1 A Galley o' Fun I CONGRATULATIONS. " It had been a night of triumph at ' (Capua New York. As. tho little bnnj tf worker gathered around the bo "too I ocelot, Mrs. G. S. J'ubbkby ktlie defeated candidate for' chairman I ft the Entertainment Commit', to) hIs''I her voice and upoko eulwUm im I ly h follow Well, It wa.sj Just gran J Jufd h-minl; You girU tlmt got it Up oue.lil o be proud of yourselves! It wa.i n Jrrcdlt to (h Flint Cumliincd church; fcou cort'nly couldn't liavo done It bet- or; (he talent was) Just splendid. "Th.it Hkimiy III llo pianist from Syr fiCUHS wan simply perfect dimply . ,a n jt-d enyihiiig of Ih.t, Imt my! the did mka thone keys travel! I tliou'lit flie wm a poifftft wonder, rsp.'( lally n Unit piece where Blie broke down f-you reiu-iiilier! "And that awfully good look In i; no biaiio! WeiMi't you lucky to get IktI rievor w a mote BtunnliiK tici furo In my life Hurh a pity that b!i Balled all hor lilgh noten! They mi$ iho fomen orlRlnally from New York kind wire MkIiU In a comic openi UI! lioriio broker- hut llinl'H tha way II ko(w; you rnn't plrk mid cIiooho Hit hhI life of your lulunt. It' too liinj hat Mm. Drown tlio Bapllrft Mru firown, I mean knuw all about thlj ruature. i "Hut nattimlly the prhe of (lie ovo I tiliiK wa that Itnperaonator. Wann'l ' funny? And bow did lio think tit J ill Hi'ik Jokoa about Capua people? I , Jiint laughed mynclf nick ieii he lolJ uliotit (leoi'Ke MiHirn beln bo alwenl rilnded tint he put liN umhrelht t( ed nd atoml up lilninelf all nlj;ht Ir bn bill. And (hat Joke about Mr llinlily, the countable-no umo lo vac j'lnalo lihn lio couldut cateh any l'ln! Hut I IhoiiKb the belt Join fil tho lot wan tho one ho HprtttiK i' f"t o!i Mr. Hlmiiin. You remeinhei that -don't you? Why, the youn fd fow Hald that Mr. Slimim came down t'i Mi hank one iiioiiiIhr nml waa tak ru Hit It with appendlcllla, and (ho clue lorn had to hold a coiihuIIuIIoii -Ihej lldu't kimtr wbelbor to operate ot to blmf. I IhntiKlit It waa a Bhaiiic ben Mr. Slnima pot up ami went out Hil and aald be wouldn't conlilhiilo blenaed cent li the bulhlliiK fund.. Wall, kooJ iiIkM! HplemliiJ auceetiH, WHMti't it?" Horatio Wins low, J HIGH FINANCE. , Mono JoliriHon--Say, 1'iMn, p"';c Wo ftela kelehed for ati-alln' dean heal: luikeyn-doe.-l wo et Jailed? 1'elo 1'ei iliuinoiM Sultlnly not ; t'uikeyn ant ao blub nowadays d.ii ktealin' a tuikey'a d,.H liko BlvalliiK ti i.iili.Md! TO Art INAMORATA (A Tiaoel.u Ion.) Fsr, If Ibo'vi will, dial one can lo ir I be all' It llivathed, 'mid the tbiwetH, by Ihe built illy; Pay tli il il a no I il(. uf r,,lry led l lirtl t.'lln us bow sweet Clmi. lib 1 : baud V'h won; that never tli.irn on 10.0 btmli Rrows; Of lunch if I should say (be bbi-h) , roso led; the dest Illy wbll, , r.i; d 1 - 1 will believe lliee ii,vii-. ( fool.di l) IVII me Ihe amis !.t iiu, seivoeiv in mid, To rhkIiik poelH nvvii (tiolr Joviii s lii'.hl; n-,.11 ..... 1 1. . . . mm . .10 I ill. Illl Mill in pin n , That i,p.iik,M In h NiliC f,i, ilelil. Tt'll me the, bc,hii-,t f,,,ii(.r r.tr n wclcbs A In-lit bovvi l down ,y in 1 oy d it s; TtH .lie while'iT I bou will, ami 1 Mill 1 - Will never douhl ihei', ilenr, 0 ! tail I! Thy vobe db.p. bi nil ,l,iUl t. IV fniiren seem. Till inn I hat linpi inc. .1 la i,,.; diesuil Toll mo lliou lovrsl lue, hi.J I r- N w Will I runt thee ever, fnolldi, ful II Dr. Stone's Poiscn Oak Remedy A mow white medicine, o 1 Bod toothing to the lkin, applied every hour once relieve and toon euros POISON OAK. Price 25c and 50 For sale by all druggists and DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug etore In Oregon and aliow cases are loaded with drui medicines, notions, toilet articles, winoa and liquor of nil kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Htone is a regular gradii ate in medicine and has had many years of experience in the practice (;onl11aUoll ar . I'rescriutioul 1 are free and only regular price for medicine. I'r. fit one can he found at his drug Btoro, fSnlom, Oregon, from 11:40 in the morning until S at nijt Free delivery to all parts of the city an 1 within a radius of 100 milm. CHICHESTER S FiLLb W yv. 'i III, 1M..V.O .! I.KAMI, A I XT if G.vA plWii r ri f.if.i..n.l TlrfiA 1 t4k I Hi in 11. .1 mI (,.,M ii.rtilii..tf i vim i;iiio KUi-jii, v , II " tZ ,-"-'- A.u r.l lll. ll'H.TFH I V lirAHIIM) Kilt Ml riu.'i, f c !.-. soio cif oiii'GfiiSiS f Kmw r. THE NEW WOitLD. new uorl'N henid a tPMjjira! The nil- illL'. And ifath. red about the peace throne. I To liouoi lain (..id, to suae, was appall mg, I lint lentuiies of time it had waited I I come. Then forth went a whisper thiii'o.,li !'" rope, The or. hipem 11I Main awaited out side, . That bright arrayed soldiers were given And militarism it's strength del led. The pvp'netit-t nf peace Clew from cor ridor tin. I hall, lnheedcd were their banners of truth, 1 Pur Kaiser and king, they met up to the eail, Marchiiiii away in the flower of their yonili. 1 The wuile dim1 iiiit their iai!ioiis, And soared ell to sublime's heilils, While sad and numberless millions Tool. pari in Hi. great. si of fi;;hti. 1 I'm .i the In I lie I ni.-lied of K'aith did vhndde ;io'i ot mold and shade, And ( uiitiously peeped from their cover 10 (.00 the new hells that were made. 11, , When we have learned a aevere lesson, And I lie Idoo, thir-tv pnennt is 1 one Per a shiuehler we .shall lo, b,o-.lil i lUCi.l 1011, p.. I'-e 111' III cle run, advanced ng'i of the Then n w 11 v will s I hi nig ami mill. ; I'irv mler Into n-1 fields of tvuetjess expanse And lust In the earth, thev are ever linim speeding, Outlawed, nml directed bv clinuco. Mul Hie ten- t and , :,i, Wilh hi'iihi not nil in 111 e, .-diull pio. iuiiii aloud, n 1 1011, Which luiiigs -nearer ideiual day. I of nut I fur ghuu and , , peacu iedera-j I Ihe coining oT I lli.'it all the lad ciiildren of heaven, Tug.'ll.er war .1 Swan Seii shall siny, A.lli.-unn, mil to glory in buttle that hiveu, !!'it ghny tn tine Col and one KuA, Vo l nil 11. 'ous, of time and space. II L . 1 ' '" v" 'rue pea. enters our wars. We 'mil ri-ie in our slim, bird of livim, A" II-, ' 0'. I be g .. I I,. , --Hv Hertha M. l,oc Oliver. A SAFE GUIDE lo health is th,. W lieu it show siejls II"-.., Kivo Ii, lo ,,i Sb.l, of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters 5 h.'i f.: ''lil.; live. :,i," jears been il. Null Everybody Admires tt OK r is m IHVl'ri-,,. j .."" I 1 . i ,. ; .. ,-. I c 'Ml',.,' i , .- : -. I l i.N, r.- .,.-'1 1 , j1--:; r '.v t" I . . - v 1. 1 i V e '' ' ' .' I' V jj .Ne. U ' I I .... I ), 1 1 . - t ; lie by I'rur i hhiii eawaywinai lajaejaw-. ,, THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL THvnrcf r mow NO RADICAL CHANGES ' I The late-t of the ll'lfl models in automobile hu ;iu.-t i-ki-ih-J this city. .If is U- Uaxvvv il-ilvertised a the Wm,.!,t far" because of tho at """-""al good re"jr.is for duial.ilit v iimv coo 10 niai : m. Hi., tend. ii-v t, i..-ime price among automobile manufactures generally the, coming sca-un ,j cii:p!ia-tz,l by the ii e w .Mnxiv"II. With complete, euuip- "UMit, in' lijrliiL' electric starter and tn. Jiyhli, the 5-j-a.venjer totiiin),' ie i:. priced at f. . I). Uetrou 'I'hi'ie K'niti to be i. i m !i al ,-l ii !taiii !Iv. Matnel! i-T'ineers claim :t::..t the of th.-ir product i. , , . . ,. , . '-"i "' u:ln Y ; " ",, refuse many who wait ivo long 4 must die I iraebd repreaonte.l a new idea in Con-. Poorcured at calf prlee If oncer i yet small 1 !fm Men. A proven rro.h'et. thev con-' fir t Mr? HY THiMf TV I M ?!$ te.vl, shot'ld i:ot ( changed unles .some new feature is perfected that nill prove beneficial bevuiu! any doubt. To the ordinarv eye, the new Max- nidi is mere iiaiidx'une and haH the r I I 1 . ti... i :,,i,. '..;.. , in...' i- '.i, new Minpcd radiator to the back of thej rear sent it is a true st ream-lino de-l fiilfii. Theie is more room both in t lie ; ri iiijr coniiart:i:ent and in the ton - ne.n., inree peoj.le t,wf aOle to nt in uie rear seat with cojuror:. J 11c np-j Ji.Mry is real!;' Inxttrioii and there! air 11 j ; 1 1 1 - mil. or te.iliii. i that add t'! :.,.t in-!-: i:i) i::ei,t that n::i:iy maiiu- 01 I ! i-: ivy riding is one of the things that. . i.e 11 illy , i (lie Maxwell. I 1 u ell -designed, resilient springs, well linn frame and even distribution of Meiuht on all wheels make for easy! riding over rough mads, without the I ! t tcil mi .''lei " l.oi-io-iii". If. has. pu,..T ei.vUh 10 c 1. :., b the worst i grides eiicoiiiitore.l on the average road while it can be driven safely ami with out effort ut a hpced as high as 00 mnes per nour. There are a number of mechanical re finements that slnnld increase the ef-l fieiency of the ear. Prominent among I 1'. ' " Ii m nee,- e'-it. !i svstem entirely' 1 losi , in a compact housing, which! i' oil tiohl. I! ,!h c!i:ch and clutidi1 .... . ...ii, .on, u imt eiuiieiv in u uiirn Pvstem m of Simms Huff mannfuet,.,-,. The Ktarter is of ih ;i ,,- combining ,ot H generator and motor in cue inatrumcut. A noticeable feature of this starter is thnt it contains only one-half of the wire previously found necessary to successfully operate a alerting system. The new instrument board carries nil instruments set flush and nentlv framed. All switches are so placed as! 10 ne viuuin ensy rencn of mo. driver. High temiion magneto ignition, one man mohair lop ami demountable rims ar all included for the price. T, ,. n , , , , :ii,i ,1 , ',. - Mu 1,.v..1'10 "iiormous j.roduct , of of lubricating oil which eliminates the!""":'"" . " ' usual grabbing or jerhi,,, of the clutch. ,(?r " o1, ' yi" are now The entire control mechanism is car I PJ"'I''"K buy th e elect r,c ear ried by the power plant instead of on i ',l'.'-v' f'"' 1he.,. con1'"'"1 " h!' the frame, thus doing awav wilh the ta , r H"elpCtnc - 1,0 'dl reach daioo-r of bindi.iL' and distroting the ' !J '!' "ia,"m P"'Py '"' operating meehaniHin over uneven ronds. ri," ' -V' . . , . The electric , tarter and iiiltill,' .Jim nppearnneo of the li'l.i Detroit 10 Maxwell luctoiies at Detroit. Mieh.',mvo "'creased more than 200 per cent!.;. I'avton, Ohio and Newcastle, Indiana.! ln.iroed I'.o loiv eociiunent has b,en ' I iiisiulleii 11, all ihn-e plants and it has ''' ''ii i-dima!e. Unit f'l.iniil new v. 1 lis will be the outi ut for the c Max i iu'11'1." i 1 I Itesidcs I he louring car. four other! body di'siun are listed for the same i chassis, 'i'hese include a Si-passenger i I!"adster, sol lino; Ht itift.-,; n ll-passenper bi e.let, M lline ,; s,:."; a Ci-iuisseiiL'er 'I'1'" n Car, selline at sIM.'i; and a "1 pas- a-ngev Permanent Top Convertible dimly, for all-season use, selling at ''-"'. In 0 ii.u!.....o the price in eludes everything. No extras have to be iunh.i.ied to uoii.e ihe car complete, You cauiiut afford to uilas 4 roadiug the Journal Want Adi ovc.y day. r 1 )tl:4, 1 ' i ' ' i.'U i;.-.u.to I Notice is hereby given thnt the tin- ' . t'.e e.i:.!tc -: ': "u .!.'.""..-e.. ' ' ' in t !.' cc'.r ty v . :e.:ru for Ai'il; :' o. M,.e,P,,- it ,. :.fii mbei. ll'l i. ut in,, tie f ,i,':-.'oe.i , f , 1 n of ..,1,1, I Mi. "" , 1 1 aioininted by said Com t I r I', 1 .'nrin: set; 1 .d the Ae: Mei.l 11 Van '.-."' Alfred Matthiiu, l'MT.If.l ,le! A 1 1 .11 in v . I I Sp .id. In: ' W Peitl.:,,,', (, - ll)?aulful CompLwion. DK. T. MUXGCURAUD S Oriental Cream MAGICAL LUlAUTint.Ii i:-7M, 1 (',.. tir.' X '.' ,!fr V'i ,.V,' 7w;i.;',V 1" ' K.i. 1. lv is ' -s.. ... avy,. n,x HU--. Ah ir.wa I , "vr, " - 1 . , , , , , 0...i'...e i-.j 1, !.,. , ; .-:"v:.:,d,.r":1i i'"-""" ...:..... it . 1 1 . , 1, ft '.0:1, t,i K.;i., 1 "' ,"'v,'o'r"!;,r,; 1 i1"'-"? it - ' ' ' l I J 1,1 !-''t well Hi d V ;':;;;::!:-;,,,!;;:; I , 'u-i .1. '- :i"",! ';;,:;:!!:;.;: 5 ; B.Mif.as7 " i -" i.i i !. i. J I "' ' '! I'OMs of -.! I'"'" the ,-..v ' f t " " . . , - JOURNAL. SALEM, ORE, IVILL GIVESMOO If I FAIL to CURE i CANCERTUMOR i trt h4nr If PnKnNC Alia h-rfTZiiliKkl! tl B3HE niiiiuuinwicui ruin A No PAT Until CURED written guarantee plant mates thecure Any tumor, UMT or o d y"l o n'glS CANCER; it never pslnauntlfta.tstaire Wvrr-r4 I 120-PAGE BOOK tent mouials. WrititiiMt "n ie P UP CD andalwutiipolsnTis.ie.'pn 1 15 UAnuElimt elankaad KIUS QUiCKLY UnVCnpit lan unewoinanlneverT7u Onc'juianliieverT7diocilcanccr U.3. n-jort strirtiv biiw a.w eawiaiia iiin-' ' 434D 1 436E'Valancia St, San f ranciSM, Cal. KINDLY MAIL THIS tjaatntif CANCtP, ; 1 1 ELECTRIC CABRIOLET -A MAN'S CAR ; " 1 The American business man ,,. a mere autoI1,biIe ,liV,,r, wn may be influenced this way or that by the sales talk of an automobile sal.,3- man. This ame business ipaa, who a (K.K veurs ago was helples so far as lieing able to wiselv determine the merits nf various automobile types, is today keen not only on car construe-! Hon, but also knows the type of car to I pun-huso for the work lie has to do. I So it is ouly a logical sequence that, as l)iisines inon studv the automobile! situation, as it is related to their daily transrtation requirements, that they should more nml more favor the elec tric car of today. . The effiminately designed car of sev eral years ago, with its dainty trim mings, short mileage radius ami slow speed, nuturally could not have filled the demands of tho hustling (impatient-of-delays) American business man. Hut tlie American business man's char- l : , , , , 1 l'UM I ' " ""oien model is worthy ot "I'luoval by the reddest nf our red bloods. Every hue of its low-hunt: body bespeaks speed, efficiency and power. In performance the new Detroit Cabriolet has proved its prac ticability beyond a doubt. Many meu who in the past have more or less patiently put up with the delays occasioned by 0110 of the thousand sources of trouble in the gasoline car, especially in cold weather, have learned thut they have been carrying an un necessary burden. Sales reports of the Anderson Electric Car Company show that the sale of their cars to men for their own use I s'"'''' " snappy 11 ppea ring, fast and', sturdy men's models have been offered ' r"r s""'- m electric car ad vertising in tlie past linn been devoted ,n promoting the electric exdusivelv " c. ..,,,,,, 'tv., ;i ...... n,..t .1 1...:. .'-t .,.. ... ' - 1 1 11 as 1 11,1 1 1 no (-it;i - ''"'tcristirs of Ihe electric, car of the '';"''.v ""-v.s smiiewhat effiminate, l,M' ituntioii has changed. Pusiness nun find tho electric road- "'C'' or cabriolet (,f todnv ideal in up- pcaiance, simpli-'ily of operation, low upkeep cost, nuiihibilitv for imineiliate use at, all tones of dav or night, eon- tinuons satisfactory performance in winter as well as slimmer, and flex ibility in crowded traffic. Aside from P O X I V 1 is' these characteristic., which may bo' secured in the electrically propelled 1 vehicle only, a demonstration nill prove! 5;J to the most skeptical that ample speed';): ami tin ion eo K ottered. EAT A SQUARE MEAL AND NOT thai; INDIGESTION I ! Tin re art . Salem vv ho ! ; e iic.l v lieu that Pauiel Ii 11 11 beds of people in . re a. I the least bit sur-i thev read in the Journal .1 I'r- la ...ll;,. Mi... .. on a "inrai.tee to rei'uud the monev in tn case it did not relieve. This remark- able ilVM.ei.siii rcii,,lv nill r.db.vo il,.J worst ease uf iudejostion. headache 1 01, -nit-.., o- l ill jeu, ditii'ii that at iu-ts , 1 with stoma, I, troub'. s.'t.plv leoeve, it I I ''.I'l-I .1. Piv ,-:. nl played-out eon- very one suffering . Mi-o-na does not s to cure. ( tell you of manv ,V1'" hl,ln I pie in this city who this remedy has r, store,; to health, often ! litter thev Ui,. . mAnv ollu,r uietho.ls of trc.i!;,,.,,,, with ittc or m) benetit. No ether d neiistn romr.lv low made so l.-u-o,, Mi ' u.i. It -l-'rv sf-n, r,. to inn- oust, no, The l-.-t !,, praise of a pi, ' heielices M 1 o-na lueau vein.,., 1 ,. a 1 ii ,'liliitfo of cures as - a ge that Daniel ,1. ' 'v '! refund tho price r a, -1 it does not help, i "i ttlvortising is the a 'i i 1 .stumor, and there in e-, in today praising c it ,,,es what it is ad-1 A ,'. vv months ituo they '' .: v .shout wonderine , vvi.nr the resu.t w, Mi " they v Ii. u th, v ,,n; , it'i:. Tho. me.li.-n. I be. Since usin it thoy want and uo fear of suffer ' nines In the form . veiy pleasant to 1 perm.iticntlv re- foi.ns of stomach ' !v cue sold under without any re-. the money if it ... 1. . I ..... . o. is n Kooti iili.e muht to take ad Pry'a offer. SEATTLE. ' . -e,'. 1 f ...., .- ' isi u t ,ie , oiintrv w ill no.ir . '"' ''.v. for the bankers'; which opens here ': !' n.riv imt at that fie s.. -eoiation 'a s.ii ' r ' 1 ' 1 "" ! 'v, J. K. l.vmh. i .; ',' ' ''' 't t ' 'iit National Hsnk i -, Kram-,,,,,, ,, , ,i,,eni i it -' i't'iou. lie is a. idciu-y of tho , 1 .-0 i -:;.: ; ; SATURDAY, SEPTUmj Did It Ever Happen -i L -'Mr" WAR NSW3 OF ONE YEAR AGO TODAY nheims reported In hands of fiernians. French hold firm in the Vosges. Paris declared impregnable; 10W) cani.ou protect city. Kngland, France and iiussia enter new agreement that none shall make peace except by the consent ut' the others. A Nish dispatch reports Ser vians tock 4(ii)0 prisoners at the battle of Shobal?.. Unssia following up great great victory at i.emberg presses northward. Germany said to have sent five army corps to the Vistula to meet Kussian attack. investment of Kiao-Chuw is reported to the I'iet by Premier Okuma. rfi ! : 'Jr. Capital Journal Only J Complete Paper Sold Tlie Capital Journal is the only evening daily published in Salem that is a complete newspaper. Tho Portland papers peddled here are printed in the forenoon about 11 o'clock, am simply the regular edition of the day before with -some changes on the first page. They are only extras made, up for street sales nnd out of town circulation, making no pretense to boincr n.ul newspapers. Tho Capital .lournal on the other hand, contains tho complete leased wire service up to 3:31) 111., which is (i;:io p. m. in New York nml past midnight 111 Europe, the seat of the great war. It also contains all the local news of Salem and sur lounditij, territory that is worth while, it is a complete after noon newspaper Un,i (he only one circulated in Salem. W'heii you pay your monev for a Port land evening paper'here vou nro merely oiK, f.,kod" i't0 ,. 'l ''heap extra wi,, hl headlines 011 the fi.st page mid . j. ,.-., .'t.i.v a news evervwh. Here vise. The Capital Journal sells on e si reel tor more. cents. Pav no - m T GERVAIS NEWS Ibirn. to Mr. nuj M , s. j., A"C"-t 'J... IPI.-,, irI; Horn, August 25, mi,-, IS .1 II v.! . ' les Muhnny, t" .Mr. and " 'H'iM'i-s, a lev. -Mrs. Joseph Nathmnii was a visitor' II 1 i- 11 ' '""""ny. ". ': V "Jli'ty is visiiintr itI, . ' ' ". ..depend,.,,,,, t,i, 1 ' '".les Duscubery returned from 1, " ,". "I'.""'ia last S,,,,,,,,,.'" .Mill,. 1 " ' ll""'c 1" Siott. in tite c e 1 a, w...... M- W. Mahotiv cl"g h;s itsideac Akva-l, ' 1. complotolv rene,l. en lis h 01110 nine 1 Pr'i't''c:,K- . f ll',e grain in t,is "'noil nas , hulliMe- ,, I,.,,. ,,,, Vug.it Nibler's 1, -'"". ami ePivi, ' in full fore,.. -vv to,,,.., :.. , . Uinntittr , , p ,tiii TI,,, M, Ki,y "t 'his place r,. ,-.1v ,-;, '" L' I'll I II l.i ...I' . 1 n' "1". ''' t!, i or win,. , . i , , il future price stor- l,n Nv ami llnrrv M l,,rived in (ieivnis tl,, , "f Dt fur, l.rst nf ii,., VI'l-K ),!,., n .1 .... , , . . - line i ,v i. ,.'. r . o" s ii, tore t tev i.i I'. J. Mo'inni aa.l I ,., i return I ,...,, , , v ' . '" ' 0 ' u-'iii"tt "an Went t, Pui-ei,,, l iv eel; a. u !,.,... tn j,..i: ......... . ' i The suit J - ".!': I,, that was iiv,,- ., .n , ... i - tty. I '!,-: .. i '""-I IM wincn wns lMie,, , Kielev Mitch,.!! i p....... .' Mm Mrs. , . M,-,M,, .. f bon M.n. av f-.r a couple f davs Mr Morgan ,s improving .mv. o;, , , the si riou, r.ati.ro f th..' able , I .. ,, ." " "O 1J1 1,0 ' - V I '111. I,,,..,.. 1 . .... . -' ,, .n Hi ., II "II 111. It a!,,, r... ' v;lV " .Arnl ' nil 1 rattMtvf .a.l I I. . a . i,h Hunt ' 7s :f""""t"'l l e Willi IHTOs u' -., in. i.t lie, worv-u'en bUckbi to W-O 3 ! B - You? - - By Mori Burger ) Do c o wrtTA VCv 1 FIJI 1341 aHAcTsacc those foos of comfort and well-being, .there is one family remedy universally regarded as the best corrective of deranged conditions of the organs of digestion. Present suffering is relieved promptly, and worse sickness prevented by timely use of Let this wonderful remedy tone your stomach, stimulate your liver and kidneys, regulate your bowels and you will feel improved throughout your entire system. A few doses will prove to you why, for the common and minor ailments of life, Beechasi'j JPilla Are the Right First Aid . Sold arorywh ere. In We, 10e 2Sc. DirecUona or.Vaiue Especially to Women with Every Box. Hunt Bros, agreeing ro take the crop for ten years at ti good price per po.iml, the exact amount we have not learned. Hop picking in most of the yards began this week, but a few begun the last of last 'week and tome ivill not begin until next week. The crop is very irregular, and some of tho yards will hardly be worth picking at all, while some nre very good. Generally speaking, it is the poorest crop in sev eral years. .Toe Keppingor, A. Do Jin-din, Luke Hi'own and Albert Roiling returned Tuesday niKlit from a fishing trip of several days at Cutting's Fork in the .Molallu country. The boys tell differ ent stories about the number of fish they caught, but. as -Ins Koppinger was never known to tell a lie, we will have to behove him when he savs lie caueht over 500. Star. " Oregon Kid Winner In Motorboat Racs Astoria. OlC.. Sent. :iTi, i , , , , ' ' 1 "i rev 0111,1 heat in the te enty mil,, fn,0 for all 10. tor boat r.-..-c ,0ins hi.U )prp t,()n "ection vv.m the annual regatta was won to.lr.y l.y tl1(, Oregon' Jx-id, the 111 't 't took first, heat yester day. The Cvoon Wolt wns SeC01,j. Ihe thud Olitl V wns the Tn-on r v ..... -.HIMUIU, UI IflSfprisj si,n,, iv-; ; . ,. '" - !V I ;i"-;'INi t-- . k'c-V.'I-v.'-A". e.S- ss.' ;i MJlbityr IVftlttoriiar, Not JiApc oTw. .'.nhrM&MXOiTnm Ki.l"" ...."-. r. P"v,-,e.l ''.,i.;-ot.!rSltiv.:.vIi.lS.tt,V..j 3nis.(mi;!:;-ii5.:ovTvis!i :iX3jv.:!.c.sor.toR VjcSi.i:!e r;:;.rc d -e-t," H?'iiv lac C.-.iw v;t cjti'iin; NEW vv. f.r; t.s-i. ...,.... yf, I t " C.:r 'cd tim'MMiei-o-iIa.I j fr-a Ck:-7 of V.'t.,e- rir. i : 1 brSilldllll - 1 ITS. "J Seattle, but it encountered engine trou ble and retired ufter the first lap. The Oregon Kid's time wits 32:22, six min utes, 20 seconds faster than tho Wolf.' Tho L awana took the second heat in tho 1(3 foot, nine mile race, winning over tho Mod Nose. The Lawaua's time wus 18:13. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, . Lucas County, f O Frnnk J. Cheney makes oath that bo Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney ft Co., rloitiff business in the City of To ledo, County n State aforesaid, ami Hi. lirm wl" Pnv. 'he sum of ONE HUNDRED DOI.LAnS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot HALL'S CATARRH CURli . Fit AN If J, CHENEY. Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GT,EA.SOV, ,T . Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally nnd acts directly upon the blood nnd mu cniiH surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials', free P. J. CIIKXKT ft CO.. Toledo, 0. Bold by nil Druggists., 7Se. 1'ako llnll'6 Fumlly Pitta for constipation. It costs but one -cent a word to tell your story each day in the Journal "ew Today column. A 3 and Children. idiow That Genui Castoria Always of A A Use Over mm For Tlih iy Years il J 11 ; 1 I " i-i 'i "i ;i a n "2 j ej U-W mi JJ Tst cint.un eoaWKT, Mew veaa err,. if' M U i' in