Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 23, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Post T
If you like corn flakes, as most folks do, there's
a delightful surprise ahead. The new method of
toasting these choice bits of Indian Corn brings out
a wonderful new flavour
A Flavor Beyond Compare
New Post Toasties have have a body and crispness
that don't mush down when cream or milk is added,
and they come FRESH-SEALED sweet and ap
petizing. ' - '
Your Grocer Has Them Now
Mrs. E. Klinger . and little son re
turned from the coast Saturday sight.
Bichard Kennedy made a short visit
to the Scott Jones homo this week.
J. B. Barnes had the misfortune to
have a mare and colt killed by the early
Eunday morning train.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moisan, of Brooks,
were guests of Mrs. C. Stravene Sun
day. Russell Hume, of Scotia Mills, has
been calling on his friends in Ocrvais
ttaldy breeder's
a happy poor man IS
"e don't charge you as much as
possible for what you have
laundered here, but furnish you
with the best Laundry work
possible regardless of what you
I'ay. Besides, you want quality,
as welll as service; we give you
both when we do your work.
Home of Baldy Breerer.
Salem Laundry Co.
Salem, Oregon
the daintiest, choicest flav
oured flaked food ever produced
Coming Aug. 29
D. W. Griffith's
Just Eight Days More
and It Is Here
this week.
Miss Amy Harding made a trip to
-y.iinnu ouiuruuy ana returned with
tiny wnite.
Miss Francis H. Clarke, of Pnwlomi
was the guest of Mrs. G. J. Moisan the
past week.
Ben Hawkins entertained his mother
or croons ana a brother from Oak
land, Ore., on Sundnv
Mrs. Phil Evcnden's new bungalow
is progressing nicely and is an improve
ment to that part of .town.
D. E. Walker and son, Joe, of Port
land, are visiting Mr.and Mrs. J E
Nailor. Mr. Walker is a son of Mrs!
m. r.. .n.artcn.
Miss Zeta Ausman. of Portland, and
cousin, Gertrude Hnrtman, of Limn,
Ohio, aro spending a few days with
Mrs. C. Stravens.
Monica Ausman, who is visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Stravens, visittd her
nuni, airs, aicx Aioisan, at Brooks, Mon
day and Tuesday.
Master Kex and Miss Margaret Bon
ney, children of Clyde Bonney, county
o;uuui suprrinu-uaeni or wasco county,
aro visiting with old friends in and
near Gcrvais.
Eugeno Malo and wife, with A. It.
Siegmund, motored to Monmouth Mon
day to visit the State Normul. The
I Misses Malo expect to enter there next
year as students.
Father Martain Strsvens returned to
his home in Virginia Sunday, after a
very pleusant visit with his mother,
Mrs. Cutliorinc Stravens and many old
friends. His mother accompanied him
! to Portland returning Wednesday.
I Dr. Culvin S. White and wife, of
: Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. McOomiell,
I of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with
I Mrs. E. J. Harding and daughter. Mrs.
McConnell is a sister of Lr. White's
i and this is their first visit to the
' coast.
' Mrs. Corwin Warren and daughters,
I Miss Doris and Norma, of, Milwaukee,
: Wis., who spent several months last
I year vlisiting her ister-in-lnw, Mrs.
;J. H. Cutsforth, arrived the first of
I the week for another visit.
I Lester Harding, of Clendnlc, who has
(been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. E.
I J. Harding, left Saturday for Portland
to consult an eye specialist. He will
I return home when he will resume his
j place as teacher in the Glcndule public
I school.
Nick Gootjen, who was taken to the
Salem sanitarium Wednesday night,
where he underwent an operation
Thursday morning by Drs. Hickman and
took off his leir ot the hip
joint, is reported to hove stood the
operation well, and his relatives Hnd
friendi have hopes of his recovery.
(By William Philip Simma.)
(United Press Start Correspondent.)
Paris, Aug. 6. (By mail.) Every
body in France knows it, so why try
to keep it a fecret: France is no at all
satisfied with what England has doue
and is doing in this war, and English
men in Frai.ce, soldiers as well as so
journers, admit France is right.
And now comes stones by private
conveyance from Ureat Britain that
London is being fortified with a couple
of rows of defenses running entirely
around the city; that the English are
saying "one never can tell what will
happen"; "that they admit they lack
ammunition and will continue to lack
it even under best possible conditions
tor Bome months to come: that if the
Germans mnke a dash' for Calais and
the other ciannel ports with forces such
as sue is using around Warsaw, there
will be no stopping them at present.
wnat no an tueso stones meant the
French are asking. What is the matter
wiwi r.ngiana aitcr more tnan a year
of warl Why can't she, with all her
steel mills and kindred works, turn out
much more than sufficient ammunition,
enough, in fact, to supply her allies!
"Strikes have hampered us," Eng
lishmen in France give as" an excuse for
many of these questions.
"Why tet'erate strikes?" the French
ask, impatiently, "when the life of
j Lngland nangs in the balance with our
own and that of several other countries
perhaps as well ?"
Now, with fall almost at hand, Eng
land is still holding, with great effort
at that, her little 30 miles of front The
French hold 500 miles. In the 11 months
of trench-fighting thin proportion has
not changed anil many has been the
time when French artillery , has been
eallod upon to support the British even
along their short front.
Gabriel Hanotaux, former minister of
foreign affairs, a historian and unus
ually calm thinker, has said:
"From England there have come il
lnsimary catchwords on which we have
lived for months, and which, after bene
fitting us for a moment, have ended by
doing us harm. . . . Was it not
Lord Kitchener who evolved that for
mula so pregnant with hope but so
tardy in delivery: 'Our forces will con
tinue to expand unceasingly while thoBe
of the enoiny will unceasingly diminish.
Hanotaux did not express, this crit-
Pacific Homestead: The pack of
cantlod samon on the Columbia river
this year will be a large one,, and will
probably be cose to 600,000 cases. The
reason for the large pack is that none of
the salmon is going into cold storage
this season, as it has in past years, ow
ing to the war. All the fish will be can
ned. At the beginning of the season
indications were that the pack would
be small, as the run of fish was light,
but of late conditions have changed,
and it is now expected records for a
score of years will be smashed when the
season closes a month hence. The
phenomenal run of salmon now being
experienced 'n the Columbia is due in
large measure to tho propagation of
salmon. Four years ago millions of tiny
salmon were placed in the Columbia last Sunday such as would disgust any
river and these have developed to such nimrod. While looking for grouse and
an extent they havo now attained the 'with cartridges loaded only with bird
desired sizo. The river is said to be! shot, he was confronted with a large
filled with salmon, and the catches are
the highest on record.
Albany Democrat: The records of
falls and jumps from the main part of
the steel bridge into the river, as far
as can now be recalled, is five, four
men and one Tvoman. All of them
escaped. The four others were at-
tempts at suicide. One was a erratic ; ea a record for one day ' work yester
fellow hanging around town, another day. Besides milking a move of ven
a hobo, another a Benton county farm-
er, the other an Albany girl who had,
become despondent, the fifth that of
last evening. Besides these, when the
bridge' was being built an intoxicated
man fell off the other end upon the,
ground and was killed.
Lebanon Criterion: A field of 38
acres of alsilie clover on the Robert
Langmack place northeast of this city
has just been hulled and yielded 80
sacks of seed, weighing practically 12,
000 lbs. or 2000 bush-dB. This is a little
better than five bushels to the acre,
and while not n banner yield for Alsike
clover in Oregon, it is a good revenue
producer neverthiess. The market
price of alsike clover seed is now about
15 cents per pound, or f!) per bushel,
Tomorrow and
"Romance of
Pearl White, Lionel Barrymore,
Cretghton Hale and the myster
ious Mr. X., throughout it all,
runs one of most charming rom
ances ever portrayed.
Bligh Theatre
Adults 100 Children 6c
Always a good show
ieism of England in private, or behind
England's back. He said it in print, to
England's face. Nor is that all he said.
"The Englisii ministers were prodigal
of magnificent phrases," lie writes,
"but their workshops were idle."
I asked an Englishman why England
still held only her 30-milo front, why
Kitchener's promise of more and more
and still more soldiers has not been
j made good. His reply, in effect
that Kitchener himself had made good
his promise. He had raised the soldiers.
"There are three million soldiers or
thereabouts in England," he said, "but
they are equipped with wooden gunal ' '
So admitted my English friend.
"There are men aplenty," he went
on, ' ' but they lack the necessary equip-
mnt Their hava unifi.. ,. .
them have, but many lack belts, fcnoii.
sacks and the like. And of the thous
ands and thousands of recruits one sees
drilling around London daily, very few
have rifles. They nre using the sticks
used before the war in TUster with oth
er imitations made since."
The French whole heartedly admit
that England furnished the broom
which was largely instrumental in
swooping German ships and German
commerce frcm the sens.
"But French ships have not been
idlo. either," they declare. "We have
kept the Austrian fleet cooped up all
winter and we have done all we could
with tho fleet in other directions. All
we ask: 'Has England, like ourselves,
done all she is able to do?' "
No doubt France and England will
stand together without faltering right
on through to the end, but now there is
no doubt about it, more than at any
time since hostilities commenced, France
is inclined to ask England to get a
move on, to quit squabbling at home
and get into the fight. For every hour
the war is prolonged means many lives
snapped off.
Not the least part of the resentment
in France is caused by British insular
ity. In England, as Georges Clemen
ceau, the former prime minister, writes:
"After all Calais is only Calais!" Ca
lais is in France a foreign country. The
measures taken around London are an
admission that Calais and Boulogne may
fall into German hands. The French
feel that if England docs her duty the
thing wtm 't happen.
So the French not only think, but
and at five bushels per acre will give a
gross revenue of $43 per ai're, which is
pretty good, even for Oregon.
Mashfield Record: Harry Thomas,
who is living on . the Gage ranch less
than a mile from Allegany, brought a
sample of his tobacco crop to The Rec
ord office yesterday. Mr. Thomas has
an acre planted, and while it has not
grown so luxuriantly as it does in
Greece and nearby districts, he believes
ne win nave a sutisractory return from
his 1915 work. Much, Mr. Thomas
Baid, depends upon how well the tobac
co is cured, and the hopes to have good
success m that line. The tobacco is of
a Turkish variety and sells for $1.00
a pound in Europe, and sometimes high
er. The Allegany crop ig expected to
amount 10 JWU pounds.
Pendleton East Orcgonian: Report
i uruugnt, in mat Albert Humphrey
met with some luck while out hunting
duck acer wnich made as nice a tariret
i i .
as a man could wish for. Humphrey is
oaiu io nave rusnea to camp for bullet
loaded cartridges and to have spent the
balance of the day trailing the deer
witnout success.
Albany Herald: The clover thresh
ing outfit of Schlcgel and son cstabliHh-
miles, it threshed 104 bushels of clover.
iho clover was hulled on the .Tnhn
Stickley farm about three and one half
miles south of Albany. According to
Mr. Schlcgel, 50 or 60 bushels is an
average day's work.
The many admirers of both Francis
X. Bushman mid Maugerito Snow will
be pleased to know they will appear
jointly in the Charles Frohmau success
"The Second in Command." This is
an elaborate production detailing a
battlo between the British and the
Boers in South Africa, and requiring
men of military training for the scenes
"and scavch eti. taoi taoi taoiUHl O ao
and cavalry horses that have been in
actual action. The battle scenes are a
development of the story but the real
interest wherein heart strings are deep
ly played upon, finds Its blare in Lon
don. "The Second in Command" will
be seen at the Oregon today sud to
rv t
11 , i ' 1 b . . K
Abraham Rueff
Out of San Quentin
Sua Quentin, Cal., Aug. 23. Abrahani
Ruef, former political boss of Man
Francisco, left San Quentine prison at
8:40 a. m. today, a free man, so far as
parole and an exile of three mouths
in Mendocino county permit.
Ruef arose early and was ready to
step outside the prison gates when
they opened at 6 o'clock. His departure
was marked by no demonstration, and
only one of his former friends, Emile
E. Kahn, a real estai operator of San
Francisco, accompanied him. Ruef step
lied into Kahn's waiting antomobilo and
preceded to San Rafael, where he took
the train to Mendocino county.
Under the terms of his parole. Ruef
muBt spend 00 days in Mendocino coun
ty and cannot visit San Francisco dur
ing the period He wlil engago a cot
tage in tho vicinity of t'kinh and spend
the first three months of his parole in
this retreat.
Ruef and Kahn breakfasted nt San
Rafael before the former boss left for
A number of motion picture men
clamored for admittance to the prison,
but were kept out by Warden John
ston. As Ruef emerged from the pris-
on, however, the cameras mounted in 1 B0"' "I"'1 Rt Public suction to the high
automobiles began to click. The camera j ' bldl" for cash in hnnd on the day
men followed Kahn's car until it dis
tanced them
Mr. Samuel Endicott of Salem spent
Thursday in Turner.
Miss Bernice Small spent the week
end visiting Independence friends.
Miss Beatrice Crawford of Buttle
Creek visited Salem friends Saturday.
Mr. Laurence Roberts visited Turner
friends over the week end.
Miss Venita Earl visited with friends
at Marion the week end.
VI . ah: a 1T....1.... -
wag visiting in Turner tho first of the
ctiiiiu niiimiu ui iiitriuu vreirou
Miss May Ballier of Salem visited
during tho week with her friend, Miss
Alma Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. f'has. Beau and Eastern'
relatives spent Saturday at Silver I
iTCClt Willis.
Mr. Delbert dossier of Portland
visited at the Baker home during the
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thiessen and
Oerald ('rower spent the week-end visit
ing relatives in Ncwbcrg and Portland.
Mrs. O. F. Booth and son, Carl and
Mrs. S. O. Unkcr and daughter, motored
to Salem Tuesday afternoon on a
shopping expedition.
Mrs. R, O. Thomas returned to her
home in Turner, Thursday, after hav
ing had a very pleasant visit in Albany
with friends.
Mrs. Small's Sunday School class of
girls hiked to the city reservoir Thurs
day afternoon for a picnic. All present
reported a good time.
Mrs. ('. A. Bear entertained the V.
l. 1. U. Wednesday afternoon at her
homo southeast of town. A very enjoy
able time was reported by those 'present.
Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Ransom mill unna
Harold and Wayne, of Aumsvillo were
in lurncr greeting friends Friday. Mr.
Hansom lett for Riddle on the sou Ih
bound train,
A jolly pnrty of young people drove
to Silver Creek Falls Sunday. Those en
joying the fun were Pearl Peterson,
Miss French, Ernest Larson ami Edwin
Mr. and Mrs. Grnndfield of Maine,
Kansas, visited at the MeVicker home
during the week. They worn favorable
impressed with the Willamette Vulley
and praised it highly.
Miss Beatrice Crawford has been
entertaining friends at a houso nartv
during the week. Those enjoving Miss
t.ntwuira-s Hospitality were; Miss May
Kamer, Miss Eliznbelh Meyers, both of
ruiem and illiss A mil linker nf Trnn,
mimsvme Keeord.
)( )t))(
In the Countv Court nf th s:tt f
Oregon for the County of Multnomah.
in the matter of the estate of Rose E.
McKlroy, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the ml-
mimstrator of said CKtato, that by vir
tue of an order mndo nnd entered by
tlte County Court above named, nn th
5lh duy of June, 1915, he will sell nt
pnvnto sale for cash, for the purpose
of paying cluims and expenses of ad
ministration, the following described
real estate, situated in the County of
Marion, State of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on tho South
line of D. L. C. of J. U, McClninn, 188.53
feet North, 1 degrees 28 seconds East,
from the Northwest corner of Lot 10
Block 78, of tho City of Sulem, Marlon
County, Oregon, said point Is also tho
""""" ' tuinrr ur 1,111 j.j, lllllGK IZ, Of I
noise a necond Addition; thence North
19 degrees 28 minutes East, 10 feet
parallel with the center lino of Cot
tage street to a point; thence South 70
degrees 30 minutes rst, 100.12 feet,
parallel with the center linn nf Union
street, to the West line of tho alley;
thence South, 19 degrees 28 minutes
West, 40.95 feet parallel with the center
line of Cottage street to n point on the
South line of the D. L. 0. of J, II. Me,.
Clnine; thence North 70 degrees 30
minutes West, BHI.12 teet parallel with
the center line of Union street to the
East line of Cottngo street; thence
North, 19 degrees 28 minutes Enst, 30.95
feet parallel with the center lino of
Cottage street, to the place of begin
ning. Tho said sale to bo mndo for cash
to the highest bidder, Ten per cent
thereof to be paid at time of snle, nnd
balance on confirmation of snto by the
Court so ordering snid sale.
The sale to be made on or lifter tho
14th dny of September, 1915, and writ
tea bids will be received by the Admin
istrator, at the office at Jnmcs N.
Davis, 601 Journal Building, Portland,
Oregon; also on tho premises at 11
o'clock a. m. of the dny of snle.
JAMES N. DAVIS, Administrator
Attorney for Administrator.
First publication Aug. 12 15.
Last publication Sept. 2 15,
Notice is hereby given, That by vir
tue of an execution duly issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Marios and to
me directed on tho 23rd day of July,
1915, upon a judgment and decree ren -
dered, entered of record and docketed
in and by said Court on the Oth day
of July, 1915, in a certain suit then in
haupt was plaintiff and Mabel L. Cnmn -
bell was defendant in favor of plaintiff
fliwi firrninat nwl t... -.U!..U
execution I am commanded to sell th
property in said execution and herein
after described to pay the sum due the
plaintiff of One Hundred Thirteen and
90-100 dollars, with interest thereon
nt tho rate of 6 per pent per annum
from the 14th day of May, 1912, until
paid and tho further sum of Twenty
and 00-100 ($20.00) dollars, special at
torney fees and the further sum of One
and 80-100 (1.80) dollars, for recording
lien together with the costs and dis
bursements of said suit taxed at Twen
tyfour and 85-100 dollars and costs and
expenses of said execution. I will on
Saturday the 28th day of August, 1913,1
at tne nour or 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day at the west door of the County
rt a it , . .
vouji uouse m .Marion county, Ore
ui uiv, uu me rignts, uiio, interest
and estate which said defendnnt and
all persons claiming under her subse
quent to the date of tho lien herein
foreclosed in, of and to Bnid premises
hereinbefore mentioned aro described in
said execution as follows, to-wit: Be
ginning 110 feet East of the Southwest
corner of Block No. 20 in University
Addition to the City of Salem, as shown
by the duly recorded nlat thereof:
thence North 140 feci; thence East to
tho alley as shown on the original plat
of said block 20; thenco South 140
feet; thence West along tho South line
of said block 20 to tho pluce of begin
ning, all being situated in Marion
; r 1.. r n, . - ... - .
I" Tl' , KJ- T"e ,naUe
sutnect to redemption in the manner
provided by law.
Dated this 26th day of July, 1915,
Sheriff of Mnrion County, Oregon.
London. A captnin of tho Coldstream
Guards was saved from a bullet in
Northern France by his pocket Bible,
on the fly leaf of which was writ
ten: "Thou, Lord, aro my refuge."
Geneva. Reports from Vienna say
tho, Anstrians will soon consign to the
munitions melting pot the great bell of
the dome of St. Etinnne, cast in 1711 of
bronze from 180 cannon taken from the
Paris. Tho French authorities have
declined with thanks the offered serv
ices of a number of educated French wo
men who desired to join tho air service.
ijt jjc 5C 3ft )fc 5f SC l(c )( )(c IC 3jC jjc
FOR KKNT There are not. many up-to-date
houses in Highland. This i. ie
is newly (minted, newly tinted aiiil is
near jitney and school. Seo 21l2 Elm
ttvemio. Aug-.T
rOB RENT Nicclv furnished modern
room in private home. Buth adjoin
ing. Four blocks from Lndd & Bush
bank. One or two gentlemen pre
ferred. Address S, care Journal, it
FOIt 8ALK 20 acres, 4 miles from
Salem; 13 acres in cultivation; good
house and bain; fine spring water;
young fruit, nnd fruit in hearing,
i'rico $1500; part cash, halunce on
easy terms at 6 per cent. This is a
bargain. J. A. Mills, 384 State.
M- Hiiius, Manager and rrmident
Bat. Suiter udBiuh
A modem, fire-proof, up-to-date Hold,
- livmtrA in lh l .1
,7 .7 t "'7ning ana on
a direct has to the Espotition Gioundi,
Detached Bath MvsteBath
Wl.50iinli S1.B0L S2.0B slush
U.5U2.00doullt 2.0D,.6Bnoubli
1 50 Room ol Solid CWort-Emr Cwaiae
From Third aad TowmbiJ Si Depot, ul. car
No. H ot 16. rioai l-my ukoSullpr.lt. cm.
WW "Universal'' Bos direct to Hotrt j
Francis X. Bushman
"The Second in Command" .
A Big Surprise
400 Tents at cost prices for this
... ..,.,,: Ik.. n't f,.:1 I,. .... ,,. t
4wi -""'l'i'i i, mil w iri-w " 1J JUU Ni-wu ttllj tiling in I II IS 11 lit.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargains.
302 N. Commercial Bt. Thone 808
Os cent per word each laser- -'
tioa. ' '
Copy tot advertisement! a -
dex this heading should bs ia by "
P. m. "
j I
1 M -
' HAY for sale Phono L1-F-13 Ainu's
REMEMBER Fred'a Night Lunch. A28
HARRY City window cleaner.
VIl", n'1 oat 8 l,cr tou- i'hone-
VfUlMri t
v.y.-.v ui-iwjr nun ror sale; also smal
11 ITS. 'Anna Nh. li'OO a n-r
" ' " ' - -- AUg6l
HOUSE and harness
Phono 36-F-ll.
sale, $15.
CRAWFORDS for cunning, 75c and 50
per bushol. Phone 1771. Aug25
TWO fine onk and glass show cases
for sale. See Pooled drug store, tf
RENT Six-room house, furnished or
unfurnished. O. W. Johnson. Ang2-I,
HOP-PJCKEKS wanted. See
Hing, 171 South High street.
T(LT!tA,)EL)t in Wt'Bt Sulem, cost
$w(l eush, for piano. Phone 5S-F-22.
FOR SALE 20 geese and 18 pigs at
your own price. Rt. 8 Box 103. tf
NO. 1 sccreid-growth fir, $3.50; furna
wood, $3,25 per cord. Phone 2249. tf
WANi ail-Three or four shinglers at
once Thos. Holman, f Eoln. Phoim
''f- Ang25
FOR SALE Good tent, 10x14, with
1' nnr pn,l a-nn. i 7...
, i") a ,Z ' "urglllll. 1'hOIlB
LOST Small gray kitten in South Yew
riiuier return to KB S. 12t.h
FOR SALE Harness and one-seated
Tin, or 6 cords good wood.
Phone 185.
YOllNG man with family wants work
of any kind. Aililmm r. n -o..
for cordwood. J. H. Lauterman, 33
Ihomokctn. Phone 900 or 678. tf
UlST Yearling Durham heifer, weight
about 9(10; also fresh cow tor sale.
Phone J136-W, or 2222. Aug23
WANTED Heavj wagon springs.
tvnai nave you for ensht Rt. 8, Box
WAN AND WIFE wnnls work on farm
by the yonr; good references. E. A.
caro Journal. Aug87
WANTED Man wants plowing or oth
er furm work with team. Route 4,
Box 33, Sulem, Ore. tc
'ST A pair of rimless spectacles bo-
" 'ipiiiiiB street and the Wilver--ton
road. Please return to .Ifvl run I
WILL H,Y green prunes for drying.
Henry A. Townsend, Box 152, Route.
.1. Phono 3II-F-23. One mile west r.f
WANTED Second hnnd bicycle; must
bo In good condition and cheap.
Write description and price, W. E. H
Journal. Aiig2ii
1'OR KALE 12 head shoats, 2 01lvr
c iniea pmws, 12 and 14 inch: one 8-
shovel cultivator.
all good as new.
Box 120, Route 2.
.(JSJ1 Lculher h.-.ndimy, Saturday, on
Kola road, containing pupers, witb
M. S. .Imvis i them. Leave Salem,
Hank of Commerce. Aug24
I'Olt SALE Store fixtures consisting
rl counters, showcases and computing
scales, meat sliccr, account register,
also delivery wagon in A l comlition.
Inquiro at 1124 Hincs. Aug24
cheap. Now and in good running or
der. Paying proposition, Inquire J.
A. Huston, Buna Vista, Ore. Sept 5
MON K Y TO LOAN On improved
farms at 7 per cent annual interest.
1 am representing tho Commerce Snfo
Deposit & Mortgage Co., of Portland,
Ore. Quick delivery of money. Writo
mo. 1. J, licrgor, Salom, Ore. tf
FOR HALE tilt THADE-13 3 4 acres,
nil in cultivation, mostly In Italian
prunes years old; 2 acres Inganlxir
ries, 1 aere cherries, nnd other fruits;
fair buildings, good well ami running
water; ,'tif, miles south of Salem, onti
mile east of Liberty. Will lake hoiiwi
and lot in Sulein on first payment,
balance, ensy terms. Address Owner.
It. F. I). 4, Box 211. Aug2fi
for Hop Pickers f
week only. Also everything needed t
..... I l"