Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 01, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Jl " it
Social and Personal
wtWiwwwmw,) Yield To Lydia E. Pink
i ;.. ....... -. I . . I . r i-t-1-
nam a t cgeutuic
Elkhart, Ind.:-" I suffered for four-
A SOCietf Vfnt n,l,..n r.rim;al.ii . rTM ...
. - . " i i tu...., a;runi. j no ranv motored down irom :
both in Salem and throughout the state I Portland. 1
will be the marriage tonight of .Mi Ml i
Althea E. Mi. ires, tne daughter i,t Mr I m;.. u';nf..i. r.:.i... i . i '
. - 1 ..mm-.. a i iiir. wuo nan ueeu
ana Mi. A. .V Moores, to Kobert t'.itho guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Rein-
ve periormej at tne .Moores' residence, ; this evening lor battle. From there
j5 Lnemeketa street, t :aj o'rlock,M,ss j,,.v will return to her hrmc at
by Kev. James Klvin, of the ConKrea-1 Cameron, '.Mi.ouri. via the Canadian
tional caurrn. Out-of-town guests furi Pacific,
the wedding have been arriving fori
several days an.J are being entertained! r. , . , ,, , . ,
a. house guests at tne hon.es of rela-i ' 'h,'M J"h" ,' '"' "!
tives and friend.. Among those from vK . . ' i i. " 1 an,'' J"?'
l'ortland are the Missc, Vrtha and ; rnturned home. af,er spending ,e
1'arrie Moore,, coosir.s f Mr. and Mr. i """""" on "'fir farm near Portland.
- !
: personals h
F. L. Waters went to Settle thi
morning. '
Georg.t Vick i. in Portland t-diiy jn '
1 : i
i'i.sine is.
A. S. Moores; Mr. and .Mrs. Chester
Miores, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore.
Mrs. Jfnrrv
informally at
.1. W
imer entertained
r roiav evening
JIT. Bllll .V1IR. A Holt i . l ami -
Mm. Tom M. Word, Judge and' Mr, I""'' AnTl' T ,M"- "' K',!T:'f
verton. tro.n Asrorm. Mr. ...! K:. .f1"'"""?- 'ld""8lw f.med an
B. F. Bond, of Albany. & in
! rred s. .naiort is U 1 j'v.-iii.? today I
I on business. I
v- . I . L ' ... i hit aiini, ,nr. a. .). nein-i tiKnan, jnQ. i s'juerea iorioor- ; --" i :.'nier nnrce.i Truu-.-j .v :r..m
be'Tf'orm.rT Mr!-'"0"? i!rt' for-,he ,"t ,wo mm"ui- ''VM'een years fromorganic inflammation, t N.nrjsnt.
be uerlormed at the Moores' residence. ! thm even r..r stt ('. fi...r . . fl,,L. ru.i.:. .(i.,..',.,,! ......
i emaie weanness, iti"iiiw,wiii'i".'.i
pain and irregulari- re'rd?jr Tisi,il,8
ties. The paina ink ifartln .b'tk of i,,iIvfr5c,;' M !
, , business visitor veterdsv. ;
my 8HeK ' 1ank Wrightman ci M.:U.-bu:g. !
creased by walking , wa8 a viritorKBere TMfrJav. i
or standing on my jeSse Tooley, of.-ilv.r 'cr.-ek Fails. I
feet and I had such ; is in the city today on leice. I
awful bearing down Smith Stenhenu nmii!fr' f.'irir.er !
feelings, was da- of I'0,k county, is' in (he city today. j
pressed in spirits : J0 l eery, of stavti-n. : in ttc
and became thin and visiting with friena this nk. I
pale with dull.heavy B- H- Cnnkle and H. L. Fih-r. of bil- j
I i,j . ! verton, were Balem visitors yesterday.
""m.-i WaWhlt .k,,.;..,. v;.;.
home; '.Mrs. W. 8. K ;," t ho mother; fu"..?.? a"'i "I'!"'''1- i 'Tf 1 -C00 ? ! r in ,he ..terd.y from W.-od-
.. . l .. i..: i , ' .. . 'he 'linmir-ruoMi. T he i.:irn tr,-. , r. rarv relief. I deridert tn crfve I.vHia V. v.
vi iur urinerooin; inikiii ivinney, ur. i i i ,u. 7 i , . ,,. . ,, j, " -ioui.i.
and Mrs. Alfred Kinnev, Mr. and Mrs.' i eri Mr't' 1 ' ' ' K"''r- Ilnkhams Vegetable Compound a fair : Harrv Seymou?, countv mrintea-
John Hmith, and Miss ' Mildred Hmith,! KU-tniHij '"' tris' and also the Sanative Wash. I have; dent of Polk county, was in the ritv
who will bo tiie maid of honor, from I'... . now used the remedies for four months . yesterday.
flattie; the MifeH Margaret and tier-1 ,r . and cannot express my thanks for what xf'81' Peur.is left yet-
... , . , , ujey nave uone lor me,
returned tn t H, 1....... p.... rf . .
land 8undav, after a several weeks'
visit with her ialer. Mrs. An! on Knt
Mrs. (i. F. (Ii
levenina from n
ulie, -kith
4 r.HIIlt'l'' tfUir 41 t,d
jit.i i; mi, . : her irrii.i
n uiese lines win De or any benefit 1 ,. " T . '. ,
you have my tx-rmission to publUh -''lT -hT"' d'i n
them."-Mrs. Sadie WrLUAMS, 455 j vllit Bar'vlew "
James Street, Eikhart, Indiana. j Mr,,. Christopher Rowe. of North S-ev-
Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com-icteenti street, ii-turm d . -t-di,-pound,maJe
from native roots and hcrbo. from a ininrli Mm at ("';: i.
I contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, j . Robertson and family, of
s ni the South Bnd t0(iay nol(ls the record of being the j Brownville, wore ii. the pity yesterday
most suceessiui rcmeay lor lemale ills j 'rK,""-riug i iue nojju.
weknowof, and thousands of voluntary j Vurner Gu'M- thl' YntW p, n ' R- '
testimonials on file in the Pinkham P0"!"""1" of Wandtmrn. is h.rc
iBbontoiy nt Lynn. Mass.. seem to ,Ua hl8 aunt Mrs' h' 'u"ke
r,... e-. 1 ' ""
n-luim-.l la't
"' ftav at
. ...... j v..., ..laip.iMT una Od-
trfi.lia fln.v mil M....1...II l..l " -
" v ..j b... .iiiirutill irurnwn, WIIU1 ,
will set ua tkM trmi.tri. i;.. i:i 1'iren
..... . ... ..urn ii
Jian llain, a eousm of the bridegroom,
arrived today lrom New York City.
Misa liain in a N'hw W.rlf ,fiij
has beeli eonne ted with the liriar't'lif f I
Manor m-hmil Kh u.,11 l... v,........!
guest of Mrs. W. 8, Kinnev, in Astriria, ' '1
after the wedilinir I'nwn...... u... s,eri.luu.
rill Mxiores, of Indianapolis, who also . , '
arrived to.lav. will r,,..,.l..i. i.. ..... I he semi-week v ilmi
VI town guests. i.nei.iev nop yar'l will nave an epe-
A handsomely-appointed dinner party j ''IM"V or.-hestra this season, emu-
was given last evening nt toe Marion : """nK ln'' follow ing well-known Sa
hotel li the members of tiie bridal i . I"'l,,,: M' nd .rrs. r'ranl;
party by Kobert Kinnev. The table! 'V- v"'1'" f""1 l"a"": w ui. New
was beautifully .entered with pink Kil-'?'""' ',rlln: ''""" Newman, enrtiet;
larney roses. Thos.- elreliuir the table trnml.. ne. Tue dam e-.
were: Kobe,t Kinnev, Miss Althea y,n', n "rn "n ednesdn v and Sal-
-Moores, Mivs Mddred Smith, Marshall 1 w' '"j!"'"1 'diarge of .1. II.
Jackson, .Miss Mnrgerv .Marvin and A'",,'r- A ""ge number or Salem voung
Halph Moores. ' i I"'" ""d these dances, mid, in view
"f th" music an. other attractive fe-i-
formerlv lived at iio ha lies whi w''-""'l.v by ! "hildren. of Vancouver. Wash., arc
Wev. Klvin wa, pa.tor o II e VZro '", ot '"'r '"""Ty ,N-"d,g the week in P.-.lem as the
gational ehureh flT two veu ,n?ZVl I ' h","""" ''T "nrri" M-l.-r. of of Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Richard-
rre given a warm weieoino h, , r ' " ' ""!"" f .Mist.'on
many triend, j ,t eitv. A unburn ' ' "'enrat ive scoem.
event of their vis,, was the sermon I e.ti v. ne .. . ' i " . .. ",',V''1 '' '!'?:
which lev. Klvin preached Auuust "!... i . , was enrncl
fo the rancher, and hX fa,S w d le" ".77''' ' ,h"
n.. ..i ...i .i... ... . . " "" ""i.i'"Tnoon.
.... .,,., , , . , roiesinni oiiurches
."iss i.oniM' I lark returned last niL.,(
rrom a six months' ti-i.. . ivi;.-
' f..r
, f, ':? V, s--t- . if
' f, vS sCU- !-A
a. .ii ii ,, a i - V"-jTv 'CX "vr-.-
y y w -Tin. xn Airiy-3r- I
prove this fact
If yon Jiare tiie sliglitest doubt
that Lvdlii I-:. I'inkliam'r Veirefa
lk('unixiiinl will help vou, write
to Lydia I'-.l'liikliaiii IcilicincC'o.
(roiiliilentlaii l .vnii.Massforad
vlcc. onr U-ttor will lie opened,
rrad and aiiHWcrcd lv a woman,
nd liuld in strict con(ldcnci.
Miss Margaret Mills.
who h:.
in The halles , h.. :,n. .........
day Hev. and Mrs. Klvin were afforded!
aa eniov.l.i - . x monitis
dd.n. friends: wi;;;; ,; z,z u h r .
the I'roleslant ehurehcH of die eitv held Mis I' ,.r I c t- v-
reee,in in (heir honor In the. SI 1 Mr I V Tr, i'''!.'' N,'M"1
Ion of the Ciiristinn church All ieo. U... l. I'rniii have returned
tar service, ., th, lo-i 'ehnn-h wl " ", ' " "" ft,.N' '1'V't a, th.lr
w be resumed Himdny. and the la, I w. 1. ..V, ?r"'vk' "f l'"rt
A pleasant motor trip to Wilhoit
springs was enjoyed Sun. lav bv Mr
nnd Mrs. Dawson and dimeter, Mr'
an.l Mrs. MeCullev, Mr. and Mrs v.
tor Swart, and .Mr. and Mrs ,
nnd weekly services will be held Thurs-
"V 'M"i- l l
As guest. f Mr. ,, Mr, Jnmm
hi.ii,ock over tie weekend were Mr
and Mr.. Hun W. Kvnns nnd daughter,
Mis. Marie Kvnns, ami Miss Alico Arm
lie. ! 1 1
Russia Will Soon Issue
raper money For Expenses
I'etrngrad, Sept. 1. An issue of pa
per money i soon to be made by Rus
sia through the state bank because or
the heavy increase in war expenses, it
was officially announced today. The
public was warned that taxes 'will be
This year's war expenses were esti
mated at .M.CL'ii.noiuino bv the depart
ment of finance. The government has
already borniwed :i.ll(iii.niio,(iO(l and ex
pects to burrow more to "continue tho
war to a victorious conclusion," it was
all of Sale
New York Kvening Font: One argu
ment against the disbanding of the
Progressives is that it would leave
the diplomatic abilities of Mr. Perkins
without adequate employment.
These jJgr
Post Toasties
Are the first ami only com flakes that are
"Rood to eat" without milk, cream or sujrar.
Try M.nie fresh from tho package, ami at once you Ret a wonderful
i::raslly d,ffwnt frum
Noiice the little pearl-like "putlV on each tlakt-a characteristic thnt i.
out Ktip UH-ii hotly and appetizing crispness.
There's a Royal Treat in every package of
New Post Toasties
oei-n .
visitine the fnmilv f .f M ;i. 'i it :
this morning for "her home in Denver,!
Colorado. I
K. L. Stinson, who has been spi rding
several weeks with his an tie r at New-j
port, is in town for a day or two. on .
Knights of Pythias business.
Miss Delia Cole, of Momi-i'Ii Mo.,
io in me cuy visiting nor '.;;i.r, Mrs,
I.. H. Huggins. After a w- k :- visit
she will leave for San Frnru-isoo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Leg v ill mo
tor to l'ortland tomorrow to no-et tln-ir
children who ars returnir'g from Si a
yiw, where thy have Inn spend
ing the summer.
Attorney Carey. F. Martin, a former
Eugene mnn, accompanied bv his wife
and daughter, were in the city from
Salem Sunday. Mr. Martin is a brother
of Attorney V. G. Martin', of Eugene.
Eugene Register.
iwo rum stars Tane lessons In Mak-: that Japanese lovers never kiss. Thcv
! MissTeTiLan;pSI0Ulimerli'j;S,l Pv rub the ride, of their
! ion. the famous Mutual actors, have cnet'lis together. Tins they learned
; hem taking lessons in making love.' 3,1,1 lu,9 more, and Ihey have made
.That this should be necessary will, effective use of their knowledge in the
seem incredible to film fans. Miss picture.
; Sampson and Mr. Clifton, when they ' Miss Sampson has the sympathetic
i wrre cast as lovers in John Luther : part of the little Japanese wife who is
Long s four-part Mutual Masterpicture, deserted by her husband. Mr Clifton
Ihe h: Woman." found that they plays her husband. The part of the
did not know how to make love in the Fox Woman, the Japanese name for a
Jai-anese stvle. tinin uvU !, ,,,.,..;. : , ,'. . ... .
', , iin'iirl is uiiiieriaacil nv Siync Allen
rather, but this was different again! , one of the Mutual's mo'st faseinatin"
Si they spent several liavs in the Jap- stars "
anese section of U Angeles and ob- "The Fox Woman" will be show,, t
..... . .uC.,i.a..-r way i,i snowing tne tJligh Theater tomorrow, Fridav
altection. It was explained to them!. nnd Saturday.
(Z CautioiiX.
l"Afvo'd SubttitutPAa
Take a package home
H. fhapman. C. F. Lansing and John '
Harris were name, ,.:.. .l. i.TTi-i-n.?f
S. Harris were named as ajipraisers.
A license was issued fodav for the
marriage of Robert C. Kinnev, of As
toria, and .Miss Althea Moores, of this
city. The grorrn-to-be is a prominent
timber man and Miss Moores is a well
known daughter of- an old Salem family.
An order was issued bv Judge Bushev
today appointing Millie Berrv as guar
dian Of Kcicl R r.nl.-o r.n.l l.V ,.. i
Lake, minors, and the heirs of lieecker
..am-, .ircr.asen. i nov are possessed of
an estate consisting of ;W.o acres of
mi in tins cc.inty valued at -flOOO
i . rvirscii, rrank Herrling an
11. Lake were named as appraisers
guardian is the mother of Cecil and
Everett Lake, who are aged 1 1 and 10
vears, rciilrtivelv.
Tans, Sept. L Beports that
Aviator Adolphe E. I'egoud had
been killed in action' were con
firmed by the war office todav.
1'egond was the first aviator in
the world to "loop the loop" in
an aeroplane and was regarded
as the greatest airman of
i ranee.
yiourt. 1 ' - - .
i'1 Great Diolomatic Vichrv
I an, 1 1 f t . J -
aay new York Brokers J
Nearly $:iO.(ino ha? been collected in
taxes at the sheriff's office in the last
two days of the mouth of August, which
was the time limit for the payment
of taxes upon which the first half hml
fice over t!ie counter nnd there ui,,.,,,! ., ,,',""t' Sept. 1. Frain-u' Evening Ptt.l
lo.OIIO in the mails, according' to the! ?''mu't' 1'f'Sent national amateur folf: 'ew York. Sept I Foreinn
estimate of Sheriff Esch. The slier i na:""""'. d Jerome D. Travers, four: 'ange, whirh fell to 4 56 1 vet
iff fn. i,. i i , tui.es national i-liun,,,; ...ui u ... - esier-
... w .i.-f-U IHI 1 Sy .III'I1I. ., ...,. .ii. II,' M I, I, in .1,111 WIIII'I, uttu. .1 l. . .
''' -I m the second ,,, of the'ma.le another downwa , , ,n,e i
tonal amateur golf tournament this rilt,' todav. though with I ,.hL
'"'"ho,, James L. Standish, of De !.nfterward whi,-h J. , , "'"T W
troit. defeated Duimet by the h.,11,1 day 's early ,1..L ",.'.. of ll'
ore of 3 ,M. nn.l f,. ,.- .. .... w. 'itn.,... .'.... ' ."" "Illt S"IC (lis-
, " k' an, .Max, v luniini removnor i.rt s; . .
".. 'f Baltusrol, eliminated l''l'eiision. h v olrll,' aP'
- up an, t to play. i " hen our own intern-K ioi,-,l ;i ,.
h. after i.lnvi,,,, n; Jwa, H, , '"u rn.n lona situation
-tandstill in the morning rund, , ed- ""Hu8 di. not rangV
The elimination f i il ,., .7 A a lm"ul nom
Dr. Osier on Tuberculosis
merly of Job. Hopkla., Unit m
and ... lleBlo. rrofw.or of ,
cine at O.ford. Kay. n
of Medicine" p.'JJJ ,
The healing- of pulmoS.fy tnttT.
colot.ni I. ehovrn elinlraiw , "
rerovery of patients in whose .pita
elastic tUsae and bnc-llll h,e S
found. in ike rannli!
product, and ansoelnted p. "uJ
a near tissue la formed, while ih!
mailer caaeou area, become lm!
prccnated with lime ..It To .i?,
eontlltlona alone ahould the (em
heallna- be applied." m
Many eminent medical authorities
have testlrled to the efficacy of m ,
salts in tho treatment' of tubercu?
losis, and the success of Eckman's
Alterative n this and allied throat
and bronchial affections may be due
partly to the fact that it contains
a lime salt so combined with other
Las!,rnlJl1aete1dnKrCdlent'' " t0 b
Widespread use of this remedy In
numerous cases of tuberculosis
many of which appear to have yield
ed completely to it Justifies our be
lief that it is worth a trial, unless
some other treatment' already Is
succeeding. It contains no opiates,
narcotics or habit-forming- drugs'
We make no promises concerning it
any more that reputable physicians
give promises with their prcseriu
tlons, but we know of many cases
Your drupglst has if or can get
It, or you can send direct.
Evkman Laboratory, Philadelphia.
For Protection
against the serious sickness so
likely to follow an ailmentof the
digestive organs, bilousness
or inactive bowels, you can rely
on tho bsst known corrective
Olt J""" SU l An MnficiH h Ike WU)
....hi i..,n..rra. .n nnrri. ... zr
ing to the taxes of the people'who visit
the office personally that the mail has
not been attended to except at uld mo
ments. However, all letters containing
money which reached the office by Sep
tember 1 will be written up as coining
within the immth of Airgnst whether
they are opened Lefure Seotember 1 ,.r
I not.
P. If. Il'Ar.-v has brought suit in
thn circuit court nf thi-
Travi rs
it. . " " V h-' t' t'lllll lit mn nf Ik..,, 4 , inn i,s .x. it ... 'v' "'t- nuju-
... .,.,-., .r,-,, anegiM ( tie lor rental - "c,i,.k ' !.,..., .' oi -. i. i-l cents above nar
of He Ve Liberty theater and the Wex-'the itie ' ' " """"K fuvori,t (lu",i'- 'luring ho
ti is stairu in inp i-ntn. i . mill .uniniti b..w
font thrnttTK
at . rate of ,, per month and that ! V,H, DROWNED
;n August the -, of flSiHI became !;,.,,, i,".. ' ' '.' ,N,I- '-The bod-
The Ve Liberty was dosed by! , '"'' 'u-v'' l0' "f 1-cns-
jlhe sueriff upon an attachment heir,"' , I" ' '." .M,ss Doyle.
i served and the Wexford has been closed ' , ' , i M'-r ,ml' " 1,0 ,v,'r, drowned
. i """" time. The plaintiff seeksli" . """,m'"'C Vt night, Wer,
. eiemcnr in in,, suui of IW(I and nuts ,. '.'
... ..-i. i, I,,
(leorge II
"ingliani is attorney for the
A inarringe li.fi.se was issued todav
at the office of the county clerk to
Arthur L. S. hul. a farmer' of Salem
and h'emoh Kvans. a Salem teacher.
losie Farrow has filed at the offi
oi the ouutv , ,.rk a notice ..f the as
sumed business f ,he Klk restau
rant for nor establishment at XV.l Stuti
st reet.
t mil. v
IV II U u .. I . I
I, , ""i.iiiig wneu
became distressed stl...i .
rescue ami both drowned
net Ii ivi'ti
The sto,.k " rr.
jtjir ing lh, m,e in ,tprl;,n;
't d splayed an underlying str, m'iV
- nt.nrning international ev.
change, but onnK. ,.i ... .. ' x
'"tly final , f f . ii ' .. " "" "I'l'nr
tn1 ii lion t
t Parlors
Massage and Sham
t pooing a Specialty...
My scalp treatments cure dand
ruff and stop falling hair. I I
cure black-heads and pimples and
remove Tvorta, moles, freckles,
hair en face, neck or arms.
301 Steeves Bldg.
I Phone 393
(formally. X0 doubt this has
abundantly foreshadowed but.
change in the situation is a very great,
diplomatic victory for the administra
tion and is memorable,
I'cinand sterling rallied Into this
cruoon t0 .(. ,,-, n nil til. exchantio
market generally h,nn r
I, .... ..... 1
1 HI IMllli ril-.iLi
1 -cmoiiient wild "inn
MWBfWnCTgMaWaWnaMaaai... ' ' -a - - -
1 ft m i lis n ' M a
i ; - I'v ;V;! ' i ,:: 1 1 ;!,'! fM't7 WJ A :! I !S - "I1 l!'
. ! Ii, : ii'ii ,J,:, ,"l if'!, 'it vJte-, jdT ' Kl i ! h i !
i I'.'i. vi.,WMV,W';iB','sfr .." u : iill11 i ''i' 1 1 r 1 11 1 HI
Ann U. .t,
Ktes. , livense, I
Judge llllshev
ostiile which
. widow of Alden
has been aniMiinte.l l,v
as administratrix of th
OHi-!s lf IOl'tl inherit... I
from your grocer
irom niiotiier istM,0. The heirs
,',lr"' c lla, I,,.,,. 0f Turner,
trunk A, Ksies, Krikn.isoo
Six -l'"'t 's r,, ,,-hohiled foi
"'it saturl-,y at the Marion countv
noose, iv l , th,, nrooertv
V'ved in ll,.. ...
I'spo-ed of ( t!,e highest bidder: Flora
M. Mnrpln nt;,,,,, M m. Masev and
''cis ,. . 1M ,,,,,,. lja;lk of
Wooiibi.in against p. .. M0i,ail ,,
others, sale f ,w, r riK,t j,, ,,ri,,.rv
'"'' ,i'"ks; S,, i.anil ,-0. ,!', A.
ert In wis , eth.rs, fmction of Io'
. "ik io, Somhwcst addition to S
icm: i. ( lvi, ..... ......
man. Julius Yog,-! ,l others, lots 30
'""I. I" Kdtew,.,,,!; Otto Muellhaupt
gainst M.,b,. 1 . ampbell and Otlo
Wuellhaupt aga.u.t II. F. fntnpbcll nnd
other,; two s,.it- ,,f for.vlosre on a
imvliiimes nv 0H ne ,,,, .,r0I,rtv, in
this city,
. '"onty Judo,, w. M. Ttushcv todav
'sued nn order nrpointine KlUabeth
Nivage executrix f wi pf Itfnrv
Walker SvsL.f. ,,Veased. whose. Inst
will and testament was admitted to
Probate. Mr. vs., ,ied Ammst S.I.
leaving vtil,-,,.,! at SJA.O0. The
Mm are Kliraheth lavage, widow of
ine diseased. ..r ti,;. t l ..
o , nniin (.Nil
J'vage, a ton. ..' Mullen. Idaho; Henry
u sage, a so,,; Kate Kasm.isseu,
""...ri u savae, aoa; Mabel,
ravage, a dauuhter. M....L. N..-.
daughter! Mar si.. . .. t
Henniiri Savage, a m; Naucv Savage,
a laiichter: Helen S.y.g. d.nthter.
aaa ll.rry lavage, a all of Salera.
There is an air to a well
made Hat that carries dis
tinction. It forms a harmo
nious part in its wearer's
good dress.
J"t suco Hats. They are made
" ninety year, of Hat
ming Can make them
tiy look well but they wear well.
we showing the new Tall