THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 1,-1915. THREE & CHICAGO Now Everything that is new and fresh both in eatables and wearables can be found here. Groceries of highest quality sold at small prices find their homes here. Also new Fail Silks and Dress Goods, Coats and Suits, New Fall Millinery, Men's and Women's Furnishings and thousands of other articles. A walk through this big store will convince you at a glance of the foward march of the I Most Progressive The Store that is not afraid to push foward, because we have the con fidence in the future of Salem and our confidence in Salem is what makes us grow bigger. Visit our store and see the mammoth display of New Fall Merchandise that is now on exhibition in 42 live departments. . As always we make the low prices for Salem. The CHICAGO Store Commercial Club. s i Members Will Vote . j , i Ull Several AmendmentS; Cards have been mailed to the 825 members of the Commercial club, an nouncing a meeting to be held thiB evening at the rooms of the club for tho purpose of voting on several amend ments. In order that the 825 members should be fully acquainted with the pur pose of the meetijig and amendments, notices have been ported on the bulle tin board of the social department. The first amendment to be voted on this evening is the changing of the nanie from the Commercial club to flint or Salem Chamber of Commerce. An other amendment is thnt hereafter tne mercantile department shall be known BisuRATED MAGNESIA For dyspepsia, indigestion, souring of food, gas, and hyperacidity oi. ine sium nch (acid Btomach). A teaspooniui in a fourth of a class of hot water usually gives INSTANT KKLIfcf'. om oy a ilruirirists in either powder or tablet form at 50 cents per bottle. Sacred Heart Academy Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names SALEM, OREGON BOARDING SCHOOL AND DAY SCHOOL Most approved methods, Pri mary, Grammar and High RpVmrJ rinriffmpnf5 P,Om- plete Course in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Violin and Harmony. No interference with religion of pupils. Modern Conveniences Domestic Comforts Scholastic year begins 6econd Monday in September Address, SISTER SUPERIOR -. - The Occtraies a Floor M. . . . . . . Selling Space of ,000 Square as the Business Men's league. There is also an amendment providing that I members of the Chamber of Commerce who are engaged in mercantile, protcs- sionni or niaiiuraeiining uusihbm i, become members of the Business Men's received into the league on a two-thirds league, biiii mm hch uiwiiui in ..."j - vot of those present at any meeting, their names having been propoieu at a former regular meeting. Anotner pmendment to oe voted on this evening is to the effect that all members of the Salem Chamber of Com merce may have the privilege of taking part in any open discussion oil all mat ters brought before the club, but can vote only in the department with which he-is affiliated. CATARRH GERMS EASILY KILLED Only Way To Cure ThiB Disease la To Destroy Its Cause. By A Specialist. If you have catarrh and want to get rid. of it yoa must kill the germs which cause catarrh. Stomach dosing, oint ments, sprays, creams, douches, etc., fail hncinixn thev overlook this fact. They nil heli) hv irivinif temporary relief but tiiey do not reacn ine germ mo mm 'has found lodgement in. your head, nose, throat, and could not destroy it if they ,ii,i The best known way ot destroying the dangerous germs of Catarrh and consequently ending the disease itself, is to breathe into the air passages of vour nose and throat tne piensaiu, pene fpnt.infr nir n f llvomei (pronounced Ilighomoj. Hyomei is ninde from pureBt oil of Eucalyptus combined with other powerful, healing, antiseptic and germicidal ingredients. You breathe it through a little 'pocket inhaler which Daniel J. Fry and other leading urug gists in Salem and vicinity are furnish ing with every complete treatment sold. Every timo von inhale the sweet, fra grant air of 'llvomei through this little device you are drawing into your swoll en, inflamed, germ In.lcn membranes a medicated air which will not only re duce all tho swelling nnd inflammation and open vour clogged nose and stop-iied-up nir" passages, but will absolute ly and positively destroy every trace of "Catarrh germ life it reaches. Drug Dints are so sure of tho blessed, lasting relief that Hyomei brings to catarrh sufferers that they sen it i'""J U ;if " the positive guurnniee mat mum-v a Hyomoi outfit from your aniggis ilav and begin at onco to drive this dangerous and disgufting disease Troin yair system forever. GOLF CHAMPION SUBPBISED. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 1. Francis Oui met, national amateur golf champion, got a big surprise today when Jin, ,v. Blandish, of Detroit, played h,m to a standstill in the morning half of the second round of the national cham pionship tmrnnment at the Detroit Country 'flub. Ouimet's card was -6 "h'thfiir"- bole, were oyer, Jerome D. Travers. former champion, was one up on MaxMarston. New Store in Change of Rates By Parcel Post Hereafter, if a postoffiee is only 150 miles frojjn Snlum on an air line, but 300 miles or over by rail or stage, the parcel post rate will apply to the ac tual distance traveled in delivering, and not as the crow flies. Heretofore, it hna hppn tim Cllutrnn tn fiirnvn 7finp rates on an' air line distance, but the government has concluded this is not good business, and beginning tomorrow, zones from uny single point will be fig ured on nctual distance traveled. With the exception of a few towns, this will take tho counties of Crook, Curry, Lake, Coos, Klamath and Jefferson out of the second zone from Salem and ninke a third zone rate effective. Heretofore a five-poind parcel post package could bo shipped from Salem into these coun ties for 9 cents, the second zone rate. Now it will cost 14 cents. For a 10 pound package, the second zone ratf was 14 cents. Now on the third zone rating, the same 10 pounds will cost 24 cents. This order from the post office department at Washington goes into effect today. je $ IT'S EASY TO PEEL OFF YOUR TAN OB FBECKLES Tiis is what you should do to she a spoiled complexion: Spread evenly over the face, covering every inch of s'tin, a thin layer of ordinary niercolied wax. Let this stay on over night; .vasli it off next morning. Hepeat daily until jour complexion is as clear, soft and beauti ful as a young girl s. Tins result is inevitable, no mailt;' how hoiIo'I or is colorel the complexirn. The wax liter ally peels off the .filmy surface, e posin, the lovely young skin beueuth. The process is entirely harmless, ho lit tle of th ! old skin off at a timo. Mero'b.ed wax is obtainable nt any drug (toie; one ounfo usually suffices. It's a veritable wonder-worker for rough, tanned, reddened, blotchy, pim pled or freckled skin. l'u re puwdered saxolite is excellent for a wrinkled skin. An ounce of it dis solved in a half pint witch hazel makes a refreshing wash-lot ion. This renders the skin tpiito firm and smooth; indeed, the very first application erases the finer lines; the deeper ones soon follow. EXPOSITION PAYS DEBT Kan Francisco, Sept. 1. The l'min-ma-l'acific International exposition is clear of incumbrances, l'aymeut of 110,1115. to a local trust company put the exposition out of debt. Friday night the elaborate cele Illa tion of exposition period will be held in commemoration of the event. All papers or incumbrances against the ex position will be gathered in a pile and burned and the uehee scattered to the winds from an aeroplane from the Tow er of Jewels. W. 1). Ryan, exposition illumination wiznrd, is preparing fire works and lightoing effects commensu rate with the occasion. Feet Salem L Report of Work Done During Past Three Months Just Issued A report of the activities of the Com mercial Club during its first quarter since the re-organization, has just been issued by the president, W. M. Hamil ton. The total membership of the Chamber of Commerce, now numbers 825 and the total income for the first quarter has been $4,809. The biggest single activity of the club was the Cherry Fair, held July 2 and 3, which has been conceded by all to have been one of the most success ful affairs ever ghen in the city, and at an expense uliuut, half tho usual amount. Additional work of the club has been the distributing of hundreds of bottles of loganberry juice to the touring Shriners, Elks and other lodges and the entertaining of several excursion par ties, among thciu the Iowa newspaper delegation. The agricultural department has been busy attempting to solve the market proposition for the fanners living near tho city. A successful market day was held August 7, one that was attended by hundreds of fanners. This department has established booths at Kerry and Liberty streets, but there is a feeling Binong many of the members that the success of" this market movement de pends solely wilh the farmers. At the suggestion and urging of L. H. McMnhan, a iniinicipul swimming booth was established. During August more than 10,1100 were on the beach, and be sides the pleasure given, the Club feels thnt the beach may have prevented many drownings during the bathing season. The Industrial department hns In. vestiirated several factory propositions, Many have not proved available. The Department, however, succeeded in aun in ir the Abbott Hroom factory to Salem's growing IWt of payrolls. The Club now is laying plans for the giving of a proper welcome to the Land Grant Congress to meet here 200 strong September 16th. OOETHAX8 VIEWS PUBLIC WORKS Portland. Ore., Sept. 1. General George Goethnls, his wife and son were visiting the engineering works at Cas cade Locks today. They went to Cascade Locks by lioat and will return in Portland this evening by automo bile over tiie Columbia rivet highway. Foreign Exchange Needs Help to Stimulate Trade New York. Aug. 2S, 1 9 1 .". Somo form of relief in tiie foreign exchange, situation is imperative, uud a solution will undoubtedly bo facilitat ed by tho conference between American and British bunkers now on the way to this port. Our foreigu trade contin ues seriously derailed, imports being greatly curtailed while exports persis tently show a tremendous expansion. For cxainple, the exports from New York during the week ending August 14th were $31,N00,000 against $10,700, 000 the same week last year; while imports, though increasing slightly, are still running far below normal. This excessive preponderance of exports will continue, and probably upon an even larger scale during the remainder of tiic calendar year. On .Tune ilOth, the excess of exports had reached $1,000,- 000,000, and some authorities estimate that it will touch as high as &.W), 000,000 bv December Hist. Kurope can not pay in merchandise or gold; some form of credit must be established if we aro to accept foreign war orders The urgency of the crisis is emphasized bv the coming to New oi k of Lou ilon '8 leading bankers. The idea of importing 2.50,0110,000 gold is less pop ular here thnn when first broached. Tho supply of the precious metal in this country now estimated at nearly $2, 000,000,000 is so excessive that our bankers are naturally unwilling to sec any further addition because of its use lossnoss and its possible inflationary tendencies. The latter must be care fully guarded against. It is well to re member, however, that it is inflation of credit that is most dangerous, and bankers always have it within their power to curtail credit, whether based upon gold, seeuritios, merchandise or reputation. An excess of gold or money may nnd sometimes does cause inflation, but this tendency can always be avoid ed by those who control the lending sit uation; and now that the federal re servo system is in oKrntioii inflation could bo much more easily resisted. Moreover, if this proposed $2.50,000,000 in gold were imported, the credit based thereon would be almost entirely de voted to financing foreign war orders, and would have little effect here be yond tho stimulus of wnr orders which has already been experienced and large ly discounted in the present high prices of tho wnr group shares. Tho settle ment of British obligations by sales of American stocks seems as far off as ever, flood buyers could undoubtedly bo fcfind, but John Bull is evidently in disposed to surrender more of iiis Am erican investments, which are among tho choicest of his possessions There has been some talk of mobilizing or nillssinlT Itritisll hntllillS of Americans and depositing them hero as collateral for loans, lint even this plan arouses no particular enthusiasm. On this sido of tho Atlantic the most approved plan is, of course, a liritish loan in this mar- ket on conditions likely to attract Am- nrienn capital: but tile terms asked are likely to strike hard at liritish prUlo and urestiae; because England cannot expect to borrow on this side of the Allnntic at rates and terms to which she has been accustomed on the other. Capital naturally commands better rnies nere mini in i-.urup, m-n' t. now nere in iiuinnti vcam, uu.i nimu can buyers would certainly balk at Cie liritish income tax on the bonds. Some o-io of these plans may possibly be adopted nod nn important loan, pos sibly $500,000,000, arranged for at an early date. Others would follow, pro vided tho United States Itself is not drawn into the war. If perchance we become involved in military operations against Germany happily a remote contingency thnt would materially af im i : : I .......... .....I A mn.i. ' fect the plncing of a .Itntisli loan, so far as our immediate financial necessi ties nro concerned, this government cnnlil easily raise for temporary Pur poses $50,0110,000 by sale of Panama III per cent bonds and another $100, 000,- 000 in It per cent notes, which would nrry us iibcig until congress asseiiiiiieu as usual in December, when tin issue, of $:iO0,0OO,(IOO for pri'pnrednesti, or States us t' the conduct or her sun $500,000,000 in case of actual wnr, 'murine warfare. might be added. With the possibility Ambassador Von Hernstorff today of these enormous demands upon tho submitted (0 Secretary of State Lull American money market before us, it cing the substance of Germany's reply is well to move cautiously in nil inune- to i'lendent Wilson's lust, noto to lier tnrv commitments. I lin. nnd it consists of tho acceptance At tins writing the outlook or our relations witn Germany is decidedly more encouraging, smco neniiiuiy through her representatives has stated that she would endeavor to satisfy our demands when convinced that she is wronif. The hope, however, that Ger many will modify her methods of sub marine warfare to suit our ideals should not lend us into uuwisci confidence. While it is to be devoutly hoped that President Wilson's demands will be sat isfied, it is simply common prudence to keen ill mind the cnnsecpieiicos if they are not. As to tho war itself, there are no dependable peace signs yet in sight, notwithstanding the peace talk that occasionally comes to the sur face. Passion between tho belligerents is too intensely aroused and the issues involved are ton vital to allow set t In - ment before one side or tho other is exhausted. It mav bo that weariness and oven financial embarrassment are making themselves felt, but. of the sheer exhaustion necessary to end the war there is as yet no positive symptoms anywhere, unless it be in Turkey, which has been the "Sick Man of l'.u-( rope" for generation. ' Somo idea of tho increase in business' activity can be obtained from a com- j parison of bank clearings with a year ago. The total clearings at principal cities for the first three weeks of Aug-; list was $!I,!I77,000,OHO, against $(!,!II7,-I 000,000 a year ago, an iiicreaso of $:i,- ;i0:i,00O,000. Jnclmleil ill these loiais aro clearings at New York, amounting' to $5,005,000,000, against $U,7 15,000, 000 last year, an increase of $,Si),00o, 000. The great increase in New Yrk's clearings is chiefly due to tno excep tional outburst of activity on the stock exchange, which was closed a year ago. There has been a sharp revival of speculation, amounting to a boom in the war group, and the transactions since January 1 arc more than double those of a year ago. At tho same time, there has been a steady expansion of legitimate business throughout the country, as demonstrated by an increase of Ull per cent in clearing during tne second week of August in tho Middle Stntes, of 24 per cent in the New Eng land States, 10 per cent In the Middle WVst, 8 per cent In tho Pacific, Stutes, 10 per cent in other Western States and 4 per cent in the Southern States. Re ports from 135 cities in the middle of August showed an increase of nearly 44 per cent, than which no better evi dence of trade improvement could be j found, even after eliminating specula-1 tive transactions. Tho business outlook continues siitis-' factory, the only cloud being our dit'fi- adjusted, as now seems probable, we ma)- look for good business during the balance of the year. Tno agricultural ; districts will teel the lienefit ot huge crops and fair prices. Tho steel indus try shows increasing activity at ad vanciug prices for reasons well under- stfl; and our railroads must soon re flect the changes for the better in larger gross earnings. Talk of an ex tra session of congress should bo dis couraged, because it is absolutely un necessary. The executive department of the government under President Wil- son's leadership is abundantly able to!, meet almost any situation liKelv to tie- velop between now and December. Of eenrse. only congress can declare war: and peace is more likely to be preserv ed when congress, which is only a legis lative and not nn administrative body, is not in session. On the stock ex change business continues to show feverish activity, speculation being most pronounced in the industrials ben efiting by war orders. The market, however, exhibits a broadening ten dency, and there is more disposition to operate in the better class of industrials mid railroad shares, especially those which will benefit from trade improve incut. The technical situation of the market 'ma been somewhat improved by temporary setbacks which acted as a test of values and brought in a new influx of buyers. Unavoidably the wnr remains the controlling factor in the market, which must be expected to fliictuuto sharply in either direction, according as the day's news is regard, ed favorable or unfavorable. UKNKY (.'LEWS. Pacific Mail Steamship Company Passes Out San Francisco, Sept. 1. Before the end of the month the Pacific. Mail Steamship company will cease to exist, according to A. J. Fryo, assistant gen eral manager of the company. ' The Mexican fleet of tho company will bo sold within tho next. 10 days. One western and two eastern firms urn i biddiim for tho shins. f they are bought by a local com- ! nniiv ihi viwmcIu will lirntinlilv rumnin in tho Mexican aud Central America trade. It' not, they probably will go,"1"" controversy mroiigu uipiranuuu u, the Atlantic, coast. exchanges; admit responsibility for the. . Arabic's deut ruction, disavow the act aj . lj in ,w and award reparation for the loss of MOURl MOOfl r0rSt TlffiS American lives both on the Arabia and a in it i n . Are All Under Control; 1'orflniid, Ore., Sept. 1. All forest' t,., ;,. .i,,, .;i;iir nf i.umf II,,,.!1 ,!,,,. ,.ont,. t(,;llv wM;, ,), exil,v. timl of i,;, jH imrnjll(, friw.isly hctween ( liicliaiiias and Clear lakes, de- spite the efforts of L'5U men to extin guish it. It is feared t'no fire will burn until rain sets in. It already has a front of 111 miles nnd buck firing has been resorted to, to prevont it from spread ing. Will Warn Liners Before Firing Torpedo (Continued from Page One.) American deiniiiids was the "greatest stroke of modern diplomacy, Note Direct From Berlin. : Washington, nopt. I, normally wis accepted tiie demands of the vinted :ot' the representations mailo oy tins government. The German ainbusmdor received Germany's noto of acceptance direct from tho llerlin foreign office, lie imd not yet had it translated into Knglish so communicated tho information to Secretary LunsiiiL' orally. When tho ambassador left the state department it wus with tho intention of putting the acceptance in writing and submit - ting it oi. quickly as pmsiblo. In effect, Secretary Lansing said, Germany hns agreed to nil American leinaiiils as to winning being given be- , fur,i uli'ips lire, torpedoed and also re inirini visit and search before a ves sel is sunk, j The communication is in relation to1 submarine attacks which may be made 1 in the future ami agrees that all rules la i'l down bv this government will be, have torpedoed the liner Arabic bus complied with. Matters and facts of, not yet reported, but. admiralty ot'fi past attacks are left open for future I cials are not inclined to fully accept, consideration. theory that the U- boat was sunk it is taken for grunted that the com-1 by a Dritish warship. The WESTERN BARGAIN HOUSE offers exceptional bargains In New and Secondhand Camping Supplies. We buy, tell or trade, new and secondhand goods of every description. Best cash prices for all kinds of junk. Western Junk & Bargain House 317-327 Center Street, corner Commercial.' A Big Surprise 400 Tents at cost prices for tliis for camping. Don't fnil to see us H. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of Half a 302 N, Commercial St. 444444 munieation makes this latter provision ! because questions of reparation have to I be settled End diplomatic, exchange" j will be necessary to reach a basis of ! agreement. .No difficulty is expected, . however, in adjusting them, i So far as Secretary Lansing iudicated nothing is included in the German eom I munieation in the way of a request .that the United States reciprocate by .... .......:.... e tu.. 1.I....1....1.. luniugg u nil? tiicniiuu m luv uiuinNMU with Great iiritain. It is thought likely this may be touched on Inter. The communication which the stuto department received, Lansing said, was a formal assurance that tiernuinv would lacuniesce in President Wilson's do- maiKl. n,,..u in -pioi.. I Officials declared tho assurances com lately revolutionizes all plans of tim " """" '7 '"" ,l" " . """ , , v. uinnv in the Liisitunia and Arabic, cases. It was believed the communi cation from Merlin would be accepted in good faith at the White House. By admitting the validity of the eon-, tentions of the United States, it w;n said, Germany practically admits that the torpedoing and sinking of the Lnsi tania was not in accordance with inter national law and was an act for which reparation will be giauted. i "e greatest satis action vas eviiteut ; "" .. o. wns declared to nave completely cluing- 1(1 "ow 10 cnv 111 promise. The acceptance of tho American de mands was regarded as evidence ol Cenuniiy's determination tiuit then shall be no further friction between the two governments. It was pointed out tli J imperial government had not only removed the possibility olv rupture, but ninny maintained,' Ger many had deprived England of her chief excuse for muintiining a block ade. Some were inclined lo mink Germany had attained a diplomatic victory. (Ireat Hritain, it was said, could now linrdly avoid unpleasant and persistent) inquiries from neutral powers for tho reason of nny continuance of the block ade in the Morth sea, shutting off com merce between neutral ports. Some expressed the belief, indeed, , thnt th neutral powers can hardly fail . to look for a modification of the Uril ish order in council. Note Came As Surprise. Germany 's noto of acceptance camo as a surprise to officials. An answer iiad been expected through Ambassador Gerard. They woro also less hopeful I out ot tne outcome tnau was wnrranto't by the nature of Germany s reply. In virtually .admitting the illegality of the destruction of tho T.nsitanin, the belief was expressed that tho Herman, comniunicaiiou makes ready to assumo full responsibility and make reparation tor the sinking of tho Arabic. There were growing doubts today a to the possibility of any report reach: iuir Berlin from the commander of tho submarine which torpedoed the Arabic. Lacking this report, however, official ! ui'l'oved Germany would clenr up th Lusitnnia. Receives Written Copy. Washington, Sept, 1. Secretary Tumulty nnnoiinceil shortly before noon that tho state department had received the written copy of Germany's noto of acceptance. The communication is now being pio pared tor President Wilson, he said. Tumulty ninde this announcement after having visited Secretary Lansing's ol f'ice. Stock Market Stronger. New York, Sept. 1. Germany 's for mal acceptance of the American subum riue deuinnds strengthened the stock market today following a decline bo cause of the denioralizullon of foreign exchange. Sterling opened at 4.51 'j, off four points. Liners Will Be Wamed. Washington, Sept. 1. "No liner will bo sunk by our submarines without, warning and without safety to the lives of non-combatants, provided tho liners do not try to escape or offer resistance," is the written assnranc" given the United States in the com iiiiiiiicntion handed the stnto depart ment by Ambassador Heriistorff today. German Press Comment. ' (By Curl W. Ackerninn.) (United 'Press Staff Correspondent.) Hcrliu, via Tho Hague, Sept. I. One of tiie most significant ilevelii;mieiil i in tiie German-American situation came today with the nppenriincn of articles in tiie newspapers laying stress upon the value of the submarine, waiinro. ! They went apparently inspired ami gave statistics of the number of boal i 1 sunk, the tonnage destroyed, and nrg , ed that the submarine atlncks had been a success. Though it is felt thnt what threaten- ed to become a crisis Mas passed, gov ernment circles arc still somewiiat tin- - , pi, nl'oitable in anticipation of the next American note in view of the bbnitnesi with which tho lust communication was , regarded. Tho submarine which is supposed to Phone 706 for Hop Pickers week only. Also everything needed t if you need anything in this line. I Million Bargains. Phone 808 .