THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. AUGUST 2. 131 : SIX Sport u attttttumuuti ttttttsttutujusttnirtttttfc Present Week May Be Most Important In National League Season New York, Aug. 23. ThiM wink will bn, ierhun, the moNt iniMirtunl one ii the prhou, Imiielmllirnlly Bj,eul(iiig. A pennant winner may be mailt) or broken in the next six (lu.v. A tail emler, ('in rimuiti, for iintnnre, ran all but gain the leHilernhip of the t'utjii, providing, of cuurno. it wins all u umniiH while the lender arc lotting all of tln-ir. It's very improbable, of eourso, but it koi'h to kIiow that the race in the Nulimml league null anybody ' ol.l hemuiiit tile fourth week in AugiiNt, the 1'irnt time Hiich a tute of thing dun oxili'd Mince Horn was a pup. The Itrave broke biudi Into the run ning Saturday by taking two game trom inn rirute. Mulling' crew went from fifth place, to thirl, but four gjnrie bchinil the rirmni'iiit'liiig I'hillie. BoBtcrt Punch Not Gone. 'I'lie feat beniibn nhiiwing how clone game Ih, ilemiinxt rate Hint the old punch wiiich cnrricil the llosiun c In n out in front lust year, is not entirely gone, despite the well nigh complete rapiluliition of (Hie of tile bent pitching Htaffn the game ever aw. Htulliuii piekeil up ii new twirler, a Mr. Nehf, formerly of Homo I'oly college, Hutur ilny, ami the yoiingKter went through with color flying. Kiulolph alto won. All tlimton need, hall player nay, I a little ileeent plti'hiiig lo place Iheui In, the running until the curtain fall. It in a significant fact that practically nil the player believe the rnco will ulti mately nlmmer ilnwn anil find the Jliavea buttling for the pennant. On straight Hrooklyn generally Ih coinmereil the inoHt evenly halanceil ag gregation In the leaKiio. ' Wilhert Hull non' well known penchant for young pitcher lifts hail its gnu. I remill, ami Colonel Khbott now ha -one nf the bent Htaff, If nut the bent, in the Tener Jnop. Aibleil lo the tremendous hitting ulrenglh of the Dodger, till mnken the Brooklyn outfit a formidable foe. Betting Men Qiut. Knnteni betting men have practically quit thrown tip their linn. Is In dimimir. A iwlug nrimnil the sporting hangout today fulled to reveal a single hunk niaker willing to pluee his money on any one team at odd that would moke it worth while to the ordinary chance taker. "I've cloncil my book," wit the In variable answer. "I'd Just a urn in bet you Hint the aim won 't rise tomorrow a place a bet on any one team in the National league.," mild one, mid hi companions ochoed hi cntlmonl, Joe .Uclison' purchase by the While Hex it KoiiikT f0 liavo a iie'avy bearing ia the Ainericnn league race unless all the sign fail. Chicago and lietroit both have strength d their teams this week Chicago by taking Jackson nud the Tiger by acquiring Hill Jniucn, late of the llrown and an A I pitcher. The ItosUia team wa a tl tn r! favor ile to win until Chicago and Detroit both picked tip tar, but. better men today were dubious, If n fty vfu. ing to accept tlni wairers. OonUakay'a Mntlnxl Unpopiilnr. There la a lot nf Indignation in some cllie of Mail Johnson ' circuit, over the tactic of I'ominkey, l.nnnin and Nnviti. The charge lia been openly made by apiirt writer and fan that the magnate in Chicago, Huston and Detroit are tryintf to "buy" a pen milt. Comlskev ha spent approximate ly I0ii,iiiW n hi club this year ex elusive of salaries and the plnver he In traded lu. He paid 'iil,iiH0 for r.nnie 1 omns, annum for Kddie Mur phy, 0,miil lor Jee Jackson and i:n0 fur Nemo l.ieluild, beside several more thiiUMind for minor leaguers. Following hi exiii.iile. I.iiiiniu ,f n,.. lied Sox, Imughl Jack Hairy for lit,- oo, nun a lew ilays ago ,Viin, of le Iroit, kicke,! in with l,Viioil i',,r li.ll lame. Tim ha made mngniile in less il'urtable circiiuisiauce and unable lu follow suit rather Indignant, some openly nngiy. Tl atunil coiiscp ce I the race 1ms settled down to the three Hub with rendv cash apparently "cli of a dc. i, ling fa. ior as idaviug libility. 1 ' Of the three there I iiiui h to cheese iietweeu lis. el,;, II nieii have dis Idcd All three aie evccptioniillv s'leug uud hIiixiIiI go battling down the t:viigih on eonipmative cen lenn. 'I'lie niiines of the I. '.un. wined will do battle the fimi week in tl, ul,er are still as mil. I) of H uiysteiy as is wlm sta-ied (i,,, wur i i ! i t Watching the Scoreboard Hed Sox bent St. I.ouis a'l d.iv , being l I, ft :i, Leonard er.oiicd' 1 1 ler ill the sec, 01, 1 game, ore, I. .it I IVeuark led beat I'ittsbuig I ,m, ,. bii.I regained first pine. A Imiuo run in (he tirt and triple in !,e second lest lold the tale. AugeU had Scul hsug -ig ,m tl. rope most of the time, but Wulvetton 's Mien fought to extia innings in (!,e ..t inerii'ian. In the morning I. on Angele profited by infield mistaken and iuppel, i lu I and Vernon fought t 1 I I draw In Uie morning out at Vernon. I'lie came mi rnlle.i when time n i. Oaks barely hud time lo cut and hur ry down tow a to Park, where they mnssarrej the Tiger, S to II Yemen pulled a triple play in the 'morning, caving the Tiers' , slp after Oakland kail made alt preparation for Halting It away. 8ettl Times; Tht marine revered j Ik uual order and tolj it to Haiti, News ttttntuutu i iitituxttm itutuiiiii sunxunt i 1 Salem Loses to Yelobans By Score of 11 to 3 After disbanding lor the season Sat-1 empire become menaced more and more tird'.iy, the Senators called the Sunday : doea the Turkish police department, the game with MeMianville off, and then 'one and only department of govern til help Mc.Miiiuville out of the hole u ment for which the Turk ha ever pick up tea, n was called together forkown a real i'Miiu, increase its actiy the game. The Senatorial pick-up team i itiu. Tile Turks any they have a mil had slim picking- with the Mi Minuville lion and ft ipiarter tf men under arms, regulars, and finished on the small end ; One would be tempted to believe they of a d to II score. i were referring to the number of police- A series ol' five jjames was to be ! played between the Sci.ator and Mr j Hecently complaint wa made to Kn Minnville. but now tue Mcl inn ville I ver I'lislm that there wan too much mir has won three of the games and the 1 veillance of the Scorpion, the l.'iiited Senators aro willing to admit that they Stutes station ship now anchored in the stand little chance in un argument in Hopht.-u nt tiie foot of the American 'heir present condition, n it is likely 1 College for (lirls. tnal tin; lelolians will Ktaad the uiujis- "lint n in me nuty or tne ponce to puled champions of McMinnviHe andlwatih everything, to watch every vicinity. jbody," replied the .'l.'l year old minister Craig pitched for the Salem team. I of war. " Mvcrv 'M minutes of the day but hi support leaked at critical 'times and after a listless and sultry alter noon s entertainment the scoreboard was found to contain one lonely trey and a pair of uucs. No one asked any ipiestions, but the Salem boys said a pleasant time was had by all those present. PACiriC COAST LEAGUE STANDINGS W I.. I'.C. f.oa Angele H2 lili .Oiiit Sua Francisco ... 77 .Sia Vernon 72 iil .511 Salt Lake 115 7,1 .471 Oakland (JO 7 .455 rortlund 110 74 A IS YeHterday'ii Result. At I'nrtland Salt Portland 2. Lake 3, At San Francisco I.os Ange le B-S, San Francisco .HI. At l.o Angeles Oaklund 1.1, Vernon 1-0 (morning game call ed nt time limit in eleventh). Saturday' Results. At I'lirlliind Suit l.ako (1, Portland 4. At San Francisco-San Fran cisco ,'l, l.o Angele i! At l.o Angele Vernon (15, Oaklund L' 1. SOUTHPAW PAT CALLAHAN SOLD TO CINCINNATI Portland, Ore., Aug. 2.'l. Southpaw Pat Callahan has been Hold by the Spo kane Northwestern league team to the Cincinnati Nationals, it became known today. The sale was luailu apparently on the Gil hi h of Imiuediute delivery us Pitcher Speck Hurkness, who ha been out of II job since released by Aberdeen several weeks ago, wa hurriedly sum iniiui'd to join the Indian. Callahan tried out with the Portland Heaver nt the beginning of the season but failed to malm good. He has since developed wonderfully, it i aid. Hellmunn is Sick. Sua Francisco, Aug. S.'l. Harry licit 111 11 11 11, Blur first sucker of the Seals, may be out of the game for the rest of the season, physicians said today. He has been troubled with ili.y.y spells, and while running for u train yesterday was so attacked. Tommy Tetinaut Released. Portland, Ore., Aug. 2X After help ing to make Pncific Coast league his tory for nix year, Tummy Tcanaat, the veteran first sucker, i seeking a new berth today. He wa unconditionally released Sunday by Manager Hlunken ship of the Salt l.ako team. Tommy no rompanied the Hee south but not as a meiulier of the team. NEW FIRST BASEMAN OF ST. LOUIS HROWNS1 Gen. Siler. Th hounhold hipr$ your uif nutdt can bt found auiclh fnreugn mt Journal Irani Adi. v4 ..; j .. ' -. ; j 1 :. M - J " ' ;' " ' " '" J-T$ :vvr;.-.'','..v,i i - K'vy"s ' ' 1 i .... c 1 i?ti . Activity of Policemen In the Turkish Capital (By Henry Wood.) ( I'lnted I'rcs Staff Correspondent.) Con-taiitiuople (by cuirier to De.lea gatch and thnce bv mail), July 14. More and more, as the existence of the ' and night a patrol boat passes my house. I am watched like all the rest This sensation of being constantly under the eyes nf the police produces on the part of the foreigner here a de gree of caution, lie never know at what instant a chance word which he may utter may he overheard by a se cret policeman ami in consequence of which he may be charged with the ut terance of treason. Only 11 lew days ago Colonel I.oipslz, the military attache of the Herman em bassy, wa killed. He was a magnifi cent type nt' the German officer, over six feet tall, a gentleman both in ap pearance mid in actuality, known and loved by everyone. The official an nouncement said that while changing from uniform to civilian dress in a little railway station upon hi return from the I'.inlanelles, ins revolver had been accidentally discharged, the ball entering his forehead. HUBBARD NEWS Utile l.esler Slianbeck is recovering from an acuto uttack iif appendicitis. J. W. lierkey is looking utter J. S. I'islier's sawmill business while he is in tiie hospital. Mr. ami Mrs. ,1. K. I.angdon and son, Homer, were in Portland Monday to see the circus. Mrs. Taylor Skees returned homo Mommy alternuon lrom her cumping trip nt Nye Bench. Guy Weaver arrived limine lust Fri day troin two weeks on the coast. He' reports n good time. Mr. and Airs. Geo. Gregory, of Molal-,! la, were the guests over Sunday of Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seholl and daughter, Cannon, returned from their camping trip Sunday afterucoa. Charles Sumner Clark, of Salem, is visiting A. C. llaker over at liroad aeres and getting used to country life. S. V. Phillips, an operator at the; Warm Springs, Mont., institute, this! week purchased a tract of the Gotidy' land of Crow & Pierce. I II. O. Painter and family returned Tuesday from their const trip. Theyl visited several of ttho camping places! ami benches in Tillamook county. I Airs. Frank Dcklcinhnna, of Mjir marth, South Dakotu, a former school l',.l I ...I M 11 .-..I L . 1 I i.inu I,, .inn. 1 i'iit viiiveri, was uer guest from Friday to Wednesday of this week. Mi. C, K. Martin And son, Krncst, left for Sun Frunciseo Monday ijioriiing and will spend smiie time with her pnreuts, Air. uud Mrs. llluke, residing at L'kiuh, Cul. I'p to date the immediate vicinity of llubbiird ha reported no cases of lire blight. Wherever discovered the brunches are burned to prevent spread ing the I rouble. Tim child of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Miller, dangerously ill for several days, has passed tiie critical point safely, and is now rapidlv recovering. Mrs. Alum Collurd, of The Dalles, arrived Tuesday miirniiig and is the guest of Mr. und Mrs. Percy Calvert. Mrs. Nolan, of Portland," came to Hubbard Tuesday morning to visit lior daughter. Mm. W. S. Miller. Mrs, J. S. Peek, of Salem, who has been visiting a brother lu Cauby, came to Hubbard Tuesday morning to visit her father, 1 I'.' llershberger, and other relutivc a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Johnathaii Whitney, or Sacramento, I 11 1 were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Knight lust Saturday. They made the return trip bv boat. When M. H. Kester built' his onion house last year he was advised it was entirely too large for hi a Is, but it will not lie nearly lu rtie eiimufli lit house this year's crop. S. M. Vi.ler, of Aurora, cnllisl on hi1 triend, ,1. S. Fisher, at the hospital eduediiy before stinting for Surrav, North Dakota, to help harvest. From there he will return to .lis home in Belleville, I'n. l.oney Yoder who will leach at the I'l school this year is taking a special course at Oregon City, Koiag down on the eurly morning train and re turning in the evening. 1. II. Howcit, g, ral freight agenl of the O. It. & N. stationed nt Tncoma, visited over Sunday with hi wife and daughter, who are spending the sum mer at the home vt Mr. and Mrs. Frunk Frv, I Vhe Sunday school rlnsse of Mrs. H. C. Mack and Mis Mae Critlen dea had a fine picnic Tuesday evening at Wolfer springs. The boys' and girls io n )joou utile, I Mis Phillip left Monday morning' for Forest Grove alter spending v. vrui weeks won nor sister, .Mr. Oolnv Veget, and many friend. Alia Phil lip intend to attend normal at .Mon mouth this year. Mr. und Mr. Chn. Kinter, Mrs. Ave Keed and Mel M alone went camping last week cast of Hubbard near Table Keck, considered a luitd trip as the last few miles a park auiuial is the mode of travel. Mrs. Klla Ctiyle went to Portland" Wednesduy morning to visii her son, Juy, who is recovering nicely from an operatiou for appendicitis and found him well enough to accompany her home Wednesday evening. Mrs, Anna Wilder of Taeoma and Mi 1 Nellie Mislilcr went to Albany Motsfay aftct a pleasant visit with Mrs. ln llcrshhetgcr. From Albany Miss M miliar will go lo Cstlton. where she ! There wan scarcely a foreigner in all j Constantinople whu did not see in this i mysterious death the culmination at I least in part of his convictions that ; sooner or later the Turks will turn on ; the German officers now stationed at i Constantinople. But not a single per Isni in all Constantinople once expressed ' this suspicion. I "They say it was accidental," is what everyone said to hi most intimate I friend, and lo this remark silence alone ; followed. A word more 'it'cred might 1 have been overheard by a secret police and the individual hauled up for trca BOII. j That the position of the Germans at I Constantinople is becoming daily more delicate there can be 110 uiiostion. iknow personally tha; even in the case I of the death of Colonel Leipsiz the Turkish censor insisted that thft Otfi cial announcement as prepared by the German ambassador be sulunitteii oe fore being telegraphed to Ilerlin and that the original text wbb altered. Many German officers after their day's work at the "Quartier General change tti civilian's dress before ap pea ring on the streets in the evening. German and Austrian civilians are Icav ing by every train. Part of thoso who let t on the same train 1 did lett cursing the country which had joined them in war. One German correspondent repre senting one of Germany's greatest pa pern the Berliner Tageblntt was ex pelled because he saw things as they actually were and not us the Turks wanted him to see them. But there is overv indication that the German soldiers, sailors and ofl'i eers nnw in Turkey will stay to the una. wuatever the tate of Turkey may bo there is everv indication that not a man will hesitate to una re it, and if tho Turkish empire passes out of exis tence it is likely these men will pass witn it. will teach in the high school this com ing year. Bev. Ui 8. Stoiner from Pandora, Ohio, who was visiting in and around Hubbard several days recently made his home during his stay here with Mr. and Mrs. Christian Schumacher. He left on Monday, August l(i, for Port land on his missionary trip to Wash ington and then east. K. W. Hose visited his old school mate, L. M. Meeker, oa Tuesday. Mr. Rose is principul of the Alolnlla high school and was responsible for the three days of high class lectures given by the professors from the Agricultural collego this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taylor and daugh ter of Astoria, Or., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrve Mulone from Sunday to Wednesday of this week. Tho Taylor family is on the way home from the Woods fair and is making the trip tn their Chalmers car. Miss Mary (loony returned liomc Wednesday evening from several days spent visiting in Tillamook county, stopping at Cape Meares lighthouse and Netnrt bay and many other points of interest. Miss Grace yrnncc of Hebo accompanied her on the return trip. H. W. Gable and family went to Portland Saturday to tnko advantage of tho latter part of "Buyers Week" in furniture. Da Sunday they visited Mr. Gables sister ia Washougal, Wash. K. W. returned Mouitay morning leav ing Mrs. Guide to visit her brother at Multnomah, Or., returning Monday evening. Last Saturday evening August 14 eighty friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Airs. Samuel Daniels in honor of his fifty-ninth and her thirty fifth birthday, both receiving many beautiful and useful gifts. Refresh ments of ice cream, cake, minced chicken and hum snndwlclis were pre pared by Airs. Daniels and was serv ed at midnight. Knterprise. Government Wants Operator For Wireless If any young man wants a job ns wireless operator, the government is willing to pay liiiu $(10 a month as 11 starter, and when he becomes really proficient, the reward is !H) a month. An examination will be held at Seattle by th civil service commission, Sep tember "2, for wirelesa operators. The examinations to be held by the same commission, on September N, cnlls for a scientific assistant in poultry husbandry, with a salary of from $1,000 to jil.SOO. - From the government 'a point of view, the matt who knows a lot about chickens, is entitled to a larger salary than the man who risks his life as a wiiv less operntur. An assistant is wanted in poisonous plant Investigation, male at from 1,200 to $1,500. Cheese li nkers who can pass the civil service examinations are as sured of a fair living, as they start with a salary of $100 u month and later re ceive $1'.M a month, 't his same examina tion call for a gardener, who is valued along with the wi.vless operator, $1)0 a month. An assistant in forest etymology will receive from $1,200 to $1,400 a year. Any young mull who has ambi tions to join the government service, or who would like to take a chance at the examinations, iimv receive information at the local office, or will be sent Ap plication blanks from the postmaster lit Seattle. D, MORGAN INJURED BY A BULL. t. Morgan, who lives about three mile soutii of tienais, met with a ser um accident Tuesday night while lead ing n large bull to water. The bull, who had a ring 111 hi nose to which a pole wa attached, became ugly, and break ing the poll made a dash for Mr. Mor and pinioned him against a tree, .niniug a eomiHiund fractur of hi leg below the knee. Mrs. Morgau and the hired man ran to hi assistance, and with an iron pipe and aiiitehfork man aged to drive tne bull away. Dr. Hick man, of Gerxais, was railed and found the fracture no serious that he rushed the patient lo the Salem sanitorium, where he could belter handle th ca. Mr. Morgau is Ad years of age, but strong and robust, and hi many friends hay gtwat hope of a eoniplrt recov ery. Genai Star, SOCIOLOGISTS WILL GREAT WAR IN Top, Dr. D. A. Sargent, Hon. Chas. E. Townsend, Judge Beit B. Lindsey. Bottom, Prof. Irving Fisher, Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis. Dr. J. H. Kellogg, Governor Ferris, Just what effect this European war will "nave on the advance toward hu man perfection through eugenics and euthenics was discussed at the National Conference on Race Betterment held recently at the Panama-Pacific ex position. iJr. uaviit Starr Jordan is at tne head of the executive committee and will bo one of tho speakers at the con ference. Others who delivered address At the request of Arthur Hooker, sec-j rctury of the' International Irrigatitri congress, Sacramento, Governor Withy combe today appointed the following fo act as Oregon delegates to the In ternational Irrigation congress, which 1 convenes nt Stockton, September Dl-j 14; Fresno, September 15-10; Snera-j niento, September 17 IS, and Snn Fraii-i cisco September 20: j A. M. Hammer, Albany; A. 0. Val- ker, Alfalfa; C. C. Clark,' Arlington; W.; II. Strayer, Baker; P. H. Dencer, Bend; C. S. Hudson, Bend; ,1, P. Keyes, Bend;! D. ('. lirownell, Umatilla; Wm. Hanlev.l Burns; Dr. W. J. Kerr, Corvnllis; Wm. Boegli, Culver; Wallis L. Totv.e, Ihil las; C. M. Keilfield, Deschutes; A. B. Thomson. Echo; 0. I). Tcel, Echo; Dr. Henry Dexter, Knterprise; Roscoe Card, Gateway; Harry J. Cheaowetli, ('rnuil view; A. B. Council, Grants Pass; J. K. Fisher, Haines; J. T. Hinkle, Her miston; J. Afessner, Herinistoa; E. E. Kendall, .lamieson; K W. Brower, Junturn; V. S. Wonlm, Klamath Falls; L. D. Howland, I.a Grande; ,1. N. B. Gerking, Tumnln; Fred X. Wallace, Tnmnlo; Alfred A. Aya. I.n Pine; L. A. Hunt, Lower Bridge;' L. 11. Irving, .Ma dras; H. V. Card, Aladras; P. ,1. Netf, Medford; Abel Adv, Merrill; T. At! Duncan, Nvssn; .1. 1(. Bluckubv,' On tario; A. W. Trow, Ontario; Rov W. Ititner, Pendleton; W. Al. Slasher ' Pen dleton: F. S. Stanlev I Chnpmnn, Portland; 0. ' Lau'rgaiird!' 1 oriiaiui; r.. 11. wininms. Powell Butte;. J. 11. Bell, Prineville; L. E. Smith, lied' mond; Guy E. Dolison, Redinoinl; .1 P Duckett. Sisters; Jas. M. Kvle, Stan field; John Kigby, Vale; W.' W, ( avi ties, Vale. INDEPENDENCE HOP CROP. The Monitor can find no evidence to change it opinion, stated last week, that the crop in the Independence dis trict in the yards of experienced grow er will be gool and t'unt in other parts of the state it will be poor. Picking will commence the first week in September, ami labor will be plenti ful at 40 cents. Cleaner work will be insisted upon. The market is nt a standstill. A bet of $'J0 was made on the streets of Inde pendence Saturday night that the price would be 20 cent before the first of the year. In thi instance, the grower who bet that the or,,.., -.,i 1.. 1 . .v. ... , . ....i,ii, 1 ne w cents will lie very much pleased if he i"'". iiiuepeiinenc .Monitor. CHILDREN ALL PRESENT Mr. and Mrs. T. XI. Clodfelter. resid ing at the comer of Maple and Church street, enjoyed a reunion with their children Sunday, the first time in 20 year. Those present besides the pa rent were: P. H. Clodfelter and wife of Emporia. Kas.; S. O. Clodfelter, wife and son, of Wasco. Ore.; W. I. Clodfel ter, wife and daughter, of Springfield, Ore.; S. S. Clodfelter, wife and daugh ter, of Salem; Mr. Minnie Roe and two aous. of Portland. Dallas Observer DRAOER BUYS CROP. Ed Weaver wa attending to busi ness matter In Riddle Monday. In con versation Mr. Weaver stated that he would have approximately 2i,')i)0 pound of prunes this year. ' U recent ly disposed of hi entira crop to the i'rnrr rniu companv at Ji cent or chard run. Riddle Tribune, GATHER TO DISCUSS THE EFFECTS OF EUROPE ON ADVANCE OF THE HUMAN RACE -..r. I1 1 V ' ' 1""' x ' i tot f: J gyG . . iv ii.w I" es were Luther Burbank, Professor Irv ing Fisher, of Yale; Kdwar L. Hewett, director of the Tinted States bureau of ethnology; Dr. J. H. Kellogg, su perintendent of the Buttle Creek sani tarium; Dr. D. A. Sargent, director of Hemingway gymnasium at ' Harvard; Senator Charles K. Tci.vnsend, Judge Bin B. Iiiudsey, Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, and Governor Ferris, of Michi gan. It is admitted by leading eugenists AFTER SK YEARS j Salem Testimony Remains Unshaken.! Time is the best test of truth. Herel is a Salem story that has stood the test; of time. It is a story with a point! will come straight home to many of us.j P. W. Brown, farmer, 13D9 State St.,' Salem, says: "Three years of mill-! wright work in a damp atmosphere (lis- j ordered my kidneys. I often han lame ness and soreness across the small of my back. When having an attack, Ii heard of Doau's Kidney Pills and got; a supply. They removed the backache and soreness, together with othe.' symp-l tonis of kidney trouble." (Statement1 given .Tun. 31, 7000), After a lapse of more than six years, Mr. Brown said:' "All I said recommending Dona's Kid-j nevs Pills when T mihlioK, att,l,,.ua,l . them before, holds good, I usithem occasionally wnen l have symptoms of iwnuey compiniut and I never fail to get quick relief. Another of the family! has also used Doan's Kidnev Pills for! kidney wenkuess and has had the best of results." Price one, nt all dealers. Don't sim-l ply ask for a kidnev remedy get; Doaa's, Kidney Pills the same' that Air. Brown has twice publicly recom mended., Foster-Alilburn Co., Trons ' Buffalo. N. Y. I Children Cry ,, - to foVV rVS ou jcars, TV - nl K,n..,i BOI1IU "Wy. 'tUcUV Alio w 811100 lt8 in'ancy. AH Counterfeits, Imltati" n7aV.? TdceclTe you tl' i:xporiutonts that tr ih, mu? J":- " but vvnat is CASTOR I A SBStStr ft Ofl, rare. iul aUayg PeverUl..." i'0r lct,tr"y Wormi lms been lu oonstant s0 I ? U, Z hfn WrtT ars it 1 nttUonoy, wind Colic, an tm .W ' tntPtlon, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS '"ears the The Kind You Have Always Booglrt In Use Fop C. nr J I that the war abroad will delay the in troduction of eugenics as a fundamen tal law. Some claim, however, that the war will bring a survival of tha ; fittest which may after all rebound to j the ultimate betterment of the race. ! The first Nationnl Conference on jRace Betterment, held at Battle Creek : in 1914, was characterized by many sen sational addresses, and it is anticipated that tho San Francisco meeting will bo equally as full of interest. HOW "HZ" HELPS SORE, W FEET Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tiredj feet Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no ' mora limping with pain or drawing up your face ia agony.. "TIZ" is) magical, acta right off. "TIZ'' draws out all the poisonous exuda tions which puff up the feet. Use 'TT7 inH tnr. get your foot misery. Ah I how com fortable your feet feel. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now at any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. for Fletcher's "wvxxxx.VVi na ultloh has been has borao tho slrM Has boon t.,o,i , uauw n:s nor- BUDcrvlsInn 1. t... miuxLn Experience against Experiment. Signature of "r ou Tears