THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, ' SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 9. 1915. . II hi SML I fci TB-rrT-l El - THREE Cor S'ow Convenience with Kerosene Cooks tlie Cooking Not tlie Cook A good oil stove concentrates all its heat at the cooking point. That avoids an over heated kitchen and that means comfort for the cook even on hot, sweltering summer days. New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove For Bttt Rtiult$ Uh Ptarl Oil An oil stove brings the convenience of gas to homes without gas. No heavy fuel to carry. No dirt and ashes. And yet it cooks anything a big coal or wood stove does. . It is clean, convenient, economical. No odor. Does not taint the food. Ask your dealer. See exhibit, Palace of Manufac tures, Panama-Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cslifornin) Salem DOWNWARD COURSE Fast Being Realized by .Salem People. A little backache at first. J Daily increasing 'till the back is mine aim wean. I'rimiry disorders may quickly fol low; Dropsy and often Bright's disease. This frequently is the downward course of kidney ills. Dou't take this course, Follow the I advice of a Salem citizen. I W. II. Bradley, farmer, 614 S. 21st I St., .Salem, gays: ''About two vears j ago kidney troublo came ou me. First, j my back began to ache, then pain seemed to spread all over my body, like I rheumatism. The kidney secretions were unnutuial and I knew thnt my Kidneys were disordered. 1 rend an en dorsement of Doan's Kidney Tills given by one of my neighbors, and 1 got some. Before I started the second box of this medicine 1 was almost entirely free from paiu and my kidneys acted regularly. 1 have used Doan's Kidney Fills since with good results.' Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Fills the same that Mr. Bradley had. Foster-Milburu Co., Props., Buffalo, X. Y. THE GOAT WEED AGAIN. POLITICAL AEITATORS ft DO YOU FEEL HEADACHY? LOOK TO YOUR STOMACH It is an unusual thing for a druggist to sell medicine under a guarantee to refund the money if it does not cure. Yet this is the way Dnninl J. Fry, the popular druggist, is selling Mi-o-na, the standard dyspepsia remedy. Never before has bo had so large a number 'of customers tell him that a medicine has been successful as with Jii-o-na. People who a few months ago looked like walking skeletons have put on flesh and today are ruddy and vig orous with perfect digestion 'and good health. There is no longer any need for any one suffering or making their friends suffer on account of dyspepsia. Mi-o-na can always be relied upon. The per centage of cures is so great that thero is little risk to Daniel J. Fry in guar anteeing to return tho money if the medicine doeB not relieve. And he stands ready to do so without any ques tions. Headaches, all forms of indigestion, speekB before the eyes, dizzy feeling, poor sleep, ringing in the ears and all forms of liver trouble are helped by Mi-o-na. A few days' treatment should show considerable pain in health while a complete cure often follows rapidly. These days are the best in the whole year for the enjoyment of good health, and Mi-o-na will put yon in such perfect condition thnt you can enjoy every minute of them. Detroit Free Tress: Evidently those (icrmans understand that the only way to get tho best of those Missouri mules is tu get 'em when they're on the water. TALKS ON THRIFT The gont weed, which is becoming I such a pest in the .meadows and pas tures or tlie valley, is known in the east as St. John's wort or herb John. This name was given to it by tho peas ants of France and Germany, who gath er it in great quantities upon St. John's day and hang it in their windows as a charm against storm, thunder, and the evil spirit. In Italy it is known as the "devil-chaser" as it is believed to scare away those who work in dark ness by bringing to light their liidden deeds. Tho best way to eradicate it is by tiiorough cultivation, with hoed crops, or by digging or mowing the plants be fore tho seeds mature, and burning ho cut plants, according to information from tho plant experts at 0. A. C. WILL PAY EIGHTY CENTS. That Daughter of Yours. "Ono is already poverty strick en if his habits ure not thrifty." Theodore T. Monger. She's a little bit of a girl now. Maybe she's just learning to creep a little and lisp a few words thnt nobody can un derstand but you and her mother. Ter Imps she hus just started tti go to school. Glen C'arothers ims finished spraying his 20-acre yard. He purchased a new gasoline spinyer for the purpose, and says thnt it works' to perfection. He believes it the only way to spray effec tively. His yards nre fully lis heavy as last. . He has already engaged most of his hop-pickers and intends to pay 80 cents per 100 pounds as do most of tho other growers in his neighborhood. Last year he received 300 applica tions from those anxious to nick when At anv rate, ner wants arc rcw aim wns ru hani oil. He he- simple as yet. Hut she is learning to iPves the growers could have picked want more all the time. By-and by she will need nice dresses, a high school, and perhaps a college education. If she's at all musically in clined she will want a piano nnd many lessons on it. If you are a wise, forward-looking father you will begin today t( save for the increasing needs of your growing daughter. If you have move than one daughter, if your "quiver is full of them," your responsibility is propor tionately greater. A Philadelphia schoolgirl asked per mission to quit school and go to work. She said her father had been killed, her mother was ill, and her brother on hnlf pay, so she had to help support the family. Might, a scries of misfortunes put VOTU daughter into a similar position! Or is your life insured, nnd are you building a bulwark of savings at the hank to protect her from such a possi bility! This is trnnkly a sormon, but it li short, and, wo trust, as sweet ns its text. T. D. MnctiKKdOR. his hctis cheaper Inst year, -and that after the hops were sold many wished they had. Aurora Observer. WEATHER BAD FOR HOPS. Nearly all the ycids in the country are quite bndly affected with hop lice, some, of course, worse than others. Those located ujion higher ground and in the hills country seem to Buffer least. In some places upon bottom la ml it is a matter of n question whether or not enough o the crop can be saved to pay for the trouble. Spraying is In full blast, nnd has been for nearly a month. ('. A. Benson's yard is one of this kind, mid while he is not positive tiint he will be :.ble to snve the entire crop, every effort ossililp is being mailo in that direction. If any of the hops nre lost it will not be his fault, ns he has already sprayed three times, and intends to keep right on until pick ing time. Silverton Appeal. TRY A JOURNAL CLASSIFIED AD THEY ARE BUSINESS GETTERS ONE CENT A WORD CZARINA GOES INTO HOSPITALS AS A RED CROSS SISTER , J i few ' -. fc .4 Top, Czailnn and her daughter, the Grand Ducheasts 01 ga and Tatlana, entertaining wounded soldiers. Bottom, autographed portrait of the Empress of Russia u a Red Cross sister. The Czarina of Russia la setting a wonderful example to all the royal households of the warring nations of Ermpe. While othor queens and princesses have Ann itmrh haln ' tha xCricito people and wounded sol- J .L ...... . . I netr eountrm toe Cxarlna W devwUd all her UaM and re MU M tM, , j,,,. n a Rd Otom ours into tho hoapttak With hat in the rvfco of o Injured art her daughters, the p4 Dochessei 01a and Tatlana. .iiiiiinii&iSiilii & POLITICIANS WHO CAPITALIZE , STRIFE A MENACE TO , GOVERNMENT. Neglect of Agricultural and Industrial Opportunities a National Crime. By Peter Radford. There never was a time In the his tory of this nation when we needed statesmen more or agitators less than at the present moment. The oppor tunities now afforded us on land and sea demand the best there is in state craft and the possibilities that are con fronting us call for national Issues that unite the people, build Industry and expand trade. The agricultural and Industrial development ot this nation has suffered severely at the hands nf agitators who have sent torpedoes crashing Into the port side of business and whose neglect of the Interests of the farmer makes them little less than political criminals. We want no more of these evil spirits to predominate In government. Too long their hysterical cry has sent a shiver down the spinal column of Industry. Too long have the political agitators capitalised strife, pillaged progress and murdered opportunity. An indus trial corpse is not a desirable thing, a crippled business an achievement or negleot an accomplishment about which any representative ot the gov ernment has a tight to boast. Issues that Breed Agitators Should be Eliminated. The political agitator must be elim inated from public life before thought- rut consideration can be given to a constructive program In government. The liquor question Is the most pro liflo breeding ground tor agitators and whether pro or antl, the batch Is equally as undesirable. This article Is In no sense a discission of the li quor question but deals solely and by way of illustration with the political products of that Issue. Other sub jects will be dealt with In the order ot their Importance. In the history of our government the liquor Iubus has never produced a constructive statesman worth men tioning and it never will. It has sent more freaks to Congress, Lilliputians to the Senate and Incompetents to office than any other political Issue under the sun. The recent experience of the Eng lish Parliament which lashed Itself into a fury over the liquor question has a lesson that It is well for the farmers of this nation to observe; for the subject In Borne form or other is constantly before the public for solu tion and ofttlmes to the exclusion of more Important problems to the Amer ican plowmen. Too Many Political Drunkards. Lloyd-George, the Prohibition leader of Europe who led the prohibition fight in England, has declared that he will never again take a drink politically and thero are many American politi cians pro and antl who would render their country a service by climbing on the water wagon or signing a pledge of political temperance. Too often our legislative halls are turned Into political bar-rooms and many of the members become intoxicated on liquor discussions. We have too many polit ical drunkardB-pro and antl In our public affairs. No one who is a slave to the political liquor habit is quite so capable of dealing with the busi ness affuirs of government as the Bobcr and Industrious. We have few public men in thlB day who are strong enough to resist the temptation of strong drink politically and when the demon Hum oixe becomes firjnly en trenched in the mind of a politician, he is less capable of meeting the de mands for constructive statesmanship now confronted this nation. We have in this country too many red nosed politicians both pro and antl. A candidate with political deli rium tremens, a prcachor with politi cal BnakeB in his boots and an agitator drunk on the liquor question are the raduest sights In civilization and they should all be forced to take the polit ical Keeley Cure. It Is far muro Important In govern ment to make It easier for those who loll to eat than to make It more dif ficult for a few topers to drink. There Is cot one person In one hundred of our rural population that ever touches liquor but ill eat three times a day. THE LAYMAN'S DUTY There never was a time when preackTS and politicians formed an unholy alliance that civilization did not shriek out and Christianity cry aloud. Since the beginning of gov raiment, politicians have sought to dtcoy the ministry Into the mosbes of politics and make them carry banners In political processions. They have taken the ministry to the mountain top of power and offered to make them monarch of all they surveyed, and while most of them have said, "(Jet thee behind me 8atan," a few hava fallen with a crash that has thakea every pulpit In Christendom, . ... I-. Tirssransmsrwawi I FREE FREE FREE & kJLiSLJ CONTEST STARTS TOMORROW CONTEST STARTS TOMORROW This Saddle Pony Given Away Absloutely Free On Thanksgiving Day to the Person. Having the Largest Number of Votes VOTES WITH EVERY PURCHASE Get the Habit Buy at Brick Bros Clothiers and Furnishers. The House That Guarantees Every Purchase EXTRA SPECIAL For the opening week of the contest, which starts tomor row, WE WILL GIVE DOUBLE VOTES. Buy your Clothing at the high grade store with the low price reputation Brick Bros., Cor. State and Liberty Streets. GERMANS TRY TO ISOLATE VERDUN ft rum uTa JwsMaAS Vr. ) ' - A Map shows the Argonne region about Verdun, the great French fortress which the Germans have been trying to isolate. Their efforts along thisf 'line, which have continued almost since the beginning of the war, have thus far been without marked succesa. Baldy Breeder's Calendar FEDERAL TRADE INQUIRY. President Wilson to Pro- . ceed With Mexican Policy (Continued From Page Ono.) Seattle, Wash., Any. .Inde Thom as llurke, president "f the Seattle eliaiulier of oinnienv, whs the first wit ness enlled bv the tVilenil trade eom mission, whii'h openid a liroinl iiniiii'y into nearly every indiictry uffeeling Seattle ami the noithwe! here, at 10 u'ehrk this morning. .Indue llurke (.'live li Koiiernl outline of to Midi- tions of shipping, I'iIiimk li ii I iiinmifiii' I nri ii i'. The I'oimniHsioii inemlicrs are: v Hair-1 "" ""' n'-i'iinim-m iuhh.v, on ininii iiihii Joseph K. Iinvies, Vice Uiainnnti 0' will protect the priiielpnl towns in Kdwni'd N. Hurley, Hcnre Hulilee, Wil itliat district leaving the cavalry free liniu J. Harris ml'l Will II. 1'iirry. ' to hunt down Mexican raiders, KinliiaciiiL' n wide raiiL'e of ""li'ects1 the roiiiinission's hearing is expected to I haven marked hearing on improvement; of bunking, credits, iiiiental trade, gen- have been reinforced by a batliilinii from tlin Ninth infantry stationed at liueilo, tieiiiTiil Kiiiistnii reported to "SOME PEOPLE FIND' IT' EASIER TO CHANCE THEIR MIND THAN OTHER THINGS INCLUDING MONEY." If vim have iih do your I.i I iv work once, you will again; every one does. This is a " 'onie-liiick '' Laundry, Vim will appreciate everything we do for you and our service inn ken it li pleasure to come back for more, Home of Baldy Brcezer, Salem Laundry Co. . Balem, Oregon ifa for alt, a Journal Want Ad will tell it. eriil shipping, exports ami imports. HEALTH DIRECTOR , OF PHILIPPINES - ,vw ft i "' - f (iiii 1 lit V "St jm kit glifS o & & s sty You Arc Never Far From the Blue Bell Sign of the telephone Dr. John L). Long. , Surgeon John D. Ixmif of the U. S j public health Berviee Is the new di- rector of public health of the I'hilip- ) pine Islands and is now on his way to his new post. The position wa created under the new 1'hilippiiie health laws and Dr. Lon( hus se cured an lndaterminate leave of an. sence to permit his occupancy of the post. flrsnd Kspiils I'ress: If things con tinue this way along the eastern front the eitnr will soon have to eall out the IWI3 reserves of grand dukes. l No matter where travel takes you, to the distant city on ousi ness or to vacationland for recre ation, you are sure to find the ation, you are sure to find the Itlue Hell Kitfn of the Telephone. Over our improved "Long Din--tance" service you can talk to 1800 cities and towns in Cali fornia, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Idaho, connecting (19:1,000 telephones. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY , ..: .. ..-' ..I- -:.--. . 1. ..X.-k-.. -a I