Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 06, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Tide Clash Only Mouth Away
and Only Miracle Can
Change Situation
By George L. Holmes.
(United l'ress stuff correspondent.;
New Voik, Hrpt. IS. You ran buy
your world's series tickets in Hunt on'
anil I'hilndclohia for the first week in
Sport News 1
October in Boston ussul'cdly iiml it'Sijc
you buy 'em iu 1'hiladelphia. you ran!
Test assured tliut notliiiiK short of a
miracle mn keep you from usinir them
That's the wny t Ho situation looks
today with the tit It dash just n month
a wny.
Hotli the riiillic and ltd Hox ro 1 1
over the line into .Icptcinhcr, going
good if not stronger tlnin they were
traveling in August. Hold increased
their lend clurili( the past week, Car
rigan's red hosed rn-w mny play nt
Connie Murk's expense, while Ty Cobb
whs slipping,
Cobb fell into 0 protruded butting
sunup right when lie should have I n
hI h m m in f out liitK if the Detroit fun
' weie to have another world's series.
1'it Murnn chueliled gleefully mid
licked the wreek of the (limits while the
elnscst rivals Boston and Rrooklvn
were cutting eneh other's throuts. Ti
be Hire neither rlub run be roiinled out
yet, but the strains of the funeral dlrgr
lire beginning to be henrd to rlose list
ener!. Hoston hnpes Boston Nationals
rereived an awful wallop Inst week
from the league itself when it suspend
ed Johnny Kvers for five duys. With
out the diminutive little dynamo, the
Hraves ran be likened to an armless
Jess Willnrd. And a leum deprived
of Its arms for five games at this stage
of the rare Is In pretty poor peniuint
condition, especially when' It has a gaau
lend to overrome from a rlub that is go
ing good and a as devoid of rrnrks us n
new billiard ball.
The lenders can both let us wait and
doubtless they both will. Kit'ty-fift-ball
Is all that is noressury for them to
retain their lends, and with the defense
Maying Its tisunl gnme the pitchers run
breeze along through September taking
things easy.
The Vhi'llles are In worse oondilion
than" the Ited Box, ns they raled quite
a bit weaker in every department of
lie giimei Cnrrlgnn lias a rnft of pitch
frs lie cnn start, confident that If they
etart getting bumped he ran throw one
of his veteruna into the breach n m'
pull out whole,
As a result of Kvers suspension, the
Ibnlgers loom up more dnngerous thun
the Braves, lierent addition to th
burling staff have given the llrnoklvi
team n rorps of tossers second to none.
With Roblnsoii's well known peurliunt
or developing plti-hors, thev nhould at'
lot of strength to the Huihusli crowd.
Hut is Is generully ronredcd the
strength cnino too lute. Anywuv, vou
run chunge your tickets.
Hel Moute, Cal., Sept. It. Mutrli pluv
for the CaliforniH stute golf champion
ship started here today. Ileinrich
Nhinidt, who tiunitl tu the low luedul
ecnte for the qualifying rmmd with ii
'I'l, ns ni lite lie, 1 w'un Jack Jevne. ol
Los Angeles, iu what was expected to
bo one of the best buttles of the day.
In all there, were 3'J starters.
liubin liny nt met Dr. Don' lliues, ol
Hun .lose, dink Neville teed off wiili
K W. Yon Hchiuiler, while Hurry K. II
Davis was matched with A. II. lliulv.
A. J. (TilliiO Shnfer, former third
li:semun of the New York (limits, prom
ised to give A. A. French no interest
Ing match, V. V. Campbell, of I. one
Beach, drew Condi" Jones, H. S. Arm
etrong was matched with II. W. Snli
bury and was generally picked to ronie
through with Hying colors.
Forrest Hill, L, (., Sept. II. The final
tound of piny Tuesday for the national
tenuis clismiiionshin betueen rli,,.,,,
Norris Williams nml former Chauipiou
Aluurice McLoughlin, in il. i
tenuis experts expressed tndnv. W ii
limns met W. M. .lolinst of' ('alitor
tun, todny, Hud Mcl.oiijjlil.n pM,v, r
(n Wednesday. Mct.oiighli Tom
Hundv will dctend their till,., f ,,
tioonl doubles ihaiuplous aaini
nt. tioiinsioii ami I'larence C
lit t I il. ol
Peoria, 111., Sept. tl - Funeral nv
ires for the bile (leorge I'M, I,. ,llM,
will be held tomorrow, with Inmul ,
(lilva, 111,
Seattle, Va,l, Sept. I), president
I'liglnle, of t. Seattle elol, I,,' ,i...
K!..r.l... , . . ' ' "'-
wn. disgusted ' n . " v:
J.:gue nd did no, deny he w, uX? ? 'i'
;rti'res ft..,,, the Con Jue .V 'i 1 ,"l!""il"'1''' thi.hed !
. . . '" ""Iri'lUfr OWIICM
nwileheJ the icl.rdule without his ...
rresldent Mount's know led,... m-i.
rioksn, rlub wen home lust night
(hough scheduled to plnv a doubh l,
-r I , i...lu.. .... i t-..ul
her Instead Spokane fume here's week i
go .ve and a half ga s in the le ,,l '
: . Hiicouver imm
d .eft .wo gam,. In front. They re w
funo lo pome back for f,mr gn
-in, ui iur praion,
iomo, sen. n. The I'n.ifi.. M,..i
Htrmti.hin conii.a.iv will f ,,
In the Orient ivtober 10. , was 1
ttniieuncrd loda.v th.t the , oinpanv hid '
I'liilinli'ljiliia fi!t
l!"tiin i;r
J(ruol I vn IJ7
St. Louis ..
New York
American League.
.New York ...
I'levelnnd ...
St. Louis
. .HI
. i;
Federal League.
I'lllsbtirg 71 "t ..Kit
Newark (17 r,r, .Ml
Knnsiis City CH Till .535
.St. Louis (is 59 .5;i5
Chicago (is (II .527
Buffalo 0!l OS ,-JSl
liroolilyn n 09 ,4lil
Baltimore 1.1 81 .;I47
Pacific Coast League.
San Francisco XH
los Angeles H7
Vernon "9
Halt LiiltB 75
Portland U0
(hi kin nd (i!
Yesterday's Results.
At. Nan Kruueiseu Portland
1-, Him Kraneisco 0-3.
At. Los Angeles Vernon 7-5,
Los Angeles (1-4.
At Halt l-uke Salt Luke 0,
(a k lu ml 4.
Saturday's Eesults.
At Kan Kranciseo Kan Krau
Cisco 5, I'ortland 4.
At Los Angeles Ios Angoles
3, Vernon 1.
At Halt Lake Salt Luke II-
4, Oakland 10 1!.
Watching the Scoreboard
Vernon continued bnrbee iilnu the An.
gels. Honus Mitz, two lioino runs at
Veriittii before noon won the first game.
Doc, White took ehariie of the circus
at Wahhiiftoa I'urk iu tho afternoon
und held j.os Angeles helpless,
At out) time there were two separate
und distinct fights in progress on the
diamond, till for one pi ice of udinissiou.
The dit'tor's old familiar ( hieugo
wiggle toward first kept the Los An
geles runners glued to tli initial sack.
Hnu Francisco's record of walloping
the Heavers wns luiHteil iu the morning
when Tunning in the fourth succumbed
to the Porllnd swatters.
Hut the Heals came back in the after
noon mid nosed through first.
Oakland was whitewashed by Halt
Luke, tiie Bees getting the big lend
when Itviiu unit (iedeon both kumtid in
the sixth.
Cobb got only two hits in the five
gnme series nguinst St. Louis.
Wagner got a home run, double and
two singles HKiiiast Chicago, anil I'llts
biirg won HI to ".
McFarlaiid and Gibbous.
New York, Hcpt. II.-I'aekey McPnr
In nil 'ind Mike (libbous tttliiv entered
the lust stages of Iriiiniug for their 10
round battle here this week. Hundreds
of persons flocked to their training
iiiirlers today to watch them wok out.
Holii me getting into lino shape and
it Is reported Ihut neither will have nnv
difficulty making 117 puiuds.
Ollu Oautry Leads.
Hun Pramis Sept. II. fine to
steady Improvement of his horseman
"tup nun Hie promising i nnrin ter of
nion in lus mounts (Iliu (leutrv, 1 1
.vear old jockey, topped the riders' list
iignin last week at llie exposilion noes,
tlentry put eight winners across during
the week. His nearest rival was Jack
O'lltieu wiib howhi.
(ientrv is suffering fiom a bnil.en
arm today, hiiNTng been kuked In- a
horse he wns lendyig vesterdnv. '
Bimday. Ball for Ootham.
New York, Sept. tl.-.v ,,. nuiv be
closed Tins week to give New York Sun
day innjor league luisebiill and nt the
line time launch a counter attack
against tli.i proiiosed liiMisiou of the
I'ederals. The New York ,..ri.. , !
lengue club owners p t ,v !
grounds of the dersev l ilv Intern',,!).,,,,
l l., i..i. r.. . V. . .
Iclcrnls plan , t,e snui.i in .,.-
ark. By crossing to the .leisei ,,!..'
the New York tenuis will be aide to
piny on Sunday.
Cooper Noses Out
Sensational Race
I'oit Nuelliiig, Minn., Sept. tl lu
"ne ol I he most spectiiciilur and closest
liuishes ,-xei witnessed a I the end ol
ii .'oo nine moloi iari. Karl
..if t . . . ...
Co.yer '.i
"V" flir,li,y won t;. fi
'.'.''lunv. , - ' , , , .
""' o'er tue new t win ( ill
.I...., .i ...
, . , .. '" - i
"'''. ' n""t"s and Do I
. ; "'"''"". ' "ours, t,"
minute, and '-'.1 seeonls.
I i. ." "',,,''M''1"- , ,
a,,,.'!,; .!!!',,,:. .. l.,'.,r!. !v. 1 ,
. a 7, ".n," ' :r,,A'T.
!" t'o'ren,,uder of :-tHHI wns divided pio
ammig oiuer ,lrler to
-oinplele the long Krln,. Tom Allev
iiinlie, 1 em t It Hi the
"". ..I... and u ie
,',., ,0 , ,-,, . ..,. , L,iv
well j'.dg ., . "-1,,-ve J
nnle, bv .b n Xitl.i, of l td ,, ,,, iL
'i "" mf-TirmiriMwwui
m -mwtw r
Le Roy CampbeU.
Le Rov Campbell, the great runner
of the University of Chicago, who
won the 880-yard event at the recent
national A. A. U. championships on
the coast, will now be satisfied to
take up the practice of law. Ilia am
bition was to win this event
Federal League.
Morning guinea . l. e.
Newark i 7 ' .1
Brooklyn 5 9 0
Moran, Kalser'ini'. Billard and Hart-
den; Bluejacket and Land.
it tr v
Hulliinoro a ii ii
Huffulo 3 C 1
I.eCluir and Owens; Anderson and
American League.
K. If. K.
.New l urk 4 0 0
Huston 0 3 2
l''isher mid Nununiakcr; Foster ami
I'ady, Carriguii.
National League.
.New York jj
ungues, tyler nud (Jowdv; Stroud,
Benton ami Meyers, Hooin."
... , , . If-
I niladelphin ;i (j
Brooklyn (j irj
Aiexamter und Killit'er; Cheney,
un,, .ui.ripiaru una Rlillef.
H. If. K.
incinnaTi ;i (j j
Pittsburg ' o 9 n
Hchneider and Wingo; Maininaui,
Kelly and (libsou, Murphy.
Pacific Coast League.
Portland jj
Hun Praiicisco m
Oakland y
Halt Luke 3
.. 1.
ernon ;(
Los Angeles ij
Northwestern League.
Sliol,,,.., VI' .... I. o . . ..
"u cepi. t). lacoma
loorning game here joduy by
iMItlchlllg hits in (I,,, fi,.,!, imiill'
. piictieti steiiily Pall exceiit in
Ibis one in k when he was touched
'!' .nun. rcme liy innings;
'"inn ti 0 o o ,'l 1 o 10 3
-"mniio ....it i o 0 0 0 0 I 0t M
naileries: Meikle and llolf
I HI H 11 ,
" icm r aiitl Altinan.
I's. II. ( . Lewis and children, llollv
nud Kuiii.e. retinue,! home from Leb
anon last Friday inoining.
(. !:. Daibv iid wit,., w, ,..,v,. been
.. , 'K "''K for the last few
"', ,"' V Monday evening.
c..'.. x1 went to 1
!''"" lo
Msil her sister. Mrs M I.
Him U-turned home Tiiosdsv
m . ... .. .
Htiudiiy to visit her sister. Mrs M 1,
loiter. He returned home Tuesdnv
(inner Nan,-,, a,,,) family, ,o base
I't-eu Msi,g r,,,. Bonieiiin,, back easl
relumed home Sunday. ' '
The meetings conducted bv ,1 11 .
Nichols, of Y.ctoiin. B. -., . tl. t,,'thH
church, closed Wedm-dnv evening
Miss Opal Bilycu returned homo frsim
.Montana W c,liie,lav ..v., i
i , 1 "' "' " '
ueroi i .Me.,..,i ... n
-lie has horn Mailing her grandmother
all ,.
r"7T n"k. "'" l"bl.-r.
They will l. Kl. lor ,, , ,, I
came Sunday on th, evening
wen- u,ei i,y uieir grand
The oung people guihertsl at the x
Iilay e, en!": A,l '
Tl, . ,
m.n where they pioTceded to the resi
l"ce of M,, ami Mrs. H. F. Simpson,
where Mr. irgil l,bv ,( ni liril,
formerly M, Muudi,. Ward, who wot,,
married thai afternoon in Salem, wore
j . '' "HHiSl W
, hK.z ' : r""
an.l tailing to biitig too couple t,
about four of tho eliml.ed into the
upper floor window and oHma the
doom to tl,,. crowd. Congtatulations
were givon and a gsni.1 time -ntoTe,l
b'efreshnients consisting (rf ie cr'em
iid cake were aerved. liecord.
mt - Hiw, w -tut wm- trr- warn,
Caston, Ore., Item: iinrve.-ting of
toe flax in the lOO.vre fi.'ld uf the
(iaston (iuriien roiujiuiiy in progress
und the people here have Io-pm inter
ested in the work of gat lu-rii. I he fi
llers as dune, by a crew of men from
the Oregon Htate prison. The flax is
of .superior quality and has been sold
to the stato flax mill uini is now being
harvested. The convicts are under
charge of W. VV. Johnson and I" guards
of the state penitentiary. The "boys"
have a camp in the flax fields nud they
greatly enjoy the outing. At night they
have music, dancing and tumbling. The
llax is pulled and bound in buuilb-s ami
Coos Bay Times: The last ef the
large oigar shaed log rafts of the lieu-!
son Logging company has been sent out!
of Portland und noulh to an Diego.
This may be good news to mariners furj
a short time a;;o Captain Paulson, coin- j
ing to Coos liny on the Westerner, off ;
Point Arenas met one of these rafts iu,
a heavy wind and sea. Some of the
lo,'s i.ad come adrift and he had great
difficulty in threading his wnv through
safely. The rafts geuerallv carry
about 7,000,000 fert of logs. '
Coquille Sentinel: Besides ruining
CoquilleV beautiful setting, when the
nr iimuer wns out on the hill east ot
town, it has had a detrimental effect
on tne city water supply. Heretofore
the water has been cod! even in Julv
and August, and with the shade re
moved lrom a reservoir a difference of
several degrees in the temperature ut
luB waier is noticeable.
Coos Bay Times; N'nrth Ink t emu.
berry growers are preparing to begin
harvesting their crop about September
1. A fow have been picking but the
actual gathering will not begin for a
few days.
Mrs. Job. Oirle. of this cltv. nnd Mrs
J. J. Wurfel, of Harlow, returned this
week from an outing at Wilhoit
J. W. Sadler received a teleunun tu-
day tiiat O. (,'. Hcearce died yesterday
at Helena, Mont., probably of apop
lexy. Mj. Scenrce and his wife, a
cousin of Mrs. Sadler, were here visit
ing ouiy a tew days ago.
Alvln Miller was here this week to
visited his parents and left Wednesday;
to resume his course nt the I'niversitv
of California.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mnesii loft
this week for California for Mrs.
Muessig'a health. Hhe will remain but
Mr. Mue.ssig will return after arranging;
for Mrs. Mueasig's stay. j
O. (i. Ciine. of llutteville uin ,.,J
Tuesday, Ho has just finished digging
on mo m-uis iarin at tne wjiite
school. The well was mink H7 feet and
seven iret ol wnter was secured.
Klmer Deetx was k.it Mnn.kv f.nn.
his home near Neeify. Ho will begin
hop-picking in his Vnrd next week
mouuay. loo Loreuz, vord is picking
this week. Mr. Deetz will use the same
Mr. and Mrs. August Bower and son
wuo uave ueen aero Visiting their
cousins, (leorge and Henry Krans, left
this week for Vellowsttsie park. Thev
are on their way home to Texas, hnv.
ing visited the California expositions
wisuif eoiuiug nere,
L. P. Hwnn, the Champoeg miller,
"" " ciiy oil Diisiness r-'ridav.
Bo has purchased large Quantities of
uew crop wiieat from the farmers of
una secriou. tie believes the wheat
is the best ipiality gruwn within the
lai't L'l) years. A few farmers thresh
heir grnin too soon, but most of them
nave u nne quality grain.
Mr. nml Mrs. II.' ii mi;,, i, i.
been visiting their daughter, '.Mrs. N. C.
y-siou, icii suturdav for Haa Fran
cisco, where thev will attend the
position and later go to Hetllauds to
sii a oaiigiuer, on their way to Mis
t.eirt, where they expert to make their
I',-, Moioeii, uoine.
ine ogiesi.y Bros, and Wulter Hall
riitiirniM lst week from a trin to the
,," . ," , oner liuckleDerries.
"' picKeu in Knlloiis and packed
hem seven miles in sacks hung over
.. . .. x, .uiuci. -i tie Observer acknowl
edges the "makings" for a fine huckle
berry pie, from those parked out.
vo ., .,.,, s. 1'. agent here, has
re. ted a big sign al toe depot comer
indicating the rout,, tn lnri i
mg the route
-il L'reni ,-om. ... i
, , ,. 17 11U-
tiring pub , a ,,,,. of ,.Bllf,,tv
"rs, as it will ,,,eet numerous unto
ins I him unnecessarily erossing the
"u ' """ n:i- Ka, thus lessening
Hie chances of aecoleuts.
"I canning were given
t llu.tevill,- Friday to the little girls
- " K'e a tl nionstrntioji at the
Buttevill,. srhool fair on September 2.",
I'V ountv Agro nlturiat L. .1. Chapin.
.oeeiing .H ai t:,e home of 1 W.
rim, principal of tl. nutleville schmd.
thickens, peaches, pears and plums
"-11- CI.MIICtl.
J II k. v, . .. . .
- v -1 arK s I'rnirie, was
',. . . '".in'cil vesterdav bv a full
to,. , p,r,, f hhj ,, , hl,
mI.ip u-.i I . , . r.
..... i.ni,, punoa up to the plat
lor in a wagon. iu,i,..r to t tl,..
gon failed to wort '.-.I th.' .l . V
"d. knocking ,i,u ,f the platf.ru, to
etuerwise J, VZ 'I .u
!" l on his leg, .(,. , kneos.-ot,.
H it tie Creek. o,v Sept. (t.-IL,rrv
losrson w, g t0 N-,,wl,erg to drv
prunes Haturdav. H
Mrs. .1. 11. Crawford and two daugh
ter, h.-M. gone t u, B0(, VSr(K
kelson t roshavv, of lUtlle Creek, and
"'ry Sunt,,, of Vmitland, have iust
got back tivm i he ,-..at. Thev rei'-ort
thev had a good time. '
K. T. Croshsw an, I f,iv ,rf pi,.k,K
berr.es for Mr. De l'ni. who has rent
e-t two or thrv acre of evrgreeu ber
ries fr.su Chandler.
Hubert Crvsh.w is ereetlng an ama
teur wirebvs, statiou.
Miss Alma Huker wilt Uach the Hat
li ( nvk school thi, y,ar.
11" ,''"r!'0" began" pit-king prunes
Did It Ever Happen
- VM'iilOUKE. Too j ' ; IKk1,
. .... M3
Regardless of the fart that today
is Labor day and a holiday, the police
station had a full quota of gleanings
this morning to await the opening of
municipal court tomorrow morning.
There were four arrests made on drunk
charges over Sunday and Saturday
John Neville was arrested Saturday
night on a charge of being intoxicated
and deposited $10 bail to insure ais
appearance in police court tomorrow
morning. C. R. Donk was also ar
rested by the Salem police and
charged with being intoxicated ota the
Streets of this city.
Mary Knighton, who has had a long
and checkered career in this city's
courts and is now on parole from the
feeblo-niinded home, wa9 picked up Sat
urday night and booked at the police
s'ntion on a charge of being intoxicat
ed. The disposition of her ease will be
mado tomorrow.
Speeding to fires by autos must cease
according to the edict of Chief of Po
lice Welsh on account of the numerous
complaints that have been brought to
his attention. It has been the custom
of auto owners in the past who wish to
go to the fires in the wake of tho fire
engines to open up their machines to
tne limit and heretofore this tendency
to speed on tho city streets has been
overlooked. In the future, however,;
unless the auto driver is a fireman or:
a fireman is in the auto going to the!
t ire, any one who exceeds the speed j
bunt iu Salem going to a fire will be I
arrested. The chief recalls the prae-
tire of tho residents of tho eitv who
run out into tho street as soon 'as the
lire engine has passed to see where the,
fire in, nud he says there is great dan-'
ger of scene one being seriously hurt '
it the street is filled with speeding
autos utter the engine has passed. i
A marriage license was issued Satur- i
day to Bert Hullier, a building n,t
bridge foremiin of Salem, nnd Frnnkiei
L. ox, a nurse, also of Salem. I
John .lost, Jr., has brought suit in
the circuit court of this county against;
Wtor II. Allen to collect $70 alleged
due tin a promissory note. It is alleged
in the coniplnint that the note is now
due and owing and in addition to the
principal the plaintiff seeks j.'.'.-, mtor-
".'. s. r.. r, .More
com represents
I ne plaintiff.
A default judgment nnd order for
sale ot real property attached in con
nection with the case was rendered
Saturday by .ludge Percy R. Kellv of
department No. I f the circuit court
in the case o H, I, Sabi,, ngaiust W.
I. Unukley Jt Co. Tho order grants
ili:,,i,-l!!V't't,,ft.1,,,1'm't 111 "'", of
l.4, ..o with interest with $100 at
torney s. fees and sl.;o Hs costs.
County. School Superintendent V M
Hiu.th Saturday appointed the county
educational board, winch will meet ear
l.v next week to elect the two rural
sehm, supervisors for the coming sc',,,,,,1
V' .. . f, ."Hll""t to
,'. II" IU W IT Ullra I
ot' Salem ; .1.1).
ny-ide; ,1. W Kellis of s ,m. r
the two
who will prnbnblv also ,k . . ' '
liriv.,,,, i, .....
to the board. Ms Kl.,,,l,e,h I , ,"
of Turner, and J(,h W. L. Smith If
Woodbum were the rural school
pervisors far the year just passed.
Several prominent members of ti.
lolk (entity Fruit 0 rowers' assoria
ton met Informally t the office ol
resident II. C. K.akin, Wednesday
fort-iioon. to plan for an apple exhil,,',
at the county and state fairs. M,,Mrs
l uy and Hwing and Fruit Inspceto,
larker were arao ,how d
Played enthusiasm over the proposed
exhibit, and they will swist in pro
moling the undertaking. k ,r
duces some splendid applet sn.1 tl. ,
besl of (Jie ii.l be .hoi! V.M 1
Pallas Observer.
VLl .,0"KNAL cussmtn ad
to You?
Labor Organizer Spoke
at M. E. Church Last Night
C. O. Young, who has been oreanizcr
for the American Federation of Labor
for the past 12 years, addressed a fair
sized audience last evening at the First
Methodist church. Every state in the
country had followed the example of
Oregon, which was the first state to
recognize labor day, this law having
u,-cu puaeu in reoruary, wai, was the
statement of Mr. Young. For the past
ten years, the federation has been urg
ing churches to hold appropriate exer
cises in recognition of Labor day. .
In his address, the speaker recounted
the early struggles of labor for recog
nition, from the time when the people
were practically serfs and were sold
with the land, stating that the same ele
ment that opposed the freeing of the
serfs in the early days, was not oppos
ing shorter hours of labor, and laws
prohibiting child labor. Labor did not
want charity, claimed Mr. Young, but
only opportunity, and that the condi
tion of the laborers had been improved
only by their united efforts. The his
tory of labor was givon from the year
Fifty-Fourth Annual
Oregon State Fair
Salem, Oregon, September 27th to October 2, 1915
$20,000 Offered in Premiums
Come and Stay Seven Full Days
theFMato 3 Shady ak park right at
vAI,luua cAceiJt
Trials of Speed
Shooting Tournament
Band Concerts
Two Aviation Flights
Boys' Camp
Girls' Camp
Everybody's Camp
Free Sheds for Camp.
eis' Teams
Moving Pictures
Social Center Tent for
Dancing Pavilion
Children's Tlayground
Bee Demonstrations
Animal Circus
. Amateur Dahlia Show
Taved Streets
tioXSlTrile ft Entr5"51ank3 r Any Informa-
By Mort Burger
1871, when the English were first al
lowed to organize through its efforts
for betterment, up to the time when the
federal law 8uidj that labor was not a ,
commodity or an" article of commerce. '..
It-was- only- through organization
claimed Mr. Young, that freedom could,
be maintained, and that at present, the
only laws on the statute books favoring
labor, . were - put there by organized
labor. "To deny the right to strike,"
said Mr; Young, "is the beginning of
slavery, and when' courts deny the right
of a man to quit his job, then freedom
is lost. " . ..
Mr. Young will speak again at the
Labor hall on Court street this evening. .
All those-interested in the cause-of
labor, and- in fact,, everybody is invited
to be present. -Mr. Young is an inter
esting talker and tonight his address
will be direct to the laboring men. .
Medford, Ore., Sept. 8. Arrests may
be made in connection with the death
of Harry Fry, keeper of the city water
intake, who was killed apparently in
mistake for . a deer Sunday. Three
hunters known to have been, in the vi
cinity at the time are said to hav
heard Fry's cries but failed to investigate.
racing stock.
Special Days
"Children's Day"
"Woman's Day"
"Good Roads Day"
"Salem Day"
"Woodmen's Day"
"State Societies Day"
"Portland Day"
"Transportation Day"
"Elks Night"
"Press Day"
"Oregon Manufactur
ers' Day" ,
"Scandinavian Day"
"Stunners' Day"
"Grange Day"
"Pioneer Day"
''Pn.,!...! T? t ...
anuvai iNlgnt
ALJNES, Secretary, Salem, Ore.