Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" CHAKLES H. FISHER, Editor and Manager. TTKsOAV KVKMV:. fUHI-I-HKD KVKBY iVESlNO KXCKl'T SCNMY, HAf.Kif, OKKGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. h. BAKXM. CHAK II. n-)!i;3. UOBA C. ANUKtaKN. J'rcid.ut Vk i'Kjideot !.:. and Tr,-:i". IHily y earner, per rear by irail, per rear . . f t.fl.-' IMJ'riOV KATKS Z O'l IV r n.onth 3.00 Jvr month .4.",- ITI.L I.KASKD W 1 1: f i TI.I.KGKAI'Il KM'OBT The I'npitul Journal currier tnjrt nre intracfe, to put t Ij pnpcm on I In: -ti'. f the carrier doei not ilu thin. nii"s yon, or neglects y-tt fi tj the paper to you on lira,', kindly phone t h nrrrjla'ion mriniie;er. n thin in tin- only rty We rftn oeierinine wr.eincr or IK'l me cainrm mc iimiihhk ih-i "e ,-"". i eon." Main M. par TALKS WITH THE BUSINESS MAN By NcU Darl'ai?. No 8. Tin- rnt trlnr. tin' Mit,-r, tli.- H'ltj vi'i:ir r f - r hi i -in ni yr. n'iv. h-ivt tlit'ir I'lrn'c in llii' r rt 1 -h rnj. li'it tin' ii'U'-rt -hi nr iim -Liiui tiltit "''il III" ''H,.U lit tin- lien h,!t,i-t. WJicii vij linw il-'M'l.-il nhiit vuir a-hi'd iHntf rij.ro.ri:iti..n wilt n fr tic iiiuMtf w-ur (:iiif linf i miuim' ii i "ii li'-iM tiniik iiImijI inriK)' lift vniir riini'l t, j.-it nf i :,-f f h i f N i.f it i rtt rirw-.'ii'T i"l Vl t i-nii,' llif'i f nl live, (nllli'itf, (JrtM'il 'In1 M-'t li'lvi-ff - rjH-iif-.. A r wih-I'M in fil'ANv t. tri'l-' i!'''i'r ''Inn nr win- tltiw jiluy Cini'it'rtHV, j.i.tttti' in ., f . ,j.r it-' t-t Uh- fi.,ii ;ii'-f plnirih' (irir.-l. I'nll att.fti'ii f.. t ; .. I'-uni fititr t. time in )uur "'ii t U rt i fin-ii J . Hi uf m'Hiic in itir "in in nil it v, V' i r i " t 'u vu -t i'nv m' rtri'i'Mt. it m. n 1 1-.' it r. .(m- ' i'.h r-.i . j t if nn in :ii -t 1n' Willi lir f'tMfiilit'. Jt.n.l tilt ii.hiTtinfiy .f ti..- I'lfr,. .(,,,,.. ,,!y. f n, f,,' iiH-t rijtiihiti 'ImIii'ii. Vi! me '.-i'i.j t ifli iij,t i,i tin- irit. ihn WIm'II i'ltl l'i fitr it, V'Hi Alii ihj.iv ,'-ii! j ii i i t iCir c II tj) j.'i II. Jiri'l'tii I ni 'Mif U. Ti i.t-wh, ii inl i ii u 'i i lii :i ri n I ' i ti I lit' f I'-iilf tif liiir cf furl. MAN'S FKIKNI), T1IK HOFtSK The Boston Work IIois- Ilt-1 iff Association, a most cfTicit'iit organization, has issued its hot weather rules for the care of horses. Not many horse owners arc willingly inconsiderate, hut ignorance or disregard does not lessen the sull'erings of the faithful hcasts. , The rules of the association are: "Load lightly anil drive slowly. "Stop in tin' shade if possible'. "Water your horse as often as possible while he is working. Do not fail to water him at night after he has eaten. 1 "When he conies in after work sponge off the harness marks ami sweat, his eyes, his nose, the mouth and the dock. Wash his feet hut not his legs. "If the thermometer is 7." degrees or higher wipe him all over with a damp sponge. I'se vinegar water if pos sible. Do not turn the hose on him. "Do not use a horse-hat, unless it is a canopy-top hat. The ordinary bell-shaped hat does more harm than good "A sponge on top of the head, or even a cloth, is good if kept wet. If dry it is worse than nothing." 1 A horse not in the best of condition can stand a great deal or warm weather while doing his work if he N 1-roperly handled. If he is as fit as a sound horse well no irished ought to be he can easily be killed or ruined under mismanagement ;md the heat. In the Kast where the Huston association is doing its principal work hot weather is more to be guarded against than on the IV cdic coast with its short summer and cool niehts and "u.r.ungs. Still the horse deserves attention in anv country and climate and the rules laid down are worthy' the consideration of all horse owners. THE VIRTUE OF PAYING All the world loves a Skimpole and admires a Walter Scott. They paid. Now a great preacher, the Rev. Newell Dwight Hiiiis. of Brooklyn, has joined the ranks of great promise rs to pay. General Grant and Mark Twain were heroic payers. Dr. Hillis promises to be in the same class. Sir Walter Scott, after having achieved a fine fortune, went bankrupt, but afterwards paid all he owed. Presi dent Grant, through his son, lost all he had and heavy obligations were put on him. Dying of cancer in his throat, he wrote his Memoirs and paid up. Mark Twain i went broke, through the failure of a publishing house, but j later made the money and paid every dollar, i Dr. Hillis' determination to join the ranks of these ! distinguished payers has decided charm. i The mail order house of Sears, Roebuck & Co.. of Chicago, a concern which next to the Ford Motor Com pany, disbursed the largest dividends in the country, is, : going after Oregon business hard. Two car loads of their , catalogues have just arrived at Roseburg to be mailed there by parcel post to people living in the several coun ties of southern Oregon. They began this plan last year in order to take advantage of the zone system of parcel post charges. There is no question but the large mail order houses are makintr business dull Wiv nni VilUll of many small towns, and by draining the country of MRS. BERGER IS HEAD OF SCHOOL BOARD E It! - 4 n : u.v'er--!', II Exporters of This Country Ar Urging State Department T o Take Action Mrs. .Met a BtTKer. Milivankci', U'i.... .Inly n.,S,,.j;i.i "Tin' only politic tlmt I ..av,. ,.v.-r i non-ii in the s.-loi,l l,!.,.i IllOneV retarding its ndvnnrminr Knf if An,. .:'' " l-r i.oii,!irtian-." -ni.l " - . " ii, UIWS UUlf gOOU -Mm. M4tu !!.!! r. wilV Vi,.,r , io preach against the mail order evil. They go out after u""''' t,rs llhe trade and get it, quite frequently because the home '"Z f tU ; merchant is too sleepy even to advertise in his Wil " h""1 ,m,'nl "" ii,.r : paper The people of his community actually do not X,i!i Know his stock or the prices he puts upon his troods ho- ,r'"lsl"7'"t '"'r''"' " ilv 111 -i.r 8i. ; cause he fills his shelves and warehouse and expects people - r io conn! and look lor what they want. The mail order' !"".' whi".h f"r ;h h h.. houses and city department sties go outX pe' with the message of the bargains they have to offer in """uf. r-""",:,;"i'.v-the newspapers, or through catalogues, and they keep'-" .I't'X1 ..,i i . I , v "icivnuiiis sei down Ki-.'iii.'st tuiu kick over conditions hromrhf nhnnf vr tt,.. v,: u, ..iv,. coinnetitinn incf-,,.,,! f . . 1 " , "V Ulc U,K 'tor,,!,, lvt.1" K"ui oul anu trying to remedv OH' lo'st nil,. In ..1 llll-ntillMill ,('Vc!iil,i,.,.,.t .,11 .:. ' "'I'l'"" nf nil ,! i,,,,,,,!., ' Imivh nil, nirla In I....... ... i ... prices and making tht f.t vnM,. fu T i ". that ti,,. is ,i. ., .,. , ; . ou.tlwwic c ., i,. V- """"" """ugn approver i- f u wi.m,i i,,.i. methods ol advertising. , "i Vr.i,.r .i,.,t ,i hi,,,,,,, ii to ntho ' m l wal.Vnp:,f,,,,,n the, East t0 Sn Francisco nin the devil made the kitchen, and that explains the Mlow s , isposmon. If the devil made the kitchen-w,ll 'lisnuss the thought of such a thing. The kitchen ma n some p ai,.s , k it at ti hut Conclusion C a ff 1. ..s ormed from looks. What would "home 4e t "'I'll', lie without a kitchen. ' nil, t loll II., -IV Ilu I ni ted Press association made a big news 1 STlaibX KettinR a near-interv fw with t 'lh0 "l,u At, it :,st his chancellor spoke f r him Jiti;Sm.(tt uuce, ami our own operator tikex tu, r,,i !! that goes over it the ful1 nevvs report t liav,. (Ins i-liaii,-,., v ii-r i mi on all ,, " no uio iioiil an, ,.,!,,.ti,,1 "I -Imll H-.it,-j Kill, ,:,.,,,;, ,;, ro. " "I't'-'i Mi-, Fll, s'h "Loll I n,l ""I'l VII' Mi i . . . , , . I, i i ' "in I ii r .. ""' :l ii.l n-asonal,!,. Ot SO .f tl. ,.,,.l.l... - ' I ""I Ol OYt'l--1 lIlHtlHts I...U- 1 I"- l'1-opii l:i t I ni "a tVw l'IOV.,r ,lU ,,.' .1 , ; '" '"" y i.uii.iinus. 1 '"" t vot I,,.,,,, ilMl, th,. IIO'IIIII I ' N'W-lil, loit i,:(, M-ar. I, H,- l.v , I I,; to 111' Wahinctiin. Aug. 9. frsjo,) on by ,-XiortiT. the -state ileiarrment is today 'onij.lotiti the tentative ilraft of the note whii-h will be forn-arile, to Great Britain in answer to the refusal to I'fnse interference with neutral com nierie. The a hninistration, it is uiulerstooil, will ayain in-ist that the British onler in i-ouuril be mo.litie.l. No K r , j ti n ,j will be uiven, ami the riht of this eotintry continue tnole with other neutral wers will lie reiterateil. The tentative draft is understood to !ai" that toe war fpo-edents ite. in the I'.iiti.-h note are not tlnnli- 'n!lo to the present ease. It assert- this ooM'iniiieiit never held lip any - Ii i n j t - that were not known tfi be 1 int. -ii, I,-, I fm the confederacy, it denies lii incnts were detained because they iniL'lit .osiMy" reach the south, as Knulnud is dnini; with neutral ,-aryoes in l-:nroie at present. Knuland's ng uestioa for aibitiation will l,e declined on the t'i-iiiiiid that there is no doubt the British coiir-e is indefensihle, and that Hreat Britain itsWf cnisidered sio-li interference so until the present wa r. i The note ;n now heinir prepared is subject to revision bv President Wilson. NORTH SALEM NOTES .Mr. and Mis, Ward I. h'ichardson h it Saturday for their annual vnca tion in tile Silet conntiv. At Me-Milill'-ille they will !. joined bv Or. arid Mm. t'umminir. and Mr. lib-hard--on s I, miller, Karl. Ml - 1 Mrs. Lester M,.( -ken have; r""',t 1 ''"in their hotievi m, spent at Nciko-.vin, " 1 Surprise parties seem to be n favorite pa-tnne in this neiuirbor hood just now. A dcli-htfrrl surprise was uiven at the "f Alma Monroe on North Kourth tr-ct. in ii,,,,,,, ,- i,,,,. Imthdav. (lames ot vi runs kinds were eniov'ed. H,,. tie-lr merits were served later. Those W"sent w-ere: Harold, La Verne and '.rriiird Ulute, Lester liable. Frank' Wilb.i.-. Warren and Albert Monroe, i Lee I, owe Peebles. Ilattie Wolfe, Mav V'1' I'i.v nnd KtlHd' Hnoje and Alum Monroe. , "''1 1 ooper, 7 year old son of ' (I. K j ' "'I"';- ' North Liberty ..,,et.: :l splinter into his foot 1 """'!-' -'vr.cs of In-, ( lav to n move it. lu Dr. W, A. COX ) PAINLESS DENTIST 303 State Street SALEM, ORE. A QUESTION OF INTEREST TO EVERY WOMAN How Do My Teeth look? Let Me Examine Your Month and Tell You What Should Be Done and How Much It Will Cost AH Work Guaranteed Lady Attendant Phone 926 ( oos Lay wants a eengressman. no mistake about it it with the withdrawal of Mr. Simpson, founder and I'ci'etual mayor of North lVd, the people there are 'it a loss to know who to out forward. The Daily Tide voices coast sentiment in the following editorial paragraph: I he esteemed granddaddy of Oregon dailies-the Ore-oman-Hs of the opinio,, ,, vixn h(,lt r0IUMVSsni;m Hawley. It being a I'o. tland institution looks at the nnt t;r from the viewpoint of what would Portland get if i J.oos i;iy southern Oregon man was .sent to Conmes neater politicians than Congressman llawlev have luv HMten but unless southern Oregon unites upon a stroro ,.':' hen sticks to him we uill not .vlieve t l e , ', t"n and Portland will again send her reprt se , ati ' t , Washington to intmvde r- ii,.. .-..i i.:.. V 1 fm- ,.,.., - .. ' ''"om.i iuer ami ;,sk ... , " T'"i'";""s lor extending the j-ttv -in. ii edging the big stream." ' t .oT:,,'lrb,.:'''i,v:,''".iri, , . , " i-iairiM'd tor it " "'"-' e In ken j i,t i t it is now r. yr..-.vth and l-o-ilol'ti. s ir nM ,-,,) I.V W.'ll.he.l. "'"st now there is "" pan of ih tor Jills :.. ., - me Inatter ,,r .. ... I, ....I ii . 1 ",!, to attend tins s,-h l.r:.. I ' . ' , ". oe a, , e, ... . , I ,; ciirilciH "'in.' don,, n, (,, j , tor ,i. i..,. . .. . '""" fill .1. . ' u It i or re, in, rem,.,,,.. "t num. Mrs. B,,,er. li was a s, I,,,., I l '. "'-" ' 'iiu ''If vcars. and V .!, Beniliai.l s, i,i i ' Pain emu. was ,..),,,, , w t,- Ii ' . i'i i " r v. . .. ' 1 public Ml Its irifin,, ... development ;ui,j Will be clese. 1 for evpan "''"I f ti.-ldes '""icllllllil. , p '"wdmc TImtc 'r.v uirl li I. Pi. mi time arises, nu.r- 'i"i. as of tiade P 'ems e in hi,-1; COUNT OKU.MA WILL ACT 1"k:o. A.itf. I'l.-e.iitHt sl,itfl.m,, " h as p,er and minister f fend,,,, I 'k.i.iU Isato .who resi8.., it, . r.:.:.,.l..r lf tI... ,,,, f '!'"-t"'.i scandal ,le,-i,K . oul ' " I. the extreme diffieultv experi- 1 "fll",1'.v "'smning it him.elf. The,,, are s.!,::,,i."i unmarried Woiuen "t mar rrii'.ea i e : .1, ,. st-. 1. . - 111 'he I n, te, "'.lies, llearlv l, ill 1 . . . , I, ,, 1, .1 , , ' ""Id anv ..; 'i'iiur - WIS h. 100 Reward, $100 Th readers of tlrli paper will b pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been alile to cure In all Its stages, and that Is tatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical , ttaternlty. Catarrh belns; a constitutional urease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease ,nd giving the pailent strength by 5... nf US lhe constitution and aslslln , na ure In doing Its work. The proprietors .S. . "Iuch fatl In Its curative pow that they otter One Hu Hired Dollars for lint of testimonials. s i iMrtM: T ,J C"ENET CO., Tol.do, 0. sold by all Drucsins. 75e. Tm HHI Family Plus for constlpttlo il : r v. i ars "ku! ! so i s ( 1 . J l 0;1 " r from Cor- -te,-s 'ti l h L :p! of that ;- conie out tlll, ' tl" nicy actually m...i.. ...,., ' .; , ."!- i , ... I.' . . ' "',' win,, , ,,,VI . , 11 s a light to the finish " -n-B , . v","1" ' t... Taction h,uers Put it ill "f the xican - ' ,7' ;'!;';- ' -hcu "ho will do th,: linishi V (,U1U hM be Uncle Sam ' !,,u - - f- ,, ' ,l''1 -Vi t, s '"I l.'io It .1. .'I iva-ra-RmmK uaxcks m: ronn.v '""ted on- ll, Then !v he II I., w.ii-1 'le seine ex- rJr ",alhs the ''U.-iiuss m:m in ..... .M.mn.,, are u fll wmtli reading. Ho ,m . fellrlit ideas an. Ln,, I, . s ' "- io express tlu iii. 'i'.-ri.'.u-,- i,:i,i,,,:i ,,,;';,:' - teir." 4 ,;SiU J UViS-.! I' Wl ,--iiiimu,). 'mtw-., To the n-Vs,,,. 'f wall,,, I ,1, V'?"''1 "'" -trand- T LADD & BUSH, Bankers KstaMishod 1m;$ ?roo,ooo.oo Capital Transact a general banking business Safety Deposit Itocs SAVlXfiS DKPARTMKNT 1 Xe I,,,, M1 I .,l r i oi a cist; Mv I, in.. . 1 'h'o'.di, f ,,.).. .... . :!.;" :';"-s 0.,. .,,; 1 I'i i r luv , , . .. . , ' Bv !:.. ..... " ' ""let "t t de liiiii m - iC:v.I- ---t'-'-' J Id . 4.Vj "d th.,, 1 vl ,, Hi'., l.-ddcs , I'neir til. v .,..., 1 li'oii 'u, ..ir .,, ., wit. hed wee ,, Hai.e tl,,,,r , ' "cm, I , . i !s-tl."l l.c I . .: .. , '. - " I III...:.!, " "o'd tb .r '!"l""l I Oi- ,, 1 "ii th,. ,iilu.- 1 Slen,, (llp ll .., ! . ' I b -t lio n . ' I ', I-.. ,-f T;.- lnrre )OUnt oonim durmt . ii'"i-'i.f a. i VILLA PREPARES TOR BATTLE ".H,, at Ter.s,,, V'.'r'-!' I '' " l'"C f.l .! ,.. , . uiettt t. due. ' fio-. hi :-:'oV P an i cpatt i'm.Morphwnor.C3 4OT N ir-r-. a Smut f It l'r v -- , . hi, nmira I'Ml.ilrtUrStDnHfh.lfl.mi.-, Iiornui rnmnlti..... c.:.l ""-luiu.iniTIW nvssarul LossorSLEip. Tub Cevtair Compajo: - 1V.IUN Tor Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of ( V I r IF Use For Over Thirty Years ii, l. I.'., lite ,' p,,pnl;(r i ' t.' ei in .: ! 1 rr '. " M..i t . i h nventlv m If it i for $aU r "a p.i'k. Copy of V.'rarr. eNV, kiw nai rrT.