THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY. AUGUST 17. uutHMtmw'MimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiwwtiWf 1111 1 nilr ni IT Sport News C,itttttittttuiiiiiaffluin'UKtnmii'iinti' mmmtniiiiiiiiiimimtiiiiniittt t Telegraphic Sport Briefs Knn Fninriwn, AtitJ. 17.-Jeff Wiiitli, Amerirnn middlevveiirht, t'ir.iuih liixj mnimiiiT. Al l.ii.e, hrn offered to fiht linrey in Australia fur the liene-! fit of tin- Auxtriiliun r.niiiid.'d nnldiiTs fund. I Newport, It, I., Auk. I 7. Vnuri.-e K. 1 Mrl.otiflili rt, Vil li it m .(li tiH.,n nnd ''iir ? enre J. (Iriffin, tuliforum tfniiir t-jt -1 jM'rtK, won their mntehei. in Km open- tng round ol the npi'i'ml cup rourriu merit here. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE STANDINGS W. 7 1.11(4 A fl'clcS . . hint r'niucjyu Vermin On kin ml lit Port In ml . Suit l.uke TO vr. .5i! :,:, .r,mi .;:! .4H1 .453 -Nil ciiiiii'h pluy.-d yenteriluy; t'iiimi trim. ling. Ht, I.oiiii4, Mo., Auii. 17.- F-ir (Ik- pro lertion of utniin'H from pup Imttli-K lit 1nc k, I'renid.'iit H.-huvler II. Hrittiim of the Ht. I.oiiin Niitiotmlii htm ordered flint no win writer ehnll lie Hnld on ! tnllioH or it would liuvi! been n Hliutimt. I'urtlnnd, Ore., Au. 17.- Denpite five .rnim niul Home lurkudulHir-ul plnying, I'ortlHiid di'fciiti'd till) l.'ni vi-rxit y of Chii'iiKO hull tortMer.H yeHterduy 7 2 be fori! u crowd of not to exceed StJO funx. Gum FihiT dropped two thrown tit the riouie pime unil let in iiotn l.liieiiii Collection of $3,000 Donation Is Put Up To Property Owners the ground. Berkeley, fill., Autf. 17.- Kuliy niiitn will lie ilmtrimiti'il t ndny nnd the lust Ainerienn fuotluill pruttn'e u the I'lii ernity of ('ulif.irniti for tint full neiimni will Im nturted Hiiturday. Berkeley, fill., Aii. 17 - W A. Fulek who for two yearn rowed h niimlier five In th t'liivemlty of fiilifo.iiiii liout, hrm lieen elected eupliiin of the IHIll vnrnity r-rew. HORSES TOR RACE MEET dim' errorn likeiyine forced Walter M Oedie to liench lii.i youji( pitcher, der rick, after four inning in the lioir, l emme he didn't want to lake any chiinceit of liming to a liuucli of mini-teura. Hun Friineiiico, Auk. 17. -Tim Inst of twenty-two earloudn of thoroughbred liontex from the Herui meeliiiK arrived lie re lodny and thin afternoon (he (Jul loner will lie ifiven Ihnir find work until (in the eminmtiiin truck nrcliin hit i'liine when hn rnnried out a siiiile iniiry to the, race nieetiiiK which open j In the ninth. IMaturilny. H.dnuil Inn I to lie content with the AinnnK the hornet that appeared on one hit Kiime, unci call it u "lucky 1110 I rue K tu.lriy were tiiiiriiiu,iilireiii p' n. $ Watching the Scoreboard Philadelphia, with Nieliim and Killi fer, worked the doulile ai)iieee in the aevenlh mid made it three nrruiu,lit from the HrnvcH. Hen I'aKcliell, from down Alalia inn way, wearing Clevelaml rlollien, pluced a liy in (lie ointment nf lluliind h no- owned by Mm. Anita Huldwin, ilnuKhlcr of I lie late " l.ucky " Ha Id win. Her en trien Include Ift thnriiuuliliri'dri, the pick of the Hanta Anita ranch. AUMSVILLE NEWS Mr. and Mia. A. I!urell and iihildren Jel't TueMday lor a Miration in Himlhern OrcKoii. , Mis Kuyi'iiin Melnttiit'l, who hri lieeu iniliiiK fnelhlN lieie, returned home lat Kndav iiiorinuK Detroit took lioth L'uinen from Clove- land. Walker hud a luid inniiiK ""'l the Tiger Urtililn-il the winuiiiK leail ill the firat. (lianta waited until the ninth, tl lied Brooklyn and won in the tenth. I.oliert iiif(ii'd, ntole aei'oiid and came home im Mever1 hit. AURORA HOP NOTES. I.elleiH r eened heie from (ieruiau.v Hliite that I'rw hum will he i)iiimi thia ear in llrli'liim ni i;.,,li,.i 'I',,., II VI' lri...l I u.,.l l.'i..,..l M li..;.... . i ' . . ' , , ...,.. imi ii i ii'Tcai;,. m kucii li h loiions: Am- left lor tatliey, North Puliota, Wed i Ina llunuarv, 1 percent- llawiriu "0 iiejday MiiimiiiK. ner .Mir ; lluhlcn, N per ce'ut ; Kant and II. A. Keene and (I. h. I.ewm, nl the ses) l'ni,ia. lo per rent, and Almice HilU, linvn his a hauling wheat to the j Lorraine, I'll per t. flour mill thin week. L K. .1. I.atoiop, .1 M. King and wile. The conti I ravage of vermin ha nnd Mr. Il,oiu.on wenl t,, Newport ,-aw., ,,,,, f,,,,,,,,,., , ,., ,, ""M'lnig, reuniting nioiiiiuv. , etumii,. M. niuliahlo vield till who nil neen l , lull. "lie Curi um jiiiujv , Plniiilier, or purl that Hi I MeilHllll ' ,1.1111 1 r... Hpraying ma I r in I ha lieen the luigest eer linuwii in the utale, and older are "till going in from thin nection. Mr. It. M. Firu-ii, itiug her ilei, Mr. II. I. Ht. Helen, returned h.ini" Sinulav eve log. l(. M. I'u mi a wa ick the latter I pun of at week. He la reported much "T"V'"' i i it- , , , , . T''"'1' I' sar.l ..I N Iv Ml. and Mr. Warner and liltlei, Wiid to he one of the l,c,t vard of win. l,eoiiard, were in town T.iedav 1 1 1, I la.-ki ,-nuutv hop district It nnd look hi a load of aach tor I In,. I , ..,...v...i ... i tlirenliinu Mr. and Mr. It. I.. Hleviu and W It. Wiimlow and f im I v, and II. Iv Not e and I'liiuily inotoied to Sodnv ille Hunday. Mr. and Mm, C. K. Ilciu and dmigli ti'r, Mr, W. 1 1. W right, and hahv. Mm l.i'U lleiu, an. I nice,-, Mi Mae Hiuith, and Mr. l. W. Huutli un lined to Helah Hprtng, Sunday, I'lni. Itaniiiu nii'l t'auulv niotored to Mill I lly, tun, lav, In viait with .Mr. ltnuom' In, flnr, I . 1.. Itaniiui. nnd I'aiiillv. Mr. and' Mi. C. V Hem niel liiiinh nnd cueau, Un. V. IV Wright nud lit tie mil, Allen, i.nd Mia. li. SV. hinit.i niotored to r'li-n Wednesday t laude Ihiiliv nnd l'amiU of Slav tun, vi.lted v illi F. A. (iaih.i and ,!.. riindav H'eii prnvi I nre good lor n luie hct ipialitv. cnip The Fred Vergen yard i aid to he one of ,i,. M,( , t Int whole section. 11 1 Iliiiroiighli apiaved and there l every pio ' rt M1 .j,,,, ity hop with a large vield. Tin vard I winked l.v I hai In- Wong, lni w,. pii l.ei har-v c' ,.nlp. 'I''1"' I' 1 1 runt v of tli, Oieg.iu ,-r.ip outlook make hoth growei and deal et diposcd to refrain lioiu doing hum ue at piesent. Cavnralilii, weather will do urn. li In improve the ipialitv ol1 the liegiin Imp, and tioaigh tli,, mi, wi eerlmiilv he con-odfi uhlv reduced In callv it i prol.ahle 'hat the oualitv will he hettei than i now genetallv uu ........... .-,.., ,, 11,-1' 1 1,1 l ,-. I l 111,,, . L . llllllL' Willi I,.. , I.. II V ...... .1 . "" K : ' iiiHltunv i,i in,. irininwi no me wiin n paieul. their nii.l air. and Mr . C. Anderann, M., improved Ida Brock and Mr. Harold lt.iiiuiu werel iiuir in tn, ( apiial ciiv Wedne.dav .1, !'. ( Ink pialil v. nil v e gi v eu i-oiitrililile greatlv V ice pleldeut of The city council at a riniet e.ion last night pUHHi (I reo)iitiona authorizing un- aiiverriirig ol ine intention to pave the Portland roiid nnd the Fairground. road nud the new "Jitney" ordinance whh rend twice by title only to be fully diw-ucd at the next meeting of the council heplernher 7. It i reoiiired that the city the intention to ,'mpriive the Portlnnd road and the Fairground roud for 10 iinvn to liive the property owner time to remonstrate ugainst the ifuproveinent. The petition for improvement which were presented ut u previous meeting asked that the roud he improved ut u cot uf of not more than 5(1 centa per nqi'.nie yard for the Portland road and ol not more limn liu ,-ent for the Fuir grounds road. It wn stated in the peti lion that the state atghwav eonirni sion had promineil tu give 2.II0() toword 'this improvement luul that the mer- chant of the town had promied iinoth ler I Iiiiiihii ml ilolliii. the eitv had iirom- ised tu do the grading ho that the work could he done fur a cost of nut more than lilt cent per sipiare yard to the property owner. The ipieslion wa rnied Inst night as to who woiilil pay tlio deficit in rase the work could not he done by the eitv for till cent per Hipinre ynnl and it was expinineit i,y Mayor White that the iiW.lMJil spoken of iuih in the nature of a donation and a rebate to the property owner. If the pavement could be put down at ail ultimate cut of not more than llll cent per sipiare yard, all well nnd good, but that if it could not be put down at this price the owner of abutting property must stand the bill. The city rejected all bids offered for tin work and decided to put down bituminous concrete pavement No. 4 un both road, the work to be done by day labor with the city's machinery. It wn atated that many of the prop erty owner of this road were under the impression that tl itv ,ni,.r. I to put down the pavement at a cost of not more thuu 110 cent when the peti' 'ion a i.i i.ted by tl iim-il but it wa evplaincd by ' Cm iltiiiin Macy that the declaration of intention to pave was o worded that tl ity would put the pave t down at the Inweat possible cost anil if the property owner fi'ceived tl xpectetl donations that the cost would probably nut exceed till cent per sipiare yard.' If the iioople along the Fairgrounds roud doubted the I I. . . .i ... K"-"i Minn iii i-M nor ine uignway com mission or the down town merchant they should leuionstrate against the paving a the entile cost must be asses ed to the aim! 1 1 ni; property. A coniiiiunicatioa wn rend from the ''o lereiul club asking permission tu erect a eaiiva nhelter and shelve for a public market i.u the north sole of Ferry street just eut of Liberty street The peritiun wn signed by George C Will, Iv Frkerlein nnd V." Nadstiinek property owner ami George F. Ilodgef. I'. G. Shipley and .lull u 11. Scott, t lie committee fr the Coinmeicial club. The petition wa granted. A rcpoit of the street committee reconnnendiiiK the widening of A street and North Liberty street was adopted. The Npecial committee reported that then' a nothing in the paper held I'.v ouipnay to require tin vering of the ditch on Division street from Flout to High trcet lis reipiete, l.v the council and that the matter wa to be picssed further. A petition for a light on Waller street betw i Fifteenth and Tinner road wu rejected and light were recoiumuuded ut the inter section of Fourteenth nud Trade and Fuuitccnth and Hellenic. l'he ,-itv recorder wa iiutlinri...! t.. to purchase ,u Corey hvdrant and fit tings The P., V.. K. Ky. company asked permission to abandon their fmn the i-lu si- on Sevenliellth ,lr.s.l fr,,,., , I... ... the Some Forest Service ! Statistics For the 1 Fiscal Year 1915 Portland, Ore., Aiijf. 17. Figure. iust 'orupiled by the forest servn-e covering t work in Washington and Oregon tor the fiscal year ending June l!G-", show, among other things, that the ser vice has built 90 miles or road, t-ti mile of trail, and K5 miles of tele phone) line, beside erecting I'i bridges. und .'10 lookout stations. ! I he detailed figures give the Oregon i torests H5 miles of road, -lifi miles of trail, 455 miles of telephone wire, 3. bridges and 27 lookouts; while to the Washington fore.tts iiave been added i 5 miles of nod. 159 miles of trail, 1701 rrrues oi telephone, 7 limlgcs anil ,t lookouts. The bridge represent only .structure costing over 100. Small bridges 'over culverts and th like are ranked as part of the road. For admin istrative purposes the service has also built in Oregon 24 cabins, H barns, 20 miles uf pasture fence, and developed 10 springs; and in Washington it has erected 12 cnbina nnd 1 barn, built I" miles of pasture fence and developed 9 springs, i no rnnger.i have done a large part of the labor necessary in making those improvements. It is the policy of the service to de velop communication as rapidlv ns funds will permit, not only because roads anil 'trails nnd teler.h mcs in ell n better protection for the forest, wealth whicn the government is guarding, but becaue tliuse means of communication also make the national forests more accessible to the general public. To date, iu Washington and Oregui, over 1000 miles each of trail and telephone have been built, and 101 bridge and 55 lookouts have been erected. Of the bridge, seven aro of sus.ision type. WILL NOT BUT BALL CLUB. Pasadena, Cat , Aug. Hi. Warren X. Carter of Pasadena will not buy tho Cincinnati Keds. Carter's option ex pired today and be wired Garry Herr mann that ho would not exercise it. Further than this. Carter would aav nothing today except that he expected to. leave for Cincinnati in a few days, Georgians Are Indignant : Over Frank Lynching (Continued from Page One.) up veiling, (Ileum, II..,. i , . ' i " - e ii i ceiii ii sireet from the in- Mr. and Mr. Sirave, ,., .,,, J, Sl ' " "";''""". ",l , tersecli,,,, ,.f ,1,-f fcrson street to ll, ' 0,' Wn, S,r"r,:, li - U explained will I.W fir C Wins. M . Mr. . la, h p, , , ,7, I a , , ""' !,"',!r,'"J; 1"'t'" '"' Kv. Mel hdlea will ac -., ,1 ,. ,. . , , ,,,, , all hi. i.-. I 1 '' ""' n,r "" M... Ci, Mc, lellan, of Nr,h s for ,e pas, ,!, iel'V. ,1 .. TltlT ' 'V ""'"'.'? ,h""' 1 tlHMI, fftlliH W CIlU :-.lit V tniiniin .i-.t'li.i,, k....i , t iM(rn, mi. MUilrit Mmliti Niiil ' uriir m r. lutMM iiinlit. S hi io'imiim mi l hi i.,., n-i i the vallev. II,. M,v, tl,,.: . ' " " ''-e wa pas .1 shun in. h..ii.., .i....'"' . ,k ""' ,r"c"i' n tins line icliiriie.l l,.,n,.. aav h I. u . ...... VI" .lecn.c,l. l the ..(cuing. loiegou cop at I,. than r.Mi,. .1,,' I A l-'I'Do" presented I.i refund I nicilla .-lull met with M . ... ' l'r""'e owner of pi.ipertv in the vicin Chun' Maim, -Iiiii. .lay afierii.ion Air The ;, a. re hn;, v,n, , ,u..K,.i i,v "f '''''' thinl and Tvventv fourth mi hned a pi. v. i-it time and the re nutate i now f, WM ,..,! fheunkcia streets vv ho ha.i put in "'' " I' ol ice re. iii nu. I ,-!., i 'I'l... th.iiinti i.,i ..i- ...i i . . '.their own sewer. i',.iiiieiln,,n M.i'i.,1 M.llie M.dl.n spiave.l, while other nart I...., I i,!'"'"1 '"''! tefiiiiding the monev ex i'pnive.l twne, i'.ie l ,,.i i,. .i.. i pen. led l.v these people hut the nr,.i.,isi and will reduce the vield, lot Hi,. , aie,1'"" 1,1 ''"" ws stated ' "" rapi.iiv an. t are Plight an. II '"" "1"'" up ine av ir 'an. with eveiv i.ii.i.,,,t f ....... I '"' "'Oind of thousand f dollar to .imuv (l.,ervei. i"'"er property ownei who had put ill a a, I that no Even a King can't dictate what you should Gke or not like If it so happened that Fatimas were originally "Made and blend ed for the King of Whata" would that fact prove that you were going to like Fatimas best? It would not. A man's taste is hi9 own. A cigarette that might delight some old potentate's palate would not necessarily please you. TAaf's why we leave Fatimas up to your taste. But there is something more than good taste that is mighty important to you. No matter how good-tasting a cigarette may be it can only be the SENSIBLE cigarette for you if it is comfortable, too. Its pure tobacco must be cool and comfortable to your throat at all times. And it must leave you feeling fine and fit at the end of a hard-smoking day, J Will it do all that? 7 Then, it is the sensible ciga( rette for YOU. j There are thousands and thou sands of men who believe that Fatima is the most sensible , cigarette there is. Try them yourself. You may discover a these thousands of other men have that Fatimas have just the cool, mellow taste that you've been longing for in a cigarette. You may find that Fatimaa have the kind of mildness which allows you to smoke more of them than you might of other, cigarettes. ' You may find that Fatimaa offer you a little more satisfac tion in every puff than you ever before found in any other ciga. rette. Buy your trial package of Fatimas and test them today. FA TIM A nrf Ike Only CirarflU Awarded the iWand Prize at tht Part' mma-PactJit Inttmatunal Kxpintton, and the state does not Im with proval upon such nn act." Would Mutilate Body. Frank 'a body wa not cut down until aller a number of ss hes had been made under the tree from which he was linnged. One man urged that the body be mutilated. Judge Morris, who was on the scene. onoed such mi n,.t and urged that order he observed at all cost. The crowd then void ..;, imitilut ion of the It u-u i.iu,.l ere.l from the tree and nlace.l in bahet on n wagon to he talien to Mini etta, where the inquest wa to be held liner. A the wagon started off mntleriii,.. were again heard, threatening mutila tion of Frank's Iwdy. Fenring the threat tnigh' he carried nut, Judge Morris came nlryiu'.iide the wagon in his automobile, lifted the corpse iu hi machine nnd sued toward Allnnm Two hundred automobile set tint iiil,u,n l'l:"'cd on the wagon from tile Iv i""soi ne jiiiige. At Smvma I na aiterwani taken 7,,!f r . .'. , ''r' "" V '" ""wpniM-r- L V' ""ijlortaker met the automobile of oner npene.1 an inriuist , t Mnri ttn i 'Hs not told he 'nad ed ""t'1 ! 1 1 '","''!'" J1"',", .M,,rri"' ll'-r"'K" N returning here with tho1 Mam'Ua- just ns aho was boanling the train. he I,. ' ' , ,'"l"'r I""" t 1 . " 01 ,l" machines. ,, , V' a'"' he'"' , ", W!,H lil,mv thi afternoon ' .' : i'iiiii i-iaiiKs was in town Despite the plendifiga of Judge Mor-1 "''lilt place was kept secret ns, several men stamped Frank 's fneel The Cold, ,.iv. , -' with their heel , ,'), lai-l on Ll, v . . I ! ,. T A: . ;"m,.",V""n ! ground or under tho death tree he. ; ,r ,1 . w 1 " ,l'.'"nul Although Mr. LVmiW W.T " if MUFATIMASiTp J i hi ni; m riant llllil om nnvnn tA i .... i round tin the men reno,,.i ,u t ' ' . l'r"mu rm during tne mgiit, me Mm. rranlc Leaves Pritjon. it's ns afternoon to investigate j Mrs. Frank swooned when first told MliledL-eville r: a.. i- . !'"Ht ner niisbund had been carried away paiiicl bv a hvH Via. unrl T . iy a,.mnh' bl,t PP"','.V had steelct he widow of 1 eo 1- 1. 1 1 i i , herself for the. news which was ex- 1 V . k f?.r Kfl )ne nt W'M ,0 fow. She was hurried on live. Alt hough Mr' Vr T !" Petan nnd nurse l"..-lian.l had been kidnn , , V" Z ' ' P ."ur P better than imped from the had been expected. I iyWfOT)itoltflWiliiiiriiilrTiiii- . i 5 . I i'i'wiiwiiwifliitaaj With Mr chill will II;. 'i II. (t tune Mr. and M,. c. f R.,, , I 'lil.llen. l :.ri.:t mi, I ., ...Il .i m ""d Mi.. II. v t,,,,. a', n,',,,! ni.VjFiiinii re'i.-nisl In. ii,,' t, wn I),,. ,. Vhl.l . , rn.Uv mniiiiiij. Tl,,.!- .,M,,,.. ,,l i "lie, M r I .w.. i- . .. . " i-nn-oi'l, Ol All. Illg-lll. "r ev.-omg ,,, i,,, I,,,,,., -., . nnrie. i,.i.,.-.i. f , i,,( ...i ' !!.. of Mill l ilv .i.l I... "il. uf K-.tdl,,. I 'ill. , If I I'm., - I 1 ... ... I . I ' ' " "i i. a r un,-. ,i. i. line Malic) I hi t, wu u.v..,. n. li lather, Ir ,1. W bun. lie I. on iii, v t i " vi e Ponce de Leon Failed; His Prize Is Found Z their nni.uiiit of the fua.l, de on n sewei all, I mat Oil .r..visi,.a I wn made in the budget fur tin extra epeiie. the pint of the billiard and imoI rdiiintiec prehilniing side and back door wa lepciiled. An or.limuuv wa j 'l requiting all bank in whi.h the iliiriiK, ,.,,,1.,,.,. i ''Itv funds were deposited to out m, '"'r'h.'d ng the swamp, ,,f Florida - ' ''""'I l,r lieu thereof to de- Haleu, h...-ia .t . , ,, , "" "'"""" cf ontll, wl.i.h Ihe,!'"" "'''" Iteivsnrer siiital.l ea of l,l.,, ,,., ...... '"'.u. i,i w,.ul ,, , -l t the Will:,-.,.,,,. ,; . " I""'"' " '" "' did not ti.,,1 ,t..l""' For a her lit,. ... l i . 'I ' hionic intctiual. h.,l l.ul al thl wrung ,h , ,' ' "."'' -l"'"-''.l -iifrerer. h(,. written t,. A HEALTHY, HATPY WIFE n.i. i ir -a nio. i, tn tl .t ,1, cover W e m, erelv hoi.,, ai.-( leitau i il,e hm,, l(; mr no,. I n, in. I'mde of " iei, I la .peel p,.s.B,,i im and t,i bid her go,. I,,-,. Miu !! will stnrt Fn I.i v f ., i .i,. wnere - bonds to the tv "'iii'-ier nave written te ounwiiu, hai i i it u ff '" II Mnvr, IM W tntuig si , ( hi,-.,. i the greate.t inspiration a man rail "quest of health. The. have found ,i have and the life of the f.,..,lv . ... A farewell nariv w.,a j , . vt... iv. " remedy, viii.e,l of helu... how ihhhv I,,,,,.... ,,. .1,.. .'.... i.i f her ...vr ' u i roui isn.-e, ha, in lee. I given blighted bv the ill health of wit,. ,ul her gii- ' ", n.-aiin m vouth. un'tlier' I , ' r rrniii indigestion, g-e. It max be ba.k,l.,, headache,, the - .. ..... ",,.,,. , i d .... . , i i.iri,,,.,. ..r . i... .. i... ' - "!..-. ."i.i,i .i.-i-.i,. riiirui, or Mine ail .oii.tip,i, d ,,r ,viu of ,,., peculiar o h,T set which make win am -n.i t), ...i .iivr. tei,., .1,01,.. k... .i. I.i.. . i... ..i..- v. . . . m vear. attcling ,. h,l she ,, relief heret M.rv '. W onderful 1H'" -h.'ul.l relv ut'on ' v'dia F I ....e. b ..:(,:,,! Ke.-ui-l ;-";-; u ""' I leading lltugg FinkhsnC. Vege.abl.' ron'ip-unj mat 1 DEBT1T0TION ,V Aln .JZn A ' " ' J women mi.i ein , i. . i , lpert.iH rep.irti',1 to the navv ,1.,,,.,, i San Fr..,-..... . .. . . A- ".- or the first Ilienl .o.l.v. Ilnt. lre.1, h.m !. wh l'.iinhf, ,e dr.nkin, , , ' '"k "" k TM t"' ,l-r "!.' out fn. for two ,l,v. The L,e de ' . li.c ,:.., . , iJVir. r,l TH V"'1 J' ' rln,e.,t mar a.V th. Tt - I ,'..,.. of the .l,b , fu, ,,, , ? W' .. office t.vlav. He ia Hie iopl. Wf the ..-rf.tWa ,.,Mi, , l0l, t,,,,,.,,,,,, l)U -,., , ' " urd. The financier Test the Buying Power Your Money of Young Men's Suits WHY NOT GET THE BOY HIS scheol suit now, and save the Price of school books.-0ur 13.00 all wool suits now $11.83 Wash Suits CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS this bargain-O Boys' .Wash Suits $1.30 to $3.00 regular value, while they last 50c 1H)R0S KNIT TWO-TIECE Underwear, regular 30c, now 33c a garment. Trunks WE'RE GOING TO SELL every Trunk you can buy io"1 here for less than cost 18 Trunks left 1 was $6.23, new ....'...$4.70 2 were $10.00, now $7.45 The rest at like reductions. A DOLLAR MAY LOOK BIG to a man but one of our S1.50 Union Suits will at 95c LOOK AT THOSE ARROW and Emry Shirts that were $1.30 and" $2.00, now 95c Youths Suiu Light Shades $6.95 Salem Woolen Mills Store Boys' Suits All Wool $3.50 " l v.v.aita a wai "XreUrg (ig(,ii "0rl