THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1915. FIVE ri ... V1- f T'f III Iti 1 tnil -ili If 1 ill tllp- THE EBBING WIFE George Alison, Jeaii Southern, Claire IS WELL RECEIVED ! Whitney, nil stars, in the. minor roles. i This exceptional picture grips the nu- The Oregon is to be congratulated on j dience and holds the interest to the end. the wonderful program that it offered j whero Mr- Kameau bows his head and . .j mi ., 1.. ,, I brokenly whispers, "I thank thee, 0 its patrona yesterday. The vaudeville q0(j h was superb by the way, the lady of A"n iu t,e interested to" know that tho act was a former Portland girl, but Dorothy Benard, who takes a prominent the best thing was the remarkable Fox 'part in this picture, is a former Port- photoplay with Frederick Perry, the 1 lnrfu girl. 8hc was leading lady at .the star of the tremendous Broadway sue cess, "On Trial," in the leading part, and Dorothy Bernard, Stunrt Holmes, Baker Stock company in Portland for three seasons, but deserted this for the silent drama, tysWffiffiiffitffiflVSWWfl OREGON lfelMS9(IQi(rt&tA& 'er Buck Let Dallas Local and Personal Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Ore., Aug. 28. Mrs. Oscar Hoyter and children will return Sunday from a summer's outing at the beach at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Y. L. Tooie, Jr., and little eon and Frank Barrett are spend ing the week at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Holman have returned from an outing at Pacific City. Fred Toner returned the first of the week from a hunting trip in the Cow Creek canyon in southern Oregon. He reports that they were very success ful in bagging game. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison were vis'tors the first of the week with Mr. Morrison's father on Rock creek. lien. W.-T. (irier, of Falls City, was a Dallus business visitor Thursday alt ernocn. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ellsworth are en tertaining their daughter, Mrs. William Anderson, of Colorado. Mrs. J. F. Aldrieh, of Oregon City, is a guest of relatives and friends in : Dallns this week. Itev. and Mrs. D. A. McXensie an nottnec.the arrival of a baby boy born Sunday, August 22. . Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tetherow, of Falls City, were Dallas visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Croisaut, who for the past several weeks havo been guests at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hayes, have returned to their homo in Coweta, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hanson have re turned from a visit with relatives in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Carpenter and daughter, Miss Ella, were visiting with friends in McCoy the first of the week. Mrs. John R. Mills, of Salem, was a gues-t at the home of Mr. amd Mrs. J. I,. Swoenev, on Mill street, Wednes- dav. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Gerlinger and family returned the first of the week from a short outing at Newport. County Treasurer and Mrs. Fred Hol man have returned from an outing at Pacific City. Mr. and Mrs. trca TUiDoit nave it GERMANY- FICHTS LI11TI F ROM ENGLAND One Week More In Which To Remonstrate Against Paying Fairgrounds Road CURRIER HAS CONFESSED. SAYS DISTBICT ATTORNEY I Portland, Ore., -.Aug. 30. That San- ford W. Currier, who was arrested sev- ts ago on tho charge of anon,. NEW TODAY eral dav lias eoufetsed that ho tired one of his MARRY Winddwclcaner. The report has been iu circulation j homes in Portland and started several about the citv that today was the last blazes in California, was the statement day in which tho property owners along ,HlrtV pf Deputy District Attorney C. "Brutal Supremacy" of Great Britain Was Cause of War Says Gazette I the fair grounds road could remonstrate u...u.i nir iuMaru puving oi mis street. This is in error as the property owners can file a remonstrance up to and including September 6. The citv charter allows 10 dnvs after the last Washington, Aug. 30. An other development, at least re garded as in the direction of re stored peaco in Kurope, cam late today when the state de partment received information from London that there was to bo a relaxation of the "hard mle" under -which American shipments have been held up by the allies. Connection was seen between the Berlin assurances of last week regarding the submarine warfare and the London assur ances as to American commerce. W. Kobison, who has chargo of the case. Currier is being held in tho count v jail in default of $20,000 bail. liobisou paid that Currier's nleged confession was not such that any de tailed statement could bo eiven out, rhone 75H Oct I WAXTKD Hay bailer to bail straw. Mute school. Phoi:e 6-lrt. Septt WANTED Woman or girl to do laun dry work. l'houe 721 Monday. g'M) publication of the notice of intention I i'1 ,hnt ht 'd. mU'lieatcd a number, to improve. Saturday, August 28, was I of J' being accomplices. the last day on which the notice ap- LTh,e ''I'1'1? SU!?(wt peared arson trust, whioi r j has operated all along tho Pacific coast. I : turner is said to havo admitted that! he began his career as an arsonist 10 j j pi, p F) ! years ago in i.os Angeles. I and riffnt ror reacc Jlis i,ian oi' "". was, n is said, toi i build a shell of a. house, stvk it with cheap furniture, over-insure the proper-1 ty and then sot it on fire. I TWO fine for sale. oak and glass show cases See Poolo's drug store, tf XO. 1 second-growth tir, $3.50; furnace, wood, $3.25 per cord. Phone 2249. tf Would Quit Praying FOR RK. NT rooms, 1)0-1 Furnished housekeeping North Commercial street. AiiglU Berlin, via London, Aug. 30. Ger many is not fighting for world su premacy but for "the liberation of Europe from the brutal supremacy of England," the government stated to day through the North German Gazette, its otticial organ. Boston, Mass., Aug. 30. "We have prayed long enough. Let 's stop war with one good fight rather than to con tinue to pray while manufacturers go on making munitions." With this statement Rev. George C. Richmond, rector of St. John's Epis copal church, of Philadelphia, iumned ; to his feet and threw the Boston minis- ter union into confusion today. Prayers for peace had just been said. Rev. j Richmond attracted attention several years ago when he refused to perform ' the marriage ceremony of Miss Made- ;linc Force and John Jacob Astor, later lost on the Titanic. The rector suggested to tho Boston ministers the adoption of a resolution asking President Wilson to send the navy to Mexico and then to Europe on the side of the allies. ANOTI1ER BAYONNE STRIKE Bayonne, N. J., Aug. 30 Rumors that another strike of employes of the Standard Oil company will be called Replviug to the recent utterances o(; nere were circulated today. The strike Si, rev. the onrm.n. . resuiieu in several men ueing Killed in ly denied the foreign ministers asscr- beinff ' riots. The men are now said to resent HEARING IS POSTPONED. (Capital Journal Special Service. 1 Dallas, Ore., AngT 30. The enso that was to have been heard before Judge H. II. Belt Saturday morning (if an in jured workman who believed that the allowance awarded him by' the stale industrial accident commission was too small, was postponed on account of the failure of tne man to appear before the cenrt. Judge Holt believes this to bo the first case of its kind on record .-ince the legislature of .1913 gave tho right to injured workmen to appeal from the award made by the stuto com mission. State Attorney George L. Brown will represent tho commission when tho case conies toi trial, which Judge Belt believes will bo within the next few days. o-HOOM modern house for rent, closo in, somo furniture, $10. Phone 230 411. - Aug30 WANTF.D To borrow, $."00; goul se ctiritv. D. W. S., enro Capital Jour nal. ' Aug30 WANTKD TO UK NT A 3 or (1-rooiu bungalow; price must bo right. A. M., ( are Journal. Aug30 FOR SALK Cheap, at a" bargain, 9 room house. Inquire A. J. Daniels, Marion hotel. Sept I GENTLE driving anil work horse for sale cheap; uo old skate, 2(MI Cherry avenue. Aiic30 tion of Germany's desire for world Hie company 's act ion in refusing to supremacy. . d.scharge about - 5 negroes hired as "Germany -is fighting for the liber-! ' "breakers The workers were g.v ation of Barope from the Brutal, m-' e,n ten en inclfae '"er Iho last premancy England has maintained with ' "lPr'lte- 0,1 vanced one cent shortly uoi I ncnui i.iwi ami v 1 1 ii luvt tuucj FOREST FIBES IN OREGON THE BEST PARTS OF THE LAST FOUR YEARS King Bing and the Cherrrians Want You to See These Wonderful Pictures 4&g4feie$tt&tett ADMISSION 10c ittmorawtfvQttftvtro Oregon fimmmfiffm 7k HAL CAINE'S GREATEST NOVEL s : THE CHRISTIAN teW&WSTARTING SATURDAY WsfefcttateSfefete Admission 20c. Sunken Submarine Raised Near Surface Honolulu, Aug. 30. Plans were com- idotcd today by navy officials here to! bring to tho surface tho submarine F-4 which sank in the. harbor March 25 1 -with Lieutenant Alfred Kiles and 2L men on bttird. The ship was towod to! (iiaruntino today after being 'raised to j within 15 feet of tbo surface, but uo effort was made to reveal the secrets of the disaster which it hides. Tho hull will probably bo centered and examined tomorrow. Philadelphia North American: Gov ernor Harris pledges his sincerity in his efforts to punish the Frank lynch ers; but he doesn't go so far as to say he will cither see justice done or re. sign. Bcene from "Prohibition," at Wexford Theatre Wednesday and Thursday. turned to their home in Falls City n1jHof splitting Europeans into two hostile' er a short visit with friends in this' hacking at each other in the' British interest and Lng- rortlall(li 0 Aug. 30,-Tl.e forest land to throw her weight wherever her iUn n ' 41. Ahco ana i-orotny, rtiunnu nruur" ecrotiBtio ambitions were best served. -a t. . TT j l i i day evening from a several weeks' out- g 1 ( 8 e t d eu- meaty of Mount Hood have already i . . tj0 nrf mo omicmcui, Hu. swept over six thousand acres, it was wght Newport. M I No reply was made to Grey's refer-, tn,, ence to possible demands for iudemni- 'Sevcrtl, llumlm fire fighters are t!eS. n,l.,,,;,,ry thn fllininfi nl tlirn Hiffi.roilf io.,.i i -ii.,i:, iC tk ...ili. P"'""'' pitv Mr. T). P. Tatterson and daughters, "?! Alice and Dorothy, returned Wednes Mica Alfreda Garner, of Carlton, was M 1 in the city the first of the ween me S ! guest of relatives and friends. I T-i. v.inn hnt returned from iviisa i.i'iu -.... a visit tit the home of her brother, Gilman Nunn, at Manzanita Beach. Miss Inez Arthur, of Eickreall, is a guest this week at tne homo of Mr. and Mrs. Field Allen. Miss Katherine Van Voorhes and Miss Delia B. Viers have returned from a two weeks' outing at iSnlg creek. Hugh Ayres returner! this week from a visit with friends in McMinnvillo. Fred Zeller, of Black Rock, was a Dallas visitor the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hayes and family attended the Southern Pacific picnic at Snlom Wedne'sdnv. T. J. Winters, of Independence, was a Dallas business visitor Wednesauf. George Emory, pn-raent of the Polk County Oil and Gas company, was in tha -it from Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Holman have returned from a summer's outing at Newport. Air. Holman has been cm nloved in a grocery store at tho bench. Mrs. Arthur Goode and little son, of Salem, are guests at tho home of hnr rtnrents. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mor- rison, this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Ayres are ill Pnrtlnnd this week on a short business tr'john Cameron, of Tillamook City, was a Dallas visitor the first of tho week. GOOD JDVICE A Salem Citizen Gives Infoimation of Priceless Value. When you suffer from backache, Headaches, dizziness, nervousness, Feel weak, languid, depressed. Have annoying urinary, disorders; Do you know whnt to dol Some ttilem people do. Rend the statement that follows. It's from a Salem citizen. Testimony that can be investigated: C W Hill, wngon maker, 19:i0 Corth Front street, Salem, says: "I had more or less backache and my kidneys were disordered. Donn 's Kidney Pills hnve always relieved me in a short time. I know of severnl other people who have taken Dean's Kidney Pills with good results. You may continue lnjblishing the statement I gave before, recom mending them." Price 50c, at nil dealers. Don t simplv ask for a kidney remedy get Dunn's Kidney Fills the snme that Mr. Hill had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, . Y. to laud troops in Belgium if the mill tary developments demand it, was de-iterated. Bulgaria Will Be Neutral. Rome, Aug. 30. Bulgaria pledged Turkoy her neutrality on August 24, ac cording to Austrian advices received here today. The Bulgarian diplomats wcro said to have delayed negotiations until a second installment of the Ger man loan was received. Rev. McConncll, of The Dalles, has been chosen bv the congregation of the Christian church to fill the vacaucy caused by the resignation of Rev. C. C. Curtis about a month ago. Rev. Mc Connell has been connected with the Christian church at Tho Dalies fo: the past five years and is said to be a man of exceptional ability. Ho will com mence his work in this city about the first of October. Steamship Sunk at Seattle Dock (Continued from Fage One.) GKT your shoes repaired for hop-picking; prices reasonable. Nineteenth, and Slate. Phone 500. Sept4 WILL TRADK hogs for team of horses and harness; price must be right. Route 8, Box 103, Salem. tf WANTKD TO EXCHANGE City lots for cordwood. J. H. Lautormnn, 330 ChemekeU. Phone 900 or 678. tf WANTED Man wants plowing or oth er farm work with team. Route 4, Box 33, Salem, Oro. tt GKT yoir shoes repaired for the fall season; prices reafonnble. Nineteenth and State. Phono 500. V. Dvkstra. Sept 10 WILL BUY groen prunes for drying. Henry A. Townsend, Box 152, Monte. 3. Phone 36 F-23. One mile west af Liberty. tf The fire on the Hnlmon river, 13 miles southwest of Mount Hood is still rag ing unabated, but, the ones on Uliell Rock creek nnd White rivers are believed to be under control. POLK COUNTY PIONEERS. Tho organization committee informs The Observer that it is the purpose of many patriotic citizens of Polk county to make an earnest effort t organize a 1'ioneer s association on inuiBiiay, Belgium Bar To Peace. Portland, Or., Aug. 30. The European hy designated I war will last until Germany establishes; had been the p the right by might to retain possession of Belgium, or Kngiand and Franco re store tho country to its own people. This was the belief expressed today by Arno Dosch, war correspondent and magazine writer, who is visiting his father J. E. Dosch. Dosch jnstl returned from the European battlefields. Dosch said that he did not believe that Germany could carry tho war far enough into Russia to mako that cam paign a conclusive factor in the settle ment of the conflict, ; "Whether Warsaw remains in Ger man hands is by no means so important as whether Antwerp docs," he'said. worked the vessel toward shallower wa ter, whero she held until the ropes brnce and she sank. At high tide but little else than her pilot house showed. Her stern was in 30 feet of water. The wrecking steamer Santa Cruz last night began the work of raising Cie Watson. This work will reipiiro a week or 10 days. The longshoreman, Kilmoe, 10 years old, had just boarded tho vessel was descending to tho hold when tiie freightor crashed into the Wntsm. lie was knocked down by a falling benm and died beforo he reached a hospital. Tho Pnraipo was entirely undamaged. Tho Pacific-Alaska Navigation com pany lost the Admiral Sampson, a ves !I STILL have nice peaches for can ning. Bring your boxes to the or chard, opposite Poor Farm, at T. J. Clark's. Septl KmitiMiihir thn second illiv of the I'olk. county tair, wlncn will Ue special-1"" '" menucai in size aim nesign (CWjGjQfcfctt APPEARANCE TODAY ptwW)W s Ask One of Yesterday's Crowd wiluam ror MltAMO TMNOUCH FoxFTTm CORPORATION WILUAM FOX MltAMO YMNOUCH FoxFTTm CORPORATION The Erring Wife Dramatization of Dr. Ramscau with FREDERICK PERRY, Star of the Terrific Broadway Succcss-"ON TRIAL" CARTOON COMEDY ON TIIE COMING PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION You Can't Afford to Miss This. Want Public Market . Location Changed To Centra! Business District Just as the public market was getting under good headway .with the booths erected on Kerry street, ami everything pointing to a liiK'T business than ever next Saturday, a disagreement f opin ion seems to have arisen among several as to whether the locality chosen was tho most available, or best adapted fur a public market.. The following com munication addressed to the editor of t'nn .Foil run I expressed the idea a few who are interested in the market: "Tho board of ninniigers of the mar ket havo erect I'd the shed, or booths, and have done tins with the best inten-j lions. Hut they arc on the north side' of the street in hot summer and where I the south rains will drive into tiiem. Tho patrons have Interviewed Mr. Ntrckton, K. T. liarnes and MeKvoy brothers, and tlio sidewalk north of any of these plans can be secured for! the market, and give protection fromj tho sun and rain, and is a much more desirable place for the market. Pref-j erenco would be north of the Barnes 1 racket, store, nnd Mr. Barnes has con sented to the use uf this space. "(Signed) Wallas, Miller, .lines, Muths, Kviin and other patrons of last Saturday." GENERAL GOETHALB GOES SOUTH Sesttlo, Wash., Aiilf. 30. Ma jor Gen-j eral Gmrgo W. 'inethals left here this; morning in tin' Shanta Limited with, his wife and son, for the California ex- positions, after spending Sunday in Se attle. I During the day he was shown thej I'niversity of Washington and theni taken for an inspection of the LakFj Washington canal. Ho, displayed great Interest in the i-anul locks at Mallard, which are second in size only to thej Panama ennui lucks, but made no com-1 meat. 1 . i m i i OIBLOIVEN UP AS LOST. j Seattle, Wash., Aug. 30. With po lice, parents, neighbors and outsiders holding many tileries as to the cause of the disappearance of IS months old Klorenco Kelly from the beach lit Fauntleroy park last Thursday, search for her ims been practically abandoned today. Whether -he was caught in a wave and carried to deep waters of I'ugot Sound, whi'thrr she wandered in to the wood and was Itrt, or was car rled off by an cnglo or kidnaped, are all matters f conjecture. as "i'loneer Day." it purpose of the committee on organization to name at least two delegates for eii'h voting precinct to arsis t in the work of reorganization, but it has been found iinpracticnlilo to do so. All persons interested in the movement are requested to consider themselves such delegates, and do ev erything in their power to help along the good work. Not only arc they re quested to be present themselves, but ca ii is urged to bring his neinlilKir alsri It lias been suggested that tho name and style of this organization be known as "A Home (lathering of I'olk County I'ioncers and their Descend ants," but this suggetion is only ten tative, nnd is subject to amendment or revision by the members of the associa tion. A speaker has been invited to address llie pioneers, and tho purposes of the organization will bo fully set forth by selected speakers on tho day of organization. The eoniuiitteo is es pecially desirous of having a largo and enthusiastic gathering n'l ibis occasion. Any fuithcr informal ion regarding tho onii used organization will bo furnished bv -Mr. J. T. Ford, ol this citv. to the WiiIhoii, a year ago w'.ien she was rammed and sunk by the Canadian l'licitic railroad steamship Princess' Vic toria near the iinibor here, during an early nm-ning fog. Several lives were lost. For Sale, Choice 225 Acre Farm One of the best drain an'd Dairy Farms iu I'olk county, and owing In it's location is an ideal tiact fur subdivision located 7 miles from Salem on rock road, with railroad and shipping station at door. Hub n large set of modern im provements, (iood family orchard; all fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire; 211(1 acres under cultivation, and in clover. Balance in timber nnd pas ture with running water, This farm will be offered fur u short time lit a bargnin." Will consider some good Port land or Snlcni income property ns part payment, some cash, balance long time (i per cent. This is nil exceplionnllv good proposition, 11 ml will not lust long. HIGH SCHOOL girl wants place to work for room and board during school term. I'hitio C4-F-21 or (HI!). Septl WANTKD A party to look after stock on place through September. Call at 3 p. m. Tuesday, renin 3 Bay no bldg. Jacobs & Co. ,Aug3l LOST Ainlule bitch, six months old. Owner's address on collar. Nanio "Hob." Return Crown Drug Co. AugllO LOST Ladies' gold watch and chain, on Kola road, engraved "A, 1". " Phone (ili-W, or return to -IL'II South Twentieth street. Hovinid. Ang3l St. I.ouis Star: Galveston cannot flooded out. For further infoi inntion see l lie seir reliance ot , BARBER. Office lOT) Hubbard be humruned nor .uon-u J(i., i cr j 700 Salem. Ore. Bldg. BUNA VISTA FKIIHY BOAT For sale cheap. New and in good running or der. Faying proposition. Inquire J. A. Huston, Buna Vista, Oro. Sept 5 FOR SALK Olt TRADK (load eight year old mure; just homo trim coast; no further use for her. Will trado for cow 01 ash wood. Inquire A. Vnn Lnnen shoe shop, II.).") N. High. Ag30 OWXKR of new li-room house, now here, from Ciilifienia, offers saiue very cheap for crsli, or will talio good auto part pay. See him at Bay no build ing, room 8. AugliO FOR SALK 1(1 acres of good culti vated laud in Alpine, llculou county; 2 houses, 1 1 nu 1 1 1 1 1 chicken limse, barns, and fruit; I'i mile from school ami town. For tonus inquire of 11. A. Diinnvan, Alpine, Ore. Septl MONKV TO LOAN-On improved fiirnis at 7 per cent, annual interest. I am representing tho Commerce Sate Deposit, & Mortgage Co., of Portland, Ore. Uuick delivery or money. Write tf F. J. Ilerger, Salem, Ore. casuaawaasa THE NEW Will Open Wednesday, Sept. 1st First Class Vaudeville High Quality Moving Pictures 2 Days-Wed. andThurs.-Intense Human Interest Story in Pictures Ifes "Prohibition" ii BILLY SMALL, Comedy Violinist Also DAVEY, Singing, Talking and Dancing Comedian IOC BEGINNING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 IOC