FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES ft! '& & ' CIRCULATION IS OVER 3800 DAILY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR 1 77,, . ; - SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS SrivcvvTS F Last of Two Important Rus sian Strongholds Is Captured WARSAW -PETROGRAD ROAD IN GERMAN GRIP Over Two Hundred Thousand Russians Taken Since Warsaw's Fall Berlin, via wireless to London, Aug. 27. The fortress of Olita, one of the Inst of the two strongholds defending the Warsaw-Petrograd railway, has been occupied by the Germans. This announcement was made by the war of fice today. Grodno is now the only Slav fortress ho'ding out. Olitu is midway between Kovno, the fortress recently captured by Field Marshal Von Maekonson, and Grodno. It is "( miles north of the latter fort ress, which is now expected to fall at any time. The railway to Potrograd, running through Vilna, is but 28 mile3 east of Olita and Vilna is but S3 miles to the northeast. Capture 200,000 Russians. Berlin, via The Hague, Aug. 27. More than 200,000 Russians have been captured by the Austro-German forces since Warsaw fell and the great sweep against the Brest-Litovsk line set in. Several thousand camion have been taken and enough rifles have fallen in the hands . of the Teutonic allies to wipply several divisions. In the operations resulting in the capture of the vast amount of booty, the Slavs have been driven back more than 100 miles on their center. The capture of Brest-Litovsk, announced yesterday, aroused the greatest enthus iasm in Berlin, and advices today indi cated n steady pursuit of the rapidly retreating Slav armies. All of the first line fortresses and fortified positions of the enemy have now heen captured. " With the fall of lircst-Litovsk and Bielnstok only the fortress of Grodno, on the second line, remains in the. hands of Grand Duke K'icholns. Giod:io is expected to fall before tho end of the week. With the "vacu.it ion of Biolostolt, immediately with of Grodno, and the retreat of the Hessians to the north, the fortress is left all but isolated. North of the fortress the Slavs are hurrying in retreat, upon Vilna. There ure no indications that Grand Duke .Nicholas lins tiny intention of attempt ing to make a stand there. Tho city tins ii trendy been striped of everything "f military value, except supplies nee-'-siiiy for the troops in the vicinity. Ml dispatches lend to the belief thut I he Russians will continue to fall buck "pun the DvinHk-rinsk line, counting upiui the swninps and forests which must be traversed by the Germans if I he pursuit is pressed, to halt the "iiemv. Unlv meagre ret io r'ji have been re "ived ns to the operations continuing ilnMit Brest-T.itnvsU. The Slavs in thm "'"inu are in full retreat, but how for I he pursuit of the Austen-Germans has l'rii'.'rewd is not known. Tin Hussions 'ire relying on the swamps ill this di" ''i t to prn'oct their flank and permit ;i nf. withdrawal official reports today failed to con film statements of the Austrinns hnv " advanced northward thrnimh Kovel. This latter pliiee is the southeastern " c-t noiiit nirnliist which tho Austrinns 1'nve lmen u pern tint?. Tt was pointed ' 1 Hint the mmo claim was in tile in " ' nits fio'n Vienna several woofs ago. The evacuation of Grodno Is new cor '"!n. is n result of the TCussinn retreat fmi the remainder of the Kovno-I.lt-" -t( lino. The forces which captured r,ll'n nre now mnvine eastward rnpidlv '"wird the Petrorrnd railwnv with l"'ir left win? In close touch with the r'"ht wing of the armv advancing on vilna. Zoppclinj Aid Turker. Amsterdam. Aiiu. 97. A down Zen- vlini have been employed to relieve he shortage of shells of Tnrkev. nc- '"Mini to reports received here from I'c'liii today, With the attacks of the allies beenm- constantly more violent and the "ceil of the Turks for ammunition to ;cxiHt tne attacks becoming more press 'ii". Oermnnv Is declared tn have re korteil to her soundron of aerial cruisers in nil effort to save the situation in "i", nnrdnnellc. Upwards of 100 tons of fine mschln 'ry used in making shells are declared lO hnV linnn f rnnattnpln.1 tliAttfli tUn r hy the Zeppelins to Turkey. The '"lu hinery was first tnken to the Alls Irian frontier Thorn Hi 7.innalln arnr ,nJ.l, ""'I Mm to the big airships 'nl'ii sailed ocross Serbia toward Con 'tnntinnple. The trips are sni.l to have been mad t night in order lo escae detection 'V Bulgarian border guards and also to vold protests against the violation of ""Ignrinn territory, owing to the oeces- OLiTA ORTRESS NOW OCCUPIED BY GERMAN ARMY OIL KING IS IN WEST'S ON COLORADO STRIKE Chicago, Aug. 27. One of the most severe arraignments of individuals and their methods ever included in a com munication to a national investigating body, marks the report of George P. West to the industrial relations com mission, placing responsibility for the bloody. Colorado coal strike at the door of John D. Rockefeller and his sou, John I). Rockefeller, Jr. Tho report, mado public here todav, charged Rockefeller, Jr., with approv ing measures to .coerce the Colorado state government and with flouting the will of President Wilson. Rockefeller Responsibility. "Mr. Rockefeller's responsibility has a significance beyond even the sinister results of his policy in Colorado," the report said. "The perversion of and contempt. for government, tho disregard of public welfare and the defiance of public opinion during the Colorado strike must be considered as only one manifestation of the autocratic and anti-social spirit of a man whose enor mous wealth gives hi in infinite oppor tunity to net in similar fashion in broader fields. The trial and conviction of John of I John R. Lawson, tho Colorado labor leader, on a charge of murder was de nounced as "anarchism stripped of ev ery pretense of even that chimerical idealism that tires the unbalanced mind of the bomb-thrower." The report de clared Lawson was believed to be a man of exceptionally high chnracter and a "gooi -citizen in every sense of the term." After reciting that Lawson was tried by a judgo appointed by Gov ernor Carlson after serving as attorney tor the Colorado Pucl Iron company, and giving other details of tho case, it said: Lawson Conviction Scored. The prosecution and conviction of Mr. Lawson under these circumstances and his sentence to life imprisonment at hard labor, marked the lowest steps of the prostitution of Colorado's gov ernment to the will of the Colorado Tuel & Iron company nnd its associates. Tt. is the crowning infamy of all the lu minous records in Colorado or Ameri can institutions perverted and debauch ed by selfish interests. It is anarchism stripped of every protonse of even that chimerical idealism that fires the un balanced mind of tho bomb-thrower. It is anarchism for profits and revenge, and it menaces the security and integ rity of American "institutions as they seldom have been menaced before." With the statement thut the Colorado strike was a rcvo't by wholo commun ities against arbitrary economic, polit ical and social domination by the Colo rado Fuel & Iron com tinny and smaller companies, following its lend, the re port declared: I he policies and acts of the execu tive officials of the Colorado Fuel & Iron company, and tho other companies that acted with them, had the hearty support and endorsement of the great est and most powerful financial Inter est in America, that of John 1). Rocke feller and his son, Juiin D. Rockefeller, Jr., who contrnllcd tho company through the ownership of approximately 10 tier cent of its stocks and bonds. ''It is greatly lo be do'ibted if the Colorado operators could have mnin- Willing to Submit Germany's Contention of Free Seas to Arbitration (By J. W. T. Mason.) (Written for t.io Cnited Press.) New York, Aug. 27. Premier Viviani of France and Sir I'M ward Grey, Brit ish foreign minister, have answered in entirely different moods the tentative peace 'suggestions made by Germany. Viviuni's reply was a vague refer ence to Trance's' determination to fight until IVIgiiim lias been freed and Alsace-Lorraine lias been reconquered. Grev goes further than this patriotic generality. With high statesmanship he discusses the Gerinun demand for sity of making part af the journey across this country. J'hich Zeppelin curried from three to four tons of machinery at a time, and bv repented trips, the entire supply of in'nchinerv which will enable the Turks to mnnufacttirii a great supply of shell Is declared to have been transported to Constantinople. Olita was evacuated without any show of resistance, the official state ment said, and the Russians withdrew to the east. Simultaneously a detachment of Field Mnrshal Von llindcnburK's army de feated the eiiemv In on engagement south V Kovno, Knst of Ossowet and snuthenst of Mitnu, fighting is now In progress. . 1 t ... i t ..-,1.1 ' tlavnr an forces are itiiiii: -- -,. advancing rapidly .upon tho railwa) from Brest Lltovsk to Minsk, it was stated. They have reached position northeast of1 Kainetiee Litovsk, less than 20 miles from the railroad. Further south Field Marshal on Mjickonsen drove the Hlavs back across the Kyta river. SCORED REPORT tained their unyielding and defiant at titude of opposition to enlightened pub lic, opinion of the entire nation had they not been bulwarked by the ma terial and moral power wielded by the largest private fortune in the world. Rockefeller's Letters. " "During all the seven tragic and bittor months that preceded Ludlow, Mr. Rockefeller wrote letter after let ter in praise of men whose acts during this period had precipitated a reign of terror and bloodshed. It was only when the Ludlow massacre filled tho press of the nation with tho oditorial denunciation, when mourners in black silently paraded in front of his Mew York office, when cartoons in the press piloried him and his father before an angry public, that at last complacency gave way to concern in his. letters' and telegrams to Denver." Workers Driven to Revolt. When the economic, social and po- micm uuMiiuaiiou or me coal compa nies filially drove the workers to ro volt, tho report declared the owners not only refused to admit the possibility of any grievance, "but at a time when they could have prevented a strike by merely granting a conference to tho union officials, they choso instead to ret use tho conference and in doing so made themselves responsible for the disasters and tragedy that followed. " Attacking Governor Carlson and At torney General Farrar for thoir so-called "law and order policy," which was marked by .the Lawson trial and indict ments against numerous other unioju men, the report snid: "Tho same authorities who conduct ed this and other successful prosecu tions of strikers have taken no slops to prosecute Lieutenant Iv. Ii. Liuder felt, of the Coloradu National Guard, or other members of tho guard who took part in the wanton slaughter by three unarmed strikers held prisoner at Lud low, and in the burning of the Ludlow tent colony which resulted in the death by suft'o'iiiion of 13 women and chil dren." Correspondence was submitted outlin ing the pressure that was brought to bear on Governor Amnions nnd which resulted in the latter issuing an order permitting the militia to escort strike breakers and put tho state's armed forces on the side of tho operators. The publicity campaign started by Rockefeller in his "union education campaign" in behalf of tho operators was again outlined and its purposo em phasized. Storm of Public Wrath. "Prior to tho massacre at Ludlow, the letters proved quite sufficient for Mr. Rockefeller's purpose," the report said. "Hut the storm of papular wrath that rose after Ludlow demanded more active partii ipation. It was then that -Mr. Rockefeller initiated the nation wide publicity campaign by which he hoped to convince the country that tho strikers nnd not his company's mine guard militiamen were responsiblo for tile death of 111 women nnd children nnd that the strike itself, instead of a strug gle for freedom, was a revolt by blood thirsty and umirchistic foreigners, led hy men who obtained huge incomes from orgniii.od agitation and lawless ness." the freedom of the seas, and says that it is a fit subject for diplo'natic nego tiations. This is the biggest step to I ward securing peace Kughind has taken. i Grey links the demand regarding tho iieeiiiim ot luo sens wit Ji a counter do mniiil regarding limitation of arma ment. GcrmHuy must iiliuuilnii any ef fort to collect indemnity from the al lies, and must not impose her will on the world which menus, in all proba- jbility, that peace terms cannot be die 'tated by Germany, but must be made I in a general agreement. While it was not reiterated by Grey, Knghinil will require the evacuation of I Belgium as a part of tho pried for peace: but the future status of Alsace Lorraine must be n secondary mntler , for Britain. If France cannot recover the lost provinces through iier own ef forts, Kngliind Bcnrccly is justified in i killing off her own male population to ;'mnlc a territorial gift lo the French. j Preinlef Viviuni's answer, ns it touches on Alsace-Lorraine, is not, in ull probability, nrouslng much interest at Berlin. His speccn wits delivered 'to the French deputies rather than to ward the Gorman foreign office. Grey's unswer is a reply to the address made by Hi ii German chancellor. I'iiiiiestioiiubly it can be said that the first informal pence negotiations uro under way. Instead of being Con ducted thrivigh intermediaries, they are taking the form of public statements by j 1 ministry. Luch is cautiously sounding the other. An armistice may be revealed as suddenly as the ur clouds gathered last summer. William Jennings Bryan, Negro, Is In Trouble Kureka, Cal., Aug, 27. Charged with nn offense against William Benjamin, Jr., aged 10, of Ferndale, William Jen nings Bryan, a negro, connected with a traveling road show, is in the county jail today. Ho was arrested near Ar eata Benjamin alleges he wss lured by the negro to B deserted mill building. Bry an says he had been drinking heavily and has rto recollection of what hap pened. FernJule la excited. FRENCH HEN CONTINUE RAIDS OVER BOBBER Attacks Are Made Principally On; Railway Supply Centers NOEVRE REGION SCENE OF GREAT ACTIVITY British Claim To Have Sunk Many German Submarines .In War Taris, Aug.' 27. French aviators re newed their raids against German Hons during last ijigbt and today, at tacking a half-doien railway stations and factories, tho'Mfnr office announced. The air raids wire made principally in tho Woovre region nnd along flic railways used by the enemy for the transportation of supplies. Tho most important points bombarded, the com- m u ni quo stated, were tho railway sta tions at St. BnusSHiit, Kssey and Di voiry and the big gas plant at Dormvch. Bombs were also hurled on tho station at Mulheim and upon the electric, light plant and other buildings there. In the land operations a series of trenches were captured at Lnndeisbach. Portions of the German positions on tho crest of Sondernach were also taken, tho official statement said. This, con solidates tho French positions in this region and renders thorn more difficult to attack. Tho Germans nttenrptod an offensive in the Argentic lust night about Anber ive, but were promptly halted. Cannon ading continues about Arras and lioyo and from Oiae to tho Aisne. Sinking Submarines. London, Aug. '11. For tho first time since t'no German submnrine war was inaugurated, the admiralty today hud confirmed reports that a large number of tho enemy submersible have been dostroyed. Such reports as thut mado public yesterday of Squadron Comman der Higsworth sinking a submarine by hurling bombs from his noroplnne hnvn previously been kept secret for fear of aiding the enemy. Particular stress was laid today by the newspapers upon the portion of yesterday's statement from the mlniir ally which carried confirmation of the fact that many submarines have been sunk. Kepo-ting tho destruction of the submersible off O.ttcnd, tho admiralty snid it was not hc practice to announce such incidents when the Germans have no other way of learning of their losses. Home inpeis urged that tho admiralty announce just how many Kiibmurines have been ruptured of destroyed since Februiiry IS, when tho under sea wur opened. The Chni.iP'le said: "The iiilmiinlty doubtless has its own good motives for secrecy, but this official confirmation of what has been known in a general way to many peo ple would be generally' welcomed. Per haps Mr. liiilfo'ir might some time see his way clear to giving us a list of to tal figures. BASE BALLTODAY National. It. If. F. St. Louis 11 12 2 Brooklyn 1 13 4, Perdue and Sn.v.lorj Dell and McCar thy, Meadows I'placed Perdue. Pittsburg 1 7 0 New York 2 5 0 A il fi ins nnd Gilison: Muthewssn and Wendell. Murphy replaced Adams. First gnmc Chicago 4 7 3 linston 9 HI I Pierce, Htnndfidgn, Zand and Brcsiui him, llurgiave; Tyler, Hughes and VVhiiling. Second game Chicago 4 8 0 I tout on 1 4 Pierce mid An hor; ltagan and dow dy. Cincinnati 2 6 3 Philadelphia 4 I McKenry, Wingo; Mcyuillcn and Bums. Aniarlcao. First game New York 1 7 0 Detroit 8 IB 1 Cole, Khnwkcy and Muiiaiiiukcr; Du line and Stallage, Second game New York 3 7 0 Detroit 11 14 2 Pieh and Alexander; Bolnnd and Stanage. Diiiiovsn replaced Pieh. Boston 3 10 1 Cleveland 4 0 0 Gregg and Cady; McIIell and O'Neill. Mava replaced Gregg, .Jones replaced Mitchell, Tliomns ropluced Cady, C'arrl Kan replaced Thwmal. Philadelphia 2 3 4 Chicago 3 7 2 Wyrkoff nd Lapp) t'icotte and Rchalk. Washington - 3 4 1 WIFE OF GENERAL PERSHING DA UGHTERS ARE DEAD Sun Francisco, Aug. 27. Suffocated by thick smoke that poured into their room ns they slept, Mrs. Frances Per shing, wife of Brigadier General John J. Pershing and three of her children perished when thoir home at the Pre sidio, was destroyed oy fire here early today. The body of Mrs. Pershing was found lying over tho lifeless form of her youngest daughter, Margaret, aged 3. The other children to perish were also girls, Helen, 8, and Ann, (i. Little Warren Pershing, 5, the only son, was rescued xy soldiers who bravely forced their way into tho burn ing house and found him in rear room, all but overcome. The wife of Lieurenant Boswell, house guest of Mrs. Pershing, escaped with her two children, Jimmy, 5, and Billy, 2. She was aroused by the smoke and endeavored to warn the general's wife. Mrs. Pershinir's dunr wiih liwked. however, and tho cries of Mrs. Bos-! well brought no response. i Lieutenant Eugene Snntchi and C. J. Ha.lett, an army truck driver, were the firsr tn resell the Pershinff home. Thelteers. building was already Half consumed' I" M enptain of the Fif- Standing in the rear of the house thev teentli cavalry, President Roosevelt found William J. Johnson, 35, colored .iimp'd him over the Heads of a long cook, in the Pershing home, wringing i list of colonels to bo brigadier gen ius hands. He was fully dressed. 1. He has served in the Philippines Lieutenant Snntchi seized a ladder several times since then, his most inl and mounted to a second story window. tn.tilo recent achievement having been There he found little Warren, fuco his command of the operations against downward on the floor. Lifting him, the hostile Moros in Mindano which he pnssed tho unconscious boy down to ! terminated on Juno 12, 1!)13, in their Hnz ett. F umes fi oil t ie rest or t ic ; house. Johnson, the cook, said he wus in tho basement when tho fire stnrted, Snntchi and Hazlett declared. He said I he had heard children's footsteps above Kiid then smcllcd snione. Ho run from the house. Asked if the family had escnped, lie said: "No, they nro all up there." Mrs. Boswell nnd her children had a narrow escape from death. The lieu tenant's wife tossed the two jlittlo ones from an upper story window into the nrms of waiting soldiers and then aped to the ground herself. n;tv nnd ermisition fire departments I esponded to tho nlr.rm turned in ns E E Gilded Wagons and Blaring' Bands Lure the Usual Crowd to the Circus While the long line of gilded wagons passed through the streets of Salem to iluy from the trumpeters in front to too Hteiiiu caliope which brought up the r hi-, the usuul circus day crowds lined the streets und then followed t.io ruruvau to the circus grounds where tiie "big open air free exhibition" wus to be gncn. This nft.cruoiiu the rest of I hum weiuled their way by street cur, unto, jitney, luuiily carryall ami mi foot to the circus grounds, where the big show in the main tent never fails to draw the adniiision tee from toe udillt who only goes uhuig to take the riiildren. The street parade stnrted promptly ut 1 1 ) : :u this inoiiiiiig und cinne down Court to Coiuiucrciul a ml then up Stale street, to the hhow grounds, while the hundreds of people nho (Uiue to town today looked over the ariay of animals, wild, tame, furred, woolly, white, black and striped. The perl oi malice tins utteruooii stint ed lit 1:30 und nnother complete per liirinance will be given lit f.'M) this evening, wnen most of the townspeople will once again hie themselves lo the 1 1 1 it i n tent to view the acts which they have viewed annually since they could remember, but now they are obliged to go because tho children always like to sen the circus. Tho Al 0. Paries circus is much Inrger this year than on its former visits here, und is no doubt wiiut is claimed for it -tho largest uniiniil trained show in the world. 'J'hey carry over IKIO wild uuimiils. OANO OF ARSONISTS. Portland, Ore, Aug. 27. Alleged by tho police to be members of a gang of arsonists who liuvo been working in Oregon, Montana and California, Snn ford W. Currier, his wife, Herthu Cur rier, and Grant llawley were urrcsted this afternoon, ' Tho arrests followed several days In vestigation by the arson squad of the Portlund police department, Currier is chnrged with arson nnd the other two arrested aro held us wit nesses. It Is suid by the police that Currier's plan of action wus to furnish a rented house, then destroy It and collect the Insurance on the contents. St. Louis Harper and and Hoveroid, ,.. 1 S 1 Williams; Loudermllk AND HER soon us the firo was discovered, but tin frame dwelling was quickly consumed. Tho entire post ulso turned out to fight tho bliuo. Police and coroners deputies were de tailed to investigate tho fire nnd three members of tho United tStat.es army medical corps were appointed to a board of inquiry at the Presidio. Those who will make an investigation for the army authorities aro Major Howard, first United States cavalry, und Lieu tenant Hnrtz. Senator Warren's Daughter. Mrs. Pershing was tho daughter of United States Senator Francis K. War ren, of Wyoming. She married General Pershing at Cheyenne, January 20, 11)05. General Pershing has had one of tho most spectacular careers of any officer in tho Unitod States army. Ho graduat ed from tho West Point military acad emy in 18N0 and served through the (,l,'y ImlUn campaigns. During the operations of tho army in tho Philip- pines ho served as captain of tho reg ular army and as major of volun- "i iciiv. Will Investigate. Mayor IT. H. Whitney, commanding officer of tho post, will order a general investigation today. When the alarm of firo was turned in Major Whitney took pcrsonnl chnrgn of the men at tempting to fight the flames The origin of tho firo will probably never be definitely known, as tho house was completely destroyed. It is be lieved, however, thut tho open fire places wore responsiblo, Thero wore three of these in tho house nnd serv ants declared two contained fires lust night. It i believed live coals rolled out of Olio of the grates and fired the building. LEWI Commission Accepts State En- giner's Proposal to With draw From Work The slnte highway commission held a meeting ut 2 o'clock this ufternoon with the last ciimmunicntiou of State Engineer John II. Lewis as the principal tnpic. of discussion. The board adopted Mr. Lewis' suggestion thut ho be reliev ed from further responsibility for ull higliwuy work nnd passed u resole! inn In this effect. Ill the future Chief lctuty Cnnline will have complete ill urge of ull highway work und will report, directly to the biinid. Mr. Lewis bond of 10, IIII0 which him not been approved will be returned tn li i ti i und the board will accept a bond in a sim ilar fi mount for Mr. Cuiitine. At, the meeting it wus stilled Hint the I mih rd considered that it was ncling In pi'ci.rdunco with the law and thut since Mr. Lewis now runciiiTcd In the opinion of the majority of the bnanl thut there would be no necessity of estnblishing the authority of the bmird or the state engineer in the courts. The hoard has maintained throughout the controversy that it has had the iiulhurily to direct the work and that it will do so nbselute ly in the future. The coiitrovcrsv Is now n closed Inci dent and the controversy which in the beginning promised to assume huge pro portions hns dissolved. At the start Mr. Lewis maintained that he hud authority to supervise and direct tho work of Mr. Cm nt ini'. The board held thut it hud Sole authority over the actions of the chief dcp'ity mid the clash of authority took on various aspects until it was decided to try the mutter nut In' the courts. Tho recent nction of Mr. Lewis in withdrawing hns removed the pos sibility of diking the mutter to the courts und ended the quibble. J THE WEATHER TTTor THIS A Oregon! To night fair, cool er oust portion, Saturday falrj westerly winds.' Thi: imv SUBMARINES TO SINK 1 VESSELS WITHOUT WARNING If Arabic Was Exception Commander Disobeyed Instructions VON BERNSTORFF GIVES SUCH ASSURANCE Full Satisfaction Will Be Ac corded If This Point Is Proven By O. P. Stewart. Washington, Aug. 2. It was never Germany's policy to torpedo passenger carrying merchant ships without warn ing. Subninrino commanders have always been instructed to permit those on board to escape boforo sinking such vessels. If any commnnders did otherwise, they acted contrary to orders. Suppos ing the contrary were true, why has not the destruction of unarmed en'emy vessels been greater way have ninny such craft which might have been sent to tho bottom been permitted to es cape f These represcntntions, it was learn ed on unquestionablo though unofficial authority today, will bo included in Berlin's allowing to tho Unitod States in connection with assurance understood to bo forthcoming, or already submit ted, In nnswor to tho Amoricnn demands as to tho methods, employed in Ger many's submarine warfare. ,. It is practically certain thnt infor liintiou', nt least in part to this effect, hns rciiched the slute department. Thut details nro given is not so certain. With the situution growing out of tho sinking of the liner Arabic greatly cleared, however, it was admitted at the stale doparl incut thut considerable "confidential information" regarling Germany 'h submarine activities was be ing received from Ambassador Genu The ambassador's formal report giving the first outline of Germany's position wus received Inst night nnd advices, today were understood to give iinsur anco that no wear need be entertniiieil for American lives owing to submarine uttneks. It wus nhturully nsked: In view of' Germany 'a representations, if submn- rine conininmlcrs were not ordered to sink upnrmed, passenger carrying shipj without wn ruing, how it happened in u numbers of enses not only the Lnst tanla thai disaslers occurred under such circ.timstunces. This question has not yet been answered. Tho only ob vious explanation Is that the cnmmiind ers exceeded their authority. More light is expected on this point from more completo eommiiniciitions from Berlin. Ambassador Voir Hernstorff called nt the stale department, toiluy iin'd gave nwmruiiccs that "full sutisfnetion" would be accorded the United States l'iyiii Hiibiniii'ine commander who tor pedoed the Arabic exceeded hill instruc tions. Aflcr giving Secretary of Stni Lansing this assurance, the ambassador remarked that the offer was fiirtln than Gel'mniiy hud hitherto gone, lie plainly considered nil danger of friction us punt nnd hiih extremely cheerful. It is understood the proper prepara tion, so far ns Americans arc concerned, lias also been promised for the torpedo ing mill sinking of I lie Lusitania. The first cninniuiiicat ion forwarded to Washington' by Ainbiissador Gerard regarding the Arubic, und received Inst night, is understood to liuvo contained assurances made to the American am bassador by Chancellor Von Bethmnnn llollweg, bearing out ull statements ns to Germuny's position made by Von' Hernstorff to Secretary Lunsing. Disobeyed Instructions. Washington, Aug. 27. -Considerable, "coufideiitinl iiifiirination" from Am bassador Gerard is ranching the state department today, Secretary of State Lansing admitted. The advices from Gerard are under stood to be in the form of nssuiuiiccs thnt Amorirniu need liuvo no fear of further submarine attacks endangering their lives. Secretary Lansing snid ho had no further conferences scheduled with Am bassador Von Hernstorff after today, giving the impression thnt they had disposed of till official conversations until the Arubic report arrives from Berlin, ( Satisfaction Will Be Given. Washington, Aug. 27. If the sub marine commander who torpedoed tho' An, 1,1c imHiiiiiIni thut the liner wns so destroyed exceeded his instructions. "full satisfaction" will no nccorueo, the United States. The formal presentation of this as surance from Germany was the mission of Ambassador Von Bernstorff to the state department today, it wu learned at tho German embassy, ,