Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 03, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Everybody Shunned
Oa Forrest Hills Courts
I'orrest Hills, I,. I.. Sept. ;t..l
1 !ni!(ih both champions an. I near chain,
pious slumped in their play yesterday,
hard mutches were n-.l ii tt'-ii for today
in the fourth round of the national ten
iiis chnmpionship. So far the favorites
have come through without a break, but
as the play narrows ,ovvii, it is believed
Home upsets are to In- expwt cJ.
It. Norri Williams, title holder; Karl
liehr, K i!. Alexander ami T. li. i'cll,1!
of the eastern crack nr still in thej
running while .Maurice McLaughlin,!
William Johnston an, I ('. .). (iriffith, of'jjc
the ( uliforniii contingent, tiro standing
i'r the west. ,
Tluce lust miitehei, were looked for-'
ward to today with the count plavers'
lit the center of interest. M e Lough li u !
had Alexander on his hands, Johnston 1
clashed with Hehr and (Iriffith was
imitched with H. P. Law.
T. R. Pell defeated ('. M. Itull. of1
the Crescent A. C, IS I, tJ-2. II ,'t. '
East and West Meet.
Detroit. Mich.. Sent. II. Kust nwi
west today in the feature match of the
Menu-final rmnnl of the American golf
chnm)ionshl tournament on the links
iif the Detroit Country ( lull. Kolicrt
A. (inrduer of Chicago,' former national
champion, and Mux Marston of Hulliis
rol, N. J., were followed by a large gal
lery wheu they teed off.
In the other half the semi finals,
ftherrill Sherman, mm of former Vice
President Sherman, of I'ticn, N. v., met I
iiinn (i. Anderson, the Mount Vernon,
i. y., veteran.
(lerdner and Mnriton played each
other to a mnndstill during die morn
ing riiind, which ended nil square. An
derson en. led the first IN holes 7 up un
Want Football Game.
Kan Francisco, Sept. .'I. Official of
the expoHition today renewed, their ef
fort to have the 'University of Call
oruin anil Stanford University reac h
an athletic. agreement no the big font
IihII game of the im'iisoii ran lie played
t the fair gro I. A committee head-
a.l I... I il
' "J iioveriior .lonnsuu is seeking a
Boy n Wonder.
Seal lie, Wash., .Sept. It, Waller
Mail, 1(1 year old southpaw of the
'i cum w no tins won L'li and lost
J7 games, including a string of twelve
straight, left today to join the Itroohlvn
National. Maimer Itaymond aa'va
Alalia ha more ability thaii any plaver
be ha ever een go up.
Han Francisco, Hep!. II. This 1,
"Hpider Itaiini Day" at llecreation
I'ark. In recognition of hi good work
or the Heal (hi mciisoii the fans and
benl management 1 doing honor to the
Iwirler. During this tifternoon' game
Jie will receive present from the iiinn
"IP 'lit and the fan.
Hlnnford University, Cul., H.-pt, ,1.
I'lrst regular rugby practice will be
held at Htaaford Uiinorrow. There
were 2.W athlete nut for first practice
Int aeiiHiin, a u. It i expected thai
iiuuiber will bu Increased to row.
Illoomlnglon, lnd., Sept. .'I. Jim
Thorpe, fainoii football star or Carlisle
Indian ichool, will assist Conch Child
with the rnivcrslty of Indiana football
eleven, It wa announced today,
Kan Pranclnco, Kept. II. Hill Htcen,
firmer Detroit pitcher, r ntly pur
"hnsed, aicare. In a Seal uniform for
the first time today.
New York, Si.pt. it, - President tlil
more of the Federal league denied to
day that the Hultiiuuri. i..um of his
league 1 about to .lislwui.l.
ft ,(,,,,
London, Sent. -The llritish
goeriiiueut lias rccnc.l miu
dred ill' thousand of rit'l-s
niNiiufactiiied in Japan, it was
learned tulav. 1; i under
stood the Hiili-li troops in the
Dar.lnuellci nie ulniot euliielv
cpiippcd Willi these guns. The
Japanese nic ulni tcporte.l to
hae shippid b'ussia lonsi.lcr
ul.le in till,"
..,. ;.
r ..
National League.
W. L.
St. l.,,irs ....
New Voilt ..
I'ittsbui; ....
. lis
. r,r
. o!t
. i;i
. r,n
. fist
:.w i
( incinuati
American League.
New Vork
HI. Louis ....
, 2
. o:;
federal League.
.. CM
.. W
.. 117
. or
. i
. ,ri7
Ht. Loui ...
Kansas City
Itrooklvn ...
Pacific Coast Leavue
1.0 Angeles Hii lis
WanFrancisco H OH
Vernon 7ij 7y
Halt Lake T 7(j
Portland ir, 7u
Oak land (ill 8ii
Yenterdav'ii Rmnilts
At. i.im Angeles San
cini'O ii, rortlaud 3.
At l,o Angelc I,o Aniiele
.1 I, Vernon " X
At Walt Lake Halt Lake 4.
Oakland :i.
0. A. C. Football Teams
Gather For Practice
Oregon Agricultural College. Cor vii I
lis, Hept. . With the opening of flit
I ollcge year at (). A. C. but two week
ilistant the nllilc II,. coache have mith-
cre, nil advance anuad of 30 football
f I'ootball men and left for Xv
llciich, where an attempt will be miiilc
lo season the men for the work of the
coming year. The task confronting the
coach,. this year is not easy, Mince
"""I "an or Hie thirteen letter
"' " lst season's crack team have
"o reporled. Not all of these am aide
lo take the pridiiuiunrv training and
only four of the regular are in the
pre hcmsoii lino up.
The situation 1 Improved somewhat
by the presi e of several substitute
and second string men, whose plnviug
ability will utift'cii the slicking qnu.
ilie of the new comer. Of course no
line ha yet been taken on the strength
of the new men and altogether the
prospect is not so encouriiging a might
be wished l,v the Orange supporter in
view of O. A C ,.,,,;,, i UJi
eastern football teams. Last season1
work nt the bench proved Us worth
ill unrnverinir star m.rf, .. .....n
as in comlilioniug the men tunl thing
M.ii.v near a uiiiereui o, when the
sipuid reluin to the College.
The team u ill I i ... .. .
ioim, nr. Htewart will lie assisted bv
Kverell May and H. M. I'nvev. The
t'ulire trip will occupv iusl eighteen
Watching the Scoreboard
inner i ieveiaii, Alexander outpit
i . i risiv a n iieu'M.in i.i. . .... .. i.. i. ......
.. l "".oi'i'iun
Il 1 1 c ii'.lic.l the (imiiU "il i
WT.it.. So, lilew in, ,:. . ,, : I
lite Sin Idew no when Detioit Ti.
geis liegini t hit, tui.l il,,, s,.r Bs
S....I j,,. .1 i' ,, ,' "" 1
. Heals I the ball and again defeated '
o. ',' III U , fl... .. ..II... ..I
Heavers, A toll. That' thiee iu a row.j
1 A....U split even, Put I
,"" "'l I'l'.le such lough finisiiesi
I Salt l.,il , 1...1.. I...I,
il, i t't- I i! ' w:l" 111
Hi,' tew cheoiicalh put,, altaiis s.
" "'.s s,,
Just Wright
Are easy fitting ami stylish. They have pleased
many men who have never been pleased in a Shoe
Many years of manufacture have developed the
things that make these Shoes suited to eurv person
ality. Just Wright Shoes are hand made bv experienced
workmen out of the liest materials-ami are fully
Kuaranteed to give satisfaction to every customer.
Prices $1.50, $.".00, $6.00
Of While l'lijtie or Rcij, or plain
Mull. 2 lot 25c.
rr.iT TT. pfMionvivro.. ir makr?
Eight Accidents Are
Reported From Marion
County-One Is Fatal
Th. re were ei,lit accidents reported
i from Marion county at the State Indu
' trial Accident coinuiiHion fur tin
week from August 2 to Septemlier I
: inclusive. The report include the ac
cident at Center and Mtiite.nnnn street
in' which Mrs, Casper Anderc-ug lost hei
lite and four other were injured in a
collision with a street car.
Prank Kalilc, of riJIvcrton, hail a
knee injured in u cannery. Ariel Ack
crman, of Hnlcm, maslicd a finger whili
working for n contractor, Prank X. Al
'"'II. of Salem, suffered an injury
to one of his eye while plumbing.
Fred Theuer sustained a sprained ankle,
Casper Audcregg, Jr., a broken should
er, Cnsper Anderegg, u bruised head
and shou ilcr. Father A ri(li.i.(.n.r
bruised head, and Mrs. Casper Audcregg
jwas fatally injured while traveling on
'iio- nigiiway in this city according to
J. ine wvcki.v repoir. 'itiere were If
accidents reported to the commission
lor this week, of which four were
Of the total number reported, 101
were subject to the workmen's com
peuMition act, .'111 were rrom public util
ity corporations, 12 were from firms
or corporations who have rejected the
provisions of the act und Circe were
from firms and corporation who do
not employ labor in hazardous occupa
tion. Following i shown the number of
accidents by industry: Snwmill, ';
logging, IK; iron ami steel work, P
contractor, 12; light and power, H; rail
road operation, 215; traveler on high
way, II; paper mills, 5; bridge construc
tion, 5; incur packing, 4; and :t each of
mining, department store, rock crusher,
und ipmrry. The following have 2
each: Tin shoo aim.. ..m.; i....
mg null, water works construction,
cannery, fuel company, and one end,'
. . . ...... linn- nnop,
plumliing, bukerv. sheet Mil. till U-..I-I.L.
or t hew Indus! i.u. M;.:.... k.i
.icosiiiiug worus, turnnce mfg., luun
ilry, comiuiHsion house, railroad passen
ger, telegraph company, steiiinboiuing,
foundry, brick und tile works, railway
section, rope mfg., threshing, depart
ment store, porter and shipbuilding.
!- Telegraphic Tabloids
Long Iteach, Oil. Oscar H. Higgins,
aged (is, dropped dead while returning
I nun the eluboiute funeral ceremonies
over a parrot which had been iu the
family a quarter of u century.
iishingtou. A letter to S.vrctai v
New York. While n policeman was
eudeavuriag to pacify her mother and
lather who were uirrelling, Annie
Kruas, aged 17, slipped into her room
and attempted suicid. she Wns ur
I'ortlan'd, Ore. l'utrolmaa M. ,S
llazen fainted when suspended l,v Po
lice Cunt ii in Insk I'., i' I,.. i. i.....
I lt , , , , 'l""K "nil
self to eatables In store on hi beat
w ithout the consent of the owners but
iirsciii'ii .- -.... ..........I . . i ..
i .- """ii -.i i.i.iav. rie
taken to tin. I.
. .... ..... .,.,,,,.
Vnticuvcr, Wash. Old resident., an
....... ........ ... I I . ..
' way tae ilogwood trees
"bmg the road between V i
''"u ate l,inig fr a second time
tins year. They usunllv bloom ,,
...... ftate ,a
l'"rsc of tl, Hnrope,,, war SienU
i,-,.l.,.. i 7"1K''
j,.f ,hc 'WZu.
Pan-American Road Congress
Dravs Delegates rrom
AH Over Nation
Xew Vork, Scot. 4. definite ad
vancement Jias been made annually in
road construction, maintenance and ad
ministration since New Jersey enacted
the first modern State Aid Head Lawl
in UUI V,,r l,o :.... A.. , r ,1,., I
-., . a ji iimi (IV.. u .' ...... I'.""
progrea was slow; but during the past.
tew years, the movement has been go
ing forward at a constantly im-rea-dug
pace, and with a momentum which
gather strength and force as it pro
ceeds, until is now forms one of the
irresistable factors of human progress.
This progress has beeu marked from
year to year by the annual conventions
of the American Road Iluilders' Asso
ciation and the Atnericaa Highway As
sociation. Not only in the mileage of
roads improved has the advancement
been made. Better types of roads nad
Streets have been d'cvnhuieil- better
methods of construction: the morn in
telligent employment of materials;
ItlOre eCOllOnticnl niln.iinytriitii.ii. mi.rn
advantageous system of financing, all
.....t- luiuiuiiiLi-u iu xne wiueuiiig oi me
subject of hiirhwav imiirovemeiit until
1HI.1 finds a greater accomplishment
than any previous year since the move
ment begun.
J radically every state iu the Union
and every province aud countrv in nil,1""1' ll.ovir' w frevr be disbarred from
America is pushing the construction of Pr.'YileRe of 'lo'ng so. The men do
highways to the limit of means avail- "ot w'18'1 to f?0' but orders are impera
nidi, wi.iia ......... i.t .... tive from their soverninent on,i fn
While' every commonwealth has
.i.. .... .. .
its own methods df urnceiiure. the ol.
ieets souirht. Urn in vorv ontn ftu unmu
'11... 1 . ... '
iiiw .umTiiiK ot xne com of marketing
products nd securintr Hni.nlii.M- tliu
opening of channels of traffic to per-
i.ii uif ueveiopmcnr, or new territory;
and the enhancement of the values of
property; better sociological conditions;
all go to make up the sum of advan
tages which follow the initiriiviiiiu.iit nf
the highways.
Hence the Pnn-Aiaericaii Road
i ongress, which will assemble at Oak
laud, California, September III 17. A
large number of delegates has alrea.lv
been appointed, so that a full attend
ance is assured. Kxperts will present
and discuss the latest and most ap
proved methods; and those who are
seekers for information will be able to
find it, on any phase of the highway
subject in which he is most interested.
The union of the two great nssocin.
tions previously named was fur the
purpose of organizing the Paii-Ameri-
can Koad Congress. The bringing into
one usseiuoiuge ot I lie combined mem
berships of these two associations, to
gether with delegates ami experts from
oilier American countries, must enable
any road builder, be he engineer, con
tractor, official or layman, to receive
vast benefit not only for himself but
also for his home community bv at
tending the digress.
Several cities on or near the route
of he Speiliul I'aii-Aincrtcnii Komi
Congress train, but which are not sched
uled for Right-seeing stops, have sent
urgent invitations mid requests to be
included, und promising the most cor
dinl welcome. At most of the points
where stops uro to be made, committees
of leading citieus are being organized
to prepare and give direction to the
proper entertainment of the visitors.
As the train will leave Chlcugo Hep
tember L' and arrive at Oakland Sep
tember 12, the time given for visiting
interesting points along the route will
gie much , 1 1 i .. m 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 v for rei.n.ni;.,i.
and entertainment.
Maurice McLoughlin
Showing Improvement
I'orrest Hills, f i.. j,,,. 8.Mri,.,.
.McLoughlin game i rupidlv improv
ing a the mali he in the national ten
nis chiimpiiinliip progress.
The Cnliforni-i :..
. " " hi 'i one
..ui.i i.ioiiv nu, i ,iispeil of h'. P. Ab
jinder iu what hi, expected to be
hard fought ,MWx. I'he former clia
pion has been experimentim. .,t.i.uiv..
Iv with a buck ...r ....
I . B.i.iv, inn .-unit.
J through today i tp form, beating
i Alexander ti ;l, 0 J, ii, ti-S.
j Only i the third set did McUiigliliu
slow up in the fast g;ne he carried to
Alexander. Tlie r.i.iM,.r ,.,,;,,.. .,.,..
, . ......i, pcrceptiiiiv, however,
took but one game of the set. He
tutek strong ,,, th,. fourth sot.
It. N'oiris Williams, the title holder,
also displayed fine frm l his match
today. The champion had no trouble
w ilh ,. It. A. lone, Tcium state champion.
I who was utterly ndo to solve Wil
lam' smashes and ,,!,.,, ,hot. Wil-
I bam won In straight sets, 6-3, (i 1, B 0.
' A second coast plaver came through
uctorioii when C. I Oriffin, of Sen
r runcisco, again won Ms match. Griffin
; .Ideated 11. C. Luw in straight ct 0 2,
I'kiah, fal., s,.,,t. S.-Mrs. Nellie
Means, ho shot d Killed I'larenc,
I racy in defense of !.r husband's life,
was ncpiittcd ,,f the charge of murde.
"llll IPtlttV I till li. -H .....
Tho verdict WH4 Mn.inKkl u
-1.--lllt( till
,.ple, as eideii.-(l by the demnnstrn
tion in Mrs. Mean.' favor which
lowed the closing of the ease. The
- .. w v , tic nm-, ur Ul"
fendsnt was surrounded by Mores of
persons otfcrinj ....... .,i .. c
thanked the jurors a Uiey filed out of
the box.
Three jutvrs li.U out against acouit
f;l until ilsylight, after balloting all
night. '
This the first time la the hlstorv
beea charged with a capital crime.
Tve been smoking
too much!"
J a Fatima smoker lay that
Of course, you can't tail
Q onuT you try them whether
Fatimas will taste as good
fj to you as they do to oioaf
O But on thing you can b
ore of Fatimas will never
Q give you any mean "after
G The pure Fatima blend ia
famoua for being cool and
Q friendly to the throat and
tongue. Fatimas are the most
Q SENSIBLE cigarette you
can smoke. Today's the day
g you should try them.
TbeTurldsh Blend Gaiette
0 20 for Ijj
Italians Ordered To
Return To Native Land
Ouinaby, Ore., Sept. 3 The Italian
workmen iu camps near here, number
ing about 100 111 Oil . Ptl irti ii Oil in i mttrnvu.
mentH alonjf the .Southmi Pat'ifk' at
this point, are ia despair owing to or
dt'rs received from Italy, to the effect
til Ilf. ttlPV miliit rnfnrn in tlml.
.......v ,,,,,1 i j mutt native
land now, ctr forever be disbarred from
fve Ym their government, and for
the sake of tne fnm e then- i
behind, it is probable that many will
return and shoulder arms for the allies.
Five Men Executed
In Sing Sing Prison
Ossining, N. Y., .Sept. 3. Five men
were executed nt .Sing .Sing earlv today
in less than an hour. In' rapid" succes
sion tllCV Were led thrnmrh k lllliil..
green door," the deadly current of the
electric chair was switched on, their
bodies hurried to the morgue and pre
parations made for the tlllYt tun t,,...
- i "inn jh-ii
tenc.cd to pay the extreme penalty.
me piiNoners were: Thomas Tarm'v
Louis Roach. Pusnniili. v.,n: "..'
toniii Salemme and William Perry.
China and Japan Fight
For Trade Supremacy
Snrf Francisco, Sept. 3. China and
lapan will tight it out for commercial
supremacy on the Pacific. This wns
learned today when announcement was
made of the organization by Chinese
merchants hero and in the Orient of n
. .Tu,ouo,ooo anu will
wmi T t r b;'i.w .lim'rs to t'mi'e
with the Tnyo Kisen1 Kaishn and other
lupanese coniinnies.
Indianapolis, ld., Sept. . 3.KrPst
"Oder, n lonner road house proprietor
iu. lie ed witn Thomas Taggart and oth-'
r politicians on corrupt politics charge
today entered a plea uf guiltv. M
I he trial of Mavor Joseph l!eM 011
' '"""K; f"; Thursday.
buttle, Wash., Sept. 3,-0. , L,.
tied to their l.ssoc.; hous used as
lort by rancher.
In an encounter at Lai Nosias.
Trxas. between American ranchers
jnd Mexican bandiu who outnum-
",ru lne lorl"" four to one. the
American, took refug, i the ranch
held the MMc., at bay mta M
Mrived In eumcient number, to drive
the bandiu off. After the battl.
which lasted two hour., during which
t MM,c,n Undit
found dead on th battleflaM. The
upper photo thowe th, cowboya with
ome of the dead M.ican. to
tUeir Usaoea, Just before they hauled
tham to their buri.1 place.
S3 Q S3
Last Excursion
Sunday September 5th.
Leaving Salem 6:30 a. m.
Returning leave Nowport 6:00 p.
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Icy, for the Western Union Telegraph,
.uuiiij, un si.uu-u auii nere against
the progressive state central committee
to recover $378.45 for tolls and messen
ger fees said to bo due from the last
political campaign. All members of the
committee lire defendants.
Grodno Occupied by Ad
vancing German Armies
(.Crutinued from Fage One.)
nients of the city and set fire to the
homes of Italians.1
From heights to which thev had
dragced their nitilli.i-v !. a. .":
shelled the ruins of Rovereto, after
their evacuation, but tho enemy guns
were later silenced. The Italians en
,cred tuo city nt dusk.
This is the greatest victory the Ital
ian forces have gained in 'their cam-
,- iuiiiu ireiu. Tne valley is
"ag.v ueieiuieii by the Austrians,
"lit It is now believe, 1 I:,,,,.,-., I
s army will approach Trent. before
Transport Is Sunk.
Berlin, via wireless to Savville L I
N;pt. 3.-A British transpo'rt struck a
no at the entrance to the Dardanelles
ami was !cstroyed with 1870 men, a
Sotia dispatch stated today. All of
those on board, 30 officers, 1250 sol
liers and .100 inembcrs c,f the vessel 's
cw were drowned. Six hundred bod
ies were recovered.
Merchant Ships Sunk
onclon, Sept. 3.Two merchant
'rl today. They were tho Helgian
steamer boninanie, of rm tons and
"tish steame'r Whiteficld, a ves
v..jL:. MalHn iSrHfe.
si I
i bi d i T.7i . -f I r
Every Piece of Meat Welit
comes f loin the very choicet brel liv
stock. Tiiat's why even the so ttIleJ
poor cuts of meat from this market
are better than the finest cut, frooi
cattle of lower grade. And our pri,ei
are no higher either.
Independent Market
157 S. Commercial St. Phone
Round Trip
Six hours by the Sea
the Agent
scl of 2422 tons,
were rescued.
Tho crews of both
Turks Surrounded.
Paris Sept. 3. An Athens dispatch
1'ere today declares a large Turkish
lorce in tho Dardanelles has been sur
minded by the allies. It is 'believed
they Will lie fni-ee.l
. - .... .. " iv ouiicuuer or
race anninilntion.
Western Front Quiet.
Paris. Sent. 3. Ahni,.
rar as infantry
h6v..iuo aio cull-
ccrned. ha nrevnil...! 0. -..
lront during the past 24 hours, the com-
......,.HU ,,, e war crtice stated
loony. io artl erv Anmnam..,.
impdrtiinee have been reported.
Don't Get Wet
A v and carry around a load
lower si-ishUrand
sheds every drop.
Easy fitting and
LV at every
k puiiiu nejiexzages
c stop every drop
from running in
at the front
Protector Hat. 1 rnl.
Satisfaction Guaranteed 0WEft
Send for catalog g .-1.. ;
A. J. TOWER CO. i''
!'! BOSTON tlBolVJ
Jl:. - .. - -.i
m ft.
'-y-WfVj,, n..,tt-J,,.IWiiitW,w,.tt.1t