Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" CHARLES H. FISHER, Editor and Manager. MO.VDAV EVKMNi; Aui;iifct 9, I'UBUMIKD KVfcUV EVENING EXCEI'T SUNDAY, HAl.KX, OKEfiON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. 6. BABNKH, CHXSi. H. KISIIKB. IX) B A C. AMMtr.Sr.. President Vircl'ri.iiiieut (sec. iitni Trcns. Daily by currier, per year ltaily by (fail, per year .. SCBSfRIITJON RATES 5.IW 1'i-r um l.'ivcr Ni nth.. ..4!5r 3.00 i'cr month. . . FULL LEASED WIKE TELLO KAMI KKI'OKT a Cnpitul Journal carrier boys art: instructed to put tin- papers mi the If the enrrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting tin' lo you on time, kindly phone, the circulation manager, lis this is tin- only can dcturmino whether or not the carricru are following instructions. Th porch iy ( can dcturmino whether or 1 none jiitiin si. TALKS WITH THE BUSINESS MAN ereit sr tli- ,l,o a if t ,( ;: By Nets Darling. No 7. U'l.ii ii:m for inl vertiKifiu ? I nilverti.'iiii' i ni riMiBi- or ih rot of i .) to the i-..i,iiiiht ? riffclm- iftvirt i!-int loiiy red in c consumers cost ami tri'ipo'titly 'I'n'i Tulie Unit much ml vi rl i-.-l M.Wi Moic. Wo nr likcncHK of t ii' manutnetnrer, Iiccihisc tiilv.-r to-iito hits k iniu n tin1 I'.nintry hut. Th" enormous out put. the I n innnlirr "t shoes wild, eiiul'li'n him to sell lu ll j ri i r on u very siiinii nmie,in Ad vertising limit up. it n'l keeps no the ili'iniiod. Without newspaper and miiL'nine iiderti-in,', tie- tost of iiilr.elu.-int' this sloic would hav lingo in iiri.porl inn ro the number of si sold. Advci lising p si on the inailiel and mil keep it there. Take the famous cracker, or so called l, Hie grocer scooped nil nm ker out of u liairel or boy, weighed them And . hired them in n paper sack. To.l:i wholesome soda eraeker at less i t. a Healed package, The III II IJ II f 11' t III e I s kne Hint iniiile the l.rice nrcordiaulv. There Hole demand. Advert isitig rented and is snstniiiiur; this iliunind. Adert tse W iselv and S". ef I'erti vel . Incieiise Votir sub's w ilh'.ut ma tenallv increasing your expense. Itcdilce the pin e on any lilllile Vol Advettise and make voir im-noi-ed business pay lor it, till familiar uilh I'm' has made the man nt the 'here w as n t i me w hen eoit. 'I You pun haso a ( lean, eri-p. ii it nines in ua air t iglit, i chat adertlsin would do ins till immedinti' and nntiot. run. A farmer down in Arizona traded a huge tarantula and a pet king snake to a barber for two skunk kittens' QTATF NFWS the other day. The barber wanted the tarantula for a DmiL friend back East, but he thought his skunk kittens werej wwim a 11LL1L- limit- man me uii tiiiLUici. Ml lit lainici threw in the pet snake, and they seemed satisfied all around. This transjirtimi is most: imnnrf-nnf in that it illustrates how trade can be carried on without a red cent in money of the country, if only there's an agreement as to the articles in trade. The folks used to get along pretty well without money in the early days of the land. Then they traded commodities and once a year or so struck balances. Then was the time they had confidence on one another that lasted. Hood pled hell pi lio'ton: laud her vae lli.'o lieieatly a erip- 'u.iutit stole up t'loni the. of the t ohinilna and madel the waititiL' room ut th". Children Cry for Fletcher's 31 W. II. X. pa-senuer station. Aent Frediiev found one of her wines ti he l.roken. lie yentiy tool; her liueli to the jiinnle.,. lint in less than half an; hour -lie had n'tuna'd. Vr. Eredtieyi th"ii took the phea-i:nt to Mrs. I'. A. Hell, ttllo plneed it in a eoop hark of! the .Mount lloul hotel. Hespite the; liest of rare, it died after a short time.! Me. Iford Mail -Triliunn: Frank Hen ! XT , , , , ijv, of the Steamboat district, reports Jow a learned professor has shattered the old Adam, that he i,eiiev,s the quaii ami o,o,IS(. and Eve apple story by deciphering a tablet 1000 years tLir 'Ihahi'ii' j older than the Bible which chronicles the fact that it was'- -d't-ti.irds this 'y..nv i,om this! Noah who ate the forbidden fruit. whiVJi Kttahf cm V,tt '.,l""i:,vs "!,ark "."s! Vfi . . ill- "'""b"' ine ipian ami ijiouse nunno ine naieti-i sickness and death into the world. The professor mav ""! dest,ov n w i km1 be nirht but it doesn't heln matt.Prss anv anA tho rlnntn.-c .'" i'T ' ' . ' , 1 t --- tiio rv inoi.s piaeine a tiountv on tuueas: and undertakers will continue to work full time and ''" :i ,,r ,hi'ir activity.' chai-ge the same fat fees they did when old Adam was1 . ' "". ! held responsible for all the trouble. 'iti. the Lord's i-my-r ..a it. wa. i-tioivu on tne streets or AHumy to, lay,' under a powerful tnieroseope, In- J. AJ Down in the Arkansas town of Little Rock they've a: "' S'"k wl"""' 'l"i"h"1'1 prisoner sentenced to die in the electric chair, but they ! IV"!,.;':;!- H: TZ.J. 'I','! tind that he was previously sentenced to life imnrison- '""',""s w""i', l7( f,... it i . tt . . 1 luinetiiation nunlis. It was n ssurv' 1111:111, iui aittniiei- murder. lAlP. lmnnsnnmm mnim; t , m:-' i...... i , . w .t.j4 xoiiiiim, UlLUIIO about seven years in this oniinrrv Th nffi;.,i0 n t ;ttio j . j v viiiviuij in Ljiim. I "n w l 1 are ln a .flllania,'y over the peculitr situation win just, nave 10 wan until the prisoner gets a pardon be fore turning on the juice. Iwcry word and letter is soared net fertly ami is distinctly readalih'l tlnoiih the powerful microscope. Three! s were required fur this work. i The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has feeen in use for ovor 30 ycurs, hus bornotho Blnuture of d has becq made under hla per. ULvPfflfrfi, V,ml suPervlsin since its infancy. T-vtS7, J-CUcAK Allow no ono to deceive you lit this All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Kxperiiuciits that trifio with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless snhstituto for Castor 00, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotla substance. Its age ts guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Feverish.icss. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation ! latuloncy, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of MAYFLOWKR MULTIPLICATION I'n; Hie first lime in :, veins, all he ehildren of lr. nnd Mrs.', I. If. . fi(i;i' i ... . . , , . i "ell yathere.l uu.ler the parental roof statistics show, so its claimed, that there are in the t '"'vaiiis somh.y. n,lls,. . ,t United States eirrht niillinn ninn hnnrleod i u:..... c Wl."' ' Mi '' clerk H,,,,,, , ,,.7, . t,"""u"'u UUIl.y-UHU- laker county; Mrs. ,l,.uette Shedd, of iiiKu.-saim ami nuy-six unmarried women of marriaee- l "11"1'1"' Wlish: He, j.,,.,, able aire. Lliminatinc ihp snirr.-urnftne u ... "r. : Myti- ni.ha,dso . , , o ...vv.wo, auu 111CIC Sft'Illhl"! inilepeinlenee; Miss Kssie Hell of nt v din 1 i' Mui.sc lor so many bachelors in this nf ",tL"Ml' 'l"v'1 ' i'" ii, of ,U vai . . i . I I J 1 H I L : The Kind You Have Always Boaght In Ilea fna O f r iwi vcr 1111 vaaam What carpet of maic, what little copper box where from issues a djinn who has his head apainst the clouds .mil (l:it'lt(tm cm it h with litst tii'iuli iriniK Imlk is: ;i hillintitli ,, ., .'.," ., .... , 1 : 1 1. 1 . ,a . " ' ""- " ui iciuil-mo ileum just us soon pari iis marvellous as uit; in.siucs 01 ine uiui' reu iiay- "'s io.-hra 01 meir loes. hut are extrpmp v rph'ennr '"" '"' "''cured in 1 otvaiiis. The rail aHOUt their own If io e e" , "'n'1 city ,ouueil lone heeu f11. , , ' " '' UA Kuu'g away xrom nome : t" "t t...ti...r ., n,,. fra,,d,ise IOI Hie HOWS. j for so weeks. Mueh of tlu ilerial M"1' the eonstiuetioii of the electric wac on tne (jroinnl. installment houses and furniture. I 'I'lii' work of eleetrifvinn i;. Smi'li- All those wamnir nation.- maVe n cnp5oU,r r V'"''1" " '"" u,l""s"n """i ,, ,, . ----- - " jv-vicmji ui. 1 cjiui I- , "in ncejiii just as soon as a Iraiiehise CfNTAUB 60MMNV, fllower. It bore to "these shores" the ancestors of most newly rich Americans. Among the most curious problems of multiplication is the innumerable multitude sprung from the loins of the bumble little old Mayflower. If memory serves right, there were but 102 passengers on that Pilgrim Ark. Famine, insufliciciit shelter, hostile Indians and other terrible vissitudes killed more than half of them the first year. For .r0 years only the hardiest survived. Now the wonder is that the progeny of these few numbers so enormously. We never read 'of a wedding any more but the bride is "defended from an old family that came over in the Mayllower." And usually the bridegroom is of the same'ancient stock. The union of two old families, we say. Ordinary folks are thus made illustrious by the illusion of time and the vanity of their prosperous posterity. Tne total population of the United States appears to be not over a hundred millions; but descendents of the Mayllower in this country certainly number into billions. The most peculiar thing about it all is that ever since 1 lie war began the newspapers of this country have been flooded with letters from people who assert that they are .f "pure American descent and Mayflower ancestry." ( kkf.p out or WALLSTRF.LT Keel) out of a Street ! 'n 1 . 1 I "vn. 1 IIUIIU Villi III given by father to son, employer to employe or bv a news paper to its readers. The wild speculation now going ,m ; w;u. ,.(, .ai.t stocks" is as reckless gambling us was ever phnetl with dice or cards. Not a single company having war contracts has made .o. me uie prom 11 nas matte on them ami one conti uuiei at one hundred and filty millions on tlu was really for only fifteen millions when stated oincial (d the comnanv. ., . i.s on ine jjroini lU'i es-three of ?ki fr harvestinff and good n, Birl, pnus thiee ot a kind in Oregon this year that's hard to ,ih" ii r neat anywhere. Ifiv''- Too 11, ! "lull, uf lo chut 1 1 "' lets ioiiiiinr i miJr st. REflis ta The list of drownings in Oregon yesterday reads like a Luropean war casualty list. and licach scenes, ilic a.v soon he seen ut Hon, I Olid IliVer SieinmiiiMr hatter tneinliet!., with oth-1 I'l 1 11 1 M LT. is Orel in,r .. . 1 i - ... ii iniHiiuy place just east of the city. A shallow 1 L ilh a sun, I l.ottoin'. will I... ...... fstM;. pared fr small i lul.ir liisiiS HSSnia III Portland won a ball game yesterday. MUCH SrKCULtriON RIFE CloHlnn of Falln City Sawmill Cnusoii Cunsldprahla Commeut Tlimo. I'hcie is some Kpeiiilutioti iih to when the sun null uf (nH (j,v tt, I'crutions, rer-iudine, lliire are tuimv ro r tiflum m tlil( I'hi.e. It is reported that the present "I '" " to lie reeedc, in the '""""I! t I'V the l.on.lholder.s 1 that the Kails Cilv l.nnil.er ,,pv ' loone; ieoiKai,ied ami p,u.,., ,, an cicit II. ..I e sulistailtiiil fllliiueiul In, sis. A,,tl,cr ,,.,., , ,.f hat the ..luij; ,i,nv ,s Kn "ii! to tuke over the plmit ' p,.M1t,, ", 111 folore. Whatever inuy he ' "' i""P-'i "dope" mi Hie silun'tion, t In Tu is 11 null will Ktronc; prohaliilitv Unit remiini' cnltinir In t!, M-r.v -listiiiit fiituie. Then' is n Ir,. iuvestn,e.t the,,., ,! t0 w t, 1 I'1""' "'' 'idle for niiv consid ernl.le lenKth of t,,,,,, u, 'r,,ut jn heavy h,. The w,k oi' ext Imik the loKKiK ,. jlltl, ,1U (illlli(ir Kionu t.HHiii.1. nliuh in only another '," """n 'llt seine s:,ifi.,'t,,ry plan for oH-rntiiiK the null iV under av The people f Falls City ur,. 'l,,,.,,,. I'd that Koinell,,,,,; ,n h. ,liuK mi,,,,, "I'"" this ni.lusitv uinnv heads of ''iiitlii'H ni let. Several have '"-'-"tlv left the ph, in M.ur,,, f employment (es,. .r,.( wtiilo others, WllO IllUe lollK I , ,K Hcfvi,.,. nf "" '""-em. are Holding on Hwuiiini; 'l-'elopm,.,its. Iiallus Hbwrver I 'I'he U'asco county fnir , , "in o,. i., :il 1,. illw si. ... , 1. iV' :l" 1 ''t'd.er I. 'in view of " the fair mounds lo tbi'i ,e cirnity, ,) the resultuut. ,wr,...,;. ! '."' '"' Tl"' I'riviiiK I'ark and air agnation, l.usiness me,, ,:1Vl, ,,. s... aii v t aiica up ti. t., iiiiaiiie; tn,. annual ,- cut lill'O 1 con- mm mr-rni 4th St., Junction Market. Fill. A Cl. . c . - 3" DAN FRANrisrn WHEN VISITING THE EXPOSITION MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS AT THE STREGIS Centrally located within half block of everything-on direct cat line to the EiDosilion. 150 outside rooms, hot & cold running water in every one petnehod bath Private bath ,, W-Wionble S2.50.1W.00 double H-''l trom Fir TV M.nyMM irn.l ni,..,;, . I1"-"" "!" l-mm 3nl It Tuwn- , . KUIUM ul ,,,.0,., seiunatAiitiiua. I. K ne Ueeister: The Ku, Kmit 1.10 i s as-ocatoo, plans , , ., .""pt.ilde .,;l,st,tm. foi olives on 'he "'';'' "I the ,, f,re. If ,!.. is , ' mis part ,,,.,,, ,,,... . t 1 . I due should hl.e t. ar of it. Tn ali'oid thioi'h th,, .'lsl llUltllMilll tourists 11 way . ,, civ without ' havine, , tions, a local "'. 1 "'r. ". 11 l SCI... r, place n iiiiini,,,. ut points in, t,,, 1 'Ine man out and man on third Nmhine; could he tensor: Then this avalanche of noise: "Who else wants ,., ,,.in. , l,v,;" Mrarp the spell such ,mnents wield l illed with fa.sciiiatinn. Hatter tlies to center field; Taut the situation; o'Mtles iii ,. 'H V,,V Ulaali s old fashioned taffv here! has plan I HplCIIHUs siens at street- illllc 1. In. be ict street by an r . 11 1 t ie 1 en w 111:1 ke ii'i... 1 1 lil.'iile hold h profits, but nine out of by success and w ill keep on m ten of them will be to ruin. The New York World publishes a cartoon with a I. .. ... l int;!, on leaning against a tree marked "Wall street ami playing; on a pipe marked "war contract" while r. mnoeent lamb is dancing tk light fully to the luusu.. I hat , Is t u; whole .tory and carr'u-s iis warn Keep out of all Street just now. KUSSIANS HUKN KVKUYTHING AS TIIKY KLEK KING 'I'll" I!iii..-,intis ure dcHtroyint; overy t!.iii( 111 the paid of the ailvMncing I. ! mans. All villtaircM. fnrma, for ists, lu-iilnen, crops mid cattle in the t.rnl..ry the (leriiittns huv alrcHily 01 vtipic.l (,;1V(, c,th,.r !,,, troyiM 01 ieni,ic.l In the Kiissiuiis. Ti.ieleis fi,.,,i Kiku suys that firca in t!ie various towns which resulted fi.on liiissi,,,, t.'i.hes were seen from (...til.iii.l. "tiiaml lUile Nnliol.i has nianeu vcted Ins anines so w ti,)(j enemy into positn.tu which will tu. tilde him to throw superior force-, upon fitht-r side 'Ihu is one of the oldest devices of strategy," iy4 I'i tioejmd iliiutch. an , Another batch of war i.n.'hets are now luetlietine early peace in urone. If tl...v L , ... ....1., K ng that uay they may hit it right in the curse three years. 1 LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established ISCS .Cl,pital $300,000.00 Transact a general banking business Safety Deposit Hoxes SAVINGS DEPAUT.MKXT LN l"Hv "V lN c ll w iLByiCLOVyl TV" N. f-uKx j j V"mi f'r V KTtJtSuSV-x y?" .... ryf l U'.ovy -Tl Intl. ' featurt '.war. a vide ci ! Haker IMiii '"U a rix'iilalion chauta a pin.her c,,,,,., t ),.. I'onnds upon the platter; I mpire, tal.ini; ff lati I ells the name of luuter , '"' however, dtnwns his speech " ' "',1111 eones; -U,V -ri. ca.h:" ten cents at toe linker , ... .... ' . . M '.in mis '''"i-ui.s will l. ,, , "l""- -Hes for thos . i.iinalc.s of th,. real,,, f ,.()llt 1 Also Ilnrry Stovcn, Throw thdi noisy vendors out, Or I shall jjet even. If you don't, O moneyed elusB, I 'II not take another puss! New York Mail. BIO SAWMILL BURNS. Winhi k, Wash., Auk. 9. A loss of 1 1.1,000, it is estinuiteil today, was sus tained when tire .yesterday destroyed the bi sawmill of the J. A. VauNess I.iiinher company. To prevent the- Iobs ot the entire plant, dynamite was used to hlonr up the big dock of the com pany. The planting shod, dry kiln, power house and a considerable porting ot !i,noii,0(i(t tv,,t ynnl stock wera saved. The mill carried i:in.OIn insur- '"c. me rtre lias thrown 200 pioves out of work. em- .1 dist.in. Tn of aniool. 's ,,,,, i, hatch t st,,,., pa, lilitillU Iran. In service. I, t, ilionec. d I lias ici.vtc pio "III t.'li.leie.l " "'I "e cr a ...... t d.Mil.le t, same I he I a ii I within , niake i "Id lle.,,1, rell.llde I reusonali 'Kiilar tn he sin. list who 'is ' distance thee !. ertainlv f,n, ,, Wi ! that it lo. ale. I Would wot, I, THE BALL OUOUNDS. K ",y atteinonn. The I.. , ''"ill the in. Ilie :apl., I la . me liciltl ' I'lesh 1 aniiiHin, ,-iiit.,(ts iiiuii, "t too I .:, t t w,. h I, am or dices,.' On the bobifof imeyourdays M - are chartfrl nff iWone by one:C r& ouiid a Bank account with 'yourdollars.onej . pyone. spaced at ii 'Twist fast Sounds tl,,. ,., tt Hi, Orow iis ll, " I'cauiits, 'h, to us,. ":i' thi.Mh,,; 'all and I I.. ' eclast,, .! inicst vcn.l,.- a ted ette ' 1 "lll.lv w, 'I "II hv tl., ai . id I t. i. ,,Mcr.,,uT!!".!!1 rV 250 KIArvv .s. I iirKi.-'" i I SANRANCISC0 JIM I Uf) .... rlv,"Bth I I account. miori is a Bank earn monevheJ f U tCCmS Casier to aunt. You 0U ,have a an a ho have Jh J a v and we wiU hP "n begin nC- 4 ' ,NTEST PA,D OX SAVINGS IHielUs U STATES NATIONAL BANK of Salem, Oregon "-sll..li.t:'