NEWJODAY 0n cent per word each inser- tlon. Copy for 'advertisement! a der this heading ihould ba in by 2 p. m. TH!jILY CApITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, attp.itst- 16. 1915 PHONB MAID II. 1 tMtM HARRY City window cleaner. Phone 1850-J. Aug22 FOR SALE Milk cow. Phono even ings, 1158YV. 1650 Mill. Aug 16 TWO fine oak and glass show cases for sale. See Poole's drug store, tf FOR SALE 20 geese, and 18 pigs at I your own price. Et. 8 Box 103. tf j FOR SALE Clover, cheat and wheat nay. rnone .Z4-J;'-4. Augl" DUV your wood before the rains be gin. For prices phone 2219. tf I run n ciVi'T-Mne new residence at1 noo aouu street. Telephone 371. tf i FOR RENT Modern five-room house, East State and Twenty-third street. I (r. W. Johnson. AuglB! WANTED TO EXCHANGE City lotsl for cordwood. J. H. Lauterman, 33!)! Chemcketa. Phone BOO or 678. tf! WANTED To rent a small house dur ing the school year. Phone 24-F-l.'). - Aug 16 WANTED Heavy wagon springs. What have you for cash! Rt. 8, Box 103. tf LOST A watch fob ou Saturday after. noon. Return to Journal office: re ward, tf FOR RENT Modern house, new, located on Stato street. 2054-J. almost Phon Augl7 LOST 1 yearling heifer, striped tender please notify Ciias. Schmidt rnone B4-J?'-a. AuglS WAN AND WIFE wants work on farm by the year; good references, E. A. care Journal. Aug27 FREESTONE Crawford peaches for canning. Bnll's farm, Slough road. Phono 84 F-2. ' AnglS FOR RENT, Housekeeping rooms, fur nished w unfurnished. 355 Bellevue. rnone 03U-H. Augl7 OREGON Today and Tuesday . Special Vitagruph Program In the Days of Famine In Three Acts with James Morrison, Dorothy Kelly, and All Star Vitagraph Cast. Sonny Jim at the Mardl Bras Vitagraph. Comedy The Heart of Paro WILD ANIMAL DRAMA 10c STARTING WEDNESDAY TOE FOUB daVs Return Engagement of Stanley Jarvis Basso Cante MOUNT ANGEL NEWS Loganberry Juice Goes . To Eastern Markets The Oregon Fruit Juice Co. vester- oay snipped its second car of logan berry juice. The first car, snipped sev eral weeks ago, went to New York city for distribution in the eastern states, while the ear shipped yesterday was billed to Chicago, to be distributed in tko middle west. The weight of the shipment yesterday was 61,000 pounds, put up in bottles from two ounces to one gallon. The total number of bot tles in the car was 57.204. The plant is now busy filling orders in less than car lots to points on the coast. From all reports, the new beverage is meet ing with tiie approval or the public in general, and this is especially true from the cities on this coast, -here loganberry juice is sold by all drug stores. Those who are pushing the dif ferent brands of loganberry Juice feel that it is but a question of educating the public to this delicious drink, and when this is once accomplished its' fu ture is assured. At the banquet to be iriven t the stato buyers now in Fortlnnd by the Commercial club this evening, 500 bot tles of the juice will be served. These bottles will be of the four-ounce size. Not only is the loganberrv juice re ceiving tho attention of the plants here, but the evaporated berry is being pushed, and is now shipped in a carton more attractive than any cereal or breakfast food. Ac Oile, president of th flrmmn lew uuu-o o., ms company will ship with- n. icw yvevivs H. carioatl OI Tile Avnnn. rated berry, packed in the eight and 15-ounco cartons. Just as an advertising placard for show windows, the company here are """ K copies or tne rnnious cartoon of the San Francisco Chronicle, show ing William Jennings Urvan with a largo bottle at' loganberry "juice, label ed, "His New Love." COURT HOUSE NEWS ' ft Henry Hepner today filed nn answer and cross complaint in the suit for di vorce filed by Oelln Hepner, some time ago in the circuit court of this county. In his compluint Mr. Hcpm-r states that they, were married in u,a county in 1913 but that Mrs. Hepner deserted him June 23, 1914. He alleges that certain physical qualifications on the part or .wrs. nepner mused discord and that he filed a. suit for divorce in the circuit court and after hearing the evi dence in the case the case was dismissed by Judge Galloway. He states that the piaiumr in tnc suit has misrepresented his fortune and that lie lias uroiu.rH- only to the value of $S,fl0() and that lie gave her a totul of $1,150 as alimony. vol 19 umnuey lor j1 1. JiCU nnr. - ' THREE ,, " I 1 i WANTED TO . RENT Well-stocked Hairy ranch on shares. Address D, earo Journal. AuglS FOR SALE, trade or rent, 3V. acres, u-rooin nouso. can at room szo Hub bard bldg., Salem. . , Augl7 WANTED TO RENT Small dairy farm for term of years, on shares or cash. Address D, care Journal. A16 CRAWFORD canning peaches now ready at Lachmuud Orchards, three- : 1 quarter mile west Kaiser Bottom school house. Phone 29-F-3. tf NEW TENT, 14xl, used 2',i months, for sale or trade for chickens. Route 7, Box 56. Phone 10 F-12 before 11 a, m. C. E. Miller, AuglS BUNA VISTA FEHRY BOAT For sale cheap. New and in good running or der. Paying proposition. Inquiro J. A. Huston, Buna Vista, Ore. Sept 5 WANTED A woman to help with tho cooKing tnniugn nop picking for her board, by a widower with children. Address II. D., care Journal. FOB RENT Nicely furnished modern room in private home. Bath adjoin ing. Four blocka from Ladd & Bush bank. One or two gentlemou pre ferred. Address 8, care Journal, tf FOR SALE, Low truck iron wheel wagon with hayrack. One horse, weight about 1100;" also one good' fresh cow. 2680 Cherrv avenue. Call n ftcr 6 p. m. ' Augl 7 WANTED Women to make dust caps. Will buy entire output. Big profits. No canvassing, Material furnished any distance. Pleasant, steady em ployment. Stamp for reply. 'Union Mfg. Co., Komono, lnd. Aug20 HEIRESS IN PORTLAND. Portland, Ore., Aug. 16. Tho 30,-' OdO.tiOO heiress, Mrs. Howard Spalding, Jr., and her husband, whom she married two weeks ago at Harbor Springs, Mich., were visiting in Portland today. J'hey are ou a four months' honeymoon trip. Mpalding was secretary to the man cr of a largo manufacturing institu tion owned by Mrs. Spalding, who was Miss Catherine Barker when she mar ried him. NICK AND ALICE ARRIVE. I'ortlnnd, Ore., Aug. 1(1. Congress jnan Nicholua I.ongwnrth, of Ohio, and I. m wife, formerly Alice Roosevelt, nr. nved here from Seattle today and will leave fur Han Francisco this evening. I.ongwnrth said he was on a vacation nd refused to be interviewed. Q-A ALEC B. FRANCIS f ff j 1 WHO CPtOJ 5 OLD TOM 1 M conductor hi. Bernard of the W. V. S, ny., is taking a vacation and is attend ing the B. of R. T. meeting at Port laud. Edmund Zollncr went to Pnrflnml lost rriaay, wnoro he ha a uosition us trnv. eling salesman for a wholesale ti nusp. Hop growers in Mt. Angel say that picking in somo yards will be com menced during the latter part of the uiuaiu, Henry Saafeld was taken to Port lunu ounaay ana on Mondnv wns operated upon for appendicitis. He was a very sick man when he left. Miss Kate Limbeck, who was oper ated UDon last week nt Sf VI ,,...,( hospital in Portland by Dr. Webb, of this city, is doing nicely and will be nomo soon. Mr. Bauman was appointed recorder at a recent meeting of the council to fill the vncancy caused by the illness or n, r. isnntn, who is now in the hos pitnl at Portland. Mrs. M. Oswald. Otto and Anna Os wald, John Friedman and Miss Anna Bronkey left ' for the fair at San Francisco last Saturday. They will bo gone several weeks. "' P. N. Smith, who has been in tho hospital at Portland for some time, ib reporrea Borne Better. HI10 under went another small operation Mon day. A. L. Cannon, the florist, has nur- chased the stock of second-hand fur niture store from JenB Jensen, and moved the stock to a building of his own near the green house. Just before going to press we learn of tne dcatn 01 A. J. limmorman, a pion ecr of Mt. Angel, who died at his home here Wednesday night at the ngc 01 bu years, uiutuary will appear next week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Keber entertained a party of young people at their home O 1 . . .1 ; 1 ' . oukuruny evt-niug. a musical program rendered made it a -happy occasion Light refreshments were served. J. W. Ebner sold a, complete thresh' ing outfit ono day last week to Wm. Bird, Isaac ttnarp, Clarence vaters and Albert Olson, of W'ilhoit. It is a beauti ful and modern outfit. A six-horso pow er gasoline engine furnishes the pow er. J, W. Ebner went out to his broth er's hop yard Sunday to get an idea of the hop conditions in "this vicinity. He Bays he saw more lice in that yard Sunday than he has seen in all the 25 years he has lived in Oregon; T. R. Hough has -purchased the res taurant from Jacob Scharbaeh, locat ed on Charles street, and took -possession Snturdny morning. Mr.- and Mrs. Hough are competent restaurant people and will make a success of the new un dertaking without a doubt. Mr. Hitching and family, who start ed for Idaho in nn emigrant wagon, came back Saturday to get a new start. They went only a snort distance the first time when Mr. Hitchings and his son secured work on a farm. They de parted again Sunday and at last re ports were in McMinnville. The car spoken of a week ago con taining trout fry will arrivo in Mt. Angel Saturdny evening and will re main here until Sunduy. Teoplo In terested in the distribution of the same are urged to be on hand at nn early hour Sunday morning with automobiles J and teams and help place tho trout fry , in the streams in this vicinity. A couple of hop growers were dis-1 eusiing the hop conditions Tuesday J and one of them remarked: "My hops won't amount tn anything this year 1 the lice are eating them up as fnst as1 they can but I 'm not talking It around much, because it will hurt my credit at the stores." Some logie in that,. Isn't there f Tribune. A MERCILESS JUDGE One Who Shews No Taor A merciless judge is Father Time, Bcforo him the weak and tho wanting " i" wan. uuiy tho truth can stand. For years the following state ment from a Salem resident has with stood tins sternest of all tests. A. J. Wood, 73,'t North Front street, Salem, says: "Kidney complaint got so uuu in my ense mat l Know 1 would mvxc iu ciiei-& 11 or suirer more serious results. Just aftor getting up in the morning, the complaint was worse. I had hecid of Doan's Kidney Pills doing good work in similar cases. I began using them. In a short time I wbb free from kidney complaint. I have novor had a Bign of kidney complaint since." a permanent cure. More than six years later. Mr. Woo.l said: "I have never had a return svmn- torn of kidney complaint since Doan's Kidney Pills cured me. I willingly con firm my former endorsement of this medicine." Price 50 cents, at ull dealers. Don 't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same thut Mr Wood has twice publicly recom mended. Fostcr-Milburu Co., Props., Buffulo, N. Y. PRIVATE SOLDIER DROWNED. Seattle, Wash.. Ane. lfl. Stricken with heart trouble, it is thought, as he and a friend were attempting to swim Ostrich bay, near Bremerton, Private V. E. Sweney, of the Pnget Sound navy yard marine corps, is dead . torlnv of drowning. Sweney snnk within siizht of 30 pic nickers, bur. rescue came t 00 late. Sweney 's home is in Massachusetts. A suit for divorce lum boe,i filed In tne circuit court 01 tins count v bv J. W hvans against Alice Evans. Tim cnunlo were married in Greeley, Colorado, in J901, and the plaintiff alleges that' his wire deserted mm .nine 1, 11114, There arc no property rights or children in volved in the controversy. Mclnturff Aielnturtr represent the plaintiff. Marie Knup has filed n suit in the circuit court agninsr TV. H. and Louie M. Wilson to collect $1,200 alleged due on a certain promissory note. The note is secured by a mortgage on the south one-half of lots 1 and 2 block 75 in North Salem. The plaintiff alleges that none of the principal or interest has been paid and asks a judgment in the entire sum with J(IU additional as at torney's fees. Unruh & Mncy are at torneys for the plaintiff. Rancher's Body Found and Slayer Is Sought Bandon, Ore.. Aue.' Id. Believed n have shot from ambush and killed Al lio Whitman, as the result of a school district feud, R. B. Neff, of Lakepert, is being bunted by a posse today. Short ly before Whitman was killed. Neff at tacked Charles Walker, a school teach er, but was disarmed by the latter. Neff then fled. Whitman's body was found on his ranch, a rifle wound in his head. Suspicion pointed toward Neff not only through his attack on Walker, but by tho fact that he left a note in his homo stating that he expected to die soon and thnt 000 was on deposit in a nanonn unnic to insure him a decent burial. After being disarmed bv Walker. Neff is known to have returned to his bome'Mid secured a revolver and shot gun. It is believed he will resist capture. In an answer filed today in tho suit brought by E. Ray against W. L. Freres, tnc uetenunnt admits that he purchased land from the plaintiff at $4,000 and paid $1,000 down on the purchase price. He further nlletrcs that he ei other story on the concrete building al ready on tlio property at a cost of $2,000 and that ho paid the interest and taxes on the property according to the agreement, Accordingly ho claims an equity in the 'property of $4,015.75 nnd asks that the time for the payment of tho balance of the purchaso price of the property be extended for a period of 12 months. S. H. Heltzel is attor ney for the plaintiff. An inventory and appraisement filed in the county court today in the matter of the guardianship of Lizzie Bilyeu, an infirm person, shows that she is possessed of real property to the value of $2,180 and notes nnd cash bringing the total up to $i:),70ii.WI for tho value of the entire estate. (1. W. Murphy is guardiun and 8. L. Stewart. J. H. Miller' and George Morrow were the appraisers. r Hi Wm A BRADY WHO OCHjlNATtD Tl-C Or CLP C" ON T-t5,0t Oregon Theatrt Wednesday and Thursday BURTON IN PORTLAND. Portland. Ore., Aug. 10. The sights of Portland ami vicinity were being .nnn in.lsv bv Theodore E. Burton. former I'niteil States senator from Ohio, who, accompanied by his secre tary, is en route tn the California ex positions. Burton discus -ed politics generally, but when the subject of his being a presidential possibility wns broached he immediately sidestepped the subject. The distinguished Ohiosn will leave for Ran Francisco tomorrow by the (ireat Northern Pacific at earner. j TRT A JOURNAL CLASSIFIED AD THEY ARB BUSINESS GETTERS ONE CENT A WORD. TOMORROW and WEDNESDAY Sontag and Evans Of California, In "The Folly of a Life of Crime" Six reels of thrilling realism of pioneer days in California. ALSO A OOOD COMEDY Bligh Theatre This week end has been a rush period for the murrineo license clerk nt the county clerk's office and three licenses were issued Saturday uftcrnoon nnd two louay. 1110 toilowing secured licenses: Benjamin L. Wutkins, Gervais farmer, and Mrs. Laura V. Bateson, also of ner vals; Amos P. Walker, Salem laborer, and Nancy Jane Banks, also of Salem; Alonjso B. Wilson, a teamster of 2:170 Kim avenue, and Mnrv Bniirer of N. lem; Walter B. Robinson, a Spokane salesman, and M. Gludys Riches, a teacher of Turner; Lucius F, Brode, a bookkeeper of Hay City, and Beatrice Clark, a Salem teacher.-., JGERVAISNEWS Miss Grace ('ruddock, of ( Idaho, is the liuest cf Mr. ami Mrs I.V A. liaud. Mrs. A. W. Stewart and M 1HH f'nrriit ncnneiiier nave returned from a de lightful trip to the exposition. ur. Ji. u. inch man, F. A. Hand, V. A. Mangold and K. M. Klinger were "iiiem visitors Wednesday. Dr. Hickman reports the birth of a boy Tuesday night, August 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Landers, of Wheatisi, Chas. Hoover threshed 301 bushels of wheat, machine measure, from six acres or laud tno first or the week. Mrs. H. J. Clark, of Lylc, Wash., niece of Mrs. K. J. HardW. away at St. Vincent's hospital Tuesday John Mahan, of Hooniam. Wi.h am, of Thomas .Mahan, of this place, called .n his father and old friends hero Inst ween. 1J El ..- I.. i. c. i urn , or forest llrove, a brother of Mrs. K. J. Harding, with his wife and little daughter, are enjoying a visit with their relatives hero. Mrs. Jack Krousc and children ar rived from Aberdeen, Wash., Wednes day for a visit with John Krouso and family. About September 1 they ex pect to locate in St. Johns, Oro. .ioiiu .wins rciiirneu rrum his rild nomo in Kansas last Friday, after hav i"n iuni-M inr mimuiiis 0I nia mother, Samuel, there for burial. Ho savs crops i....M 1. ...11.. .1. 1 . 1 'icir hm; limn, miiiiHKCii ny TJoodS, ' The first aiiiiiuil picnic of St. Luke's church will lie held ot Woodburn city pars nun. lay, August ID. Races, games, s iurui unit 1 111 si i hi 1 1. rt. run vs. mn o (Music by (onipany 1 military band. Concert, by gnn tulent, iniiiisnii'i i-rnies or averirreen m i 1 "ffi Ijjj LOOK! Can You See Through This Picture? Do you see the neat appearing man? Do you look as neat, as refined? Do you feel in your clothes as buoyant, as prosperous, as vigorous? NOW LOOK HERE You should dress as well, Life is too short to be a grouch. You owe it to yourself to dress decent, if it takes your last dollar. Clothes and three meals a day is all one can get cut of life and the happiness that goes with it. DRESS WELL AND FEEL WELL RELIABLE TRADING At our store every sale is guaran teed. We carry one of the largest stocks of CLOTHING in SALEM to select from. OUR1MOTTO We must please ourselves first as to YOUR FIT before we try to please you. REMEMBER We carry legitimate merchandise in clothing ranging in price from $5.00 to $00.00. BUY NOWAT BRICK BROS. Men and Boys Clothing & Furnishings WIN THE PONY Buy your clothing supply now and win the pony for your son or daughter. Votes with eveiy purchase. we predict that there will not bo a single' knight who attendn who will not remember this trip always. Dallas Ob- St. Louis Star: Due of tho niysteries is why a city lying at the junction of the ltystrayca and Viepri rivers should have so easy a name as Lublin. The Joint Mexican Appeal Delivered (Continued from rage One.) They havo mado an extended trip through the southern Btates, Mexico and California, visiting all tho principal places en route. They spent several weeks at tho San Diego und San Fran cisco expositions. They will return east, by way of the Canadian rockies, ninaing stops at Seattle, Vancouver, a, C, Lalio Louise, Hunff, Edmonton and Winnipeg, reaching homo sometime in September. Star. Express Companies Want Right To Cinch People Pnrtlnnil. Ore.. Anir 14 Thn tmliti,. . , ...... ..,., ... ..... . siirvlco commissions of Washington and I flictcd land, there to exchange ideas Oregon today have under consideration I d to determine the fate of tho conn tno formal pleas of express companies I. . operuting in the northwest for permis- lr'"" "''''on would undoubted ly result tnc strong and unyielding agreement requisite to the creation of u provisional government which should adopt the first steps necessary to the constitutional reconstruction of the country, and to issuo the first and most essential cf them all, the imnicdiiite call to general elections. An tidc(iiate place within the Mex ican frontiers, which for the purpose might bo utilized, should serve lis the scat of tho conference: ami in order to niKtii to increase intro siato rates to conform with increases recently author ized by the interstate commerce com mission for interstate business. A hearing was held hero yesterday. (.'. W. Stockton, of New York, gen eral counsel for the Wclls-Furgo com pany, explained to tho coininissiuns that, the four large express companies of the country under the existing rates have lost 2,(Ml0,mni in the face of in creased business nnd a 10 per cent oper ation expense reduction. PTTHIANS TO CRATER LAKE. Monday night tho K. of f. lodge chose the lucky Ksipiire who is to go tit Crater lake to take tho rank of kaighl put on by the Klamuth Falls and .Mod I orcl lodges on Wizard island, in ( rater lake, August 18. liy method agreed on bv the four candidates, the choice was made and Clare Snyder was the lucky man. I Inre s expenses in full will be paid by Munition lodge, of Unllas, and we venture to say that he will come bock from Crater Inke a very enthusiastic knight. Surely he will re ceivo his rnnk in a much more impres sive manner tiian any member of this lodge In Dallas. Ojiltn a large delegation from Mnr mion lodo is planning on innking the trip. Some aro going by auto und somo on tho train. The schcdulo by auto takes an entire week, from Saturday, August. I t, tn Saturday, August i-'l, ami bring about a conference of this nature, the undersigned, or nay of them, will willingly, upon invitation, act n inter medium's to arrange the time, place nnd other details f midi conference, if tliln action can iu any way aid the Mexican people, Ton Days Given for a Reply. The undersigned expect a reply to this eoiuinunicution within a reasonable tune und consider that such a tinio would be 10 dnys lifter th communica tion is delivered, subject to prorogation for cuuse. " (Signed) JtOBKRT LANsINO, Secretary of State of tho United State a i , ' ' J)A WAMA, Ambassador Lxtraordiiiiiry and i'lenitio- tciitiury of Brazil, 1 kdcaudo si;i(i:z MC.ITCA, Ambassador Extraordinary and I'lenlno- tentiury of Chile. , ll- H' NAON, Ambassador V.xtraorillnnry and Plenipo tentiary of Argentina. .. 1. .CAI.DKKON, Mivoy Kxtraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Bolivia. CAKI.OM MAMA DI-: PUNA, Lnvny Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of fragility. JOACyl'IN MKNDKZ, I'.uvoy Kxtrnordiniiry and Minister Plenipotentiary of tliuitemtila. AdulU loe ' Worth. Mom. Children 5c blackberries were shipned from this sta tion to tiie Oregon Packing company Tuesday night and Jirospects are that tho average day's shipment will be still grifite,'. Miss Carrie Schneider, of Orand Rap Ida, Mich., who has been visiting at the A. W. Stewart home for several weeks, left Thursday morning for her home. She will stop a few days at Yellowstone park, Robert Smith nnd Tien Brown and their families, of Ihifur, Ore., Mopped I in dervais a hort time Wednesday CARRY STOMACH JOY IN YOURVEST POCKET Daniel J, Try Has Such ralth In This Dyspepsia Remedy That II Guarantees It. One of tlm greatest successes In the sale of medicine hits been achieved ,y Mio im, the standard ilyspcpMri rem edy, and its sale is increasing so rapid ly that Daniel J. Pry, the popular drug gist, has hard work to keep a stin k on hand, it is very popular with bankers, ministers, lawyers und others where business or profession keeps them close ly confined, while those who have brought on indigestion through irreg ular eating, worry, or other causes, have found relief in this reliable remedy. Mi-o nu comes In tablet form and is sold In a inelnl box especially designed for convenience In currying the medi niorninir bihi ciiih-o on tne rami lies on ..;.. i .I.- l. i. i. .i .... . , , I- . . i i nn iii in, iiic n,i vi 'in"-, n it inur .Nick and John f.oetjen. They were on:Mt tke gives ..nick relief and lhjr."yi: ,!Tv "'i0 """,t ar"' should hdp any caseno matter of how Some lienors entered the home of .1 Every Convenience of Gas A good oil stove lights like gas, reg ulates like gas, cooks like gas. And it does away with the dirt, delay and waste heat of a wood or coal range. New Perfection Oil Cook-St ove for Bil R,ult, Uf Ptarl Oil Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts perfectly. Docs every thiiijr your wood or coal ranKc will do. No odor. Does not taint the food. Dis not overheat the kitchen. Several styles and sizes. Ask your dealer. Ne I'-xhihit, Palace of Manufactures, Panana l acific J'.xnosition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Csllti.rtiu) fiulsin j H. Htnrr, who lives a mile northeast of town, tho other day while the family ! were away and stole a pair of shoes , ami some niacKtierry pie. Mrs. Htnrr ! did nut mind the loss of the pie, but 'didn't like the way they scattered 1 the juice about. j Mr. and Mrs. Desire Tsnnard, of flcr I vain, are entertaining Mrs. Cnnnard's .sunt and cousins, Mrs. Augustus F. Lunger and the Misses Kditli and Kr nestine, of Newark, N. J., and Mrs. Waldr O. Lunger, of Kvanston, III. long a standing. This remedy has been1 so uniformly successful that Iiaiiicl J, Pry will in future sell Mi o nn under a positive guarantee to refund the money if it should not prove entirely satis-; factory. No other dyspepsia medicine ever had a large enough percentage of I rnri's so that it could be sold in this manner. A guarantee like this speaks' volumes fur the merit of the remedy, j There is no time like the present to do n thing that ought to be done. It any ono hns dyspepsia, today is the best j time to begin curing it. j SACKS FOR SALE No. 1 Grain Backs jc No. 2 Grain Sacks ... We also have on hand a full act of heavy farm tools, over at the 5e look tLcm Phont 70S Western Junk & Bargain House Center and Commercial Sts. At the foot of Center Btrett Bridge,