Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 01, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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i : an w kak t UiBmmmt - . - si
Sport News
Cukma f c!
Watching the Scoreboard
Brooklyn, Sept. 1. Jiibn Humme, re
leased yesterday to make room for Kube
Mnrpiard, will be taken back today.
Tin- player limit ran out last night. The
addition of the Kube made the -club1
over the limit. i
RADNOR. Plain Whito
EXTON, White Madras
Brown pitrhej the Seals into s onej
to nothing vietory over Portland, allow-j
ing- hut live hits and fanning eight
Halt Lake beat Oakland in the ninth. ; versity f.l California for the first time
t for 95 cm U
Berkeley, Sept. 1. Hoeccr will be
j played ibis year by women at the l.'ni
Brief skidding into the plate with the ' e history of women 'a athletics at
V inning run. j I'niversity. Minn Mary Blanchard,
Rowdy Klliott protested with his ao-'in erienne. soccer of Mount Holy,
eustome'd vigor, but Held (.roved ob-jtlltf college, will act a coach.
durate and hi palms down decision! .
"". ! Pfrfprt llnlnnff Wpathpr
. -WW- WW.. ..MM. VI
Wa .
The Urates lilanked 'ini'innti twice.
winning the double header. Nehf
miserly with his hit in the mirst,
rendering only four.
The Detroit Timers grabbed one from
the White N,x in a rume.lv of error.
Washington took two from the Vim
) ees who made it go eleven innings in
the ae-ond battle.
Telegraphic Champion.
Kan Franriacn, Sept. 1. T. S. Brick-
Is Favoring Players
Ivr.iit. Mch.. Sept. . With jierfeet
golfing vteuther tavorrng the players.
the national amateur golf championship
went irto the second round ot mutch
play today. Huge galleries followed all
the matches but the greatest was that
behind Francis Ouimet, the nationnl
champion and .Fame I). Ntaudish of De
troit. Ouimet is picked to win because
bouse, former I'nited l'res operator,! of hi greater experience, but Ktnndish
in receiving scores of telegrams om con- played a strong game in defeating W. C.
(,'ratulatioii from all parts of the coun-j I'ou nes. the I'ittsburg veteran, yester
Iry on his achievement in winning the! day and is a formidable contender.
Carnegie diamond medal representing: The second match in importance was
Ihe world 'i all around telegraphic chain-! that between Robert A. fiardner, former
plonshlp. (H'rntors predicted that his! national champion and Thomas M. .Nhcr
reronl of semling (III commercial mes-!niaa of I'ticn, N. Y. All the other
nagca in !!H minutes,
i.tnml for years,
Brickhouse worked for the. United
l'res. at Chicago, Washington, Bncrn
mento. I'nl.. ami Han Francisco, before
f'olnir to K. F. Mutton and enmoanv. a I ed
few months ago. His last press work
was done for the I'nited I'resa at the
Han Francisco lliilletin.
20 seconds, will recognized stars of the tournument are
I expected to win today. Many predicted
" Ned " Sawyer of Chicago, would go to
the finals after they watched his per
formance of yesterday when ho vanish-
( hick I-.vans, also of hicago.
win, 75, G 1, fl 7.
Theodore Roosevelt 4'cll defeated K.
II. Whitney only after four exciting
sets, fi ,1, (i 1, 0 fi, C 3.
Other scores follow:
W. 1'ate beat J. Blackstone, C ,
(I 1, 01.
(i. Wightnian, Boston, beat K. To
land, ! :i, ti 1, (J 1.
D. Walters, I.ouisiuna chnrnpion, beat
Hugh Tallant, 01, 02, 0-4.
I., (iriniiell beat 1.. Knox, 75, 02,
Leonard Heekman beat W. Wool.
G 1, 01, 02.
S. Voshell beat ('. Johnston, Jr., 02,
S 0, 02.
J. Ailoue, Jr., Texas champion, beat
Richard Stevens, 0 II, 1..5, 0 , 20,
J. l'affman beat C. W. Tost, Jr., 03,
00, 00.
Bound-Up to Exposition.
Pendleton, Or., Sept. 1. Visitors to
Hie Hon Francisco expolitlou are to see
ii.. i ii,..... n i i'.. .i...
smo , w , 'r'rL ti twirler, arrives, another pitcher will go
to 17, Inclusive. Arrangements ere
Hun Francisco, Sept. 1. That anoth
er shake-up in the Heals is cumin? was
infiiuated by Henry Kerry, owner, t
day. Herry declared, "wo are out to
win the pennant, und the men we ivmt
can be found."
As soon ns Bill Hteen, the Heals' now
completed today by which the show in
its entirety is to be shipped to the ex
jxodtion. The exposition is to pay nil
expense of transportation, estimated
at 15,000 and n substantial bonus.
Cash prizes of $10,000 as well as me. litis
will be given by the exposition to the
winners in competitive events.
Brief Sport Items.
Ban Francisco, He.pt. 1. Willie
Ritchie will leave for the east Monday
' for his bout w ith Joe Shugrue. Articles
fif agreement, received by Ritchie,
called for the fight to bo held either
October 1 or 4. Willie chose the latter
into the discard. Berry said he hi.s a
line on a first baseman to replace Hairy
llcilmnnn, who will bo out of th gicne
the rest of the season.
National Tennis Champion '
Narrowly Escapes Defeat
FIforest Bills, Hept. 1 R. Norris Wil
liams, national tenuis champion, met a
tartar today when he encountered Fred
Inman, former New York state cham
pion, In the set round of the national
tennis tournament lure. Inman met
the champion's attack with vigor and
forced Williams to extend himself tu
National Championship
On Forest Hills Court
Forrest Hills, L. I., Sept. 1. Al
though a steadv breeze was blowing, a
burst of sunshine greeted the players
when the Fccnnd round or the national
teim'B championships opened here to
day. it. Xorria Williams, the title holder,
appeared for the first time being sched
uled to meet F. C. Iniuaiin. i
Maurice Mchmghlin, former cham
pion and California star, had a hard
mntili on hand with Dean Muthcy, but
with the other favorites for the eham
pioiichip was expected to come throng"!
victorious. j
Or the other coast players, Ward
Dawson w.is pitted against Lewis!
C.-nves; C, J. (iiit'fin was matched with
C. H. (larland, und W. M. Johnson
clashed with (.'. C. Dell.
(Crutlnued from rage One.) J
W. L. P.C
Philadelphia. 66 51 .564
Brooklyn 66 57
Boston' 63 5o
Chicago 59 61
St. Louis 59 64
New York 56 61
Pittsburg a 59 65
Cincinnati J4 67
rive in time.
Boston 79
Detroit . 80
Chicago 71
Washington 63
New York 55
St. Louis . 47
Cleveland 46
Philadelphia . 37
Federal Xeague.
Pittsburg ....
St. Louis
Kansas City
Pacific Coast League Standings.
W. L. P.C.
.4 SO
.4 SO
Without Little Hard Luck
Showing Is Poor-Mc-Craw
Blames Pitchers
Ios Angeles 84
Han t rancisto
Salt Lake
.4 14
Yesterday's Results.
At San Francisco San Fran
cisco 1, Portland 0.
At Salt Lake Salt Lake 6,
Oakland 5.
At Los Angeles No game
with Vernon, team failed to ar
rive in time.
(By George E. Holmes.)
(I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.)
New York. Sent. 1. If the Giants
finish anywhere but first place they
will nrobablv eo down as the biggest
failures of the weird season of 1915.
The New York club is admittedly the
i highest salaried one In the National
' league, and has the most "paper
l strength" of any, with the possible ex
ception of the Braves. Everything at
the start of the season was in their fa-
I vor, and Gotham fans settled back for
' a long season of battling between Mc
! draw's clan and the Braves for the
pennant. On dope they were the only
ones .who stood a show of getting in
! the October classic.
I The teams are turning into tne nome
stretch today, with the world's series
but five weeks away, and most of the
I dopestcrs and bettors are scrambling
their brains trying to decide which to
i lav their shekels on Brooklyn or I'hil-
ern strongholds, forming the Russian
outer and inner deieuses, are in our
"The Aiistroflerinaii forces have
taken prisoner 2000 officers, i09,S3!l
men and captured '.iMO cannon and 500
machine guns."
Was Submarine Sunk?
Washington, Sept. 1. An official
message similar to the news accounts
of the sinking of a German submnrine
by a British patrol ship the day after
the liner Arabic was torpedoed has
reached the state department from Lon
don, Secretary Lansing admitted to
duy. The submarine was not positively
identified as the one which sank the
Arabic, however, the secretary added.
Germans Before Grodno.
Berlin, vin wireless to London, Sept.
1. German forces are now before
Grodno and are preparing to attnek
the fortress, it was announced today.
In Galicia, the Austro-Oernian forces
who were held up by Russinn counter bert has fallen down woefully with Mo-
attacks have now renewed their ad- Graw's team Ho is batting around
vnnce eastward, the official statement .240 and his name isn't even among
said. The heights held by the Slavs, the first 10 base stealers. His fielding,
on tne names oi tne etrypa river nortn i too, nas slumped
The Giants haven't had much hard
luck as hard luck goes, accidents and
such. True they have had bad luck,
but McGraw has won pennants in the
face of far heavier odds that he has
nad to face this season. He had a
team of veterans last March that had
stood up under the fire and gaff of
many gruelling pennant races, and they
were all going good. There were few
signs of cracks Mnthewson had had
one of his best seasons, as had Tesreau.
The erratic Marquard had finished a
fair season, and according to the way
Rube has run since he broke into the
big show, he should have Veen due for
a whale of a season in 1915. Backing
them up were Stroud, Sehupp and '
Schauer, a trio of mighty likely looking!
youngsters. I
There was a hole at third base, a
gaping oaie left by Tilly Schafer's re
tirement McGraw went out and grab
bed Hans Lobert, who batted .275 with
the weak Phils the year before, and
was listed as one of the fastest men
on the bases in the Tenor circuit. Lo-
The Law on "PIPER"
No way to enjoy to
bacco so thoroughly as
to chew it and no chew
ing gives you the rich,
luscious tastiness that
"PIPER" does. A law
yer does a mighty lot of
rumination (chewing).
Go into any law library
or court and you'll see
that while he ruminates
a knotty problem he
chews good old
170717 Send 10c and
dealer's name,
and we'll send a full-size 10c
cut of "PIPER" and a hand
some leather pouch FREE,
anywhere in U. S. Also a
folder about "PIPER." The
tobacco, pouch and mailing
will cost us 20c, which we
will gladly spend because
a trial will make you a
steady user of "PIPER."
Chewing Tobacco Champagne Flayor
It helps him to think
clearly and carefully. Try
"PIPER"yourself and see.
The famous "Cham
pagne Flavor": gives
"PIPER" a rich smack
ing taste that is uniquely
delicious. Made from the finest
selected tobacco leaf. .
"PIPER" is the world's high-,
est type of chewing tobacco
nure as a pure food, health
iul and satisfying.
Sold by dlers arery.
where in fie and lOe
cuts unitary, foil,
wrapped, to preMrra
Tbt Tobicce Con.
May ! Ctlifarmia,
of Zborow were stormed and captured, j
In tthe Mrest-Litovsk region I'rince
Leopold's iiavariatis have driven the
Russians back beyond tiio marshes
north of Grojina.
McGraw freely blames his pitchers,
and it seems he is justified. Murquard,
the eccentric, iiasn't won half his
gamps. Matty the steady, hasn't won
half his games, Tesreau has barely
managed to split 80-50, and the three
youngsters have proved so unsteady
that McGraw has used them only as
relief hurlers.
McGraw, however, has awakened to
the fact that it's time to begin house
cleaning, and has started by cutting
the supports under Fred Snodgrass,
long one of his favorites. Humor has
said that Chief MeyeYs and Rube Mar
quard word slated for the hooks. Giant
officials have denied this, but it's a
safe bet that if they don 't pick up in
their work by the "last of the season,
there's going to be some new talent
floating around the Polo grounds.
McGraw also has a crow tc pick with
the umpires. John never was original.
"The National league nns seen the
rottenest umpiring; In its history thi
season," he said, recently. "There is
but one competent umpire in the league,
Bill Klem. With a fair break in th
umpiring, the Giants might have finish
ed better."
George Burns is another player who
l as not' delivered. Last year Burni
stole b2 bases and batted over .300.
This year iie is hitting the ball around
.270 and has stolen less than 20 bases.
Although Mac had a good pitching
staff at the start of the season, he
wasn't satisfied.
"If I had just one more good pitcher
I'd be willing to ride," he opined.
So he went out and grabbed Poll Per
ritt, and Poll hasn 't won . . half his
Iff 1 r fCIl 1 I Fnnk Itarrett of
a. Hnn-niflrinrr I Inoninn r SKnnl imrl . "'r.inK luriett, ot
l , vsjwiiiug vri utuuui emu
Riity two room, modern hotel,
right at the Ocean. Near Govern
ment Lighthouse. Write for
lioaorviitlons. NOW OPEN
Office located at Hotel. Lots
and acreage for mile. Several
fumUhed Cottages Tor Beut
Agate Beach
Kindred Activities, Make Inroads
on Newport's Summer Population!
(By Lamar Toota.) Allister house. '
Newport, Ore., Sopt. I.--Autumn, Ana P. Ituise, of Ilullns, is another
At I 1 ..in, uuinr, mi i-uiui, m nimim-r
Xj Willi its hop picking and the eoiiimenc-1 of the recent visitors td Nye Iteach,
Corvallis State bank, accompanied the
Sunday excursion to the beach.
A A. Willi n mill mi' K ill ir linn
T Spend Your Summer at fl'11 (l "te uhW. m hool, i tnro, uml jaml in Htnviuir ut tho Now t'liff Houho
T A fl Ti 0wi111rf 1m lii'k'iiiiihiir tit V,u it nl-l . . v . ' ...
a il Alfal IV A. - f 1 Hf n 11-1 lru I If i Iik I 'tin -11 ,F W .mi
I 1 fiM'tM ill tint IY1.V 41 1' II iliriltillir tt.'ili-il f . ' .' . .
, : " , "1 iin umiHitf 1 no wo nmnimr viAitor ..pre : " ;
4iH.M.It.nh. Tl.n w.'ok Ihih oou h .1; L,ul nr ?tavuii, ut th, MvAU.st,r. I ,?Cl "ts' Tir mvut 8UMt
r ironoo in uo mmihor or arnvHin uii.i . It ' , , ,
1. ... .. ' lilt' ttln uilliint.tr t V.iuiu.rf ...! I .L . 11
Furnished Cottages and
Tent Houses
Write for rat's and reservations.
V. O. M No. 5,
A. J. Van Wassenhove,
lldivexer, Ihe actual dose of tne season!
during 'tile week for Sau Francisco,
ti... ..1 . . 1 . . . 1 .. where be will ntten,t the emuiHitiiin
1 1111 ReiiNiiu la uirennv i(iiiir lliail llliv .
for a number of vea'rs past, and t.ui't ' .. ) l"rty eonsistiiiK uf Ir. and Mrs.
it will continue throughout September j , ',!,' l" Mr' VV ' l' N" M M' ,"
is coiilidehtlv expected bv New potters' ""'"I"""1 '"! ', "allet, motored
ho have wiitched the ru'iuiug and o- t, C,r ,r,""1 K'; J"ri"K ,l" w,,,k'
utt of seaM.ns for venrs. The uupie-1 ,r Ml"1 .,r?- "'l-'f l- Toi.e, Jr.,
eedented weather is ihe reason,' lw si ' 01 ''"Hi'" wh hv hwn
weeks Newport has known no other "'"""""f .n f',r""K" '!"'" City,
except ide.ll weather. The sun has r,',"u'' ' ntomobile tu their home
miiiwii a paitiuliiv tor this section of i '"' ""' ,v'
the ulobe that has been moM maiked.l !'' Jl'"' I'orotby and (irace Whipp
1 The reduction 111 numbers has ,, 1 ,,f !' '''''' the new beach r-
little erfect ii-s t'i, variety of activ "V! "i U.. ;VII",,,'r "''
,ities of these who are left.' And the M' J-ha V" """ V''. '"'r
uiiportnnities for nclivitv have not beeu ! , ?' ' !",",Mr- 'f Hobbitrd. who
jautiii. An Indinu fair at Silet itml 'l''f ''. "t the old play
attinctions of Newport lm f ", ' '"'"l,u ,or "-ir nomes mir-
Dnllas. who has
beeu eu.joy iiiji a fortnight of rest at
Nyo Iteach, returned for his home Sun
day. Othn White nn innt rue tnr in tim VlnT.
t.ia Itiirk b.l,.J ; U ln e...
: ..... u,h" mini: ,1, iiiimii iul n , ,
V. . Mitchell, of Cliemawa, is liass- T .
Iiir a few days at this resort as a j T0 HAVE WAVY HAIR
Kiiest of the Ahbev. LIKE NATURE'S OWN
M a.i l. r n .. 1 ... 1 I sk
... . uiim ...i.-., 1. iriTviiiMiiiiii nun; jfc;
dnilirllterS. I.eiili nn.l Tfima nf Mot.im I ifc Jk lk 4 si, J. a. a. ... ...
" : .....v...,, i- -i- t -e .p 5. f. 3.; at;
are ainoii the newcomers who havei
oHned a cottnKe at Sea Crest. Here's a brand new recipe, of tin-
Mr. and Mrs. ,1. K. Caples and son. ! questioned merit, that I advise vou to
tillle. and illlllellter ITelnn nf T'nrf. nmkrt nf . ' . .
I, , , . " ' i uiiit-ns jiiu are one or tno
ilnnil, wlnt have been suminernifi; at ! few possessors of naturally wavy h-lr
HnidshaW""0 r(V'Ut 81,08,8 f '"I -al'needdo i8
. ,, .. . . i apply a little liomd ai nmr .
Aiian nynon. of Ni em, is a guest at! niL-ht with n ele., ......u i V , .
- 1!. M. Hofer ecu. .t A,-i.,l Z. ,h ' cU?' . " ."h. 'h-and in
Heach. n . I ."u" "lor'K 'Ott-viU find this has dried
....... i nns nun waves tmnuin
m t(t itm
H''e,'Liu X,.'.w.l,.or! ,V,r week-end. IWHHI. ttUMmi 4
inmnnrt Miitoiorn. nron oni nf th .t,Tt
r,'5",l,r " '''" "I Newport have
iironieii n 1111 e avenues lor encesa en
eri'v. The Indian tnir is a new attrac
New Cliff
Hot and Cold Water in
Lvery Room
in the weel.
VVulter V. filler. i.f i. ,;.-.
in a short vacation at Nye lWach as
tiou of this bench, wl.ici will be. oi.ie ! I!"1 " va, atie at
1 k.i..i.;.. . 1.. 1 :"e ituest of the Nuolnl.
.., n. .iiiiii, in in. r.aiiiiiiin Ul IdlllUlll I a .,
I,........L ,..,,,..,.11.,.. 1 .1.-..1 I Mr' nd Mis. II. I hlii! and family.
land a diiuni.t.e ii.t.u prelatioi. oM.on- !, h , .7 'i,V', W.l', '"V Wi'n. "b'
telluw's "Hiawatha" were the urin "' "r '".y '
- .u. . .... nn .ii'i'wiiiM ior (aeir
ii.nl 1I..H1M tl... 1)...... .!...-.
" ' " ' 1
Ihe Iwir wis well attended by beach
folks, who made the trip to the reser
vation, 1'.' miles, til her on foot or by
Mr. and Mrs. Waller F i.-lmU of
'Culls (itv. ileoarled M..,lv- l.v .,.,.
imibile fm their Tulk county huuie after
a seveial data' mil with Mis l.t.iol
land Lamar Too'.e at the llaikleroad
coltane, .Mr. Nichols is a well known
banker of Falls fity. The trip was
made ia Kiuk 's valiev.
Mr. and Mrs. f. Hate and family,
of Albany, left fur their home on Sat
urday alter puasinn a brief acaliou !
the t'herrv -il v.
,1. II. So laune. of Salem, i a-ikinrii
home the first nf t!ie u-.,.,L
Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster, of Salem,
are anions the new arrivals at the Mc
Allister luaise at Nye Iteach.
.1. I'. Thompson, of Salem, it pasting
the week-end t the ltrad.shaw.
.Indue and Mrs. II. F. Khodiw, of
McMiiiiiville, lell fur their home the
first of (he week after enjoying their
vacation at Nye Iteach, where tney
were encnttiiKeii al t'uy fmp. Jud'e
Khodes is former county judga ot
Vamhill county.
Mr. and Mr. A. A. Keene, iW Salem,
arrivisl at Sea t'rest Saturday, where
they anticipate passing a two winOia'
Kussel Wiiii-hcombe of Salem arrived
the middle of the week mid is ,i,t'i,u
ui ouhhk ai tne .vcvuister,
u P.,1... i 1.. . . 1 1. .. ,u '"
Kubv and Violet, of alem, are amonR1' ,;lu-v Wl11 bo M lke Nature's
the newcomers reuistwed at the Me-iJ "' .ng 1,0 r,iblance to the ef-
reei pro.iuccl ,v a hot iron, which is so
Newport Transfer
Baggage delivered to any part of the city.
Will check your baggage from your residence to any
railroad point.
Wood For Sale Livery Rigs and Saddle Horses
H. H. CROWDIS, Proprietor
the newcomers rcjjijtered 'at the M
Mrs. ( lis -les r.r...,rx. .r nll ... vioslv artificial
riv.t.1 wid, ii... ......1. .'-.I '..1 The aoolicntiim ia mlK. I...f:
...... .h.. ,,- ,-,,-eu euii tiBiiors, hiki 1 . . ' oi.h.. ucin-Liciai 10
is registered at the Abbey. 1 1110 hair tt.m K i'8 it that lively lustre so!
l 11' f 11. a a . I 111 II. ill il.iiilan I a !i I
.wn. 11. r.. r.vertun ana iinncnter,
Louise, (rf Albany, have opened an at
tractive t'ottace t Sea Crest.
Mrs. Mary Lat hell,, and son, Elbert,
of Salem, who are pasainir their vaca
tion at Nye Iteach, are staying, at the
Miss Florence Hofer la listed among
tne capital city visitors at this resort,
she is a house guest of her brother, R.
M. Hofer, at his co?v cottage at Agate
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stiff ler and
mmher, Mis. Stifi,.r, 0f Salem, are
among the recent arivals at the Mc
Allister. Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Hav and dauch-
ler, Faye. and sou, Kdwa'rsl. who have
. .' t . t'.,. ....... r. n . ;
much desired. As it is so easy to i.t.,;
a few ounces of the liquid silmerine
from your druggist-sufficient to keep
the hair curly for many weeks there's
no reason now for putting up witn
either that straight, contrary hair or
with the curling iron nuisance. M irie
I'emnrest in I'ilgrim Magazine.
Apple Pie Bar, Room Lunches
Things That Help Dentists
San Francisco, Sept. 1. Apple
bar room lunches, tooth jacks, hair
("H Blltl WOPlI if .V.1 1 a.. I
Twe and Three Room Furnished Cottages
Close to the Stores at Nye Beach.
Electric Lights-City Water-Sidewalks
i-scvt uii,, Oregon
!'"' '
l"n. r.lllirll n. . ...1 i '
(111,1 R,in. r .iwaffai wnn nnvn . . .... iiih-ill re.i ,,. .
been summerin,. t ,k. n ,.,' i..e. ! business getters for dentist. .1 r. . l r' Irnncis McAlliwell. nf it 1....
.Sunday for their home. Mr, Hav is M ma lnciio dental congress today and I t.oth ,r', k8 ""i' dentists best
nmiiier or cx uovcrnor Hay.
, (winy anil f. . ueiiusta
popcorn and peanuts toothache preven-1 ? 1 Mmess was concerned.
ive. "iv ostaniishment of
ut caiein, nioioreu to; ... si , . , i-iu oi
itwiKirt last uct ,,...1 . ,.;., 1 Women are snid t.t mi k..., , uie.ining parlors n,i;,,i; ...t...
, rM . , . nr "'iier (ien-i rii. , t- . tmes.
vacation here. "sis man men because their l,.n,iJ.. 1 ' y-. f- -M alone, of n
uiiM-rK una riliu V rnnlfn. 1.
man .. u.ii- Pr. ti. K. ..l., ... 1,.: "'. .
v ...... .. . ... .11.- , ,r. ,r . "amis; i:A. ...,. -- . - .....-nuiir, ne-
. . .. . -.-.., eavuti, .Miini! iiritris oitfiier. i . . . ..it uiiiKers imve
at toil A I,I,mv- k k. :ll ... ...lltaVera ,l.l....l .. k... .. B ' t he Wor t.ull, ..... 1 " "U1
, n win rw a icw - --- - mi.u 10 nave the poor- .1,. .. . ousiness men in
k-tvu. est reetn or any men n K.,.: "v v-ouiitrv. 1 in fr..., L.-Vk - i .
Tt,:. J 1.1. :. . hard roll. a.M' " V. ' ',." T wnMP Pie also contril.,,... . V. . "'V' "nu .ITlt'
- -.. is rti..!-,.,. in m. ieiiiiinii.i.1 w..v.. . u ... .n. iii.i.t,.,. i.
urKiii ns goon tor chi droit u sum,
lr. Fdgar B. Buell. of Kscondito.
inougin men ami women ought to eon-
Mrs. L. R
member of the house nwrtv at the I't-ar
ton cottago at Sea t'rest."
1'e. it .shafer, of S,m, recently ar
rived and is registered at the McAllis
ter house.
O. H. Uarret, of YVedling, is sojourn-
'?,!,sJ.N-v ,ll'l,l'n " of the New
Mr. and Mrs Vim... r.:.. t v..
gene, were among the motorists' who ar-
Many interesting side trips, such as the Devil's
Punch Bowl, Otter Rocks, Keceta Head, the
Lighthouse, and many others of never-failing
Agate, Jaspers and Moonstones on the bparVi
making much-prized souvenirs. First-class hotels,
rooms, cottages and tents for rent at reasonable
A1..a 1
sider a pleasure to have their teeth! "ample of a maV'K wiuVu
"The patient shouU be joyfu, .ml !a!;e7,o:n;uchin WrU' hM "
1!' Z"M t0mW The deter-'
IV. Ida Menges-Boyd. of Lo. Angele, Mico ha. irV n"' WBn" ,0
woman dentist, said men dentist, were'sernt
Mc Allister House
Overlooking- the Oceaa
Board, Rooms, Housekeeping
Apartments and Tent Houses.
Bun by Salem People for Salem
MeaU Served Home Cooking
Mrs. Bertie Shafer
A Catflf fl IllAfil ....t A - ft .
t in J0arnal N.w TU.,
i i raies. , . "ccaCS.
Newport. OreirnTi'fl a
shores of vaj "oummer resort on the
snores oi Yaquma Bay and PaHfu ,
envirtr, y . ac"lc cean, is now
j v-uui sea breezes tm a ,
sfiftnirw ulcezes. nnest natural
w avii m me west.
. . .