Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 25, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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J Crockery, Glassware, I
I P. 1l ' . 1 Al I
1 ui anneware ana aluminum
Are the departments added to the Greater Chicago Store in our New An
nex Building. Our opening will be announced later on, but if you want
prices on any of the above goods mentioned it will pay you well to investigate
The greatest line in Salem to choose from. Canvas Gloves 5c. Leather Gloves, all sizes, 25c. Coverall
Aprons 35c, 45c and 49c. House Dresses 65c and up. Ladies' and Children's Hose, 5c, 8 l-3c and 10c. 12 l-2c
Dress Ginghams, yard, 6 l-4c, 8 l-3c and 9c. Percales, yard 5c and 6 14c. $1.25 Jumbo Sweaters, 49c.
Auto Caps with veils, 65c. Tan Corduroy Caps, 65 c, 75c and 98c. Men's Overalls, 49c. Boys Overalls 23c.
Come here for the best values in Salem for honest goods.
Means the greatest bargains ever offered in the following goods: $15 Suits for $7.90. $8.50 Up to Date Wool
Dresses, $3.90. $7.50 New Mackinaws, $3.90, heavy, all wool garments. Boys' Heavy Union Suits, all sizes,
49c. Ladies' Vests, 10c, 18c and 25c. Ladies' Heavy Union Suits, 35c and 49c. $1.00 Long and Short
Waisted Corsets, 48c. Berry Coffee, best standard quality, pound 23c, and so along the line in all our
groceries. Flour, sack, best hard wheat, $1.49. Elastic money is what this country is looking for. If you
want to make your money elastic and to go far, trade at the Chicago Store.
Silks, Dress Goods and Sheetings
NOW ON SALE. Thousands of yards of the latest early Fall piece goods, suitable for Dresses, Suits,
Coats, Waists and Dress Skirts, now ready for your inspection. As always, we make the lowest prices.
I The
Pulpit Too Warm
For Former Editor
Forest Grove, Or., Aug. 2o.An ed
itor in his shirt sleeves is often seen
by those 'who visit newspaper offices
but an editor in the pulpit is perhaps
not so common and an editor in the
pulpit in his shirtsleeves is rather
more so.
This is what the congregation of the
M". B. church hero witnessed Sunday
night at the regular evening service.
E. B. Lockhart of Salem, for some
years connected with a paper there,
preached in place of Rev. Mr. Dunlap,
the pastor, who was away.
Before the service opened two or
three of the loading men of the church
approached Mr. Lockart with their
coats off on account of the heat, and
smilingly asked him what be was go
ing to do about it The preaching ed
itor iiiBtantly replied "The same, thank
you," and peeling off his black coat
caused a ripple of laughter to sweep
over the congregation as he stepped
to the platform.
His example, was then followed by
other men in tho congregation.
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names
Most approved methods, Pri
mary, Grammar and High
School Departments, Com
plete Course in Harp, Piano,
Voice Culture, Violin and
Harmony. No interference
with religion of pupils.
Modern Conveniences
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
second Monday in September
sfc sc sc ac jc fc sfc sfc fc sfc 5C ?j( 9jc
It is an unusual thing for a druggist
to sell medicine under a guarantee to
refund the money if it does not cure.
Yet this is the way Dnnial J. Fry, the
popular druggist, is selling Mi-0-.nu, the
standard dyspepsia remedy.
Never before has be had so large a
number of customers tell him that a
nicdicino has been successful as with
Mi-o-na. People who a few months ago
looked like walking skeletons have put
on flesh and today are ruddy and vig
orous with perfect digestion and good
There is no longer any need for any
one suffering or making their friends
suffer on account of dyspepsia. Mi-o-na
can always be relied upon. The per
centage of cures is so great that there
is little risk to Daniel J. Fry in guar
anteeing to return tho money if the
medicine does not relieve. And ho
stands ready to do so without any ques
tions. Headaches, all forms of indigestion,
specks before the eyes, dizzy feeling,
poor sleep, ringing in the ears and all
forms of liver trouble are helped by
Mi-o-na. A few days' treatment should
Bhow eonsiderable gain in health while
a complete cure often follows rapidly.
These days are the best in the whole
year for tho enjoyment of good health,
and Mi-o-na will put you in such perfect
condition that you can enjoy every
minute of them,
o c...w,iu.n An. 23. Gvpsie
Smith, the famous evangelist, is at tbe
battle front witn ine onun iimy.
The ministerial committee conducting
t i -1 .I. VannAti tabernacle was
I IIOrVICl'1' fc l ............ -
I advised of this today, but it is bHed
- ' ' to bring Smith here la ucioorr iur
H if net oi ermoD-
Dreaming of Sunny Home
and His Wife and Babies
Italian Is Hurled to Death
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Quinaby, Ore., Aug. 25 Dreaming of
home, his wife and four babies in sunny
Italy, Joe Jcrmerosta, aged 47, a cook
for the camp of laborers employed upon
tho Southern Pacific at this place, sat
for a moment upon the grade in front
of his cars, and was hurled into eternity
by a onrushing southbound passenger
train at 10:110 Sunday evening. The
heat of the day had made the sleeping
cars very warm, and Joe, who had
spent tho evening mtiKlng preparations
for breakfast, had stepped outside for a
brief rest in the cool, although the other
34 men of the camp were asleep, and
only when tli crew of the trnin that
killed him knocked upon their door and
announced his denth did they know
what had happened.
Tho body was kept at the camp until
Mondny morning when Coroner dough
removed it to his chapel, where it will
remain until Saturday when a brother
of the deceased will arrive from Wash
ington, and the funeral will tako place,
atten'ded by all his companions. There
is deepest mourning at the camp, which
has previously been the scene of great
festivity, singing, music and laughter,
always marking the close of their day's
labors. They have been encamped at
this point for over a month, raising the
grade of the track, and while the dreary
waste of right-of-way along the rnii
road track would scarcely appeal to the
average home-maker, these weary toil
ers in t foreign lnnd have contrived to
make even tho long row of red freight
cars look home-like. There are two
dogs at the camp and a whole family
of kittens scamper over the tracks in
play, while very carefully tended Is a
lone plnnt growing in a box by the door,
and everything is as spick and span as
if a New England housewifo presided
over It.
Fairbanks, Alaska, Aug. 25. 0. H.
Dickhurst, prospector, went without
food for three days and then, npon
reaching the eabin of a fellow pros
pector, ate so much that he died. This
is the report made today by Dr. C. E.
Dun forth, United States commissioner,
to Marshal Erwin.
Weak, Weary Women
Learn the Cause of Daily Woes and
End Them
When the bock aches and throbs,
When housework is torture.
When night brings no rest nor sleep,
When urinary disorders set in,
Women's lot is a weary one.
Doan'i Kidney Pills are for weak
Have proved their worth in Salemi
This is one Salem woman's testimony.
Mrs. Cieo. Stotlar, 17116 Mission St.,
Salem, says: "1 am subject to spells
of kidney complaint and the kidney
action becomes weak and disordered.
My back gets Iniiie and Bore, too.
Dean's Kidney Pills always help nio
and rid me of these attacks in short
Price 5flc, at, nil dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Donu's Kidney pilln the same thnt
Mrs. Stotlnr had. Fostcr-Milburu Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N'. Y. '
Harry W. Onrunio, who has charge
of the annual canoe trip which will
be pulled off on Labor Day by the
Portland Rowing club, stated that ho
expects fully us many men to sign
up as there were two years ago, when
the last trip to raiem was made.
Last year tho committee -decided on
a changed route and went down the
Sandy and into the Columbia, but this
didn't prove ns popular as tho Halem
journey, and it was decided to go back
to the old program again.
Two years ago 43 canoes made the
trip from Salem to Portland consum
ing two days for the. journey, lb is
planned to send the craft down by
freight cars on Friday night, and the
majority of the party will leave by
rail Saturday night, others follow
ing later. A camp will be made some
whore near Salem, but no definite ar
rangements have been made regard
ing its location as yet. Two years
ago the boys camped on the grounds
of the Salem Canoe club.
A start back will be made early
Sunday morning and a atop made, for
Sundav night, somewhere in the vicinity
of Wilsonville. This will break tie
monotony of the trip, and give th
paddlers plenty of time to complete
the rest of the journey on Monday,
arriving at the Rowing club by 7
o'clock Monday night. Portland Tel!-gram.
Southern Pacific Beard of In
quiry Exonerates Car
Crew In Report
That the driver of the surrev and the
motormnn of the cur were' both careless
and that the car lucked airbrakes were I
the reasons given for the cause of the I
accident at tho corner of Statesman nnd
Center streets Sunday night in which
Mrs. Casper Andregg lost her life and
five other occupants of the rig were ,
sent to the hospital by the coroner's
jury which held an investigation yes-1
terday afternoon. The Southern Pacific i
board of inquiry also met and sent
the report that there were no defects in I
tho equipment of the car and that the !
enr crew wns not responsible for the'
accident. '
The verdict of tr.e coroner's jury'
which met in the Webb & dough oi-'
tnblishment was thnt Mrs. Casper And- i
regg "came to her death through a I
collision with a street car, in which I
sho was thrown to the pavement, frac-1
tilling her skull. Moreover, the driver
of tho vehiclo and nlso the street car j
motormnn wero careless nnd the cur'
was not thoroughly equipped as it had j
no airbrakes" The members of the!
coroner's jury were: F. R. Davis, W.
L. Bryant, J. W. Gaskill, W. O. Dar
ling, L. W. Achcson and William Frost.
At tho coroner's inquest City Phy-i
sicinn Cnshntt wns the first witness
called and he merely gnvo formal testi
mony as to tho scenes nttendnn't after
his arrival at the corner of States
man nnd Center streets, where ho found
Mrs. Andregg dead and the others' of
the party injured.
Dr. Cashntt said the woman came to
her death, in his opinion, from n wound
on tho head on the left sido bclmi'
the enr where tho skull appeared to be
crushed in. He said no post mortem
examination had been mado and he
could not say whether her neck wus
broken or not.
Fred A. Theuer, the father of Arthur
Theuer the ll'yenr-old boy who wus
hurt, testified thnt bb the hour wns
Into and his son hud not come home
ho and his wife left their home ut 20.".J
Center street and walked toward the
Andregg home on Seventeenth street.
They wero near Twenty-first street, he
said, when the street car passed them.
At that time they could lieu rtho putter
of tho horses' hoofs us the Andregg
purty swept along. He estimated that
the cur was going at a rate of 25 or 30
miles an hour, ut any rate, the wit
ness testified, the cur wus going faster
than usual. Suddenly he heard a crush
and started to run ns fust us he could
for the scene of tho accident.
Upon' arriving, he snid, he could not
find his boy ufter looking over the
injured until he wns told that the boy
had been placed in the street enr. He
snid tho body of Mrs. Andregg wns
found about 12 inches from the rail of
tho car track lying with the feet toward
the south on tho north side of the truck.
He said ho hetird no bell ns the ear
passed Seventeenth street but could
not say that none hnu tieen rung.,
Conductor Church wus then called by
Coroner Clouirh. Mr. Church stated
thnt he wus the coimuctor on this run
but thnt he got off with Motormnn
';Siicdcck at Twenty-fourth street to
take a drink and when they got bud
on the cur he took the front end unci
Motormnn Shedeck, who reached the
car after ho did, stood on the rear
platform and sung out thnt all wus
clear and then Church started the cm
as motorinun. Ho suid he slowed down
at Seventeenth street but there was no
pusscnger unci he turned the controller
over to nine points after ho passed
Seventeenth street. He suid ho saw the
rig ubout .'10 feet from it unci shut off
the power. Then he reversed the cur
rent but was unable to turn on the
power to turn tho wheels backward
until after he bit the surrey. He suid
ho wus going at a ruto of ubout 15 or
Hi miles an hour and that tho cur went
about 100 feet after striking tho rig.
The horses hud crossed the track nnd
ho hit the front purt of the rig.
On cross cxnminution' ho suid that
ho immediately telephoned for help and
culled l lip nospmii ior mi iiiimiuiiin, .-.
Ho hud been working since H o'clock in
the morninir without stopping nnd hnd
tuken his meiils on the car. He suid
ho was an extra mnn but had been ac
customed to work both as motormHii'
and us conductor. Jle.snicl lie ijognn
work with tho company on Juno 5 of
fliiu vpnr.
Kudolph Shedeck, the regular motor
man, was called to the stand but said
ho did not see tho surrey until ufter
it was hit by tho car and that tho cur
was going at about 15 or 10 miles an
hour according to his judgment. The
time he said was 11:35 p. m.
Tho Southern Pacific board of in
quiry report is as follows:
"Street car No. "2 was proceeding
westerly about 11:10 p. m on Center
street, at a speed of 11 or 20 milett per
hour nnd had sturtcd from Twenty
fourth street. Motormnn sounded gong
approaching Seventeenth street, shut
off current to be prepnred to stop, but
ns there were no passengers, he applied
tho current, crossed Seventeenth street
and sounded the gong for Htutcsuian
street. As car approached Statesman
street, horso drawn vehicle, driven by
Casper Anderegg, moving southerly on
Htatosmnn street, enme into Center
street. Several pcopfe have testified
thnt Mr. Anderegg stated immediately
after the accident that he saw tho cur
coming and thought he could get across
tho track ahead of It but just about
the time he was crossing, small boy
in sent beside him, took hold of the
lines In effort to stop the team.
"TcBm was visible about 25 feet be
foro they reached the track and was
moving about eight miles per hour.
Motorman testified he snw the team
when only 40 feet away but this board
considers he must have seen them
about 60 feet away. Motormnn reversed
ear, accomplishing this result about
tho time of epllisinn, after which cur
ahoved Tebiclo ahead of It about 103
Hop Picking Supplies
Buy Your Hop Picking Supplies at
Work Shirts
flh A W a K
Cheap Light Underwear
In Fact We Carry Everything for
Men and Boys
A Pony
Given away absolutely FREE to boy or girl haning the
most votes on Thanksgiving Day.
Votes With Every Purchase
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase
feet witnout turning vehicle over. Per
sons injured were thrown out of vehicle
at time of collision. There were no
defects in street cur equipment, there
fore, it is tho opinion of this bonrd thnt
street car crew were not responsible for
the accident."
Tho report was sigued by P. L. Bnrek-
hnlter, supeiintendent; T. L. Billingsley,
superintendent city lines; Geo. E. Wa
ters, merchant; K. Sears, superintendent
electric! equipment; J. 0. Johnson, Jr.,
ronclinustcr; VVm. McUiIclmst, Jr., merchant.
(Cnpitnl Journal Special Service.)
l.ivesley, Ore., Aug. 25. Miss Myrtle
Williams hns returned to her home in
southern Oregon, after spending sever
al weeks with her sister, Mrs, V. Den
nis. Workmen are busily engaged in
building all addition to the schinl
house. Everything is expected to be in
rendiiiess for tlm opening of school
lOugeno ((oilier has returned to Port
bind utter spending a three weeks' va
cation "with his parents.
J.ouis Johnston hus rented tho lOncre
(urin of Mr, Townseud. Mr. Tctwnsend
expects to leave the neighborhood in
September to tulco up a dairy fiirm at
Hop -picking begins hero Thursday
unci prime-picking Monday.
Mrs. II. ikiwniun, of Carviillis, is vis
iting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. 11.
The Icdng side in tho Sunday school
membership contest entertain the win
ners to a social in tho new church Fri
day evening.
Carpenter brothers nro hurrying on
the completion of their prune drier.
Mrs. (juery, of Scuttle, Wash., is vis
iting with'hor son, (,', 1). tuory.
Mr. and Mrs. S, Davenport and fam
ily wei week-end visitors at the coast.
Owing to alterations at tho school
iift'ise, tho church servieo was conducted
in tho open uir Sunday evening. The
new church is expected to be in readi
ness for next service.
Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Joo flerber and little
son, Francis, of Portland, arrived Sat
urday evening at cho Oerber hofu. Mr.
flerber returned yesterday but Mrs.
flerber will remain for a week. Albion
flerber, of Portland, also spent the
week end with his parents.
Forest Supervisors Will Col
lect Data For Use of State
Fighting Fire Blight
In Marion County
C. O. Constable, county fruit inspec
tor, assisted by Prof. Posey, of Cor
vallis, are busy this week In' their search
for fireblight. Mondny wus spent by
Mr. Constnldo nlong the cross ronds in
the Kosedale district, whero two addi
tional slight infections wero found and
destroyed. Yesterday, ho was in the
Hrooks neighborhood whero no truce's
of tho diseaso was found, One small
case was discovered about seven miles
south of Salem,
l'rof, Posey was In tho T-ilbot coun
try Mondny where one case wns fo.ind.
Yesterdny wns spent in tho Knst Inde
pendence part of the county to discover
how far out from tho river the diseuse
bus spread. The work being done is
preventative, as every trace found on
brunches or trees is at once burned,
thus stopping the spread of the disease
in that section.
Seattle Post-Tntelligencer: Proba
bly the Inst word In resolution is ask
ing the aboriginal Indian for his fish
ing license.
C. S, Part rn in, Cni ted States Went
supervisor, nppoiirod before tho fish and
gume commission yesterday nnd-gave
further details in connection with tho
proposed plan of co-operation between
forest officinls nnd stuto gumo war
dens in game and forest protection, ami
the distribut ion of fish In hikes nnd
streams, etc. Ho nlso proposed thnt
tho forestry officials compile compre
hensive data concerning streams and
lakes, as to temperature, food for fish,
and the general possibility of develop
ment for sportsmen".. Messrs. Warren,
Fleischmer and Jack Wore appointed
a committee to closo tho matter defin
itely, it being tho understanding thnt
an agreement would bo ontered into
between the federal forest authorities,
the state game authorities and tho state
forestry depart input.
No definite notion was tuken relative
to the purchnso of a statu game farm.
The mutter of exchanging fish eggn
with other stutes was discussed, and
the mutter wns referred to Mr. Fleiscli
ncr and Mr. Warren.
A sum not to exceed t.WO wns order
ed to be used for the prnpogatioii and
distribution of black buss, none of
which shall he placed iu open waters i f
the state, but all In land Indeed lakes
where they cannot get into the stroma
nnd destroy fish.
Ani exhibit of gnmo birds nnd fish ut
the state fair was authorized.
The mutter of certain repiiics nnd
improvements' to the house nt tlm Hon
neville hatchery Mas ordered, to which
Superintendent of Hatcheries Clunton
will soon move, It is expected thai
Inasmuch as Mr. Clnnloii will be mi
hand to personally supervise the lton
ncvillo work, as well as the oilier hatch
cries, a reduction' la sulury expense
there can be brought about.
The commission of C. H. Ilusscdl, tem
porary deputy gnmo warden of Lin
coln county, wns revoked, and W. II,
Kmery, of 'Newport, wus appointed t)
the position.
Hubert Young, of Heppner, wns ap
pointed deputy game warden for Mor
row county. The sulury of the chid'
clerk in the Portluud office was re
duced from IB0 to in0.
Linn H. Tlrown et vlr to Win. Arnold
et ux, purt lot 32, Phelps add. to Silvei
Jakob Scholt et ux to Joseph TIelii
ImltT;, port J. W. Cleaver D. L. C, Sec.
3(11 W.
Joseph Heinholt, to Jacob and Antii
Hchoh, part J. W. Cleaver 1. L. C. Sea
Custnv A. Arndt to Christ Frost,
purt (1. F. Whlto claim section VJ-4-1W.;
also lots 4, ft and , block .1,
Hoists add. to Aurora.
Oregon Home Protection Ass'n to
1 Louis Frohinndor, lot. 12, block IN, Fuir-
i mount Park add. to Salem,
offers exceptional bargain la New and Qecondfeand Camping Supplies.
We buy, Mil or trada, ntw and secondhand goods of every description.
Beet cash price for all kiodi of junk.
Western Junk & Bargain House
317-327 Center Street, comer Commercial. Phone 706