Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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45 to 55 TESTIFY
Social and Personal
U UAM Mil U ULU .....
iiiii ii mi iiiii n r i ii win ri.
uulu unnun nuui ui
Mr. W. 0. Austin entertained de
lightfully Friday afternoon with a
thimble b (it her bom on North
Liberty troet, lionorinif, Mra. K. K. Kink
of Minueapolia, ta kouM guel of Mr
J. B. follork, and Mn. j. I.. Pierc, of
Dktan, Mich., and Mra. H. P. Key, of
Ht. John, Mirb., th home (ruonU of
Mr. H. W. Brusn. The room irre
A quiet tint pretty wM'linjf was that
ol1 .Miim Cora Hicek, of .Madeay, to
Aleiaridcr ('. Htoinka, of Xaloni, which
took place Thursday at ttie parsonage
of toe l.uthcun church. The. ceremony
wan performed at 11 :'M l,y Jfev. Kcorge.
Koeblcr. Mr. and Mrs,
To the Merit of Lydia LPink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound during Change
of Life.
were the only attendants. Immediately
after the ceremony the wedding- party
Westbrook, Me. " I wu earning
V. Htroebel through the Change cf Life and had
verv attractive with their aeaaonalde' adjourned to the heme of the bride.
I groom a muter, .nrs. niroenei, tm water
street, where a wedding iuneheon wan
deeorutiona of delitat pink aod whi'.j
ater. une or tne pamimee in mo an.
erawio waa a eeatent in which the high
pm-e fell lo Mra. Carltru and the seio
cod koaon to Mrs. tllemon. Tie gueHt
wao enioyed thia affair were: Mis
daoien K. I'mitt, K. W. Hteimloff, J. K.
rlloek, K. F. Carlton, II. W. Ilrmw, J.
. Mnnell, N. IWf indwell, W. Morse,
1 Mloklcnn, flleaton, Klmer I , J.
Klvia, T. W. Daviee, U. Hays, II. Hick
eraon, W". II. Harhv H. Wilkersnn, (ieo.
Vatxnn, Jee Mcknight, N. Km 1 1 h, K.
Among the fialem people reported at
the various bearkea last wek were:
Mri. T. R. Hhea, at Heanide; Mr. and
rved, the relatives and a few clone
friends being present. A profusion of
flowers transformed the house into a
bower iif florul beauty. After n short
trip tu Heaside and 1'ortland, Mr. and
Mrs. Mti'irika will make their home in
Miss Chine Waggoner, Miss Ciiarlottc,
Hanna and Mist Florence llannu. the
house guests of Mrs. W. V. Johnson, tectimonial. " Mra. LAWRENCE MAB.
! f?llt "jl HUM.W
pains in my back
and aide and waa so
weak I could hardly
do my housework.
I have taken Lydia
E. Pinkham'l Vege
table Compound and
it has done me lot
of good. I will re
commend your med
icine to my frienda
and give you permis
sion to publish my
left Thursday for their home in Wood- TIN, 12 King St, Westbrook, Main.
lull V..I......L.. 1 .. ' '
fair, were given In ,hcr honor Irin'g' . Wj' -' Atth of
their stay in the city. Among the at" 1 ralrmi1 ltn Pln ln b
fairs at the rinse of their visit was a and loins until I could not stand. I also
Mrs. C. 1). l'urvine, E. K. Uvaller anil "lumlier party given Monday night by had night-sweats to that the theeta
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Htransbaugh and ,nn ' mid Vivmn Young ut 'would be Wet I tried Other medicine
...... .,., ui. mo ..anion roan, i ne but got no relief. After taking one bot-
a,,l,t,o.,a guests were Mis, l.eih, John- We of Lydia g pinUham'l Vegetable
the son and the Misses Mabel and Vernetta r. j . l . j .
Cldeor recepUon given Friday night '''. Th. Nel.rnsk.n vitor. were r.. . ... . B, P 7u ru
t the hisrie of Mr. und Mrs. 0. A. rni"'n charmed with Hnlem and vicinity, u lur ei monuie. ine
'ele, of Highland, in honor of Mr. and ! "' "'rt. n' coinpanied by best wishes Iln" me. trie nigni-sweaia ann noi
family, at Harview
A most pleasurable affair waa
Mrs, Lester Mct'rinkcn (Kay Ritchie),
whose marriage was one of t.in attrac
tive July weddings. The guests, who
were neighbors ami members of the two
Knadav school classes of tile North Ha
lem iriends church, passed the lusirs
with mustn ami Piimes. The irruuinlH
were gay wilh Japanese lanterns, and , Kr""1"'." "n Wednesday iilteniiiiin
inativilies of all Kinds were suuremelv 1 " eiiimnlil
of the many I'nemls they mlu whilu flnslies grew less, and in one year 1 was
n Hiilein. a different woman. I know I have to
Mrs. Henry Marty entertained the
Ladies' Aid Nit ii'ty of the Kriciids.
church ami a niuubi r of her friends ami
iieigiibois at lier bnnie iimr the 1'nir-
in evidence thrniiirhnul tlm nveninv I '"'itig spent oiildonrs uiiiler the idens-
Tiiose invited to pay honor In Mr. and shad., trees on .Mrs. Marty's plnee.
Mrs. MeCriii'kcn were: Misses Vi.bi i '"any of the Indies biniiiiiiu II
nelliert, I,ncille Tucker, (ilndvs Hcott, ""r- I relr
Milly Nii ewauder, lieva ,liormiui, i served tn the gui'sts pi,.
Kiise Weidman, Itelle Whin, Winnif red ' """" """. -Mrs. M. S. M. .rn,,
. , i i . I i , i i .
... ..i. . ,-, ui, .-. ii r. p.. titm
ers, Mis. Kiln Hardy, Mrs. .luseplimi'
ll.ickett. Mis. A. (i. llialuiin, rina
lulli llrahnm, Mrs. Annii Shinii, Mis.
ai. i.ainb, .Mi l. I. . M,..,um,
Kra?.ier, Klurenei. Kia.ier, Vera McMil
lan, Isola hmilli, Kl li.'l.v n Ariustrong,
Jennie Ilebird, llessi.i llarnelt, luisv
Carter. Itenlsh I'resnall, .Mrs. Carry
Ks, Mrs. V i. tn McMillan, Mrs. Jose
phiue Hoikelt, Mrs. I McCniiken,
Mra Vide Moorman, Mra. Virgil Ken
worthy, Mr,i t.".sie I'mitt, and Messrs.
Forrest liavis. Miwirinun ,L
Nirewaiuler, Klonv Smith, Harry llmiej ""uniau,
t.arl I'mitt, Virgil Renworlliy, KIlis j "averson
"i-.iinian, niiiuir .M.i rarken, F. ( lino,
Clifton lioss. Mr. Ilo. k.-f t Mr I..,.. Tje W. C. T
MeCrai-ken, Misses Hlruss, Miss Hmith, ! ""'ir h it
I'orllnnd; Miss Valedo llixie and Miss "" I'erry and riunmcrc
Jlawl Tucker.
thank you for my continued good health
ever since. " Mra. M. J. liROWNELL,
Mans ton, Wis.
Jh nuccesa of Lydia E. Pinkham'l
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, Is unparalleled in such cases.
If you want special adrlce write to !
I.jdla E. rinkham Medicine Co. (ronfl-1
liniciiis were : deutlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
nt, who were i be onened. read nnd answered hr ai
Woman, and held In strict coifldence.
interested are cordially invited to at
tend the meetings, those who had
harge of the ptrnie wished especiullv
V h I. v ' "" r'",,l- "!'.. s- Icr Mr. .I1.hustnu;ute of thank's
Mrs VI rV, " 'y"W..rt.,.v, for the g rous n.-sislaitee he gave
Mrs Fm ' m" ' ?' '. , ' "''V'W' 1,1 "'l""tf '"'ike Ike picilc a
Sirs. Kmiiiii Mjisou, Ivy Miim,,,, Vera , success.
.leunii' Havi'isin. llmiM
Mrs. Sy in (j. Siniih.
I f InilHil'lriw
hall at II iruer
nil si reels. M rs
lllggllis Will lell, I (he meeting Mini Itev
II. Iv Marshall mil give an addles on'
" l-.Vlllllll f 'I'
Mr. and Mrs. A. c, i,.v,. and fam
ily, .limnitn l)r and l,,ni Kmplii,
..-.. i.ir iviai uiiea yeatnriliiy fur an j I'cmei rvin.inv s, i,,,, ,.,ii,,v,.,
u,.,K mm iisimig nip, renmiii a "'"T'e lucnie n week ng Huu.liiv in
Wei'k. Kleorgi. Ijifr's ( iniv.i'i, il ; i'...:.. .
Hie llllteilllli. of ii eontrHI held I'ui- ;.
The llethel Sunday s. hn
Chiiat left tins miirning for Chi-
eh rum uus in Medfurd over
lifer a vacation trip
have your FACE
Muccetafully remove Tan
WartB, Molei, WrinhU,
Frtcklet and Super flu
out Hair.
Dr. Stanton
j Graduate Dermatologitt
301 Stecvc Bldg.
X Phone 393
'reusing II,,. inenibcn,liii ( . Simdnv
sihool. Tim tw.i sides cneaL'ed in lh
" "" woki iwa.n,), n-sp. ,-ti,.v. I,v
""v '" ''din mi, I llnrbui (. Hnl't
i"i.o. in,, inriner si.le nnn und tint- to ,l
lie rules II . . i . . i
i "Ni,--., , i ne losing suie
I rose gmchiuslv 1Ml;
las liosls t,n n sumptuous bun.piel the
commute,, in ehmg,. r ,h , Wl..,
j Ueinoli I'lvans, ehaillliilli; Mis- llir'el
Fiiestin, Mis, .,.v , ,, M
! Al Hchnink, assi.te.) bv iiv .lhn
jslon and II ,rl:, K. II, . I,,,,,,, il,,.
I'leavor soeielv. w,,i lent (heir li-sist
" "'fair, were i,n,te,
j ,'1 """.' I I'l" of the 1'iesbM, ruin
ehurci, with b. I.,,,,,,, ,1,,, (. n
dell.nr p.e,,.,,t, , ,(. I,,.,,,!. ',., ,
1 iroill ti'Kll. A I w,.. ,,.,.
''"t" I' tmg Slid tl, ,,
progiain, eonsi.tiiiK , s,,,v
lions and a solo bv Mr. I it , :, ,,, ,., pt.
" '''Clslltp of the Sun.lm Mhiml ,
lll'lensed lib,, it .ton j .,. , ,.,,, l( ,1,
cuiitesl, nn. I pl,,, n, , ,,Hl ,,,r t (r
lolly tune, h , (!,, iM ,, m.M ,,
lure. Th Siilnli. v , u,, ,u,.,., )u
'' me lt ui r mien v Sun, 1( v
at nt the llelhel l, ,,
ef A Is.
Hus in the
in Lebanon fur
of Kiigene, was in
i:. h
.lolin WnrfieM,
eily yesterday.
Mrs. Mb, Watts i
lew days' Vint.
Hey. J. S. I.aerniv
city M'stenliiv.
Mi-s l.'thel Meii,n, j, i Milvertun,
visiting her parents.
W, I, Morse ii ml faniily nuduml to
Falls City yesterday.
C. I'. Kiiuv.laiid mid I'n in i I v were vis
'ting in Stayl.ni Sunday.
Miss Mabel siivng,. j j llrownsville
lor a i isit o t neeks.
I'. H. Kny and wife returned Salur
day f r.uii a visit to Seaside.
Mrs. Itert Williams ictiirncd yester
day tifter a tno weeks 'wient,,,,,.'
c. T I'oiner, ,y ,, paited this morning
for i. nvo H,eli' Mieiilion ut San Fran
ii. . Tn ..f the lied i'tss pharmacy,
n I in ned yest,,,v from a week's visit
ill Seaside.
Miss .1 II II 1, 1 1 II lo V
of the Cliii-nuo
t"ic. is spending a tno eeks' vacation
ll I he i oust.
Shipley's Store
Initial Showing
of Fall Apparel
New Coats for Women, Miss
es and Children
New Tailored Suits
New Sport Suits
New 1 ailored Dresses
New Dix House Dresses
New Crepe De Chine Waists
New Modart Corsets
New Warners Corsets
New Novelty Neckwear
Agents Pictorial Patterns
U. G. Shipley Co.
Liberty Street Salem, Oregon
1 1 mn Tottiisend it ml Miss II..,,.
ti.ila Ib.vser ni , Nepft fr H
I o (leeks ' i ut lug.
i " I'lessninu, f the Chi
' i'U" -li.ie, Inking a two Keeks' out
'K '. 'I' ist
hi." spitbait n ad wife and Aug.
velltbemer ,,,,. , ,. ,.,,, , ,
I "gei.l i i.l.n.
Ileum,,, s,,,.,!.,,,, returned todav
;1 v,-' " 1 Mai in Spring, mid
I "g' lie titter 11 Week ' Vls,t
M 1 1" I daughter.
K"tn, lei.nned I,,,!,,, niter a visit of
"" in Shi, Crime, :,
' V M'Hs ,.,l ti,,,v. M,. , ,s
' "'l.e. ui,,l M i , r,, ,-ilu, skinner
motoi, s,u.r I',,,,, ,,.s,,,v
Vi " ii ami wife returned
"" '' "en ii.' ant, tour to
'' -". e,,, dK
I' I' "a-.". n.l. wh..n, been yi,
"' " ' ! ' He past tl,
t!" " "i..t'.. .,, Micltig,,,,,
I" II ". d ...(. l,
, M' I' ' l'Mn:l.l of the
I. ." "t I veer,lv
''"' ' "i. k.' v,.,t t t,,,. ';,limil
1 ". . v e
V'l''T'' "'"''" "I 'lie I'lks
' '!!.. I S y
'I lo-'.k. ret,,i....t f,m ., ,
W I'l k mt 1 iL- ;i( V, i,lf
Mrs F C 'i , ., ,.r ,.x
tended M.I- le ., .;;., , , ,, ,,,
'r I"""'" "' 1 Kolmiuig. -he
will .-..nw bv v,,i et ,. t,, l':,!i,,,t,,,
Xng'isi Kel.rberger visited ,r Sun
dm in 1'geiie w,:h ,e f.nnilv of f
l. !'l ' Tl - ;..tr, - i. p., pi,etr f ,,,
I if ne W. I, , ,me,i
liv. .1 III Si,!, ii
sloM.v I'r, ui, !.., 1U, (.,.
'I'U I. lulu, s m ..!, ,. returned e
." '" ' "t Meet, on, Wash
Ml'- lleut mil ,, he,,. f,.u
Weeks lender.
I on,, let,,.. ,,, ,f Mli,,,,,,, in ,k 1
cm te,l,. 1, B, , fu
ft Medtord t.. ,,., K
Kn.k'lu el CM!,,.,, te,,,,.,,-,.,, ,;.
'-'I I rstet eike.
Mto Med,,. ; ,:, f,,y (,
Ihis eieuug ,u C,e s.., ,n Fa.-itic for
Medf. fd. and ,..,u ,(, , ,,,, '
Nu.glits ,.( Fy.hm, fr 1B,(,
toaierrew aio.n.e.;,
Mr. a.d Mr, ,m-,t 1l.tl.-h. of West!
. iigiaia. .tvptscd , s,l U, wr'
Sui..(y t y,.,, mih the fitmilv ...f
F F Sl,,r ri... .. ; i
I -" .s-.urning aoaie .
tier visit,. g iU lal tora,, fl,MW, .
Ill'Ul '
After Overpowering Sheriff
. He Gets Buggy and Auto
mobile Rides
Grants Pass, Ore., Aug. It). John
Austin Hooper, tkc desperado who is
wanted in three states for daring rob
beries perpetrated in the fort few
months, Sunday morning made his es
cape from the Josephine county jail in
Grants Pass, where h has bees held
since July 23 for iht robbery of the
Houthern Pacific depot at that plate.
Ueoper and a fellow prisoner over
powered the sheriff as be waa giving
them their breakfast, threw him in the
cell and mad their dash for freedom.
The accomplice iq the escape was noon
captured but Hooper appears to have
made good hia getaway. He first com
mandeered a hoTM and bupgy at th
point of a 43 calibre gun and gut to the
foothills near town. Later in the even
ing Hooper took possriwion of an auto
mobile belonging to B. K. Krnh and
made the owner drive him to Rogue
Kiver, nine miles east of (i.'tint? i'acs.
Hooper showed the utmost oonlnens and
self posscusiott throughout tiia sue, ess
ful em-ape. At the time of bin lutes!
exploit, the automobile holdup he ap
peared to be in very good humor, ink
ing and punning with the machine load
of people, though continually maintain
ing a careful watchtuln.rs.
Hooper forced Kmh to drive him,
holding his Colt revolver next to
K roll's ribs and at the same time keep
in up a lively line of talk to the nth
er occupants of the vur. He joked as
he paused the jail ut JUgue River,
pleading with Kroh not to step there,
while lie jammed the big gun a little
deeper in Kroh's ribs. As lie passed
the hank in Rogue River he said:
"There in the bank I rubbed, that is.
the blink tliey say I robbed."
Then followed a hard lu.'k story of
his unjuHt accusation. Setting out on
the other side of JCogue liiver. Hooper
told his victims that he had forty miles
to make that night over the monntnns
to where he had friends.
No Trace of Fugitive. j
(.runts I'nris, Ore., Aug. Iii. Cp to
12::in o'clock this nfternoon the sher
iff's office had mh.!e no headway in i
tlie re-capture of Ktindit Hooper, "who j
broke .jail here Hnnilay morning. Ni.th-
ing additional li ail I n leuriu il of his I
nlierenliouts Bince he left the nutoiuo
bile he eo, iunnnileer.il, nt n short dis I
tnnce oust of Rogue River Sunday nij.ht
about !l:,'IO.
Hooper is kifmvii to be in a desperate i
frame of mind and willing t,, e to'
any extreme to keep his freedom. The !
sheriff nil. I deputies have iiintu nveied
to cut off escape by ull known aye
lines, but ns Hooper is tliotouejilv nc-l
iiunlated with the. Mmintnin di'sttirt
from here to northern ('ulif.-relii it is
likely that h ill proceed t.v i-i lin..l. !
Citizens Enroll For
Military Training Camp
Seattle, Wash.. Aug. Id Iletween Mo
and IU10 liusincss und professional men
of Scuttle, Tii.i.mn and small nearby
cities had enrolled for the military
training enmp to by held nt Cosgruve.
Amerieau lake, nmr." Tac'oma, from Aug
ust to September .12 inelusive, at
noon today.
The surprising tut ni 0( numes from
priifessiiiiial an. I business runks.
!i.lering the fu.'t the movement vias not
started until Inst Tuesday evening, ten-
titles that the citi.ens of the north
'wet nre in finer ,,f a policy of pre
pn redness.
I'. very hour bring, tin i ic reuse to the
I roll mid it would t be exaggerating
to predict between 700 and W'd w,
, attend the training eump.
' The idea ,.f t. ,,,,m, j, (l) ,,,luei,te
nil inlelligent . I,,., f eitiens, leaders
in the professional and business woild
,11. officers for volunteers, so that,
should u enll (,, .,r,i,s rVer be sounded
the I'ltien soldiery , ould lie more rapid
Iv iiin.lc remit tor military serviee.
I'lio course of instruction will begin
nii H'isonai iiifene, enmp salutation,
company ndiniiu. tuition, rationing and
''"'""ig of volunteers find us
knowledge, I in,,, a.es, military nun
making, r.md .koMiing, tucitul' walks,
vhoi t praetu e .e.ii, !.H, instructions in
gum. ling the rear. ,(. Van, and rever
ing deta, Inueiits; , ,lir( the basic
tacts, the meat m Ltary matters. Those
'I'l'il'l'ving mil le g;yen certificates of
Miner ;,'i,,'i'.,l Vithur Murray, com
mending the w.-t, . depnrtuie'iit will
wilhlil n tew .la., ,lSmi, ,ln ff,,,.r f
il"' tegular limit to take chtvige of the
en mp,
First Hunting Victim
1 Kilcd By Own Gun
And the prominent place they will occupy on the stage of
Fashion this Fall and Winter.
Never before has there been such, an advance season
for Fall Silks indicating their extensive use in Costumes,
Dresses and Suits. And so varied are the weaves and
colorings that no one in particular will dominate the
fashion situation. However, the lead will be given to
There is a reason for giving Taffetas first place. The
full effect in dress is gaining favor and as Taffetas are
especially suitable for this style, and as manufacturers
have achieved excellent results in color combinations, in
dications point to their use in phenomenally large propor
Will be very strong, chief among which might be men
tioned Gros De Londres. This new Silk has gained favor
wherever shown this season and is rapidly coming to the
Will be good for two reasons: First, they naturally fall
into full effects in dress; second, they are among the best.
Silks that can be sold at a popular price.
Are decidedly dark. Many plaids in new, dark color
effects will be extensively used for waists, trimmings and
The above mentioned Silks in exclusive patterns and
designs never shown before. Wonderful qualities, color
ings and low prices, ready for you to see.
Taffeta Silks in plain colors, stripes, checks, plaids,
printed warp and changeable. Gros De Londres in fancy
stripes, checks, changeable, plain colors and Jacquard.
Faille Silks in nlain colors and most prominent shades.
Duchess Satin, Silk and Wool Failles, Silk and Wool
Poplins, Crepe De Chines, Imported Pongees, Radium
Taffeta, identical Pussy Willow Taffeta, but can be sold
for less money. These Silks run from 18 to 45 inches in
width and are marked at the unmatchable price of 50c to
$2.25 a yard.
Velveteens and Corduroys will also be among the lead
ers for Street Wear. We are showing a large selection of
these pile fabrics in many shades; 18 inches to 45 inches'
suiting widths. Priced 50c to $3.00 a yard.
Yes, they are the newest and best on the market, and
remember, you can always do a little better at
JSavncS falh tflcre
Alt.ei.s, Aug, ,', . k Zax j,.
si""' i i" I'or ,. the "war
!""." was today ele.te.l ,resi
''' 1 ' "' Hie r.reek , hamper of
.leputies liy ;i ui,,, ,,.' vj (
lliis vote snowed th,- factum
set lorting the war pioovaiii of
I'rcmior eiii,!,,s has ., ,.,,.ir
working majority,
!M. :!
a th,
title ol
lis Aug, es, , ill
Nettie Soger, nge.l :,
Xeient "I. has eaiiied th
1 ' ' ut me recoiling
I'H'il. she smiled mi,', clmtte.l .u
geons while t Ii." v were prolong ., 1
wound in her hand, refusing oilier
.IccUimg (he operation ,,. lmt
t". Mie accidentally .),, h,.r.
the land with a revolver.
ll'll II V , I Ml' ,
til" ot th,. ,(,.,
I in ton, age. I o
w.i. Iitllcl I v ,
.'I Ut. ,ii n i
w.l. Is of the ..
hoai. tit'ei t
' !. "f the I.
-Koicl u, I,,,,,
wli.i, it Mem ,
"u: I'lought to
'.ed litle,
I toll W .1. j
IHllV ,OII,.os, 1
I ton. a,.. I s,..
"k HI. Th first vie
I" iting son mi ii, Kred
. '.l here todav. lie
' i cidental discern go
' . weri'il ride m the
i a .mnttiiit district s, ,
'. opened. The
' ' milii-ntr-d ho had
' h gun over A lug
l died while t.r
I : my ki miprvv
1 ulior of a h mi tmg
i Inn father, K. ii.
isl fllCU.ISs
lender,. g, ,,. ..TS1 ,-,.r,..KIHa
slemuer il.i. ,t . ,( funis fcM .,,
'ink l.y tM-rmi: .ii'tuiliiiv The crrw
mi saved.
The Original
yN mm pt m Smtftitmtm.
Grain Bags
Just secured some New
(irain IJas at a bargain
and can sell at lower
prices. Stock limited so
order at once.
Clover Bags
Have plenty of new and
second hand Clover
Hags at the right price.
Sack Twine
Nought our sack twine
bt'fore the rise so can
maintain the old prices.
Nest twine on the
D. A. White &
251-261 State St
Salem, - . . Oregon
Lower Rate Sought For
Long and Bulky Shipments
The I'ortlnml Cliumlier of Commerce'
today petitioned t. u,-. Service
c'lniiiissioa to hold i.i. ii,.. :
,1 ''Si"'"1'! I'l
the rates governu.e shipmentH of nien h-:
..... ,s, wnieu were too long or ton Imlhv
t" l.e loaded through ,1,,, ,1,1,, lUms ,;f
f "' 'ars. Hi., complaint win. filed in
he nan,,- , f the Cortlnnd Clintnl.er of1
I omincrce ugiuii.t the (ir,.g Klor riv
l.ailwiiy coaipanv. O. w. U. & N. ,.,,,.
l'liny, s. , eouipany, .Spokane, I'o.'tlnn.i
intlli llailwuv compativ and the
I inted H-ulwnys lompanv. This .nme
"'after was luought t 1 1 1. iittenti,,,, f
the Interstate l', ree eomnissi,,,,
oine time ng,. il this lio.lv ,;,.
ruling' eliiccted to hy the complninmit
in the al.ove action.
The ruling f the Interstate ,,,,-,.,.
c.'niini.sion , ,lt fr nrMt
"at wer.. too long r , ),ukv , ,M,
loaded through the side ,r , ., ,
l'"r '"'ii-'Mcd six feet in width
7 "'I''" """I"'" feet in height
sh.'llld I'c charged , e, , ,
"""""ed rating s,,ee, , ,lin
""r" " ' l"'".oN mid at a f,
1 ne petitioners claim t hat ,l. ,,',., ,.,,
Co. M Marksmen Practice
For Animal State Shoot
The me,u,er, f p.,,,,,,,,,,,, f
r, ee , '::,",,,"'"! ',n 11 ' the nfle
a, ,,";",'r f"r an"'"'l '"n"'
, V ; "'I'-'tition to . ,e',l
range, Septemlier !.,
w I n s'Ttemlier 7 d
rant. , '"W''H '"r ''r"""-' the
I., .. . " ' '" "tl the re
I.,. . ' .:r.;,",;,""". ti
Ml ot lie .,,
ion ... .1...
nulitui y
For Widow's
Pension Is Filed
Pallas. Ore., Aug. !. Mrs. . Kttn
Hiish, widow of liufnrd Bush, lias filed
iiiit in the circuit court ngniimt l'"lk
county to compel the county court to
pny her $H2.Sn ier mdntli, w'idow ' pen
siiui, which slt allcRen idle is entitled
t" as the mother of four minor chil
dren. The court lias, been ullowintr lier
the inininiuin amount of $10 t
month. She claims MO!) luicli lu'iision.
'lhis is the second suit of this nature
filed tiguiiist the comity within th
past two weeks. Onn other widow V
pension case was decided in favor of
the plaintiff against Tolk county ly
the Mipromf court si verul months' ng'..
New York Trilutne: Trip to Market
r.nds ut Altar. Headline. Neverthe
less it will have to be resumed.
'lev will
, : . '"' "HI I
.:.""' ."" und ll'" fall
'" "f H'fiintrv ,. i m
'"t art, He, ,' 11 '',,''i'i"' "f
t.l'erv V,;:" "'' fii'l'l nr
el,,,,.," ' ' ' envnuv. ,,p
"iii..,,,y. ,, ,,,,,.
I'niv av.,1 , .. i... , . " 'I'l I?
i ,, , ' ' " ...ii uurier.
lut tw r,,,l , ...
men l ,,. .U m 'a"V c,,.,..,
in a
ei'.t or,..
"mp.ny !7 ,,,
U ''"'' s't. a. Aag
111 S.
t.-.nv an '..,"
.,.,, ,U,
Ni'o Kuiinen ii T m"""cr f,
lt ,',. a , '''!.''"'' 'othut
Baldy Breezery
Y 7 i
XjV "6-
Tim .,,,, "SA1.KM LAVNPKY"
"n,ls for pvery priiieipld necef
xn fr th0 priiductiu,, f .,er
ffl Uuiidty worh.
leu take no ehuncru her when
ou ji -t gnytbinif under th
'mi Vnown ,o , r, f w,i,illlt
""I i.ouin,?, ,,,,(,, wj,; it
lo.'iv In'.
noit of Baldy Bwitt.
Salem Lanndrj Co.
Salem, Otoi
"mniM r., e,,v,7 n. h,