THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAI.EM. ORE.. FRIDAY, JULY SO, 1915. NINE COMMISSIONERS' COURT h- .1 ':! I) H V I.. H; Hi' Cr: l.c Ta IV:. Ii:, 'III W!. :v -i TI.MIM St i b! Y.M.'C Mas -r,.n. Frcl. sealf" 3.00 kin. I.aVern, scalps ....... I.4o; hi.ergi'r. N. L., scalps.... 1.30 . r-.chborger. I.. P., sculps .... 2.M ,,(.. Lowell, sculps 1.50 r,.r. Henry, scalps 2.(0' ;!,-,. l.eroy, eenlps '. l.UO 'i.,t. (. L. sculps 4.00 K. H.. scalps ".SO1 nhurd. Jacob, scalps ... .10 Carl, scalps 2.:i0 , . Otis, sculps 2.0(1. .merman, C. scalps . , . l.SO 1 ,,e. Carl, scalps 3.70 V., scalps - l.SO V. IX., scalps 1..-.0 ,K. (ieo.'gi. scalps S.SO ;l r. Fred, sc alps 4.SO ; :,rm:iii'r. Arthur, scalps .... 5.00 is, Win., scalps 6.00 j 'unison, Glen, senilis 1.00; , r. Lesley, scalps . 1.30, l,. lialpfi, scalps ,1.:i0 .tt'.-st. Kalph, scalps 2.00 .. Win., sculps 2.50 .mi. A. B., scalps 2.50 !. I'crcv. scalps 2.S0 LL. scalps 3.40 lVmlli'tiiii, scalps 2.10 r. W. L, seal).:, 2.70 nr. Nicolas, K'alps 3.40' , F. K., scalps 2.30 !,. (icoriic scalps 3.00 , ling. 1'aul C, scalps 3.00; stcn. Tlieodore, scalps 1.70; .cr. .1. T., scalps 1.30 ..ii. Calvin, scalps 2.00 ; k, I'liurlcv, scali- l.SOj Kiru', II. G., scalps 3.001 l;,..s Kills, scalps 1.40 i:-t,iu', Charles, scalps .... Unlkrr. Theodore, scalps 3.00 Lkin. ('has. H., scalps 2.40 Wiiih J. .r... scalp9 1.30 liaiti. .Walter, scalps 2.20 lin.wu, (ieo. W., sculps '. 5.30 Alliens, Kddio, scalps 2.00 i. .mIl'. Fred, scalps 3.10 i-tcvensoti. 1)., scalps 2.00 !!,,' (man, Carl, scalps ....... 4.50 Ii. us, hi. Iiubeii, scalps 2.00 l.aiilenberij, L. A., scalps .. Yates. S. ,L, scalps Kainpf. Alfred, scalps Mantic, Carl, sculps ...... I'al. li. Alr.ion, scalps H.rrcn, J. C., scalps ..... i .It .claw, Arthur, scalps . Williams, Gail, scalpa I , ii is. Minor, scalps 'I cter, M. J., scalps M'l.lall. Hick, scalps 2.50 I'.ii i ris. Winston, ' scalps 3.40 l'i, hauls. A. J., scalps .i '2.00 WimicI-, .1. F.. scalps '. . 1.40 Insane Cont'd 1 laa-. Dr. J. C, insane exam.. 5.00 Gopher Bounty Cont'd i i. vt,,ii, l.mvell, scalps 2.30 It arris. Claude scalps 15.20 ii k,,ln. M., scalps 1.00 i k. II. J., scalps 1.00 i,t,T, Wayne, scalps , ,. 1.00 v. 'I'. s 'scalps 15.10 !l. Henry, sculps 3.70 1 1 ill, Chester, sculps 7.00 Iliain, Karl, scalps 7.40 Miut'cr. Curl, scalps l.SO I'all. Mary, sculps 3.70 1 lark, W. II,, scalps l.SO I'm r. Jewell, scalps 2.40 I'isli. F. K scalps 1.30 l,:A,-. William ., sculps ..... 12.00 I'. Ii.ian. ltctijaniin Lewis, sculps 2.50 vi'iiur. 'I'. .1., sculps 1.10 ('iilliar, Mux, to cash adv. on 10S -mull liuuntv claims 112.."0 Indigent Soldiers Cont'd 1m I-, K. 1'., relief Poor ii ,ieis. Fred, relief . . . .' :lit. I). B.. relief Iniark, Mrs. V. A., relief., r.-oii, Mrs. Olen, relief..,. nsni r, Daisy, relief an. Kmiiiii Ii relief s. lrs. F. K relief cnl-crg, Mrs. Catherine, re- Treasurer's Office Kichardson. W. Y.. iteputv treas l'aulus. Geo,. B., tax collector Hunt, M. I... tax collector Assessor's Office Kennies, L. X., deputy assessor uonjer, l. fc., deputy assessor, j Hunt, M. 1.., copying tnx roll. Meirinc H. .1., copving tax roll Steelhammer. O. A., chief deputy ' Court House .Morgan, Oal. janitor 1 Krby, K. P., janitor " (iremmels. .lolin, janitor 1 School Sup't's Office Smith. .1. W. L., sum-rvisnr... Cornelius. Kliznlieth, supervisor UO.Pn Reid. Cora K., clerk lin.oo Poor ! Smith, W lucKsim, uurtio -M., special off Stock Inspector Morehouse, V. ('., eountv vet... 33 (ill Sealer of Weights and Measures Bull. A. K., salary and expense. 51.32 uouuey court and Commissioners A., helping draw jury selecting I Thomas. V 7S.dii, list ... 4.".;i:i , Welister. Daniel. J. 1 3.0H inrv list for HiU. i BUte ts. Bursell .. 25.00 , Welister. I).. justice 23.00 I Ksch. Win., sheriff 52.50 1 Zimmerman, Mis. O. C, witness 52.50' Zimmerman. Mabel, witness... lOd.W) ; Ksch. William, witness ! State vs. jjetwrd Webster. I)., justice ......... Cooper. K. K.. constable -McWhorter, H. H., witness DeBord. Lia.ieN witness McWhorter, Mrs. H. K., witness Fuson, Arthur, witness State vs. Eders Welister, O.. justice 5(1.00 i 50.00 '. 50.00 ; 110.00 CONFEKENCE WITH GERARD Berlin, via Copeiilwi;,-! 20. Having just retnr: e the headojimrler ef the at the front. liancellei llethiiianiillollwvi; t,.!:r 2.00 a 3.00 9 5.30 4.10 4.10 1.70 i,i) 1.70'! 1.70 U 3.00 j . July : fiom kaiser Yon av sum runt for nioned Anilmssa.lor a coutoronce. The meeting between the Am eriean ainliassaiK r ami the im perial ehaucellor is expected to have the greatest l.eanii); on the (ieriiuin Anierii a:i situation. Account Carltun, Co. I'hvsieiuii Tut nil v'ooiHr. L. K.. rotistable .,.:. i . .... u i u iiruson. n. n., niincss Stuldis, K. W., witness... 40.00 nusiicy, . m travel expense. Beckwith. .). T.. county com... Gimlet, W. IL, county" com.. . . Circuit Court Ciiiikinglium, ,1. W., juror Clifford, D., juror Expense Sheriff's Office Commercial l'i tjf. Co.. 1 M sec ond sheets Ksch, Wm., shff, P. ). (nrlHud. Frank, liv .iionres oc . o.. Koss N. I.. Dis. Tel. Co. Pae. Tel. & Tel. Co. and calls box rent cry hire K leg, blks calls ttdephone 2.40 Peerless Handcuff Co., 1 pair iiiinnctitts Sims, Paul M., rubber stamp,. Western I'nion Tel. Co., calls.. Clerk's Office Hiiuser Bros., repair on iluting machine Oregon Statesman, 50 executions Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone and calls Putton Bros., chk file, etc 2.30 j Rodgers Paper Co., binding dup. 110 warrants, etc ? Recorder's Office HI Brooks, j.iiii T'nn ! Moores & Co.. Ross K. 2.R0 heads Mildred R., adv. extness en urges . hop emits Pne. Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone Putton Bros., erasers, etc Treasurer's Office Burroughs Adding Mach., overh: nig adding machine Drager, I). G., adv. for stamps. I'ae. Tel. & Tel. Co., call Putton Bros., eraser filler. .... Surveyor's Office Keuffel & Ksser, flnt wire tupo Pne. Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone and culls , Patton Bros., profile piier plate etc Assessor's Office Gilbert, C. G., checking over tax roll Opera House Pharmacv, red ink Pac Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone nnd calls West. Ben F adv. l p stumps, etc West, O. E., cheeking taxroll. County Court and Commissioners Capital .Journal, pub. claim dock et Oregon Statesman, pub. claim docket Tel. Co., telephone Welsh, J. T.. witness.- Sehindler, Fred, "witness State vs. Mrs. Scott Ferguson Webster, 1)., justice , Ksch, Wm., ncting constable.. State vs. Scott' Ferguson Webster, IV justice Ksch, Win., acting constable.. State vs. Frohmades, et al. Webster, 1)., justice . . . .' Cooper, K. K., 'constable State vs. Jess Hall, et al. Webster, O., justice Cooper, K. F... constable State vs. Theodore Larson YYebster, I)., jostict. Ksch, Win., acting constable. . . State vs. L. R. M. Pierce Webster, U.. justice Keefer, C. M., witness .' 'Webster. I)., justice Cooper, K. K., eoitstable ; State vs. Valery ' j Webster. 1)., justice ! Cooper, K, K., constable....'.., 1 Mars, II. I)., w itness Bank, Helen, witness Brown, Sam H witness......; Znller. Mrs. w itness , Sestak, ('has., witness Adlemaa, John, witness ........ State vs. Waginer Webster, 1)., justice Cooper, V.. K., constable. ... .'; Schneider, August,-witness .... Schneider, Mrs. Angus', witness Wheeler, C. H., witness.'. Finley, Geo., witness Bursell. William, witness Thomas, llelbert, witness .... Coroner's Expense 'dough, A. M., Investigations. ., uV I School Sup't Office Expense 10.25 40.50 70.10 2.00 2.00 .00 1.50 17.00 ' 2.S5 .50: 15.70 ' I 0.00 .1 .) 2.07 5.05 LS5 I 2.02 Notify Germans of Sai'.inRs. ' Washington. July 20. - -Ceimuunica-. tioas are now being exchanged between Secretary of State Lansing and Am bassador Gerard as to netit'ving Her man submarines as apecdily as possible of the departure of slaps of American register in Order to pr. eat attacks up on them it was learned today. All American tailings iiave been' cabled to the American ambassador in: Berlin for some time, but formalities ' 1 1..I...-...1 nftti. .,.... !.;.... , l)r Wilhelmshaven until the ships had eu-j ,, ' '! tered or passed through the war rone. The new plan tionietnpiates speoliugl up the delivery of information ns to j the departure of American ships to the! submarine commanders. It nus added, that only the sailing of vessels of , American registry arc thus tipped off to Germany. S.05 I 5.00 Lid l.iO , 1.70; 1.70 ...55 2.20 : ! o.oo 2.20 : Classified Advertising Page ABSTRAJ-3 aXION ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts that protect. Our books posted up to date each morning. Call Main 1210 and a messenger will call for your abstract. J. C. Siegniund, president; Max Gehlhar, secretary, S5 State treet. " ' AUCTIONEER. .VrCTlOXEER Salem a reliable seller Farm sales solicited. Terms, 1 per sent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Henry M. Voorhies, Michigan avenue, first street east of the state fair grounds. CHIROPRACTOR. !.i'0 1(1.30 : 15.35 I 5.70 5.70 "ONSFLT PR. MAY, experienced and successful Chiropractor, for acute and chronic disorders. Has practiced six years in Oregon. Free consultation Hours, 9 to 12, 1 to 6. 305-0-7 Hub bard Bldg. l.ady attendant. Phone office 572; residence 9S3-R. MAGNETIC MASSEUER AND SCIEN TIFIC MANIPULATOR. l.SO I .70 I RECALL IN COOS COUNTY. 11.20 4.40 S.55 .10 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.3; i Marshfield, Ore., July 20. Alleging ; that (hey cut down lulls which should ; have been allowed, ugree, to pay one price for printing and would only nl low a small ouo, and that they ordered heavy automobile trucks off the county roads, thus bumpering imlustiiul prog ress, petitiiais for the recall of County Judge James Watsnm and County Com- I missioners Armstrong and lieincnt werej , placed in cireulaMoii tooay. IF XOV want your health back, go to lr. llugci, He tan get circulation when all others fail, lie treats fur all bodily ills, aches or pains. Come and see me if you ate ailing. Treat ment. 1. Hnsii A llreyninn Bblg. Something New in Salem Toole's Drug Store recently purchased a supply of the best Eczema remedy in the world. Ask him to tell you about pry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin and Moist Zensal for all watery eruptions. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quickhandy reference for busy people OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. LOO .00 M 2 25 L70 10 I Pac. Tel. & 10.50 i nml Burr C, John It.. 7 medals 1.00 Hurkhurdt, W. IL, Jr., use of ,25' High school .15 , Capital (larnge Co.. car hire... i Carson, (iladys,"tth' grade eotiun 5.71 Cornelius. Elizabeth, H grade ex j Diinlup, (I. I.., Hth grade exnm, 0X1 llodgers Paper Co., envelopes. ' mte Smith, J. W. I.., S grade exnm Smith, John W. L., expenscM.. ' Smith, W. M., travel expense. S.75 Smith, W. M ndv. srnnips, etc. 1,10 Stnyton Mail, ad. teachers exam , Willamette Trans. Co., drayage 3.50 , Health Officer's Expense Conger Prtg. Co., circular letters 1.15 Fruit Inspector 13.25 Constable. ('. ()., salary & exp.. Poor Account I Baldwin. 0., auto hire 73.00 1 Barnes, V,. T., clothing I ar.xioluir t. rrrnorrctf S7.0I Bursell. Dr. A., prof, serv I "Gee, but that fvJsgoodr .10 08. I.EO D. SCOTT, Osteopathic Phy sician. A graduate of t ho I.os An geles College of Osteopathy and I.os Angelet Medical College of Ophthal mology. Treats iic.u'e and chronic diseases. Offices 405 400 Salem Bank of Commerce Building. Phone 4S0. Lady attendant. 0RS. B. n. WHITE and It. W. WAL TON, Osteopathic, physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amercan School of Osteopathy, Kirksvillo, Mo. Post graduate and ipocialiicd in nnrvo diseases at I.os Angeles collego. Trent acute and shronie diseases. Consultation free. , Lady attendant. Office 605 500 V. S, National Bank building. Phono K5'J. Residence 340 North (.'npitol street. Phono 409. SCAVENGER. UI.EM HCAVKNOKH Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage nnd refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts tt reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office phona Muiu 8247. Iiesidenro Main 2272. 4.00 j ... .no , .. 10.40 , .. 12.00 continued 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.110 20.00 use f scaffold painting C. H.. Mill Co., door pninijng C. H. bid. for painting i.,-t cf... relic for "IV bill, Mrs. M. M., relii I, Mrs. Florence L. I ' in. ti. Ii. C, relief Kin, Mrs. Marv, relief. ((-hong, Mis. J. N., relief M. Mary Mayher o,,g, Mrs. Albert, relief I' ii no, Charles, relief V ullace. Ilebeccn I... relief V.:irvy, Mrs., relief limit, Mrs. Tlieodore, relief. I. vers. Josepli W., relief I "Ii. Mrs. relief ,: ; !,'i, (irnce K., relief 1 '"'z. Catherine, relief '. ' . Milton, relief 1 ' 'i-tt, l.izie. relief . . . .' " '"". IL A., relict v Mrs. Kate R., relief-.... I'-'.'iiiell. Nellie, relief 1 i'liMin, Mrs., relief "''I'ling, llnliln, relief r, l.iicindn J., relief ' ' a. James, relief " 'l. Addie I... relief for N. B. I'-.VmI ; "'ell. s relief " 1 ic. Mrs., relief ' 'rn, I.izette, relsi'f' 1 1 " r, Mr. and Mrs. Wm., ' mi, I Girls Aid Societv, ' Mirlv. Klora, relivf ' ' ". Mrs. M relief '"i man. Mrs. Maggie, relief. ' r. Mrs. Theresa, relief.... ' r-. Mrs. (Hive K. relief.. " ''' W. P.. relief for chil- i-.ii .21 i 2.00 1 1.50 3.50 13,13 I 7.40 .50 21.00 ' relf re If . M. W., relief 'nth. Mrs. Xan. relief .. "'bard. tieo. W.. relief .. Mrs. Ada, relief .. iliirt. Mrs. C. M., relief. ' 'unit. Kalherine. relief . . -hacr. Mrs. H. X., relief ' arils. Mis. Kim, relief . Mrs. .1, P., relief... '' '. Mrs., relief 1 t .n. Mrs, (). I)., n.bef. . 'gue. Mrs. Howena, relief 'r". A. I... relief "! Lmnnuel. relief A. IL, relief 1 la, J. H.. aelief "a. Mrs. Caroline, relief !""n. Mrs. (iiissie. relief . . '"'I. Mr. Julia D.. relief Salary 8hrifft Off let Id. n, W. I., dct.utv theriff lmirti I;. I- I., deputy sheriff.. O. II , deputy sheriff. . . ieo deputy sheriff... Clerk g orflc I". (.. dei.utv clerk ". W. K.. deiutr rl-rk . ' A., houkkeeiwr """. A- J dr,oty el.rk. ' ''ii?. X, Heaographer Raesrdsr's Offlet kerbr, p. I. Jeputr word K,4. HeWn, deputy frenrder '""rt. Wikj. ekrk Holt, Chus. A., Burt, Chns. A.. Brown Pliining cliei k, etc. . Briiiuley, H. S., f'apitnl Journul C. II Cutler, Osenr, surveving drivewnv lit C. H Drager, I). Ci adv. for express on oil Lads, X. ('., splitting wood.... Pry, Daniel J., paint for C. H. 24.V50 i Hansen, A. M., case for assessor's vault - 4.00 j lliird, John, carpentering on (ML 4.00! Industrial Accident Com,, accident ( insurance 5.351 Knvlor Paint Co., paint for C. H. 1 15.00 I P. Ii. L. Ic V. Co., light for May 110.30 Salem Laundry Cu.. laundry... 1.10 1 Sehindler, Joseph, repairing chair, etc.- 51,,, Shields, T. M., build scaffold.. jlMI Spaiilding Logging Co.. lumber layior, naipn, panning on v . ji. Wiitt Shipii Co., making key. Circuit Court Calumet Typ. Supply House, type writer ribbon lirulluwed (iarland, V. IL. auto hire 11.00 Hill Printing Co.. to prt brief. 24.00 Moores i Co., Iloss h'., criminal information lisallowed Pac. Tel. Tel. Co., telephone and calls '-' liiuich & (iarfield, stenog. bill for transcript Smith, W, Cnrlton. his( mortem service Smith, W. Carlton, witness K.ifoury, X. C, witness Beaiichiinip, Dr. H. A., witness Nash, Alma, witness Ziiniiiermnn, Mabel, witness .. Zimmerman. Adcba, witness... Thompson. Pho.bc, witness Couper, Kate, witness Cox, P. J., witness Cooper, K. M., witness Welsh, J. T.. witness Hiitherford. It. IL. witness Kafoury. Helen, witness Stubbs.' V.. W., witness Cox. Cliristia. witness Miller. 1'ri stoii, witness Mitchell. II D.. witness Kw h. Wm.. witnfss ' I. emery, Solomon, witness Hill, s. H.. witness Ilcrron, I.. M.. witness M.'Hride. Harry, witorss Mack. M., witnrs McHrid. Tom, witness Bowers. Oscar, witness Minto, H. P. witne. Skaife. J. N j"r"r Aufranr. A. V... juror Kisl er. J. (-, juror Ackermsn, J J.. jo'or Huffman. K. J.. juir B. -eil"istein. Stej.hen. juror... liilU-rt. T.. juror l.,t, hfield. (ieo. P., bailiff Pnlmer. Marion, juror Kerbrr. I., ju'"' Jnstlet crt C, H.rr. K. . hrlping draw jury list . J..LI S'.ln n-lc.r'lnr rtr.. .iilliam.'K. K.. auto h.r . '"'7 Pattoa r. P" 4 .MAUSOLEUM. After Shave Luxury Counteracts that dis agreeable soapy feel ing after shaving. AntittpUc, Cill0 an4 Unlla Opera House Pharmacy MODNT CHKST ABIIKY MAL'SO LKUM. Tho Better Way. Dry and sanitary. Building always open to isitora, Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. (Install, malinger, 828 South 12th. Phone 13HH. l . t i Telephone ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Company, 12 223 Salem Hank and Trust Bldg S3! AUTO TUBE VUL0ANIZINO. Auto Tube Vulcanising, 25c. Shop, foot of Union street 1517 J EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Sulein F.lectrio Co., Maaoulo Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 .'.' LAUNDRIES. Salem Steam I.ati'ndry,"130 South 1.11 orty Mala S3 PLUMBING, STEAM flTTINQ AND TINNINO T. M. Burr,. 104 South Commercial Street Main li UNDERTAKERS. Higdon Itlchai Json Co., 254 North High street Day and night, Main 1S.1 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE. Salem T-tiok A Drily Co., corner Slate and Front streets Main 74 JOB PilNTINS. Beaver Htato Printers,-Patton Bloek 1513 v-'r,7rlT H vt- WOODMKN OP pR ' .WOULD Meet every Friday night al 8 o'clock in McCoriiiu.k block, (Wnr I)onnldson, C. C; L. r). Oitor, oJerk. 507 Court at root. Phono M3, TOR BALE. SMALL genera', slock of mereiiaui1u for sale. Impure 1100 Nnrth tap Itol street. tf UNITKD AUTIfl'ANS' Capital Asem bly No. Hi, meets ,eory Wednesday at 8 p, m. in Moose hall. Mrs. P. W. Cook, M. A.; J. T. l'eun, seoretary 413 Mnsunlc I'emple HALKM HUMANE WOCIKTY I). 1). Kecler, preaidiuit) Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should lie reported to the secretary for investi gation. . - , i.. . UNDERTAKE! 8. 0.00 l.'l.OO lii.oo lo.oo 20.00 12.00 12,50 10.00 lo.oo 15.00 12.0(1 0.00 10.00 .10.00 S.00 17.00 lo.oo 1(1.1)11 5.00 S.00 lo.oo S.iiO 10.00 5.(( 15.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 15.00 20.(1(1 10.00 XATARRH of lll BLADDER rrlivl ,n 24 HOURS r.nfh Can- T" iiiir.u,. (mioy; ruim 301.00 1.40 35u.o:t 20.(1(1 eonliuiied j . . 2.50 , 5.00, 3.00 I27.2H .50 Dr. Sione's Poison Oak Remedy 24.00 12.00 13.00 8.00 10.00 1.1.00 :t(i.(in 22..W .X.OI'I 20.00 14.1X1 10 no 17.50 sum .10.00 15 (Ml s. rm 5 (Ml .1250 SOU Chtinmiin & Kettle, Dr., prof, ser 15.0(1 1 4 St 'Cite Market, meat 2.M0 Court House Club Stables, iimbiilnnce service 5.00 10.00 : Cook, A. J., rent of house 5.00 i 1)05 '('ultimo I'titc Parlors, buriul of I Martha Barker lo.OO , 10.10 Cottage I'ntc. Parlors, serv rend. 15.00 7 40 I Draper, D. (I., adv. for Kit fare 05. 1 I i Ldwards, II. I... M. D., nied ser 10.00' l.SO ' Kplilev, C. M., Kroceries 42.20 Posh ay i Mason, medicine.. . 2.0.) I 2.50 I Oearin, Pred M., auto hire..,. 5.00 'Hunt's Market, meat ....... 2.00, Jackson. Battle M., eonveyiiig patients 7.00 I.ebold & Co., Krereriea ' Lehman i Cloii(li, fun exp continued Pac. Tel. t Tel. Co., . telephone 1.50 Plant, James, dipuuiu Knives.. 15H0 Uoberts, C M., groceries d0 Salem Hospital, rare of county luitients , Scfinfer. Emil A., medicine... Taylor, Karl K., poor farm... Welli-r Bros., lroceries ...... Willanette Sunatorium, earc of ' Kd Walker Woodruff, L. ('., auto hire, . .". disalloKed allowed Yuiiue, W. ('., room rent Jail Ksch, Wm., board of prisoners JorL'ensen. Ira, reonir windows, Juvenile (Inrlniid, Frank, livery hire... 11.00 Jackson, Hattie M.. lilt fare etc. .1.00 Tax Rebate Nehnlem Investment Co., tax rebntn allowed 21-70 disallowed 2:1.7(1 , So yinuiul, m., ta:t reiuite... mi.ihi 00 Star I .ami ( o tax renate s.ii on i Indemnity for Diseased Cattle 20 Miller, Miss Lou. indemnity... IK. 75 Panama racinc txposuion Tnvlor, W. A., tnkmif care of Wil lamette Vallev exhibit 200.00 Adertla1ng x4 0By cgii, jrug mor In OreRos Salem Commercinl f lub, sdvertismK I aud show eases are loaded with druKI for May and June I'M""1 ! medirines. nolinii", toilet articles, wines Indemnity for Diseased Cattle : ln(t li,Uor, 0f all kinds tor tneliciaal LEHMAN ft CLOUOH-C. B. Webb, A. M. ("lough morticians and funeral di rectors. Latent in ml urn methods known to tho profession employed. 443 Court street. Main 120,Muin 0HS. MGDON-KICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Duy ami iiilit plume 183. WATER COMPANY. HLEM WATKR COMPANY -Office orner Commercial and Trade at reeks. For water service apply at office. Rills payable monthly in advance. WOOD AND COAL. 4ALEM FUEL YAKDH-tlie place of quality. All kinds of dry wood, four foot or cut in stove lengths to suit. Prompt delivery We handle the best aoals on the market. Try our Klri Ml; It is the best. 752 Trail" street. Phone Main 520. Mark Hirldall, prop. A snow white medicine, soft and soothing to the skin, applied1 very hour I ones relieves and soon cures POISON OAK. Pries 25c and BOe For sals by all druggists and LODGE DIRECTORY. W. Protection Lod;e No. t. every Monday evcninff at 8 A. (). U Meets ill the McCurnack Hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. A. K. Aufraiice M. W.; H. A. McFad'len, recorder; A. L. Brown, F. t CKNTBAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. McCurnack building. Tuedy vn ing of einh week at 7.;t(). Om. Win eh ell, C. C; James W. Cul, K. of It. and H. MODKUN WOODMKN OF AMKU1CA Oregon CudacXamp Jo. R24ll,nieets every Thursday rventiig at 8 oclnrk in McConuick Jiall, -corner Court and Liberty streets, hlerator service W. W. Hill, V.'-V. Rex A; Turner.clerk. MISCELLANEOUS. WK WKITK all kinds of Insiiranee fire, nntiinioliilc, accident and health H i , I also surely bomls of all kinds. Snlisfiictiiiii Hiiaraiiteed. Sipiure Deal llealty Co., U. S. Hunk bldg. tr Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A TOR RENT. ND'ELY fnrnlshed housekeeping rooms, reasonable. - Kih Nnrth Commercial. FOR HLNT-Aa 8 rnoiirhouae at 10H Marion street, newly papered and and painted -on .Interior and painted ou ouUnlc; good barn and space fur tiunlen. Line trie lilits and water. Iiupilre at J. L. Htoekton's tins or resilience . . tf WANTED. !' ,,,' ,,,,.,'. I'll . . .. ,11 L . . I.AI Liur,.il r,ir liuossrcpcr will "irj, your hooks an, mail your statements for small monthly aulary. Phone 175. ( ail for (.tioper. tf 70.00 73 oo 42 50 IfMl HO 75 iai 5o.O" 5n 24 Oo 17.11 65 O" 7.00 2.20 4.00 4.00 2.20 2.20 4 'id 7 00 2 20 2 2d 2 20 22 4 on 2 2H 2 2o ! 20 6 (0 .'1.2'' .1 20 2. Ml t. 2HII 2.2" 2 2(1 15 M' 15 2" 15 So 152(i 10 40 15 20 17.20 24 (a) IM .tV DR. STONE'S Drug Store HALKM l.OIHIE No. 1, A. T. ft A. M Stated commiuiiruti ns first Friday in each month at 7 :.'() p. in. in the Masouin Tcniplu. J. 0. Welch, W.M.; H. Z. Culver, seeretary. PACIFIC LODdK No. 50, A. F. ft A. M. Stated communications third Fri day in esrh month at 7:30 p. m. In the Muionie Temple, Glenn C. Mies, W. M.; Ernest II. ( hoato, secretary, WLI I, ciiieiite,1 y,iii man, callable of rcspiiiiaihtlitic, Hunts anv knol fork; salnrv F ;ij. not i iiiiMiloreil. ol I'loHIC Jll.ttl WANTI.ll 'J't III V 10 acre tract; lllllat be chrnli for axil. Slide and iteairill ion la first lett care Journul. JU:il Pi kard. Uvul, indemtiily 50.23 COMMERCIAL CLUBS WANTS PICTURES Of SALEM 8CENES The Commercial club is extremely anxious to secure attractive and aceii rate pliotiafrnph of points of nitereil aOiaceut to (his city lor the new pain phlct that is Im-iiii( issued with the par ticitlar obiect of pnttitj In-fore toorists the interesting xoiit and trips around slem. IksI phutouraph f tiers hate iM'ea icooM'd in the search 1'W just the nWit en tiir-s. Nice diwrinnnatiun is being useil in r b-rting the views as (be pamphlet will be of pocket lire and will act unino-lale but a few of the views. Any photographs of the desired views i will be gratefully re-eive, at the club and carefully relume. I after the cut i"'t made. N'cwr York Son: Se, irtarv M-A ioi's purposes. I'r. stone is a regular gradu ate ia medicine and has had many years of experience In the practice Consultations sre fres. PrwcrlptioM rs free and only regular pries for medicina. Dr. Stun can bs found al his drug store, Ssiem, Oreeoa, from IL40 in the morning until t at tight Pre delivery to sll parts of tSs city a n't within a ralins of IDA mll. B. N. of A. ''Oregon drape Camp," No. 1,100, meets every Thursday even ing in McCornsck building, Court snd Liberty streets. Elevator. Mrs. Syl via rkbaupp, 1701 Market, Oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co., record nr. CUIROPItACTIC PINOLOOI8T. DR. O. L. HCOTT-Oraduats of Chiro-j rraetie's Fountain Head, Davenport owa. If you have tried everything sad have got no r. lief, try Chiroprac tie spinal sdjnstments and get well. Office 40070 l". 8. National Baak Building. Phune Maia 17. Resident Main 84 K. PRT CLEANINO PREHBIM O. " flfiikx s1ia mmrd T f I r ssm ifssfsi a-lmirable plan for limiting the r.t of ia4 dri. OM ,.l wj f00Vlu, , fe.leral buielii.K. will hse the nnaai- ,ki ..L .,,,1 .hrr .,. ,,,.i,t MULTNOMAH KOVAL AhCH CHAP TER No. I, K. A. M. Regular meet ia second Friday ia esrh month at V p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ki. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, seeretarr. HODHON COUNCIL No. 1, R. ft H, M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month, Masonic Temple. James Plaat, Thric Illustrious Master; Olea C. Nilrs, recorder. t"0 . 8 40 i mou suprt or evenltody lo all the tnsn tt 0im' not affei. Children Cry TDK FLETCHER'S CASTORI A VV. UOLAY COMM ANDKU Y, No. S, K. T. Regular eoaelava fourth Friday la esch month at t o'clock p. m , ia Masuais Temple. Kolouraing Sir Kaights ar courteously iavited to meet with us, Oso, II. Iluraett, ,B. C.j I'raak A. Turner, recorder. k'vesniag parlor opes to 8 p m. (iiaxls nM for t.n.1 fleiivareii free, rfaoae m. Apparel Sertict 131 S. High CHADW1CK CHAPTER No. 37, O. Y.. feet H. Regular Meeting avery first aad third Tuesdsy at f p. m. ia ia a oais Ternnls. LUisbsth Read, W. M ; Ida H. BsUook, srctary. ' if for alt, m Joarnat W,nt AiwUl U it. WANTED -Two hoiiren puiiited in ei rliimn,- for ecpiitv in lioii.e or rent: or will trade tor auto; alu a lot lor team or ri. I'hone .mi. Jlv.ll Childrou Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R ! A M0NLY TO LOAN Ol Oood lUsl Ziuts Iscmiltg Tnot. t rORD Over Lastd ft Bask Isssk. aUlaa. Orsgo CASTOR IA For Inants and Chllduo. In Ute For 0ver30 Years Always bears Iter Higiiatuia of FREXCH FECXl.E ei a a a eaa llasj mmum t r I L h O, aJUn StM m sLaaawaato MaiaflMW t'tlt ll'SS f tail. M' l f fi aaM - , u4 h a.H, swaaaa. imi m4 Ih i aa a ba. vipm a aa itai to a, f, lm vw, Sm ' II faaja 4a. m ,laaaa ajaaa rirtaal raa.allara a, W4 SJ a,tMII'IM HUO AMI, maple, fir nnd oak wood for sale, il, 'lucre, I or on the grouuil, ( unr K. IlichBidsoti, .... t if PllU SALK Two ilouble barreled shot guns mi, I Wineliesler rifle; also am munition, cheap. All new. John P. Miller, I0..0 Center street. .Ily il I'dl! SAI.K x 1 I acres close tit oni- liiereinl sheet carliiie. Owner going, to LI i Colony; "0iio buys It. This is a bin 'gain. Hee 1 1 in 11 1) ft I'elersuu Co., :i'J Hubbard bldg. tf ALL K1NDH of rami and city property sold or exchanged. Fire liisurain'iv wrilten; loans unnie. I'al) and sea) us at rooin II, Payne building, 311 Htato street. (Ion II. Jacob l o. ' Folt 8AI.K-0 room residence, near stale house and university. Very at tractive, furnace, fireplace, and ninlt, In riiuxcniciuc. price -f.'IMiiO. $l:"ni'J cash, tin In nee terms, II per cent. Ad dress owner, F. X , care Journul, tf Ft IK HALE Del net Jewell gns raii(e; 27 yards A aiiiiiiilor cm pet, like ue,w; ilrophead sewiuir niachiiie; Kood or )aii; two burner (nb k Moal oil stiive, ii --, I very little, 2ii:i North ( tun menial. tf I ( I It SALK - A "d kO'Utle J year old driver, smtjle or double, wt, I I'd, lull, Mood action and speed, sired 1 V On X'tiMi1!. Alao m bogiV, siiti'e mid wnx'iu. I'. V lleiiniiiuscii, riinin, .1, Haleoi, (ire. Liveslny Hint inn. Phone 70 K 11. ' JIM DR. EVA MURPHY Magnetic Healing and Electric Baths Curs all kinds of disesaes, female trouble a speuirlty, Come and see me. Room 17, Bush ft Brsynian Illdg. tsssstSM-s SalemFence : and Stove Works R. B. Fleming, Prop, t Depot American Fence To Hop Growers: Morla-r'i Pat. Braced Basket. Bunds the strain. Buy now and savs money. Don't wait until you need them. Or older now and gel them later. 2M Court Street Phone 13 1 Back of Chicago Btora L. M. HUM Care of TICK SO TONG Chlncie Medicine ind Tea Company Haa medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Fhone283.