301 Sleeves Bldg.
I Phone 393 .
the s hool room
in repair: lu,,
'''inipinent for
in , ..... i -
culture n.i V" "'""'"K of aiiri-
riit un a lion. I of tul hx.,- i.. .... : 'eetnii!s for ,1...
to insure his appearance in police court tin the imLJtZ''. , l'r,,"'"'s. and
uis inoriiiiiir t,. answer to a charire of munitv ,-, ., ... ,.' m"lu' "'l f
L Salem's Educational Directory :
I........ I- vl
K uniiiK mii.iI to appear and for
leuct ins licnd. . Anderson who was
arrested on a ..inn l,,r charRe likewise
I'liled to appear and forfeited I0 bail.
I'tntland, (Ir s, pt. 7. Miiiiiiiioniii
he police to his main and eonfessini;
mat no l,a, ,,,,,, ,, tr(1 jn Mor( h(lUj
up nl Speii-ler, ah.. Inst week and
Inter nad held up an automobile in
'oiikiuii his (;,:, Thouina l.air.l.
etl lit y.miB, arrested enrlv to-dav.
munitv conditio,,, ., 1 ''"m
tlmt the s, I !.' 1 . Is. r-'"'"i"-mle,l
-; . . . . , n.
'"' 'HOOI loliid inee
'Ill at least
in each dis-
liquor Salesman Fatally
Injured In Auto Wreck
Schools and Colleg
Tprm n 1.1 v
' ' "''"'opens September Ul-U
'"Ii and Wilbur Streets, Sale:
Willamette tTnivendty
Opens September 13-15
Carl O. Donev. President.
! H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law Schotl
Seattle. Wash., S.,,,t
or Will,,.... u . '
, " i nurii.w.
-.lames iln.ire,
B''l 6'1. be-1
Myrtle Lonir Menrtn.,i,',ii
Ml.. .. J : . .
lienor house. u A,,-n,. . , oice t u ture
, ,,a, KU o.!." , " mo,uobile r ,,,' i Ihuwlay, Sept
ricsen by tl. tl.i.rtirht thnt bv th 3 I ..... .. .. V1' !'"" him aua.n.t - B. Chiirchfll
, .i.. ....T :.. 'e Arctic cl.,K i,..ii.i; .." t'tir of vs.,11 ...... ' "'"iste.
"".R in injllri,., whj,.h ,,, '"" of V,; ' " ' ."""t-'' 1 "'KKo; Kra.l.
i ... 'ne iive
!- Music and Art
! Ftederie a nr.-j.... ..
- - w.ucuuan
nil no lir,. t,. .. i
Pan r. Langeiibers
Hasso-l'a in ante
Late pupil of p. . Arenz.
Mudio 3M-in.16.17 Hubbard BWfi.
1'hone 2070
sh.iiM I,.. I... i .. .. .
iimnl.iio to;e h were later robbed,
he niiKht have kid.d ai.neone.
(Veil R IVM.n., .ii,. , ,
the l ackey KealurV I'Ut fon.inv. has
IH'rsoiml ,..u.i.. ., . T
i me ,r.Hi.n-Tivm lor the
rum of ' Kinilliiu- .he fmmr.u 1 rn m
i'v limners k,.UVi1I, kia.k
ho .t the i;r...l. ..Kindling" i, ,
theme .Irani un .), ....i. - k-...
i" up children under f.r.Kl- ......
Monroe coimaiiv ,,f T. . . '."u" V(M b.-.t:
tlrun m , ,:,'""""' ! tweni "v"ice Bile ton
wronr tw,lul ... """'?. n the; ;.. -rum
.V . . I"""' tlOlltlt
k.ith,r be is M.H,re or Thurlow
s to
1,1. . . ....
i no e i ",in
ri ... ..
wetter i
l . . ianit
1..,. 'rl ' r
Mrs. D. T. Junk
f'liina Artist.
Mrs. Bertha Junk Darty
, Teacher of I'iano
I hon0 10,10 W. 67 x. Cottage Hi.
Mlsi Laura Orant
liano and Musical Kindercnrten
S-'ll I enter St. phone :lfl ll
Hist lucile Barton
W N. Libert v1 tniT 7 V of u,r Md Theory
i.io, rt . 1017 North Twentieth St. Phone 504