T THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. PRECOX. FRIDAY, AITiI'ST 13, 1915. TWO It i li n ....... Pt I IAT THIRTY-FOUR K)YS , IOWA WOMAN .ONLY UUNIJNUtU HUI Ground Gripper Shoes Social and Personal m i v i a I TELLS OTHERS; CAROL & DIBBLE. 5 ,i Dr. and Ifri. Grafton, North A. B. T. Wylie, of 'daughter, I'aroline. will motor to New Dakota, have been port tounrron', where thev will ro- main for about l-'l 'I. 'in. Mr. and Mm. i-icutt i'age and family hav Inn for a fi'w day' outing in the mountain. On their return they will motor to Tillainonk for a fhort tav. of (iuthrie, ptirner, also gneata at the Marion hotel for a few rfaya. Or. Wiley ia wii-erlnU-ndeiit of the acbool for the feeble minded in Grafton, and hat been attending the coaveutioa of the Aiuoricaa AaWKta tion for the Keeule Minded at Berkeley, 'J. The Wilnya are Iwiug oateuaiveiy entertained during their hrt May in ue city. Airs, otorge norjd wa a dinner hoateaa for them last evening avad Mra. Carlton South gave an infor mal luncheon today in their honor. .Mr. ad Mra. Wiley will leavo tomorrow for Jhaor homo bv war of the Canadian Wie. ' f '! Mr. am) Mra. Ueorga Ttodgor and i daughter, Mia Margaret ItulKera. will leave tomorrow for Newport. Mist mere, Alia) Winifred hudicott, of 'e Kodgera baa been in Portland the latt ' Kapida, Iowa, who will arrive in week uniting friend. I the nioiumg from San Krnnrio. Mi as I Kndieott wiih in Salem a abort time ' Mr. and Mra. George. 5mlth are en-l"l!, with toe Iowa delegation of the twtaining their niece, Miaa Irene Hmithl National Kditorial naaoeiation repre of Minneapoln, Minn., at tneir home ' ntiug her father's pHjx-r. she trav ea Marion atreet. Miw Hmitli. who iit'eled to Han Kraneim-o with the dolcea- ia the medical department on the tion. where thev nlleniled the lin I in mi 1 Mr. and Mrs. I'odlie, lUkla., and Mr. and Mra. of Oklahoma, who arc house (fin sta of Mjn. George I'oit'idge at lor country home near I.iveslcy, motored to Al bany Wedneadny. The party went in the pipurrier car and will return on Saturday. With Band and Specialty Per formers They Will Give Entertainment Tonight One of the gentlemen in charge of the Australian t.oys, who are ia Kalem today, gave oat the following atate inent : Vermin Invade Upland Yards Which Have Heretofore Been Immune Mra, H. M. Kndieott is expecting her coanl of educatim at V inneanolis. touring tho weit, and will pnnain with Mr. and Mm. Smith for aeveral day. a a a The V. W. Moore have returned from an ejtended trip through alitor nia and the mid. tin not, pe,i.lmj some time in Kansas. They cie a but lit in all about two month. IS Mis Alice I in liner, of I'urtlnud, is the guest of Misa Huronc,. II,, tor over the week end. t Mine Maijorie Kay left t,iiy for Newport, where sue will be the guont ef the I'harle K. Mpnuldiiign. oiiimuion, jiih r.niiieotl remnining n short time after the other had return ed. Mia is now on her way home. The many friends of Mis. ,f. A. Ho ger, who is n former lesident of Salem, Hilling lived here until juito reeentlv, will be (lad to know that she is isitirie. in the citv at present. Mr. mi, I Mrs ! Itoeer lire now local, d oil a litre., fruit ranch on liiniiil Island. While in Su , lem Mrs. linger will be t. fuit of ,,T sister, Mrs. .Mary IVirar, at lur home on Ninth Liberty street. ii the gin-id I, of I'tut- Miss ,Iub;ih iireiiii, M en i s, Mis Kdna .losse hits bei of Mr. ami Mrs. liny linn land, the In-1 two weeks. in now Bcciiiniaiivmii it,,. ti,.i,. an ektended miitiir trip. The pi.rtv stop- fel at Unix) itiver yesterdin. and Inter ill motor to Salem via llm I'ncit'ic ihv, remaining ii tit 1 1 the first of rx'pl ember. s Mis Thclina Voniig. of Portland, hns returned lion,,, uftei tw w,-,.,,' VIBI, Willi relative in Snl,.in, V um Yiuiue la tie gruinldaiigiiler of llenrv M. Ilelle s Mr. and Mia. William M (!,!, hrit, Jr., arrived I , ,,1,, f(1n R hurt stay ii, IVtlnnd. T.,r B,lM on, W ilium., dr., i, u.,itiii Ins w,,,, renl i, NeH pin t 'r ,.,.,( . I Mis Ilia,,. ',o Un,.,t nf M,r eon:,. II. Aide ver the' Zt ""' . M'"" H" r""l" Jortland fro,,, . Aiik.-I.-m, Ihiviiiu ac cepted a iiositiou in l'itl, , .,.r tary U, the new I , of tho Miudist Jieme ami tnreign Muisiiuuirv anei.-tv 1 Mi l-,e Wl . nnNi,r m tt l olly in thin work. l-ilile M, .,.,ll(, bnr fourth luilhd.-iy veslerdnv alter llWMl H tm hunie o ,ct mill tier, M, .laini-B Klvin, on Center slieel Ii . f J"'1" luilhduv puny, t Hi., kind .......,K,K mi illllllllllllM. .M,,e, ,,,,,1 I'aity as is ov ,t ,1t f e next voir ln'm.. With the added el,,,,- f M,,,h,.r ,..,,, ' I'lnVi'd during the V the ciowiiitie; l.lrtllUv ..t. ... '""'' " " "in aim ne color iikiIii I.V hlled loses. Aiiioni; Ihir-e registered at the bench lesorts 1 1 miii Snleni during the past week were: .1. A. Kudo, and familr.l Ulir View hotel; Mllllde K. Mm nu'i-, ! Mnii-b- K. t bipi.-r, slieidier.l 'a Snrnius.' "u-li; l. I-. Wilis, Hotel ea-i.le. "To many American Australia ia an undiscovered country. They reekon it i an ii-land about tho me of Cuba. An a mnlter of lad you could drop the whole 48 state of the American union into our continent and still have a big area left over for your real ea ttitc men to gamble with. "America used to be f!od ' own country then they discovered Austra lia. "I think it wa Hen Franklin who said the eagle was an immoral bird. We made, no su-h mistake in adnntino j ae our creature emblem the kangaroo. It i the deeentest animal living. It ia Ithe only one on earth which stand i ",r "" ""J ii-s iikc u man. Jt never j fight unless someone sturts wimething i and it never puts ,ts tail between its ( legs. It progresses like the country i it typifies by leaps and bounds, j "Why don't more Americans come out an. I n-e us. There lire wonderful i rune piissilulitiis there. you seem tu prefer to go rumbling around old fash ioned Europe, staying at hptels with a mi or oiner Americans n ml imagining that you can see the country." The tour of these boys is principally .-in. milium polioses, liiol thev lln. f Hlmrilv illiistrtitiliir the Iheorv ..n. ,i i. . . . ' " . i- iiiiiii 1 11 ii . How Lydia E. Finkham'e Veg etable Compound Carried Her Safely Through Change of Life. Cedar Rapida, Iowa. "At the Ch&ngi of Life the doctor said I would have t' give up my Wdrkanc ? take my bed lot Borne time as then i wa no help for rr. A-'corling to the reports received but to lie ftill 'f"o: the hop growers of the Wiliam mt I vA',a P Pint, iene viillev, the general comlitions of tooH Ljaia t, nu-. tb(. h01,s in low(,r Marion (,ountv are ham Vegetacic I f artu-ularlv bad on account of tho lice; Compound and kept . in une county they are fair and in Op Diy work ano.the Independence hop growing section BOW I am over the,' they are good with few exceptions. This Change and that if ' ac.inte.l for by the fact that the all 1 took. It waf va'1')l on Xne bottom lands around In better for me than ! 'lepemlence have always been bothered allthedoctor,amedicine8Itried. Many!"",1' '' ",1 the grower thoroughly : RV 211 fWHl .Mn,nR,J- haV' "PV"r amt "'a,IV 0f the nitKETS, 854 8tb Avenue, West, Cedar (growers negln-ted to spray soon eough. Repida, Iow. j Atl yards that v.-ere spruved with the Such warning iymptom. as tense of iU-t? killers by July 1 were in iiilFmiinnuV i i i i i , : lair condition but t.iose that were not aches (Jread of impending evil, timidity, ;.,U,V overrun with the vermin. sounds in the ears, palpitation of the! ( ontiuued hot weather i theonlv sal heart, aparka before the eyes, irregu- vation for the grower in the iiadlv laritiea, constipation, variable ap)etite, ' infested yards. The hot weather dries weakness and inquietude, and dizzinefs, !"!' 'Ile m't''" they thrive in cool are prompUy heeded by intelligent wo- ;,"a,ll,'r nn,l will invade the burr of men who are approaching the period in '"'r' !,n'1 u. moU- , ...I . .....k ..in -nil auuui r-epieill- ber ii. and already many pickers jiuve siL'lie.j tin with f)o or'...vnr T.. ..11 Lydia E. Plnkhara's Vegetable Com-! ,':'SI!' tbow desiring to pick hops will pound invigorates and strengthens tne ' "Cifter with the gi-ower unless the' female orffaniam and builds op the weak- applies tor pickers at the lloj ened nervous system. It hii? carried E.W.Bupt&CfA EPIPPERTOWM JA3T UNN MAS3 life when woman's great change riay ! be expected. many women safely through this crisis. ' Mr. and Mis. Lntm-r ,, Cbupin .ind children will lenvi- Sntnnltiv tor u Hi .lavs' niituiu in Wnslni,,;),,,,.' (;,IU ,v iiuloiiMil.ile, t In-y hiI motor to n.-attle and Kllcii..buig as their l.e.lne punts, lliiiiii.il tli.-v will iiuil.e unions side slops on tin- uv. lire 1 hey to see working full , nulllices Allien. -iimu O OUT to this ciilllitrt- ariil learn iinil they tune in, the ii.b. Members of Party. Lieutenant .1. ,, sijunnons litis 'luirge of the boys. Thev came from some of the best families of the is kind and lire nil (mined musician I pli.ying ill the bund. Thev iv under "rower association h"-iidiuarters. A call was left at the offices of the asso ciation this mm liin-r tnr "II a If there are any complications ' ,",t '". r;l1 the pickers are n.lvise.i Jon don't UlKlerstand write l.yili L". r,ls,,,r with the gniwer personallv. dcntiull Lynn, Miias market tor sr.m,. time and the prevail. " , "'-' !"'" tor .riiiie--, is quoted lit ubout . i. ,.,.( M t CiCrM.lt UK fcifJJR if tAUF 0 O T Are Here Showing effect of wearing the Gripper Shoe Trees Orow," by the Spec rreiiiantie rioprano soloist, . ill s), Mia Wnlt PERSONALS I sin. t .I.V f limit Vlslli X 1 the ily to Mr- l.iiln v. Miss Ho,. ,,.r day, from lli,,,,. Miss Stella Value diiv e cuing for a In pott, Miss Kelyu lliulci II to weeks' MMt Ne fort. -I.din Albert, of I'nitlmid, visited the city over 1 1 1 (; 1 1 1 IMIh ,,s tt;i,.r, li. Albert. Mrs. t. I. llnrnes n ml .lutinliter, KUUI t n v tun "ill I. live Sntnr a"' iit lit .c- has rc in in d fr nith lelniiMs lit Mi- ..in.-ipiiiie nun wiien one is tnr r a p.Hiole, whether it is his 'r that of ,i. host or liosl, . ;,- l'IT"'US to be vi-iti,,,;, , 11IVH ,. '"l"K.v "I being cnipelb-d ,), the brii-s in-iiuiwiiM r something 'V k""- 'I'''""- uiv other pemib r Win. 'lis otlor o It'.-uses. A .thur Civile is the I i i.: m.-in 1 see r.iniv f t... ,,,,,,.,.. i j i i, lie. sol "'l-v band dilector. The i" "f the i-n.-tv iiiol ii,. .in ... g' s lire iis 'follows: (I. (j : Hive ll.ilkwo.il. Hi- simiiI l.u. us : ;.nd 17 cr. j llcttc, llienil.ci I spe, tivi jZcpl,,, Nil I ; I 'nonce lliekc , H.-bert K II II nil I 1 lev, 17; fb-cte ' ril.l .L'll; lit!,, ! I hi Ison, "ll '.'a. li l.illi JtllL' ( s. niei it ii'g. ' ' II. l.C'W I III 111-1 l-f i aurii a When the I,,,, merry cuill.-a ncin Jiemuon, I'liliiiiiiaied vein, ttln cult,,,., ,,r . I "i n It w n 1 1 e ni. camel mil IM .p-lict,,. 1'hii Hi.it. 1 1 r,.n. .Krd the I. ciisiiiu ,-.. t ii. ii , I..,.- I;. ,. i,.. iir.,ii Irving li'l I In. inns I'. I. ill. arr Aueln, Ponald Mdlride, i. I-I Mill, ,11,11,4 M. Vm,,,,,!,, K, , i1mii wsek eneV tt the country houi,. of J. . Wilsxiwi, the ri'lui ii I nun a visit nt 1 1, co In morrow evening. M"- " I". M lelsi.l n.l Until vtill be home Niiudav li .lit Im ' visit in I'lilitoiniii. Misn Susie Nii, an, ,f (lilllllii.'l leliiincd ycslcnlav .ll-.'BS llllllllg lit ,'t. Mis;. Amy Hunlics ol t. Wind drug st.ue is visit,,,,, in llrrgoii 1'itv , I'mtllind. ,s, , , Hav ,;,, dins, i, ii -,. ,,' i . i-i. ii. i .i yne mot win i' , are in tin, citv Hi U. A. Wood. Ii,. Wilcv In, the feeble mil, del Hi-hint I'iiIu.Iii nt limit, ,, y 1 1, Mrs. II. I. lllnislcnd I, dull); liter .III li two s Kirlyn li'uiii a "f liraft.in, e fcllcsls of is , lilllc,. , f el Noilh ""Ion Willi s. 17- ! gel I'er.y Kicks, is-! 1". 17; Kenneth Kin-' 1 ll"iid, IS; Kied Cur- ' St, ni,,.,,.. jo. i Walter It. M,., i; I'.'i I.ilwiinl M,,,,., I,: tic.uge M:,s,. , ,;..,.. M . i, , ... . '.. " ' i . menu .1 1 iiinol,,. I i lb. V. k iii, Hcke Krcw brer l IIV Ki ginald i IV I .11.111," s- i ,. ii., "(' M. Hum, I'd; Kdric Will Minims, in- I;.. I i "line lliil.it. ,r..v l'l. In.se. LI- Itiitt,... ii'. "' " e nnvw t, H; s,,.v Minim stall, "I; .s,..i 17. The follow Villi: Lewis, lfi; Thnlllpsoll, llllV L' if! Ill Aul-r.v Mel I. t'oneerted Item, "We In,, 't Want li Oirl," full eonipanv. Walter Bell, tuneful' u -It-di-t. o. i no Dude's liner, bv the ing I'oniedy double, Martin St, Jack l.illis, 7. Clive Baikwood, wfin. J dian, featuring' mug mi..im. st.iimiiig the- Ameruun stage. ducini; -'All the (oris " .'. uokery. " Man. Snirndcrs, a tenor i i n. in "SomeAliei n y, ,, ,, , and the woilil's latest . i )., "Things We shall x,u, p, by the in mly se.xlcc. duck l.lllij., the L'itt.ti ,, ,. guist, always eli ver m.d flu,, ,1 "John Willie Coriie On." M. l.ordon Williams, the pion boy baritone of Ansl ruhn. 1-'. .Martin Stotr, hum, , culiotiiHt. IX Kinnlc. "I'd Like to I , l-oveland," the world's I 'unto i full eompnnv, luteriuissioii. Tart the Second. i. r.ntr net,-, v. .. i,,v tru. ! The Tiiiiiblen WHY IT SUCCEEDS I Because It's Tor One Thing Only and j Salem People Appreciate This. - Nothing can be u I (or even-thing. i I'oit.g one thing well ,ria, siiccess. j I'oan i Miincv pills ' thing only. i ' r wink or ,hs,ir, ,,r...i i.;.i. HP I Apwi'io I jm 10 Berofit 1 ,H ; wejuumgI 1 "COHb H CBotmoe I IN -4 A corrective Shoe that corrects all ailments of the feet. Guaranteed to cure any bunion in four months. Come in and see these shoes and let us demonstrate their good qualities. . The most Avonderful Shoe ever made for ail ing feet. aio tor one tin to pioe ,M." l b.-i, till i l.i ni w,;ik or disordered Here is Snleiii .. vi, !.,,.. r worth. 't.n l. l onger, prop, printing shop, V I7tli St., Salem, savs. .jv ' g"t weak and sore nil,' niv ki.j. ooi not act -, they should. At s I could haidlv strii'ightoti. Kno'w iiboiit Hoau's Kidney 1'ills, 1 ,i,., i: ::ii, thev onve me relief I'm,,, ,,,, It took lloan Kiiiuev lijiK .,. time to rid me 'f kidnev "K them first. a sLort tri-..l..., 1'ii ... nt all denlci no A fter a tinrntlnn X sie7 326 State f ft Street Wi Next to Phone g Ladd & 616 ' V Bush Bank tt. i.i Mr- ii.t Mia. I k, I'l.k and llie lenliii from a In, inths' m . lelntnes in I'lii.-ugu nml l, i, nay iioin,- slic soent on,. I'lliiiiiiiu I'a, tinned yen Mit with t. (Ill . . k nt itic eip. li-n. Shipley's Store Week End Specials Part the rirst. Ibiloliis' lir.lc fflil : ,tn,k union , ,, u-.ii A lib. M. Ilose, Walter and Clive Horkw. bv the Y. A. I. g i nviicstrii. - "lening ii.. -ri. -. Tin al.i-rs, niiiM, it,,. ,.,i; in.-incuts ot mi. th nml '"li - I I'll I. V . X "In !l:e V, v W.ri, Thi left Stott. plirey si, in. Saunders I Oxerlure W i iid n iid st rili 'in g. ta work, illus trnining in, Austra umier the diiecttoti Slllli.d i.t' k,v "'ii sum, 'ins Hiring Hiilunc i""K""u hi me i.r I tonight Dleuti-miiking and mtiscle irnuiig gymnastic linn high s. lo.ols, ircii.liuit from I of lied Cuirnn. Lillie, Mnrlinl 3. Clive Hoik w i,d il 11 lll.ir i ....... , ,. . .' ' I " -iiiici ,'iinieciinn in th Hell, est eonicly n urn i,.. rs. ,1. I tii.idun Williams, the ii. U I v , biiritoiii-. 5. H nave your FACT t MASSAGED. HAinX X SHAMPOOED andX ouiLr IKLATED. I 1 - t it successruiiy remove Tan Warts, Moles, Wrinkles treckles and Super flu ous Hair. simply I 'onn 's Mr. C, I'lOJ s.. iisk fi r a kidney reniedy get Kidnev Tills- the same that ng.T bud. I'oster Milburn ( o., Hutfalu, X. V. let Laughter "ce itiiinv nierrimcnt .'. the tlnin 1 lUlii .Musses IWii i i 111, ,11 or novdty i-dltirs, sizes 10 to IS, U Onit'llS I'llSSC Cl'fH' novel tv ses, sjuria I'lain w lute , t':u li. . !)Si- vJowns, plain white -uul Millies, sizes la, 1(5, 7 special. cmcIi seo.- w ' ' n. miens .Mitslm IVttiotats, eml JUhhkv, sju'vial, each Hop-yard Aprons, full quaiuy ot percale, special, I' nil si.e white m.U'lict 1!, ?1.(H). sccial si.e t'iniirt.iitery triiiuiicil S!c l!unj;alov style, j;-e(i, H Skctect lcuiictfi lllllidful lie. " il. Clive ders. bell. i . items Krcw, the Hurry l.audei ' My Wee Austriiliuii .i,s Music Hoik u-. limit 'tin,..' In, M I Skc 111. h. "The Aiiiatenr, ' actor; Sinn, Smm the .itnge; K. i ,iip Dr. Stanton Graduate Dermatologist J01 Steeves BUg. Phone 393 mini st,,;t in a ,,( If PERSONALS u. Mi citv vester- i'.iki family motived lure Von Oat MORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Tharood-drlnMorallAga. hot lnU.it,, m uliJ ,d Gum mg chajien ! ut,nutiai.Iu,il,u,lUIg,leHh0lclHxly! "'l!'-'-llirnur.inSinolli.taiulih,agrJ. Iwh iinik. tltrj jn tH)wJ(.f (ofmi A quick lumh preparrd ia a minute. 1 Tke a Package Homei you may ' HORIICK S'' wo u ubttituto. ""I !l bund tloll Tlie "stars . bi Co in i. by ; F'u nt :.sm, .lm 1 1, .Siippei. Ho Mil In. k l.illis. ,'omlc item. The wo, , fumoiia all ,r:;,, of tluiiv 1'iecea, under the din, 'I Mr llm, .id lletteridge, bi, ol will render la, March s and stripes Forever," iSousni olll.'t m.Io, v ..,. , v.... ii'. iiiil i.e.'ire Ma'rshiill, ,,. , Mr, I,,.. ' ( Howe!, id M'M'lle. f.i.-lit 'u. ' Mm s.;,ngleil Staff. 0 or .1 .1 Si.,. ' rctm v i I. ,, , iVvne. Musi, al l,i i.U;.- Vd, 1.--U. flue H..r.HHl. S""!" M..at,,. R. Ilr.,v I JHiol-i. id Kiieene. was in Snle... vester, lay. H. llurtii,n,l was in tho day from i;ilas. U Met l.ibii, t 1 'on I.i n.l today. I. K. I'i imk and funiilv the week nt Tilliiini.uk. II. A. flit ton. of Kiirfene. was. regis ter,,! nt the Hligh vesterdav. ' " 1 "Okie and Hnyn, ond "i ilvert,'ii. ,.,,. in Sulein s l..,,ra are spending ui,iiiiig Hiiilot. yesterduv, reliirue.l ,r. Itiiuiier, M.., r. Harold ll.ttir r, Jlrnest , Shuck tv xil. tl Spn va.ls. reuular price liilarpi ii'e?l.;,().$l.7:)i special Iv'a-iilar prioo tl.'-fl.'A). special I NIU.KAl Ili:i H AMI Tt) i:i.s i-1 i l.HV :in. 1T. oiv.v.,:..i B I " "I ""VI 111. Alii I III ..si. tin .oanii .'iiV, special 10f 17r U. G. Shipley Co. Liberty Street between Cour( anJ S(a,c MUTUAL MASTlllt ril'TURKs Discharged for Being Th.it is , the . 1 , 1 1 K , I i. line. Late i....i i.. ' r-atlie lA,,e VV screen , ,1!.,. in i ileie HartiKulr . Mutual Master The Reward it, tin. sho t ih. is I.r,. , ".,ul. " I' Hi pellia. ,-.. ' trill.' I t tr n.,.l w tor,., how , '"t to be i ,,.,,.( ! is sa,., ,ru "no'lll'l lii, -ni. 'l. tl" II,. sole li ki. tl K, w s r,' ;l.i ef tl. -u i the Untie - i m in, tni. , ....... I " "-r " !'. !!. Tod,r and T,- .r, st.ni ( ,hor. thai r Iwh,. ... 'if.- 1 !,(.. kiiise. Just how ruble mitki- ia you kave rr itk the little 'D out idem, but Bligh Theatre terday from a visit in Marshfield and Astot in. liutus M. Russell, enmity elerlt of Linn county, was in the eity toduv, i having (V.i- hi8 home at Albany lain this alternonii. I'runk ( ary, of Sealtle, is in the citv, in the interests c.f tho Commerce auto truck. He was a resident of s'alcui t'bniit 1:' years itgo. Lorini Dnvenrt and wife, of Wood burn, and C, M, L0ve and wife, id lchita, Kans.-is, were in tiie citv ve terday, the guests of E. X. Peetz.' Hlaiu ho Ilownrd, one o'.' the assist iints of the publie library, left veste, lav for a two weeka1 visit with lor ti daughtera at Hutto, Montana. J. L. Stockton will return tonight, "iter a visit of three davs in Portland attending the special buvers' week. lie. addressed a. lnpetinjj f the buveit lui-sduy evening, and ngain this eve., at the banquet given them bv the I "itlitnd ( miiuT. iul elr.h. The Smiles of the Satisfied Are the Smiles that Count Kvt-rv (li. tllty. HI thoUsailik :in,l v. i . f h"M. llH iv'll !, happy smiK-s , ,., the New Post Toasties 7rK ffi j.V Tlii.v-'.-., ,i;.v in ;.' ... . ' ,!,l"-Ltheonlir.;i . ...Linn .(iid tn-ni ,,t t. - in cream as o,,lir,... . . VUi i on t mush down 'onn that keeps them cSn:! h a and i'v corn flakes, both And the flavour! The h.v, ,. - aiv skilfully c o n L ,i 1 1 , i , : . i p;' elected vvh oasm by a new prv-ss th- and npntnu zest of the true en Z - . out a" the ite corn de- New Post Toasties r. , Superior Corn Hakes. Fine with ctvam, milk or fruit iirmii Milium AdulU lot Wrt fir em and Smile! ... '.'c" v !.:.,,tw4i" ' i, ' I , -V "riamawii MBBnaaV M'",''''B'''u,,aWaBaiBaBaaj 4 -