Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 01, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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New Fall Footwear
for Women
You'll find here a fine display of the coming season's
most wanted Footwear styles.
Short Vamp Shoes
Ladies Shoes in patent and dull fin
ished leathers with either cloth or
soft leather tops in the latest short
vamp styles of the season from $3 up
Black Cloth Top Button Shoes
Ladies patent button black cloth
top Shoes; something that you
have been wanting in the latest
styles and patterns at prices that
are right, $3.50 up
Patent But Long Vamp Cloth Top
Something for the woman who
cares. In the latest N. Y. last
and patterns with that dressy
appearance, long vamp, narrow
toe, high heel, at $5.00
New Showing of Wool Challis and
Flannelettes for Fall
We've an excellent assortment of these new fabrics
in a large array of desirable patterns and colorings.
Pretty Waists S;icques Kimonas Wrappers, etc.,
can be made from these at very little expense.
Flannelettes I0c, 12'2c, 15c a yard
Wool Challis 50c a yard
l!t attend th funeral of our late brotli- j Cn- Pnnff itnie hra
er. deorL'e S int.ak.-r. I'.v urder of J. 1 UU1 WUliaUUUniV
(.'. U. Huberts, noble grand.
On account of the bridge being con
structed at 1'utirtecuth and Center
street, tin Salem Street Railway coin-
i,i.l' l,.,T t,. .i. lit ttip Suit., uml Phi-m-
ek.-t'a runs. Ilereut'ter, Chemckctu street t"rl'.?'1 thie city hist nigiit after ar-
....... i. i..,.,..i ,.,1 11 fifii.i.n ,:,,. resting lour contractors w.i:..iiii: on r.i
ute service, the can bavin;' from down
Arrested On Charge Of
Violating Labor Laws
Labor Commissioner '-. P. Huff re-
uummii ill imlliu I
eit'ie highway on . harye-i of violating
the state labor lawn. It f alleged that
me of the men employed on tlie work
were keit on duty ii much as 14 hours
a day while eight hums 'a tlio limit
prescribed by the law. It is al-o alleg
ed that tiie men wvre nut given drible
! lit.,.. fi.w flf fhllTIl
j. . .. . wine '.. UlTllllltr ll- ill.' i .......
u'lfereiue of tnitar-..., ..,.,
town at the hour and quarter hours.
Regular church services at the TJni-
taiian church will beiiia Suiidav morn
ing. Kev. 1!. K. Tisi hi r has returned I
from Ins visit to San Francisco, where
he attended the
preading Forest Fires and
Extreme Dry Season Cause
of Executive Action
ian and Liberal churches; asg visited
the J'nnunia fair.
Herman W. Burr, the well known
jeweler of this city, writes to friends in
this eity from Xciv York tiiat he h hav
ing an eniovahle tune at the .National
John Doe Clarke, of the firm of
Clarke & Henery, is charged with work
ing (ieorge Anderson rriore th;ta the
legal limit; (ieorge W. Simons, of the
I'neit'ie Hridge cmiipiinv, working on
the Columbia highuuv at Do-hon, is
I charged with working M. K. Watt over-
.l.'ivel.'rs convention now being held in till(.. r R Swi , contractor, is
New Wl ( ,ty Mr. fai r will leave , ,.,ar,H .it, worki,,i .1;,,, Kllis more
New V,rk within a day or two foran -lyht hours, ami It. IX lluvt, of
riiiladi'liihia heie h
a cmirse in optomctiy
xj t to tal.
ivy v
All Around To
George B. Doust, living one and a
nan nines rruni romi, wus injured yes
terday while fighting a fire near his
liiuiie. The fire had started in a small
trai t of timber near the home a.id tiie
blaze crept in from another section of
the true I. completely surrounding him.
In bin effort tu get out of the burning
'limber he iwis burned, but not serious-
W. E. Hoago. who resides four miles
i east of tliis eity. reported to the rio
liee toilny that one I'emberlhy injee-
! tor. one iL'-iii'li pipe, wrench, six ma-
' I'liini- wrenches, 111 feet of belting ar.'d
a inunber of Mnaller tools and other
; article tliat might lie used about ma
chinery were stolen from his ilaee Mon-
day night.
New cement walks are being laid on
Center street between Sixteenth and
Seventeenth streels. While old board
walks were being torn, up, business in
that sectiiia of the town was suspend
ed, crowds watching the small boys and
o.thcis reap a reward from finding nick
els and dimes that had been lost under
the walk.
The Salem quartette, composed of C.
K. Knowland, Dr. II. ('. Kplcv, Kred
Met, and S. K. Wolf und n dozen of
their friends, will go up the river this
evening in launches for u general good
musical time, besides a basket lunch.
Several musical instruments will be
taken along, and it is their intentions
' to serenade those at the municipal
I bench on their return trip.
; George T. Cochinn, superintendent of
I water division No. 2, arrived in Snlem
this iifternoon to be prci-enl at a meet
, ing of the state water hoard. A mint-
; lier of hiii it 1 1 matters were nl;en up
at the board meeting this afternoon
nun ine. principal item .f mteiest was
i the ii i i u i 1 1-ii t i m of the rights in the
: Chcuaiican irrigation district.
i Judge H. II. Hewitt, of Albany, at-
, torney for the state insurance depart
jiuent, is in Salem for a conference
I with Insurance Commissioner 'Wells,
i Judge Hewitt stated that there were no
new developments in the mutter of the
proposed suit of the policy holders com
mittee ngainst the stockholders of the
, Multicultural Fire Holier" of Oreg
! Governor Withycombe yesterday is
j sued a conditional pardon to Kahili M.
.nines, who is now in the .Multnomah
county jail, where he is serving a term
of 10 mouths for larceny of an auto
mobile, .tones received sentence on
March .11, Hill's, by Judge (latens. The
conditional pardon was granted upon
the reeiiaiiiieudntion of Deputy District
Attorney Unniiucrslv and .fudge (in
ten's. Louis Bechtol and family returned
yesterday from a thousand mile auto
trip in the southerin' part of the stale,
including Ashland, Crater lake and
Kolevs springs. Mr. Heclihel suvs that
Ashland is making it so comfortable
for tourists with its new municipal
ramping grounds that many nut obile
parties are stopping there 'several davs,
and incidentally leaving several dollars,
with the merchants of that citv.
the Warren ( onstiiiction company, is
charged with working one p.rnwu more
than the prescribed 4s hours a week.
Mr. Hoff mates that the Oregon
Ha-isam I'aving company. Osi-nr lluiier,
and Jeffry & liiiifiun, of the Portland
liridge & Huililing Co., are complying
with the law iu every respect, and it
is the intention of the labor commis
sioner to see that all are treated alike
in respect to crm.pli,ince with the la
bor laws of tiio state.
the valuable assistance given him by,
;,everal Sulem teachers. Among those
mentioned from Salcni are Mis.-, Jessie'
Cox for assistance in laving ur the
course in history, and Merritt Davis,
of the high school for suggestions in
arranging the course in bookkeeping. In
preparing this higli sclio.il course for
the state, Superintendent Chun-hill wns
assisted by the teachers who were par 1
tieularly skilled in their lines of work.
(lovernor Withycombe issued a pro-1
clamation today closing the hunting
season in Cuiou and Wallowa conn-:
ties on account of the forest fires in
this region which fires, it appears, are
largely due to careless hunters an
The following is the proclamation in
Whereas, it appears, that forest fires
are assuming serious proportions iu
I'nion ami Wallowa Counties of this Witlivcombe.
state: and
Whereas, from the information fur-
Land Grant Conference Will
Begin Business With a Rush
Is Present Plan
The first meeting of tin1 committee
To Attend
The. Capital Business
the federal courts was held this
morning at the office of Governo!
The committee on pro-
l :.,. ,.,,.i;.i.,.,,.,. leiiogrHiiiiy, i oucn Tynewr t he
J program for the conference to be held 1 "ess Lt',t.tc.r Writing ,1( l)H , oimrtd u
: , . ... ' I'll rn ii nviiur ir niinii..i.,.
in tins eitv llnirsiinv, September in, i , " " ,
to discuss the disposal of the Oregon-1 ne Buslness Woman is i recognize
California railroad lauds now involved ; tav"T 1", evel'-v' b"s'ns establishment
tomiy. tnere is hardly a business offi
where she is not to be found in a mi.
Hon of trust and rcsnonsibilit.v
cedure was composed ot Governor l ocuooi nas uecn tlio place vhct8
Withveombe. V. I. Vnwter. of lledford.i hundreds of young women hnv i.
i .1.:,. :. .i.. ', . . , ' ., . . - """'
i.ii.t-ii uiin win e ii ,ippi-,ii3 mill lucti wll0 actcil as temporary chairman; w. I'repHiuinin 10 jane rneir plai-es in the
forest fires are largely caused by jAXr Thompson, of Klamath rails; F. activities of modern business life Ni)W
hunters, and by reason of the extreme M. Wilkins, of Eugene; E. J. Stack, of is the time to think about entering i
drought the use of fire-arms greatly Portland ; C. C. Chapman, of Portland ;' the early fall. Let us talk it over
en. laagers tne lurest: A. (.'. .Marsters, of Koseburg; Grant
Now therefore, iu view of the fore-1 Dimiek, of Oregon City, and W. H.
going facts, and with the power in- Xewell, of Gaston. '
vested in this office under Section 7, The committee met to perfect a torn- j
Chapter 27S, Oregon Laws for !U1, I, porary organization in order that noi
James Withycombe, governor of tho valuable time might be lost in getting
State of Oregon, do hereby proclaim down to business when the general eon-1
and suspend the open season for hunt-, ference was called, jSeptember Hi. The j
ing and make it a closed season for committee drafted a tentative order of i:
.!,.. ,.i...i:. r.ff i. hnuinin.. n.'tM t-r.lr.ii l,rt .i't':.. t '
nit- .siiuuimy oi unii unti-i aii'l ii 11 1 11111 1 S . "i'.""'- iiii'i .emini nic iniurn Ol
or any Kint irom tnis iiate in l nion me euuiniiiree, w.i. awter, cnairmnn. ij
i..,.l l'..ll,..,-n I .... . H .1.. s.-... . mill C f Clmnmlin DH.Tiifnrr no I
Mini iHllluiitl ' Ulllllicn Ul IMC Millie UL ' ' ''.ii.,.i, v-ii...,, , ..s in, WJ If- .fA Ha M. V1 9 fit T
Oregon until this liroc-laniation shall bo' temporary officers ot the convention. . hm r &?SXi'
ine tentative order ot ousiness was,
Capital Business
High & Ferry Sts Salem, Oregon
: In Testimonv Whereof, I have here-:firsti ,,IP ('a11 to or'1or h' the tempor-
.... . , . ' . , nr.- ,l,.:..,nn ,....,.1 ..I...!
uino ser iii v nnud and caused to he """"'"( me cuimiuim io
Beglnnlne with today, the Dostoffice nfiUe.i ti,u's;..ui ,.t ti, s!t. ,.e n..... explain the nrocedure of the committee.
department will go into the insurance;,, this first day of September PJlo. tllir(l. appointment of a committee on
business for its patrons. For a payment 1 j jiEn'VJTHVC()MI)F ' credentials, four, explanation of the ob
of three cents, a package inny be in-j '" ' Governor of ()re''on ''t of tllc convention by the gover
sure,! up to 5. A five cent pavment ! " ' i nor, fifth, an address bv Attomev
will insure for nnv value between :1 : Geneviil Ttvmvn on tho h.mil nc,,n,.to .'.4
insure for any vnlue betwei
and a pavment of Id
will be glad to know that lie has been ' the land nnmi ensue ,i i, -i...
will cover insurance between !." and '''turned to this charge for the coming ! tUs of the rights of the state' in the
toO The limit of insurance is ifllin. ,J' ''"'' Weigle is just back from , (iiestions involved. With this order of
which may no secureil hy the pavment : nu, wnere ne uiienued tlie ' luisiness disposed of it was considered
of 25 cents. This insurance is for loss : ''""terence of his church. As the church i that the. matter would be fairly started
or damage, but in rnse of damage, it hll-s trvi,u . Weigle a two weeks'! and the meeting could be given over to
must be proven that the article .sent js vncatioii. accompanied by his wife, he I a general discussion of the mutter bv
a total loss nml cannot be used. The I ,,ft. today lor an outing at Newport. 1 the delegates present and the renn'.
postoffice department must nlso be I Dun"t. absence the Sunday school ' sentatives of the different ,.f ti,
is worth in porpoitiun t
properly assured thnt tlie property sent i wi" 'ts regular meetings, e.t controversy.
the ainoiint ; "" ' ie "cv. n. t. .N inin.lt, ot ; It was the general concensus of opiu
lortlan,l. wjll occupy the pulpit and the; io,, of the committee today that the
T ! j T " 1 , ;, h 7i'i '-moei i., tne : principal question to decide was
Instead of their annual picnic on ' Rev. ,. .Vhunke. of the German Baptist I whether the fee simple title to he
I.abordayby the labor organizations of; ;l'-cli, will preach. During Mr. Weig-, lands was vested in the railroad or
he city, tho celebintiun this vear will i al'sence, there will be no evening . whether the railroad simply had ,
akn he for of tv.o get-toge.lH'r meet-, ""vice.. , c(llir jn t,e ,amls f " ' 1
inps, both open to the public The first o .,! ,",n , ...... .. .. ' u
meec ,viii he held next Sunday even-j At the Friends Church in Highland of the tS , l s 1 ,
ing at the First MethnilistcliurcT,, ! this evening at 8 o'clock will be a. served bv th w .J ,h ml o n
a. address will be delivered by C. O. ! program of music, both vocal and in-, settlers uml hastcninVti e settle , t of
v Jiiini-- ... tu linn ii w liniio I In Tf 1 : Hi r. i w . iff,..,... . .. o
eouie. An ottering will be taken at the1 the state where these O. & C. lands are
c ose, tor the benefit of repairing the located. As Senator Thompson put it
' '" t was not a question of money par
s' louuiiiy iu Tins Time lilt nun
"" federation of l.nhur. He ni dis
cuss. "The Labor Movement " from his
years of experience among the laboring
people of this country. For the Mon
day evening program, the same speaker
will talk nt the t.nlior Temple, on Comt
street. The bund will plav uml there
will he other features to thr
Do You Really
how convenient and at
tractive Kryptoks are?
They conioine near
ami far vision in one
lens.- Yet they havo no
lines or seams to blur
your vision give you a
freakish appcaranco
or accentuate your age.
And they free you from
fussing with two pairs
of glasses.
We invite yon to
come in and see the.m.
208-209 Hubbard Bldg.
Phone 109
evening '
An effort will be made tomorrow
among those interested in securing a
paved road to the fair grounds to get
contributions mining the business men
that w ill pmnit of the improvement be
ing made, (ieorge Vick is in 1'ortluiid
today, but tomorrow, with J. II AM,,. it
ajid otliers who nre
report an eniovabln tin,,.
i"u coiiMderutile relief from
wniri ot citv lit
tlie uavi
in Salem.
Ye Liberty theatre was closed late
yesterday aften a by Sheriff Eseh ,
"ecu a sun WHS ti ivl
tttttttHHHMM4MM4 Ml t IU . -
Dr. MendoUonn. specUlLt In fUUng The Capital Hotel, under new man-
U. H. bunk bldif. I ageiiieiit. All rooms connected with the
i u 111 i 1 . . ' .
neaiiiig appliances.
from a
I II ll-I I'.M I'd III III. Ill I i ...
roads, an active cimvns will b.. i.V f J T "'":"n,l'"ls '"" theatre
contributions tuniuds the .2,111111, which
the state highway commission refused
to give. It is understood that sufficient
names have been signed to the remon
strance, so that if the !r2,(l(l0 cannot be
raised, the remonstrance o pre
sented tu the council, and this of
course would kill off the fair grounds
road improvement, nt least for this
The many friends of A. J. Weiglo,
pastor of the German Methodist church.
glmnei correctly.
A. Lang entered a plea of guilty be
fore Judge Elgin this morning in police
court on a charge of being diunk ile
w fined 10 or five days in jail.
Dr. Btone'i Drug store. tf
The stage of the rWer baa not
rlmitged for the Inst 10 dnvs. The rec
ord today rends 1.3 feet below r.ero, or
low water mark, about low as the
river gets nt this time of vear. I
Let Jiclti do your worx. Hotel Mar
lon Hurber Shop, A, .1. Daniels.
to San rriinciiw'o arc Miss Mabel De
i.'ing, .Mira r.umiuc C. Craig, Mr. and
mis. ay tie Stuple and Mr. nml Mis.
I.. . Kvder.
IIoiiiiis from oil cents up.
An entertainment will be given to
, morrow evening at the First Methodist
I church under the auspices of the
. " Mothers' Class," The program Hill
include rendiiigs by Mrs. W. , Seller k,
of I'ortliind, and several imiMcttl nuin'
hers by members of the chinch,
Will go on vacation. Dr. w. L. Mer
cer will leave Monday, September ii,
fiw ItieileiilMish lint Springs, where he
spend two or thiee weeks. .Sepi.'
Mildred Robertson Brooks,
recorder, retained yesterday j
mu weess vacation soent
cainiiing in the mountain's bevond
Sniidv near the base of Mount linml.
Mrs. Ilrooks reports the forest fires in
that region to be particularly menacing
at this time nml Miid thev could see
small fires on three sides of their party
lis they came out of the mountains ves
Chief of Police Jack Welsh Lniniiui
the duties of his olt'i... ,,,,;
.morning utter s to weeks' vhchii.,,',
spent with his fumilv at Newport, (if-
ticer Hubert Nicholson began his two
weeks off this morning. Sunday Mr.
-unison, . A. IMiaiclsoii, ninuiiger of
j the tjregon theatre, and Frank Mapes
u ill Liui . f..- .i. . . I
f . -. , v i , -! rtuuuu'i n )rt'Lrn un a
T. A. LlYftalfY rfDortoil to th nniir . mor humiiiap vnat.iit..v.. ri
Among UltNie mUlng on the tamr ' i" " WH" ","Wn fr"Pm' Ml- I'miielson 's enr and
(IrcBt Noithcrii tomorrow fnuu l lnvel "". VHtl1 ''' "f Winter nml I exject to be gone for week
mni iiikiu uy pnrTies mi-1 o
known. At this time of the venr nnv I The 10.0(H) hon utekm t.nw In . I. -
... oini win proMtie a saeiter tor hop
pickers Is of leu unsafe wl,..,, , i, i,t
i oiu over night.
Dr. Btone'i Drug Store, if I . 0
"i Old fashioned touthem headeheeae.
fl.ur,h street,. The fe , I , K m ''IT' "ml "i,rr.v Vur"
O cnpiirt. Hi
Dr. K. T. Mclnttie, phyalclan and
aurgeun, ill Masonic bl.lg. 1'boue 410, tlil,
ooys were tu n,. espe.-inl rush on their
return hike, taking two dv f.,r il...
The meeting at the Commercial club
tor every ineniber of the
According tu the official
tin. evening fr every member of he I l , " n,'1lh'r Mr- w. H. 8el-
. .' ' . .. rr b'i'k, tinder Nil. imoremi.ini.t .
tli'lds in this section of tl, u ni
.. - .iitiiii.i ii
valley are enting so niiiav eggs that
the grocers have had difficulty in
keeping up their supplv. And in" r
der to do this, and induce the farmers
to bring in their suppbes, the price has
been advanced five .cuts n down, and
now eggs re quoted by sliimst nil the
grocers at ;t( rents a do. on retail. Hut
sugar is off SO rents n hundred pounds,
und this may average up for thus,- who
lire doing their summer miming this
A County Assessor Ben V. Went .mi'timr the .....i.,.i ...T'. "'nmJlltMV'JISSSilKISftHSSIIXlBBt
ranily "'tunie.l to this eity lust night , 'might become productive. i When in SALEM, OREGON, Stop at
" ,v'......s i.o.inoii s oe 1 1 l a r i ii 1 1 . ne cumin nee on ern, nut io ,.;n
n small town on the coast west of this consist of nine members selected bv Mr
city where Mr. West took th.. ..i' Vnwter. the idmiinuin t .1 "....:.'
tee on procedure. , There are Is coun
ties 111 this state iu which these rail
road lands are located but it was con-
-".. in mat a committee of .18 men I
"uiiid ne unwieldy and only every other
county will be represented 011 the committee.
"'ill Amusement nml Hi.l.i;.... I At the ,., 1 1
I'. 11. D'Aii'v "eld in the hall of renresentnt si...
omiUnilsi. nsked t'oi- 1.11.,...!,) , teinber Jij invitatini.. t.. i.,i... .
UlM;. F- y-. i '' Proceedings have oeen i'seuej to the
he theatre, was in Seattle vested, v ii'Hi'iving:
Sheriff E,h city at oonJ -''.O.uff,;;, Zd? Z
-1 tor the I.ivesley hop ya south ! "7 '-vi.eil ,0 appoint five represent
f S.I .1U to investigate hM ,,, : atives, one of whom shall represent
ported tu have occurred near there n,;..11"' ''""ft. one nt least shall !..'.. i.......
tol'eniii.n 'rl,;.. ..-i .. , as 11 1 .- . .. ' sii.'iii
. .iiieruoon it was i-nnior- I'icni-inuuve ot an ace
inai tne liol, p was of small im. ,.-''''s "'Kanizntion.
ponance hut the sheriff , 1 "t a
turned up to a late hour todav win, ,1,.. T1"
o".c.a, report and details were lacking. ""'" 1,u u- r- .Bmt land, has bee'u
o " I asked to anno hit . "
I'll., si.,. , .- " seiuuiive.
the state federation of labor, the state
Krange and the farmers- union have
r...... ,u c M-iecieii Ironi counties ..,.
court, one nt least
credited tax
and one nt least
' c"''"ity or commercial organizn-
..s . ,-ouiT ot every coninv
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
RATES 75c, $1.00, $1.60 PER DAY
Tho only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all. Depots, Theatres a:id
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.
Special Labor Day
County Commissioner J. T. Beckwith
spent a short time in the hospital ves
erdny where he had tho tl.ii.l tiii-r ,.f
.... ..p.... mi ii.i removed ...i t ,.,
' uay or two ago
"hi was mocking the
The Oregon de-
ininess of v ision ...
I'ecss, i t, , dunce before the
The 11 1 im .sphere
and foggy.
Seeing bed
seems smokv
some dnvs than
Cheeae factonea do not autoiratl, :ill
ome under the pro ismns of the state
i.i.niiv 111 iiir on ciii V'...i i l .1... . I.,,
anaouiiceiiieiit. linn , . ..11...1 rv 1 1 aurxlay eM'iiuii, ever,
only for the purpose of votie, on ev-i ,L .... ,imt,'r M,'"l,il',' '
l IM.Mil I ..Ml linn.
.... n ihiihi. ... ,V tl'lllUllOll.
indiistrinl nci'idetfl law according to the
decision of the coiiiiinssioii tmlnv. Mow-
Mr BuiuM b,m,,4 v Upott lb Pl'u"'n of one cent, the
1 ' "' '". " 'i nil 111-
. 1 1. . .
ine ciieese ini'lorie muv r .d
the benefit of the law by making Bpp,.
rat uni and will rome under the rate of
three fourth, of ne per cent of te
Hges of the employee to be paid bv
the employer and the workman wiil
contribute the usual one cent per day.
It is stated thai although tenuiboilers
0 .'i nn 111
Stanley MaKhl.gton. he hu been Iiir i."'Tu.' M .,," .'"ir M fa.-io.ie. ther
win toe
the aat
poailloa with the Haileaoml. l IVrt., ' . c
nley ManhUgton. he hU been i, , 1 .l,,r",!nro m rhwae fartonea there is no
the Hp. at the aod. fountain fr , 'ZL 0 .hJ TtCt'tlT, "V "' ' lactone, along
at four year., h f, to ' ... bee .ulileJ ' la. kage i tho On'goa roast. h
land. O. B. Ilaa.ee. who hi. 1 t n A . . .. the preparation of the conr r
the Hailewood eoafeetioa.ry . f iCm,,,' 1! , ,T v . , wab, 'or the h.ga -hool. of the .,te
for.ia, take. hi. pitioa. ' 'J i, VJl h?U Tb . tar 'VT i' IMblie lr.'-
.0 in.s-1 the hall, Thiir.de, 1 p. ., .truction J. A. Churvhill .ekeo!,,,'
S'emg l.,,,,r l,lewav thnn
straight alien. I,
-Seeing better In the evening
or early niovning than at mid
day. Seeing a ),,,,, or fri.f i,0(
a light.
1'nin in or about the eyea.
'oiilant or periodic headaches.
nisi lira.o,... 11 it
Mr U....1,. "'
m i- VP lllllneoi 1 .1
of a s,,ci, . ":K.,'.,lies,"t,',""'1i'igas.
- ...... ,,L-pn u.ssuCIU-
ag i,n ,,,,. lv, , ' J ."'J'ti"" '""I tlie state press
-ins.or.une ,0 smash the fp t , Wen ask',1 to
II II f II I .
" ""en it Ke. anie rapidlv
worse 1111, nn ..: 1 ' '
'I'll.. i.,ir...i .'i . lllg direct interest ; .i,
-... ..,..., 1IIIK,., as causing ,i,n vlv..,l 1 piestions m
coiimi ern 1 ,. ..in., i,..o... " -'
to nppoint
fl-otn ,.,,.,,.
UCing O.-C. lnmU A .,
state-wide accredited orgnizn ha"
pain today.
Great Crowd Gathered
In Wilson Park Last Night
To Dedicate Band Stand
...... uV I'Miiiinii Tiiv
1 tation, atthe discretion of the con mi .
; on procedure. The Southern C "ft
, Kiu ond compan'y has been asked 0 b"
: srrrn.1 xvM it wt.
, l" icr sucu
seem desirable.
suggestions ns
lv 40.10 people gathered iu Wills,,,,
' . oriii: lor t i..
........ 11.. ., ..:..
or i,.,.l :7. . "I " "i uy """isi.
11 ."in vi 1 111 in,, new ,an, siun.i
j'---ted to the city by Joseph II W
belt, nn, f,.r .1... .1.0 . 1 "'
.;, v.,.... Vv 1 '""." '""'V exercises.
, ' ' "'" ' 1111 coiul'i
1 uress
during the season
1 1 oiav eve
Ths will he M.i
with Mrs. Hi,,,,.., ns
A special "Labor Day''' service
to commemorate labor's holidav,
will he held in the First Metho
dist church, corner Church and
state, Sunday evening, September
u- C O. Young, general organizer
for the American Federation of
Labor, will he the principal
speaker. Mr. Young is an able
spoiilior who knows his subject,
"The Labor Movement," from
years of experience among the
laboring people of the Vnited
Males, nml all who hear him will
bnve heard something worth
while. Everybody, and especially
tne laboring people of Salem, are
urged to be present at this meet-Ji'g-
A special musical program
is also promised. Mondav even
;.'. September 0, Mr. Young will
give another public address at
the Labor hall. V7. Court Street.
My nearly ve.ira' experience
111 scientific eyesight testlngHs
t your diss.sni. if 1 fi
glasses are not nenessary, then
1 decline to supply them.
t do not ns,. ,rope or drug iu
"iiaKing eiamiimtiou, a thev are
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
Doctor ef Optica
Balem, Oregon
I Short n.l
; .ess "Pressed the pleasure g'i, ,. , ,
. .. . i. imi:: tne summer tu..t.i ,,,,'d
Z sp,Ht of" "' Albert fe
tiiiisicmns Mr i.,- ' ' 1,,r
h,s.y of ,i,er-s,rn. ies
;nng.,he , ,
he opinion that it was onlv V' . v
' J.' Ppr.via,ion of the" "'7
To,r7rN I'oisible '
fine vo.ee. Then .,0,eu, ,, ' "
"liner me direction of lim. t.
l-rK. caught the s , ,i, V he e? n,'
land m, , .,,,',,,' Ll.. fN,'n"iif
!ra.h.T:!ic,,,,y e,'ore,,:",M;r.,:;i':
. "nine ,cv,rl .eleni. , .
Z Ur0 '...T'-l VPI Of
w.My tr i,t ,;;;!;" "
The Sal,.,,, M,llarr ,
.l.rert.0. of II. X. 8tou.le.mew rf
ed with ,,n,l ,ire,.i,iin , bri I 'T
ami werv espwially fif (n lndr " J
la..y,nK th, .oloista. om
Mm one more concert nil b g!v'
Dainty Teddy Samp
The Fox Woman
tour acts or actiov v
Bligh Theatre
mm """Alt. Adnlt. in- .i.a
aw, viuturvn vv