Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 31, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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"i- ... UiiriiiiiiTrn nniinillW '""""BBBMII"Mtai
kiKnhPrvin,.u.!e,bow.HrnnrPT nnro M VAH-MWAH-W VHflNT I I
i i
Social and Personal
. ... ah.MMwia
Mrs. J. A. Churchill entertained with
a picnic party today complimentary to
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Klton, who are
houM guests at the Churchill home.
tin. Klton wa formerly SI is Florence
Mrs. Anna WaWs and Miss Jewel
Haley, of We-tfieM, Mass., who nave
been house guests at the home of Mrs.
Chester M. Cox. l-rt last evening for
the exposition at San Francisco.
i Mr. and Mr. R. B. Houston will
-i,., .-;i, fn. Colifornia. where
Miss Piper is tne granddaughter . .., ni, ,he panarna.pacific
? Io Willis, a former resident of ,ex.;mition an.i ,he fair at Han Wego,
lem, and pioneer of Oregon. !a(,'0 visitin(r 0!her points or interest
in southern California. They will be
Mrs. Jennie I'riti hard and son, r rank arSent abu. twi weeks.
urcnui, ner weu.ung, wnicn wi pritehrd, of Portland, were recent
r - ... - "" . I guests of .Mrs. J.ixzie vt. Mmm ai ner j,
ciety event of mid wimmer. The outing, gome VenUr ,
tolay was in t,i nature of a launching I j IIP
member of the party were: Mr. and'V """ "
Mrs. James P. Klton, Mim Hazel Down
ing, Miss Mary Hchultz, Miss Marie
CThurchill, Mis Ioris (Tiurchill, George
Weller, and Mr. and Mri J. A. Chnreh-
ill. Mr. and Mrs Klton will leave
Thursday for their home in Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cupper, of Monu
ment, are house guests of Mr. and Mrs.
1'ercy Cupper at their hne on North
Thirteenth street. The two families
will leave tomorrow for a 10 days' out
ing at ltockaway J)ea'h.
The united circles of the Christian
ehurch will hold their regular monthly
meeting in the church parlors tomorrow
afternoon. I'ians will bn made and com
mittees appointed relative to the con
ducting of a rest room at tlin state fair
under the supervision of tho church
was in the
joyed a mot trip to Portland over
the week-end. Those conioriting tne.
A. F. Welter, of Stayton;
Mrs. C H flollev'and son. of Sioux ."? vesterday.
Citv, Iowa, and Sirs. Krd J. Lainson, Walter H. Keyei is in Albany to-
of 'Ida Grove, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. J day on legal business.
Spurrier will leave in their car within; ft. B. Shumaker was in the city yes-
a few days for Crater I-ake, after which j terday from Jefferson.
they will motor to San Francisco, Arthur Frcv" of Vancouver, Wash.,
i where they will be joined by Mrs. Spur-( wns in the citv yesterday. .
ner s siswr, iirs. i.ainsou. -nr. auo F. L. I.audrosH. of Me.Minnvilie, was a
Mrs. Spurrier made the trip from Okla-i visitor in the city -Monday.
homa to the coast in their machine. p Avres, of Corvullis, was regis-
Mrs. 8. H. Ktringe, a recent guest of tpr,,,i af the gijph vesterdav.
her sister, Mrs. Will Conlidge, and Mrs.; () j.- r.rj(.P ttn(i family are registered
George, Coolidge left Friday for berlj (he J)oon M( Seaside, for the
home in Iowa. j WP,.K
j Dana H. Allen left today for St.
Mrs.- .1. T. Pratt entertained the, t.ai t0 attend to his farming interests
Woman's Helief Cirps last Thursday, fr the next two weeks,
afternoon at her home on North orri-; UTIP Diggernoss, of Silverton,
mercinl street. An interesting program ' i(.f, fr .r home yesterday after a
was cil.0e, i i lie iurK n,i,.,-r u. i W(,ek end Vllt in the CitV.
Mr. and Air. ( onnell Dyer motored vuesls who were i.rex nt. A rlensJiut: m. w.. i r i.i'.i:... -,.nn,1
4. v,.... l- . u " . . . , ,, . .. " 1 -,,r- '" i. "
.v ...H.TUn uht n.-.-n-riMi, wiirrh social nour ionowc'1 ine (irogram
mey were me guests or. jir. ana Mrs.
Jack Pratt. r, ,i .ri!. Kv Shields and Mr
n nl Mrs. I.ee I'lirugh liae returned
frun a camping trip nt Neskowiii
Mrs. TJlnmas CJallowav is entertain
ing Mrs. rt. C. McCiibliin's, of Witehita,
Kansas, and Mrs. Joe 1'oery, of Htay
ton, as hone guests this week at her
homo ou Chnmcketn street.
i vesterdav from a Sunday with Mr. Idd-
lings' parents nt Woodburn.
Mrs. ('. E. Cooper and three children
of Calgary. Albertu, are here visiting
with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Knos.
K. T. Barnes and family returned
hist evening by motor from Newport,
where tliev were week end visitors.
Mr. an, f Mrs. W. litith, of North Sev
enteenth street, returned today from a
1 two months' visit at their former home
in Iowa.
K. iiK l,..p l.lmn,l fr,,t U'i.. h miT .McKce aim wile reiurneu yes-
cousin, to make tiicir home in Salem, terdny from nn extended visit at Mc-
Covers were laid for l'l intimate friends Minnville. Mr. McKee is a tcacner in
An attractive picture of Miss (iavnl an. I nieml.em ..f tli fmnilv. 'I'll.. e,.lor'the Capital Business college.
Baldwin uppeiired in Km Huiiday Port-) motif, wlii. h was dnintiK rnrried i.it H" Ferguson, of Amity, is in the
)ajnl Journal. Miss Italdwiu was re-' in the plu. ceards and deeoi ations, was eit v visiting friends. Mr. Ferguson,
eeutly the guest of the. Misses (Irogory j blue, the sapphire being the stone svni- with his father, have recently disposed
in Portland, who relumed frn Berlin ' bolical of a .'i"i!h wedding 'anniversary. ' of their general merchandise business
"i "rr ncy iiibo siuiued music A number i f attractive gifts were re
Miss Anna N. Nyguist, of Maukato,
Minn., arrived here on Sundny for a
Tisit with ner rrietld", and Mrs.! who is a sister of Mrs
it. A. Winner, of" 71 i .North Cottage
Mrs. Clara Ciribble entertained a few'
friends infonnally at dinner last even-f
ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles1
Spencer, who celebrated their :1.1th wed-1
ding anniversary and Mr. Spencer's
with lurthdriv vesterdav. .Mrs. Spencer,,
(i nbble, recent-1
Much Damage Is Being Done
-Hunters May Be
White Salmon, Wash., Aug. 31 The
fire which ia iweeping the huckleberry
fields near the base of Mount Adams
U still beyond contro'l today, despite
the effort of hundreds of men to ex
tinguish it. An area ten miles long has
been burned over. It is feared tie
flames cannot be put out until rain
conies. Several of the fire fighters
have heen. injured but not seriously. t
A fire five miles long Is burning un
checked in the holdings of the Swan
Hamann Lumber company, in Catherine
canon, 80 milee north of here. A pall
of smoke overhangs the whole country
side. Boise, Idaho, Aug. 31. Thousands f
acres of timber in south central Idaho,
belong to the government, state and
corporations, is threatened by a forest
fire today. Already a large quantity
of valuable timber has been destroyed.
More than 400 men are fighting the
and art.
Miss Constance Piper, daughter of
F.dgnr It. Piper, editor of the Uregnnian,
has had the honor of being cimsen as
pianist for Madame JomcUi, wiio is
rilling a month 's engagement at Port-
The relish
with the freah
tomato taste
improve the
natural flavor
of innumerable
other foods.
Pure WlioU
iom Dtliuous.
On, U It ST
in Amitv.
Miss Janet .Tnyncs, teacher of art in
the Kast Chicago schools, is ill the city
for a short visit with Miss Anna I.
Swee.ov, lilirnriun of the Salem Pub
lic library.
Dr. 11. W. Chase, of Cordova, Alaska,
nan in the city over Sunday visiting
T.. C. Stringer.
Alaska, he will
visit friends in Montana.
Kllis II. Jones leaves today for Han
Francisco. After n short visit nt the
exposition, he will leave -for the Uni-
. , I versitv of Missouri. Columbia, Mo., to
M, "u w Mr!V " Mri, "'"'.take lip the study of journalism.
Mrs. (I. . Ilolisou and .laiiglitcr, horn I
thy; Mr. and M,s. i. KS, hater their j s rmtt. Thf Columbia showed
mlllh"..'"; 1 irVtt in"
Welch and Mis. Welch's mother. Mrs.,in ,,', ''"'" run and pack In a year
Winteiinute. irf -Newport, returned Inst wlu'" l'v,,r-v "","-,l,1"1 l"""'8 t0 a rca,l.v
niglit from a trip to Crater Lake.;1""1 tisfactry market.
I'lioiigli tun roil. Ik wen. rather dustv ami I
eoived by Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, which
were also suggestive of the royal blue
jewel. Mr. and Mrs. .spencer reside in
Inglewood park.
M.is. W. V. Johnson entertained at
dinner Sim, lay in honor uf Mrs. I.. M.
yuery, of Kenton, uli., who is the with his sister, Mrs
guest of ner son, C. 1), Uuury, iiml fain- 1 i,.f,,r(. returning to
iiy, ni ineir nonie on Kiversole linvc.
Tim dining room was prettily decorated
with roses and covers were laid for
Iho lent extreme, the view of Crater
Lake mt-o than compensated for any
annoyances on the journey, was the
general opinion of the party. Hut most
welcome of all was tin- sight of the
Willamette valley ns it greeted the
travelers on the homo stretch. The
party was none about 10 ,lavs.
Misses Hutu and I. inn I'urvine will
return home, tmmrrow evening after II
mouth's slay at Seavievv, Wa-h. Miss
S( SC fa lc )(t ijc J( 3fc jc
' Eastern Oregon Fires.
LaOrande, Ore., Aug. V. Almost a
dozen fires are destroying forests in
l.'nion and Wallowa counties toilay.
Hundreds of men are fighting thern.
(lovernor Withy-combe was asked to ban
hunting, as it is believed that hunters
aTe responaible for most of the fires.
Salem Orange Club
Held Picnic Last Night
and Elected Officers
At their picnic held iast evening by
the Salem Orange club, the following
officers were elected for the coming
year: Joe McAllister, president; Mrs.
Haviil Wright, vice-president: fis
May Hteusloff, secretary; Mis. M. W.
Itulifson, treasurer.
I The picnic held last evening up the
river was attended by about SO alumni
and tudenta of the Oregon Agricultur
al college, (iovernor Withvcmihe said
that ho was glad to sec the alumni of
uir v. i. k. rasing sucli a prominent
part in the affairs of the state, He
felt tiiut the future of the state de
pended greatly on the graduates of the
two state institutions and that having
received their education from the state
it was their duty to 1 nine goi.l citi
zens and uphold the state in the com
ing generation.
Joseph H. Albert, in a short talk,
said that he hail received much benefit
from tho Bhort courses of studv at the
O. A. l, nnd thnt he had. taken ad
vantage of thee comses at four dif
ferent time.'.
Addresses were made bv the ouignnw
president, Mark Mcf allister, and the
new president. Jr, Me. All,.t,.r -n...
"Dry" Town Uses 975,763,
900 Gallons of Water In
Year Ending June 30
The residents of the city of Salem
used up !7o,763.!00 gallons of water
during the year ending June 30, 1015,
and tne pumping plant pumped a daily
average of -.673.325 gallons of water
into the mains, according to the annual
repcrt of the Salem Water Co., filed
yesterday afternoon at the office of
the public utilities commission. The
retort also contains the chemical anal
ysis of tne water which is being used
bv the residents of this city, and Dr.
P". W. Byrd says that the water is 98
per cent pure. It contains but two
colonies of bacilla to the cubic centi
meter, and nc gas. Two colonies of
microbes to the cubic centimeter is a
small average and the absence of ty
phoid epidemics in this city is evident
testimony that the water is above the
average for the city of the valley. :
The total amount taken in by the
company in the year past was $72,843.22
and $40,950.48 was paid out for operat
ing expenses, $S,777.90 went for taxes,!
and interest and other miscellaneous
purpri's required -fl 4,150, leaving a:
net income of $ !4.M to be divided'
among the stockholders. There is'
$500 worth of common stock of which
$410,300 is outstanding.
For labor about the plant and power
and fuel t ie sum erf $12,000 was paid
out. and tie federal income tax was
$1(!4.H. ':'he report states that the
reservoir curtains 2.171.HI2 gallons and
that the intake is 2H4ti feet from the
pumping piant. The intake is 16 feet
below the low water mark of the river.
A poor or inferior butter will make the best
bread distasteful
Marion Creamery Butter
"Meadow Brook"
Tt costs no more and you Get the Best
Ilenver, Colo., Aug. 31. F.d
ward F. Welles, reported in'
state department despatches to
have been killed by bandits in
Mexico, is u cousin by mnrringe
of President Wilson.
The New Fall Suits
Flaring Coats and Skirts, Blouse Models, Heltcd Models, Suits with soft crush
collars of velvet and fur, Tailored Suits and conservative styles showing plaited
coats and plaited back skirts.
Priced from $15'00 to $65.00 Each
Uroadclolhs Whip Cords
Mixture Stripes Men's Serges
Poplins Gabardines
Navy Hlue
Nut llrown
Army Rhie
Subdued Colors Predominate
and Mannish Mixtures
New Fall Coats
Velvets. Plush, Corduroys, Whip
cords, Double Face Mixtures, in fur
trimmed and street wear models.
Priced $7.50 to $50.00
New Fall Dresses
Crepe De Chine, Silk and Wool Com
lunations. Plaids combined with sub
dued wool materials and Plain Serge
Priced $12.50 to $50.00
A Little Time at the Shipley Store Will Help Decide
"What Will We Wear This Fall"
October Pictorial Review Patterns
U. G. Shipley & Co.
North Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon
offers exceptional bargains in New and Secondhand Camping Supplies.
We buy, sell or trade, new and secondhand goods of every description.
Best cash prices for all kinds of junk.
Western Junk & Bargain House
317-327 Center Street, corner Commercial.
Phone 706
Today is the last day for the collec
tion of taxos for 1SU4 without a penaltv
when- the first half lias not already
been i,aid. The entire force of the sher
iff's offica is busy raking in the mon
ey and Sheriff Ksch reports that the
tuxes are corning in rapidly and have
been coming in at a good rate for the
last week. Where the first half of the
taxes has been paid the penalty of 10
per cent and interest at the rate of 12
per cent per annum is not added until
October . But all taxes upon which
no part of the 1!H tax has been paid
become delinquent tomorrow and a flat
penalty of 10 per cent is added with
interest at the rate of 12 per cent.
The Florence Hotel furnishings was
sold this tifternoon by the sheriff on a
judgment nnd foreclosure sale to satisfy
a claim of :!25 with il7.) as cost's
incuircd in the ease of ('. E. Nrott
against Alfred .Tones. The entire fur
niture of the hotel consisting of beds.
beilMi nds. bureaus, kitchen utencilsand
X....I V. ... ....
evening 'S program included a vioir,' .' " ' "" 10 T"e ")K,wft
solo by M,, Mary tfehult. a .! I.'v
'"I'I'er, addresses bv Mr
Kulifson i.n, I'c-ey Cupper, a so'iil- b'.
' '""elm una solo ny httl
rrancis Ward Tliovn ..
ket dil r scrveil. infl.r.n'..o.i i... ' V I lt Sublimity
-Ui- ions ami plenty of uood cheer
The New
Will Open Tomorrow, Sept. 1st, Showing
2 Days-Wed. and Thurs.- Intense Human Interest
Story in Picture
A mnrringe lie, use was issued tudav
to Aivis Howard Hasher, a fanner re-
There was a fjn,. i,flS. I "'.'""P ")'' y, and Anna Stet'fes.
iru i nam1 1 1
the executive emmittee fur n speeial
O. A. ( ' .lav at the state fair, when it
m hoped tiial studentM ..,.,1 i
from all purls of the state will arrange
to be nere. While this O. A. (' ,av
lllllV be nn Salem .l,iv
jnoiinceincnt will be made later.
Henry Ford Denounces
i Report As Malicious
Dm c
25c I
After exactly three years of married
lit" S.-ndo H. (IIsmii -is desert,.,! Ur
jhis wife. Eninin Olson, according to the
i allegntii us enntained in a eoniplaint
I filed in the circuit court of this countv
I yesterday afternoon. The plaintiff ai-
lege that the couple were inn-ned in
Salem. February lo, l!U0, and that the
defendant deserted him February 1(1.
li'l.'l, while they were residing lit VVmirl
buin. The complaint states that she is
now living in Oriskn. North Dakota,
There are no children or property rights
nnoi.e.i in me suit. r.. 1. Morcom is
"etroit, Mich.. Aiur. at n ,,... i.v. , Inttornev for the uliiintiff
. " " r i oro i ,
BILLY SMALL, Comedy Violinist '
DANCING DAVEY, Singing, Talking and Dancins
today declared a report that he was to
join the business ,t.,i military iustruc
lou ,,,, llt Fort uiHa wa(i
tleliberat.., maliciout lie.''
1 never applied for admission
""inicii,,,, in .leiiberate murder,
said. 1
Mistake Somewhere.
' ""ago, .ut., ;ti.The
"''' that llcrv Kor.l h.l m.i V. ' ,K "'."'' -'"'hey and Alic,
' 1 i .Mitt lev tor the son, ,.f i' l,-.o t.:.. 1...
The report of the sale of the property
in the -nit of Alexander H. II itcMnso'n
against Mulford llutetiinson and 15
others was filed today in the circuit
couit , f this county. 'The referees 1)
II. Alien, 1,. T. liigdon and II. F. Mel,,!
turn' reprt that lots -1. It and the west
i . oi iot ,i ami the west 1-2 of lot III
Hampden Dark were sold Saturday
9 ir
ruc ioc j
! .bounty derk. The frm ,.f Authority .hT.Tftooo"'
tit A in')' ! ,lllll,V
'"I. .t Kortshoridauwa; "simply u .n . '"d
ii .mistake .omewhere," colonel '
..el, sai,i lu re today
1 He cnli
-K"c -iiciuy w. Ford" on the t
omn oi n. nMn iKt oomminy of
'"'. He sl he ...p,HWd ,he let
'' was from the real Ford.
' The plaintiff in the suit of George
-Neun (.illmgham. his wife. t,lav filed
n motion , department No. 1 f the cir-
for the 7;'" t dismiss tho suit as it will
oe settle,, out of court.
Tl, .... ...Ill L.
..,.. iiii-nrreil l,y in,, colirity
during August. The. regular monthly
claims are first passed upon and the
miscellaneous bills come before the
court later ia the session which will
occupy the remainder of the week.
A marriage license was issued at
Mhe otf;,e cf the county clerk today to
Wrest II. Dmis. a clerk of Salem, 'and
. , M"1 Viln Kephart. of Marion.
At his home, 1070 South I .
Monday, August Hit. Frank Derfler. n proininent fnriner
W hiteakcr, ut the age ot residing in the Waldo 11,11, ,,,, r silv,.r.
t . .n lin u u..t.i... .. 1 . I . . .
; " i"e iiauie ' .Mellow
l.nw Varm1' fr his place and official
ly registered the name nt the office of
Higll street
ll'l.'i. lie,,,-..,.
, f
t .1 rur.H.
SUMIV,,,, l,1:u H(JIt,.t1 Jlih.
ter. Nr,i Wlnu.i.er, nnd a sister. Mrs
Kliabetli i, l,,!.oll, f IVrtlur.Vl.
run.Tiil sen:,,., will be hel, Thurs
afternoon t o'clock fu.m the
residence. I'un.,1 will take pl,,ce ut
tne Odd lellon,1 cemetery, under the
aiispiccs ,,f I. ,,. M K ciieineketn lodge
o. I. of w In, I, I,,, a . niKinber
tieorge biiok.T wn born in Yerk-
r.ngiumi, nl jm;I, unit came to
country !, ili ,,.. f f,-.r II..
lived for inn ny warn nour Drown 's is
' no, but moe, to Sulem ubout 11
yearn u.. lesi.liug her coiitiuuouilv
'intil Ins dentil.
Cheyenne. Wy,,., Aug. ST. H,iine,
was completely unHnded here today
wh, funeral ....vieet wer held tor
Mis. John J. I'cinhing ml her thive
fhildrvn, who iisheJ when their borne
t the I'residio, San Friicim-o,
burneil Inst w ot
tlenernl IVrshiiiu nul othr mcrr.lwm
f the funeral purtv rrived kiro to
day with the bedirn. Mm
i her children rrf buried ia jrve t
I Uievlur cciucterv.
i The suit of Y. N. Dei-by, trustee
;-.ns, th, r. s. Fidelity-'nd li, !
.n,v compiviv , . s. Ni,ti(,mi ,
s i . d the state fair board was
r ope.,,-,1 in department No. 2 of the cir
ni.t court ,h,8 lltt(M,n for h
" S of additional testimony. This case
wiis on for hearing AugusMd bu Ss .
"' introduced in evidence
u.e attorneys for the plaintiff
hod to look over and the ease was
-nt.nucd. This suit was brought bv F
, I, ',"' l:'h''r" I'l'tml-itiB com-
K-.lg..s had three state
tlii'ts upon which the U. S Fidelity
'oinpnuy stood as his bend and whcnW
f.h-d a pel,,,,,,, fr ,1(t,,r
J'inpnny f;-he.l the coat,,,',,;
Derby rentcds ,),, ,h1 m,,v
the plumbing company t,o to
,'" that it defaulted Mi,, coiitr,,,. ''.
H.iil,l ,oine to tl. creditors f the
"liiny. The K.nditig company 1,,,
."; t .s entitled , ,i,o ,:,.
,"'' Vrk. .Id,., Hav,.e rorv, ,1
11' l ending com,.nv, ,n, ,,M,
- . . ational l.nk, Hn, W. C. W indow
the ': inttff.
Want His Touring Car.
Xogales, Ariz., Aug. -ill. Clovernor
Maytorena of Souora today planned to
ask the Cnited States government to
recover hia big touring car for him. The
machine wna taken from a garage, on
the American side, supposedly by Car
rania agents, and it at present 'iu the
eatnp of (leneral Callcs troops.
Outbreak In Haiti.
Washington, Aug. 31. Posnibility of
another outbreak in Haiti was indi
cted in n dispatch roeeivod nt the navy
department from Admiral Cnperton to
dny stating that the collier Juson had
left for (.Innaives with a company of
Marines. N0 details were given.
Hundreds have ootained their
flm Btart on the road to sue-
cess tirougb. a "Business Op-
portuusty" Want Ad. Perhaps
today now your chance Is al
Pan-American Conferees
Wiil Endorse Election
j Washington. Aug. ;. T)l(,
I American conferee, will e.lro, and
the Cited State cover.,,, win
""'f a provisional preside,,, of
Mexico elected by (lenernls Villa ,,
17 a high itatc department
I Dermatologist
l Parlors
Massage and Sham- I
pooing a Specialty... t
My sculp treatments euro daud- J
mtf and Mop falling hair. I J
cure black hea.l. ,l
remove -orts, nioVeK, freckles, I
hair n .. l 1
f uvea or arms.
301 Steeves BUg.
Phone 393