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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1915)
4. "HEEZA ' IJ j p Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion! MONEY TO LOANI) Oi (food Seal Estate Security THOS. K. rOED Orer Ladd ft Bun Puk, Salem, Orefoa CHIROPRACTOR CONSULT DR. MAY, experienced and successful Chiropractor, for acute and chronic disorders. Has practiced six years in Oregon, tree consultation. Hours, 9 to 12, 1 to 0. 305 0-7 Hub bard Bldg. Lady attendant. Phone office 572: residence P82-R. CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Sown. If you have tried everything and have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 400-7-8 U. W. Kntional Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 828-R. DRY CLEANING PRESSING U.OTHES CLEANERS Pressors, ro paircrs and dyers. One trial will con vince you that our work and charges are right. Cleauing parlor open to 8 p. m. Goods called for and delivered free. Phone 728. Apparel Service Co., 138 S. High street. MAGNETIC MASSETJER AND SCIEN TIFIC ftLANIPULATOR 10' YOU WANT YOUR HEALTH BACK Go to Dr. Hagel. He can get circulation when all others fail. He treats for all bodily ills, aches or pains. Come and see me if you are ailing. Treatment, . $1.00. Bush & Brevmnn Bldg. ' ' 1 osteopath: DUS. B. H. WHITE aud R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican', School of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-500 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 8."9. Residence 310 North Capitol street. Phone 409. SCAVENGER. SA1.EM SCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbago and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main nr,. Residence Main 2272. MAUSOLEUM. MOUNT CREST ABBEY MAUSO LEUM The better way. Dry and unitary. Building always open to visitors. Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. Gaskill, mnnnger, 828 South 12th. Phone 13li8. g" . UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH C. B. Webb, A. M. ( lough morticians and funeral di rectors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 415 Court street. Main 120,Main 988. KIOUOXRICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High Btreet. Day and night phone 18,1. WATER COMPANY. -M.;m WATER COMPANY Office furrier Commercial and Trade streets. Fur water service apply at office. HilU payable monthly in advance. DENTIST. I'll. O. A. OLSON", DENTIST. '"'in i. Phone 440. M,iiiji. Temple. Salem, Iret'on tiii? nirrn inL J. T. JOHNSON, Prop. iil.1 Kerry St. Phone 207 ''"Hri and Rooms. Rooms 25c 1 ' " i . I Up. Attractive Rules to Students, Wo can please you. . DR. EVA MURPHY Magnetic Healing and Electric Baths Car all klnde of diseases, female trouble a ipeciflty. Come and ee me. Hoorn 17, Bush ft Brermaii Bldg. BOOB," as a Bill Collector. LODGE DIRECTORY. A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 iu the McCornaek hall, coiner Court and Liberty streets. A. E. Aufrance, M. W.j S. A. McFaddonj recorder; A. u. Brown, i 1 CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. I McCornaek building. Tuesday even- iug of each week at 7:30. F. F. i Schrnm, C. C; W. B. Gilson, K. of R. i and S. i SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each mouth at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.; S. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Nilcs, W. M.; Ernest II. Choate, secretary. R. N. of A. ''Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1300, meets every Thursday even ing in McC'ornack building, Court aud Liberty streets; elevator. Miss Syl via Schaupp, 1791 Market, oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co., recorder. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER No. 1, R. A. M- Regular mect iug second Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in tho Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus; Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, socretary. HODSON COUNCIL No. 1, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month, Masonic Temple. Jamos Plant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glen C. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDEKY Not 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. in., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Gee, H. Burnett, E. C; Frank A. Turner, recorder. CIIADWICK CHAPTER No. 37, O. E. S. Regular meeting every first aud third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ma sonic Temple. Elizabeth Read, W. M.j Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornaek block, usear wonaidson, C. C; L. S. Geer, clerk. 507 Court street. Phone 593. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. in Moose hall. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M. A.; J. T. Penn, secretary, 413 Masonic Temple. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Kccler. president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 524fl,mects every Thursday evening at 8. o'clock in McCornaek hall corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service, W. W. Hill, V. C .; Rex A. Turncr.clerk. TOR EXCHANGE IF YOU HAVE Any good property for exchange we can miuen you. we don't handle junk property. A new 5-room house tor rent. A. ueii, Room 229, Hubbard bldg. Sept. 12 FOR TRADE. 40-ACRE well-improved farm to trade for modern houso, close in. n-Hcii.-farm for rent. Stock and implements for sale. Geo. B. Jucobs Co., Bayne HldST.. 341 State. tf L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signitui of THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL FOUND. FOUND Kit of tools on Turner road. In. piire Kt. 5, Box 08. Sep 1 3 FOR RENT. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 855 North Commercial. FOR RENT Fino new residence at 1105 Hood street. Telephone 371. tf MODERN ,0ro:n house for rent, near, school. Inquire 1095 Rose avenue. Septa FOR RENT One large front room, furnished or unfurnished, 19Ub Cen-i tor. tf! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R A FOR SALE. FOR SALE 2 cows and 2 heifers, Dur ham and Holstein, 095 South 20th street. Sept4 SMALL general stock of merchandise for sale. Inquire 1190 North Cap itol street. tf PONY, bridle and saddle for sale or trade for wood, delivered or in tim ber. 494 South Winter. Sept3 FOR SALE Four Jersey cows; will bo fresh soon; prices reasonable. C. E. Lee, Marion, Ore. Sept3 FOR SALE Cheap, modern home, new, two blocks from car lino and paved street, basement with modern conven iences for washing; large lot, with plenty of fruit. Year's supply .of wood in the basement.. Thono 470 or call on Squnro Deal Realty Co. HOPPICKERS, ATTENTION We are headquarters for tents, camp stoves, stools, gloves, cots, springs, granite ware, everything to satisfy your wants. Lowest prices. Peetz Furniture Co., 233 North Commercial. FOR SALE Canning peaches, deliver ed to any part of town or bring your boxes and come to the CTchard, secoad grade peaches sold cheap in the or chard. The Imlah orchard, 1-2 mile north from west end of Salem and Polk county bridge, on Wallace road. Phono 52-F-ll. Sept. 10 FIVE choico lots in popular residen tial district; will sell or trndo for 'country property. Place has good house and barn, bearing fruit trees, large garden spot, cement walks and other modern improvements. Near high school and car lines. Inquire of owner, H. i. Maxwell, 574 North Fif teenth street. Sept 10 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A MISCELLANEOUS. $500 AND $2000 to loan on real estate. 302 Bank of Commerce Bldg. B. T. Randall. . Sept3 HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY Let us dm your weekly washing. We use sanitary methods. We call and de liver your washing for 50 cents. Give us n trial. Phone 2471. Fif teenth and li streets. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A cent a word will tell you? tforv in the Journal New Today SalemFence and Stove Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. Depot American Fence To Hop Growers: Moiley'i Pat. Braced Basket Statdi the strain. Bur now and are money. Don't wait until yon need them. Or order now and get them later. 850 Court Strict Phono 124 Back of CUago Store JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE., FRIDAY, SEPT. 3, 1915. THE MARKETS J The wheat market is still ou the to boggan', simply because there arc no buyers. While several of the wheat men in the city say valley wheat is now on a cash biiBis of 72 cents, others claim it is really worth on the market 70c, and again others are offering but 7llc. With this difference in! the local prices, it is hard to tell ju whut is a lair value, aad much wil1 depend on how bad tho grower wants to. sell, as it is risky business to buy on a fulling mar ket. Butterfnt and creamery butter both advanVed two .cents yesterday. Less butter is being pf fcrcd, and there is n strong demand elsewhere. The eg market seems to have settled down to 23 cents basis cush, aud 25 cents foi trade, or strictly No. 1. candled. Poul try is scarce and in strong demand. mama. , Hay, timothy, per ton ..i $11$12 Oats, vetch $9$10 Cheat : $9$10 Wheat, new crop . ....v...- 72c Oats, new crop i . .i 30( 32c Rolled barley $31.50 Corn- ; ...... 40 Cracked corn $41.50 Bran $29.00 I Shorts, per ton . . . $31.00 ButUr. Butterfnt 30c 32c Creamory butter, per pound Country butter 17c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 25c Eggs, case count, cash 23c Eggs, trade 25c Hens, pound 12c Roosters, old, per pound .......... 7c Spring chickens, pound 15c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 11 l-2c Pork, dressed 10c Pork, on foot 0(70 3-4c Spring lambs S l-2c Steors .i 55 l-2c Cows 3 (r 4 c Bulls 33'jC Ewes oc Wethers 44y.jC Vegetables Cabbage 40c Tomatoes, Oregon . ... 40c, String garlic Radishes Potatoes, new, lb. . . . New peas Cucumbers Walla Walla onions Beans 12 l-2c ... 40c . . . . 85c 4c , ... 25c ... 75e 4o Fruits. Oranges, Valencia $4.75 Lemons, per box $4.00(ii 4.5il Bananas, lb So California grape fruit $3.00 Dates, dromedary, case $3.25 Fard dates $1.00 I Cocoanuts, per dozen $1 Cantaloupes $1.50 watermelons Retail Frica Eggs, per dozen Sugar, cane 30r $0.75 $0.55 40c or 2 for 75c $2.45 $1.45 Sugar, D. G Creamery butter . . Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley PORTLAND MARKET Portlnnd, Club, Sic. Ore., Sept 3. Wheat: Hluestein, S5e. Ots: No. 1 white fe d, $23.2.'. Feed, $23. Hugs: Best live, $7.05. Prime steers, $ii.5i'in 7. Fnni'V cows, $5(f 5.50, Calves, $7(i 7.50. Hpring lambs, $0.50. Butter: City crennn ry, 29 l-2e. Eggs: Selected local ex., 25fi 20c. liens, 14 l-2e. Broilers, 15(7 17c. Geese, 8c. LIKES ALASKA BEST. Seattle, Wash., Sept 3. Tired (if the "outside" and anxious to be back in Alaska with her dntf team, Elizabeth j Foster, ai;ecl II.jh hi feaMlo today with her mother, .Mrs. I'., i. rosier, or J-air-hanks. Miss Foster holds the distinction of being Alaska's youngest mountain climber. She has scaled the relcbrated Mount McKinley. She has often mush ed civer the long trail 200 miles from Fairbanks. FRUITLAND NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fruitland, Ore., Sept. 3. II. C. and Bert Bresslcr left Wednesday for the Livesley hop yard near tjuinaby. They have the contract for hauling this sea son's crop. They will be gone about n month. Friday night tho neighbors were aroused from sleep by several dis charges of some high t xpTosive. At first thought it seemed n's though Turner j was being bombarded by a German Zep pelin. It was only the wo.k of a few ' crazy serenndeis bombarding neighbor i Francis Schrunck because he IimI passed through the ordeal of getting j mnrried. It was continued tho nejl i night by some kids thumping a number of tin linns. Things huvo now quieted! down in the vicinity of Veoinun and our, young benedict can be heard culling his: pigs as though nothing ami irippeiini. If anybody has a doubt about Fruit- j land not being able to raise peaches let j him inspect the trees now located on the farms of H. C. Bresslcr aad M. J. Cer-i nili. Your correspondent never ate finer fruit. The hay crop hero and in tho coun try around is of excellent quality and tho farmers were bothered very little by Tain as the crop was put up in good j condition which is not the case every! season. This leads mo- to suy that I ! was told by a farmer n few days ngo , that a prominent liny dealer in Salem refused to buy his liny because he could get what he wanted cheaper la eastern Oregon! This man will go away from huine to buy supplies rather than to deal with his own customers. In theory ! lie perhaps believes in patronizing homo institutions out sends his money aw:iy from Salem to purchase what he should buy here at home. Here is another case of building up not Salem so iimch as himself. And as to help build up the country contiguous to Salem that is a far away after thought. But he Hiunds ready to take the money of that fanner whose hoy he would not buy because he can make a little more profit by buying it away from home. I supp so this man nlso objects to the mail order houses.' Consistency, et". In my news notes last week I com mitted the mistake of marrying our young friend not to tho wrong wo man but to the right woman' with the wrong name. The lady was Miss Mil dred and not Miss Rutli White. I beg a thousand pardons and wish the young people a prosperous -tourney through life. The leaf blight has not as yet made its uiiiienranee hero. Fruitland is well represented at tho various hop yards. I am sorry to see Mr. Rutlil'fe in a late issue of the Daily C ijiilal Join nil condoning the murder of poor Leo Frun'k. That wus n most outrageous nnil diobolicnl act. I cannot find language to fitly characterize it. And to find a presumably good citizen ap plauding it is shocking to Uocia Muir. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Advertised Sept. 2, 1915. Ailauis, Miss Hazel. Bergeron, Mr. Albert. Hillings, Mr. I'red (2). Browning, Mis. .lane. Hiiny, Mrs. II. F. Conner, Mr. .1. W. Crawford, Mr. I,. II. Oavis, (ieorg:! Keed. ' Die key, Mrs. Kiinnie. Ear is, Mr. C Footer, Miss Sitjdiiu. Flicner, Mr. I.. E. Griffin, Mr. Floyd F. (Iiiligr, Miss Kin ma . Griswold, Mr. L. Harrison, Mr. A. I. Harold, Mr. llarv.y (3). Head rick, Mrs. Florence, Henry, Mrs. Win. Holmes, Mrs. M. F. Howe, Orrin. Irvine, Mrs. I, on W. .lewell, Miss lone. Kiiikade, Mr. H. I(. I.alferty, Mr. .lay S. McDowell, Mr. and Mra, Davis, M ii x hit hi , .Mr. II. C. Moore, Mr. A. C Miiiisoii, Mis; i.etu M. Nnsii, Mrs. J. Nelson, K. '. Pacific Home Insurance Co. Reymilds, Mr. W. L. Sexloti, Mr. li. L. Hteblows, Mr. Carl, Tarrny, Mr. Uayinond. Thompson, Miss Dorothy, Wultois, Mrs. I, a. White, Mr. A. V. Wynhoff, Mrs. II. S. Zeigler, Mr. .1. K. ACQ 1'WT lirrKKSTFIX, P. M. NEWSPAPER CHANOF8 HANDS. Corvallis. Ore., Sept. 3. The Citr vallis Gazette-Time changed hands Wednesday, C. E. Ingalls, recently froml Washington, Kna., becoming tho new editor and publisher. For tho past six j and a half years the Gazette Times has! been run as a daily newspaper by N. li.t Moore and C. I.. Springer. Mr. JMoorc is at the present time publicity man ager for the state of Oregon at the Paaama-Fneifie exposition at San Francisco. Something New in Salem THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick,Jhandy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTIIING ELECTRICAL. Salem Eloctrie Co., Masonia Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES. Salem Stoam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 2S PLUMBING, STEAM flTTINO AND TINNING T. M. Burr, 101 South Commercial Street Main 101 UNDERTAKERS. Rigdon-Eichardson Co., 254 North High atrout Day and night, Main 183 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE. Salom Truck fc Dray Co., corner Stuto and Front itreota Main 74 JOB P2INTIN3. Beaver State Printon, Patton Block 1512 4.4.4 TRAVELERS' GUIDE 444.44444444444444'''f-4 BOUTHERN PACIFIC. North Bound. 16 Oregon Expreai ... 6:00 a.m. 54 Sound Special 6:110 a.m. 28 Willamette Limited 8:22 a.m. 12 Shasta Limited ...11:55 a.m. 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passenger 6:00 p.m. 14 Portland Express . 8:00 p.m. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 222 Portland fast Fr't. 10.38 p.m. No. 220 Local way Fr't ...10:35 p.m. South Bound. No. 15 California Express 3:32 a.m. No. 17 Rosoburg Pas8ongcrll:20 a.m. Nil. nil Exposition Special 2:42 p.m. No. 19 Cottage Grove Pas. 4:20 p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited ... 5:43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited 0:10 p.m. No. 13 San Francisco Ex.. 10:38 p.m. No. 221 San Francisco Fast Freight 12:85 a.m. No. 225 Local way Fr't... 8:10 a.m. Salem-Geer Line, No. 73 Arrives at Salem.. 0:15 a.m. No. 70 Lonves Salem ... 0:50 a.m. No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. No. 74 Leaves Salem .... 4:15 p.m. No connection south of Geer. No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor.. 7:00 a.m. No. 103 Lv. Salem, motor 0:45 a.m. No. 105 Lv. Salem, motor., 1:40 p.m. No. 1(17 Lv. Solum, motor.. 3:25 p.m. No. 100 Lv. Salem, motor.,' 0:15 p.m. No. 230 Way Fr't lv. Hulem 5:00 a.m. No. 102 Ar. Salem :4U a.m. No. 104 Ar. Salem 11:25 a.m. No. 100 Ar, Halem 3:15 p.m. No. 108 Ar. Salom 5:30 p.m. No. 170 A r. Salem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salom 1:35 p.m. OREGON ELECTBIO RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Lv. Palcm Tialn No. Ar. Portland 4:3." a.m 2 Owl 6:55 a.m. 0:30 a.m 0 H:4." a.m 0:45 a.m...... 10 Limited .....11:35 a.m. 11:20 a.m la 1:45 p.m. 1:50 p.m 14 4:10 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 16 Limited . 5:50 6:37 p.m.... 20 8:00 p.m. 7:65 p.m 22 10:0U p.m. SEVEN By Mort. M. Burger. CATARRH of the BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS Ewh Cap- S ulu tmani the (MIUYJ name I Poole's Drug Store recently purchased a supply of the best Eczema remedy in the world. Ask him to tell you about Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin and Moist Zensal for all watery eruptions. Southbound. Lv. Portland Ar. Salem 6:45 a.m 1 . 8:55 a.m. 8:25 a.m 5 Limited 10:11 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 7 12:55 pjn. 2:10 p.m 0 4:3 p.av 4:40 p.m 13 Limited 6:40 p.m. 3:40 p.m Duily except Sunday. 6:00 p.m 17 Local 8:10 p.m. 0:20 p.m. 11:45 p.m..., 10 11:25 p.m. .... 21 Owl - 1:55 a.m. Northbound. Lt. Corvallis Ar. Salem 4:10 p.m 20 5:37 p.m. Lv. Eugene Ar. Salem 7:35 a.m 10 Llmitod 0:45 a.m. 1:50 p.m 16 Limited 4:00 p.m. 5:10 p.m.. 22 7:55 p.m. 12:05 a.m Lv. Salem 4:35 p.m .... 2 Owl .... Southbound, ... tt:iu a.m. Ar. Albany 0 ...... 6:35 p.m. Ar. Eugene 7:05 p.m. Ar. Eugene 7:50 a.m. Lt. Salem 2:00 a.m 21 Owl .. 10:15 a.m 5 Limited Lv. Salem 1:00 ii.m... 7 12:25 p.m. Ar.. Albaay 2:03 p.m. Stopa at Corvallil Lv, Salem Ar. Eugene 6:40 p.m 13 8:50 p.m. Woodburn Local Dally Except Sundaya No. (H Leaves Salem 3:40 p.m. Arrives in Suleiii 3:25 p.m. CORVALLIB CONNECTIONS. Northbound, Lv. Corvullia Ar. Salem 8:26 a.n 10 0:45 a.m. (Local Albany to Salem.) 2:32 p.m 16 . 4:00 p.m. 4:10 p.m 20 6:37 p.m, 0:05 p.m 22 7:56 p.". Southbound. Lr. Salom Ar. Corvallla 10:15 a.m 5 11:34 a.m. 4:35 p.m 0 8:02 p.m. 1:00 p.m 7 8:32 p.m, 6:45 p.m 13 .- 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE BIVEtt BOUTB. Oregon City Transportation Company. Steamer Pomona and Oregon leave Halem f,ir Portland and way lauding, duily except Sunday, at 6 a. m.