t THE DAILY nrrriT. iMTttWAT. BATJ.M. OREC. MONDAY, SEPT, rr TWO i Social Personal CABOL a DIBBLE. Misa Gertrude Winn, who i with the fish and game warden's depnrt men t at Portland, is visiting Miss Yoon in Halcro. Miss Blinu will return to Portland this evening. Mini) Dfrothy rUeuskff and Minn May Hteusloff entertained at a delight ful "500" party Thursday afternoon at their home on Court street. The rooms were niost effectively decorated with zenias. The guests circled five table, the eard compliment being re ceived by Miss Dorothy I'earee. The lawn formed an attractive setting for the serving of the daintily-appointed luncheon which followed. TliOHe who onjoyed this affair were: Miss Jennie 1'ry, Mian Hazel Downing, Miss Isa belle Mc.Uilehrist, Mist Kdna I-iicker, Mia Rita Hteiner, Mim Marie Church ill, Minn Myra Kom, Miss Ada liofta, Mrs. D. K. Bosa, Mim (iertrude Cun ningham, Mim Kdith Carter Kuney, Mias Mildred Wilson, Miss orothy Vearee, Mini Helen I'earee, Miss Lorot t Ford, Mills .Jennie Ilarritt, Miss Ger trude Walling, Miss Constance Cart wright, Miss Olndvs Cartwright. ' Misa Gertie Capps, who is spending few days as the guest of Mrs. Carrie Cbape) at her home on North Front atroot, will leave Wednesday morning to resume her lKini t inn as teni'her in one of the schools in eastern Oregon. There are a number of Oregon 1). A. ft. in Kiin Francisco attending the ex position who will remnin to bn present, t the national conference, Heptemlier 1.1 It!. A number miire nru going with in the week to attend the event. Oth ers frnm the Snlem chapter who will be present besides Mrs. Isaac I.ce I'at terson, state regent of the I). A. H., re Miss Mien Thielscn, Mrs. It. I. Howard, Mis. Mary Creod Howard mid Miss I'ary Howard. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss (fertriulo .(ones, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mndison L. Jones, to Merrill Mm itch, of Portland, which will take place Mcptcmhcr 15 Dt 8:30 o'clock ill the evening lit St. 1'aul's Kpis'opul church. The services at tiie church will bu fullcmed by a reception at the home of the bride's aister, Mrs. (ieorgn W. dray, 544 f.'hemokota street. The" guest fist will ineludo many I'ortliind people. Miss Margaret Conper has returned from a two nirmlhs.' stay in Hun r'riue risen, where she had charge of a edu cational exhibit In the Oregon building at the exposition. Miss Alice Fields and Mins Laura Heist have returned from a pleasant month's outing spent in Portland and t various points along the Columbia rirer. Mrs. R. H. Wullnee entertained In formally lit dinner Tuesdny evening, rrrnpliinentary to the Misses Helen mid Dorothy I'eirce, lho daiigiiters of Mrs. Neorge I'earee, who are leaving for the ast. Miss Helen I'earee will attend Haileliffo rollego and Mins Dorothy I'earee will enter the Huston Conserva tory of Music. Mrs. C. A. Turk was also a dinner hostess in their honor on .Thursday eveuii g at her country liome In Folk county. William Wallace (iraiiuin, the well kown vbdinist and conductor of the I'ortfftnd Amateur Orchestral associa tion, has returned from his farm on Graham's prairie, where he passed part of the Hummer. Tho orchestral asso ciation is expected to begin rehearsals September J3. Mr. and Mrs. Leon De Mers, of Fort Maries, Idaho, are visiting Mrs. De Mors' sister, Mrs. J. K. (lirlfrey. Mr. De Mers is president of the First Na tional bank at Fort Maries. The De Mers, who are former residents of this section, are touring the Willamette valley by automobile this full, having spent lust full sojourning through Washington. They will visit in Folk and VauiLill counties after leaving Ha- Tho Sained! club held its regular fortnightly meeting at the limno of Mrs. J. A. Churchill, Saturday after noon. After a study hour devoted to ino work and lite of .Jane Addiuiis, a social time wus enjoyed. .Miss Marie Churchill gave several pleasing solos and dainty refreshments were served. The rooms were prettily decorated with sweet peas and roses. Though the Hnniedi club started originally us an embroidery club, it has broadened its scope considerably. Literature, philnn thropy and topics of n culinary na ture aro among the subjects discussed by this unique und interesting organi zation. This winter the members will pursue a course of study relative to various people and topics of interest in America, The first three meetings will be deviated to women philanthrop ists, the following three to Oregon poets, the next three to woman writers of fiction, succeeded by three discus sions of humorous writers, und the last three meetings will take up Oregon nistory. The members of the Saniedi club are McHilames. Alden, Huthorford, V'ass, Doliitug, Hotsford, I'utnum, Fawk, (ihulson, Churchill, .lease, Sunder, Steoves, Misses Hunt, Rutherford mid Ivurson. . it Mrs. Fred A. Wiggins and daughter, Mildred, of Toppenish, Wash., nre vis iting Mrs. Wiggins' sister, Mrs. George I Hodgers. Miss Mildred Wiggins will attend Willumotto'uiiivcrsity this veur ' Mr. and Mrs., John I). Sutiicrlund passed the week-end in I'oitlund, Mrs. A. X. Moore, is spending n week in Portland as the guest of rela tives. it Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Cross, Mrs. E, 0. Cross und Miss Veda Cnns inothred to Portland Friday, from where they planned to make tint trip to Mt. Hood Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Elliott ami Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allen formed a motor partv to Portland Saturday, where they were" joined by Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Price and the party motored to Mt. Hood. ' PERSONALS J Miss Goldie Green of Ashland, is vis iting friends in the city. J. X. I'cetz and wife are spending week's vacation at Newport. Miss Lota Dodge is visiting a few days with her father at Dallas. B. L. Dillabaugh. of Portland, is here today visiting the family of E. A' Peetz. Eugene Sherman, of Portland, is vis iting this week with Herbert Fawk in Pofk county. Miss Alice Cnstri left today for Ta coma, wrier; she wiil enter a business college this winter. ( has. Wicklander, of Portland, is a week-end visit's- here with his father, Kiehard Wicklander. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mountain return ed from Medtord today, after a month's absence from the city. Al Godfrey is in Turner today, con necting the residences with the water works system just completed. W. It.' Winnans, of Hood Kiver, went to Portland this morning after a few days' visit here with jriends. If. P. Hoise. and family returned yes terday from a motoring trip to Murint Kninier national purk and Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. liert Dennis spent Sun diiv at lieu.i Vista, visitinir the narents of Mrs. Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. W. U Key nobls. , G. C. Hoggins went to Hood River this morning for a few days' visit he fore entering the I'niversity of Oregon next week. lireymun lioiso leaves this evening for Heaver I.uke for a two weeks' vis it, accompanied by his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret E. Ilreymnn. O. (.', (iraham, local agent for tne Oregon City Transportation company, accompanied by his wife, left this morning for a motoring trip to Vancou ber, H. C. During his absence, D. Dia mond of Portland will be in charge here. I'rfS, i w Salem Back Yard Grows Record Breaking Tomatoes The Willamette valley has not gener ally been considered as a favorable see tiou for the growing of tomatoes hut lliiain Xeugi luiuer, of 1 11)7 South Com mercial street has put this theory in the discard. He lias n hundred or more plants, tied up to stakes about five feet high, that have grown to the top of the stakes and then on pules between them, making great festoons of dark green foliage, which just now nre especially beautiful, the big ripe tomatoes are peeping out in crimson beauty from their green surroundings nnd hanging in great bunches from every stake. Mr. Neugebaiier grew the plants, and is as proud of them as a boy over his first pair of red top boots, nnd his pride is justifiable. It is well worth walking out thnt way, just to soo them, which run be done from Commercial street, they making a big bouquet of green and crimson in' the back yard at his place. WOMAN GOULD NOTSIT UP Now Does Her Own Work. Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her. Ironton, Ohio.' I am enjoying bet ter health now than I have for twelve years. Wnen l De gan to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound I could not sit tip. 1 had female troubles and was very ner voui. I used the remedies a year and I can do my work and for the last eight months I have worked for other women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E. Ptnkham'a Vegetable Compound enough for I know I never would have been as well if I had not taken it and I recom mend it to suffering women." Daughter Helped Also. "I gave it to my daughter when she was thirteen years old. She was in school and was nervous wreck, and could not sleep nights. Now she looks so healthy that even the doctor speaks of it. You can publish this letter if you like." Mrs. Rena Bowman, 101 S. 10th Street, Ironton, Ohio. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a Bick ly , half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ? If you have tho slightest doubt thnt Lydia E. I'lnkhum's Yc-geta-blpCompound wiil help you, wrto to Lydia I'-Pinkliam MedielncCo. (confidential) Lynn, Muss.,i'orad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a womaa and held in strict confidence. ?f f- t- T 1- 1- . wid vr.ws OF ONE ' YEAS AGO TODAY The battle on which tho fate of Paris rests is raging along a front of ISO miles, the Germans apparently attacking in greatest force (ci the Krench right. In the Marne vallev the French have driven back the Hermans. Nancy vigorously attacked by Germane. (iemian forces are within 1U miles of Ghent. Their attack on Antwerp has been delayed, through fear of assault by tne remnant of the Belgian army, it is believed. Tho Austrian resistance is reported broken and the Rus sians are in pursuit between the Vistula and the Hug. Russians are encompassing Przemysl. It's fall exported to mean much to ward making an advance mn perlin possible. Belgrade still stubbornly re sisting Austrian attack. J! WOOD FOR SALE Good dry Ash or Maple wood, $4.50 delivered. Wood for sale in the timber. Ward K. Richardson 2395 N. Front Phone 494 El COMPLETE. POLICE SAY ! Imperial :: Dermatologist Parlors "Gee, I never tasted any Flakes like these New Post Toasties They're absolutely new made by a new process that brings out the true corn flavour and that keeps the flakes firm and crisp, even after cream or milk ia added. New Post Toasties are made of the hearts of selected white Indian Corn, cooked, seasoned and toasted; and they come to you FRESH. SEALED as sweet and appe tizing as when they leave the ovens. The little puffs on each flake are characteristic of the New Post Toasties Your grocer has them now-gct a package and give your appetite a treat. EI COURT I Nearly 350 Cases Pending On Appeal Before State's Highest Court Negroes Believed To Have;t Killed Dr. Mohr-Would Prevent Mrs. Mohr's Trial The nuriremc court of the state of Oregon will convene tomorrow after a month 's vacation and on account of the large number of cases before it, the court will hear the arguments in three ennctt daily for several weeks. Accord ing to the records of the court there are approximately IIjO eases on appeul of which about 170 are ready to be heard at the earliest open date and about K!S cases pending on appeal not ready to be heard at this time. From January 1 to .September 1 when tho court went on its vacation, there were 2!I5 eases appealed and in thi same period 2li2 eases were adjudicated. Despite the fact that the number of cases on the docket hns been decrea- n,.. !.,. ..e ;..:., Killing of Edward Pfeiffer and i::,';:r"t,,rff:hindv;,,thX uiit'Kci vwncn win not iiKeiy ue cleared .1 .. .. i"r counter year. The following cases nre on the docket for tomorrow: l.oughran against Bark er, State against Louis Hinir. Stnte against Nichols. For Wednesduv: .State against Hollingshond, State against l'eery, nnd State against Lock. Thurs day: Miller against City of Portland, School District No. 35 against Holden, and Lander against Van Aukin. Fri day: Davis against Carleton Lumber cumpniiy, Mctiee against Cnrleton Lum ber company, ami Temple against the A'lty of I'ortlund. Moritz Schneider Was Brutal Providence, K. I., Sept, . The ehuin of evidence, connecting three negroes with the strange murder of Dr. 0. Frnnkliu Mohr is considered by police today as complete. They planned to have several wit nesses vise the prisoners as the last step in fastening the crime on the blacks, who, the state charges, killed the doctor at his wife's behest. In connection with the police plans. they have found two fishermen, who j heard shots and Inter saw two men. they believed to be negroes, standing i beside motorcycles on the lonely llynti t road where the doctor was killed am ; bis girl office nssistaut badly wound ed. Frantic efforts, tho polico say, are being made to prevent Alohr's widow from going on trial. They intimated 1 tnat prominent society persons were in terested in keeping her off the stand, for fear that she will rattle some skele-; tons in a number of family closets, in ' the matter of criminal opcrutions. In connection with this hint, ilrs. Mohr's attorney's words ' ''the public; will be startled when it hears what we can tell," was regarded us particularly significant. ' ; Police officials said today George P. Healis, Mohr's negro chauffeur, told them (.'. Victor Brown, another of the j alleged murder trio, solicited bis aid in the killing plot two weeks ago. Hrown hail been discharged by the doctor and harbored a grudge, tile po lice say, on this account. Massage and Sham, pooing a Specialty.., My scalp treatments cure dand ruff and stop falling hair. I cure black-heads and pimples and remove worts, moles, freckles, hair on face, neck or arms. 301 Steeves Bldg. Phone 393 M-M Gold Bar, Wash., Sept. (i Frank Pfeiffer and Frank Murray are being held as witnesses today in connection with the brutal nvirdVr Saturday night of Kdward Pfeiffer, of Gold Bar. father of Kr.uik Pfeiffer, nnd Moritz Schneid er, of Fort Wayne, Ind.. bnther in law of Edward Pfeiffer. There nre no clues as to who committed the double ! crime, nor of the motive. Pfeiffer 'a body was found early Sun dny morning by Jack St. Louis. It 1: face down on, the logging railroad of the Gold Bur Lumber company, half ii mile fr om here. The fact that a sock filled with salt hung on a nearby tree lends to the belief that the men's as sailant used it us a sand bng. Pfeiffer 's head was crushed ns thougn by a sharp instrument. Seheinder wus found a quarter of a mile further up the road near Pfeiffer 'f cabii). His head was mutilittod beyoni' recognition, presumably by a piece of ruilroad iron. The murderer moved the body from where it first fell, us ther is a large blood stain' on the groum' some distnnce from where the bod' was found. ,WT!'." f")''t ,h!lt l"",1 found n Prank Pfeiffer 's bakery corresponded to the one found filled with salt and thnt foot prints near whore the crime was com mitted were the same as his. led to his arrest. Murray is a friend of young Pteiffer's. ' English Peer Munition Worker London, Aug. 24 (By mail.) The latest titled wnr worker, despite his 511 yenrs, is today clad in overalls working alongside plohinn war hands in an aero plane factory in Surrey. He is the earl of Norberry, who can't enlist because he's tor old. but who insists on doing "his bit." He is a titter. Itis hours nre from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m. with a half-hour for breakfast : and an hour for luncii. j He receives exactly the same treat ment as his humbler fellow workers and sleeps his just sleep in a single room near the factorv. "The Triumph of Man" wh tbe r ; e '. "' ' ' - '-" n- " ";"' topie of Kev. Tiscl er, of the Un '? " '?T ?hM- ""ite U,C tar.au churn,, a. Sumlav morning, se . ! ' f p.wrM !" "'' ""ity of the vice The San Francisco fair nVV"C ,'" 1,0m' f en,in be thus summarized, declared the sdcuIi- I t. nFrancircoisagrea.itv w ,l e' ,S W 'tBelea are still in the way 'verytlng is done on a large scale ' 1" ,l,.v'"e r,alLzi;,io11. "' the vis We have been told that the ureal me "'1 ' r" 1 h fwn s Francisco is tiopclis of our neighboring state is w,tm'"'",1l0 win overcome all obstacles ""guoiy city, etc. I rather I Milt was "The Triumph of Man" Is Way Salem Minister Refers To Exposition Baldy Breeze rs Calendar 'LAZY MEN ARE THE ONLY KIND THAT CHUCKLE AT ANOTHER MAN'S FAILURE." A business succeeds only as It ' serves j. this is particularly true of the Laundry business. We must serve you right in every particular, and tho more particular you are, the more pleased you'll be with our service. Home of Baldy Brcezer. Salem Laundry Co. Salem, Oregon and remove even these mountains in the ti'iumphat march of man and lm feel Thirty Years In Prison Fnr Kissinor Girl and Robbing Her of Ten Cents n no cuv. in this li.n.l r faith ever more triunmhnntu. nessed than bv the people of San' Fran cisco. As by magic she lifted herself out ot her fcshes and ruins. nv eight .veins since the great quake and fire devastated the very heart of the citv o.lny men of faith of constructive faith ot that kind f faith which re moves mountains of obstacles of tHt kind ot taiih which is not nieasuied bv tueulngicul speculation, but bv itx w'n .re:itne power, by which, in this in- -".I, u greater and nobler citv nig usen to replace the Francisco. What a noble witm.. n;. ,i ( , L . . W ' fill III it' ' .entnnsiiiMii, this coimn,.. ii,;- . . , do things on a large s,-ule rcnllv is,; "t merely to the great resourceful-1 uess or enterprise, or genius of the" people, but first of all to their mag-! nitirent faith, whiil, Ii,. .iliml 'J,! ..... nilTI'W. ,Vt flllK,. vt. Food-Drink forAUAger Nourishing Delicious n;.i.ki. OUm UnleM you ray "HORUCK'S" you nwr set u Substitute is rear-' former Sun must f Silo, ,!,., . ...1 ored pnliceniiiii uh.,.., v n'....j :. in for Inn.." ' Stephens Frederic & Mendenlml Piano trrgan Theorv. Mynie Loug Mendeuhall Voice Culture, t.iideiit Begistered Thursday. Sept. Sacramento, Cnl Sept. B. Charles II. (.uvton, negro, who was sentenced to thirty years in Folsom prison for rob bing a voung white woman in I.ns An geles of t,.n cents and then hissine her III III 1 I l,,.u I:.., . - ................. , . '" i'"'-,i m inc governor . ""! me go.llessness of a wii kcl , . for pardon (iuvt was received at "".v. let all who can lea, ,. ' I ?it l Calltal Normal and Industrial School " "u savs he was ed on the tcitim.,i . t u..i - - wlmt , .. ' u it iiimi i-uy with tins , - i. tm .1 n'l 111 !.,.... ' 1 testified to several i.thur I staclcs In r.r lriire.w t.t I... ! crimes l.uytnn i, !i..rl to have com- rh, Inumph of man is further at'! itttl and .wore tl.-.. h, nde prue- 111 " progressive mhanne of tice ot holding ,, ,.(r,(1 wm,,B nt!m""r" trvnius in art, culture, indium tlie point ut a rev,, ; .nniiufn.-tnre. e,lii,.,n ., ' ! back yard of I,,, !,m, ,, ,tttteked ""' ,h" in religion. "".'I"' ... . , lflT,hl' ht of or ll theologv is risnn officmU lit, have talked witV I passing away and truer, nobler .1 is a '-.er or tvpe of e.,1- " "" "n,rr ""una. einphas,. i rnnidlv orii,t it.,.,1 ....... i... - . .ItiikiniT itu ..I...... i'.. i ' v , . 1 " n greativ impressed i ,. . i -"- ' "oer ine ol.t -hi. ma siurit f ,r,.(e.t. Those Tho have taken an interest if the case bcl.eve the,, has been a crave mjuHtice done. tric.t to prejuire mnn fr heaven mr Minn ir iiihm. , .... . . ..,., ., (.pturv men wre catching the PW Vlon out ()f. which a new emphasis i, growing. The nu.r.. abundant life of larg-er opirtun itv, of greater useful,,,.,,, of ul nihility, f nobler service. We are be ginning to realise that behind nil d,f ferent ration, behind all varietv m the Oi.twar.l realm of manifest if (what ever it. f,i,m or type) there abides . d.viue tn.ty, , illfini Unl. which n the eternal imm-ii of n ilfl, eallcl "the father of the soul. 0f all : Salem's Educational Directory : Music Business Law Art Schools and Colleges , Willamette University (pe.,s September 13-15 j Carl o. Doney, President. ' I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law School Music and Art oi lier I "' ; ipicsi,,,,, vv. -.yvi,.,, ntfl tne thwloginu. ,vin8 nl,0t (;0,it Th.,j new uuerv : "Wlint 1. for n,nf" The old theoloyicl ..i,. Dn F. Langenberg Hn.o ( BntaiiTe Ute pupil f r, Arnw ".mm i.,. it.. 17 n,, riuuie L(i7 nr.l lll.lg. planinq mill burned Walla Walla, W.sh.. Sept. fi.-Tei. tho,,.,,,,,, dollar. i , Rnim;n, timnt c tiHliiv to have been lost in the fire wlm-h destroyed the li. (). Cox planing null yesterday. The ,', lumber vnrds aer... the .tmet were threatened. ' , r.re started in dry nearby vacant Int. grns. on a Uiogo. S'pt. (t.- Rni, threatened tiHlay to mar the ,.,v.,ig ,y i the woman national Kf ,hnmpiou.hir here following n hrvV downpour Inst night. " 1'ittJ.urK tlirett- Time: American. ho 0 abroad time ilnv. are more likely to fitiire In is.. ....... .i... ;tl.e ..K-ietr voliiinn.-. ,....;rtn)t .Churchill, Piani.,,. rrder i. l.egiitf , prepaV.M ,e f Wc r, K ''ri' ai'': i tor man "Tk.. i.:..' !V ..' "estcru I onscrvainr, i n I'liitcon ,!,,,,,. u ... i.inu. I'hone ltlTl-H i 111 I hone Coiti.R la the fimline of tk! iv.l.. hod pf (,od we must fin.l . .... I rlivi... r,.l....l....i '. "1"" I Mrs. D. T. Junk ''hina Artist. M. Bertha Junk Darby ; houe lii:,ci w. t!:t, x, KMVw I M1m Beatrice 8helton n. v . "',"r or Piano M.rien St. p, St. I'hone lL'iin Mil. T .i -I man . . Mnon uv.ne truth we must mik. th. V. ! .o,.1?00'' uf vi--e and The,,,.. I Edna Weller Pianisl Lischitezky Technic and banning System cf Improved Music Study for Beginners Phone 13M 603 N. Liberty