i..,.ilv mV FULL LEASED fi 1 . . VI ! T fi fffl ff il t-JjfF WIRE DISPATCHES II flv Si 'Afff T LJ ILaJCh- f H I V' ll K 1) fl IT 11 JlH PfPid' ''2. ; 'trtrtrfrftMr rfvl '' CIRCULATION IS ; J4iV IMlIll J- ' H O II II FIhP 1 s-" 'OVER 3800 DAILY ' THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TBURSDAyTJGTJST uTmT. PPTrr Twn rrNT on thWan I I All I 111 IfMft lfl IMA . f " riVIJi A fVU LiJilN 1J BTAND3 - FIVE OENT i t vUfnPH K KA N nsiiuii VULHWIVE meean bandits NEWDRIVEAGAINSTRIGA . Greatest German Military Genius Succeeds Von Buelow In Command of Armiee Operating In Baltic Region Russians Offer Stubborn Resistance, Making Numerous Counter Attacks-French Aviators Invade Bavaria British Submarines Active London, Aug. 12. With the "official announcement from Berlin that Field Marshal Von Hindenburg is in com--ninnd ci? the German forces in the Bal tic region and not General Von Buelow, new interest centered today in the fighting about Riga and toward the Wnrsuw-Petrogrnd railway. At the beginning of the great War saw drive Von Hindenburg was in com mand nlong the Narew liue. The early operations in the Baltic provinces, it was officially announced, were carried 'iiit by vast cavalry forces under Von liuelow. With the determined attempts muni mt- ui'uig mane 10 seize Kiga, however, and the fact that Field Mar tial Von Hindenburg has been placed in lonimnnd of the Baltic operations, it is believed the kaiser regards this at tack on the Russian flank as the most important movement on the eastern front. In view of the violent offensive which the kaiser has apparently deter mined ti continue against the Slavs, the early forcing of the Dardanelles is regarded ns more pressing than ever if the Russian situation is to be saved. There is every indication that tho Dar danelles assault has been resumed nn ..mKi- ainic tue advance is only ny'"1" "'K mi me iuriusii warship (Joe vanls, however, and an enormous tnsk yet confronts the allies in this region. That the Russians are offering the loives of Vmti Iliudeuburg .stubborn resistance is evident from' the German official statement which reported coun ter attacks by the Slavs. These at tacks are declared to have been re pulsed, but yesterday's statement re corded no advance for the Germans in this region, At other points the Kus sinns nre apparently continuing their orderly retirement. As a rosult of the placing of Field Marshal Von Hindenburg in command of. the northern flank and the steady thrust that is being made further into Hussinn territory in this region, the belief is growing in military circles that Petrograd is tho real German ob jective. Where Korno was originally planned as the northern extremity of the new Kussinn liue of defense, 'this fortress is now besioged and its cap ture momentarily expected. With the fall of Kovno this line can no longer "e ncm uy tne Slavs in the north and a further retirement may be expected. Unofficial reports have declared that the Russians are also preparing to evacuate Vilna, the junction point of the railway from Warsaw to Petrograd. Vilna is about 375 miles from Petro grad. The principal German effort is now regarded as the attempt to seize toe railway to the Slav capital, ac "minting for the assignment of Von Hindenburg to the task. Germans Will Attack Serbia, Sofia, Aug. 11. (Delayed in trans mission.) The Austrian and German ministers visited Premier Radoslavoff -Monday, seeking Information as to the iiinnnanU .,f h nii; ; 1'iilgnriaii participation In tho war It ' .le ljns'8 of a withdrawal from Bel 's understood thev informed the premier .?""" Rl"1 lm'' "''ly fade overtures 'hut Germany was about to start a new to l,0I)a for , mediation. s'iliian offensive md promised Bui-' JSe correspondent declared the Aus ruin important concession If Czar For- tro-Germans were not willing to endure iinand would remain neutral. another winter campaign. The socialists nre demanding a pop- j "hir referendum before Bulgaria takes i German Jews Protest. ' decisive ,tep. j ril,rii vi Kiu,U,m , 8llvvini, A 'he above dispatch was evidently fil-12 An association of German .lews to ;" .'" ,oflil 0,1 Monday, hut was held day made public through the military 'i' hv the censors before being relayed their rnbliis protest against the ship " i-er in until yesterday. Cables from ; menf of munitions to the allies for dis """ "'" Ba.kans during tho past fort-j tribution through neutral powers Von Hindenberg Is Playing the Leading Part in Russian Drive (By J. W. T. Mason.) i Written for the I'nited Press.) i X." lork, Aim. 12 For'the f irst ! ':ie niiw r. H, . ft j forces southward into tho arms of I-rent eastern ftensive iUreh Vo Mackensen'. arm- "' '.iign was stnrted the official state-;ic, along the Vistula. But the anni !uii V m"u i ann0l,n''J th1 l'rt liilntion of the Russian field forces per ' field Marshal Von Hindenburg is: haps is mit the major objective after Mi.nng. it Kllown 0).1V hHt he is: ll - .,,, ot ,n opcratiuim 011 the mid is cneikinu the advancM of, KllSSinus dlirimr l..t f., iii'l'v ' roaJ Siuiultau-i Insten.l of expending strength in try- Viea '"I,"'" ominously, tho Novo ! jng to envelop the Russian forces, the ia, letiograd 's leading uewspa-1 Teutons may intend to isolate Petrograd !'.,',' Jl'l""'ted to have warned thejbv blocking the armies in central and .1..,.,.',' ,,IB l'ml Germany's real ! southern Russia. Then Von Hindenburg Wli .l,,-1 ft ,i'-V of r','tr0Kd. could march on to Petrograd and com t..r .i.' r'V "M ""'derburg is, mint cen-lpd the czar n il l his court to flee for th!. si.v .""X f "nMl force; safety. N,, to sue for a separate in-ace. ! IWause Napoleon could not hold . Ii,i, ,1 minis nus neen "lined with thi Blnmoiu ,..f..... it,,,,, il i . r ripinenis or mvst the beginning. Only the bare "ii.cnieiits of occasional rTOirre , , - vi ii, i ,nn ' i an- asienal progress has! ""''i contained in the offieinl pnrn- i niMIn les. The in, ml,.. 1 1 I L iiii-ii riiKitK'1!! Pn k(Tl secret. It is asauracd i " -i iw w minmiii nrrrun night have given evidence of boing held up from one to six days in addi tion to tho usual delay in Berlin and London. Turious Fighting at Verdun. rnris, Aug. 12. The most furious ngniing tnat has occurred on the west ern front in a fortnight is now in prog ress about Verdun with artillery rock ing the entiro region and violent as saults being made against entrenched positions. Hand grenades and large bombs add to the din of exploding shells from heavy guns. Two German night attacks were re pulsed near Maria Theresa and Foun tain Aus Charmes, the communique an- lumit'iu iimuv. rue crowd prince, however, is hammering hard at the trench line near Vienna Leehnteau. Strong attacks are being made by tne enemy in the Pont-a-Mousson re gion, it was stated. The eueniv has piled up hundreds of dead about the crencli blockhouses in this district in unsuccessful attacks during the last 24 hours. British Submarines Active. London, Aug. 12. The admiralty to day was without confirmation of an Athens cable to the Dniiv Toi.,r,..,i. ien, renamed tne Sultan Selim, had ueen torpedoed near the Bosphorous. An Athens dispatch to the News de clared a British submarine had tor pedoed the cruiser, forcing her ashore, and had also sunk an armed Turkish transport near the liospliorus, but this also lacked confirmation by the admir alty. Austrians Repulsed. Rome, Aug. 12. Charging forward in the glare of Austrian searchlights, two Bersnglieri companies drove tho enemy from an entrenchment on Monte Seibus'i with the bayonet, General Cadorna re ported to the war 'office today. Later Austrian artillery rendered the position untenable. Italians withdrew, but not uimi iiiiit uiey nad wroeked the works. "In the Cndore region we repulsed nny.iK niuciu or tne enemy toward Sei koici, i.eiiernl Cadorna reported. " All attacks on the entire Carnia front were repulsed. We advanced slightly at Plavruidness, " French Aviators Raid. Berlin, via London, Aug. 12. French aviators dropped bombs 'upon Swei bruekeii and Snnkt Ingbert, in Bavaria, killing eight civilians and wounding several others, it was annoinced todav. Sweibruckpu and Snnkt Ingbert are but 10 tnik's apart. Both have exten sive machine shops, manufacturing es tablishments and iron and stel mills. Says Germans Want Peace. London. Aug. 12. A dispatch to tho Times from its Milan correspondent declared it was reported (hut (lernumv was willing to negotiate for nence that the Mirnose of the Baltic offensive t eut the Warsaw-I'etrograd rail- r'"" 1,1 """"Pt to drive tne Kii-smii task ha has perhaps caused the abantton of the plan it it was really ever I......: .Moscow is no reason wnv tno iterinans, - :.. .i .,i.i i;.. .... vim v in i ruiiKMii, i ,iiiu ii"i n v" indefinitely. The Novo Vremya est i - mated that the Teutonic power is seven imi irrupt nri N'nonlfHin 's. Whether . ..:- : '.j k. k nus.lH nils int. n--'i m i i's"i seven fiJd remains to be proved. E nuoDiAii utrtns ON NAREW RIVER Invaders Now Within Twelve Miles of Petrograd Rail- way, Says Berlin Berlin, via wireless to London. Ana 12 Crushing tho Russian defense along the Narew and advancing within 12 miles of Petrograd railway at one point, new advnnces for tho German forces were reported ail along the line by the war office today. General Von Seholtz captured the important bridgeheads over the Narew at vizua, east of the captured fortress of Lcmza and nlso occupied Wain, the omcini statement declared. South of Vizua after a cattle lasting .1 r . . ... ...... n iwu uuys, uonerai von uallwitz occti pied Zambroao, 12 miles from the Po tronrad railway. The Russians bta Ha. dared to be retiring rapidly upon the railroad irom J.omza and Novo Geor giewsk. Inmiediately.east of Warsaw tho Ba variau forces of Prince Leopold cau tured Lukow, only 17 miles from tho important railroad point of Sidlce, the statement continued. This gives the Germans control of the shortest route over which the Slavs can withdraw up on Brest-Litovsit and makes it impera tive that the retreating forcos take a roundabout way in reaching the new line. "Our airmen bombarded the Bialos tok railway .lnnction. causlnir several explosions," tho official statement said. "Jn the north, General Kichhorn re pulsed a Russian attack smith of the Niemcn in a bloody battle, during which the enemy suffered losses. "In the southwest, General Von Mackensen penetrated fortified posi tions of the enemy after stiurp fighting ueiween mo aug river ami l'arczey, j lie enemy is retreating." In the western- theater, the only op eratious of importance are in the Ar gonne, where the crown -nrincfl is nt tacking the French lines, it was stated. A group of positions was captured near Vi..im.i T.Q f'linl.... L . . .......u r V.UUIVUII, (.IIU BMJlOlllCIlt 8U1U Sixty of Orew Drown. Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, Aug, I-'. Hixty members of the crew of Hw. British cruiser Ramsey were drownod wnen tno namsey was sunk Sunday according to reports hero today. Reciting tho "adventures of the Our man auxiliary cruiser Meteor in pene trating the British patrol line and sail- imr nr.ll milaa it,. - ft ""-" nuiu nn uiint?, UCWSpuperS today said the Meteor sowed numerous mines m the North sea beforo being .. 1... ..1 .1 tii . . , . . " ttuuuutinua una uiown up-at'tor sinking ID IMI DEATH" lieutenant Sutton of Signal Corps Seriously Injured In Accident Washington, Auir. 12. Cut.uin George K. Knox was killed and Lieu- imiuiu n. a. i5iinon, a signal corps aviator, was seriously injured when an aeroplane in which they were flying at Fort Sill, Okln., became unmanageable during a practice fight and crashed to t lip ground today. The aeroplane' fell from a height ol :i'0 feet. Sutton's home is nt 718 lloyt street, i-oruuiid, ure. ins mother is Mrs. .lames M. Sutton. Knox' home is in New York. He is reported to be the son of the hatter and was known as the righest man in tiie army, .Sutton was rushed to the' army hos pital upon being taken from the wreck age of the aeroplane. Knox was dead when extricated. The reports of the accident forward- 1 ed hero said Sutton made every effort to right the aeroplane as he started to lull. It miule two spirals hi the descent l.... .1... l:.... ' ... . . inn me iiciiienuiii was uuniiie to lirjng it to nn even keid and was entangled in the wreckage when the machine crashed to the ground. GENERAL VILLA AGREES. Washington, Aug. 12. Gener al Villa has a reel with lien, rill Scott, chief of staff of the I'nited States army, to suspend hostilities indefinitely pending pence negotiations, a dispatch to the state department, pre sumably from Special Agent (leorge ('Brothers, announced this afternoon. The statu department an nounced no formal reply will be miide to (icuerul Carranza 's note warning against "med dling" by the I'nited Stales and Pan-American powers, ilia communication is believed to have made possible a mure tan gible reply than a formal docu ID ITALY FEARS E Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboli Belching Fire, Smoke and Lava PEOPLE FLOCK TO CHURCH PRAYING FOR SAFETY Vapors From Vesuvius Cloud Bay of Naples and Villagers Flee From Homes By Henry Wood. Naples, Aug. 12. The Brent vol canoes, Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboli have suddenly become active and are belching ateami andt'snioko. Lava is ponrinir llown thn on0t. slope of Mount l'2na from two new craters, threatening Sicilian villages. Naplos and Messina are terror stricken. The inhabitants aU flucking to the churches, offering pravers for the uf.Rtl . of thc 'ti('H' Tarunte and Hnndisi have felt frcnuirs and there is in reasing fear that a gigantic earth quake is about to shako Italv, though scientists are taking every moans to reassure the public. En route from Allium tn v.,i.,. aboard a Greek steamer I ner,,m,ll witnessed the renwakiminir nf great volcanoes. Passinir throuut, Dm Ionian sen, smoke from Mt. Ktnn was visible for miles. The cone of the volcano, standing two miles above sen eve , was shroudod in a thick cap of black smoke and steam. At Messina, sixty miles in tlm i,,.-i),. oast, the people nre clamoring for the traditional procession tn n,., ..i, della lettera, popularly believed to have often saved them from Mt. Etna's wrnth. StromlKili. risinrr snnn ff tho sea on ono of the Linnri l.inmi. seen to be emitting an angry stream of lava toward the sea while spouting. . - ...... , 4l j,, nlJ w could ascertain from the steamer, none ""'""I Liuillt fill I nillflKn An Fii. . . . nuiui, viuages at tho base hud been burned. Vapors from Mount V....t,t... the bay of Kunles , here Residents of village at the base of the volcano are flocking here. Thev are trudging Into Naples with their (foods strapped upon their backs, flee ing before what. it. is .f,..j mother outbreak nf the volcano. (Copyright 1!1.j veiling Post.) 1'7 tho Now York INew lork. Auir. 12 Tl, ...i. -i i iin-T uHiivi r rciru nr v i,,,i.. 1 . . , . . nivi;ft llllir- times there was a uood deal nf .,u,..n.. "lent and weak. i , ,mrt(,rH, irndiiiLr was ess act vo sharp bidding up of specialties, somo of ". .. .1 uinuiieeil violent V nn t in ni.. ulation of riiiiiiirs of liii-in ,iii ......v., tiieie was aotning interesting in the speculation of the dnv Sentiment was inlxo.l .i u , lent that the " war stocks " as a class have lost some of their popularity since the new high mark, weri estab lished. The market as 11 whole was laricly professional, reflecting a sort of pool manipulation often ,oe at this stage 01 a speculative campaign, chiefly "rougo the cra.c in "war stocks. " The ast hour was .piiet with interest rou tined to iiidii-liials. Homo railroads were weak but there was no heavy sell ing. ' MUNITIONS REACH P08T Liverpool, Aug. 12. The steamship Adriatic, carrying une of the largest cargoes of muni tions since (lie opening of the wur, passed safely through the war zone and docked here today. The vessel h ft New York Aug gust 4. THE WEATHER Oregon: Fair to night and Friday. Westerly winds. GREAT EARTHQUAK IN FIGHT TODAY Reign of Terror Along Mex ican Border and American Troops Massing There rsiownsvillo, Texas. Auir. 12Aft..r 1 quiet niRiit and torcnooii, three Mex ican bandits were killed in a ruuninir llirilt with hI.IIa... 1 i . " - D",lllr!i "'i ciu.eus neiwoeu .Mercedes and Donna this afternoon. Thirty-five bandits were driven back across the river hv tho ,i,.;.. mere inev wore loinei hv 111) ntl.nnu . IHOIID, llllk nun iurtner trouhlo is expected. Three companies of the Ninth infan try arrived fron Laredo todav. It was rumored this 'afternoon that, fivo til ft 11. sand troops had been ordered here. Two troop trains from General Obre iron's headquarters at Mnnten.v nrri,-. ed nt Matanioras last llkrht. TViiu la regarded as significant, in vi.. f threats of nn attack upon Brownsville in ense of intervention by the United States. Reign of Terror Prevails. Brownsville, Texas. Auir. 19 With terror prevailing all along the Mexican border practically every able bodied mini of Cameron, Hidalgo and Starr counties are under arms tndnv nil fir,,,. Iv bclieviim thev nre fiieiii., m, ot. tempt of Mexicans to seizn n nnrt ,,l' Texas and convinced they nre bent up on accomplishing this end by wholesale niiissncro ami destruction. the "army of liberation for Mexi nns in Texas" is declared todnv to be spreading. In suatchlnir the 'border land (rem tho United States, the Mexi cans are said to be plediied to slnv every American over 1(1 years of age. (Inventor Ferguson has nslicd that more troops he sent to tho Kio Grande by too government ami everv rancher i'n this region has joined tne volunteer forces who are engaged in running down the bandits ami organized bauds terrorizing the community. According to reports here, literature lound 011 Mexicans who have been union prisoner Imitates that t in nt hick against the American territory was to have been made under thn "plan of San DicBO. " This incbolimr !,,. killing of all American mules over 1(1 eiirs of age along the borders in Texas, r.ew Mexico, Arizona and California. Hcports of additional Mexican forces arriving on tho border and crossing. tno liio Grande are constantly reaching nere. ono report declare 17(10 Cur rnnzista soldiers havo crossed the river, being scattered out over I miles be tween Bio Grande City and a point, be low Brownsville, Henrvh for detached bodies of bandits of cavalry and rang ers continues nil along the border with the accompanying outbreaks of "bush whacking" at. intervals. MEXICAN BULLETINS Washington, Aug. 12. The entire Atlantic fleet will leuve Newport for southern waters August !!, it was ad mitted nt tho navy department today. It was denied that tho vovoiio of the rieet nad anything to do with the Mex icun summon, jiau mis Deea the rea son for deciding to send the fleet south, It would go immediately, It was ex plained. The cruise is customary at this season for target practice ami maneuvers, officials declared, verifying the statements by records. Thirty ves sels will bo Included in the fleet which will leave on the I'l'th. Although the ordering of flic fleet south was declared to bo a matter of regular procedure, it was nevertheless thought that the presence of the war ships in the southern waters miulit have a quieting effect on Mexico, Washington, Aug. 12. The iiinbont Sacramento left Vera Cruz at (l:2u last night for New Orleans with the Brazil ian and (iiiateuinlan ministers, Iheir families and their suites aboard, the stale department was Informed today. Wiisliiiigtoii, Aug, 12, The Carnin zista agency here received an uneon-l firmed rumor today that Zapatistas had blown up a train at Jalaim, killing! fifty passengers and murdering the , 'miliary escort. W,i.l,!(,.M A..., i .!,...,,. 1 I,',..... ... T : ... " 1011 uiouy reponuu n iieiiicuiiieiii or i lie Ninth infantry had been scut from Laredo to Brownsville, Texas, because of threatening conditions there, Addi tional troops will probably he sent from Texas City to Laredo. Vn..,r,i.f 1 T A..., 10 TUn ....... orcd cruiser, Montana, is gathering up1!'""1' ""r. ",",'r,1''1 ,.,nri.,. fr.i, th.. I,u, hi... 1 .. I llU" ''U'rC.I ill is to sail for Mcxicau waters, according to unofficial reports, it is understood the Atlantic fleet is fn sail for the southern drill grounds next Monday in order to be nearer Mexico. The collier Cyclops departed ..... id today, presumably for Vera Cruz, N'ogalet, Ariz.. Aug. 12. Troon K: Tenth I'nited hlateif cnvulry was rushed to the Kn Hiifiiel valley todav to pro-i teet ranchers from Cnrrauzista soldiers who have crossed the line ami are loot-"'; ing farms on foraging forays. Philadelphia North American: Von Mackensen and von lliiidenbiirg seem to be proceeding on the principle that one good turning movement deserves , another, I PRESIDENT KAN COMPLICATIONS Defy of General Carranza Presents New DifficultyPan American Conference Opposes Intervention In Any Event-Situation Along Texas Border Becomes Acute -More Mexican Raiders Killed and Entire Population Is Under Arms By 0. P. Stewart. Washington, Aug. 12. President Wilson faced nn involved Mexican tan gle today. General Carranza has de fied him. It is known the udministra- tion intends to answer, whilo this sit nation is being dealt with, conditions along the border aro becoming moro serious. The ontiro Atlantic, fleet will lenvo Newport for southern waters on August zv, ana though it was domed at tho navy department that this movement of tho warships has anything to do with Mexico their presence nt the southern frill grounds will put thorn uonror tho Mexican ports should they be needed. ftvon berore Secretary of State Lans ing ami the I'an-Americnn conference had time to make a final "get to gether" appeal to thc Mexican factions 'resident ilson received General Car ranza s message warning them to ('couso meddling." This was followed by a pronouncement from General Ilcri berto Jaru, a Carrunzisfu chief, scoring the administration, tho I'aii-Amoricau oaleieuce mid financial interests on both sides of the border ami pledging armed resistance to outside interfer ence. In addition the Cnrriurzista agency here inndo public telegrams from eleven Carninzista lenders, including Generals Ubregon, Gonzales und Trovino, declar ing they would have nothing to do with any program which Carranza does not approve, and pledging their loyalty to resisting 1111 enforced compromise wiui tno reactionaries." The tone of the Caernnzista communi cation aro not alone defiant but aro on the verge of insulting. Many officiuls expressed the belief that they sought to compel art 11111 by tho United States as a means of consolidating all fac tions on Carriiiizas side and winning tho sympathy of the I'an-Aniericnii powers. Secretary of Htnto Lansing was tho first of President Wilson's advisers to consult with hi in after his return from Cornish early today. Cariunza's defy was taken up by the president, ami his premier. That it was deemed ex tremely objectionable was admitted. It was recognized, however, that such an answer us the administration wanted to make would likely precipitate a sit nation south of tho border ns would render intervention inevitable. Another conference between ' the Latin-Aincricun envoys and Hecretiirv Lansing was regarded ns possible this arternoon, it wnB believed the de tails of the coming note to be addressed to the Mexican factions might require further consideration by the conferees. Tho president and Lansing went over thc final draft today The secretary nf state said his conference with the presi dent had not changed the sitiint'on and that thn note would bo awarded as soon ns it was finally prepared. Lans ing and President Wilson worn together for an hour. The Latin AincMi'iiii cnvoyi hav' re fused lo endonn inlyrvci'tiiMi. They opposed it tl-riughout thn coiifeiencc's with Secretary Lansing and today, inniugii 11,11 ( iiii.iiizistn agency cimn thc n.inounee.nent (hat file president of I rtrgentm.i had elided Cnrrinva thnt11 -mim me union Argentina .'iitcrcd Ihe cni;fer,.,.(. (in ; "y "f a count ry-I energetically pro- the nnder-'au.li,,., Hint. M.ixU.m .lo,.,..,. ile nllairs end intervention would not, be disnoss id, If the United States Intervenes, the1 (i.h.iinilrull ul II......C... ....1 ....I..I1" .... 1. I.,., ..... ... . . ' t on iis own iiiiiiiiuvc. nut, act, r:;;:i:,::;,,;r;::;,;r.", ' . ... ... , ' "r'I.T hii.l " "V '" "'.v morn . Harm- '?. ' ' n non.l.l 10... in . Vera Cruz nr, ii,,.,.,, 1,1, ,, , .1 . (loncrttl I'linston reported that mar-! auders stvll,, the, Iv.. .. , liberty of Mexico and Texas" are oner- ... i i m ' , tiling in the Brownsville section. Kuns-j 1011 necinriM 11 is troops ruptured a pre-, hm.ii.ius on. no r ag Tuesday bearing; .... ns. r pi.on nrmy or liberty." A hand -bill was nlso taken which rend 'Mexicans: Today wo will iiecmn- lei.i, i he revolution' a few days gigantic! proportions. We are united as brothers from General Carlos Tejndo to Cnrran to expedite tho fortunes of ours. In za, read: these solemn moments we will vindicate; 'I rn ..,. ,.n . . 1....4 ,"'r r'"'" , .I1"""'" 'r nil tlme.i -'".v tin. Il)it Rli.tio 11p.u1 uH in all onri ' J,""1"" , ""V" u'"1 "la-v " 'r"w" ""r , 1 , , , ., . ... " " " .r.. -,r, j 11 11 , .- this movement, initialed In Texas, of! ''"""'"I"''"'" " to bring nbout tho '""!'" """ .1"""'" wp "m f,,t- At the war depart meiit it is believed """""" Horner aro merely ( ri'',,rr,,l by General , . in. si.. 11 as 1111 en. iise Kir wniesprea.i brigandage. While withholding their actual ties- filiations, Secretin v Daniels admitted I that condition), might nriiy. nt Vera, '"ruz necessitating tho disint..h of thel battleships New Hampshire and Louis-1 FACES NEW Dl iana thoro. lie said orders would pos sibly bo issued within the next 24 hours sending them to Hampton - Roads or Guantnnnmo. It is believed the orders will be for tho lnttor port, which will place thorn, within atriking distance of vera i.rua, Tlie secretary intimated 1 that sending tho battloships direct to 1 Vera Cruz might precipitate an out- DrciiK sucn as the administration wwnea to avoid. The gunboat Marietta is the onlv Amoricnn warship at Vera Cruz, since tne Sacramento dopartod with the Brazilian and Guntnmnlnn ministers1 abnnrd. Captain Scott, her commander, is expected to keep the dopartmeat in formed of all developments. E His Representative Publishes Scathing Arraignment of Present Conference Washington, Aug. 12. General Carranza, through his agency here to day authorized the publication of a scathing arraignment of the Pan-Auior-icun conference at the White House and financiul interests In both thn United States nnd Mexico, written by General Jura, 11 constitutionalist. General Cnrriinza'a foreign minister In Vera Cruz today cabled the agency here the reply of Argentina to the "first chief's" note ns to the Pan American conference. In this the president of Argentina wua (pioted ns stating that ho understood the con ference was not to discuss Mexican domestic affairs or armed interven tion. This substantiated press dispatches from Galveston as to a cable received by the Cai ranzista consul in which the "first chief" gave a similar outline of Argentina 's reply. "I nm informed' that the American department of state suggested to the A B C powers the idea of Interferring in a direct mnnner in our affairs and that it, is proposed to Impose on us a president who will bo supported by thn White House by force of arms,''' the statement, from tho agency declared. "If such a thing tins been accomp lished by Mexican or foreign .lews who from other side of the border speculate in scandalous nnd criminal war without misfortunes, and if the Washington gov ernment considers the highway robborv ,""''li,,.H. Wl.'11 ",m't wnr,hy ' "'"' K"'" outrage of sucti a ehar- , 1 ncter. 'It ennnot be justified cither in the ! name of civilization or the principles of hiiniunity, Inasmuch ns, if such sen finicntN inspired Washington and thn A n 1. . ,1 , 7, , , : przp&tfx: renn war where civilization nnd lm. lllllit hllV(, r,.,0vM t)ir ,,..". ,,,WN j,,,,,,,,,,, uf with Ml()!i n .,' W(mk 't,uul,try) ,mikB ;. " i less obi nun iiccoroi s iccaiisa ..... i:..i..:.. . fereiiro less just und decorous because V "K"u" ,ur l"'M''- ance or commerce, "You may rest assured, (Icnerul Cnr- riin,11, thnt the working classes now with mo will follow your patriotic ex- lltlI., al), w wiM he ,)V V()Ur si,U , ,. f..,l nut nl nutonomv with arm. i in linnds." , , , , j General Jura is the former supervisor f ,r v,.m Cr, Another m,l r,,,i,i: - - ......... , ,i,i 1,1 11,,, mm s...licr will follow you In sacrifice." Severul generals wired Carranza they would die rutlicr than submit to for- .. i (4 11 iiiierierence, . PRESIDENT Or HAITI port An Prince, Haiti, Aug. 12. Uenerul Dnrtii-iiennve, president of the national assemTily, was elected president or mini today by a, majority veto or the assembly. ' There was no disorder. ' ' Philadelphia ledger: If the Mex- leans want to fight why don't thev go to Kuropn, where the fighting it good f t CARRANZA WILL OPPOS I1MG OUTSIOERS ' ) i j