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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1915)
TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON'. THURSDAY. SEPT. 2, 1915. nnwwwMiiiimiiMiiitMi t Social and Personal CA&OL g. DIBBLE. PERSONALS I ; L. T. K;ri.i !. it ........ . . . . - WW I 0C-fr . H:gkw Aid ity at a rVnav.M u brvA-b: dow two jw -i- V aat hainfU.a tnUnUr aftrn.n al rai. ' ' aW k la elaa Htgttt. Ja nwa . . . ara, MlrtiT. -,tk ..turn. dBf-, if1f lr H:r. ,: tTS j ' " h4 tke mpMuir,. ,, .-. Pr- f KiB Man- ItraWit. of fort IWf. n.Mi J( Jaw. Mra. Fmu TaooH. and ilk ",C"- l': . . .T ""S ? .' H:s, ...,! h.-r :4.i W iv' V.a-.-.a: ,tr-t a! a a vmi'Wii. l t- II 11 1 1 a ik . VI . ... r r t-Wf: tovid..-. Mr. I.t.I,.- .1 ... 1 1 l i. . .. u : e r- fr - P-t.ks. a5 K.. ate-.- G. :k 'i:t ;a:s a was :- iitic y.-.VT;;y. Ms Nett: R..s:. a. of Srt.. is a r t r !2 t;e tt f-;T. : iVnaij taia n: T.r; . s '.rr a E.'-tr.. J. k". Tvrii. CTT.. WSJ Xi:t: rt-i ; : P.ii Ttria. Mr. aii Vr. J'. I' Pcisl ' is! f r a : A X!. F .r. t i.-p rrowfr fr;x Kr-vi', i : :i c::t t...Jr c l-zsi- SECOND UBGESI Hi llil : ; REPOBTEO Ml Cotton Cargo Is Probably Doomed Bat Passengers Safely Discharged E Carfinal Gibbons Calls On Wilson For Conference Looking Toward Peace V. Prar, Av,.... .V MflirB- Mm;a! .m ac 2 tl is-,. IK U. (.rus. Mr. I K. !. wlk t :. . 1 01 R. U tparrwr of l,0!h,:. oUa.; Wr.l,M Mr. ifrr u , Z.C ' Iowa; ain Mrv J. "U!tl. CI IVir'llli.i ..4 . Mr, v..:.'. V- ! i'ii'r. !:. ''V. K--.-M. -( ' - ii t. , 4 .,, ijr, j.a jJw, Bona:,::. M:!. V,. ,t4 Mr,. Pra,k A T J! iirkLt - tra4 lat iro two nwij- Wr m U- T i ... vi .or iim, Turarr t,.t fT, ' ; -" ' a nfl of Tb C. W n V c' rk naod .s,.rUr.. Aa4 ta u.rr!. iarrk fco Kia la fMml n.ii i.. t. . . . ' c-vs:,t l. ' . -" r. j rm C'".; p. aa K-jl-'ivol eijXAfitioa wrrr trratt, h.)tjlv aH"viti br T,oii( Ioti i,r at ia Ik rity. Tke Turner, ira ie . raj aaid tnja. larlu.lirj tk ,,r tn ! uIid l:,ud. aaj vt ! Uroat Nonhrra. rm. tkCj rica i! i tie r: i, t.! of !e. , , A. -:. n i t; .vtr for a -aa, spt. ' ta. . ,?r3aTa a rrartd tf w :r. Ivs C Br ae4 Urn. Ouw " U -j k .: :. Bn Wft f.: N: tax fcr a t'Ux cai t fcUa. t .;:. " " i Tk Kotifrdam ajfj fr- Xrw Vers IV r: fVstr. cf Nfit:U,. Ore, Aaf 21 wita U fsr: 75 t.r? '!-.r:if k'j jri:.f ci Ncnk Slx-i'1 elaM aad Jl ts..-,i u :r--h r".rr. J asff ra. V- B. r r.-aai is CVi.ri tia ' "."i vt;i;. kr fail's. Mr. aad Vra. ', kaw RoWeriis : sril :o :, t. apr. larprai patagrr lar :i (n.iic- Wfs for .VwTn ta aierajs taaa, 5 f- kij iri c: " f-T tea da.T j f Tk fctjnii : i t;r--i f.vas a tkrr acatka' Tist ; Koiuniaai. IJoTj. rwir-fr tc kt-r Bf K ! aad i:"iii.ia. j factaia w b G." S:rixr. i v.x-5. tt.vj a:rr :a tie! : '. :tt ti-r. is uk-.jx ku Offlcen s fciferA .w..ct J. M; JkmerMM lia aSfun k UJ to tisat tht iiw Kov.eziin vf cz. ', ' at ! : Wik-.Lf:,--3. S;.t. 2. A )&- But irvai Yut rVnerfitt ft J'n-iiict Wilson wa pre r.tcd asj d:."-u?-?,l by I'ardiu- li-.btx-cs at the White Hou?e axi aritk Se-'retarv of State LttsiL. the cardinal adraitte,i :a: a:'terncn. He said he wowd cot make the note pub :!to'Jt suthoritv from r.rr.f. PEAGH WEEK WE HAVE SECURED THE BEST POSSIBLF CANNING PEACHES FOR PEACH WEEK Winstanley's Elbertas The largest, smoothest Canning Peaches of the sea son. If you need them you will buy them. " 75c and $1.00 per Bushel Good Gravenstein Apples 50c per Box REMOVAL SALE ON FRUIT JARS Every Mason Fruit Jar must be sold before we move Mason Pints 50c; Quarts 60c; Half Gal. 80c Dozen We are always pleased to open up accounts with re sponsible persons. Try a month with Roth Grocery Company. ROTH CROCERY CO. Phone 1885. 410-416 State St Mr :-. Mi H. A. v 5. i t : o i : Ma -JT tit bat- Itri H. J. Ni,,BJ, ".'. a tt: c' C. Pru-k a- i Mr Mrj. ki l, ; hrr -::.m. Mr. C.r.-rwMna. W , U.-.r ........ -i Mr. I. M. ta, for. rt f k. XTom Tiiia U - " '"C :E'n at.rad th. r-.tu tkM ,ltr. T' Mr " 'f. Hak; ,U vW tk. -.k-; M !.-.!. p.ifB,. ,f Mir,s,:;:!.. u - lit corr of f- i V. :,;,. K. iea.or cf ,k , .,., " ' - tral (ocr.raiiofial rka.-rk ii ,-, ... ,, I tke W i.r. "IH-.WV Ixitti L and !r H W "' Vi a k' Mr-' Offiriala said tke " -'it. i;v r a Ei-tardea. Mr. C K rai at i..t e. -. rt vuit mta E. T. :aa.iiird l task ateamer Rotteriaa. Lat rt-rrta r-eJ Watlsfico, St'pt. 2. Cardinal Gib-; ti. civi:ei f-;a,.'e with President! WK-t at the White House this after-! WB. j The cardiEal declined to give out any; detiii, but admitted he had received . a meseape from Pope Benedict, and fol- j if-r:tp hi interview with the presi-! I ceit, dceiared The object of his visit j . a tie oifcassion of peace. j ti:t exinence eipressed to President 'F, r!, ffiiS'D hi- gratification at the peace t'r.l sd satiffaeturv conclusion of the : Salem's Educational Directory ; Music Business Law Art Schools and Colleges -sat tke Rftttetdarr kai arnvrd a: Fa!- Walter I Scauld-, ZZ't. " , J?(!E . .t . 4, ni a: :iie e-r York nffW- ..",. .. k-..; oa tae f-cataera : t.i yet A- im"i PT'''fcp- Tt l-'a.V ,H Ih-k-.b at -i. k nj l fuliowed br a ao.-tl ar A gvi mu.t- ir-r , aJ be en t.f the attra. Uea of the Teaing. TV,e W Mr aad Mr-. W.M n-ker ,BJ iau.ktrr. lU-Ura Kuik. iett in,nu, - -u rrniK-inro. -ik're trv Al:ua After atteaj tkey m,a txtt Ks-ir, .,re.w Sitj ia U aad otker rM!,lw. Tkcr ret.ra ,.S':ffr't S--: uuer jrt .r tke moata. MaM Rm.-, ,k, r,!al, . . K-v m j. M.-RS.-,:-.; i,r;.r vitir, mmi a! rir.v,i, she ti ."irri-i.i ,r m r. Phi! A LClt ,.jv Mr..J'". k kaa ken r,joti-. 1 r"V , I : t r- :hrr, I : M C. RtdJer, kft for; "trdaa 5 -etfr. : !:-..: j h: V, , rvte-iT evetirr ' (Harriet S-anntoa Rit.rk. Mvcri-c fUt- -s k-. tr. ::r Mrs. st.A. K:ekarWa ""B-1 at Btfttertfass. ,v,- - Va-.-Tr. Wj-. .v.ef .rii v. t ( -'? eeietrat ker 7)tk hinkdar.! Pinmcm Alt Sife. Ms Aiice fat.. k ka ba xiiit'.'- Loadoa, S-rpt. t Vf;: :z tr f ,,:,-r. M;. Oiire duriBf leeived kere tkia aftencva '. .-.- n-r. r.mrrd u-Jar to Ta- i resorli of the liner aVtierdar - -a ..-j --k..vl tie fo-ainc win- f'.re. '.-errr-aa controversv. i Ca:,i:!:a; Uibbocs said bis conference Capiul "orl-a- m4 Indurtriai School with ts pre.-ident was exceedingly sat- Term of 12 weeks opens September 13-15 ifac:o.-v and that he hoi-ed soon to ... i :'Tn.jia:e a proper expression of the! n.eetiLg ic which he would give his; 13th and Wilbur Streets, 8alem Willamette University Opens September 13-15 t tari u. voney, iTesldent. I. H. Van Winkle, Dean. .of Law iohool '"'. er U. will win , V t T" "v'f '--o ! e"rt Maal ar.. Kna k i-ker -,u , ' " b ' as iu-t ro:ri.-e,l ' Ik fa.r, tk rartr wiii !' i tk Jaj. , o (k. -i!e s. i v. vi M. ir.-f.tite ich. !ier as add in r-aswBr- wtr ; at Anstntiana, tk Oi5. t srnBten.3eat J. A. 1 eitorta were tvemg s.tit t .z:w :ie ' i .-rTiaEj tc-lay to at-; f;r. r. -ttah ccicty teakers'; " t i K&e.Suled to d vie The lardinal was scheduled for a' .or rerence with Secretary Lansing: after iiavinj the M'hite House and saidj he riterted to have a discussion withi -v., .... ..j . -i. . ., . ! " hi- h he had with the president. Hei r-farced (.ermacy s modification of I the siibir-atine warfare as "highlv i tavoraM to j-e3ce. ' '. "It makes the situation easier of ae- r.t.ra.ta; ,i,rLph?hm(Lt in our efforts to bring t-c:r.f on at.f u: peace."' the cardinal said. ..- tarf.j The cardinal, it was learned did .... .nr. ir 4iiruoil III 3ieXlCO wnh tie president iD more than a gen- Music and Art X e;h. f tk, .,., ka ta K,tl. ltj, ,u, ri,r M luarter. L i r ty tu ie ic-,.l ..j, iac.I.B s iote,Un. Mt. Ka.c;er. I Vr, aad Mm joaB !n,, lr M.w rrr4i,a KWrif ,nJ i,,,, Wri,k fturfj from a ate!e,l r.o.r lr,,, IkroKgk aotitkera Orffon. The tartr e-iititffi. W, f Circa aa i nth . bv u,v. er S?Ra M: v..l .v.... of tk. 2a,!CB ilart3.;t,a, w eite iBiifri.iv ik M Program of Addresses j At Land Conference t: Sterling Recovers From Slump of Yesterday t COURT HOUSE NEWS J Frederic S. Mendenhall I"iano Organ Theory. Myrtle Long Mendenhall Voice Culture. Students Registered Thursday, Sept. 9. Dan P. Langenberg Hasso-('antante Late, pnpil of F. . Arenz. Studio 3H-15-16-17 Hubbard Bldg. Phone i079 Miss Laura Grant Piano and Musical Kindergar n iv9 Center St. Phone j16-K Mrs. D. T. Junk China- Artist. I Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby I Teacher of Piano j Thone 1950 W. 679 Cottage St. j Miss Beatrice Shelton ! Teacher of Piano. ; Studio 345 Marion St. Thoue 1299 ' A'.beca. lr:.,h Vr. J. lh','tt l".ai-aa,li tk -.! o( Mr. lUU.e t'mfet lr tk i . . . I M" A'- Kuan. k,. ka b.-a .;a una,., ,,.a fct,r ... ?,tft J- Kuu,. of S.u-k t I.ra,r,frl. M.nt. M,., KuVti k,-:i. - .... oa ta hik-h -h,-0l tJ Kia.aer J. A ';f k i ci i -tefvE virvj I icr iav bffif. ; fmn it! on ! i. a i. to1 e?. wki,-b wiii b itv at jT t - t , , -i : ESTATE WITHOUT CXAIMANTS 21 n n pant nrvn 1:4 ' I7j MVMttauiktur Fr rKvw Brrw of Sod --Mf-a Moaira, a!., n tWsaa.l dclb.ra a'r ?; Pure as it is good. With J the dJkatc flavor of H VfitslV ripe tcnutocs. r 1 kw s ltti W"" o-y otKrr .' a tw fcuj mh avKich it a I ! aavtki Th lira! it ;.t,!t . are r,. rl. tk U ,.v , Url, Kjm) kermn f4.ta. -hodi,J la h; ! kill kr. qu;et!- ai, 1 U .,. k rJ , N. far a, i, kei-.a. KuU w U.) friT,,l, or rvlatu,-.. A faded ii.t ;f-ai"h cf a U-.ut:?,! x..aB rJ oeata Tk. :yriskt. 191.. k itc Post.) the s,ba.:,0 to onfT break i. wuk bar :; k,.! ..? .: ,T" "Bd --tiBt ini1unce.- wa? if.,a ,c..kV -o of th L. ...... .J."- lnvi . .k. r.. ........ r u -a oeiiiifn trcov- !".!.!. of th (rfo tt moat .,... , v ':La r-iuutor k.1 -J A": : : to ordr in . I v V ' Hro -it '-s ir- lasted Grav. ! i ,' "fhs:'P' "v " : ;Et cf View of rZ KV,r,aU,ik of Sn.rn iw; 1 'if.' ''- " ororBv rrtEtiak' ra. !-,.,.( . .. .t " -as. aau most to d the ret-c. uafra! Attorn. : gn-tR k:a joiat 8TOLE JEWELS TROM HOTEL an INaariaeo. riwo t-li- a. t it. : iate wai ".i ever a a k.-e robbry ki ami ,j cetr, io a. at!uJ at -"..- en frwro Vrv J. ' N,v,. , a it i Saa Ftin 'livim, . airlr . : made kr a f arnv. a,w ,.; ca!;.v ,. rk.t,irovrsv KtAioierati V of vi. w, . 'M'oEatitatioral Ou.s ! Involved.- N-aatora ( kaxberUin and Lao aad Kei rtrntat-t m ( oi fr.-w Hawwv, MeArtiur and S-Baotl aiso will b ak ! to dehvrr a.!,ire-t. It a .i-i,i. i t.. tut k vari O f court v avMM-M to furnish mte at. of tie character of tk laad com- ji-isift ;n frant tee r, ,rf atiwli , 11-u.oi or fc.ioa had muck to do r u... ,m lt ;:ir atternocu. ; e::.r. to revive tb p oi one or fiat a aa :r.:; B. K. Knapp. trustee, todav filed a s-.:t r,fa,nst W. K. Mallorv." Rose K. Ma'nory, M. Mailory and Marv M. ; Mj:t. ;u toe circuit court of this i-rui-y-.. Tte plaintii't aficfes that V. K. V.i.A.rv fil,,i a itit:ou. f,ur bankruptcy, t-a.-iy ;ath's year but before doing so Be Vo:. -.eyed an undivided one-halt in-. ':' .ii" l.V'.s'!' a, rc or land in this ..1,;.- to Hose K. Malloiy. his wife. i..e i .auitiif f ,rt:r alleces that W. .Vu..,irv on (.vt,.',cr 14, 1H14. convcv- IV. U'. ''j i!;,i,'r.v undivided. ,.t i;,!.s interest in the urniiertv ' and an undivided two-tenths in- i, the siuie roperty to Marv M. He alUfes t hat this was done :c the provisions 0f the banlcrm,. aw and that he as trustee desired -r. .r.e prtjerty over t.i the cied-: f ). K. Mailory. It is stated to tarm is worth 20.l0l and that - with a mortal" .1, I..:... i- ,i . . . .-i'iiu i . noi nolils an i.. ivwar: are HU1E WING SANG CO. Big line of Waists, House, Dresses, Silk Goods, Men's and Boys' Suits, Pants and Overalls, Ladies', Gents, and Children's Underwear. Overshirts, Sweaters and Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Taney Dresses, Neckwear, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery, GlOTes, Comforters, Blankets, Embroideries, Laces and Mattings. We make up Dresses, Wrappe.-s, Kimonas and White Underwear. All goods selling at lower prices. 291 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET tit O'. M..'t to r to f, itor that iutendeut V. M. Smith in this city,1 and Woodbuin. Silvcrton and a number of other districts were also cnnlucting examinations. The pupils taking the examinations at this time were tlrose who failed in one or two subjects at the last examination given June and 5. t-v.-t attorneys tor the war siixxs' tkmv.k ni.l k..i.i.... ' l' o suck issues fell quite!1 ' ec, on th feneral uu.r. 1 A'-.i'g;ng that her j fh:r.f trip Jure Offfiid Sterliiur Adrau-ea. r.ev,-r return,., 1 -ew i:i. spt. S. Recoverinc ! "!: Iu"!''' .u.. iron lB) . , ..,h i.. nr. iorwar.1 woni.i r...,,.,;.. A suit lor divorce wns fil-.I t.,.l.,v 1 terthi circuit court ot this countv. The DO YOU FEEL HEADACHY? LOOK TO YOUE STOMACH It is an unusual thine for a druggirt to sell medicine under a guarantee to fU-e Ot R.,v Kinr n.min.i ..1. I v.J.. .M" nltl nd Her- ., " " "-t-'n .refund the monev if it doe. not cure. let this is the way Danial J. Fry, the husband -iJhhe'."J H. alleged, ha, X aotifie.1 her that hi- . i.V. ' . , r u'vlT':e tron C harles Hurt it ("ir at. Tk i. w.t. .1,... ,1 i dunrj. tk Boreisf, , , R cf ti'f ' .ii r.r.CiUitr: n .r,l ,s ...un .urf man. if n f r father jour another . -.v wue iou ,ar lctsg i.lrs-aad stcri fifur. k a toay mu up to wasn "t wou'd mr:. until an adB.- of 4 3-4 brtore aoou Sheelv, I (The to Tke situation "a-i nrasaatiu... ,U M.i;n fi : ed tkroiif bo :t to lav and keU it. had mvonc we countv ' V v . , ... n.Ul ... . .an'.niii pnipa-rty The Fall Hat For Gentlemen these Hats sujvnor to tyle ar.d quality, you will tir.d "-any mgher pnml ones. For shaiv aiV inotuuiy co rivet. Our Fall line ls now rvady. Our pnews aiv $1.95, $225, $2.45, $2.85 in ur iii kut ais-, - i '".-rit m , nniic l , of ail f taw al 'interest, tn.. ,x. ,ut. n-1 persuaded her to soil it P-anatioa f,r Ue ' the monev wn. ..... .. 1 re attoniev a i li 1 1 1 . . ... wr qnir, cnatifea in . ' aad tk n0 ,t.lntT was ,tat a ,', or. .'''"ert.;. ,cld mttt ww l ; -leeie.l -. a .. . H-;eeie.i. Ki:i-:ors St.-.-et r tVl-i lal kw4 M' ti ,.,..! k.k .. 'i Vum' " "U'rcnaut of tor li-.t.s, -Y-. of W.ii,,, "' ,,'dy, also - . . ,y ?U... a case of a .dent i 1 "e i i't tii marie l rea .s. Great Damasre Resnlfs From Cyclone Which Swept Northwestern Manitoba Plaintiff seeks to have the ni, rri u e , tBe a-V J- anial J" r-V' ,,,e annulled on the grounds "nsut j " ,d-" yli o ,be uciont tune lind i nosed uft..r ti, .1., .7 --(j.-.a irmi-u,, went on ; fendatu secured a divorce from her for- f 6r bcfore ka9 h6 had 50 Iar?e '1,1,1 ,1, li ... .. ..v.m in i ioi nnmhd . t . . l.M t-.. .1.... . . j medicine las been suceessf ul as with this countv, Mav 17. l'lis nn.l ;., 1 M--na. People who a few mouths ago or.e month m..4 ill .1.1.. .1 1 . 1 loOKcd like w-alkinc .LdptnTi. tinve 1.11I s fi 0,1 - .. "..i fin- nm miirriei ' . .1 . . . fr..,,, 1,.,. ",,. ,1 . , .. ' ' ' : 'no plamtitf. As a result 1,.. ........ " I!,,sb ana today are ruddv and vie- the fiounds of desertion i ,hat tlu'ir murr'l'80 "as a 8hum and a ' ? T wilh rrfect d'Cwrion and good mami d in Newbor,. ! , , ae Wn",s deelard I Jti. in lws. sh n....;w! "'V11'"'- 1U' charges also that she scolds, lnore longer any need for anj- their marria,-,. Jii 1 10 tb of cruel audi0"0 M1!forinR or making .their friends . 1.. 1: . M 1 inhlllnnn tri.nlm.mi .....1 .1.... , . Isntt.i. i -. i : - .... 1 nun uiai sue associ- .-u tmum ui nvspepsm. .ui-u-i'n ates with other meu in 11 manner mibe- oan -ways be relied "upon. The per coming to u married woman'. Smith i "'''"tage of euros is so great that there shields ate attorneys ror the plaintiff. is -"tie risk to Daniel J. Fry iu guar- ' ' i Weeing to return tho nion'er if the t.ertrude K. Kruse and ,itli(.rs tpiv 1 "'cdioinc does not relievo. And be "led a suit iu the circuit court against 1 .' ready to do so without auv qucs- "011 ot an estate left bv Orin 11 Hciidnches. all farn,. t,f imli.-estiou. age, who died .lununrv ' I t lu.ui' '.. i specks hi.fnra .k ..linn terms ot the will 1:.. 1. .'. , noor 1a.... : .v. .i n i.. Mivnire worn 1 "Tins ot liver LrocliU .r k.'ril rv tor the A u.arriag li,.,.,0 Wlls , J. '';orfe W, Mrnno. a J'VA otuttunn "'' final acci.nit j t)l .,,,, J -'"se nud tiunia -tat of. V.iim w s.i,...i. .'" naincil as eiei-ut., ... . ? ... ... . . . . 1-; ,-, todav in th P h, :. !'! , th.-v were .u. Z 1.. . . ,m..,v'" ' T "'""' . . . days treatment euoui.i huiult. ex,v J , , v A"a'of ,,,,(1 ,n7i U.'M 'res ; "-" eonsuierabl gain in health while te .as. 1, : , 1 t tlie t( i: - - annua, .merest , - complete cure often follows rapidly. agiuns, ,h,. .,, h ' "'""W" n ,, ,, 7. , r ,7 ''-'Merest I neso days ar the best in the whole s the dat set bv 1, " become .,.'.: ? Hv has '.! Mi-o-na wiU put yoa iu such perfect Wi e ''ItHHf '.,1. J - - uu,Hr WHS ; , waiea swei-t vn ' era Manitoba eurlv 1 '',0v i'he final hearing i th,." stule. I111 come nnlognistie and t li it t up tral v t-i.i". Trie frva M.r.eo: aad MeiST.: P. rids ne f. grain. IL.s, , k-.r- aud iatt'R forest f,.-,., . ia a.av ;..: 1 is ki;;,- w 1 1IVIT hat a . -''"Mi,,.,i,,fo,,H;;nf'b7;;:,,;::; : i me estate. (!.,..,. 1 ttor.,,-y for he plainti,,- ' 1 bv 'i ' stated frouniN ot ,.ru,, the .Ii.. 1-otatn ,.r, ,,, Th.v t .u . , 1 'erM,... lkotn. i k'v, " Z :!.; ' , l : :;;; ;;;! 1 he 0 11,1,1,, i- . "kul iiiie. i.... .. "a (."" the ciisto.K Probst, n minor son rW and Alex rWk ''led a suit 11, 11, ' "MteJ vt, WB'k KinM P.tuest Noii. for. all.-,. ., ' ! 1 '! "i . and "l" ve the ciop. 1. . , ,.ri.,,-.l ' "."7 rohst 01, ,1, 'iuM or nrik-a into i ' I'1"' front,, from .1... .... n,.k . married tBy prisknt. The i V 1 ' 111 . bridg at I n,. wa " .1 1 SIMllI IltUt Ik . 1 es arv . .... w.(v .iAi,i..,.i ... ,1. "" ti' for-rati.-n ka. 1 Tr.e i;ra.-.d Ti n tor tkj after-, bndfe a: l i , K'(-t.; , k tk.. !!; W: IV Mcsariev tamscat tkat ... . .. .. " 0- - of th cin-in, ...',. " rr ,ai ,f "I. I ''W ' 'aUforni , in, "V""" '"in,., k,.r ,, ' men, w, rt,k of tr " ''Wr. Kd, .. 7"" ...r;-! ,,,,. ' " 'ir'' o.I t m J kkl I . Hl'tl.l III ,- - r. trouble condition that vob minute of them. fan enjoy every C0ETHALS LEAVES F0ETLAND I'owey couple. f of Hi,. I Portland, OrM Sept. 2 After several '' visit in Portland, marked bv h s iei,n to being interviewed on his achievement in building the Panama catiul. Major General Ceorge V. Goeth als. aceompBDiod bv his wif. and son. 'wt for Plasel this raorrung. They embark on the - steamer Great "rtlierii nb,.t ,Mn e,,r Sr1 Vmnfisc, . : : KKW .. i " "' "" -' i Woma Bound, Gagged ad :nS.'WCT. j Robw ' "P Yard i ' f'rB,v I N" if .kJ '...M"aM',v .I.'P. t.,...t ... . , '".,,ilVVt'- mm-i ...... " . ... , n,i, MI , . 1 ....... , ' r.iav iv , t,,i. ..1 ; . ""lev n,.it 1 . . .... 11. in. UCEXSEO TO WED. .' ag l "f :i A aaaTiaf 'w was iMd a U v.,.,. ....1 , ' "' ;""" an, ' "r I" Th- i. ""r,,;th,. ,,,.. i.. . Jewelry. ' ra ui tk. ... - - mil ,i,,i .,, ... "ii nor 111, ti r5 .;,:;;: r- iwi.. wh i,r ;hv:.r - h; j; Imperial t Dermatologist X Parlors 1 Saar k. t ..r l Wk Rob,. V.;;' !""' Ho,', a iinTioraff, ib u nuj lBdT.JB, U,. .. .. --. -, KTTBWM B " " ,-' "'-t tb . of ik ra Va A. K Di, Vi,,,. a.. JO, .-Iwi'la, tHrrrrr. the plaimiff . M . '".Mu K'a le ... bo. Tk. T U rawnmatioa. Koiir .... . .l U at Ik offi,,( v I Massage and Sham pooing a Specialty... k"V 1. .1, , . " " era em-Hi,,.,! 11111 .i,,, " w 11 11 Mirnrr l' a. a " ,h" r f .I, ,., ' ;"',h..,,,,"l".""'i ;'" to Ike .ol., until it- inov t e ndi it "J ,'P trvatmnt tu :? tnff and ston falling ,1 , x I nire black keadi .nd jin 1 ' Mil ......1 1 . . ., ' '"HI ' Mia. Ill "" v , ; .. n"J ' ' lime I.. "0,,lt "ol toll iL,.i!. l Mie Sea , ., ' ' I .'"" '''arailer ture daod- kair. I iiimrle. and T tan... . 1 . . , wna, moKS, rri kles, ob fn, Bk or arm. ..I.... "') Nai a,,, ...'."' " ai.,.. , , t t a 301 Sleeve, Bldg. Phone 393 "im,,,,,,, ; t iT'a:.vftii( irlii:.y,. .py. .".n'.s.'rv.iiff,,- ..l ,