Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 03, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social and Personal
m . . y
k 1 - -1 - .. I
..rxe uu appreciative au.nence en-Donald; Key. an Mrs. IF. 0. Rover
joyed the entertainment given by the have returned from a motor trip to var
Mothers' e nut ttf t,a V rut Ui.tknii;i i : ... . - . . 1
- ...... ,lu, iiuim. ui interest on tne coast
rburch Inst AVnninfV in tl,. m n n ..l.l 4
ieace hall. The church was effectively
decorated with delicate astern, forming
a attractive netting for those who con
tributed of their talent tn the pleasure
of the evening. Mr. Mary ltaymond
Kcllcck, of Portland, gave several read
ings, marked by high interpretative
power and a feeling for the balanced
sicctie. of expression. Mrs. rielleck,
whose personal charm contribute in no
amall way to the success of her work,
baa the ability of touching the inmost
rj.....Kn ui ana (piicKcning to
response the highest and best in the
emotions of h
. u. " " I' 'T1 . y week
iw "Jean' TaY 7C. !i'aucey Bishop.
jsisuop," hy Victor Hugo. A humorous
election bringing out strong character
'Mini in tTiHtiuii wh " Am raw ni n
Ulriihnn'i Courtship." Otlmr Illltnhcni
Mr. and Mrs. George (Irav motors
to l'ortland this week for a "few days'
Mrs. fieorge Hutch, of Portland, and
children, flrirdnli an, I firm t.r. ,.,,,,.,
of Mrs. Hatch's parents, Mr. and -Mr.;
f ir i - . . . . .i
ij. u. .,use, ai tncir Home on .ortn
Church street. Mr. Ilati-u will join his
family on Katuriiay. when they will all
return to Portland.
... i
Mrs. Ralph B. Fisher and son, Ralph,'
of J'ortland, have been standing thei
week in Halem as houscgucsts of Mrs. !
aW v ( I
of much merit on tli nrnfrran.
Ina iiAn.1 a,.A.. I... '.... P...-,
" wwwumi ii -iiiMs liucue iwir
Ion and her brother, Frank Barton.
Niiw Barton, who him recently arrived
in Halcru from New York, possesses a
voice of remarkably even registrar
throughout, characterized bv a beauti
ful tcine quality. Miss Itiirton will
open a studio in Bnlem this winter. Mr.
Barton's numbers were indicative of
keen sympathetic powers, while his lis-
..;mc. iiciik-ii a ingniy inuiviuuiil charm
of voice expression. Miss Beatrice
Hhelton was tiio accompanist.
M.ia Kunane Craig mid Miss Mabel
Jjfl Long left yesterday on the tlrcnt
Northern for a month's sojourn in Cali
fornia. They will be met at Hun rVnii-
i-mru uy jiir. anil Airs. rred Collins,1 """or pHsnnics were eiiovcil
whose gnesta they will be during theirl"'"' B ll'r"'' luncheon was served. .Mrs.
may in the city. Mis. Collins was Miss I l''"ton-.iemcycr delighted the
M I lln.l.t. ., iriieklrf u-ill, ,......, I - i: . ....
...... .,.,,,,,, nHii-m. mini mere t. icy T. n.-.,-mi irnuincs nun .mis
win go miectiy to I,os Angeles. Mr.;"' ' "oreiniis, or yuimny, also contrib
auu Mrs. r.d. Dillon.
f ..I., ..r u..
. ...i.-n u, oii-
Jem, will entertain them at the southern
metropnliM, Mrs. I f 1 1 Ii.it ncioiiipiiiiying
"nil jicg. .miss rruig ami
Mis Do Iug make Bvi!ruT aide
trips to the many points of interest in
oiitheru Calil'ornlii.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Miles hnvo re
turned from a motor trip to Tillamook.
Miss Gertrude June ami Miss Janet
Jiray aie spending a few iluvs iu Port
land.' Mr, L. (I. Alliniiii Is expected norne
Wtindny from a moiith's stav In Jlerk
Hey, Cat., and other l.av cities. Mrs.
Altmaa has been the guest, of her
daughter, Mrs. Kdgar U Martin, at
jioraciey, and other relatives. While
attending tint exposition sue met Mr
ami Mrs. Henry T. Hnbio. k and fuinilv
of Haicin,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Allison and on,
45 to 55 TESTIFY
To the Merit of Lydia LPink.
Ham'i Vegetable Com
pound during Change
of Life.
Wpsthrnfik Me "I urn. rf.tn
through the Change cf Life and had
pains in my bacic
and side and was so
weak I could hardly
do my housework.
I have taken Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and
it has done me a lot
of good. I will re
commend vour med
icine to my friends
and give you permis-
Mis Edna Hvrd ,r Wu.i,;i I '' ' ' ' 1 sion to Dublish mv
who has been the house guest of her ' testimonial. " Mrs. LAWRENCE MAR-brrr-her,
Dr. I'rinee Hyrd, will Lave to-1 TIN, 12 King St., Westbrook, Maine,
mnrrnir iniirniinr t, II, .....I,. I.. .t
i Manston, Wis. " At the Change of
i Life I suffered with pains in my back
i and loins until T cnnld nnt atant T mn
had night-sweats so that the sheets
would be wet I tried other medicine
but got no relief. After taking one bot
tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound I began to improve and I
continued its use for six months. The
pains left me, the night-sweats and hot
flashes grew leps, and in one year I was
a different woman. I know I have to
thank you for my continued good health
ever since." Mrs. M. J. Hrownei.i..
Mansion, Wis.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roota
and herbs, is unparalleled in such cases.
If you wnt special advice write to
I.jdia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (con II
denllal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read ami answered by
WOoibd, aud bold In strict confidence.
Marion County Court Pays
to Court of Polk C
ty Now In Session
Safari J. Keon todav filed a suit in J
the circuit court of this county against
William Spuralsky ami Mabel D. Aus
tin olleirino that Mabel I). Austin save
a note to the plaintiff for $800 secured;
V.v n nw.pteain )t.ta t ori,l 1 ' (Viwles
I central addition to Woodburn. It is,
I .... .k-. .1... nrnal
lioiateii nai ic iiuriirsi uu inc u"ic
in i. . ,n i n Cfid up to January 5, 1911, on which
TlSIl 10 VOUrt 01 I OIK lOlin- date the property was transferred to.
, I William Sjioralsky with the incumber-
ance of the iMO mortaaKe. The
plaintif seeks the foreclosure of the
mortgage and fia as attorney's fees in
the actioD. E. P. Morcoin is attorney for
the plaintiff.
A warehouse license has been issued
by the county clerk to iherm Swank of
Amr.bviUe who was given permission to '
store barley in his warehouse in that:
morrow morning for Honolulu, where
she will sj.end the winter.
Miss Ida Klin and Mim Ifanna Nel
son, of Karcdoult, Minn., are the guests
of A. F. Hoffman. Thev are en route
lo the fair.
Mrs. 8. W. Withijin i.nd children, of
Astoria, arrived in Knlem nn Weiln.n.
day to ninlie their resilience here fur
the winter. MrH. Witlinm in a sister of
inrs. j. ll. t oinplon, of tiiis city.
One of Hie most enjoyable of the
season ' outdoor affairs 'was the pic
nic L' I veil lit I'itlle Hiiriimu l-.i d.
day by the eiuployi of the Mctrifmli-
' " " '''in insurance i o. nnd their fain I-
ICS. OlldllHir linStlllieu were ..,..,.,. I
uted to the plensure of the guests with
in iii.iiiiiriius seieitloii. ltnr,,, w,0 ,,.
.lii.vciit.hiN i,tlr w,.r,,. Siihcrinteiideut
linn .Mrs. I", A. Lauieiiiliiie, Mr. ami
;irs. uuy liiiliinl, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. I)
wiiretniis, of Alluin.v; Mr. nnd Mrs. Vir
gil i. Knsn, Mr. and Mrs. N. I,. Mof
fit, Mrs. ('has. W. Niciiicyer, Kobertson
llrnoss, Niirmn l.Hiirciidiue, Hertha l!M.
ford, Wilma IWreinus, Helen Kili, War
rcu Doremus and Konnld llufiird.
Mrs. H. K. Mm f er
from a two weeks'
nin, having iitlendi
returned yestenluy
sojourn in 'nlifor
'I the fair at .san
Miss Mlirv Miller on.1 U-..U.. u
- . . " niii-i iieiinn,
or Astoria, will be the guests of their
sister, Miss Alice Hcints. m-er ii...
wees end.
Mrs. K. ('. I,ce, nf l'rlan,. us the
house guest nf Mrs. Victor lieno the
fiee part of the week.
U. M.nuioo (iilbert mid Stockwell
Cornelius will leave Sunday to sjieiiil a
" " inning at Newport.
Miss .leniiie Hill ami Miss Kthel
Junes left todnv for a week's stay at
Miss Louise I'miihev is visitinrr iu
I'nlo Alto, I'al., nt the home of her
nriitiiiT a ml Iih nite, Mr. ami Mrs. A.
N. I'lllllheV. Mim I'mnlieu ,.,;il I,.. .......
abccit two weeks.
Air. ami Mrs. Vii-i.il
Hill, ill daughter. Helen
the week end ill Portland
'. linsh and
are spending
bWfff f Si
Washington, Sept. .'. Secre
tary of state Lansing this after
noon emphasized that the Hrit
ish order in council is still in
full force and that the shipping
tie up is as bud as ever.
Importers, lie said, need ex
peel no improvement unless the
Hritish blockade is officially
The Judge Says
was in
Put a package of (hose real corn flakcs-these
bst Toasties
on trial Wide a packaRe of any other corn flakes
on the market. The jury will brinK in a verdict of
KiUity -guilty of being the finest corn flakes
ever made.
The New IW Toasties are crisp and appetinns
with a true corn flavour; and they don't mush
down when milk or cream is added.
Hut here's the real test. Take a handful freh
from the package, and eat them without ma, u?
milk. Mighty good, aren't they?
Notice the little I'pullV on each llake-a distin
mushujK characteristic-resulting from he new
niethiH of cooking and toasting, whid i s, tin
out and enhances the wonderful, true corn flavour!
Your Grocer has the New I'ost Toasties. Trv
them and bring in your verdict-
Kvcrett Morlcy, of Sliuvv, was iu the
city yestenluy.
.'. II. Kelley. of McMinnville
the citv veslerduv.
I'estniastcr t". H. Stewart, of Albunv
wns in the city tudny.
(ilenn I' 1'iinili i. u,,.,.i;..'.. .,
uhjs m his much, near Duvton.
' O. K. Price u nd family returned tu
dny I ruin a week spent at Scnsiile.
Hr. M. C. I'miieruy returri-d todnv
fruin a two day visit-in I'nrtlnnd.
i l.ugene Vriss was a passenger this
"""I'M.g mi the Oregon Kloetric for
1 'irtlnnd,
Wnlter 1'. Kevcs and Fred S. Lam
port arc ut Hreuttino's Landing todnv
till llllklM...U n
Mrs. I', II. Shclton returned to Tort-'
I""'! t,.,lny nftcr scvernl weeks spent
with friends in the city. I
Miss Iternice Smith will i frm I
Mine tonioi r.iw tor Snn Krnncisco for I
mi iihletu.ite vii.it in t hut citv i
Mrs. W. M. St,,,,,., of Oregon fit- !
' h-re ,,,,. ,r diiughtcr. Mrs. 1 !
U. MosllCI. H.'IS V,,rl, ,,
Mrs. I. In v,t returned this niorniiig
from msw trip ( forvnllia. in
Hie .nterc.ts of the I nited Artisan..
. t l.n.vcs. of ('orvnllis. was in the
city todnv. in the interests of the Wil
lamette Vnllcv Kxi.osition ns...i,..i...
, s,,'"",,':, :r ,,"lM1 ! went
to lrtlii:,d today to attend a conic
ence relative to ,.er ng'its al,,,,,,
the Hi.gue river.
M. '. r'indli y ,,i,d family will motor
In lortliuul sntunlnv evening fr H
week end v iit ..w ..." . ..
.... , ... , v hcm in .i r
mill .u . as. l y.
lbcrt l.in'ecar, of llastine.
in ine citv. vi.titimr , ,i... i. .,. ,.
. - ----.... "- imuir or ,i.
ado. lie 1ms been touring t, ROutli
and stoppmg ,., points or interest since
lust full.
l . . .. I ' 1 . 1 .
. .si i.,iu ivuedi.t, regintrnr of
.i...,c,,e niiiver.itv, 5 home from
,,. l((.M!IOU. siic win ,
...iiipnnieii i.v tier mother, Mrs. C. 1'
-."tool, imui ir ( i', ( lark,
state Treasurer Thome. It k. ...
wife returned to tins city this morning
" oriiumi where the
' Oie reproduction of the 1 '
tu re film, The it. rt Ii of a Nation "
Mr. and Mrs. . n. Hn.wn'. of (Vr
mus, Ore., and 11. 1. iroWB. f Ww,,.
burn, paed through Kugene todnv i
a motor rr on their way to t'rater lake.
Ihev will 1. Kl,. H,out tir,, v,r,.k,
l.uuene !urd.
. Mr.. Wmiufrcl Clarke will leave to
morrow for San K.ogo, where .he goe,
; usit hrr parents. Mr. and Mr,, v
1. h.gdon M w,n ,bKo ,,,,
.ortlicrii rneiite r,. wt..-
where she will 1, n...i I,, m;. i,
milon whn . kIuii,;,,, t. . . .-. .,
lvthern CtM.r. " ,""
Informal negotiations which are ex
pected to result in a new steel bridge
across the Willamette river at tiiis city
were begun 'yesterday when County
Judge Bushey and County Commissioner
W. if. (ioulet. riftM a i-iui tn thp i-niintv
court of I'olk county, which is now in
session. Na definite i.luns were made.
but the Marion county court appears
to be in favor of the bridge and the
I'olk county court is willing to con
tribute one-third of the cost, so it re
mains but for Iirm-iHinn in lie mndp in
the tax budget for next vear to assure
L I. 1 t . . ...
uib uriuge ueing DUUt.
The Marion county court is willing
to contribute two-thirds of the cost of
the bridge if the I'olk county court will
unsure me payment or one tniru cit tne
COst. The hri,llM a, thiu mihlu nop
10 feet in length are built out of the
.,.. i i .... i ,
Kcni-rai lumi ana rioi out oi me roan
fund. The Citv nf Kl,, nntriili.u
about one-third of the tax, which makes
up the general fund, and it is consider
ed unfair for the city to contribute one-
uiiru oi me cost 01 the bridge in addi
tion to the mio-thirl ill,;,., ;t ,c.,ul,l
contribute to the county's thiid, which
was the nlan advnnee.l lur venr when
the subject of a new bridge agitated
the county and eity for some time.
Tho I'olk cofcltv ennrl will viit. this
city in tho near future to look over
the paving done by the Marion county
court and the plant which hits been
in operation in this countv.
State Fail irrniuwlu Si.t 1 II, .
Wm. Oallowav. a imst nresi.lei.i i,f the
Oregon stato"fnir, visited the grounds
yesieriiny, accompanied by his wife.
The .judge selected a lot on the street
in honor of iiis nninc and where he
camped a number of times. The terms
that the judge served as member of
the board he made it a practice ) visit
every camper and to do all in his pic.ver
to add to the latter, s comfort when
the Oregon dew was in a weather drill
ing contest. Judgo Uullnway and wife
will attend the Sovereien !;,, t I..i
of Odd Fellows nt Hun Francisco this
Jutk'e William Oallowav. of depart
ment number 2 of the circuit court
went to Albany today to hold court in
the equity department in that city,
Judge Galloway expects to dispose of
the case pending in Albany in about
two days and will return to Salem
Saturday evening.
An order was issued today by Judge
Rmumov firlmit I i ncr tlin will rtt' Clnnrna
Whitaker, deceased, to probate. George
Wiitaker died August 30 of this year
leaving an estate valued at $20,000,'and
.Nora WJiitaker, an adopted daughter, is
the next kin and only heir by the terms
of the. will. She was alsn named as
executrix of the will. R. II. Bone, F.
W. Durbin nnd Theo Itoth were appoint
ed appraiser. j
An order v as issued by Judge Bushey
today in tli" probate court, granting
Anucttft I. Miller, fninrdinn nf tha en.
tate. of Heurv J. Miller, an incompe
tent, permission to bring suit to fore
rlciw a mortgage. It is stated that A.
J. Mishler, Augusta C. Mishler, L. L.
Gribblo and Albertina Cribble gave a
Illltll tn tho ulnintifll f.tp tlm om nf
-ll, on I. : . u i
T-'vi-o, wjiicn was seeureii uy a niort-
gage en .vi ii an acre in Aurora.
In the matter of tne estate of Appol
lonea Gehlen, who died July 2-4 leaving
ii esinte valued at $2000, iiov. Father
A. Lainck was appointed as executor
and .loh n (loeders, F. 1). Alexander and
Ge ge II. Hell were named as ajiprais-ers.
Week End Specials
Women's Percale House Dresses, light and dark
colors, sizes 34 to 44, i Special 79c
Odd Lot Table 3 for $1.00
Bungalow Aprons, Waists and Kimonos, many items
at less than the cost of the materials,
Special 3 for $1.00
I Mill Ends
White Domet Flannel, good heavy weight, 27 and 30
inches wide, any length you want, . , .
Special 10c per yard
Extra quality Apron Ginghams 7c
Fine assortment Dress Ginghams, Special 10c
Searsucker and Nurses Stripes Special 11c
Extra quality Percales Special 10c
Pictorial Review Patterns.
U. G. Shipley Co.
135-147 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon
Sheriff Ksch was notified today from
the sheriff's office of Multnomah
county that a buy mare had been stolen
in that eity which might be headed this
I way. i ne animal is described at 7
month, leavinir Sale,,, l , 1.1,1. j .V'ars old, weight !M) pounds and with
but returning in time to be ut Ik. ne I . '" 'orchend. She rind rubber
to all visitors to the Oregon state fair sl,0'!L t11 'l P"ites behind and
v.iis iinciieii to a nenvy cart with a red
body and yellow running gear.
to all visitors to the Oregon state fair
At nis camp no will have a supply of
reading matter and writing material for
the use of tho geneinl public, as has
been his custom since a hov. A cor
dial special invitation is extended to
all persons interftedlfltVie Sovereign
Grand Lodge session tt, call at the Gal
loway camp, No. 20 Gallowav avenue in
tile tented eity. ' " '
Oregon State Fuir Mmo,.,,r.v:
tary-Farmer Jones is having the clover I
uiii-siieii ui.iay, any the crc.p is
turning out nicely.
A valuable bloodhound has strayed
into the fairgrounds. It evidently be
lifigH to some pushing tourist.
Livestock men will certainly ho pleas
ed with the new stockmens' club room,
erected for tiieir especial benefit in the
vicinity of the stock barns. It is a
credit to the state and a worthy recog
iiition of those engaged in tho livestock
industry. -
Any citizen desiring any information
whatever relative to tho Oregin state
fair is requested to write to Secretary
. Al Jones, Salem, Oregon. An im.
mediate answer will follow.
Seattle. Wimli . s..,,t r..i i
who, with W. J. Ifoeers. has been ,liv.'
mg all siimino, off tho Alaska coast,
near Douglas, tr.vn.g , l0(.nt, the sunk!
eii i ( 11 na, 1 1,1 ainsliip Islander, on
which is .TlllO. I III ii ,il.l h. .... i
- "f tiuiueii
o Si-nttl ipty hiuoled.
Their divimr ri i . i ,.... u l. .i,i
, . n "1 I -,n.n, iif Mini, Willi
'"P'ured by the loss of heavy tackle
TX'V'- T'"'V "M"1 hW1 tti a "'''I'"'
of .lim feet without finding a trace of
tne sunken strainer, nd gave up the
work Inst week.
: Salem Educational Directory :
Music Business Law Art
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal ajid Industrial School, Willamette University
Term of 12 weeks opens September 13-15 Opens September 13-15
..... . ! Carl G. Doney, President.
l.lth and Wilbur Streets, Salem I. II. Van Winkle, Dean of Law School
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
Malted Millr
Upbuilds .very part cf , body .ffulfmly. !
Kndo,d bjr thousand, cf PhysicUini. !
1 "' th world over for I ,
n.or. lh.n . qu.IU,r o1 , cenlury Japanese of Spafflp
-i V'. m
V. . If
Music and Art
- Ftederic S. Mendenhall 'i - .s. Miss Laura Grant
iiir'iH'i7'Ti,t'0,r';. ! riano an'1 Musical Kindergarten
Myrtle Long Mendenhall S51 C enter St. rhono 2010 R
voice Culture. -
Students Registered Thursday, Sept. P. Mrs. D. T. Junk
TT China Artist.
Dan F. Langenberg Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby
t,,e 1,T",!,,,an,(' . Teacher of Piano
.s,udfo"a,H.;bB-.dg. ril",le 1P5 w- 6?9 N- 8t-
I'lione -07 rrauk E. Churchill
Miss Beatrice Shellou firBlllBfe nf w"? cv,.,.erv.tory of
studio Jt 1 Ml"iie' hi,'aK0' Studio-Huonis 1-2,
Mudio u4j Marion St. Phone 12H0. Opera House Bldg., He. Phone 1071-lt.
.iiMift ivi All
AnH-Trnst Suit Filed
City of Portland
Sells Short Mpa;iirp
Bnltimi.re Mr s,. , ! , r"rlI'i, Ore., .Sept. 3. The city of
en, ' ! P"v- Il"-"ni is alleged today to have snl.l
nnmiit filed an anti-tnii-t suit brief "hurt measure wood, nit lioujih an ordin
npninst the American Can eumpariy "'J' 0 is in force providing for thi pun
liere this afternoon j ''""'"t of any individual or corpora-
It was charged the company hul "n ""' d, ' M' ,
"'oml-incd competitive , , "'' ' ! ( n ' I1 a. nt of K. C. Healy, the pity
"Inch together would occupy a pre n i "''i ! Wr'eht" Bnd m '"vcy
ilcrant position." 1 1 " ;"! w,l"t was supposed to be two conln
The government contended flint while 1 !,'!, b"K by him frum ,lle l'i,v
'' lw p, rmitted unlimited , !, i ,'" I ' wnf! aii hve been found ti
''"-ra-ionlnany'SU' " Z"- , , . .
hibited such com),;,,, .:., 1 C city Inunchcd r.'tn the wood bnsi-
"BuinVt the defendant company I "0,iS t0 '''"I""10 of ten thousand cords
Mra. SI. C. Pickett.
The celebrated lobsters that are
served ;n some of the finest "uVlwte
Palaces" ,n the country are sup , e,
" ""i""' o""piydiMolvin water.
AK.. when oihr- faod, 0flen hil
Sumplt fn,, HOR1 irrc t. .
in Mr. m -., nil,
BTHo Substitute ls"j-t a.Cood"
: Imperial
it Uermatologist
Parlors '
Massage and Sham
pooing a Specialty...
My scalp treatment enr dand-
rutr and stop fKlbnc hair. I
cure tn, K beads Hn, nimple. aud
; " "'", niok'. rrrralra,
.... vo me, nrcK or irmi.
In Draperies for your home. If s u .m I
. - v n immu l'y 4.
t j"" iu ti s tt'pr mif 1 . r
Are 1m Si,, IWL.' ton. the etiMal
$1-50 All Silk, spppi'al
301 SteevtsBldg.
Phone 393
' Tiikie. Sent. :t f, ...
; .! ineuths- making, ,V.
I " " eleven
. . occome lirides on tli
U ' ' ' .Tr-..Th'--.l marry
..., , ceame, who delect
j aiiiahiini to u,-i . . 1
for then. "".riiuoiual agent
The "id, lure 1. rui.i'i 1
'l-vuircd tailure. V "' V".
'en aetinir .... ...... . t , " T
the nortlic, , .,:'T",l
a not biafirat trip to Japan, and ,
.. .smoii being know,,. 1 tw
ride ... examined
Wai.hingtn, Sep,. a.-Pr.i,,,,, xv;.
;:Ls:tu,y Unt' r" ''
tiea this afternoon announced ,h 0
land national f,if.t i..i:.. .
a the tlellcfoun h, district. An ecu
tive order i m . 1.1...1 1 .r, . " "'u
..,.k...; . 1 7 ' w the
v..kv, Ai.tKB, luWBUtO,
90c X
4 - I
'ounc t Tl.i)U .Manvnc ci,-,:t
ir I JX1VU" .... rn.
I : uuc
,1 o k SfiMivn,! r i
I Ll 30c
'MU r,.4. " T
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