Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Always Lowest
atunnmg new
J ftf K
Special Sale Prices on All Wool,
Special Sale Prices on All
Crepe Egyptlas
Wool Poplin
Storm Serges
French Bergoa
Dlagonlal Serges
Whip Cords
Cheviot Serges
Not only is the collection of fabrics most liberal in variety
and price range, but the values we offer cannot be matched else
where. A fact that can br mnvp ftncilv ilmnnt.h.nti,l k
" 1 li
All Around Town
Df. MendBlaiihn anninii. i I mi.. . . -
Dr. Mendeliohn. aniM-lnll.t in mn..
llawei eorrectly. U. 8. bunk bldg.
A communication from a resident on
the Kali grounds road, answering Mr.
Alinsemmric, wits n ivil tun Into fur
loduy und will be .iilihf licil Mumlnv.
Dr. Stone's Drug Biore.
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, wife ami two
boys, mid the tninilv of IVmi Allien re
turned today from Thomas creek, where
they huvo been camping for I lie past 10
Dr. Btone'i Drug Blow.
Fred A. Legg and family, and Dr.
H. 1., IStoeves ami family will motor
to Taylor's rump, limit .'15 miles from
here on thu Hantlain, for mi over Hun
day visit,
May Tong Tye," 410 Ferry street.
Him Chinese noollei mill chop sucr.
KverylhiiiK new and nent. Aiij-'iM
Arthur Wilson "and wife returned to-
liny trom a peek's outing spent lit
Murlon bike. During sir. Wilson's nli
Hence M. (1. Tyrnn lian bii-n holdlni;
down the key nt the 1'imtnt,
Baptist chureh Sunday night, mibjei-t
JMVw Ufcblea."
li t1v bushels to the ac Is the
t-i'.iir.l ......f.. l.u hi I. 11:11 tr. ,
miles out of Ihe eily on tin- Hihcrton
road.onlil.M.er.,. ,r .
" '
Dr. r. t. M..ir..h.. .;;w".Mr:!u.,i,'! .lh. " m .uu
. , . r
urgeoit, UH Masonl- bl,lg. l'hone iW. ,
Cuper Andoregg, who wife u
killed last Hiimluy night Mid bov In
jured, in collision with siree't ir
t KlntmmKii nn'd Center lreet, lift
o fr recovered that lie wtu taken from
the honpiul to his home Inst evening,
Dsnc at BUyton tonight
Mr. Iinj Mr. J. K. West are In Ihe
eity from Aberdeen, Wnslt,, the (iui-u
of Mr, end Mrs. John W. IJltchii..
BMiwdsy duc at BUyton toulght.
Prices at Meyers,
Women's iVea; Suits and Coats
Are Here in Profusion
Scores of beautiful garments await your inspection We truly
believe the garments are not to be approached anywhere in artis
tic excellence, beautiful styling, genuine exclusiveness or super
iority of quality. Our constant relations with the best garment
designers of the fashion centers enable us to secure a wonderful
array of fine Ready-to-Wear. These new displays show the very
latest tendencies in style weave color and finish. You will be
pleased when you see the monster stock from which to choose.
We cordially invite your inspection of these new arrivals.
Prices are unusually moderate.
The New Dress
Are Here
An exposition of new piece-goods for
Fall and Winter wear. Everything that
fashion favors is here all the new
weaves and colors. Among the new ar
rivals are:
Tweed Suitings
Tweed Ooatinira
Two Tone Taffetas
Plain Taffetas
Plaid Taffetafl
Velvet Corduroys
Silk and Wool PuplinHFigucd
omiaowu laweias Plain
renin Btnp Tan etas Crope Do
uy wuiiiiJiti"
XIooodIoood s
The bcBt of a aoori tlnm .v, ,i
lit Mnylim lonllil.
Dr. Juhn Hall, recently elocted pro
fesior of sni'iiil sriem-e lit Hie Willum
ettc university, Iiiih ren'teil fur th, .,.
lii(l year wlmt Ik known u th
houce, h.15 I'liiun street.
llii rdiiiu j
Let JauVi do your work. Hotel Mar
ion Itiulier Shop. A. ,1. 1 u i i-l m.
To Dr. Carl Oresg Doncy, the new
iienim-nt ut tMllntuettK univernit v, Iiiih
icon iissiiini-.l il, I .i.'.i ' ... !
the e.lucitionul niblrcss . v . . . "i
dny at the Coliniihin Hiv,. eonfe rem
to be held in Spokane..
Let It be reuiemhered that I dovote
my personal atteutlnu t this, mv life's
work, nail that I tiilwi careful lutereit
in olitniuing tlm best results for each
patient. 1 know how nml will fit vour
eves correctly. Dr. M. ', Menilels'ohn,
rooms I'lll-SIl 8. J lank buililing.
L. II. Suter, of Knglewood. says he is
nil advocate tf Si, !..,., I.., ...i i
. - -" u, 1 1 in ii mi
planted his parking to roses nml asters
"iiier iionnrs, out llie people (In not
seem to care for it nml eveiv night
some one destroys his plants,
Do uot be misled. You do not pay
one cent more to have tr. Mendelsohn
tit vour eves than you pnv elsewhere,
and there Hill be no eiper'imentiug on
your eves. You will o.-t tin. .;..i.i
!'"T"'. fr,1"V" "K"'. """'"l tiM
mi. ii.i.ri.lnr. Tl.... i ,f ,.v
,souie outer for the nisnv 'lln.l,
" "or neioven nni naiu and father
Also f..r the many beautiful fl" I of
' icrings.
M His. If. W. 8.VVAUU
O. M Elliott, tuptrlnttnilent of th
Halem public whool., f expected home
Mo.olny. Beside. nttemlitiK the sesniom
of Ihe N'Htintiiil I'duefttioiinl nsmtrlntloii
at Otiklsml, he spent several dava t
the Fnnamii l'neifie fxpoidtion anil hi
sort trips out fiom Sn' Francisco,
No rln hM rUn In Balem line July
21. but this Is ut much of ,rv sp,,,
compared to the drought of 73 days Inst
I tiVj DAIIjI L-Ar J IAU JKJU XiiALi, aaivEm, '""-'
CnsStenTWith Good Merchandise ,J!
i I
n a 1 f
ivioaes ror ran
Cotton and Woolnap Blankets
Trunks, Cases and Bags
No. 758th Wednesday .Surprise
September 1st
A Sale of
Tapestry Pillow Covers
Extra Special Only 19c Each
Here are splendid tapestry woven Pil
low Covers all made ready for the
pillow many different designs to
choose from. A fine article for the
lawn or porch for camp, automobiling,
etc. will stand lot of hard usage. Sell
in many stores at 50c. Next Wednes
day only 19c Each
Sale starts at
summer. The river now is 1.2 feet li
low zero or low wilier murk. Om year
ago today the gunge lend 1.3 feet below.
Kivcr Hie n nay there will nut bit much
of u change in' the depth of (lie river
fur llio remainder of tin (ininmer sou-
I The Drauor Fruit enmnnnv hni inut
closed its Hartlett pear season, huvin'y
I smppcu in ear louil.s to miiforuiii. This
is peiiuips mora pears tliiin have ever
. 1 : 1 ..v.
helore been slnppeil to ( nhtornia dnr
one season. They report having
i received tne lust wagon loud of ovap
! orntedo prunes of this year's crop at
' li,.,;- M...,i.. i- i. ..I..'. . i ' ,
.. ! , l l IV IMlllll III 1llltr IIM
It luattera not whnther nurann la
wealthy or pour, ititlueutial or without 1
tlieilils. II clerifVlnnu or u silinei- n Iiiin!
ness mini or a laborer, an actress or a
missionary, a society dame or u maid
!"'nilllh 11 t-entile or a Hebrew, a col-
UT " illiterate persou-
ntteution. Mv :I2 Venrs ut' inn,.t,..l
lierieueo will lm m
. - - hi in,
tunes r. M. I'. Mendelsohn, rooms
10 I'll I . S. Hank lllili.
Mrs. Feter Kufner and family and
nephew, Ddos (Infl'in, who reside five
miles east of this citv mi tl,., ii..i.,..
I road, spent a pleasant day yesterday at
me noine in .Mrs. Ivaufucr's sister, Mrs.
I). H. tlriffin, of Fir und Mvers streets,
in South Salem. They attended the cir
cus ill the llfteriiiimi mi. I ,, il...
, , . . , .... . . .-iiinK :
took a cooling d.p in tTie municipnl
Hal V. B.l.m. fo'rl, of this city.
now with the Wolff Hop company of
Fortlund ,asiuSlcmto.layoas'l,orti
! I 1
.us ness tr.,.. Mt Molum recently suf- mile,, Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Kiggs ami Mr.
fere, a serious ..jury when an auto inland Mrs. Hnl D. lvn nrrived hmw
of the hop j ards m Folk county. The to the Sun Fruncin u exiHwition While
doctor state, that there will be o ill I Mr. Kt ZXlXZZl n
elfeets ,, l, wounds on Mr. llolam ', judgnuMi't. vet ho is of the positive
nee and head t hough one sliver of glass opinion that after once HvlV u III
uZ XllvVhH r " ,,,t!h,h Vf " t Willunif ttf vaUcy.tirrL Uf the world
trom the ejcbull. doesn't look ri.d.i ,..i n.-t h.
rilior- Tk,,... .k. v.
sali'smnn fur the Salem Fulls Citv Lum
ber company since February of ltd,
has renigucd Ins' position with tlM eonl.
puny nut him, liner Meiitenilier 1. be
sava Ford Jt
vv iii. 1 1. . ..if. VVi i. , " '
cies. VmIIi tne addition of Mr TK.,,i.. ;
..n' tu i.,.,;. . V i. V. ' ' ; ninkrng arrangements
ill I hv ,r t i "'k1 l,T"'or ' ni'l'roptiate ded "ntiou program,
will l.e Inrec live mi eanien in tlm .. . i... .
ri.,1.1 ti. ... .. i ., ! 11 ""oresscs ny several promt-
t. Simmon. nmlHJviilght. )the singers who hay, been so favor-
whrcTr,r ,n r? M'1' tc;
N'atlonHl W (' T r ? I'' 'l' J,h ,'"".vr is arranging special
National t T. I . may stop U appropriate f,,r th occasion. .
lem for a short visit wten she attends j j,
lit v'-.V Tw ""!" ?v'"i' t H.ra U th. first cougar rtory to roach
he National Woman . hrl.ti.n Tern- Snlcm. from the vr,u. hunting parties
IhuVTw. m l7' t". I? fctM 1Sj, i""' for souther. Oregon. C. I),
attle, Oc elver t l. A letter from M rs. i Hunch, S. H. Kreve, v W Int
fTw T 7 ''I V'Mnt V' th.0r iB ,h Bating. The thre, fcuii
iron W . t . T. I . tu lh ftirtiirv i, i ... .
n i i i i. . . V- . '
1 IIIIIMIIIFilllll Mtl.h alul... . L .I.1..V.-'
, --"-- ih
arrangement, can b mad. for a vi.it '
' ".".'I minmiii
fl-i 1TI I1
See the Window Display
of Miss (ionlnii in tho city ou the even
ing of October 111.
So far this season, the grain firm of
D. A. White k Suns has sold 50,(1(1(1
Km in sacks. This ia just one of the
many sins of the immense grain crop
in tho Willamette valley, l.ust season
this firm sold less than half this num
ber. Fortunately for tho farmer, sacks
lire three cents cheaper than a vear
a, in i uiiy miuimiriucs on
ltlie l'neifie ocean mid there has been
iio. There aren't any submarines on
nothiuir to interfere with the vKliin,.,,,!...
of sucks from linliii,
Hal D. Patton Is of the opinion that
Salem is the prettiest homo town on
tho coast. Having motored to San
francisco by the const route and back
'' the valley road, und having
.I nml lniviiif, u.tn.t
nil sorts of 'towns biir and little, he
feels there is no city liko Salem and
no country like the Vill,im,.tt,, vn,.
And this seems to be the geneiul oiiiii
ion of those nlio have traveled this
summer, that lifter -roaming around
'mid pleasure and palaces, there is
nothing like home sweet homo and the
i-:ll . . ..
,, i, K ilium,
Willamette valley
Some say it la tho weather, others
think the farmers are too busy to come
to town nml iinin the opinion is ex
pressed that the farmers' wives are
using nil their eKKs to feed the extra
hop pickers in the fields. Anyhow, the
fact remains that cgs have been scarce
in the city duriiiL' the iinsteek. nml
neverai grocers today - tu !
wholesale mice to 'I ,
several eroeers tiulav ruined their
a dor.cn.
T "' 1J ,,ri,, f r0,,,i'
' , ' " '
After an kutem'ohil. rid. of 1 s-a
H""11 1 aiiioriiiii or southern Oregon
iilii..,, in l-,,l;f, . i ....
" -"...vmiiiii .- uiiiiii-iu iegon
The new band utattii nnMniiri n ffc
city by Joseph II. Albert is now emu-
"" ".Herri next l uemnv evening,
i..i... . .
" "rn- aiiet ueer near Bear enwa
.... .
m i
io jowpninc county. Tun cougar at-;thoueh mit of i
tempted to ecr whea Undea and'i ie reduced
jov-pnuic county. Tn cougar at
Governor Sets Aside
Week Beginning Monday
B. "
! At the suggestion of peach raisers
,'aml peach sellers throughout the state,
who point out that the peach market is,
I or will be, glutted, and that co-operation
on the part of purchasers will have
I a beneficial effect upon all concerned,
: Governor Withycoml.e has issued the
i following proclamation declaring the
week of August 30 as "Northwest
Peach Week." It is understood Gov
ernor Lister of Washington has is
sued a similar proclamation.
"Whereas, It appears tnai me siaies
of the Pacific Northwest have this year
been blessed with an especially bounti
ful crop of peaches; and,
"Whereas. It is fitting for the citi-
zens of Oregon and its neighboring!
states to co-operate so far as they may j
in encouraging the production and j
utilization' of this delicious fruit; ;
"Therefore. I hereby declare the i
week of Monday. August 30, as No.th
west Peach Week, and urge that Ore
gon households and hosteliies give pief-1
erence and preminence to our native
peaches so far as may be possible, to.
I the end that the profitable development
of the Northwest peach industry may be
made a break down the fanvon where
C. D. linuch was on guard. One shot
brought the wild animal down' and two!
more finished him, and now -Mr. Ranch ;
is exhibiting a cougar hide measuring,
eight feet from tip to tip. The hunters 1
did not fail to go to Grants Pass and !
secure the bounty of .?25. j
Howling and Milliard Parlors will open i
Wednesday, September 1, and several;
teams from other places are expected!
to . meet the local boys here on that!
date. The alleys have been resurfaced!
and put in first class condition, and.
we cordially invito the patronage of
those desiring a clean, wholesome place
of amusement, where vou will find j
A large, light, well-ventilated room.
- Howling alleys and equipment are
second to none.
As fine pocket billiard tables as there
are in the city.
Howling, the peer of all games, as
a health-giving exercise.
Howling free to ladies, 10 to 12 a. ni.,
Na 122 North Commercial street,
over Salem Hardware company.
Almost all of the positions offered in
tho government's service through the
examinations of the civil service, are
open to men only. But here is one,
that of microannlyst, wherein the wo
men may take a chance with the men'.
The examination for this position will
be held in Seattle sometime next month
and the salary ottered as a starter is j
$1,200 per annum. The government, I
also will hold examinations! for lnlinn.
! tory assistant in petrography, assistant
irrigation engineer, paying .f 1.000 to I
ijil,.r)(IO a year, sanitary bacteriologist,!
good for il.DdO a venr. nml forest nml
i field clerk, with 'no salary snecified. !
Hut the only one in which the women'
may compete, is that of nu'croanalyst. I
Walter E. Keyes and his grandfather, !
the liev. Hubert Booth, returned yester
day from a 00(1 mile automobile trip i
into central Oregon. The trip was made '
by the Harlow trail past Mount Hoed!
and into the Blue mountains near Mit-i
chell where they visited the parents!
of Mr. Keyes and Will Booth. The re
turn was by the Columbia highway, i
Yesterday they made a drive from Was- j
co to Oregon City, a distance of 1:11
miles. Mr. Booth, who is 00 years old, j
stood the trip in fine Fhnpe." mid fell I
much better after his long ride. When
Mr. Booth was a child one vear old,
(ieorge Washington had been' dead but!
21 years, Abraham Lincoln was a boy!
12 years of age, and John Adams anil
Thomas .lefferson were both living.
The public market on Ferry street
near Liberty street, opened this morn
ing with several of the booths filled
with produce, brought in bv fanners liv
ing near the city. Those "who were on
hand early in the morning had no dif
ficulty in disposing t,f ,!,;,. fruit8 au,
vegetables at pries that were quite
satisfactory. I tm.t, if i,lul hwn
generally known that there was a pub
lic, market, there would have been prob
ably two times us mnnv who would
have taken ndvantiige of "the opportun
ity to buy, as well as to sell. Here
after, the market will be open Wed
nesday and Saturday mornings and with
this information generally known, the
prospects are that by next week the
booths will all be taken and the market
in full swing. Those bringing in their
produce pay 10 cents a day for the use
of a booth. Several fanners toduv
were heurd to express their intention's
of taking advantage of this means of
selling their fruits and vegetables.
Between the hot weather and inccs-J
sunt spraying upon the part of the!
growers, the hop situation is much '
moie encouraging than it was a week'
ago. At that time it was thought bv I
some that the crop would be cut down
lii.tirlv A. , I
,. 1'iisiiii, nowever.i
Iii.ii nr., i,,, 1.. . .. . . . I
' "".. m' numerous nml it
seems that everything in tl.nt line
looks better. Then, is absolutely no
hope .f harvesting u full crop, "even
at that, but more will be saved than
if the situation hnd not changed
Silverton Appeal.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1.. Bents and
Mr. and Mrs. I.. 1.. tiribble made a
trip through the hop section this
week, from Clackamas county to
Salem. They found conditions" both
good mid bad, but much better than
generally reported. Mr, Bents be
lieves that barring any unforseen ad
verse conditions that 'the quality of
this season's hops will be good. Most
of the vermin have disappeared, and
in those yards where spraying check
ed their ravages, the vine's and hops
have a fine color, and are coming
on in good shape. With care taken
to Insure clean picking and proper
curing, there is m reason to im'tici
pnte luck of quality.
Hop pickers and tnese seeking
.duces as iickra r. t,.. ...
rive in the eity. There seem. t.. v.
no death rf aniilti-tni ... i.
' ,l .... l . . ! ' "ora.
ni"!!,.-!! muM or me growers are pay
price 40 eeiita per
Naval Career
Grant County Irrigating
Ditch Leads to Honor
Yesterday's news dispatch that the top near tho brass and the gunners
("nited States would establish a protec-! touched off whole broadsides with
torate over the turbulent little republic , burning punk stick on the end of a
of Haiti indicates that tho reign of pole.
bloodshed caused by the recent revolu- j The shell guns were duly charged
Hon is over and that the work of the ! with powder, real powder, and a handful
American naval officers will soon be j of bullets or scrap iron. When the
over ami they will be allowed to turn fleet upstream was loaded tho admiral
their attention to other affairs. This I declared war without any exchange of
recalls the fact that the first Amer-! protests or other diplomatic horseplay
iean naval officer to arrive on the scene i The hostile fleet up stream was pushed
at the beginning of the last political ' off from its moorings and headed down
uphenvel was Commander Percy Olm- j to where the enemy lay in wait behind
.stead, of the gunboat Nashville, who , a few tufts of grass. Admiral Olmstcad
utter a brilliant naval career has bo-1 stood on one bunk with his punk stic't
come one of the most trusted and de-' and Admiral Corey held tho other with
pendable officers in the U. S. navy and 1 a similar weapon. When the boats wcio
was given full charge of affairs upon ! within range tho fun began,
his arrival at Cape Haitien'. Commander As fast as the holes in the top of the
Olmstead and H. H. Corey, secretary of ; shells could be located the shells wcio
the public service commission of this touched off und the boat that swung ju
state, embarked upon their naval front of tho discharge of a 10 gaugn
careers together in Canyon City up in , shot gun shell loaded to the muzzle v.-m
Grant county, away back in well Mr.! a total wreck ami no inquest was nccet
Corey says himself, that it was a long, sary. Often a row of shells were nailed
time ago. ! BlnP! the side of one of the boats and
So long ago, in fact, that their uni- j as the recoil of one discharge tipped
forms of blue were of the same blue j the boat up the shell next to it expluded
that overalls are made of and the only j and sent its contents into the bank cf
brass buttons were those that fastened j tho ditch drilling a jugged hole a few
up their suspenders and in case one of .inches below the bare-toes of the ad
the officers was shy a button he went miral wielding his torch,
into the engagement with his pants fast- The older person looks upon the joys
ened on with a handy shingle nail, Bare ! and pleasures of youth us foolhardy and
feet were just the thing for the naval reckless but no thought that a charge
battles which were waged in the irriga-, of shot or scrap iron might manglo tho
tion ditches about Canyon City where j feet of the gunner on the bank ever
Mr. Corey and Commander Olmstead 1 marred one minute of the glorious times
were born and grew up together much 'spent on tho bank of tho irrigation
the same as other boys who afterward . ditch which becamo tho scene of a
become presidents or chauffeurs or ice-1 great naval tattle with the smell of
men. The irrigation ditches of Grant I real powder tingljng in tho nostrils of
county, however, afforded endless the combatants.
amusement for the growing youth with j Percy Olmstead never did stop his
a taste for action as all boys have. j hobby for gunnery and in due time cnl
According to Mr. Corey's best recol-, ered the U. S. naval academy at An
lection the ditches were from four to ' napolis where he becamo a middy and
six feet across and averaged about two later entered tho navy and distinguished
feet in depth but to the youthful ndmir- himself as one of the crack gunners of
als they became boundless oceans with, the navy. His remarkable scores with
foaming billows and fraught with my-! the big guns are still the talk of the
riads of dangers. No shingle, sharpened j navy although Percy now bosses a bat
at one end and with a sheet of paper tleship all by himself. In spite of gold
for a sail, would satisfy these young-, braids, brass buttons and dignity the
titers but real ships were constructed j great inland naval battles of Canyon
out of blocks of wood with real guns j City are always recalled when Percy
which belched broadsides of real shells , comes ashore for a visit with his boy
nt the enemy. The guns were made of , hood chum who is eontent to know nil
brass shot gun shells, mounted by driv-! about railroads and leave the navy In
ing out the cap with a nnil and then sailors and others who early formed the
nailing it upon the side of the battle- j habit of playing either in or on tho .
ship. A small hole was drilled in the ; water.
Crop estimates of .105,000 bales
made by the Portland Telegram, and
100,000 bales which given as the
general belief of the dealers, is
scouted as absurd by some of the
best posted growers of this section.
They point out that the acreage, con
servatively figured cannot be far
from 22,000 acres ' in Oregon. Plac
ing the acreage yield ut five bales per
acre, the Oregon crop would be 1 10,
000 bales.
A report from South Bottom says
that Olio brothers on the Hop Lee
farm will pick a ton to the acre from
a JO-ucre yard. C. I). Winkler of the
same place begins picking today. The
South Bottom yards are all reported as
heavy- producers this year.
A news despatch from North Yaki
ma says that picking will begin there
about September 1, The latest esti
mate of the Yakima valley yield is .'10 -
000 bales. The niPmlmiu 4.1,,,
lakima Hop Growers' association,!
who met Saturday afternoon to make1
final arrangements for operating an!
employment ngency for pickers, de-'
cided to pay the pickers the same
price, tl a box, this year as hereto
fore, but they will insist on better
work than was done last yenr. A shrink
age of about 1,000 bales from early es
timates is anticipated on account of i
shortage of water in some yards. I
Portland dealers are predicting
that the market will open at 12 cents !
They declare that the price is going!
o depend on quality more than ever I
this fall, and it is believed the best
yards will produce a quality hard to
bent. Dealers will insist on quality
and as clean picking is one essential
pt quality, growers will do well to
..-..-i ...viu mrongiy tnnn ever p0U
clean picking. Aurora Observer.
The annual rush for the hop fields!
has commenced. Every train during
most of the week has been loaded with
people and baggage who conic from dif-'
rent parts of the country to help hai
xest the hops in this vicinity, but a
greater rush is looked for during the
early part of next week. In some yards
Mondnv r T i K generally until !
T f Tu,'sllny next, and some will
UCIllV the nnrviwt .,:l .i. ' . . .
,, . ,V "lr iirst week in :
September. However, the bulk of hnr-!
vesters are on hand nml have pitched
their tents indifferent localities
",rvet a little earlier this
svnson than it was last, and the man
would ,7iMk" T ,hM M
would not be worth picking is hard to
find now So far as can be learned ev
3!Bn'-iC V'i9 !"ut ' 'trv
Mr, lnn .n,b, f u
?",',T""S """ -S
Mrs. tj. F. Korinek spent the l
cadate w. n
Dr. Ili-oni. .....
The special i,,,,,, n,,. ,
call,,, t0 t,,Xv"ma le
ft annual meeting ,hicll Tn
Begun on
June, pussed off quietly last Saturday
with 48 voters present. The chairm.w
called the meeting to order at a few
minutes past the time set, 2 p. m., ami
after a short discussion Dr. Brewer
made a motion to vote tho same levy,
j 11 mills, as had been voted at tho an
:uual meeting in Juno, which had been
made of no effect by tho Bingham Ac I.
! The motion was immediately seconded
! and the ballot resulted in 28 for tho
! lew and 20 against Mail.
Do You Really
how convenient and at
tractive Kryptoks are7
They comTjlno near
and far vision In ono
lens. Yet they havo no
lines or scams to blur
your vision givo you a
freakish appearance
or accentuate your age.
And they freo yoH from
fussing with two. pairs
of glasses.
We invito you to
COllle Iiiaiii1 see them.
208-209 Hubbard Bid?.
Phone 109
Grain Storage
Modem fire proof storage in
bulk or In sacks,
Northwest Fruit
Products Co.
i if
J.h6.. beautiful 7-room bungalow at
...... ,V.0,,nRe s be sold ut rublin
miction Wednesday, September 1, 191o,
i -:.I0 p. nu The house will be open
v I,roT0,,ve Purchasers Tuesday and
R,n,.'l1'V' niurnin8 of next 'wees.
MrangeJ I ,0 Puri'h,r
There will ba no by-bidding.