THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. $ALEMGVST 27' 10-H: , su News 'VHIHIttttnnttttllMltH1rffln3Sat STANDING OF LEAGUES. - J Sport fl ! ltnmtiiiiiiiiiHimP""mu'") g a n n a m n S h IS m in in si ti (.1 a a a it .1 ;l t a 11 u ri HI L'l 1 I AT FULLERTON'S- Look at These Money Saving Bargains Summer Coats, Regular $10.00 to $25.00 $1.00 Fifteen Coats in the lot. Long length. All sizes. These are last year's styles but veiy good values. Make good slip-on coat for autoing. Sold regularly from $10 to $25, Dollar Day Price $1.00 $1.50 Silk Gloves $1.00 Long Gloves in black and while; reg ular quality; Dollar Day price . . .$1.00 $4.00 Silk Skirts $1.00 Silk Petticoats in all colors and sizes; regular $1.00; Dollar Day Price ..$1.00 $3.50 Hair Switches $1.00 Genuine Human Hair Switches and Physche Puffs, up to $:5.50; Dollar Day Price $1.00 $3,50 Ivy Corsets $1.00 Excellent grade of Corsets; only a few left; regular $15.50; Dollar Day Price $1 10 New Fall Hats, reg. $3.50, Dollar Day Sp'l, $1.00 Queen Quality Shoes. Several pairs of Queen Quality Lace Oxfords. Patent vamp, champagne cloth top. Reg- &i irn i ii t n lUUUiur aiiu mm wunu more ituiar way i rire White Egyptian Cloth Low Shoes with black trimming and diamond tips. .Louis Cuban leather heel. .An abso lutely new style. Dollar Day Price Mrs. P. E. Fullerton 270 NORTH COMMERCIAL National League. W. L. Philadelphia fi! - Brooklyn fi3 Boston ." 'ifj 5 Chicago 57 St. Louis i- I'ittsbnrg I1 New York 52 Cincinnati 34 fi-1 American League. Boston " M Detroit 75 42 Chicago . fi'J 4li Washington 60 54 Now York 54 .Hi Cleveland 44 "I St. Louis 45 72 Philadelphia 35 federal Pittsburg ivt. .55S .5.'!4 .m .47!! .Hi . .1D2 .;r .11) ! .lil 10 .520 .491 :.w. .:!. .:io7 Newark Kansas City Chicago HI. Buffalo Brooklyn ...... Baltimore .. 5li K4 7s 7H Pacific Coast League. League .. . 05 04 (15 ... . 04 o:i 58 , 57 40 Visitors Will Present Strong est Lineup In Order To Close With a Win Los A nuclei Sun Prancisco Vernon Salt Lake Portland Oak In ml K2 7!l . 711 OS o:t 00 j. As Sundav's name with Stayton ts 1 500 likely to eml up tho 1015 baseball sea- 2 552 1,1,11 th; Salem Senators intend to wind jjt'lip Willi a iiriiiiaui vieiorv. oia ivu lalso is bringing its baseball season to j. in rime ami is as confidently expecting . . !... a ortliiant victory, as iieiiucr siut: iw? yet been able to' agree -on the winner t In question will lu decided with base ball bats ami padded niits at the league grounds Sunday afternoon at i o'clock. Kecne will do tne twining ior lue .510 .538 .52( .475 .107 .;!:!!) i.lS .5 15 .507 .182 .100 .410 . Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland 2, I.os Angeles 1 (10 innings). At Vernon Han Francisco 4, Vernon 1. 'At Oakland Salt Lake 7, Oakland 4. 3.50 Hn3ESB2EEn;S2E!2SaSE3 HEILIG THEATRE PORTLAND BCZ2S3SB!S33CI3SQQ2S!3BS33SSIS18Q3SS&S!!3S Wliat They Are CUarglng lit New York THE BIRTH OF A 1 1RFRTV T11EATHE, West 4'2d 8t, LIDLIVlI 2:U and 8:ir, Including Sundays. Evos. ti Bat. MaU afic, r0c, 7.r)C, $1.00, $2.00. Othflr Mat., 2.rie, noc and $1.00 TWICE TO DAY (SUNDAY) And every day at '2:15 and 8:15 SKN.VI'OKS, CONtlU I'lSS M K S , .IllMII'.s, rl.KKUYMKN, Ii.WVYKKH, liOl'TOKS, AUK A MO. Nil 282,492 Teople in all walkM of life who In the VAST 14 WEEKS HAVE SEEN D. W. tlRirriTU'S WOULD OONQUERINO SPECTACLE moon rr.oi'LK ,ono horses MA TION I). Y. (3HIK FITIl'S Half-Million Dollar Cfeantic Spectacle, round ed on THOMAS DIXON'S Novel, "THK CLANSMAN," JVill llcjrin Sunday, August 2iMh. Portland the Eighth City In All the world to See "The IHIITU OF A NATION." It was opened in New York at $2.00 Trices. Then HOSTON, LOS AN liELKS, SAN FUANC1SCO, (TIICACO, SKATTLK and SPO KANE. Read What "Everybodys" Says E V E U Y 110 1 ) Y S M A ( J A ' 1 N E for JUNE Devotes Six Phrcs to a Discussion of (1KIFITTH and His Wonderful Troduction. Seats Now Selling Every Seat Will He Reserved, this Giving Patrons Choice of Seats in Advance. The Production will he shown at the Heilig for Four Weeks, Mcginning August 2!Mh. Nothing Like It Ever Seen This Marvelous Production is in Twelve Parts and UiHjuires Three Hours to Give a Full. Complete Performance. Portland to He the Only City in This Section to Shov"THE 11IUTU OF A NATION Special Music Accompanied by Augmented Orchestra. The Following Prices Prevail 2:00 P. M. MATINEE PERFORMANCE, 25c.50c.75c. 8:00 P. M. EVENING PERFORMANCE, 50c.T5c-$100. MUHUHHUHHHHHMiaMa K II II 13 U 13 n IS II M 11 H n n n ii ti u n n m u a u ti M U n a ti a a n a n a tt a u n n n ii ii n n n n ti H n n ii ti ii ii ti M II II a n ii it n n u Next Golf Champion. Jli-tioit, Miidi., Auk. (iolfers fol lowing the "ilom" of tho coin'nii; na ti o nit I golf chaniiionsliii an1 today Mit'i'ulatliiK "n ' ue ni xt (di a n 1 1 ii o ii . On I lie links of the JJotioit t '(nntry iduli, r in ii i-1 s Ouiiupt, nutioniil aniatcur rhaiu- iioii, diil.catod ( harles hvans, dr., west itii iiiiiui i'ur title lioldi'r, oni ui in 1!) hull's in a prartice inuteh. Steen From Detroit, Sun Francisco, Aiiii. 27. According to word received here tla.v from Man- um'i' Wolvortoii, the bcal leader has secured ritcher Hill Stcen trom the De troit Tigers to holster the faltering Seals. Steen will join the. team at once, lie was formerly with the Tort- la ml Heavers. I Senators ami. tlill will perform behind .jjMiio wind pad. Junes will check at the si first station with Wilson at second aud jc!. Miller at -short. Captain Humphries will Hold down Ins oi! position at mini and Chuck Lowe, lieinhart and Craig will handle the flies that swanu into the outfield. Stayton claims to have the best line up of the season and also the strongest. They have won nine out of the 1U games played, and du not intend to take any chances with the last game. The Stayton line-up will be: Harthol cmv, c; Cole, p; Hock, lb; Robertson, 2b;" (Meeker, ss; Kellogg, 3b; Thorns, If; (ioodinan, rf, and Sloper, ei. Stayton claims also to have a fa mous strikeout pitcher in Cole, who has been doing t'ue twirling this season, and the battle with Iveeue on the mound for the Senators promises some unusual features. E Racing in Germany. Merlin, Aug. 27. (loverniiieut sane lion of trotting and stceplechuso races, the first races sinco the war begun, is expecieu n oo granted soon, it is un derstood the pari nniluel betting sys teni will be allowed. Six Killed In Railroad Opera tion According to Accident Commission Fur were the week ending today there lti") accidents reported ' to the Hemple to Meet Cowler. New York, Aug. 1!7. .lack Hemple const heavyweight, has been matched1 ............... ........ ........... . ".largest recent ot fatalities ever re tire tho St. Nicholas A. C. hero next ; .-oiv.-.l at the industrial accident com- "Hill. iCi, state industrial accident commission, of '; which nine were fatal, which is the mission in one week. Of this number six were killed in railroad operation or construction, two in logging and one stcumbiiiiting. One of the fatal acci dents was from Hrtoks, in this countv, where it was reported that one due (luinriistu went to sleep on the railroad track and was killed bv Southern l'a cil'ic train No. 1:1. Tn.,r., I,... :.. . , IVlldleton. (Ire. An.r. 27 ." , . . V.: V" .' " . . . . 'cpoi teu ... , .i, .. ' . . "ii "i-i county out (ii t ie 1(, cases light was the opinion of the tans ; reported. Karl table, uf Silve.t, ,, "f tairell, of this city, win;f,.red ii Htm in i,;i.. t...,.,; -., .. Dillou to Fight Sailor. I'iiiladelpiiia, Aug. 27. .lack Dillon, of Indianapolis, and Sailor liiande, of California, signed up for a six-round limit here today. Tliev will meet be fore the Olympic club Monday night. Farroll Wins Over Mosler, who saw llillv a l.Vround decision over Al Minler. a Seattle lightweight, lust liiuht Mosler was so fast tiiat Farrell was unable to land a telling blow until the .ones, or fcous .Mills, concussion of the I brain while lugging. j Of the total number reported 100 i were mmIiwi...- t.. tl... ... ..l... lust canto, when a terrific nnlierent 1 . ". ?. caught the Seatlleito on the point of I he chin, sending him. to tne floor. Mnslor was up in an instant and "staled" until the end of the round. .ii were trom public utilitv corporations; w,, from firms or corporations which have rejected the provisions of .he net, and ,'i were fronr linns or corpoiatiuns which do not' employ labor in hazardous ct.'cupatious. I 1'ullowing is shown the number of! lohnson. Cal,f,, Im.nU .tar. ...! i . .V ... ' ...t ' ' , 2, ; eliminated in .he ,-lnv for tho Meadow : h uT ' " " ' 1" ,'.'"''. 1"' n I i...-...i i .,..!' '"" '""ige const,- ' r ""i. n m- contracting, f ip. ni l I.- uooseven run in j limiting, I the California Star Eliminated. Suuthainpliin, Mass., Aug. 7. W. In "Prohibition" Salem picture fans will soon have an opportunity of seeing ohe of the big things that has been put over recently a.picture as interesting and stirring as a "Billy Sunday Sermon." - Free from platitudes, it tells the story in six intense reels and holds you spellbound by its thrilling situations.' In this big attempt to put over the story of King Booze, the author has symbolized the guiding im pulses of our big and little selves, and called them Demon Rum, The Angel of -Prohibition, Mephisto pheles, and Intelligence. These symbolic figures ap pear and disappear upon the screen as the minds of the drink enslaves men sway under the impulses of good and evil. In the story the father drinks like the proverbial fish. That he lives despite his orgies is a physical feat and inspires no imitation. His friend, a talented lawyer, goes to the gutter. The dawn of a new to morrow breaks upon hm; he comes to the top like a rubber ball. The father has two sons. Both love the same girl. The loser, a despicable character, a jealous demoniac, determines to work upon his younger brother's in: herited weakness for drink and finally lands him up on the physical and moral rocks. But love and in telligence triumph in the besotted mind ' of both father and son and they swear off for good and for all. There are several bully walloping fights, one be tween the diabolically plotting brother and his sister-in-law and the final battle in which the schemer is killed. There is conflict all the way through con flict with the spirits within, with the spirits in the bottles and incarnate spirits who are handy with their fists. It is a picture all should see. It is a picture no one will forget. Those who attended the special exhibi tion pronounce it one of the strongest films ever produced. WILL BE AT THE Wexford Theatre SEPTEMBER 1st and 2nd "'"" EDWARD .J. FISHER (Incorporated) Theatrical Bookings Main Offices: 621-625 Ltmitor Exchange Building, Seattle II. O. Bell, Wexford Theatre, Salem, Oregon, Dear Sir: I August 24, 1915 tii V- li A!liii For your opening net opening September 3, for three (lays we have been successful in getting THK TIIRK10 MORTONS, formerly" tno Morton Jewell Troupe, an act that has been featured over tho Piintages Circuit at least a dozen times; they nre two men and one woman, singing, talking, juggling, dancing novelty Comedy act; you can adver tise them as strong us you wish as they will come up to expectations. 1'hey have sent photos and Tnlling. Yours very truly, i ... A! I r..ita EDW. j. FISHER, Incorporated. R! machine mining. 1 ruction. 4: shop, l; steam- passengers oa ' each: Cresotmg works, boiler worhs VS. M Washburn defeated . M.ruilwnv ,.0,1Mn,,li()1, ' Y led Washburn will meet 1 ; i: .T. ,."'. "' l'ahiug lall. I'ell meet in the finali: tomorrow HEAT AT LOS ANGELES l.os Angeles, Cal., Aug. 27. I'liusiinl heat followed today in' tho wake of the eliumtie freaks wli'i.-li astonished south ern California yeslcrflnv. While ruin poured in seme tuts of the south, mwer: tw e..l, ,.t' the tnllowing: planing mill, ouarrv, threshing, department store; nnd of the tollowniK one each: tin ship, construe tuiii, road construction, grain ware house, iee cream factory, long-iioreing nulling, truck and dray, mill construc tion, department store porter, furniture, ice ninnutactorv tress factory, i;raiu n.,d t'....,f mat- thunder storms the moisture oc-l!,t'''' yards, express porter, grain ele eurred in others. A rainstorm three vator, land clearing, Ijox factory, can blocks wide cut through the Highland m'r.v K'adiug, bakery, blacksmith. I'ark district of l.os Angeles. It was; t .... I. . I . . . . I a. a. ... ... iiuuM-ii on eitner si. (e y oust storms. 'm'rmii CONSUL IS RECALLED W.lA: iL - P I i New Orleans. 1. Vg. 27,-llarry T. "dlUHIIg Ifle OCOreDOarfl The Woman Who Tells Us she wants another roast "just like the last one" is not a rarity here. In fact, she's quite numerous. There's a rea son. We never tnko advantago of a young woman's lack of experience to palm off inferior meat on her. Hence she trusts to our judgment nnd good laith. Besides we haven't nnv poor meat to palm off if wo wanted to. Wo dun t handle that kind at all. Independent Market l.r7 S. Commercial St. Phone 729 Hunt, British consul here, has been re called It was learned today. T. F. Krs kine, of I'ortlund, Uro.,will succeed him. The British col. my of New Orleans recently criticised liunt for what wns termed his apathetic nttltude toward bomb makers arrested here. it taree when Mim veil, Cortland, made straight from l.os Angeles Love wobbled. A heavenly visitor to deep center bv Bill, ,llM,n hi(ti!t . Beavers on base, did the work. Before Hoc. While could hustle C.ok Henley tf h i,,,, (,,.,, , enough otf L,, to cinch tue c.mtest. Then Hkeet Fannin nlnv..,i ; .i... mud all afternoon, and tue way his mud The Balem fire department wii call ed out this morning at 10 o'clock In response to nu alarm turned in for a grass fire at the (Kisser residence at I'JL': South '!'. I INK .i,.t Tk rum. I ilv has gone to the hoovard and the fire wobbled around the lu,it..u nan rem iiim tne Lara when tne engine """K" give n nervous man palnita-i arrived. No damage was done iiccptllu of the heart. 1 imKiann took the IWe, it0 camp, 7 l'irate, l.t C.i.mts In a real pitch ing duel, wherein Kantlehner of l'itts burg faced .stni,l of New York ' that the barn was aligiitly scorched and the flames were quickly extinguish ed by the department. It ii thoug'at that the fiie was started by children playing in thst vicinity. Tha public utiliUe conuni anion today ordered the Southera Facifie company to install block sifaala on ila line be tween Jefferson street In Fortland and tfcwe!o along which Una them occurred rweutly a colision in which two train men wer killed. Tea oinmlsica also that tha railroad take mom care in tha future in baekiug a freight train out uinin th main line. Ih wreck a on August 80 near verdale. vnue fo lHt Senators in 13 in mugs, his being the fourth straigut oversiw game in which Chicago has participated. , St. Ixiuis Americana made a clean awcep of the aerie with l'tiila.lelphia poundiug Brcmler 10 to 1. ', 8t. Paul Bispat.h: It is reassuring to leara that Fresident Yuan Shi Kai, in proimsing to proclaim himself ma uror. Is not guided solely bv the role ur me ioru. Dollar Day Is a Big Day With Us SWEATERS HATS KNIVES RAZOR STROPS STRIKING BAGS FISHING TACKLE SALEM and OREGON PENNANTS AUTO ACCESSORIES GUNS AND AMMUmTinKr