Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 13, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Not how cheap? but how good? You'll find prices lower at Meyers
gggt'ande".gaikf Cotton Comforts at $1.19 each
Here are new cotton comforts just came in and by
j.; i. . i . nr . i ...
a ijuanuty purcnase we oner mis lot at an extra low
price to introduce our new bedding stock. These
comforts are well stitched covered with silkoline in
floral patterns your choice of dark green blue
tan or light green ground. Full size. Just the thing
for harvesters, hop pickers or for the vacation camp.
Extra Special .$1.19 each.
(See the window display.)
Sale of Children's Rompers at 39c
uuuai.j linn u nriuuiimwriur IU1KA UWUIJ ftIA TliiCIALo IN
Extra Special at 39c each (See the window display.)
4n Unusual Offering of flood Grade Silks at Salem's Silltore
A Regular $1.00 Grade Special 59c a Yard.
In the Silk Section we olFer a large assortment of
pretty Silks in Messaline and ' Taffeta Plaids
Stripes Checks and Figures in the popular color-ings-2
1 inches wide. Splendid for Wasits Dresses
etc. It will pay to supply for future needs at this
price. I his sale ends Saturday. Usual price $1.00 a
yard-Extra Special 59c a yar(,
(See the window display.)
Note Upholds Right of This Prospective Forcing of Dard
Sl iff n ii II II c rr..i
Country To Sell Munitions
To Any Belligerent
Wellington, Any. 11. A reply tn
Austria s recent protest a(!ain.t the
jdiiuneiit of munition" to tup allies was
cnldcd to . AinliHiwt'lor Pojificld in
Vienna by the titan- tlcj-art m i-u t last
ni(.'lit, it. was aiinoiiT.iM'il to-ii.y.
It is known lhat the American not.'
ii,iold the riht of th is country to
export Brum to any helli.'ercnt. Jn the
roiiiinunii-ation to this country, Austria
lllflillfllined that. Dir. .Miuneiit rit muni.
uoim to tlie allien while, tne ccnl
powers could not oldain war su,,
anelles Has Some Effect
Upon Market
Chii-a-'d Aiil'. l:). Scoteinl'cr wheat
the' lost a full cent at the openinn of the
hoard of trade, today ami dropped an
additional 7-X iluiinj; the first 1.1 min
utes' trading. Dei-i-nilter wheat lost
cents at the opening, but rco.nine,.l a
fjiiarter cent darine, the next 1.1 min
utes. Other grains were weak in sym
pathy witii wheat.
The slump in the market was due to1
the stories of wholesale cancellations
lit ra 1 1 of L'rain orders l,v the allies.
A.-eo: iti hi to renortii in train
from the same source was not in kocp-ii' was estimated that orders for -,tHMi,-ini;
w-itli the United States' declaration j noil Imshels of wheat were cancelled
of neutrality. ' yesterday. linyine; by the allied inter-
In i-iM.lv iim I -.u u-r..i i. ..,...' ... .. i,..n
A 11
11 I
111 rt'ltlv. tli fliiMtiistr:itiiin reitmit
I'll its tiOHltiiin iim i.iiividiivl v w.pf furtli
that innlcr the oxixtiutf tf.rin of in Hr
'sis is Wild rn li:ivi' crimp ti a hiiit.
Various theories for the cause of the
heck in lmyiu" imd cnucclUitiuns were
national Jaw all foi'llirents are entitled i advance.!. James A. I'alteii declare.l
t( iureiase anil transport Mn-h umni-he did not lielievo it was due to belief
tioiiH as they desire mid that th rules; that an early pui'.ee iiiit lie reached,
call not lift v'nuuiroi ilririinr thi nrmuexs hut rut her tn t ln t,t, Li lit v th-i- t h I
Of till Will. IWtninl ,.r' nnni'itHmu t tin. -Jliou in I tlx. 1 1.. ... I .. , .11,',., '
Lissivy was $300.00 now $149.80
A. Kohler was $250 now $124.80
One used Fisher was $500.00
now $287.50
Other Pianos in proportion. You had better come
These pianos have never been offered to the pub
lie at these low prices before, and most likely the
opportunity will never come again.
Victrolas, Records and Player Piano
Music Rolls.
Howard Piano House
AH Around Town
M . , T.TTTTTTTTtTfttHtt
Dr, Meiidelaolin. aneclalfnt in fun,,,. I a
Tii r1r wienu to liold ut about tli.l u. . ., " ""
ie depth, , , d today h V B,"t0 l!""'",r hM granted a
lielow ?,er or low Miller, with no choee 'N"roH I Hie water ol
"Incii Inst wick. h i rl" "!'"r ''lv,,i f"r it-, iiiuiio ii.nl ),.,
; mutt, i' a a I, ,
0 . ; , Inn II , five
" K" nun .mi teet ,y, n,
That hlir show that u,m i.. ..n-
V the ( l.ciiiniis. The Aust rnliiin ,vs.
A ten hour nliow miurnKid into thro,
hour liiuuh. Diejjun - hunday.
T. O. Albert tint diURbt.r, mid tnr,
Mr. Mnrali Koliinson, will Icnv,.
'lay for a three wceka' l, at ( ,,
l.k. l'..rk. Mr. Alt.It , , ,,
of M time liiiililiny; n collann,
Dr. Btpna'i Drii Btoro.
I. J. Dodno, mi attorney of Mather
Ion Mich., IH I.MikiiiK lor n locution in
some (Ii,tii town where he m.uld like
to l'cKin Hie .iuctice f u n,
''I"H;' " ; '" l i 'U to n Idler sent
... li e K. iieini luisseuner neeiit f ,.
m Ml 111 t III-I Ii I '.. i, . t... 'IM . .
cirrhf-Ktri., rlionm, Boloistn I 'erred th,. ,S,,', i ',,,.,,!,', l!'v
""" I he iiKent in Huh eily.
' AvoniKO jieum nbuuttl be picked mid
llelucled IIHH. e cm, t U, ..
thul me sliil-ted to turn vellmv. Per
sons deliveriiiK pcurs t us .
tie. Driller Kruit eiuu pn n aU( 17
II ICS lieeilllS.. Ili,r..,..f .1 .i.i A.iut.-;-.
eiinnot secure them owing to Knulnnd's
control of the sean would he uniieiitnil,
nccordinu to the view tnkeii hy the ud
ininistrtition. The cash grocei? of West Salem will
be open tor business Saturday, August
l-l. '. A. Demusters, iroprietor. I'lione
334. . Auk M
Miss Flora Case, school librarian for
the Snlefli public lilirury, nnd .Miss Jes
sin fox, n tencher in the hi);!i school,
urn this week touring Vosemite vallev.
Miss I 'use will linve the honor of renil
iiiK n paper befivo the Xntimml Kdu
citir iissoeiution, which will meet in
Oakland next, week. Her paper will
discuss factors influencing model school
Coniliij, coming, coming. Something
new, si.inetbing different. The Austra
lian boys. A iirst class show by first
cluss tillent.
til lie for I fir tli.il It...;.- fi.M.I t'n.
bueiliL' sni.Iilies were runoiinf b.u The.
forcing of the Dardanelles would place I
Kussiii's vast wheat crop at tho dis-l
posal of the allies.
It was claimed today in some circles I
lhat the circulation of the order ean-
cellation stories was part of a bear,
movement. It was declared that ut-j
haps some dealers who had nut. been
able to deliver wheat had been forced
to cancel orders, and through the re
ports in circulation hoped to frighten!
fanners into releasing the wheat tlievl
have on band. ' .
Palouse Crop Sold,
Spokane. Dash.. Aiil' With tl.
sale of the entire cum nt' tin, l'..!,,,.,
and Uifr llend districts, said to amount j
In 711.11(111 busiiels. bv Willii,,,, Il,,ti.- I
of Spokane, to .M. jl. ilousor, of Port-)
land, the inovement in this season's
wheat was on today. The price ranged I
from ttii cents lor lied iiussian to !lt.
cenls for Hlnestem. I
llnrrv .Minto. who u n ,.i
this party last year, will possibly join j
i-Hi liner nir ii snort time, it 'Ins du
ties at the pen will permit. I
W. T. La Follctte is in Portland to
day on busiiKiss. lie is recently here
from Siloani Mj,rine, Ark., whi-re he
was engaged in the banking business.
Since iiiiikiinr Snli,.., I,iu I.. m. i ..
l-'ollette has bceoine interested in tli'e I T'18 Partics who took the bathing
future the lonnnherry products and ! ttum ,lu' ll"llt ''an save'
as nn i niiicti ol Ins time to enrre-IMS v retiirning s i
lnitelv. Sa em Hnt f,.t
...Iier ,,,c. III ,,. ,, , ..,
I hi' cist is cstiiiiiiti., at -J(,IIiiii.
pouilcnee with easlcia paitn-s regard
ug the berry.
Why send away your money for
'rnckerv. l'Iiism nnd L-ii..i,.... i
" .... . ... .. ,. I ,,,.,
prices and ipiulity lire better ut liunie'
W. (inhlsdiirl'. l.'I.H Xril, I ;i.......
Dr. M. P. MendeUoiin has recently
piirchiised I i-iiiii l-:ii..)-t Tl .i. .
modern I'ive-rnnni l.ungiilow at
Lincoln street, T,n bungalow wirv
built under the si.eciiil care i.f Mr
Thompson, and the finish throughout is
much above the aveiaue. Iir M ..,,.!..
Aug j '1
t'hus. K. Dennison, proprietor.
The Public Service commission Is con
iluetiiiji a hearing in Portland t.nlai
upon the petition of three impress cm
rnnies in this state for a slight ie
ereuse ,. rtes to eonform to the sche
dule of rates as ullowed bv the inter
state commerce commission n inter
state business. The increase is onlv on
small packages under the Ml pound'lim-
" ,""'l"r "'''''I'll se classification
r"t'''- '"! "ill not effect the commod.
uues llllilcr H nc I tin to v I.e..
For the next few days we
offer from 15 to 25 per cent
discount on all our
Fall Suits
Come in and examine the
new patterns we have just
received. We have the lat
est fashion plates. Our
workmanship and goods can
not be excelled any place.
tiithjiTTt -lrrimmti .if inmi nil t xlm,H
x I
Km-iv one who plays on the p.uno has Pittsburg l'ress: Wall street lilwr.v
" '' "'"-1'i.t where) One did seem fond of spring lunib with (IV
ants t know beforehand. , S.) mint sauec.
Miss Mnry Hilmlli
(Iregnii, toinnitow.
ill violin solos.
1 I . . . . .. ' I . . .... in i
, , " r..,,,., in i no eitv tour vears. nuiter and cej-s and such
lrof. Posey, of Co.-vnllis, and fruit '"" h"w I'i" "mfi .. in Salem real '"' sl ipped.
. -, -., v ,,, , uns ic in t u e i r in-i,'. " pmclinse of tins hoinc
i "' st-iircii ror lire I.I i . i
i Miss Edith Benedict, reKlt.ftr of
! " '""""'" UIHM'ISII V, II, I ,, l,v ,
I her mother. M,. (. p 1 1,. ti.-.l i.-1 of
tf Ito. lieslcr. N. V . ii H. I i,- i i
Mis. .,,na WuUirf, Mi. & t 7 ITTZIZ
W.hlorf an, Mrs. I . I-:. V,rf ,: p,i, ,,,,,; '"
leave MiiturdHv eveuiug for a In duvn'i . !
I'lilliiK nt Neprt. I Thlrti
Dr, Stone's Dru Btoie.
Hot Parker House Rolls, or
torn llicu.l iily, . ,,
-M '. in.
at Darling's Delicatn,,,,,,
4K.1 Court Htrwt,
' I'"' - H"h,,i,s S. P, ingle', imn.tivl.
Thirty four buslmli to the u.-r u ...
, avciug,. tthca, t,r,.B., tn H,,k Uv (,
A .luliiiM.n, living m,t I), ,, , nh'
"bout one and one l,f nnlcs f , ."
' hcniawii. lie Inid l 's in t,..lt
"''ii" - 'the
"" ,V 1 ' ' ' Ihe live, nee
Wl III BUS .i blldlcU. k
! Mannish tailored suits In VM ef
, fects me all the inge this tall.
fold nil-ills, tonnne, p,k.
nome lioilcl c,r t,.,
Kl,,,M'li"K I'd ,i,,. I,,,!,,,,! n
out own KiUhrn. open all I)sy
! On acouiM of n,,, w watr
, Polnolill will l. lak, u ff ,, . ,,,
' ,'"'''' " N I- ,!, ,,
.I'-M C,K. The ItM-gotiM (,e l,e
, the lv boat rnccn.g ' ,,,,
1 I'olliU, mi, I Mill ,.. , .. .. , .
j U clnc.lm an I I'n.lav ,, ,',., U.'
K..I, i in- noil! iinnii HI ,,,,!,,. ,,f
I' l .and i, h, n b, iidc, I. :' n l,,,,
"ii i iiniisuii v hi, i.l i.
"f I mi Held, on the I-jiilah estate ,,
I"""1'' VVhoull I ,sn,. The 1,1, ght ,,,,
lound hi a thicket of wild ciab-i t
such an extent that .,.i,.,i .1,.,.. .. :,,
be repined cut down nnd biirn nil l'r.'u ml.l
"" " iiiecini. in, Iicati,,,,, ,,f
the blight grows less, a mile itl, uud
soulli of 1 1 1 i h locality,
Everybody gofs to the minstrels
thej can't help it.
Dfimty State rorester Selcke return
'" ''"' '""t o'gl't lifter an in
spection t,,p ,,.r ,.,, Yini.l.ill.
I oik, Kent, in mid Lincoln counties with
tel-est SerMce lnspedor .lacobsen. Th,.v
weic in. i, .1... ... .... , .
, i 'iom none iv ,,. , ; ,,
i,,,t , ,, ,.... .... : i ..... .. . , ... . . el'
" I""1 ''' nie Weeks law
I'm, I, III. It is a I'liinl provided bv the
Icleinl gevernineni tor forest fir,", ,,r.
lection aside I-,,,,,, t, ri,gr sUiU.
ic.-. there me about ."il! u -,
''"""I "I 'he lorcsts ,.f ul(.tn ,,,.,
Ian law.
es'iite bv th.
Two wromr thil. J , " glosses, I will tell you'so.
i. . . n ' " "lu,vo ' no extra c miiVi' t'..r i, , .
nnl i mi r- 1 am i u t i..M. i i
igars e,,ual an Apev, The best He smoke I one year, if ,,.. ' n-' T? f"r
--oiu everywhere. . All ,rken lenses 1 ... , '
Ry Cooper, driver of the Salem fire ' LulZU -'-'v1'
,:r.T,,;ir;.,?,te-iti''''",l L
H"'.t'MlH.sh and I'ooper will take, evening i h , " ' "S ' "rd
''I"'" ' nU i" the ocean . lav, . ', !,"', '"MM,,,-
"I Newport. I!v Mieksnn wl I ..',.., .. " ' 1 ' S lsl" ol Sir
,"d Iron, a rc,vl,. ,., , San Kran-1 Sen i,,, " , e ,ii " -n "ail-v
e'sco e,l,s.;,v. ,., Lck to work, ing's s-ivi , v , 7;"';'' l,1".",;'"
"-"''-'I t who to,.k Ins vai-n-' K Shem,,',, " - '
J"V" "ok- ,s also back on the I is n,o L , """ ""'
, -, 1 niti i e
My experience enables me to corrert
deieetive eve ,), ,,
or drops ot an,- wj,en Mmking
I'r. M. P. Mendelsohn, 2lil.
I s. Natmnal luink building.
Well Well, wen." rTn't full to see
C OKIIilllllll ,V, '
1 g'lt 1,1 ,.', ,,,,,
of W,
StAlrt V..r.,..... .... .. .
ihio.ic' i . , , ...
II, ., I, , on, i , Mill , ., .
"e Will i,. i,,,, s u. W'H l-c
Governor Witliyeoiube today received
, ,,., ! ., o-ien.n,- ,N. , Mewart. of
, Mont.,,,,,, ,,. , ,,, n.,pointe,l dele-
g'l'.-s to alien, tl!,. .,,. ..,.
lates. which will b.
in c ,,, i ,.. i u ,. . , . . - -1
r ,' ' iM-;r, on lltow
. '"" ' " .1 c Ai u n a v. a ii
lowing Sun, la., sick,
'I':1',' " ''"nsidered. Wilh
, enaige ,, tl,,
fc' ss "I 'I. Hie nc
univi-isny a,a, lem.
the fob
" llam
, W. I-:
'ling, liar-nil
'"!' AuguM - wii k,,.i,;,i
"'.let. 'or 11,.. 1.,..
Saturday Special
k. ....
A lU-iti.tiful Hanunoivtl lirass Jardip.h.
Our Serials Savr You Money
"I tlllU
nil i , .Mint.
""'fc- ... i-
The biscesi nn.i'"i,.,u. ... lit,,
I,- --alcin. Tl . ,
ii , , a i . a a
i I.
loual as ili
Sunday t,,
' ' Sin,,, !,,,,,. l ' ..
I, 2i I'lolesvir .lames T
.1. It.
'.'l .'.M sfownrf tiivy !.. 1. 1
Sl ' The iii,i,oiiitcc, ,-.. After travplniu
I,-"-: II.-., H ntv I.. Mvers Ham I r'"1,1- will, ., ,.alt,
"'n- ' Wiib-h. Helena: Hon. '""'I. hail,.,
lo.lav. an,
'"'nil'. Wlnit,
I J'e dlvuv.e.l, ,,,,1,
Matllie.., presidii,,..
hVV.l,'"u1.,!'1V'"K "l"Ul " '"'"Tcial
' "'" Hi" Mi,,,,,, 1,
I'"' a- 1 ..as ,
" - ''ity: Hon. Sum U
' '' ''on. .1. V.. Krickson
I'. 11 l'...r
''I ..!.. Im,
I . I , . ' ,-.,
w'"'-1 . ,;
'"IV " ' Vied. 1. I.., , , , , , '
''I 1 ' - '.' da... Attorney (l.-eise CI
., . 0 IV She. - It' . i.
JHegiilnr luc, a ,. ,,f VP,, v .-I .1, tl
. " . v" 1. 1! .';;::V;':' .''
f .Jl M .' c II , ' '
U,M .-t i.i.,-.... v ,-- ;,,. ", ;vi
, on,,. a, n,, ,, , ., . .
i.t a I., t
You sheuld he ii lerested 111 the qual
' I''"'' ""d n I CH. of your rousted
"''.' "! :- ;-eil in vour home.
. ....
'ald-dvil. 1 .:, tl, ,il.rty.
Blimhain. Pcu
I'ower, and 1 1 1 1 h iti
. will leave Salem
which is a statu,,,
I, of Hi, I, lie. on it
in tin. sottt.ierii
They expect to in
i I ov creek cm ii v on
, r meat and will ,,
weeks. Warden
1W miles in his
'" Sl and canmi,,,,
II. lck ,,,,,,...1 I."
' ""I ll'
s I tit t.iily h.,,,1 j,.
I'ttlllir .. . . . .
"I '"" i.o ha.i ,m mi ; m , .; ; ,"'''
, .-'k. i -a - n' r .... v
Are You a Working Man?
And Are You Compelled to Work Hard
For Your Money?
Tlic, why don't you pay cash for your tiroceries und save those k.rd
'"nc.l .,,,-kles! Thrift is the Myhwny to prosperity ,! lu.piiiness, and
onr store is an enirance to this pleasant road. Here are a few prices
"ill interest every housekeeper who would rather sav the pennies
than squander the dollars:
IVii. hcs, .-in,, 011. ;
H;ar;s,il, s.,ing ,-, pounds' sweet OZ::i
-a i, ins sliced Pineapple
iiouev. lice ,,,.i
"neon ('hunks, siitvinl. t,n.i
l , ... 1 ' I""I1VJ
'.'V .uir liid.bers. regular 3 for -:,e. ,mrTZ7Tl7":
bi . ' '. '' '
855 North
Com'l St.
hi. I was in
1 1 a ii. i,
the tour. the.
when st.-iM,,,. , .M1
'ao'l'ing out tup ,,
'''''- eve;,,,,.,, l-l; l ,! !'.
.,., I, I I, III. e. ,-.,( jp ,
'ends in laiilv ri,,
I-" 'any laic ii, ,
''"'"ii. Illi.l e
, i. . ,
li'Mlllirain. Tl... . " ' 1-MMI-
;j HfllestMarket PIace, B
"u"-ie ioiiowing prices on "
daughter, I'.eiiha
mid M s. , 1,.,.,.. ' ,, ,::'! ''"
1 1 K II II.
uirvi.AL Lenses Today
(krptokV p '"s
-r . '1"W of tl." ei -.;
K.jp-.-i. I'.mmi
N .tie ,
. .., i .....
ne theti is NO
, slide to tho
e both far and
. , improvement
bifocal I,ci,c.
'miue.l kind.
' 'aj-j
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
,'n.,nt ii.. i.i 1 1 i
l... II
Misa Carrie Jav'obson of Por.i . I
'"."lerlv , Sa!,- , , Pr(1-'J. I
.-l,l IICWs of ,, .1. , " '
, "h i, i,
'"her at I .i ,,,-,,! . N,.),,,,.,
.""""i '"lllgllt tl, 1
I "
of he
cut at
M in SALEM. OKEOOV. stop ,,
Strictly Modem
rrw and Prlvat Baths
RATES 75c. Il.oo. i50 m
Ihe only h. ln ,i t J- DAT
aintol UniMme.
A Home Away from Hom
pcrf??t P'Ukcd ,n crates, every peach
x , UUl Crate
' 2sNot wraPPed, in full bushel boxes at
KconoMy,' 1 j, 'of V!-s' y cab. JSc dozen.
J JirKe'M "if6!850-' 93tv$-U0'
lw. Parowax nonnd i - n ";JC- "earing Knives,
J"y Classofiv Red Wax 10c package!
t0 1HU up your poaches EveiTthing you need
Both Phonea. Au,4
Oroctry Phoiw 830; Mm! Then 840
U,'1 MB-U,' V ,H
, ;' ,; ZX ' ' "