Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 31, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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Why's "Gets-It," for
Corns, Like a
.nse Everybody Tries It, Every
body Likes It, It's Painless and
Takes But a Moment
to Apply.
"Gets-It" is the wonder of the corn
watered world. Millions say so, be-
an!n millions
,rhat makes it the biggest selling
have used it.
usvvor In Mv T,lt Saw Anything Art So
Miiiekly uud Jluiflcally us 'Uets-Xt!'
com remedy on earth today. "Gets-It"
will surely get that corn or callus
you've been trying for a long time
to get rid of take it right off "clean
on a whistle." Apply it in 2 seconds.
put your stocking and Bhoe right
over it nothing to stick, nothing to
hurt. You needn't fuss with thick
bandages that make a package out of
your toe. No knives, razors and scis
sors, no tape, no trouble. It's simplicity
itself, sure, quick, painless. Try it also
for bunions and warts.
"(lets-It" is sold at all druggists,
25c a bottle, or sent direct by E.
Lawrence & Co., Chicago.
Portland, Ore., Aug. 31. The
demand for ships on the part of
the European belligerents is in
dicated today by the receipt of
a ruble from Italy asking if the
steamer Kansas City is for sale
and at what price. The eable
was addressed to the Portland
and Asiatic line.
However, the Kansas City is
no longer owned by the Port
land and Asiatic line, having
been sold to the Union Iron
Works of San Francisco some
time ago.
Press of German Capital
Hears That Great Com--moner
Will Visit Them
San Francisco, Aug. 30. Arriving
here today on the steamship Persia
were 49 Chinese students who will be
placed in 19 different American univer
sities and colleges. Thirty-nine of the
students are proteges of the Chinese
We want 'all peoplo who have chronic
stomach trouble or constipation, no mat
ter of how long standing, to try one
dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy
one dose will convince you. This is the
medicine so many of our local people
have been taking with surprising re
sults. The most thorough system
cleanser ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful
Remedy is sold by leading druggists
everywhere with tho positive under
stnndntg that your money will be re
funded without question or quibble if
ONE btSttle fails to give you absolute
Philadelphia, Aug. 30. The Liberty
bell will Btnrt home from the Panama
Pacific exposition November 11, tho
chairman of the councilmnnic arrange
ments committee announced this after
noon. ' "
The bell will 'start for Philndclpria
via San Diego where it will remain two
days at the exposition there. Then it
will start east.
Wheat is dragging at f5 cents, with
but few buyers. Portland prices are
off from 2 to 3 cents on all kinds of
wheat. With the enormous crop through
out the country, the foreign demand
almost at a standstill and freights
higher than ever before, the market is
naturally depressed. Oats are dull, with
the highest quotations at 32 cents.
Candled No. 1 eggs are bringing 23
cents, and grocers are paying 22 and
23 cents in cash and 25 cents in trade.
a rains,
Hay, timothy, per ton $11$12
Oats, vetch $9f(i$10
Cheat $9$10
Wheat, new crop , ....75c
Oats, new crop 82c
Rolled barley $31.50
Corn 40
Cracked corn $41.50
Bran - $29.00
Shorts, per ton $31.00
London, Aug. '31. The Berlin! press
has heard that Willium J. Bryan is com
ing to Berlin and "promises a reception
worthy of the cause he so cloqnenlly
advoeates," according to a dispatch
from the Amsterdam correspondent of
the Kxchnnge Telegraph company to
day. Continuing, tho- Amsterdam cor
respondent says:
"Tho German government considers
the" Arabic incident closed and has de
clared its willingness to blame the com-
mnmlnr nf tlm enl.m,., 1 .... ,.!,;,.. ,,tl.
f d tho-steamer. There is considerable ! Par thnf they were attended
No Carnegie Medals
For 'Salem Heroes
At the time Miss Maud Smith, of I
Lebanon, and Miss Poru-hy Ranch.
were drowned in the Willamette river,
July 4, those who witnessed the efforts
of "Edward Wheeler, George K. Man--uing
and .loiiu.D. Tuit to rescue the,
youug ladies were of the opinion that
the men should receive some recogni-
tirm for their bravery. j
K. LaFollette, recently here from Si-
loam Springs, Ark., tooH the matter up
with the Carnegie Hero Fund commis-i
sion, through Councilman J. A. Mills, j
After considerable correspondence with!
the' commission, tho following letter j
was received yesterday fiuii V. M. Wil-i
Helmottn, X. .1., Aug. 31.
This town may have the first
jail in the worl.l built solely tit
confine beauty unadorned. Ev
ery male iu Ilelmetta has ap
plied for the .job as turnkey. .
Marshal Jim Denting wants
the job. lte has been unable
to prevent the invasion of
Ilelmetta 's quiet streets by
bathing nymphs in one-piece
suits from a neighboring "phy
sical cult lire camp," because he
has no place to Iock -em up.
Mis wife won't let li i tit bring
them home.
Bitterness in militarist circles because
of Chancellor Von Bethmnnn-Holweg's
so-called weakness toward the United
States and consequently some ill-feeling
toward America."
mot, uiannger of the commission, at i
rittsburir. Pa.: "
. "The Carnegie hero fund applies to
acts in which conclusive evidence may
be obtained showing that the persons
performing tne net, voluntarily risked;
h'to nu-i, lif'. in uiivillfr. nr il Htimi.t i .. '
9ayVu-? !u ? f M K-u , Sacramento, Cal.. Aug. 31.-Alfnlfa
"While the acts of ' Messrs. Wheeler, j, for' 8ll,phr. Hv using i a !
Manning and Tint are commendable,!,, fertii-zor it w i,,,,,,,,, the vield !
according to Professor F. C. Keimer. of
Alfalfa Needs Sulphur
As Best Fertilizer,
bv nnv
Butterfaf 28c
Creamery butter, per pound 30c
Country butter t 17c
EggB and Poultry,
Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash . ..... 23c
Eggs, case count, cash 22c
Eggs, case count, trade 25c
Hens, pound 11c
Roosters, old, per pound 7c
Spring chickens, pound loc
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 11 l-2c
Pork, dressed 10c
Pork, on foot .6 l-27e
Spring lambs 5 l-2c
Steers 55 l-2c,
Cows . . . 3 ( 4c
Bulls 33jC
Ewes 3c
Wethers 44V.jC
Tomatoes, Oregon
String garlic
Potatoes, new, lb
New peas
Cucumbers 25c
Walla Walla onions 75c
Beans 4c
,.. 40c
. . . 40c
12 l-2c
.. 40c
... 85c
o Fruits.
Oranges, Valencia t $4.75
Lemons, per box $4.004.50
Bananas, lb 5c.
California grape fruit . . $3.00
Dates, dromedary, case $3.25
Fard dates $1-60
Cocoanuts, per dozen $1
Cantaloupes $1.50
Watermelons $1.25
extraordinary risk of their own lives
Mid for this reason, their cases, I re
gret to say, do not come within the
ope ot the fund.
Retail Price
Eggs, per dozen 25c
the beach or exposure on a sea Sugar, cane J0.JB
n brings on a deep tan or vivid Sugar, D. O. . . . . .
rcHineiy uuuui v
Flour, hard wheat $1.752.45
Flour, valley $1-55
31. Wheat:
A. day's motoring, an afternoon on
the tennis ground or golf links, a sun
bath on
triii. often brim's on a deep
crimson or, more perplexing still, a
vigorous crop of freckles. A very neces
sary thing then is mercolized wax,
which removes tan, redness or freckles
quite easily. It literally peels off the
affected skin just a little at a time,
so there's no hurt or injury. As the
skin comes off in almost invisible
flaky particleB, no trace of the treat
ment) is shown. Get an ounce of mer
colized wax at your druggist's and usc;
this nightly ns you would cold cream,!
washing it off mornings. In a week or
so yon will have an entirely new skin,
bountifully clear, transparent and of a
most delicate whiteness.
Wrinkles, so apt to form at this sea-j
son, mav bo easily and quickly removed;
by bathing the face in a solution of
powdered snxolitc, 1 07.., dissolved in
wit. h hnzel, 1-2 pint. This is not onlv-
a valuable astringent, but has a bene-,
ficial tonic effect also. j
Portland, Ore., Aug
Club, 81c.
Bluestem, 8(ic.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $24.
Feed, $23.25.
Hogs: Best live, $7(a7.10.
Prime steers, $(i.!i0(u7.
Fancy cows, $5.75.
Calves, $7.50.
Spring lambs, $0.50.
Butter: City creamery, 28c.
Eggs; Candled local ex., 2J(rj25c
Hens, 14c.
Broilers, lblic.
Gceso, Sc.
Portland, Ore.. Aug. 31. -Frank Natl,
a well known druggist of Portland, is
today from urneniic poisoning
Nau died i'n a local hospital a few min
utes ni'ter his arrival from S,an Iran-
cisco, where he visited the exposition
I ,, ci A,... 31. Xi.t at all
! dismayed by the failure of the other
i" double jitney" auto liycnes, L. O.
I Black announced today that he U1
'start a third 10-cent uuto bus line nn
! mediately.
j Los Angeles. Cal., Aug. 31.-Fbrincr
Governor Jon.. M. Slaton of Georgia
land Mis. Slaton visited moving l1''". c
ranches along the coast, louu.y. .. .
visiting Cniversal City yesterday tela,
ton operated the camera himself.
31, The firt
an war,
Watternian, pro-
Winona Lake, Ind., Aug. 31 "I have
no intention of going to Europe," said
former Secretary of State Bryan here
today. "I plan addresses only in this
country. There is absolutely nothing
to the Berlin report."
Elihu Root Shys Hat
Into Political Ring
Albany, N. Y., Aug. 31. Political
sharps today saw in a powerful speech
delivered by Elihu Root befoTe the Con
stitutional convention in support of the
short ballot, the virtual shying of his
hat into the Republican presidential
Root's speech was regarded as one
of the greatest efforts of his career.
He displayed a strong progressive view
point in returning the government into
the hands of the people an ! bitterly at
tacked tho system which has made pos
sible the ex'istenco of "invisible gov
ernment" through political . bosses. In
support of the proposal for the short
ballot, Root said:
"We can take this one step toward
not robbing the people of their part in
coven; meat, but toward robbing an ir
responsible nutocracy of its indefensible
autocracy of its indefensible and unjust
and undemocratic Control of govern
ment, and restoring tr to the people to
be exercised by men or tiieir cnoice anu
their control."
Root left his place ns chairman of
tho convention to take the floor and
deliver his speech. He made no refer
ence to aspirations for the presidential
nomination, but some regarded Root as
putting himself on record with such
progressive views ns many believe the
man chosen by the republicans must
have if the progressives are to be
drawn back in'to the republican ranks.
Threats Hold Moslems
On Fighting Line
San Francisco, Aug. 31. Threats of
death if they retreat or are taken pris
oners are holding the Turks firm in
their lines at the Dardanelles, according
to a communication received from the
battlo lines in that region today. The
letter is signed by Joseph Bengalis, a
Maltese soldier, and is addressed to his
cousin, Charles Min'frud, of this city.
"A hnndful of German officers hnve
hundreds of thousnnds of Turkish sol
diers so terrified that they will do
anything," said Bengalis. "From the
necks of Turkish prisoners we have
taken 'death scrolls'. Each Moslem sol
dier is supplied with one. He is forced
to read it every morning.
"The scroll tells the solder tnnt lr
ho retreats his officer is vuiting with a
gun and that if he surrenders the enemy
will shoot hiin. It consigns him to ev
erlasting torment if he stops fighting.
"The waste of Turkish life is terrific."
Want General Goetkls
For Portland Manager
Portland, Or., Aug. 31. There was a
great deal of speculation in Portland
today as to whether Major General
George W. Goethals, builder of the
Panama canal, could be induced to ac
cept the managership of Portland.
The ifronosition of a nianaiiorinl form
of government has not yet been sub-.! MOSHER
nutted to the voters, but it was be
lieved that if General Goethals gave the
slightest indication that he is in a re
ceptive mood thfl movement would bo
given a great impetus.
General Goethals has not yet been
approached on the subject, by S. lien
son, who is fathering the movement in
tends to do ''So some time today.
General Goethals spoke for five min
utes at a luncheon of the Portland
Rotary club this noon and shortly after
ward Bpoke at a chamber of commerce
General Goethals, his wifo and son
are in Portland en route to the San
Francisco exposition. They will leave
for the south either Wednesday evening
or Thursday morning, if present plans
are carried out.
the southern Oregon experiment station.
in a statement today. Keimer says he
made the discovery after four years of
experimenting. In order to increase
the yield 1(H) per cent, 300 pounds of
crude sulphur analyzing about KS per
cent sulphur, or 300 to oOO pounds gyp
sum, or the same amount of iron sol-
phme or superphosphates is used. i
Dr. A. J. Cook,- state horticultural
commissioner, said Relmer's discovery i
is exceedingly valuable. (
Great Opportunity
To buy out broken lots in Summer
Clothing and Furnishing
at greatly reduced prices.
Making Room
for our Fall supply now on the way.
For Good
Clothing and Furnishing
rick Brothers
The House That Guarantees Every Sale
Win the Pony
Votes Given With Every Purchase
To Mr. and Mrs. I). II.
Moshor, llfiH North Commercial
street, Tuesday, August 31, 111 15, a
"The Rug Maker's Daughter" shows
exceptionally well how one of the cele
brated Maud Allan dances is to be dis
tinguished from those of any other
dancer:! in" the world.
Her (lencing is '.id, ticliiiitpie"- but
in. "'r.tion.
Not "steps" bui tin- thros r.f a
Vidy a stal" of csal.otion.
Not ' routine" but the no'oal, gen
uine ecstney of an elegant Naiad with
A Big Surprise for Hop Pickers:
'iuu rents at cosi prices xor mis ween oniy. aiso evoryining neeaeu
lor camping. Don't fail to see us if you need anything in this line.
The House of Half a
302 N. Commercial St.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
Million Bargains.
Phone 808 f
G A Wof.l et ux to E 8 Parker, lot
. blk 4, Cardwell Add Salem.
skull received in a Sunday automobile
accident in which Captain Robert
Turner, federal steamship boiler inspec
tor, was instantly killed. -Miss Jlnttm
Kiggs and Strong to Geo H Clark, Adams, another member of the party,
Exposition Book
In Public Library
Three books of especial interest have
lately been placed in circulation by the
Salem Public library. "The jewel
City," written by Ben Macombor is of
special interest, not only to those who
have attended tho Panama-l'acific, ex
position, but to those who would like to
rend upon art, sculpture and in fact
everything about the, JSpoBition before
As so m.mv hnve toured the stal l (f
California, the historv of the st.ui wli
by of greater interest the comin.r;
tor. One of the l w books in tho bb
j:y is Norton's. "' afornln," i 1
tory written with Human interest
throughout. Another book on the state
that is hibtoricr.I, yet more in the nar
rative form is the one recently writ
ten by C4ertrude Atlierton, entitled,
"An Intimate History."
T5r. w i.Tr.wnr.
Taft Advocates One
Term of Seven Years
Berkeley. Cal.. Aug. 31. Former
1'rnsidcnt Willium H. Tti ft 's nclvoeiicy
Service Will Be Started
To Oriental Ports
San Francisco, Aug. 31. Service be
tween San Francisco and Chinese ports
will soon be started by a Chineso
steamship company which has been or
ganized with a capital of $.i,00(l,fl00,
according to V. K. Wellington Koo,
Chineso minister to Mexico, here today.
Minister Kto arrived today on tho Pa
cific Mail steamer Persia. IIo snid the
new company was now- negotiating for
the purchase" of several steamers.
Kood was counsellor of tho Chinese
foreign offico for three years ami was
Knglish secretary to President Yuan
Shi Kni before being appointed minis
ter to Mexico.
Ohio Stnte Journal: Tho feminine
devotion to the crochet needle, though
incomrirehcnsiblo- to men, ought to
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names
TIT i. i it. J TJ, I country employing women as
Most approved methods, Pn- win probably the i.urop.
rX i it- x. ! ; . :. f T. T. W attern
mary, urammar ana nigu,;;- ;'f-a;t,ir(i;i00(iy at the univcr
School Departments, Com- ity of California.
Plete Course in HarD. riano, ..... 31. A lumber
i. . . i nmi - .
company of Mendocino co"'J ,
ceived orders Iron, the state ,t. fb...l. a
tunnel through the solid rock of Green
wood creek m fish ...ay travel in com
fort. ! SI A celcbra-
can rrnii. . . ll the
tion unique in tne ......"". '"'.-
Berkeley, Cal., Aug.
Voice Culture, Violin and
Harmony. No interference
with religion of pupils.
Modern Conveniences
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic '-year begins
second Monday in September
cxif in Via, 'recede-l by a p.r;.e
" It n of 200 decorate,! automobile.
,K . r. ..it ,!,
. I 4 rt.l TlrlflTH I(T Ull' "u
,a u ", vin; ,d "kite
fluting ci. firrworks were
rd ed '.ml exhibition, of Ja
game and pastimes, inciu.i.nK
ling, were given.
innllrrihilitv for re-election after that! women happy,
period was widely discussed today by.
persons who heard him present this idea
us the only means of eliminating the
lost efficiency of the present system.
Ho also urged the budget method of
making appropriations by congress.
"The last year of the term of office
of any president is necessarily one of
decreased efficiency under our present
system," snid Professor Taft. "This i
in ri due not so much to a desire of
the incumbent to bo re-elected as to the
desire of those whose political life de
pends on bis, to have tne numiiwnnn
tion succeed itself'
Two Students Drown
In Willamette River
Portland, Ore., Aug. 31. Another
warning against going swimming w.nle
overheated was issued by the city au
thorities todav as the result of the
drowning in the lewer Willamette river
lute vcf.terdiiv of Alvin Hawkins and
Walter Nelson, two Jefferson high
school students. ,
Hawkins attempted a long swim lin
er plnving tennis for several hours. He
was taken with cramps. Nelson and Ce
cil Dunn, aged lid, went to Hawkins
recue. Hoth were caught In Hawkins
death grip and sank with him. Dunn
succeeded in breaking away and saving
himself, but the other .two boys per
inhed. Hawkins was a brother (if Mar
tin Hnwkins, the well known amateur
Ohio State Journal: Illinois leads
and other states will follow, and one
of these dnvs a poor widow with thres
children will get as much for certain
work as a Ky WW ,noP ,wi!j!
his cigarette, pool and vaudeville ex
penses to pay. One of these days the
discrimination wll be routed from
private as well a public employment.
and i make them happy, seeing it makes the
t ' tfTU it' f 1. 1
li t fr .ri
. .
eyes upon a vision lio is dancing rev
erentially before a shrine.
Naturally, Maud Allan litis never
been known to dance in the same wny
twice. ' Her inspiration is as pure" as
biilliant, fs changeable ns a flame
floating in u (Ireciun urn. Though she
were to dance a hundred years she con! I
probably never repent exactly some of
her ma't'liless details of uricn'tiil Ian
f,our lino rhythm whidi have been per)
letiiated in '"'llie Hug Maker's Daugh
Chicago Ili'rald: The secretary of
the Taxpayers' alliance says property
owners must bo represented directly in
tho sixmdimr of public money. What's
tho matter with voting?
lots 30 and 32 Strong and Kiggs Fruit
Tracts No. 1.
Tho Shaw Company to Hammond
Lumber Co., w ',i so 14 1S-U-3 i&; no Vi
y4 10-11-3 K.
Martha T Whitney to Uriah Whitney,
part I) Kirkpatrick claim, 11)1)1 W. !
Altonzo 1. Seamster to ( has U r lilts
part blk II, Myers Add Salem. j
I W Neiderlieiner to l.oretta Neider-
heiser C D, all my interest in lt 3S,'
(.Iriibenhorst Fruit i'lirins.
l.oretta Neiderheiser to J W Neider-
neiser, tj l 1), all my interest in lot J7, !
tlrnbeiihorst Fruit Farms.
Harbara C Wagner et vir to I'li.n A
Parker, lots 7 and 8 blk 4, J Movers
Add Salem. I
Fargo Orchard Co to Nine F Cox, li'i
of lot , blk 2, Fnrgo Orchard Tracts.
is near
death. -Mrs. Turner will
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 31. Mrs. Fran-j
cos Sench, o" Seattle, died in a hospital j
at. Siiltnu early today from a fractured j
August 30, 101.1.
To the Cherriiiiis, as Well as the
(leneral Public;
The best features of the Pen
dleton Kound-llp, for the. past
four years, will be shown at the
Oregon theater, on Tuesday nud
Wednesday evenings. Having at
tended tlio Round-Up on several
occasions, and knowing the mov
ing pictures of same will be very
interesting, I have made arrange
ments to have all Cherrinns ad
mitted free.
T. Ji. K'ay,
King Hing.
WWWWei OREGON LrmWS-'raammw
Let 'er Buck
Pendleton Round-Up
King Bing has arranged for Free Admittance of
all Cherrians.
wwwmmwm admission. ioc msmtmimm
: mm&m
Imagine the funniest vaudeville show you
ever saw the one you split your sides over
Thafs the new
, Not the old PUCK you knew years ago, but a brand !new conception to publishing
a style of periodical never heretofore attempted in this country.