Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" CHAKLE3 H. FISHER Editor nd Manager. ' WKM.NKMAY EVEMN'I -. ------ I PCBU.SHED EVEBT EVEXIG EXCEPT SCNDAY, SALEM, OEEGOX, B? Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. U E. BABXE.S, CHAS. H. FISHES. Vicel'rrtident DOB A C. ANDRESES, See. and Tresj. 6CBSCRIFTIOX BATES Diilv bv farrier, per rear 15.00 PT month 45c uuly by trail, per year 3.00 IVr month 35e If we were a political prophet we would say that ' neither Root nor Burton will be the republican candidate j for president. A new deal and a new man is likely to be ' the outcome of the next national convention, alter a hard struggle between the eastern and western wings of the part. Justice Hughes alone of all the old-timers has i a show to land the nomination. FCLL LEASED WIP.E TELEGRAPH RETORT The Ctpital Journal earner by are initructeJ to put tbe papers on the poreh. If the carrier doei not do this, misix you, or neglects goring tte paper to you on time, kindly phone the e-.rculation" manager, as tLi in the only ray we can determine whether or net the errit-r are following instructim.. Phone Main 81. THE MASS OF THE UNSUCCESSFUL j Pascual Orozco, one of the prominent leaders of Mex ico, has been killed by an American posse while rustling cattle on the Texas side of the Rio Grande. That's about the calibre of all these so-called Mexican patriots and the ltd explain that inability to perfect Texas rangers know how to handle them better than any- roweit in the art u the or.iy obstacle nno f.lco 0 -TOur marrying and having a home V A t. . I ' -tt&t&Sl : MX k - A Galley o' Fun!1 f. ( 7 """"" f i d 7 .'A rv J.-. CINERSi f JV" Ui,. f ' Tnr - hi H iiiMifiiiiiiiiriiiiiMiiiiii f'W.rM ADVICE TO HOLIDAY OUT. Compliment the host on his carving it your own. Assure your hostess between mouth- England and Germany both seem to be coming to a .uu that the best restaurants can or realization that the Wilson brand of diplomacy is effec- ?er nothin comparable to her viands; til-P Rnrri rntmn: ?.,. cf,-n, ;B ,1 tha nnn. :it you have pined for home cookin? uujuiig mo iiianuai u.i u.c tun- for year, and that even in your bov. Uncle Sam is a great figurer. He has done a lot of tive, investigating and conies out with the statement that 85. duct of civilized warfare and trying to conduct them v ' it l ui cioj iw jl men in 11113 wuuiuij aic cai .-cit3 dttUI Ulllglj $15 or less each week and 95 out of even' 100 have no money at the age of 60 vears The late Professor James of Harvard made the as-1 be enlarged to hold the medals won by our exhibits L 1 1 1 . l . L - f L ! seruon mat me average man uses oniy one-ienm oj. nib brain. A lecturer once gave extensively what he called "The CORSET DEMONSTRATIOK DRAWS BIO AUDIENCE New York. N pt. 1 The an noumement tunny l,v corset niamifiietiircrii tlnit young wom en clri-sini; piece by ,ieee, would iippcar in fashion fere at the M. AIpin hotel next Friday ere.itod no niurh interest that it is feared the manager will be fur.-ed to "hire a hall " to tic-i-iiinmniiate all the intern" nnd tho-ie "interested'' whom thev invited. Classes and the Masses." A newspaper compositor who got his space in wrong set it up as "The Classes and Them Asses." Perhaps he was closer to the truth, after all, ?ince the 85 out of every 100 of us constitute the mass. : Hut are we asses enough to waste nine-tenths of the power of the greatest engine in the world, the human brain? Are we reducing to the level of the donkey-engine what could and should be a Corliss? j Think of it! Eighty-five out of every 100 of the men of this country of boundless opportunities hiding nine-! tenths of their talents in a napkin, smothering nine-; tenths of their possibilities, and going down to old agei without means, obliged to fight with young men, or boys,' opEN forum for a chance to work for a pittance and condemned to ' n urtN i-orum depend upon others. With the marvelous free educational facilities of to-; ilnir :inl trip imdloce mult itnrlo nf V.nnn lirinL-e nn fill cnl-i. Kdit ! ood days you have no recollection of wring enjoyed anything so much. Tretend to have a tremendous ap- rr-i n , .. ,. , ,, ... ,, , petite and to have eaten enormous ine uregon Duiiding at the hxposition mav have to quantities, but be careful to avoid iccond helpinsrs if the youngsters are e siting for a second table. Smile brightly when the old aunt :e!ls some of the 'cute baby sayings if your host. Agree with the old soldiers uncle r hpn he says the United States can i l.ip "Roosia" and all the other ua iuns of tbe world combined. Display keen interest in the reports jf Cousin Abner's crops last season. 1-aiigh, and blush it you can, when :he host intimates you have matrimo nial designs on some girl they all iinow that you hate. And afterward be sure and beg the laughter of the family to play for you ind to sing if she will, and when she j assure her that she ought to i !): t Telegraphic Tabloids i ! i " ; San FraiH-iseoi S'lit. 1. .M:.- i.har- Ml-? ford Williams, of tfcis . -ity, and J.'oilacy Hootii, of liothl.-hn:. I'.i.. met j. ,;.ei in 7. Thev will he m. allied ."-a.- wrday after is year-' eoimship. 1 'Uitniiun San FranriiM-o, IS-j't. 1. ata aceidentnlly aorayeil Mini.irer with water whih Ills' garden. The straiiper a bullet. Arata will rei-ovt 1 Andrew Ar- i a jasini woriiin; in' replied with uoes, "I'VE TRAVELED TWO THOUSAND MILES today without leaving my desk." The manager of a large manufacturing house talks to his agents all over the west by telephone. Our improved "Long Distance" service makes this possible. The distance to any point in the Pacific States is the distance to your Bell telephone. Make a "Long Distance" Call Today I PACIFIC TELEPHONE HOW MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP PAYS a visit inspiri in a (treat triumph of Boosting for Oregon, r of Ji.urnal: Tl . ... iwtc nrv mm rnmainc irrnnennt nn,l innffimnnf nnrl .r. fVin',. , . ' R 111 "' . "")'" "' w"" und J inuii iviiiuiii.1 ij,nviuin uiiii mi. nicum una 111 lac ov iin n e ena develop our resouieen lower grades of work and pay, except voluntarily. "l,r ,wn '" ''r advertising, The way up is open to all alike; and it is the ciimbing, ITI:;;" rather than the successes it brings, which makes the man KTM u of the people a useful and valuable man. ! tZ VZZ'tf. rifie 1 n 1 r at aa FnineiM'o is the lire 1 irn liiiiMini;. due can hear more favor j able roinmeutn ot' the (jreat thronCH, I who at the present time are visitinu the V':.1 fair. Our rtate lniildinj; utaiols out in I10M relief from nil the rest of the Mate building ami is tvpiuil of the Civil! Mate. The exhibits are also Bond and eerv Oreitonian may justlv t'e.. proud of bis state aid of 'the men ami women in ehnree of the Mate iutereMi at the ft.ir. However, there ii another feature o' deelopient to whieh 1 am tliinkinu. 1. e.. the Mihie of isiting the f.iii it self. Not so mm h f.ir the fuieee-s of the fair itn-lf. ( whieh i-ominemU iis.-lf to every Aim-riean eitiea ) but f ir the "tiiiiulatinc efteet which mnh hiii upon the WKitui. I he fair in (traiid, 110M and eilitvniit. It linemive Iteiiitis. It eombine the I.AhI in I'll, eulture. industry, miiiiufa, tme. etc Piocre,!. i, trulv witin .M'.t in i-verv department. The irenernl s.heme i oil n luriy and majeitie nenle. No one inn well e.i;erate the beautv and the urainleur thereof. Hut 1 am not niereiy rryinn to b,M,,t for the fair, but for my own Mate nnd for my onti eity. I know of no better or i tie, tie way than to nk our people to make a in to the fair. 1'iiM to eniov it. Secondly to b, ue filled null the eiitliu-iitiniii if " Hi Thiii(;." To net the pirit of liit;tle.x int., our lieait an, I mimls. To learn to do things in a Hie Way." To .pen',1 two weeln in the eotnodi tan i,tiio,pliere of San Franrinen will pioe 0 bapti-m to any num. Me will come awnv refreshed nnd filled with to' etith Ma.in which mean new lit',' l'rein an educational Mamlpoint for our oej mo I (Ml. of hiith n. liool ace the !:ur iv ,impl boToml eoiiipiitatioa. IV-lmp. net et ri : 1 r." 11 ulna our 1: lot mo lt ul we be pi n il,k-ed to ti-i( tl a fine fan on li e I'll, ,fi.' 011,1 ai .me lt . e , ;,n not a t ,t, to iai- tl, op p.. ft imitv. Vthit ,-lem need, iiore than nut tho L- ,!. i. :, lutle litnanne Kii th i-n-ni " 11 In r more appreciation , ,t he: ot 11 1 .".,to! ,( o' v The -in I'-an. ,, :i 1 r in like unto r n.iith'v t e.icV.m ,o u,-h all of , mat d'n.k "the in. unto. u of doinc bv' thiei'. in a -. win," thercfoie l.-t all w lo ,,S.,,!l , ,, j.,, ti,,.,,. nil 11 i;n r tisi hi k X.ashington, Sept. 1. May Irwin,' M tiefs. in a letter to l're;,,.'ut Wilson waois a newr gojveriimenr 'lepartmeut tf iatiithter establifhe, with herself a head, "to lancli out tool and self- seekers, jiest nnd Jingoes who art- try-! inU to annoy." ! daeksnn, Ky.. Sept. 1. .Mrs. Celin, Smith, ill in the mountain .0 miles from iiere, had her threeft ear old daiii;iiWT shipped to her vta par!-el post.' The-rhild a.-rived in ito. ,,i-i,niun. i .1.... Do these thinps-whlle you may t D0y Died III LUOXl iiul uave any ium, u'fur.i wm, A news item in the Eugene Daily Pveg'uter is signifi cant. It tolls the story of the great success of municipaj ownership of public utilities in that city in spite of strong private ownership compotiton. When the cty went into the light and power business there the Oregon Power Company was charging the people 13 cents per killowat for lights and proportionately high for power. The municipal plant fixed the rate at U cents ami forced the Oregon Power Company to meet it, but made so much money over operating expenses, interest on bonds and pinking fund provision that a further cut to S cents was made. Still the plant makes money, and all the people have the benefit besides of getting their lights for half I he money the private corporation charged them when it had a monopoly. The Register news items shows the growth of the plant and how it is able to meet the re quirements of increased business without resorting to bond issues, as follows: An aiivilinrv elect lie plant opfnt.-.l by te.uu will be built bi the l.u,.ciie wiler bontd thin fall, to be lor I in cn.o of n, ident to the ht .lio elect no Uiit near Waltertille, on the Nf Ken.-ie river, which fumi-hi-n litht and jner f..r the (ity. The eMim.itc.l cot of the plant ir between Vi.ooh and t'rll oiin. "The bom, is mot n-Mi i; for bid for the inMnllatioii of thia plant, and offer the bid me in. whnh will be wi'hin few weel.s. the rontrnet will be let, and it i hoped to complo'e the p'ai t bt the fn-t .,f the tear. It will be l.e.t'. at the mill Matioi. un,l t in uMer ming plant m Keceae, tin I utter H eriiiipletion will le hehl in teii.luie at all lin,e in rae of eineritemy. The 1-laiit will be paid tot entiiele out of the i-ainin;- of the muni, ipal ele, trie phlnt hot re.puiiii the isMiltioe ef UooU bt the cll." CARRY STOMACH JOY ! IN YOUR VEST POCKET, Daniel J. Fry Ha Such Faith In This Dyspepsia Remedy That Ho Guarantees It. r)..v;'' mWm. in the nieved by dyspepsia rem- One of the itreateft suceesses sale of meilicine has been adi -tli-o-uu, the sran-innl tot. ana us saie is increasing so rapid ly; that Daniel .1. yty the popular drim-K"-t, has hard work to keep a stoek on hand. It is vert- popular with bankers ministers, butter, ond others where "Miles r prote-Mou keeps them el it eontiiie,!, tO.ile those who brought (oi iieii.-, Mion tliroiiuh mar eaiino, rry, or other causes have foui relief ,-. in this reliable remedy. Mi-.i-a, eomes i tablet' for,,, , is "old in a -icimI l,v esmviiilK- .!.,;, n enrryiiijr the medi : or purse. It is pleas i" qniek ridief and u e, no matter of how This remedy has been Hfut that Ihiniel , l'hysieal director of the Echo Park play 1 srouuds. reeovererl thA Knrlv .ft, ,i:.. To Save Injured Gold Rshl.W.lfet'rAS , of Walter, witnessed the tragedy. When Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 31. In anM.e bod-v was br0u(.ht tip, the gold effort to save an injured (told fish that ioT which the lad Kave UP n'8 lif floated helplessly i Echo Park lake "as fol"'J Tiishcd ia hia hand. Walter Ford, nn-'nil l-l lnt hi. i:r vJ. 1 drowning today, lie got beyond his oepin ami went to the bottom in 14 I feet of water. By a strange coincidence, Walter was 14 years old at the exact hour. 11 o'clock that he died. ti. L. Mitchell, Ton cannot' afford to mlM reading the Journal Want Ads every day. Fifty-Fourth Annual use. have irreo- THE SURPRISED FROG. '(loll.' i s'poso he'll duck ag'in!' "My! What an unreasonable col 3i ed person: lie seems angry be- utise 1 object to concussion o the brain;" regon State Fair tor i-uuveaiei cine in the p ,!. nut to ta'.e. oji should help .,,,v lotitf a stan lii,;. " 1111 i T::, If m Fry will i fi)lu positive cuarant if it Shell), factory. N ever li Her face Is flat expressionless, Her eyes are dull and black; Vociforoudy loud, her dress Is negligently slack. Her attitude is wooden and Hevoid of any grace: I J et. tbou:h vnu nmv n.o i--.., wll Mi-o-nH n.H.r a 1 lonu to seo her fnoo to rofun.l tho monov i"t prove entinOv satis- " . hi - r ! VrntPimiri ma,i; ...... "' that it culd be sol.l in thi- nianner. auarat.tw like thi, speaks "'! ""' f"' ' "it of the remedy. there ,, ., , ,,. ,ikp th(1 fo ' "l- in n .e.j.iu to be done. nut on,, a time to honin in, today is the best g it. The Christian Soionct' Monitor, says the Astorian, re cnlls that when Washington hound the I'nitetl States over to strict neutrality upon an occasion of war in Kurope he toll the people that hy ivtaininc: a disinterested atti tude toward the struggle they would actually aitl all the participants more than they could do hy taking sides with j'nyone. He reminded them what thev had paid to free tlu-mst Ives from the ties that hound their fortunes with those of Kurooe. It was as if lie hade them Ih not again entangled with the yoke of hoiulage to old-time notions of headship, hut to rememher that a democracy is a homogeneous population, no part commanding the rest, none exalted over another. Independence, cnualitv, and BRIEI' TELEGRAMS My every Impulse toward her goes To see her how I yearn! t hose lifeless eyes, that crooked nose To view I f;,ry imr.n; ' Think not I am a silly pill, " '. "( O'er homely tirls to niiisli If .lT 1 should draw the One..., f.i nit A lovely royal Hush! LINES TO A GIRAFFE. Win ni ''fosts 'ate it. UliL' the dieted. It will hiirdlt- lde, ,' Spt. I.-Heavv n western Cnnndii pofwibility of liar- old nnent erun tire 0 long necked creature at the Zoo, How fortunate for ma M.v lady fair does not compare lesiicct wnn thoe; ated that the crop'l or 1 "hi'uld need a prince's purgf .'.'0,0(Hi,iini) bushels.' An l''--otut like an earl's s,'in Kriin, fot no r 1 , 'IKced ,. inauiiler of f ' ISC. I. toii.orron. REAL ESTATE TRANSrERS again equality, is the lesson which the American Union Ti,'n',n...',,t. x u k Nlilen, llaek A T, I'tker ,.t in I, Ik. ; lias for the world. t tl to tie, eier , I.. 7 Co. to 1 . H,irln,;toii . '. W. . K a,l,l. Most young men are partisans of the devil. As they grow older they are apt to U-conie at least neutral, re marks an exchange. evattlo. identified Xoith y t it:". and ttho tttie, interurl,ii n i in tl, lotting t lat 1,'lit. : held it. 1 Jack Hentty leu first bnseninti. ttalay for the re !-ini with Sail Kran play with the Seals ept. 1. lYnitively a-nil who held up a treet enr week ,1 of Wing the man , the Seattle Kverett it. Fied Starr, aged .ail here today, fob . hnse by the police Had I to deck so long a neck Ail up and down with pearls en- LADD & BUSH, Bankers LstahlMicd 1SCS Capital $.-.00,000.00 Transact a general hankinjr business Safety IVpsit Boxes SAHNGS DEPARTMENT li. M. I.ce.e bv ndniv. to Wall i lie.lt ot 1 I, Ik. .!:. IKfol.l l,l b'.t, hel Martin .t u to I.. U. Mnitm I .1,'hn All, i, nl t cl t;j o . l II Mart, a ,t u, to 1.. It. Mnl(in lot. J nnd li bik 'J llrook. i lt roii i.tiin e u t b. , i;,;,,, .,, I ii I t . .lol.n , ;,o v, pt. , I'omh, el .' ; i j bull M t.rim el , to Iter, it (,. I"IUI it W. H I'lilker l. Ill I . I t . ' '-' et tir to N li. Meets 1 1 1 ' ii I .it ,r cl .'is ; Van t'liarle of the the tt, le, tin, til rep pa-s ,1 li,r-el, nl! he tt onver. It. I' b It n i, , be.t V t. Will k .attt in "cd 'her,, h riiic... 'V. I'r, f, Clllle, a i-M w i H e. AM-fc l' ' M I'J i . 4 J . ik m.irtai; 1 (.ilc.!, dqj,l PV atM ..fjmnviwt do tonna,. uSncunt nti aiu ot pim jtj no twi utj Hn ptttjcto ah pjpnnn ! Sept. l.-Trofessof! of lb'llinhain. one 'i mining engineers in i while w ith n pro. !' l.ilbxtet district, it t lay. In Irvine to one of the party, on r tint den accident- rrt Rimlwleh m. w ., i tilled. I ... Second Sandwich Man-No. Thr !. JNtm t.eifner, k ! ,in't '"U'-h tuoney In theso littrarr runfewed linlay atjil)tv8t "Wt'i invetijntinn j .- ,;n. tnat he kill.sl HIS EXPERIENCE. New Yo-k s. i,i pritnte detect, i the ttart ef the , i into hi ttn'e ' ,, his wife .,! j,, prvvionslv hil l in Kiny office. He ttl l,..v I,.. I .....! . I ' "i nun, n-ini nt imv tl tile ,lv nf thit lll ttife ernl.l,t' ..., !,.-. I.. r tin ftletd. ap. 'a fit of nncer. He i limed Hint men wear hud killed her t bin in his in A k . ?: S'sc TV... Ut.l H.l , . . , ',...., ""'-'inS rrem b ' ' i i i 1 1 i , THE AMERICAN WAY. X' Mlcrt.b on Apple-Wly Is yonder n-n wtlttg in iuch k lrniendou hurry T Microbe on rrar-Aprolntmeni wti kl. divtor. He uklng treatment for Indljeftloa during hi luncU kour taiiii.wl ' Salem, Oregon, September 27th to October 2, 1915 $20,000 Offered in Premiums Come and Stay Seven Full Days tta MaiS Er.PtncendS " ' ak park right at v.wnuiia cAe-ept racing stock. r? reatures Trials of Speed Shooting Tournament Band Concerts Two Aviation Flights Daily Boys' Camp Girls' Camp Everybody's Camp Free Sheds for Camp, ere Teams Moving Tictures Social Center Tent for Campers Dancing Pavilion Children's Playground Bee Demonstrations Animal Circus Amateur Dahlia Show raved Streets Special Days Monday "Children's Day" Tuesday "Woman's Day" "Good Roads Day" Wednesday "Salem Day" "Woodmen's Day" "State Societies Day" Thursday "Portland Day" "Transportation Day" Elks Night" Friday "Press Day" "Oregon Manufacture h ers' Day" "Scandinavian Day" Saturday "Shrine rs' Day" "Grange Day" "Pioneer Dnv" "Carnival Night" ioFnfedS En"'y Blanks Any Mm6. AAL JONES, Secretary, Salem. Orn. " ,'. s": n,Kf . i i MfmxnmKn tuna .atttimiUliil t ,(r im-jwmm wm-w mfrmmm