Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 23, 1915, Image 4

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ditorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Editor and Manager.
Aiiuuxt 2:!. 1915.
j V
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Vice -President
Sec. and Trcaa.
Daily bv earrier. oer vcar 5.00 Per month..
Uaily by mail, per year
3.00 Pit month.
The Capital Journal carrier boyi are inatructed to put the paprra on the
porch. If the earrier does not do this, minaeii you, or neglect getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, an thin in the only
mt.j we can determine whether or not the carriers arc following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
By Ni.'l Dnrling.
No 0.
Y011 folks in mid n mil lid this ln should rend tin- advcrtim-im-nt in
yiinr home paper. Io " want tin- Btun-H to fh"t up idi'M' nnil mt
IxiMiiif hh T llii you Hunt thin rnnun unity to l"""1 half it population.'
No. Well then not buy K"'"Ik out of town by mail, liount for your
borne town.
Home of you pore over udverti'ineutn of foreign eoneerns ami then
wild a lot of money to mit-of-tuwii niendiarits. You are lead to do thin
very largely by the elever udvi-rtining of these iiicri hant.i who employ
expert to attrnet your altentioii.
(live your home stores a slion 11 plain square deal, (live them a.
bearing by rending what thev have to offer ill their advertisements.
We nil admit Ihnr the old fashioned advertising is n mighty poor rein ing
end I urn Irving to bring the niereliiiuts in the smaller towns nil
over the ennutrv' to renlie this. 1 a in Irving to get all of them to see
the vr.lue of using Hie pages of llieir home newspaper to tell you folks
what they have to wdl and the priees thev tire asking.
When you rend in the weekly paper that so und so's afore 1 lid-
(imirters f'or dry goods, von have not been mueh enlightened nbout tint
business. You 'hnve known this store for n long time, and whenever
you observe their ndvert isement thev are elaiming to be headquarters
but never tell you any good ri-um lor the assertion. 1 mil Imping tins
inerehunt will wake up und (ell you what he is doing. Wnteh the paper
for he may tell you about those tilt nu'live new waists he has just re
reived Tea ehnnies to one thev are better waists than you enn buy
out-of-town for the same money.' If you will make the eompnrisun vou
nre very apt to find thnt they me a Letter bargain than those otfered
by t'asii in Advnnee No-Return of (loods 4 Couipnny.
lt-nd theadva. in your home paper. Keep in toueh with what the
people who p;iy taxes in this town and are a part of your community,
.1 1 .. I... I ..ti it,., n-itt I i.tr V I IU
ure nuiiig iu . ... .1.1 1 i the
W iv huh r vou lieonh' in lievo rvi-ri i'""U
" 1 . 1 t f IV..
eutnlogue mid doubt the statements of y
large grain of truth in both of those assertions.
eutnlogue mid doubt the statements or your nom iim 1
know, the "Prophet is not without honor save in Ins own -..iiiit ry.
nnd Harmim suid that the American liked to be humbugged, I here is a
No other country can make such a showing as this
country in the matter of home ownership. Here 4(5 per
cent of the people own their own homes, and more than
half the farmers who this year have done so much for
prosperity, own their farms which number G,8:'.S,:!:!l. Of
this number :i,8::8,:::!l are owned by farmers themselves,
and the records show that 2,575,1:10 of these farms are
free of mortgages.
These figures show that there has been some work
going on and some returiyn the way of profits and cancel
ing of mortgages since the days when the cry went up
over the land that it took too mucii wheat to miy a uouar
Cotton is being blown up now at a faster rate than at
any previous time in the history of the world, according
to the Wall Street Journal. The use of gun-cotton in up-rn-rkte
warfare is enormous, beine used largely in the
high explosives; for instance, the English cordite is 37
per cent gun-cotton. United btates ordinance expend
estimate that every time one of the big fifteen-inch guns
of Uncle Sam s navy goes off there is one less bale or cot
ton, or 500 pounds. One discharge of the twelve-inch gun
consumes .'00 pounds of cotton. Those same experts
figure that it requires more than one pound of cotton to
make one pound of gun-cotton, the loss in weight being
accounted for in the treating of cotton in a mixture of
strong nitric and sulphuric acids. One of them estimates
that 4,000,000 men on the firing line use up about 40,000
bales of cotton in a week in fairly active fighting, al
though guesses on that score are necessarily vague.
Powder companies have been very large buyers of cotton.
American export trade from the war in munitions is
but an insignificant fraction of the allied supply and will
continue so to the end, according to the New York World. j
It is a still more insignificant fraction of our total export
trade ;is ;ifTfpfp(l hv thp war. Thf Wall sfrppr crnmhlp and
- -J - - b-
the German outcry are close to an equaltiy in distorting
the truth of this situation. Against an ncrease of $24,
000,000 in exports of explosives for the 11 months ending
with May over the same time last year there stands the
greater increase of $29,500,000 in automobiles alone. Re
fined sugar exports increased by $: 58,000,000; the outgo of
crude and prepared foodstuffs increased by $488,310,000.
Wall street gambles uproariously, as if the whole country
had given itself over to the manufacture and export of
ammunition. Austro-Germany acceDts this view at full
value and sees onlv American bullets nnrl kVipIIs mnwino-
down their Teutonic troops and standing in the way of
swift victory over all t.hp rpst. nf f!nmn Rut- tho fto
are that whilp thp war riflfl innrpacorl nm.
explosives up to June by $24,000,000, it had increased our
export trade in food articles and autos by no less than
A Galley o'
In the beginning a man's horse was
his dearest possession. It would car
ry him everywhere, and It started
from the seat, without cranking.
But presently he ate something
which gave him that feeling of ful
nessthat Is to say, he discovered
bis stomach and opened up a new
way to his heart.
WToman was not slow to slezo the
advantage thus offered, and from that
day forward she gained steadily tn
Importance, while the horse has lost
ground commensurately.
Hence arose the natural enmity be
tween women and horses. Almost the
worst you can say about a horse is
that it is perfectly safe for a noman
to drive.
The Horse-Show exhibits are the
last phase of the unequal contest.
Fere the horse is degraded to the
merest pretext and woman 1$ the
whole thing.
Positively The Only Big Show
Coming This Year!
S A L E M,
Friday, AUG.
cEz3 (J
President Grant P.. Dimick, of the Willamette Vallev
Southern Railwav. reiterates that, i
of his company to extend their line from Mount Angel to! HIGH PRAISE-
Salem, but fears this cannot be done before next summer ' "He'a a fust cl,iss fleIdcr. aln't ho?"
the present terminus and this city and if possible it should1 u a chicking:-
be brought here during the fall and winter. The com-1 .
mercial club might be able to work out some plan of co-j REAL TEST-
operation with Mr. Dimick by which earlier construction' lnclc Ezra-Gre;it cracky! you
could be brought about than now seems probable, and ifirmakcid0" don,t tbm Wil80a
so it would be a great achievement for that reorganized: ?nc EheSime-u ten, a. Tart
,)0t'y rut that Washington team up In sec
or.d place. Now let's see if Wion
The American navv seemo tr, ho .ull enninA can Kiv9 'em a pennant-
i , OUJJJUCU Wltil
officers who can be trusted to represent the country in1
2 BI6
World's Ch.lltng.
(roup of
Oyi Most Thrilling Wild
" Animal Aet Extant
LlonsJIsora, Bear
Leopards, Jaguars,
Elephants, Camols,
Zebras. Sea Lions.
1 Zubus,Konkeys,tc
Causes Thrills of.
Cf! Instructive,
WW Amusing, Amazlnn
Thrilling Acts
REfl Worid's
W Premium
Horses and Ponld
All Actors
4ftRlb.Tlcklli.t A
tU Animal Clowns f"
Big Bill, Wrsstliftg Grizzly, Tango
Dancing Horses, 'Farce Comedy
Elephants, Horse-Rldlng Lions,
Leopards and Bears. 200 Military
Ponies.' High -Diving and lumping
Dogs and Monkeys.
Only Real Wild Animal Circus on Earth
Glittering, New, Mile-Long Street Parade at 1 0:30
Exhibitions Daily, Rain or Shine, 2 and 8 P. M. Doors Open, 1 and 7
inent plan.
This year the crops are the greatest in history and the
prospect is for some more mortgage-lifting and automobile-buying
by the farmers.
Here is a record of which this country may justly be
proud. That country is the best one to live in where its
people may own their own homes-and farms and reap the
rewards of their own industry.
There's something in the showing that ought to cause
reflection. The larger the cities the smaller the per cent
of home owners. New York city has the smallest per cent
in the country, and New York is where they seem to
.slick in preference to getting out into the broad country !
and taking advantage of the opportunities to become,
home owners. That is largely their own fault or misj
fortune that they cannot see something more in life than
sticking to the big city ami so contributing to conditions
that make very serious the problem of housing and caring
for an excess of population. I
The commission which is to bui'd the government rail
road in Alaska will cut 8.",()00,000 foot of timU'r in the
Cluigach national forest for use in constructing the line.;
This is a good deal of wood. Yet it is barely more than
10 per cent of the estmated annual growth of timber in
the public domain of Alaska. The forest service estimates
that 8)0.000,000 foot of lumber could be cut every year1
forever in Alaskan national forests without decreasing!
the supp'y. At $10 per 1,000 feet-a low valuation the
forests of Alaska would yield each year $SOO,000 more'
man M'creiary twain paid tor the whole territory re
marks an exchange.
and statesmen wept over the mortgages on the sewing; emergencies requiring a sound knowledge of internatior-l Thf-d Tim See then SufrnRtnes?
trirls' sewing machines which were bought on the install-1 j" larw aPd administrative ability. In his dealings with ti"t,w washinKton.
w... "uiuciic ivtai nuiuiiai win. i. aperton wno was a unaun
captain two years ago, but for all that is a veterm h M the110t'1n 'l'10 ltradP' von'en
foofnvo1 ,.,1,;.. ! i a , . . 41 velelan nas.n.re puUm1 the tramp business ou the
i estoi ed order, canciliated the revolutionists and won the1 b'n'
confidence of the politicians as if by magic. All his ar-' -v-
rangements have worked smoothly. It was a "detail"! strenuous. Sk '
that no naval officer wanted, that is if hp hnd wiA' visitnr-so your nunt who wont to
llaitien history thoughtfully.
New York died from excessive excr
I'nrle Ebon Yep. She tnonrht sh.i
had to run across the rom to ihe
Surely every one will have
COUraging Word to give to Galveston Thn An. wlnilow every 111118 anybody went !.y
hi teen years ago was enough to discourage any people J behind the times.
but by pluck and energy they had built up a better citvi steiia-she doped uta the M
than the one destroyed and while still staggering under ftur-
iUW.d s ton ttTt lanotheTandimilarl XZT'
uk go in it and the power to come back, showing a spirit A C0MM0N symptom.
that is entited to a just reward and every one is honing 1"arI llllV(-n't " v- t
hat the plucky city will have no more Wtt m ness nlaO "T"' "r'i ,
into its CUP inehb Spiasnetl Jones Haven't, eh? How much
1 " (liu YOl'U ulo cost?
It SOi'lilS tn n rlin .int.. f u a. .
present time to refrain fr
K " " , ,0.' a l"al a'lm'nktni.ion should hi
New Books Added
ToPublic Library
The following books have recently
been added to the Siilem public library.
This list includes several books that are
liaviiiu ii big sale throughout the coun
try, such as "A r'ar Country," by
C'hui'cliill; "The Unknown Guost," by
Maeterlinck, and " ( nlii'ornia, an Inti
mate History," by Atherton.
The amaU'iir Rolf player will find
liotiks to help, nud readers of fiction-
will find several late issues. For those I
who want a detective story, just to kill I
time, tiiere is "Adventures ot" Detective J
Barney," by O'llijrging. The list is'
Ami in "The Pastor's Wife." j
Atherton "California, nn Intimate
rternheiiner ' Doys' Clubs."
Hindloss Winston of tho 1'rairie.'
Brown "Children of Karth."
able ' ' Gideon 's Ha ml. ' '
Chapin " Katie's Mate."
Chester ' ' Cordelia Hlossom. ' '
Churchill "A Far Countrv."
Conrad " Victory."
Cutting ".Inst for Two."
Doyle "Valley of Fear."
(".rey " Light of the Western Stars."
Harrison "Angela's Business."
.( epson 1 ' Happy Pollyooly. ' '
Knibbs "Sundown Slim.".. . ..
. L('ke "Jaffery."
Macaulay "House ef the - Misty
Star." ,
Zaugwill "Master."'
Mc('urter-"A Master's Degree."
Maeterlinck "Tho Unknown Guest"
Marriott "The Cat Fish."
Merrick "The Actor Manager."
O'Higgins Adventures of Detective
Perry Their Heart's Desire."
Porter " Story of Marco."
Roberts "The Clubwoman's Handy
Book of Programs and Club Manage
ment." "Success nt Golf."
Traftflii "Mot hod of Attracting
Vardon "How to Play Golf."
Widdemer "The Rose Garden Hus
band." Wister "Lin McLean."
3 m
V. -:r
If one
should be
to Ih
would choose tho line of least resistance he
an "anti." It's the easiest thing in tne world
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established ISf.S
Capital $300,000.00
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Doxes
ilia cusses America. Carranza cusses merica Ger
many cusses America. England cusses America it has
gottni to be a regular custom, remarks n echamre
Rut Uncle Sam isn't worrying himself lean 0w it hi'
fact he seems to be fa terinir on th ; n ,
nations of the world. '"-temper of the
The editorials on national politics in many of our ex
changes read so much alike that we are nclned tc i the
opinion that the Republican press bureau Wash nrton
must be working overtime. wasnmgton
In icw of th,. aovrHl tut that have
ri cntlv 1 i brought aitainst tue coun
ty court involving widowa' pcnaiona, it
is iiilere.tii to n.ilc thai on.e m
while one m obmt.-uilv nliiupiihcd hv
Ihe bciifficiary. Kr ll third time a
name h lx.n atn.kc off dk conn
ty'a widow puion llt became of the
marriaue of the mmi-loner. Tke laleat
inliii-e ia that of Mr. Mmui,. !t
I'ierre. of WeM Salem, who laM w.vk
I.- Nl,w"-"- Mr.. I'ierre had
,v" I IV.':. m.mth from
Ton cannot afford U bum
rdln'' t Journal Wut Ad
7 day. J
" I could make a lot of mor.
'I wish I could make half ot whn,
l lost trylnc to make a lot:"
"Are men as Hack." Bu0 nuPtil,(,
la Yanke stjle 1 nnswercd her
"Are girls." I .,i.ed, ptnk,'
Depsar-Cotld )ou al,ar, t8 ,
Ullno, lr?
rnwrrlu:. Old Tarty-Art .., .
fSW-Not If I pet tte ,iirile!
I There's a turning
lpusrn m xime-De
ready for it: Have
some money in
the Bank.
This word "Bank" seems to awe manv
S e'al L'fl ,h,e tT S toS
insiae are not intended for them.
ncv vou I'"'6 di,rfrcnce hw
start o. ,s Banli r Bank. Jl will
of Salem, Oregon