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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1915)
EIGHT New Fall Footwear for Women You'll find here a fine display of the coming season's most wanted Footwear styles. Black Cloth Top Button Shoes Ladies patent button black cloth top Shoes; something that you have been wanting in the latest styles and patterns at prices that are right $3.50 up Patent But Long THE HOUSE JL Y ilGOODlGOOD S tam . , m , '" j 1 ' ., ismmtmmmmttmatmttaimttutmaunmujwmmjmumtumutttjtmmat:! All Around Town .ttmtmmmxntimimmimtuumtxmmmiimnmmtmmmmtmiimA ! of0-,!,"- m?tl Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting tie railway nt that place. The city of I "llJ W' lit,m'. "f Corvnllis. a mem glasses correctly. U. H. bank bldg. Warrentmi lH'tltioneil fr the uradcl '""r "f ""' l'x''l u,ive committee, were in Mrs. Rse L. Holland has moved her nressiuSKing establishment frim .Maples to the Hligli rcsidleme ut North High street. 0 i Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Wl i tf The Krs hotel, 118 North Comiuer- Cial Direct. IlKH ehllLed linn.lii II ..r... after Mrs. Sam .M inner will have vniirKc, nuvnig ixiiigut out llio liiteiest inning in tne luniities of the capilnl ut the formei owners. j ' and looking around the garden -u U,t , the Willamette allcv. The Dr. B. T. McInUre, physician and doctor is returning fn.m the exposition i surgcou, 2U Muminic bldg. Phono 4 40, 1 and stopped 1. 1 see the count ry of lii-lt ' h had heard no much. He is iiwtiue-! The government boat Matblon a Is tr in clinical prosthesis lit the state ! linre todu linun ,ts boilers cleiiin d. ' 1'niversity of limn. ; Nest week thelioit uillwuik between i ' w.-. here and IViilund "icsfioHV it Highest market price paid for clover ' the pile driver t j tin I'.du Imr,' I. Modern, ecoiiiimi. nl liicilitn s fur 1 the goveruuiclit is dnii g seme work. denning. Storage free where we buy. ! o lruger Print t o. Sei.t.i I Dr. Stone's Drug Store. tfj o , 7"TUT ! T,ie 'hlrfty housekeeper can still i The gusge of the rtrer today reads i to strike an nxerage on the1 l. feet below reru or w ater murk. I grocery bill tins week, evei. if On. year ago todi.y the record n-vA ex- huxe gn p ,1VI, ,,., ,,,,. , etly be mime, vWillc two vci.m tiro, ! now retail at ;w ,.,.,, While bultei . the riv.r tsns considerably higher, be made mi advnuce of five cents a pout, I I ing .1! foot -.bcv. h.w w!er murk. jesleidav, the puce of H,., ,.,., i . I N,1l '' gris eis are duotiiii; har.i i Th. Capital Hotel, under now man wl t floor a, from i.;n' to J aitmneit t. All rooms connected with the I suck, and vallev flour at 1 15 aiiliii.iiitie gas heating appliances. ; ' ' Mucins from ,.0 cent. up. f Dr. B. T. Iod, the dentist, ha. re-' .,,.,, . "7 'turned fiom hi, Keatioti Ru, , .,,, ! Although a committee was appointed be foo.,,1 ,t hi, ff,.. t M '!w I . ., ,.. 1 . 1 .. . .11 . i i i" 1 . sented tlie Pendleton Hound I p. rcenrd i Notice: lion ulckiiK wtlt wm . ,1. m,i . .. i . i . -r ' . ' oc,... r-cp, Frank J Miller "of the tst. m mJ .i i .1 n "r' of the ftate utilities commission, went to Vsr,... I tun today to conduct k heating in tin miner or a ernile ci. .,,. ver in tra.k. of the Spokane. Portland S,,-j flti mJitbtr two n ui tjly mmi it lit t&jr A'ntot kmtU i " " ''""'"" 100 from Next Monday will be Labor day but Illf IS lilt tlk OKI 4 llllli.t 1 A ,1 . I. . 1 . 1 "I; " "I' "u -"' '"'en ,leele,U,v the orgtunrnlioru, i"",t:'"K lr"m the opinions expressed Z i "- !' ,"U,,'!1,'I'', """'"" ,h' " "' toj.sve a parade or '',v ""'"V t"""t this week there tut mth,,, ,, ,o .! r. (KfHIn 1(11V ,,,,, Mlv l.iMead, two"'l,""M ereditable displms of farm b-ft for other p,ts yesterday after- uddres-e, i H, ,,v u Young 1 I'''"1" t the I ths ,. Ferry Htrcet ""' general t.rg,iiiu,.r ,,f the American Fed- ' nt the coi ner of Liberty. I B., s,,tr- Notice: lloTT w... J'X'''.''- U fe'1'! T - itwtwt Short Vamp Shoes Ladies Shoes in patent and dull fin ished leathers with either cloth or soft leather tops in the latest short vamp styles of the season from $3 up Vamp Cloth Top Something for the woman who cares. In the latest N. Y. last and patterns with that dressy appearance, long vamp, narrow toe, high heel, at $3.00 OF QUALITY .......,,, p-uueneii jiir tne grailcl cnwsinr tur ercnter .t,.i,.,.;. i jtrnffie, nml fur tl, ... ..f a,.i i i heidreu sad others, Mrs. Bae Holland lom nmM w liessmnking parlors fitim The Maples ! lo tile Itligh rcsideiu Noi iii iiigh gll ; o Dr. W. T.. RlmnM .li,la T (City, Iowa, is in tin- city today, just 'N "ml '"k t''U"g. Sep.". ,; ' ' i... w. . uioiuv evening nt the Kirs'! .Metno.nst church, ami th. other at the,,,,,rl-v' 'V 'on. The !7 G""t "lro,'t. Monday i "u,'l','"' of the public market depend, liht. greatly on the number of I'm ,.r, tk I j , . '" r" ",k Everything aud anything In the''1"''1- rr,Hl""'. and their getting here .h.. lessen, m ,V,,rl reet, Phone i You Neei Not Fuss With Two Pairs of Glasses GLASSES The only mibli. - ! you near and far vision In one pair without seams or cement, MissOcCullocIi OTTOMETKRIST iOtt llubbatd Bid, rhoue loO IV. GLASSES XV. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. nBFmv tKiiMi,.w,.o Snapping of Wire Not Due to Accident-Investigation Begun Sim Francisco, Sept. .1. A well de fined reKirt that the snapping of a wire on the monoplane of Silvio Petti lossi, which almost resulted in the aviator's death lale yesterday, wa not due to an accident but was mused by design, was being inve-tigated by de tectives here today. Pettirossi landeil in the bay off the exposition after a swift descent from a height of 1,000 feet and was reseued by a fishing boat. The' aviator today believes some one plotted his death. Two hours before Pettirossi was scheduled to make his flight a local newspaper receive,) an inquiry by tele phone us to a report that the aviator had been Killed. A woman's voice asked if it was true that Pettirossi had fallen a nil met, his death. When the aviator actually fell a short time later an investigation was started. Petti rossi, his manager and two Argentine! commissioners to the exposition ex amined the wire which broke on the machine last night. It is declared to have borne evidence of having been tampered with. The wire was new and' indications are said to have been that they had been weakened by a blow. 1 Kf forts were being made today to; run down the source of the rumor of I'ettirossi's accident which was circu-j lated two hours before it occurred. PUTER SUED FOR DAMAGES. Oakland, Cal Kept. .3 S. A. 1). Tit ter, millionaire timber owner of Berk eley, who"e son, I!. ('. I 'titer, It, ran down and killed Mis. Mary Ilogan in his automobile two weeks ngti, was sued today for $."iii,0O(i damages by Michael llognu, on behalf of the minor children of (lie deceased. Hogan is a steamboat captain in the employ of the Southern Pacific. STATE DOCTORS AND DENTISTS. San Francisco, Sept. .'1. That state doctors Hud dentists will be the natural sequence to the present economic con ditions which do not permit ninny of the common people to enjoy physicians' and dentists' service, was the predic tion made today by 1 r. Coy Millberry, San Francisco dentist, before the Na tional Pental ( ongn'ss. LITTLE DAMAGE TO LINER New York, Sept. No serious dam- age was drini' by the fire which broke out in the hold of the liner Rotterdam j,, ,frt ut Amsterdam vcstcrdiiv, cable advices stated today, the vessel is be- 1 1 ynt i. i nun win Mill (Ml KCIU'MUIl'. turn' fur New York. thv Hulluml-Amr- n'Hii urn nnici-rn were infnrintd. ". Lunches put up for outings. Open Sunday. . ... tl '. --..".v ... 1 j uii'iiiuiu cwiueirinir in Secretary Kred S. Itynon ruiiiirditiL' the fruit display of the Willamette Valley association tit the ranamit Pacific ex- l,""i,i,,n- It is the intentions (,f the ''"''' "''e emnmittee to arrange where- : n,.,-!-, , nun ni ne on in uiv e.pnsuii,n during the .1.11 III.HIIIIR, . IIimy Morelanrl Smith, a young man '"" -"geies, litis usKeii e.i.tary of s,u,', ()'eott to look up the record's of "", "('r,l ''W'l Childien's 11. .me" ttll' h he snys was in operation in! this in 1 !:--! and Ho. Smith sav ""lt '"' WIIH tl,ll,,n tr("" '' I'oii'e in his I"fl""'y '""1 that he has no recrd of his birth or relatives nnd that he hu n sister living in Pornnnd ol whuu he k,,"WH nothing. He imvi that his tath ''r w"" 11 b"'omotive eiiginee; ai.'l was " wreck and that his mother ,1"mI mouths after his birth and he wn put in the home. " Fred 8' Bynon- w- E- 8' nd Dr. S- s- sk'" "ere appointed nt evening t'.v Exalted Kuler At,d,.rs.. to act as a '"'""Uttee from the lin-til lodge to nr. ""'K1' '"r !'i'iul Elk day ut the Ml"'' f"ir. Thursday. September .1(1. The ''""""",,', wi" with Secretarv w- ""'I -x, t to make r- niiigeinonts bv which Elk dav will l.e the biggest day of the fair. Tl em , " U1 ,,rri"'' ""' various lodges in this part of the state bv r1"'1' 1,11 "l send special l,,'"'n""M iu the program . Tomoirow Is pubUc market day. and . . . ,. , . ' u 'ugiiT tneir produce " h their S,,,,,,,,,,,- ,",., ing. C. C. Lamb, of the extension division of the li.cgon Vgriciiltuinl college n. in the Oltv tester, lav II.. . . ... . . . . - - " -' ru mental in orgiuuing t. Salem Poultr. . nnd Pgg Circle. orkit,g with ,t ,'h:ip',. county ii:ri.-ltuilst. Mr. T :,, V ' a specialist in p,rv husl.r.ndrv iniid was the pilme mover in the otgan , iiitioH of ,he Circle here, nnd nK at :''oiNnlli nod I ebatien. Vccordteg t, Mr, I ami, the Pgg (lrle here i, e,., ting along i fi,, ,1 ,,,, ,u, f. ,(, I I, uie it has be. ,i organized, doing ,, . business than ii evpicted. New u em bets ate being received i, the Crete ea. h week, nnd shipments are made that , nxernge the members from two to four cents ra.h more than the local ,n,nV,t ' Shernll Klcning. president of the C:r U V'eive -ggs every Taes.Uv Ihorsbiv and aftct.....,-, , the Siilcm rrult I'nion.' j SSN j BEGINNERS SCHEDULED SOME SYMPTOMS OF SERIOUS.. EYE TROUBLE nininMa r.f riir.n ie'tn" cr.ots specks, etc., dame before the eyes. The atmosphere seems smoky and foggy. Seeing belter ion.e day3 than others. Seeing better sioe-., nvs ih-A . " straight ahead. I Seeing better in 'he evening B or early morning than at mid day. Seeing a halo or circle about a light. Tain in or about the eyes. Contant or periodic headaches. My nearly 32 years' experience in scientific eyesight testing is at your disposal. If I find glasses are not necessary, then I decline to supply them. I do not use drops or drugs in making examinations as they are dangerous. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn Doctor of Optics 210-211 V. S. BANK BUILDING Salem, Oregon The first cases of loganberries are being pucked this week at the Urn-cr' rruit cumpaay. Also, the first wagon ; loud of prunes was received vesterdav 1 runes arc coming in much curlier this I year than last and are generally run-' mng much larger. ' j W. A. Danielson, one of the owners' of the Oregon theatre, returned v.-ter day from a visit to Portland. As :'i mem-! ber of the American Institute of le-' Kngineers, he wrs invited to b. . present at the reception given (ienerni ; (--eorgo . (inethal, in' Portland on the evening of .September 1. j The following parties will sail on the! steamer Northern Pacific from Klaveli tomorrow afternoon, bound for San' iran.-,se0: M. Winnifred K. ( lark Miss 1 dun H.f.l At.., l- ... . I ,, r', "strainiei, , -Miss .Murguentn Ostramler, Miss Mar- II, n r . TW Hodge. lr. W. O. (ox and H. Gunther. The Salem fire department was call ed out at 12::i0 today to put , grass f,re ,, Washington itrect ,. block east ol south Commercial street The burning grass threatened to spread until a barn was endangered but t 'lepaittneiit wet down the flames in dte. ""'' ,V"'0U, ""-V ',!"""" '"B David V, Eyre, assistant cashier of he 1 nit.,1 sta,M Xational bank, will' cave sa,r.:,v evon,DJf fuf attend the annual meeting f the lean Hunkers' asaoeintion to be held in1 rt'!ittli tw. ! i. . ... i . - uccompiuneil l.v his' ,ev";.. ",'U' ,",,,r""'t.' "r will't.k..! i V ,il1'' tfjis, including Victoria : ,:'"d other CanaJi,,,, cities. 1 : A new and wonderful bird of the genus olanarn Tuberosum has been I ''I'tufd by , Vting Mayor Mills ,,d tne specimen is now displayed at his I1""'"""" oft',,,.. The bird's body is ' bght an with dark wings and i't i aid ha, is ;v highly edible variety., ' Mr. M, , a larm listed where they may be raise 1 '"!.' numbers end in ccrt,,i, "ons are ,.f g,.,.,,, rnimercinl value." ! . On account of the cement work be- :,,';m ,h" lk leading fro,,, ,!. 'ate ho,,.,. t Cottage street nnd o,he k in.j r,.. eaients to the new ! ;,: " eoncert which was (.. ' '"''" t-'e,, this evening has 1 postponed. Tlo. lnrge Btten'dance at the -""';' -t T ,.,day evening ha, j. l"fe.l Manager (larber to make a M, ''" "" f r the lust concert of',,.. '"'"'I' "ill probably I ,m. tune next k Hon. Merrill Moores. congressman or lie s,K,h 1,isrj(.t f 1 e s Idianap.dis. iH i ,.. ' "'" : to attend the KinnVv Moore, . t, WM R , , W illume,., lr,,tT ,,,. -,. "k-- and :, y.-.terdaV looking oveV j),.. -cnc of i. ,;:vboyh,al. Mr. 1 ""' .tion f being the tw- V'"'1, '"',"' ' irreasmsn ,-e I,,s ,.,.., ,jnrt ,,M1 nB ti ' ' ''in the habit of ,...( ";g ,lca,,., ... enre,-a. A real aeroplane passed through, and "W n,, ,hi, ,fte,n,a.n at 1 " ,"' " ,h0 ma.-h,ne of W. M hl, the l.,,,,, (.,UIlll .;. , i;v' ko lo ,,l, l ,0 sntoroobilc, i ! "d all. lh: ... ,H , n.,.7, "' ' i US,.,I for lopls,a 'j' ' I k flight,, ,n , .lli Mr M:,,,.r j, ,h,in-. ,, hvitii ..... n,(ina. A.V.,,l, I, eg ,,. ot t! i "". ,,; wh() h ,.tl.u a. ie; In, ;.. w Mi. troi. "... o I. .Ion ' Is it nmrh cl,.Bj,.r i""'-i " tur tin n bv rntt. Hee., t. m. rro ,i,,.M .g he will leave A.toi-,'-. "h hi, l:dr..piul,e, flv to Pettlai..' for lun. ti net !:,,,., n t,e dav w, 'lirocgh SMcm ( ,, bis war 'to W., '''"I "Inch ph,,,. he will ship the mot.', to s.u, n ,, ,..-r.l1(,n , ,,, inc lisu,. inn. Mr. Soon, , fouud hv,. p.iiMe travel, ,,g ,mK, q-eVer than the ruil .n i.e. a. ,, nM, ciion,arv to tr. den ,l,e water routes at 11,1 "He of To mile, ho,,,. i Handsome DuPont Trophy Of fered To Winner of Twenty Fiye Bird Event The 'apital ' it v Hod and ' club 'will ta-'e a tiap shoot lor beginuer , at the Seventeen'!! street- groinMs .-uu-,iav. at which a fine bronze, tiopby in the form of a watch ! is to be given r.i 'he winner. This shoot i open to all men and women who have never shot at day bird" and the best re-ord for J1 birds will win the trophy. for the older shooters a pra li'e -)..t will be s'aged in order that the .ai,-in shotgun experts may clear up their eye for the china piieasants which will become legitimate game October 1. This is the first shoot that has been -.-he.i'iled for the ( apital i.'ity I!od and (uin club since 'he first- part of June, when the clay bird shooters ipiit for the Season. Regular weekly shuots will be pulled off from nnw on during the remainder of the coming season. Portland Canoe Club To Paddle From Salem ! To Portland In Two Days! About forty canoes with "5 num bers of the Portland canoe club will leave this city Sunday morning to pad dle down the Willamette to Portland over Sunday and Holiday which is Labor day. The excursionists plan to spend two nights along the banks of the river, one nt Salem r.nd one en' route. C. A. Vibbert. secretary of the Salem Canoe club, was notified today by Harry Gnmniie. of Portland, that the Portland canoes would arrive in Salem tomorrow morning and the members would come donn on the train later as their duties would permit. Tlie carload of canoes will be taken along the river bank wrre the canoes will be unloaded into the water. The canoei: ts will spend the right camping out on the island across from the boat house of the Salem Canoe club. C. A. Vibbert. Elmer Armsfror.j. Ed Pliennetton and Krvin Kays are plan ning to take the trip back with hi Portland canoe fleet ar.d i: is probable that several other member the Sa lem canoe club will join the i-a-ry at the last moment. Vessel Lumber Laden . Attacked By Submarine i an Iraneisco. Scot. The Uin, I Kolidi co.npaiiy, of San Eiaucisco, today j T, ,,,,, ,,- r, was advised by cable that its trade? ' T.he (1,(, ia,a , f"ni'"ny oper Willia.n 1'. Lewis, had been' fired on !lt a,.loss fr the year endinK June while off Uueenstoun ,v a German ' n,'''0r',,"C 1he 'Pft filed today submarine. ;:lf "", ottice of the Public Utilities Captain .Manning and his ,-rew of iu 1 '"miisf'1'- The report states that the men abandoned the vessel after the at- "P'Jing revenues for the year wnre lack. Thev weie taken on board the n"'1 ,hat he operating ex- Danish motor ship Australia. No lives I'""'8 w,'r( 72.26 with as were lost. The report that the vessel'1'-''' ,'avinK an "l"''1"'"!? loss of had been sunk could not be verified bv1'1 th i owners. ' I The company has a capital stock of The William P. Lewis sailed from V,-. "'.0o0 of which :1.(KI0 is outstanding. erett, Wash.. March 2si. with a c::rgo of OtllHlilllll f..... 1 I .- ' - ' v't niiiir.ei, IMi'.lliU lor sheeruess. England. When the vessel was purchased by the local firm, of ""u -oa.or noipn. ,ir.. is a member, it was named Hubert Uuii'-an. it received its new name in honor (if the pilot com inivdieier of San Francisco. The vessel was under British registry. Officials of the company declared to day they would wait fuither informa ,. i. ... . i . ... i, ... i , tion regarding the attack before taki action. " Those who were solicit, ncr Httnnti. O "'OHIWIU tv :iit 111 t i. n.i.rcK.n . . Propositi,,, ';';;"., , I""'"; S,",,',,is,wil,iS to et.le the Lusitania chants ,u 1 1 '.o,r, r. ,s ,,o ' .l"'' At?hW r"i"a ''h'""S 8t Tle ''fl" that this am,,,,,,,' co, Id ers, ' ""'. 'J,"'1"r,',I 0,1 hih "u,h" I'O raised. H ,. . -' V today. mission fused t.. give , ,. , Thl!l 'l"es not mean arbitration of the "loi'.ey for the ro-., then ,"t"w. ,,,' T'" "rowinf "ut " t,le torpedoing of uie mere units t 1... ' . ...on, ion to the liginal -l.iinii t li the i.eccs-,,y of raiMi.g t.i.i,,,,, ),..-.k ; m the face, the committc who were interested in seen ing Mil,crip .t'ons do ,...t feel very optimistic to o Salem seems to be a good point from hi'-h to start on B w.-dditj tour . "or.ling to the Albany id. n. and Ml,,,,,,- i seems to lie n fin,. v.,,,,, . ... ., . . . ' ' ". " oi.-n to Matt on hoi.vmo, a,.oii,,B u, , Sab-in idea. At lens, that is what ha,,- uc y . e hour ,-f ,, M..rts-Ki .ev , .l l ng ,n this cty W,.,, .dav eve,, ng. l.d, Krtniillc ,:,1 Mi,', ,,h, rowell were mar.i.d in A1l.v. The -1. ing imrty i sal, m l,.f, ,", v , . "jB h auto ,r Albany, fro,,. !,.,, ''"' they,,) .,n their we.ldi,... f, . , Mine lo "nun p,,,,, began. 'heir we.1,1,,,,, , "M'K t'"" ilem, Salem's Best Quality Comes Peaches Kiie-y K'.beit:,.. l, ,.iol II. DO Pears ''all Ui.tter. bushel 7,-)C Apples v l.tltvcti.teiri., b ,.,el - ' - ' - . I rran ' WESTACOTMHIELSEN COMPANY H Nsrt nih Btrm Sterlings Remarkable Gainjn Wall Street! c.i.vri ht i!5 bv the Xew York c i.- I.,.." I'ostl I Xew York. Sept. 3. Sterling, which reached -f-t-';- ye-tonlay, against Wednesday 's 4.50 and dosed at $4.til on the street, opened today with an ex- .,i..r,lii,.-.rv overniuht advance of 10 1-2.1 This initial price i-- ueces- Isarilv reflected operations in inu jaiu-, den 'market before the New York open-, ling, and those operations iu turn, must .ha've bee a governed by actual arrange ' ments for New York credit on London account. It did not follow that- the familiar t-.on noiMion had heen already raised as ' that was quite improbable. But specu ' lative Wall Street has been very blind in not anticipating similar, even if: onlv tentative measures for relief, when from between "0,0U0,IH0 and $00,000, noo in American securities had been actually delivered a week ago by Lon don to' New York fiscal agents. After the opeuiug sterling declined witn some violence. All kinds of rates were quoted by dif ferent houses simultaneously but $4.B4 was generally reported, which, although below the opening, was substantially; above yesterday. Stocks were almost as erratic as ex-, change. i Sutt!es Lake Irrigation;, District Is Approved State Engineer Lewis today approved : the plans of the Suttles Lake Irrigation district, in Jefferson county, for the issuance of .iiK,00l) in bonds for the irrigation of 2,0U0 acres. The district includes a total of litiO acres, much of which is in culti-1 vation. Many of the settlers haul water ten or twelve miles for stock and do-; mestie purposes. The rain full is hard ly sufficient for suecessfull dry farm ing. If i; ligation ounr.ot bo secured, many of these settlers elnim they will have to move out and abandon their places. ., A dam oS feet high will be construct- ed to store 21.500 acre feet of water inj Plue and Suttles lake at the head of i the Metolius river. A canal lS'niilcsj in length will carry water across the divide south of Black Butte, and to the lands lying on! the west side of thj: Deschutes river. The estimated cost is! approximately 50 per achre. The land.! where free of rock, appears to be of j good quality and of rensonrble depth.! This approval was based upon infor-j mation furnished bv Geo. 8. Young, pro ject engiiuer; (). I.atirguaurd, consult ing engineer, and a field inspection by ' , Percy A. Cupper, iissista.;'t stute engin-; 1 eer. n Iim ucna,a aler ! bhows Loss For Year; Tni' l'1"'1' pumped npproxitnatelv "50, OOO .etllon,, C ..-n.,w 1..... . i' not) gallons of water last year at a dailv average of about 2,000 gallons. The pumping was done by a gasoline engine and the water is furnished by a well 141 feet deep. A. Eugene Aufrane, of 1M5 South Commercial street, is presi dent of the company, Anguste Aufrane of ponald is vice-president, and B. S. Ouinn, of Donald, is secretary. United States Willing lOArourate umerences 'esi.,s oy siioinannes. liernmnv nus yielded on that issue. Settlement of the reparation claims relates only to the amount the kaiser shall pay for the lives of Americans who were lost when the liners were destroyed. Question Is Settled, , A"',t'r'li,", I't. 3." It is surmised 'l'"'"ons nt issue with America aro . n """" of ficinl eommuni . , .'il.tlllllK cation from Herlin reviewing the note submitted by Ambassador Von Horn storff iu Washington stated todtiv. The contract for the brick work on the building to be erected on Liberty Mreot. n.l.joiiiini,' Ye Liberty thentre, bv the Roth grocery coinpuiiv 1ms been awarded to S. A. Hughes. Bids were ubtnitted by A. I Hondrick, S K W olfe and V. A. Kiixon. About MO dnvs wl be re.piired to finish the brick w,,fk , ' "I'eeten tlint the building be ready f.,r its oecupa.-,-f, by ,1,,. Market Place' First With Us 1 1 Pnper, 0 rolls Safety Mutch... .'I K.,... ...23c White Soup, C bars A. i 11. Sodn, 2 jjj, 'atiiicl Milk. 2 en,.. 10c . 15? ISc . 25c . 2Sc, . 50c , 6itc "Id I'ntch Cleanser, H'Va'ns siip.din, a bars M"n .Inrs, pints. d'7',,'n"' ' Quarts 1 - gallons 30c Orocery Phon. 830: Meat Phew 0 I Saw an Ad j In a Portland paper Wnt where CASH was pictured as , King sitting on a THRONE. Cask is King and always will be , powerful in the commercial W(jr!(J You can buy most anything, er for eash than on credit, w, pay cash for our goods anj J the benefit of the cash dis,,, We find that by earning w eash business we ean gh-e m customers better goods fr 1(J money than we ean by the credit system. . 1 fl.... ... 1 - -.. Iltf i utui i uio auiornia olive Oil! Saturday Specials: , 1 Quart Pure California ()-,ee ( i-rug ijiore price ;we. to $1.ijo our Price - 70c q ', K,r. .,, v.,- '"""-l-" - 25c itjs. iresn loinatocs for ioc Xo. 5 Lard j NO. 10 Lard ji 25 Gold Dust riour Gold Dust Flout 3 O $1.30 Per Sack Gold Dust Flour Gold Dust riour Gravenstein Apples, box 5,1c 1 Gallon Pure Maple Syrup $1.65 Creamery Butter 32c Fresh Eggs. '2. dozen 55c 6 lbs. Broken Bice for 25c 7 cans oe Sardines for 25c Watermelons, pound 1 l-4c (.round Chocolate, 33e size, our price 30c One Rogers Silver Teaspoon free with each pound of our 33c Premium Coffee. Hop Pickers Mai your orders in from the hop yards; we pay the freight to your nearest station. AVe include a hop-pickers' Hat free with each order for $4,00. Our Cash System and ecenoniioal business methods enable us to sell Groceries for less money than any store in the Willuiii ette Vailey. When Tou See It In our Ad Its So Damon & Son. 855 N. Commercial St. Phone 68 We Deliver Any Place in Salem When in SALEM, OEEGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modorn Tree and Private Baths BATES 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PEE DAI The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away front Home T. O. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Pree Auto Em. Sacks For Sale Xo. 1 Second, Wheat lit:s 6 l-2o each. Cherry city Flouring Mill Special Labor Day Program A special "Lnbor Day" service to edinineiiKirnte labor s holiday, will be held in the First Metho dist church, corner Church nnd State, Sunday evening, Sop4eni!er C. t). Young, genenil orguuiwr for the American Federation of Labor, will be tho principal "penker. Mr. Young Is an able speaker who knows bis subject, "The Labor Movement," from years of experience among the laboring people of the United spates, nnd all who hear him will linve heard something worth while. Everybody, and especially the laboring people of Galcm, are 'irged to be present nt this meet ".' A special musical program is also promised. Monday even i';tr, September ft, Mr. Young will k'ive another public, address at the Labor hall, 457 Court ilreet.