Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Editor and Manager.
August 2S, VJlo.
i I
'i "i
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
fcec. and Treas.
DiiiW bv earrier. oer vear 5.00 Per month AO.
Daily bjr mail, per year 3.00 Per mouth
Tha Capital Joarnat carrier boys are initructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier dovs not do this, misses you, or neglect getting the
pitper to you on time. kiiiliy phone tie circulation manager, as this is the only
sray we can determine aether or net the carriers arc following instructions.
Phone Main hi.
"The Union of Democratic Control" is the name of a!
movement started in London a year ago, just after the JZXZ
outbreak of the war, which has grown in Great Britain j Xorth Arms. Frame,
with amazing rapidity, and which has sounded the key-'
note on wnicn universal peace can De permanently uaacu.i
The bottom principle on which the Union is founded
is that war shall never be declared by any nation until,
the question has been submitted to the people and their;
favorable verdict has been given. i
If this had been done in the case of the present warj
there would have been no war. Even the people of Ger-j
many, loyally as they have supported their military lead-!
prs. wnnlrl nrnhahlv nevpr have dplihprnr.plv voted to de-!
, .. I J --"J . o,
1 T ! TT1 1 f1 , 7i ... . . . . -v-J
ciare war against nussia, rrance arm ureal Dinaui, anu
there is increasinff reason for believing that if the matter
Aeain we note how the tide of militarism rises. This were submitted to the people of Germanv today they
week the annual convention ot governors ot me states is WOuld vote for peace. Certainly the people of every other
meeting in Boston, and not only did the several state ex-nati0n involved would do so.
ecutives agree in advance that the chief subject of (lis- Another principle of the Union is: "No province shall
cushion should be national preparedness for war but the )e transferred from one government to another without
.state of Massachusetts mobolized its entire national the consent of the population of such province."
guard to parade before the visitors. It will cost the state. The influence of such a proposal as this in favor of
east to reinforce resistance 10
Russian advance, it is believed.
Five Russian army corps re
ported repulsed liv Germans
south of Allenstein.
Austrian reported driving
Russians out of Halicie.
Russian report emitnidicts
(iernian and Austrian announce
ments of success, fall of Allen
stein to Ifussiiivs being report
ed, on contrary, and repulse of
Austrian advance.
Two hundred (iernian prison
ers tal;en in naval battle in
liiglit of llolhnd, reach Lon
don. Populace rejnices. First
naval fight of war.
(ionium officers hurrying to
Turkey and declaration of war
by Turkey is expected.
Dr. W. A. COX
All Smiles
Yes, Smiles
peace is too apparent to require explanation.
Other features of the policy of the Union look to the i
twenty-five thousand dollars it would be unlawful to
appropriate one thousand to give work to men unem
ployed. But what is twenty-five thousand dollars when
the German reichstac will be occupied during the week
in appropriating twenty-five hundred million dollars the decisions of which in international affairs shall be
more for war purposes bvery dollar spent tor rational i binding upon the nations.
The community of Needy was sad
leued upu.1 the death of Mrs. Lizzie
llostetler, wile of -M, II. liostet
at her home on the evening of
r..,.,,.,:r. f t- 1 f it, : ..f 'August Si. The summons was u:i-
ai-iuiiii ui ucmuv;iaui; cunuiui vl me ioi eigu puui-n-o UL i-xpecte
all nations, and the creation of an International Council,
nrenarincr for defense would save a thousand if war
should come and perhaps in preventing war.
The difficulty is there is no such thing as rational pre
paring for war. When the war spirit seizes a nation rea
son departs, defense is forgotten and the spending for
aggression goes forward.
If the nations of Europe had not been so well prepared
for war there would have been no war. But with half the
world mad there seems no alternative for the other half
but to arm against it.
By the way, these conferences of governors have been
greatly disappointing. When they began much was ex
pected of them in the way of suggested legislation and
especially of uniform legislation for the various states.
But they have degenerated into mere pleasure junkets
and after all governors in general are not abler than
congressmen, and why should we expect more wisdom
from their session of a week than from sessions of con
gress continuing for months and sometimes for years?
The fundamental idea of the Union is, clearly, that
the government of every people shall be based on the con
sent of the governed; and this means the transformation
of all the governments of the world into republics.
Excessive rains are causing a great deal of damage in
Missouri this summer if we may believe the St. Louis
newspapers. Worst of all weather conditions are making
it almost impossible to see a ball game in a city which
possesses three major league clubs.
xpected, deceased having recently
undergone an operation for appendi
citis and wan apparently recovering.
-Mrs. Ilostcrler was loru in Indiana
May 1(1. lSTi), and inuirie.l Mr. ilos-
teller in l.smi. With her husband nlic,
came to Oregon and nail resided in
the neighborhood of Needy until her
death. There survive her a husband,
five sons, throe .daughters, three;
grandchildren mid other relatives. i
The fuiien.l was yesterday, services!
being hold at the Zion meeting house,
lii.ihop Trover and Rev. Mr. llertzler,
of Albany, officiating. Interment was
at Zion cemetery. The attendance at;
the funeral wan very large anil there!
was great grief displayed tit the de-i
parture of a most noble woman, a de-'
voted wife ! ml mother, and who will
ever be remembered for her Christian
fittihide and innumerable acts of
neighborly kindnesses. She had hosts of
303 State Street ; "
Nothing but smiles when your Dental work is done
by us. All work is carefully and well done, and in
the most satisfactory way possible for any man to do
and with the least pain.
One trial will give you a complete conception of
our ability and also convince you of the reasonable
All Work Guaranteed for 10 Years
Lady attendant.
Phone 926
rnU.. TT'4. VJ1. n I. 1 "K
1I1L' rjahllliail JVOUan. company IS Oeillg prosecuted as, friends as was testified bv the immense
a trust. Now if some of those kodak fiends could onlv be fiir"" nt ,lu: "i-. -M"-h sympathy;
i . in v iv ii- I, reit lor tne sorrowing ins hain audi
anui, Lipr uii nuiuc soil, ui a uiaigc tne puuiic wuum sec
that it is at last getting a square deal.
Just now there is very little sneering being done at
hildren. Woodliurii Independent.
reached 2,()()(),()()0. Figuring on an average of four per
sons to each car, which is very conservative, there are
8,000,000 people in this country in daily enjoyment of
motoring. What it costs to follow this sport is of inter
est, because of the stupendous fitrures involved. To run
Allen Charles Fox was born in St. !
the expense of President Wilson's diplomacy, in this coun-'a," the . lie "";? iSi'ii-r.i
try or elsewhere. His methods of handling our interna-!,1"1,1,- A- which place j
tior.al questions seems all to the good. . "' sl'l"'t tho M,gmt
1 His early life v,:'s spent in Taylor1
mi p i I- j. i. ,," , ,. , . Fulls, Minn., and nt the aue of lii h'
-icii mvio iuuiv ouiiit innn,si ill LUi puuuv lUarh.cH1'""" 10 "regun. lie was murried .lan-
li'i i, to -Miss Laura Deltorde,
:i. : ii. :,.4.:i..i.: Ti.- .. p ., i ' ' n" iinui,
UllU UII lmptJI UlIll lllSULUllUU. XLS SUCeeSS 01 iailUl'e1' slll"t before his death. ;
largely rests with the producer. - h ,wl- "'l;'lh's- h,. li;!lv"9 !
0 J 1 , lll,st ol relatives to tuoniu his death. ;
Intei m, -nt was i'i the Fox vallev'
. lssibly those Mexican raiders might be induced to V-u:;, .
give due warning before they murder American citizens.,'1;"""1 h
y the Kiie.'o-llirst I'ndcrtiikiiig 1
' i p::rl,.rs f this city. Rev. Mcl'loud,!
i miii t itv, ollicinled. Stnvtmi Mail.
Now Is the Time
to brighten up the home with a coat
or two of fresh painta, and this is the
place to secure the necessary paint
and painting materials. A large, new
stock of standard paints and painters'
materials enables us to meet the most
exacting demands . Why not drop in
to see usf
Fresh Neder Plaster and Mt. Diablo
('e,tneut always ou hands.
The Capital Lumber Co.
349 S. 12th
Phone 436
The Scientific American has been doing some figuring;
in si.'t P nntitiufklttlitur i t tlilo tni i n t nnd ill id ic Mlo!
result: On June 1 of the current year the number of,.to and lt may be the beginning of what will grow, I'r,!:,
automobiles in the United States for the first time
n'i, i. i... . .tfi. it.. 1-, ,i
2,000,000 cars for one year requires at the very least!. - u war ciouas-at least so
llooO.OOO.OOO gallons of "gas," worth $1:50,000.000; 20.-ifal as this country is concerned. .
000,000 gallons of lubricating oil, worth .,000,000; ,
12,000,000 tires, worth not less than $10 apiece, or $1D2,-'
000,000; accessories and extra comforts, goggles, gloves STATE NEWS
and caps, $oO per car, or $100,000,000; garage charges on1
hort tours (exclusive of gas and oil), $100 per car per
sighted him admit six feet aay. He
whipped out a reuiiver, luid the fiisl
shut dipped T the head of the ser
pent. The .skin w, In. preserved as a
year, or $200,000,000; repairs made necessary by wear,! Mii',d iii: r u,t ;,, i,y the
tear and accident (exclusive of tires), $50 per car per """"' iviiy miin.nd ..r (''rater
.,,., ri' i i e ii I. like, and a puldu itv eumpaign bv the
Vt-ar, or $100,000,000. lolal running expenses for all cars d, p:t,c,-t t- n. interior! M.ng o,e
in use, $T::0,0()0,000. Add thereto the value of the 000,000 ;'-' "' ' i'
, , , . . . u,iiM, me tiMi id the tiituie pruiniscs
new cars purchased during the year, at an average price t, ,, r n,(. (i,rs ,.1.,.tl1.rl .....i
lu'st lent knnwii scenic uinrvc s. K. (1.
Mi I 'ei iii:i. k. vice iiresideut of the
iiMiciii I'm i 1' i.- ii ii.iuuuced Tuesdnv
en hii i 1 u ii I' i.iiii the hike, that the
! i i iiipnnv would include u ruiiuil trip tu
Miie Inl.e on" their icgulnr tickets, either
ia tins iit, ur ia Kliiuiath Kulls.
The 'iti'nn cut lift' is hereafter tu he
l.nnw n as the ('inter I. like cut off.
nines Shi-lton. veil kiu.An in si.,v.
Ion and I, inn unintv. and related bv
uuirriage tn .1. T. ,is. ! Ki,wi,.,',
Mien ai ins Hume in Alluinv.
August -.
M i. Sheltuu was s vi avs of age at
'lie time of his dc:-tli and one f ihe
verv uldest piun s of dreg cuing
by us team from MisMiuri in Is","
lie lived the mo-1 of iii
' "" "ii-n, ami was one of
publish in Iowa, e;i;i,,,,,;,,;. ' ' "' "'S
s:ivs, vi e will have I n i..
.... . , . , , , uii, linn
t,- o,ii o hi weisliii nn. .iti. .-I ,. .. .
. , i - oi OHIUII
The editor of the M on roe Leader
reeogni.es in ut.-j H. Cliiswidd, who
lately bought the Newimrt Review
v - ... , '
..i.iii i i i,e ii, mi wtio sorvul
lu-n lie
years ng.
mo-1 of iiis life in ,j
week nt the coast, returning Saturday
Schmidt Brothers' mechanic, Mr. A.
W. Buntrager, is busy n'ow-a-days in re
pnir work. Automobile owners in Mt.
Angel appreciate this addition to the
the Jlisses Fisher, of Redwood Falls,
Minn., are visiting nt the Jos. Zeis
home near here. They have been spend
ing a few weeks nt the fair in Cali
fornia. Miss Vivian Browne, of Silverton,
nnd Miss Velma Whitcnkcr, of Inde
pendence, were visiting the nendemv
Wednesday. The latter will attend the
academy during the coining term.
.1. V. Whitlm k was in town Mundny.
Mr. Whitlock says so.ne one broke info
his store at Selah Springs last Suiulav
night unit stole a lot of candy nn'd sud'u
Mrs. Biitesnn was married one dny
last week to the man who has been
winking mi the farm for some time.
The North Howell boys paid them the
usual visit Vi'iday night.
Miss Helon Herbotb, of Uniohtown,
Wash., is vitdting her sister, Mrs, N. S.
Nebler, having returned with her Wed
nesday. She will remain here during
the fall and winter and attend the
Early Wednesday morning N. S. Neb
ler met nr.' automobile iii the road as he
was driving out ou his milk route, and
narrow ly averted a serious accident.
The car was driven by a physician from
Gervurs nnd hud no light.
Ton; Boiling r.ud wife and Emma
Durreiiberger are spending a few days
nt the coast. They went in Mr. He'il
iug's car. Albert Bouibountils is chief
meat slinger at the market in the ab
sence of Tom, and he is doing the thing
Nil k Xebuer is not a fisherman, nnd
never expects to be one, but to show
the boys that he is a good fellow he
helped distribute the trout fry in the
streams near Mt. Angel and put in
most of the day with his team Sunday
that others may enjoy the Rport of fish
ing in nfter years Tribune.
surviving child is ll;i
of $750, or $150,000,000, and we get the immense total of
$1,IS0,000,000 spent in a single year (1015) on the sport
of motoring. :
reminiscences nith him. '
"I'robablv th,, u-entest factor in the!
woik of iinpi-.,M,ig nnd beaiitil'viiig !
I'nll!," suys tin- observer, "has been
'he street 'av i:.-. 1 itself a long'
" i "..mi. me neiier streets inve
I. I . i'nllis and I'aiuilv at tended the
I'niicnil in Allmnv vesterdav- StaUun
For the first time in its history the United States leads
the world as an exporter. Occasionally we have sur
passed the United Kingdom in the exportation of domes-'
tic products but it was only in the fiscal year ended June
IK). 1015, that our total exports, domestic and foreign, ex-
T;,.. ,.u;.. ..i i.. ... ,,
evened n iu.., :.. ...i ' ' , ' 'u w i
...... , .. : ,1.,-u, in niiii-j- nius, oieu iiii IHC'l. less
hoi p;i
I .nt, 'l pi i-e. Die.. I'lspul.'ll. Setting
up then wedding altar nn the summit
"I n high bluff above ,T,e (iuind Hmide
nci !it K.'inlow a. two couples win) live
l l .1 I i ... , .v . i II II' III'i.'I.'lI ho i :.m. a ..I it .
cet'ded tnose oi Uie l niteil Kingdom, uur total exports u.n..,,,, ,.,, ...i 11,
spot th.- ih.ee for their wedding is
bum feet i.b,,ve the riier ami is ii'inh
ed bv a lind. It coin ma u'ds a great
view of the timbered height.; on both
sides of the Oiand Unmle. The couples
iiiariied weie llemge 1 .',. nnd .'suinli
Miller, and Osinh Miller ami Nellie
Mm. re. Nellie Moore is a sister of
lienlee. Snliih Miller, fouuerly was
the W)fe of OmiiIi ,iiler.
pri'iei ti
the -sil.-'i.
of the i
i"i .-itcet compels adjacent
own. -is t ., siiruce un. uml s,,
extends to all pints
llll Ill, 'U,
in the fiscal year 1015, according to an official statement
of the Mureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, De
partment of eomttom aggregated $2,70S,(;00.000. as
:.gainst $12,070,100,000 for the United Kingdom, the fig
ures representing in the case of the I'nited States an in
crease of 17 per cent and in the case of the United King
dom a decrease of :0 per cent when compared with last
year. American exports in the fiscal year 1015 included
domestic products to the value of $2,71(,,,J00,000, against
$2,: '.120,700,000 in 1011; and foreign products, $52,100,000,
against $.'.1,000,000 in the preceding year. British ex
ports in the same periods included Hritish and Irish
produce, $1,711,100,000 in 1015, against $L557.00,000 in
1011; and foreign and colonial produce. $ll2i;,000.000 in'
1015, compared with $5i!0,500,000 in 101-L I
ley tans tnr tins seasot..
en cms. shipped bv the
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1S6S
Capital $300,000.00
Transact a Rcneral banking; business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Mi'ilfmd Sun. Eighteen eailoads of
I cms lime b i ship ,1 troiu the Mil-
saie for sei
liogue liiier
unci i nil t inoperative iis-neintinn,
the Unit has been sent to eastern mar
tot i. 1 lie liogue liner Emit Co-opera -tile
ii-sneiatina is Itar.Mbng th.1 orclnud
, run. tending the fiuit t. t'alifnrni!,
ciinneiies. I'ive curs will be shipped
hi the Eiuit and 1'iodin'e assoi iuti.'ii
ll iii to heal ton ii rivalry, ns the
Eugene licgi-ter would en about it.
"The rmi between soul hern Oregon
town over tourist travel h.s become
Unite bittei." snvs the Med ford Mail
Tribune, Tut. till! Won't yon boys
eier lenin to be good f I'nleM jim
.In belter wo will be forced to stop' all
the tniiii-ts in Eugene w hen wo get
ear .limping giound. in riiuuiiig
Jheiv." ,
Snnke story in Medf.ird Mail Tri
bune. "Iliiivev Eiflds killed a t-ttle-"nuke
null i rnttles nu',1 a button
Suiidiiv whiU walking on the desrt.
Th, reptile mm oiled ready to spring,
tth all rattle, tattling when Eields
The Me, If,, i,
" Mats i. t'f :o t,,
b best coniii. , i.
May she ,,.,.
g'es and ,,',U:i.
ii benuis ns follows,
i Hill, at piesout the
ill .laelisoii county!
a' reward her eu.'i'
justify. ' '
ipn. k
r l.
sections aim t!
by the nut,. !
lor a lailiea.t
1 t ;,
el'telnber -'n It
is expected tint the attendance this
,,veer will be miu li a,n,,,. ,h;nl .t v,,.r
All ot the teachers have been .';,e,i
i ""' ,1 "ae i pa i,r tne Ka.-tsj
js. n .ui. i i. M,.,it of lea, he,s ,.
will be as fnUnivs:
''', " . 1 "'bus, impel intend,, lit.
'"".". oi i.auiier: W. .. M
principal: t . ;. l.a, t, ,,.:..,ul ,,::
nig; U. E. I'lalf. ; , so, M.,v .1. , ,.
"illiins, Kiclin
The llllltter ot t n "ll.-.H I.- :;..,,.,.,. ( ;, ,,.
between isolated 1 L, "1, l'l"ll;;l fcluai M:
ts being solved j "'' " 1 ''dependeul.
1 nn k
is nn ct
No longer is hope
".essnry. The auto
' g Pie lone; felt waul.
,(iol l Ken, I,. im , Item: During the
past week a b. x,n 0f salmon has been
ciniing hit,, i;. river. and, owing
t" the high ,,njJ (I,,, f,,.nn,,
u.iic I'.-en u.n I, i tu, tiiggest earning.
in inc
Fred Schwab
Nitunlav, after
returned f ,,,, tl, f.lir
It It'll- i,ni,,i'l.l..
T 11- 1 . . i .....'. .i " "-'I HUH,
V il' Nickers..,, and M. ,.
'" ."iiK ur i-iiierton.
IOWI1 .llnllilnv.
ere in
St. '11
1 to
'i.'i g the Mggest euriiiiigs ! ... '
." the fishing iudiistrv. ,X,i'r,v 'v.'T..dder returned
j lottland Wednesdav rter a visit
.....ii ,iu i,er iiarents
MUST KETL'RN TO WORK I lv'"'r KiisehnieK. living t, ,;,,r
' !v"" rol,', ' ,I' first to begin hoi.
Cardiff, Wale-. Vug. "T.-The lO.l'OO Picking in this vicinitv. lie Btarted
miners on strike m Walei must return w ednesdny niorniug.
to link pendMig settlement of the' Hlu M.-r. Sfh-iff.-r nn,t Windislinr
dispute bet ecu the men ami opera-! Inl "'' M ' Oi err.nl, ler nttemled' the
tors over the recent arbitration award. , d""1'" at silverton last .Saturday uiela
I'lns deciMni, ii -w lenched tniley bv the I V1 li' T' Oottenberg went to silver
executive m, ,1 f the minor fedora-: ,".n snturday to spend n roupl,. of week
tinu. While the , uneil voted in favor wi;h ''' daughter. Mrs. A. Hnth
of resuming w,,rk. the demands of the I. dairy inspector das been work-
miners are not t .e abandoned and V'K "le farmers in this vicinitv
another deputation from the federation' '"f w'''k or more nu, r ports unsani
will go to Eon I,,,, m ii wvoii'd attempt ' ' lr,v ,,ondition in some eases,
to adju-t all iliffi reneea. j ' smith underwent an owrntiun
-..Tl'l. ' m ' ' week, which became neressnrv bv
OMAN'S LONO MOTOR TRIP ! reason of an' accident sustained ,mui le
- (of years ago.
After driving her Maxwell from I.ongl Alfred Oswald f s,hnee uent
b-Hch. , u, IV,I1. Texas, Mr.. K. I.., to St. l.oai, Sundav to plv , " ,
Kent ,s now on her return trip. Her , the SiKerton team. 'and as miidit be
only eompunim.s me her 10 year old son pee ted. won the gam.,
and " Hosier. " huk.r bull terrier. I Mi. Henrietta N harbaeh has n-tarn f
Mr. Kent made her ra.lrd trip in II ed from a visit at the home of ,.x
d and rxoects to ln-t thin fast time: sVharbach near Salem,
ea her way H,Uie. I'aul Schmidt vi.t a few duvs
, -safMA&A TOO
Ir. Farmer: If Van m-ovi- i. i
slices ufln u 1 10 maKe your farm a,
i l be e f Tr .h,0rMand stock healy. This
h,ve a if't J a 00d stable. - You
u d t ovvZ' if J'U bl,y the lber to
e' ve eo tn P,v' I U leaks,