Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 17, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Editor and Manager.'
Aiikm-I in, I :t 1.1.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Hcc. mid Treiia.
i, ..:... ...r ! MM 1'iT month 4-k
Daily by u'liii, per year
.1.00 l'r mouth.
The Capital Journal currier boyn are instructed W put th" r,"I"r' ""
porch. If the carrier doc nut do linn, rnic.Hi you, or nculcctH (!'' Untf ""'
iifiiier to you on time, kindly phone tin- circulation tniinii'fcr, lis thi in the only
way rim determine vshclhor or nut tlio carriers arc tollowwiK in.l ruction,
rhono Main Nl.
By Nclft DarlinK.
No. 2.
Vull I 11 II
,1,1 i :i II
;a!l, .-. I
i,l tln
Ad cilism;: i- 'I" ' - t or . Tin' nulit kind will in
lii',', 'ii,i' ill loii'li Willi lni' new tiling., in HUT' Iniiolii"
,.,l,i, ,,1... nubile with tour lulu Inullollful !l'ltrrtielll"llt
It - tlo'in ill Ioiii Ii Willi your tfuuds ii ii-l Hi" (t .
Ill' lumen! in your ii, i rt innii. Iio not in i -n- t nor
,.l....l l.im. I, nl h ii VI- till' Ullinl- ill stork ll.ul Mill llllt"
iiluiit - liylit iii to I in tuurl;.
1 1 iTi- ik III" miiv to I'l'iii lmw 'o wi't" I'lillinit :i'lM'ili""i""iilH;
( h. ,.,..' stone mi" Milii l" vim wish t i push, "it down nlii'ri' win will not
hit ili-tnrlii'il uii'l null unit' vou in" IiiIIhiik to n pms Ii-" l,nwr. to
ii uii"l rii.tu i. Tn 1 1, nliool II iliil" ninl iU nu'iil-, tlnn 'Ut
vonr Mi'.U into wiiltni;. Ii" ov it what '"it Iniw' wnltm. lulling mil
tin. niiii' nil winds until win Iniw ii'iliui'il Hi" nihil" to it ni;lit
li'ltM'Miiu; lmw' it n mt.liv nrieli,,". .nil t j I I III" nin i . l mil nii
mi'litii ill tlx I'onw'M.'itl'iliiil st. I" will liol'l tl" nllrtiliuit. li
l, ni " will Ii" Hi" rlnuhri. il Vou Inn nlly mid numcl in n
win lmw' mi adwr'is nl ninl mil n 'ii'" till"!.
Il i m wi'll lo U'W' your store, vnut bumc-H or yninsrll sonic dis
iurtii n:i tltul will In" "in" ii out nl' u I unli iiuirl., Eur x u tn I :
"Tli" l nicltil IiiiiwkI"; "Tli" Siiniliny Ihl.ciy"; "Til" St'l"
I'lolliili': Sin-""; " I'll" I'liiiflnliiiiU Slui" I'ltter-." Wlii'ii win lmw'
hi' )' I iil ii iiiiiu". iim' it iii wuir it. It "i t i .!'-ii 1 1 nii'l liw' u, In it.
Couple will lii'iiiii In twil'li tor wuir inhi'ili i'iiu'iilH wlii'ii they find
tin i,' is no iii " inlniuuitinii lit tlii'iu. Vim iii'.'il" ( 1 1 ii Ii ) ii il' ,."i;'l"
nit. iii tin, I won muds uit nt tun lmw ( r i I ( n I ,lcs,iil,e,l llu in,
I It'll, h miiv iilli i. Ii" nnl" Inil your mlw'i 1 1 h nit will ni-wr l,t mi
polite eilloiut wuir l.iiuu in", it.
Sii".e,e.t nut I" n 1'ili'ul lii'lur in pri.-niuil s;il"siiuin--hip, ninl il it
likewise n Kit'iit lii(f I'ln lor in I" I "iIisihk, II' il is Inil w : 1 1 1 1 i-. lull,
of mo! tliitiillltf. Tint in tli" t"ltt in f,n Jill it" ilifit. NuW is III"
Inn" lu pu.li III" Itiil" nl' "mil ilnn's "In tli. siiii u wiling iii.'iu'h
finny lurns lightly lu lut"" ulo lo x i i i wi.niiii; ii''ini'l. T"ll
II I M 1 1 1 1 llll'-l' lIlllll'S. II'IA IS till' ,'l,ll IliliU 1 1 II , J Willi! i( III" i' I' , lltsl
ill. nin u,' nit, I wluit nt'tv Ifitlnn'M mis il f Am tun ri'iilul in scrviny
yniil run I ilnulis tin' wuir jj In -.! iiIwiivh hiIisIiii 1 1 , 1 is nil itliutil
yiuir r,iuiiliiiu finiit;ii t ,' A i won sruis i tt tl i ln-s nn,l wur I'luvuis
til' Ih" I.""! I
of good work, history generally has held to the old- i Wizdrd of Brooks
fashioned Plutarchian process of personal idealization, j rrnwQ A MPiV Ppa
When Cromwell ordered the painter to reproduce on u,uvva " "c" ca
canvas the wart nature gave his face, he left us a portraitj' 1 fiat IS A rlOVelty
that told, beyond the telling in words, that it was a true, MWure of 0aKl 4 Pr0(Ulces Kind
HKOneSS 01 tlie man WnO SCOmeU 10 lie. , That Can Be Eaten Pod and All
The war correspondents are reproducing the wart, scientific Methods used.
They are giving meaning and color and force to great
facts that are not even hinted at in the official reports.
The history of this war, when it comes finally to be
written, will he made up not so much from the official re
ports of the nations involved as from the files of the
daily newspapers of the United States.
it nniy not bit nmrh of a trirk tn .
rrnik" two Itlinli's of insA grow vt InT"
only on" lnni tlit'rt'tofoi" "iijnyt'il '.'.t-1
rlii.siw iiivil,'"s. Imt wlu'ii a f ti it ii ran,
ink" it rotiil" uf MiufTcnt varii'tins tif 1
Ciii'k'ii jii'oa i: ml liy hybridization r !
u'a that may It" t'lttrn pud and !
According to some newspapers settling the Mexican
ouestion is as easy as rolling off a log, and Wilson is evi
dently unfortunate in not having an editor for secretary
all It" is making l.utlit'r Hurbank sit
up and tttk" notirt?.
Tli" wianl of DrooUs, Rr-v. ftjor''"
SrhooniT. has grown the new pt'a, and
in aiiothiT your or two will have flu- j
variety fixed and will put it in the i
i i .. .. .1... t.-n, I
,.f r.ft TT.. ! iU ,.- 1 ci i l .1. i ti ......; Vt i .... . .. ilrtnlier .(II-
ui muit;. iiciu is llic waj tile meuiOIUOUn WOUld Uispost' !'' "; '" rutin ii."..m.s uisui,,.
! Willamette's Schedule
1 Tentatively Arranged
j The tentative gt-biMiile of the Wil
laini'ttc uiiivt-rsitv frothall team has
been n ria lined by Baroiss Koid. Coach
Matlit'vvs is t'.xpeeted to be here fep-Iteinbei-
I to look over the situation.
.Must of the ynuni( men who will play
tin the football tenia will be here uboui
the Hili of next muntli. Tiie dates arc
::s follows.
September i't AliimrM jiame, at Sa
lem. (Irtnber 21). A. (.'. at (.'orvullis, or
rht'innwa, at Salem
Ortobei' II Albany college, at Al
bany. Ortober Hi I'niveisity of I'uyei.
Sound, at Taronia,
Ortober T.i I'aeifie eollvKe, at New-bero.
I'niveisity of Oregon, at
ol the problem in a jiffy: "No one wants war. There is
no need of war. But if the primary class idea of regener
ation overnight, were only abandoned and Mexico told
flatly to be good or all exportation of arms would stop,
and business intercourse between the countries would ab
solutely cease, peace would in all probability be restored
Nicola Tesla, called "the world's greatest wireless ex
pert," has been interviewed and has given his views of the
possibilities of the wireless, which he considers almost
boundless. The fellows who loaded ud on wireh ss stock
should take heart and be of good cheer this kind of talk
may start another boom anil give them the opportunity
to purchase a new supply of lithographed certificates.
If the Germans change the names of a lot of Russian
towns out of revenge for the Petrograd incident, few per
sons on this side of the ocean will object. Those Russian
names are regarded by the war fans and newspaper com
positors as the most realistic of all the horrors depicted by :
the dispatches.
A New York heiress hired the model policeman of New
oi'k City to marry her. Now she claims '
covered that a model policeman does not necessarily make' A
a model husband and is suing him for divorce. !
Die plan to pacifv Mexico without
- v - " "O a,'V.V i.l uuuui
as impel ul as an efiort to civilize a cannibal bv mcrclv
e i.i i '. . '
rrltii I'ftmwt .if illti ttt 1 1 ti i l-i n I mil Inn t rvC mm il i r mimf
agencies of Illinois, is significant because that ollicial! 'liK him a copy of I'lmerson's essays, says the P,
looks tor a serious shortage m the lalior market within aj
few weeks, lie sees tilings as they are seen by employers
iilid employment agencies the country over and predicted
i i i i i i iii. i . i
some nionuis since iv uiose wno couiti let politics alone
new and exclusive tirodurt fur Orci'iu
n ml one that is peculiarly well adapted
to t lit- climate.
Tlie Srhoener pea is eaten just like
a siring bean. You put the pods con
tainintf the peas in the stew krtllo
lulil your seasoning ami have a dish
that is simply delicious, it is claimed.
I'ortbindi'rs have sampled the peas
tins st'itsiiu and find tliem, en I en puds
and all, to be of better flavor than
a dish of hulled pens served in the or
dinary way.
Cheaper for Housewife.
And besides they are more filling
and cniisetpiently cheaper the pea is
beruuse the housewife will nut be eunit
pelleil to buy such a bi'; tpiantity nf
puds tu sec u re a mess of pens. The
exact size of oac nf the new Schoener
pea puds is about five inches in leiinth
and an inch and a tpinrter wide three
bites uf satisfying succulence.
When Eather Srhoener was at the
Chamber of Commerce Wednesdav savs
the I'ortlantl Daily .Inurnul, he carried
a new species of fruit fur which he
entertains great hopes. It is the re
sult uf a cross between the wild plum
anil wibl apricot uf (Iregnu, is ahuut
the size uf a 'Untie apple," ami has
a must itppi'ti.iii"; u,1,ii. its flavor is
sharply tart, as is uhuhI uit, ., ,..
fruit of that chnracter, but llcv. Nrliuc-
ner believes it run In
nne of the sellers that the eastern mar
kets will take.
"Rose Applo" Created.
Ilnthel' suillp!" of results olilnitiel
him wns his "ruse annl". " n sninll
nit produced bv crussiiiL' the Suit,.,,. !
bt'lg apple with lit" wild ruse nf Ore J
gun. The fruit is useful in making !
nun iiiiiiiiors nun jeines ami lite tree
which he has seen red is pronounced
one of the most onutnient:,! tf,i,. f...
OISC lawns. '
.Niivt'inhcr ii Uieninwa, at Salem.
November III 1'acifie university, at
forest (trove.
November -II I'niversity of South
em California, at Salem.
November i"t Thanksgiving day,
date still open.
Although Deputy (lame Warden -f. K.
Mount, in cniijnnclioii with the liotl
Jt (Inn club of this city, has been work
ing lung and hard In secure a reason
able supply til' young trout to be plant
ed in the fishing streams ill this vicin
ity, we are compelled to be eontent
with a one-hull' ear shipment, The
secretary of the el,ub received a letter
from the superiuliident of hatcheries
which conveys the following pleHsing
( .') infnnnatinn:
"We, are iirraitgini: td s1iii a earlnad
of trout fry, one-half of same to be
unloaded at Mt. Angel unit the balance
consigned to your club lit Silverton. "
The shipment will probably arrive
next Sunday, ninl the work u'f distrib
uting them will be sliiiteil at mire. It
will (--tii ri some splendid engineering
In properly place these fish. We had
iiii;m'i and planned upon getting three
carina, l. as that would lie about the
right number to unvoting like suiudv
Icvebiped ininjour re t hit ii lull miles tif fishing
sttcaiu, iiu.i wlteii it cutties to covering
Hie whole business wilh a little, dinkey
half car-well, we will do the best we
ran.- Silveiinn Appeal.
Dr. W. A. COX
303 State Street
How Do My
Teeth look?
Let Me Examine Your
Mouth and Tell You
What Should Be Done
and How Much It Will
All Work Guaranteed
Lady Attendant
Phone 926
The I'aine of Vntlier Srhoener has
been unining for years. Il began witn
Ins I,..,,,, 1 - , - ..
.'re are no (lies to swat tliw summer is. "''. i Hr..ks, a ,,1,,',.,. si:,ii
t'llnrls were neeessnrilv linm.
and it si, reu, 1 in, In tl,,, j
?ini(ttt :igrittulture nt W:islii'i.t.ni
h is nt only been glnd to ett ti .'r ,e
with him, but Cnlifurnia ),k b, ep
raugltl in the ai t nf In-im. t. .,
Ina away from Him stale . '.,11
these years Father Hrhuriier ,..,s
"U I'll' expense ol this worn
"uH'iii.l. lni., Aug. Hi. With the
'"'"' in ten or live ve vnin n
Sun (Jueutin will make n nian'of me,"
William II. tieiili:ii, ,r., ronvieted of '
Ihe murder of John Springe,- mMlr Su-!.
mil. loday rereived hit sentence of life ; 1"l,'''
nnpi iMiuuieni in the slate
iui-siiiuit',-i hi iit-.ii mi villi in ill ins, iiui, Llie imillliei HUH 1 ----u irniw,, this wnrK, and
, go has somelhiiiK to do with a shortage of unskilled, ., : 1 t'"" ,u,t ''"k't '"' fr'"" ""-v r-
or. Then there is the revival of business in pretty . ' ossll'y tose Mexicans who are crossing the border , N " -' ist..ri ri t
ch every line to call for more help. Some of this re- lw. that t,K tllue has come for intervention in "rbM!.,u-ris!1n'!i,wi?';ui)V';;;!r ,l,,r
al is due to the demands of foreign nations for supplies (,00,,Kla- i bbi.e wi,,.',,' i ' ii " ui,"l"! ",7, 'n nh"!'
located fur
The fact that the
(l perhaps the best evidence that the campaign waged in !!:;,'.,,"
long enough to consider important af lairs.
The war in Europe has taken out of this country nieiii . . -
who felt the call back to the field of battle. Not as many' . V11' luiIlllI1K season's casualty lists are already be
have gone back to fight as were expected at the outbreak .""""K to come in. One killed and another wounded were
of hostilities to hear the call to arms, but the number that u l),M U (l i niay,
did go has something to do with a shortage of unskillet
.. f" .... IT.. 1 1 .. . i I .11 i I 1 II i
oi one Kind ami anoiner wnicn must oe nail Here oecause
they can not be produced there at this time, but there is
growing demand and greater confidence here at home.
Tlie harvests promise much and that means business for
the railroads and many other interests that have been
rcpaviiig to take care of what has been coming in in
creased volume and is yet to come in much larger volume.
It is a condition that confronts the industrial interests
today, one that the politicians back of special privilege
couldn't believe possible in other than a regime of high
protection. I he problem ol the uneinployeilisniitas.it,.
likely to bother the industrial centers ol the Kast so much
as the problem of getting the workers, who must profit
i com the situation.
I'lilllolll 1 I,,
Wielihani believes that he will
penitentiary,.1' paroled after mirvin part of his
-Tudgo Tra-1 sentence.
'inlying un the cxperi
Anyway Warsaw is nwivimv ,i..i r , , r .''::k.'r, 1,::v"'"i' .vti.i..
. - , "" " h''iv. inai ui irt'c ati- '" ""'"iig tiirse
ertismg nowadays.
away from any ,l,,gr f rivkl,'s, 8l,00t.
nig anil eiirelessin'ss. Tlu .,st lwo ,,.
sous lit litis .,,, mv u,n larn
ni iragc.lie, ,U, , ,l0;l fc itce.
lues. V ,.,,.
meat is afoot to bring him to IVnhtn.l
'iomuc ways ninl means for keen. I
m nun ousy. I'liliftirnin al
hsii wants i
Il w
walet nh
l.abil r litis
weiahe, :il,ni
I"' ,tiHc u
I'll, -r , ,.,
Hi"-" put n, i,n.
"" tliat the
tits m, fur north
rirk i n ii 1,
i ariuuslv
' I':n Ti
rinti,, i,, il,,., ,,,,,, ,ilh
m,l ihul the , inup,
mi,,,, ,i,..i
left b i he el., t,,,t, He
cv our
lev were
Not the least among the heroes of the great war are
the press correspondents, who strive against tremendous
odds and in terrible hardships, to give the world the truth.
Kept from the front and denied information, they
nevertheless have been getting at the facts with amazing
History grows more dillicult as the world goes on
I he art of printing, that is regarded as an aid. is its ehief
... '.in vi , mi HiMui v is limine- lo reeol-i n,.tin hir ... ..f 1 "". '"" of the invest
Jhe daily papers .otngraph through their instantan- r,
cons piocess these beliefs as facts; and while this nrocess MV. ""f
ZZ ttT-TIT K,a,v :Ml M nt'sitWi; s,,,',:,":;::;;:,.,,;,;;; ;;;,
contuses the nund of the impartial investigator It is . , ''I""11 '"""i" 'n.i .u i.
(ectr.0 light, that deepens the shadows ,ile it disloHs
N'otliing has as vet
probably ing 'tu,
rather Srh,,e
I He is afraid
IVit.lb'io,, 'I',, I,,,,,,.. A conilagrntioa
I'"' to burUiinu- ,uo Ri .,. Kirliimt.
it ' anion eniiseil ilainnge
ii'uatetl between $t(Hi ninl
''"It lioilr this llioriliin.', ,-,,.
' ' acre of wheat on the
i'bo r lied spieiK leg to the
utiosilv to our tourists, where i.-tt.,,,
.I'i'i it"i lit tea ut
U"l vert ininieroiiH in giant were bni ie,,
it is otilv on rare urea-
"""""g K.'vcw Not lest than L'O
' "" - li nked in the vicinl-
'. ' i .llll.u l o'tn .,, ,, .1, . . ,
nia.ln'.fs !,1,; , , ,, " ij," ' .. '' ":'.!';,r'
i i on. Si,., !- i. """"-,, congn.gai,,,,,
,,,, il. ,.,.Vi . . ."","' '! Mllllllblc
, ..... y ... , ,. ,,. ,(, j
' :tig tnrougii the he l,: r,.,i ...
ii( H'ii' u
Newport Heiew.: fiiptain Ciirnicr,
t I lie Ollie Js., bin, e, m,i,, f or
'",l" ''"I nlv known as n heud fish,
!i-t S.'ilut.lin tthile out ileen sea fish-
l.i tug asleep on the tup of $lu,iinii j
i - itpluri'il, w Ii i. It in ii siintniy ,,
piiilirtilar ste, ies. Jt Kirkpui 1 1, I,
potin.i.s, ninl priivci t,i riinrii nf t;
di abil the I'actl'if
w li
I'lto S. better, who
font Sunset llav, einont
had a hie ti,,'... I'l'bke rr,
'"inil 'i"l.llij tin bu fish lltut
'l.,llb',l ,- I,,. TI,..,,. ,U1,
il big tun "f the sinul! M. , sM.,
Hill bts eteniti, i,, 1, f;,) ,1M,
"rr t" f. ft lung, foil,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,
" i"i in ineir eagentest lo ,
" U"l s,, ,l.. i ,h:,i il,
to ;
t.v nf toiui-is
i-oiinlrv tins .
'limp null
1 It decided
hfsitatu-v of
"i- to nceept either offer !
that the i ,1,. h .... :
cur,' us services may b. ,. dtssnt'is
i"d belore he ,s able , produce re- '
milts. II rcpnrcs years tu eollect Ih..
I'1"'"' """I wl,i,-- ,.fp(.r-f,, ,..!
'-nrrtfl frrward to results. It re" I
Minres adjustment and readjustment!
." ";'.'"" !"" '. 'ttlil ihev are!
"H'l'luirwtH, the painuking nper'ati, ,
'"' know of ,he tretumd,,,,, .x, . ,' :
"'" "IV I'icpared to meet these m '
u""'. "' s'1 -r will t ';
'"'-ces with y lllili-nitv. :
1 ut , ,,y ,,w,, v.lllu,r n.iu;miit
' " 1'IUtlKM. II K .wto.n lk
"inpany with ttm nv i.: .
tilt' i'OllLTt'i'rilu.ii .'.e m 1
",VUi I
I llveasoline
Mi-.lf.n .) Sun
mated in tins i i
in I
iu! the iit.l,.. i "'".'"''" to p-t
" " money lie n,is spent
i "', " in it- it
of :
brooded and into wl,l,.,
"I a lifetnuo.
weie set,. ml Wt,g,, 1,,,, f
thrre ilttv tnorniiig.
said that there ,I1V". The
big fish
bt;ntil,r, r
toiifcelioiioiy if
tanberrv miV,. t,
"'I Hi" sale f ,
''il , onsnlerabli .
i'tie new drink nrig-!-i-l
month is gaining
i t'onsists niainlv of
tiscitient the
that I'oi-lliitnl
""1 a I'll ill lliher.
sutgcstiett ,rti,
Hi'sariiins I-,,,
' ""i"' spennn-im bv
I . I 1 1 L lllll lit , li.t I ... 1 . . ,
rl....i i . t ; ' . wine
'""hi ruiinn nt uruoks.
-'Me that shoe lo- -
"il put mi the mar-
juleo has tlecreas-
"'"'M"ir"iir;iri ' r -i r!.'.?'.1' i,'')'-;j'g!.1.i".'i ""I'iiiiiiiw-,. ii
1,1, . "-""IMtltlll I i.-.UgT I ."Jg,''-
Mrs l'i.,
I !
(1 apital .lotiif,.
Smith liottou,,
this sertion v i,.,i,
al S.-ni
all that it shines upon,
U In o newspaper correspondents, and even authors of
..i mm, ihiii' nunc u understand that the real is the I
""""tn six 111,1, pipes. He will i,,i
flit.' .-, a, u. f lff,, ;, , h1.
J" go into the lain Lusn,,.,, evtettsive
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established lSKS
' $500,000.00
Transact a general hanking business
Safety lku,it Hoxes
Mrdtord M,. -r,,,u,.
. '..t.i i . . . ....
"" r'i" "t I licit, is who s,(, ,
tlii'i! the S;, I't ,-., . Uit
f""l of niter. . s tu the . .1... i
,.l . i . . ... ,
" 1 I'll ' later I jtke
te iil'er I'obl,
ftn.l sh
,.,tl, -' I'"".'
... , ... ,, .,,1, ..,.,., .
" "ou-iwitie
cm iv lu J,,,.,.
l t-inttuis s hill tiori.l
",i wtiti-r In t ,,.
"I'll SIC .llllllll Sltri'l
'nei o( ii,, i,.,
i iter of , , ni,i,
the "llitslniLiirn
nnl Wall,,,.,. n,
x ers.', an, t-renter of
T""" neries.
' " died lit her litune
' afternenn, August
1 rs. 2 nioiitlis nu,
ill Oertumiv, Mnx
it'iien in ls,is, B1,;
' 111. Moved from
; ' 1S1MI. In Sii
" ' Inn! to this uninn
1 Iren, of whom two
I U illiam. Tltote re
it .lor, Inn, John .tor
lleniiy ,lor,ln Mid
lltibbartl. .vniitt
and Ida liiinek.
' nrnish, of Vnlpu
'ertlua, of I nytun.
- id urandchtlilren,
Iren ami one is
of alpttrts ,, Ind,
ll..t-biit n b'evle.t
(n iiler, to (!,,, ,,tl
The eto.lui pf
for the oi't'tiit,.. r
I'-cr sr ivl, he VI Stttt.Uv h .,.un
more exm'tteii, .-,1 k ,,,t... i. . ...
. -it " in
V'b". Sl.'
-r- '"tl. ('am
"''ilcd nenr t
lii'ltnaa lo (t
li" man led .1
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I tnlt .s, .(1 ir
U"t iliH'td. :
Mr. .'-.(tu Ku, I,
She bevame t, .-tl. J
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..Htfcful ttnii.l,.-
T,,.., ''I'Tof the llabb.M
ted b ,,
hid I Tin
"I oals yield,.,!
I S,e
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, , i 'i ' '. " ' ' ""lo Id Ihre
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a lit. I- ... ... .,, , . ,
desse lluber. ' ''''r '"' ll,r
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i'"" n..-.r I...,,;,,. 1,1
. Home m Mr. nnd
inn tut, tn,, ,.,.,, (l,
I'""'- last alnrtla
ami hstsies.
She .lie.l
' Ktsiik I.e.
lelmhtful I,,,,,,
evettin., Tt... i.
hate in. I i.l
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., ,f new ,uiu w
' Mil Iv totlildfle.l ,,. k "
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'.,lh .ml h., bee. the h, , , " v ' '"" '
11 her d..i . ha. b ., . .,'' '"' I''! '"'I' ..
ik .' i..., i ""' ids.
.,1 c.me sl,e..-,.,,.l ... " " 1 ''
oi ei rnihirvn. re rai idlv
re .11 of her snf .
I ;,, " th. I,.,,.-
..''" ntalnre tJe.
A I .....
'."'s' oiii i' Tenint r. i
- . Sum
A...r...n "". . -
luirms milswns.Ffwrish-m-sswjLoss
or Sleep.
'". Siniantcf
The Cr.NtArn Comtax
VlW Vsn,.
"i" HIKrV.
For Infanta and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
( In
For Over
Thirty Years
I'd' in.; Ot,'tr (,,, ,;, ,,,
''' '-""WU'I.-'U Its. ,t.,v., ,iH ,ur.
" ." far into th0 w, ,,
tu p,
lr I t' e ,, . ,, .
" but i,.,a t,t ,y
' ii e miss our ninth
1 -golten. Iliibbtinl
A enc 9 word w,it Ull yonr
i ory m th Journal N,w ToJy ,
EltArl r.... - i ...
""17 o Wirm
.:jvt-tfir.ifr' w ..
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1 mJ U UBtlEifl