WL . . fl, If ft f? , " FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES , ' rrertTT.ATTrvw ts WM OVER 3900 DAILY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1915 PDinj-rwnrPOTS on trainband new; AMERICA MAY E E IHE Ambassador Von Eemtsorff Comes To Capital Next Monday HE MAY DISCUSS PEACE .OR BRING ARABIC NOTE American Officials Believe General Peace Discussion Started - MAY DISCUSS PEACE 1 .Washington, Sept. 4. Ambas sador Von Bernstorff is ex pected in Washington Monday, ,it was stated at the German embassy today. It is believed the ambas sador is possibly coming here to present Germany's note re garding the Arabic or to discuss the peace rumors now preval ent. No explanation of his visit was made at the embassy. s(c j(c )(c sft sjc sj( sfc jfc ijs )(c ) sjc s(c By 0. P. Stewart. Washington, Sept. 4. Lnto fall or early winter may see an American move toward peace. This intimation came from a high official today. The peace appeal of Pope Benedict to President Wilson is not expected to bear f vuit immediately, but . with the lull in fighting which is anticipated With the approach of winter, it is un derstood the president thinks the time may then be ripe for definite action. President Wilson will make no reply to the pope's peace not presented by Cardinal Gibbons, it was authoritative ly stated today. No answer is re quired. , Acknowledgement of the pope's mes sage will be delivered to the cardinal and unless the Vatican or his emminence make the papal communication public, it will not be published here. Despite the pessimistic reports from London based on the statement -of a high official to the United Press, of ficials here believe that a general peace discussion has been started. The further beliefs of the agitation will continuo until tangible is developed upon which President Wilson can make new overtures to the belligerent powers. Some believe there is a chance that the negotiations with Great Britain as to Interference with American com merce may lead to a now offer of mediation bv the United States. ENGLAND'S REPLY at British Officials Really Want Is More Details of Terms (By J. W. T. Mason.) (Written for the United Press.) New York, Sept. 4. England's reply to Germany s tentative peace sugges tion is in effect a request for more de tails. It is in no sense a refusal to hnrken to the German proposals. The British point out that the de luand for freedom of the BPas is vague md that nothing is said regarding r ranee and Belmum. When Germany is willing to make a i ''Unite statement regarding the uis position of this territory now in her hands, then it is possible Great Britain "ill speak more effectively. The overthrow of militarism is at tainable, indirectly. It is probable England would consider militarism tie Seated if France and Belgium were mucuated without Germany demanding indemnities, particularly 'if Germany would give Belgium money for recon struction. England's effort to put ne ttotiation on a detailed basis is a step in the rigiit direction. At present public opinion is the donv intuit Influence and publicity is neces wiry tn the fundamental details. All baranininu will nrncned cautious ly because the negotiators are reluctant mi reveal ths concessions they are pre I'sred to make. But the wars' cost of -i'0,000,(HK) weekly is a vast factor to ward urging the 'elimination of slow diplomacy. MARTIAL LAW ORDERED. Washington, Sept. 4. Admiral Ca perton has placed Port Au Prince under martial law because of continued sor !",, outbreaks against the American val patrol. The admiral made -this report to the navy department torlay. FOR PEAC ARLY WINTER BRITISH GOVERNMENT OPPOSED TO PEACE AT PRESENT TIME London, Sept. 4. Strong indorsement of the government 's attitude that Eng land will not make peace until the men ace of "Prussian militarism" is re moved, was given by the British press today while the terms under which Germany made known tie kaiser would enter a peace agreement were roundly ridiculed. London papers commented at length on the exclusive statement to the Unit ed Press from the German embassy in Washington Thursday. The Express said: "This statement from the embassy is comic in its disingeneous futility. Before the war the seas were free, and this new German demand merely means Great Britain is to surrender the power of a predominant navy and rob itself of the principal weapon of offense and de fense. "The impudent claim that Germany E Do Not Think Her Guilty of Husband's Murder Although Provocation Great Providence, R. I., Sept. 4. Friends of Mrs. Elizabeth Mohr, charged with having incited the murder of her hus band, Dr. (J. Franklin Mohr, and wounding of Miss Emily Burger, his office assistant, caine to her aid today. Although three negroes charge. Mrs. Mohr agreed to pay them $;i000 to shoot Dr. Mohr and his companion, friends of the accused woman today stoutly asserted her innocence. They declared she had been treated fright fully by Dr. Mohr. Those who discuss ed the case said they had repeatedly heard cf alleged relations between the physician and some of his wealthy wom en patients. For the sake of her two children, and to avoid disgrace, how ever, Mrs. Mohr took no steps toward obtaining a divorce until recently, when a suit for separation was filed. Inspired by jealousy and anger and believing that Auss Burger had "com pletely won the affections of her hus band, Mrs. Mohr wrote the young wom an's brother-in-law tho letter which the police have made public and to which bo uiuch importance is attached. This was only a veiled threat, which Mts. Mohr hoped would result in irightening Miss Burger into giving up her hus band, her t'riends declare. The police, however, regard this letter as one of! HID IflUfV JIIL'IM mill JltXTn vi tuiuni- stautiul evidence supporting the story told by tne negroes now charged with murder. Miss Burger denied at the hospital where she is being cared for today that she was responsible -for the estrange ment of Dr. Mohr and his wife. The young woman said sue tried to bring about a reconciliation. In a statement to Constable .lames Wallace, Mrs. Mohr bitterly denounced the dead physician. "I know nothing of Dr. Mohr s mur der," the recused widow declared, "but what I suffered at his hands would have caused soino women to kill him long ago. "The doctor became wealthy by per forming criminal operations. His in come was $50,000 n year. There were wealthy women among his patients. For years I was torn between the fear that '- iip wos conducting himself im properly with them and the fear that he would be imprisoned. I shuddered to sec the door of his private office close upon an attractive woman." Mrs. Mohr said she sent her daugh ter to see the physician following their separation. The' child entered while Dr. Mohr wus entertaining a woman. Believing she was spying on him, Mrs. Mohr said the physician struck the child down. Confession Is Repudiated. Providence, it. I., Sept. . After having been imprisoned for three days on a murder charge, the three negroes who accused Mrs. Elizabeth Moiir of having agreed to pay them $.jOlM) to slny her husband, today repudiated their alleged confessions. The police declare the negroes' writ ten statements averting that they kill ed Dr. ('. K. Franklin Mohn and wound ed his companion, Miss Emily Burger, under orders from the wealthy phy sician's wife. George Ilealis, tlie phy sician's chauffeur, said he stalled the automobile at an appointed spilt while Henry Spellmand and Victor Brown jininf 111 hiiul on motorcycles. With the repudiation of this alleged confession, the police are making stren uous efforts to corroborate the first story told by the negroes. SCHOONER LOUISE SAFE. Hoqniam, Wash., Sept. 4.-With the three-masted schooner Uuise, Captain Olson, being towed here todny all fears that yesterdav's report that she was i .!.. n fh rocks off the north jettv to Ornvs Harbor were dispelled. The" Louise was at na time in danger. I MR BADLY TREATED Fill OECLAR is fighting for freedom of the Jews is evidently intended to please American Jewish financiers. It 4s more ridicul ous' when it is remembered that until the war there was not a Jewish officer in the German army." The Chronicle said: " "Bernstorff 's statement is a clumsy attempt to exhibit Germany in the light of a universal emancipator. Northing is said, of course, of emancipating Eu rope from the menace of Germany's owii blood-thirsty aggression or the evacuation of Belgium. "Evidently the object is to provide a text for the pro-Germanites to repre sent the allies as wicked warmongers who are wontingly prolonging a con flict which pacific Germany is magnani- mously willing to end. The world is not unaware of Germany's intorest in peace which victories are fresh and before the allies' superior endurance has worn her down." OLCOH SAYS ONLY . POLITICS CAUSE OF EIMS REMOVAL Petition o f Business Men of Roseburg Favoring Elder Is Ignored "Politics, purely politics," said Secretary of State Olcott today rela tive to the removal of W. W. Elder as commandant of the Oregon Soldiers' Home at Roseburg by the board, of control yesterday. Mr. Olcott went on to say that he had never heard a corn' plaint about the management of the Soldiers' Home since he had been on the board of control for the last five years and that complaints were fre quent before Mr. Elder took charge twelve years ago. Mr. Olcott charges the removal of the commandant to the work of dis gruntled politicians in Douglas county who were after Mr. Elder's scalp. Governor Withycombe who made the motion for the removal of Mr. Elder yesterday at the board meeting stated that the affidavits charging irregulari ties in the employment of Miss Grace Elder about the Home had nothing to do with the removal of Mr. Elder. There was also on file an affidavit from Minnie Bell, the milliner who em ployed' Miss Elder to the effect that there could be no duplication in time except possibly BO days in JI2 which were not accounted for but it. was not charged that this time was double time. There is also a petition ou file which was circulated voluntarily by the busi ness men ot Hoseburg and signed by practically every one of them, it is said, asking that Mr. Elder be retained in his present position. This petition was filed with the governor some time ago when Ora Porter first came to Salom to look up a few facts as shown by the records of the secretary of state. Spirit of Napoleon and Bismarck Guide San Francisco, Sept. 4. The spirit of Napoleon is guiding the hand of Joffre in this war. That of Hismnrk j aiding Von Hindenburg and the kaiser. Wash ington, Franklin and Lincoln on the oth er hand, are hovering over President Wilson and the White House, keeping the United States out of the conflict. This la what John W. King, of Han Diego, told delegates to the convention of the California States Spiritualists' association here. . . "The spirits of these great men. of the past are taking an active part in shaping events of the future," ho said. Gardner Is Champion In National Golf Tourney Detroit, Mich., Sept. 4. Robert A. Gardner of the Hinsdale Gulf Club, Chicago, this afternoon won the ama teur gulf championship, for the second time in his career, by defeating John G. Anderson of Mount Vernon, N. V., ,ri up and four to play. THE WEATHER : Oregon: Faif tonight and Sun day; northwest winds. THIS IS FATE OF RIGA HANGS ON BATTLE Germans Attempting To Force Crossing of Dvina - River BOTH ARMS HAVE BEEN HEAVILY REINFORCED Russians- Driven From Bedge- head After Ten Days' Struggle Petrograd, Sept. 4. The fate of Riga now hangs in the balance. ' A decisive battle which will decide the outcome of the German drive ngaiust tho import ant Baltic port is in progress. An official statement, from tho war office today admitted that the Rus sians have been driven across the Dvina river, 30 miles southeast of Riga. The (i or mans are now endeavoring to force a crossing of the river in pursuit of the Slavs, The Teutonic operations are being covered by a heavy artillery at tack. Both the Slavs and the Germans en gaged in tho big battle are being heav ily reinforced. The retirement of the Russians across the Dvina followed the capture of the bridgehead at Lennc- wada by the Hermans, but with the new men and guns which are being brought up, it is hoped a stand can be made. Should the Germans succeed in eross uifj the Dvlnn, It is admitted the evac uation of Riga and a retreat of the Russians upon Pdrograd would be nec essary. Bombardment of the fortified bridge head at Friederichstadt under the direc tion of Oenernl von Beselcr, has been in constant progress for three days. The Russian artillery haa replied effective ly. There are evidences that, having been checked about Friederichstadt, the Germans are preparing to hurl , enor mous forces agninst the Slav line 12 miles to the northwest where the Rus sians retired yesterday. The war office today admitted the capture of the city of 'flroduo by the (iermnns, following the evacuation of tho fortress ot that name on the op posite bank of the Niemen river. It wan aim stated that the Teutonic, forces had reached the Vilna railway, but it was ndiled that they have not been able to make any important prog ress toward Vilna. On the front between Grodno and north ftf BrestLitovsk retirement of the Hussions is still in progress. The retreat continues, however, without the loss of guns or men. Take Position By Storm, Berlin, via wireless to London, Sept. 4. General Von Beselcr 's forces storm ed the fortified Russian bridgehead at Friodrirhstndt after a 10 days' bnttle, it was announced today. The German forces took .1.102 prison ers in the Fiiedrichstadt engagement, the official stntmuoiit said. West of Vilnn, the Russians made several vain attacks during the last 24 hours. Fighting continues around Gro dno, but the Russian are in retreat to ward the east with the Germans in hot pursuit. All of the Grodno forts are now held by the Germans, it was stated, while 2700 Russians were captured when tho fortifications were occupied. The en emy tins also evacuated all positions south of Grodno. On the southeastern front Field Mar shal. Von Mailiensen was declared to be rontinuiug his advance. Moving eastward from Hrest-Litovsk, the Aus- tro-Gcimau lorecs in this region toward Pi ink are approaching the Drogitsbin forest, west ol tile Intter poiut. ' Fighting for Plateau, Paris. Sent. 4. Desperate fighting for possession of tho Vnuquuis plateau in the Argonne has been resumed, with the French taking the offensive, the official communique this afternoon an nounced, r rein li sappers snccceileil in exploding mines under the German po sitions, tnrciug the enemy to retire to the ruins of Vniiquois, but German rifle fire across the plateau prevented the French from following up their ad vantage. The communique- drew attention to Ihe fact that terrific artillery fighting has continued for J 1 days without ces sation in northern Franc. Homo Inter pret this as meaning the allies are about to strike a hard blow in the west, while tho bulk ot the kaiser'i fores are engaged in the east. SAM ROBERTSON MUST HA NO. Colusa. Cril.. Sept. 4. Ram Robertson, negro, who killed Riehnrd Lindsey prev ious to muking an uttnek on Mrs. Mich ael lllevins. on the Hlevins ranch, Aug ust 1, was today sentenced ti be hang ed. Robertson pleaded guilty a few davs ago. Today the cuirt heard the testimony of Mrs, Hlevins pnd passed the death sentence New York, Sept. 4. Mrs. .lennette Schwartz, age 100, the smalest woman in Brooklyn Hebrew home, is dead NOV IN PROGRESS WANT UNITED STATES TO DEMAND WARNING OF FREIGHTERS ALSO Washington, Sept. 4. Great Brit ain's contention that the United States should insist that merchantmen as well as passenger-carrying liners be warned before being torpedoed by submarines will be rejected by this government It seemed likely today that America will accept the concessions made in the memorandum submitted by Ambassa dor Von Bernstorff aa fully satisfying demands for modification of the sub marine warfare. This was stated authoritatively as tho administration's latest teutative decis ion as to its future position regarding submarine attacks, ft involved a sud den change of opinion, as the supposi tion was the United States would insist that the same treatment be accorded liners and freighters. The administration 'g reconsideration is understood to have been baaed, how ever, on representations from experts Hint submarine commanders have diffi culty in identifying merchantmen ns OF Heavy Toll In Life and Prop . erty From German Air ship Raids New York, Sept. 4. A thrilling story of the Zeppelin terror in Kucluud and the heavy toll resulting from the raids ot the tieriuan airships was told hero today by Joe McDcrmott, a former Min neapolis newspaper man. McDcrmott arrived in New York on the liuer Sax onia last night. He BBid the British east coast had been terror stricken b? the Zeppelin raids, and that reports which auu renenou mm indicated, the full casualties resulting from the at- tacks had not been announced by the admiralty. "On the lust ralu on August 17," said McDormott, "Zeppelins hovered over the Liverpool street railway sta tion in London, the greutest station in Knglnnd, and showered down bombs. "The admiralty statement said oast counties were raided and thnt ten lives were lost. A steamship official living in the raided district told me ho saw thirty victims in one morgue. "The Zeppelins followed a trnin ar riving at Liverpool Btrect at 9:20. All lights on the train were extinguished in the hope that tho dirigibles would lose their way, but whon it rushed int the station in complete darkness nn'il the passengers wore discharged, the saw two Zeppelins overhead. "The bombs cumo crashing down. Antiaircraft guns and aeroplanes at tacked the Zeppelins ana they fb dropping bombs as they went. All streets tn the district wero deserted." McDcrmott said an American aviator in France told him 250 persons were killed by one Zeppelin raid upon Hull "The Knglish invite raids," said Mc Dcrmott, "by sweeping the skies with searchlights, Puris is in utter darkness every night." BASEBALL TODAY National Leaguo, R. H. K. I'hiliidelphiu 3 0 1 New Yrk 2 7 1 Deiuuree and Killifer; Sihauer and Dooin. Meyers replaced Hchauer. 10 innings. R. H. K. Brooklyn 0 1 0 Huston 6 10 0 Conmbs ami Miller; Nf ill, Dell and Whaling. First game R. H. E. Chicago S 10 1 Pittsburg 2 7 2 Vaughn ami llresnahnn; Kautlehuer, Hill, Kelly md Gibson. Second gatnfl R. H. E. Chicago 1 II 1 Pittsburg 2 , 2 Lavender nud llurgiave; Adams ami Murphy, Gilmou replaced Murphy. 12 innings. R. H. K. st. Loui :i 12 :t Cincinnati 4 H 4 Amen and Snyder; Dnlc and Wingo. American League. R. H. E. New York 3 11 3 Washington 4 K 2 Brown and Nunamnker; Boehling and Henry. Gallia replaced Boehling, Mor gridge replaced llrown. ii. 11. i.. Boston 3 0 3 Philadelphia 2 0 1 U'onunl and Uimgnn; Diisii ana Lapp. R. H. E. Cleveland 15 7 0 Chiengo 0 fl 2 Collomore nnd O .Neill; raiier anil Schalk. Hiipw'I replaced tabcr. R. H. K. Detroit 2 5 8 St. Louis - 7 14 0 Public, llochler and Baker, Mcb.ee) Wciliuon and Agnew. Federal League. II. Newark compared with liners and that insist ence on putting them in the same class would probably causo future disputes between Germany and this country. ; Officials heard today that Germany will dispatch a note on the Arabic to Washington early next week. Ambas sador Gerard cabled the stato depart ment that aa far as he is aware, no re port has been receivod from the com mander of the submarine which is sup posed to have sunk the liner. Foreign Minister Von Jngow takes the position, however, that no report la necessary. If the Arabic was torpedoed without warning, the submarine - commander probably disobeyed orders and Ger many's responsibility is automatic, ac cording to his view. Advices from Berlin declare Ambas sador Von Bernstorff is clothed With wide discretion to settle the submarine discussion, but the impression in offi cial, circles here is that several nates will bo exchanged before the final ad justment is reached. FIVE CHILDREN Iti FIRE TODAY St. Francis Directory In San Francisco Is Completely Destroyed Sua Francisco Sept. 4. Tho bodieB of five children, four burned boyond recognition, we.re. recovered curly today from the ruins of -the St. Francis girls' directory, which was destroyed by fire a few hours earlier. When tho fire was brought under control at 3 a. in., alter having burned an hour, it was announced that only one child, Katie O'Brien, aged 5, hud perished. Daylight, However, reveaicu the full extent of the tragody, and Fire Chief Murphy then announced that, four more corpses had boen recovered. One of those is believed to be that of Kli.aboth O'Brien, aged 14, sistor of Katie,. There Is a possibility, said the firo chief, that more children may bo miss ing, Tho work itr accounting ror an tho little ones who wore in the direc tory whon it caught t'iro is progressing very slowly, because of tho fact that persons in automobiles, attracted to tho sceno by the glare of tho flumes, took many of the children away when they were marched to safety by tho sisters in charge. Sparks from tho chimney at a short circuit in tho electric wiring caused the fire, Rev. Mother Margaret, tho mother superior, bolicvcs. "Tho fire was undoubtedly burning an hour before we discovered it," she said. "It Btnrted in tiie roofing and burned down throuizh the building. Troublo with water pressure when tne ... . j . , t i i u lire aepurinioui. uirivt-u ueiwcu firomou. II ud we discovered the firo a little sooner we could have saved all the children." Ten children are missing, sho said. The five holies would account for half of these. Rov. Mother Margaret be lieves tho other five lire in the hands of neighbors and timt the bodies or all the dead have been recovered. Seventeen of the rescued , children, uiiiniured. are at St. Joseph's hospital. The rest are being cared Cor in pri vate homes and at other institutions. Stableman Dnvld McCnrty owch his life tn Sister Mary Agnes. MeCarty was asloop when the fire was at its height. The sister fought her way through the smoke to arouse him. Interscholastic Champion of National Tennis Courts Forrest Hills, L. T., Sept. 4. II. A. Throckmorton, or Princeton, today won tho intcrseholnstie national tennis chumpiniiship here, defeating O. H. Oar land of Yale, -3, 2-fl, 7-fl, (1-3. T. R. Fell eliminated N. C. Wright, winning bis mutch in struight sets, 0 3, 0 1,01. R. Norris Williams was again re turned victorious, but was driven to two deuco sets bv William Rufld III. Williams won 8l,"7-.r, 1. Maurlco McLaughlin, of California, won his match In fifth round of tho national tennis championship hero to day, defeating F. T. Hunter, (1-2, 0-4, fl 0. R. Norris Williams, tho national champion and K. R. Hell, also qualified for tho semi finals by defeating Wil liam Rand II r and N. C. Wright. Buffalo 12 3 Kctiibaeh and Haridcn; Schulz and Allen. 10 innings. R. II. E. Baltimore 1 B 6 Brooklyn 15 11 " Uulnn and Owens; F. Smith and Lund. R. H. E. St. Lmi 2 1'ittsburir U HI 0 I'lnuk aud Chapman; Roggo and Ber ry. Burger replaced Kogije. LOST THEIR LIVES "DEAD OR ALIVE" ORDER HANGING OVER MEXICANS Bandits Surrounded In Brush Were Entire Band of Raiders . CITIZENS PREPARED FOR ALL FURTHER TROUBLE Four Mexicans Reported Killed In Past Twenty Four Hours Brownsville, Texas, Sept 4. Order that they be taken "dead or alive" hung over the Mexican bandits who kidnaped and murdered two Americans near hero Wednesday. The Mexican surrounded in the brush near Fresno yostorday, and thought to be tho entira band of inurderors, proved to be only a small detachment. Search for the muin body was resumed torlay by ci vilians and United States troopers. Tho first oxcitomcnt cauBed-by the murder of the Americans, Donaldson nnd Smith, has died out, but citizens along tho bolder are systematically pre paring to resist further invasion of American torritory. Guards are on duty about towns, and ranches have boon propared to resist a siego, If neces sary. ' Four Mexicans are reported to have been killed within the last 24 hours in skirmishes with deputies aud troops. No casualties resulted yesterday from an attack on au American aeroplane by hnndlts ou tho Moxlcan side of the Rio Grande, but there was a sharp ex change pf shots when soldiers returned the fire directed against the Americana. More thnn 1MU shots were fired at lieu tenant Morrow and Jcjties, who were in tho aeroplane, but they landed safely on American soil, uninjured. Soldiers May Clash, Brownsville, Texas, Sept. 4. Fight ing along the xucxlcaii border is rapidly changing from the hunting of unorgan ized bandits to an armed clash between uniformed soldiers of the United States and Mexico. Twelve Mexicans, all wearing the uniforms of General VenuBtiano Car rnn.ft's army, crossed the international line nt dnylight today and encountered a detachment of American troops near nderu. A short battle followed in. which seven of tho Invaders were killed before tho surviving five fled. Almost at tho same hour Mexican sol diers fired across the bordor at a com pany of Texas rangers near Cavazos. The rangers fired back, and it is be lieved some of tho Mexicans were hit. Captain McCoy hurried from Mission with reinforcements of United States cavnlry, fearing Mexican soldiers, In superior numbers, would attempt to in vade again. There havo been no American cas ualties thus fur. The Rio Grande is low, making it easier to ford it, and tit in has served to increase the number of ('lushes. There seems little doubt that at least some of tho Moxlcan bands are from the Carran.ista garrison at Matamoras. United States troops have found dyna mite bombs of a military pattern in a wagon stolen from an American ranch neur hern and later recovered. Man Defending Woman Was Killed By Husband Scuttle, Wash., Sept. 4. Morris Colo, aged 21), is (lend, mid .lames Crocker, his slayer, is a suicide today, following a double tragedy at. tho latter 's homo, at Newport, across Luke Washington from Seattle. Crocker returned home lute, last night in a state of intoxication, it is said, und began abusing his wife. Mrs. Cnrker rushed from the house calling ror help, Cole, who was nssinsr. went to her aid and was shot down by Crocker, who had armed himself with a shotgun. Mrs. Crocker fled toward tho village, hearing, as, sho ran, the shot which end ed her husband 'a lite. Deputy sheriffs later found Crocker's body, the lieml almost blown iil'f, the hands still clutching the gun. Exposition Mortgages Were Burned By Taft Sun Francisco, Sept. 4. Followisg the burning bv former President Tuft lust night of the cancelled mortgage f f I I0,1.)!I.IJ2, eleuring up an indebtedness of if 1,20(1,000 of the I'annrna l'ucit'iu ex position, officials of the exposition to day predicted that between now ad tho closing date, Deceinln-r 4, the fair would net a profit of l,.r(K),000 to V (100,000, The exK)Bition has yet thr months to run, and with tho averngw weekly attendance running close to tkm half-million mark, today's prcdictioaa seem certaiu of f ulfillni.mt. The twolv million attendance mark will be passed today. . , mM