Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 30, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of 'The Capital Journal"
Editor lad jq,xg.r
tTtlMY r.Vf.l;.
jj iii. IU.
H BUfHt.o a.kr i.vtM.so .i'. it M'Mnr. Ai.Ky . .Kf'ON, bj Sometody has been figuring fro
i , I 1 Di T-i I matter washed into the Gulf of Me:
Capital JOUrnal Tig. U,0., inC.jMLvi:i?ippi that the continent of X
HA. ni h n-Hf.i. ijKk - im i s. 1 praduiliv -.va-ced and the time will
y,.t v. yr - ge no continent here. This idea w;
jhu i-vm i.vkm.so iuit hi-5h.y. ' Rf.'-oT, k. Somebody ha been firurinsr from the amount of solid flRRY STflMAfH JOY
I I matter washed into t.ne Gulf of Mexico everv vear ny trie - iv VAIH? ITCT VfwYvT
Sunday Excursions
w -.l... . ' . C.: Li IvLiV 1 Wl 1 UVIYijl
ill come when mere w.ii ;sai: j rr? hji &;--h ruts m to
t n. J Dripii J-rndr TJut He
wan nrnrirjv r i :ir:iru - - .
Gsirra:ej Iv
hy someone who has no taxes to worry over and ha? man
1 . . L I I . . i T-
I,lr by rmf, ft )tr
f'it b rill, yt X""
::;;:;:; 4;: to th hlh cost of bv,n&- te'; .-:."r':i
fer?ons wno have these common trials of life will find .-.. t ..;, -t !-?-: rem
ujj.uii ku.,k7 j tirr' Kivt if- any great amount of attention. '.' i, iUg
- ;f e.'ii . ia b3 -b:v. bv
Newport and Return
f; v t.... .1.. 1, .
v'-' " u n 1 ,u,iK grcauy eiaiea over tnis testi- : ;-
A record that is not over U.iM years Ions; i.s a mere monja! as to her ability as a teacher of the young ida or ' " "t ti mHi-
t(rinning, the mere preface, of human hi:tor-. , not. Still not even- school turns out a "chamDion." ZiV''Z7' ilil?
It u likely that man will last a good deal longer than - h'!fsy -.
!other 6,m yeam: he may even last a hundred time. Here is an encouraging item from a Portland paper: -'".v-rCJrT
at long; but if he lasts only ten times Gxy) U-fore the "fjoth offshore and coastwise the lumber buirie is f 'v ": Ml " Da "-'
id of that allotment we of the first GXX) will all he showing more life than in several months. Three Mc- TTurl
ici'nU together, barely di..tnguihhable in our s'ara- Cormick steamers the Celilo. YosemitP anH Wflnana '1",rv v" o t"r n,-n.R,
end of
rni i u.ai an n.nr.a K in u. u -v v.u an uv snowing more me than m several months. Three Mc- if .t m UVw.Z
ancienU together, barely di..tnguihhable in our s.paia- Cormick steamers the Celilo Yosemite and Wapama fv'"rv- -v" o t"r -?fi" '''n-i'n
tions of race arid time. now at Portland, have cleared for California poris with Zl ZJZT
And the antiquarian of that far future day will pon.l-r rargoes totaling 2,800XX) feet. Of this auartitv thp Celilo A n i-A
ariufieiveinanenorxiocomprenen'jourancieriiciviiiza- will take out m,m feet, the Yosemite 8"j0000 and the
He will marvel at the primitive ignoranre of us who have
Beginning aeit Sunday, JuW 25, ad
eiery Sunday thereafter during fua.
m?r, an Excursion Train will run from
Woodtmrn, via lit. Angel, Silverton,
(Jeer and Salem to Albany connecting
there with regular morning train for
Newport. Flag stonj will i made at
all intermedite winta goiBg inj returning.
Th.'f ,r, ti;r.e j.j, .(J(. f,.,.,rI1'
a ttin.' tli.it i,nt,x to ,j.,ne If
iv ,n hi, .1-. .,., ,,;:1.- j, i,,
'"'in .-trim? it.
IIC n III IIIUII'I 111 (MJHIIUVI.- IIIIJI dlM.C 1 J us i ng 1 1.1 f
dwelt ho near to creation's dawn, who had to battle with IW Brussels gets the worst of every deal Vow it i
the problems of dwtar.ee and gravitation and cold and renorU-d that th r.iti- h, ,.,. r.-,..i i a;,.; . '
electricity, who had to get along with inK,t in.stru- the allied aviator de te 1 SSS
rnenU and crude appliances (,.'ca'.i:e mankind was only m . .vvtJ.lv.
U AndSt is not all. We .hall mythology, by and by mm ThVZln n St t -
We .hall drift bark and bark until we bitwith the tC'last .Jvtn months ' fiffUItS PVtn "Ut f("'- - 'M'lr'T.t
Goliii-ri Age itwlf, dwellers in A ready, tripping measures ' the thrifty farm
to the pipe, of Pan; we .hall hearken to the" Oracle of The Kus.ians are retreitir,rr n ..f , . iTttlrV J:h,
Ilphi; w 4,all gather the apj,e of the Hesperides, and reasons " Htuating again for strategic M,,,.y ,....,,, ,nilli Jtj,
join with Jason in the earch for the (Joldm Fleece. h'Z,!-'Zt I .SP ,.f ,,..,.,,, .
Maylnr we hhall U-come mere geology after that a . "'"w " Wat,t.rr JU u ,',"ir,t
'Hihi aver, a film ut ..!. vii.n T ' " '"-'t by ..,.
CTiTr a'rrnp a
JIAIL ntiTJ I T me battle
tlllfj. l.-r?.r to :.u:,;f
JlWL ilLTT J 4 ". oAiii-j, ir.nn t. I,.- t.. h:,ty rn ni.r....r i it,...
' '"ut '"' tr:u.-.l at n,u !, ,!.
A re.ilt of an investigation made by the national JluV'r u'l h' V, J)' t"tl ' .ueZ TLTV,
!oard of education, it is announced that seven out of , ..!.: r v,'..1,,, V " y "
every one hundre, thini grade public school children can- trr ' ' ' Y" - .u.n-r ur' .irr. m'","
rot kmii th.. word "has.- There is other evidrr.ee of i J j;::', I: ,,w. v-"-"' rjvu'" -'-,1;;;;;l;;v;;,,;;1,t,u:::
r.eKl-t , that branch of elern-ntary education, and mv. i ' Z "" Wi" Jf;;;:,.;;;.'."- '"'; ' ' '.
.,lrMv.wMv mane o M-nool authorities with a virw of n a!, y, 7" '' " '' 'i-..t ,.f k,, w, i;,;.r;
il, l:.. ,.,.b. 1 ' '"U '"""h ""' 1''. .''".l,ly li..,r ,he ,.!,.,.. .l ,,
"' . i-i.-i,t!i.liii ,,... i "
"I Iiit h....' i ! We knvn Uiim- ,, . ,,i' ,"' :..
' M ..I , uviril! jt
TV" " l'fne-'.".ly t ,r t.ublir
M ' ' 'It I r '
I ., ,.,1,, ,i. r,.M1t if
-.ul,.,., ,. ,i. ,,.r, Mt
" ""'i '""M i.Mt iM,.,i,iv i.
"' "' .,. ..M..V..,vlK
' iTi'tV . 'III , . t it 1 1 v .
ilj,,v ''' .!. t t at,..,..! tl.
' ' of "in, li :.r,. ,
r',.'h " ,r 1" ii:... ....in,
. M' "l Mr- .!..!, w, f
'" tlM .r il-i;.t,.r, fr
' i" -l-m. It ,.
",:'k""" 'T,.fl,M, Vl , Xs( in
Ui,. tux t.,L nr.. ,,....r...t,.,w
' ' ' :,M'' 1. 1 " ) . I, M,
LeT Wood burn 5:00 a. m.
Ltave Mt. Anel 5:17 a. m.
Leare Silverton 5:30 a. m.
ArrlTe Salem 11:55 p. m.
Lti Souta Salem 6:33 a. m.
Arrive Albany 7:22. Arrive Newport 12:15 p. m.
Leave Newport 6:00 p. m. Arrive Salem H-5 p. n.
Leave Albany 10:55 p. m. ' Arrive Woodbam 1:15 a. m.
W',.f..lburn. Jit. Ansel. Silverton,
Milein, ( orrj.on.ling low farea
t'r.Hii other points. Tickets good going
a:i i ri'turning Sunday only.
I':.!! r.arti.-ulars fr.im nearest Agent.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
iveroomini? that d. Unoiieiirv
Thesv fact Irftfl no eit('h:itii. i. ....,.. , L il,... i .
, , , . r vr m m i r llii.l Il'l . ,ll.tv :S
I'eo ne wouiiJ tinki' run i.i i ... ,.t.i t ... i i , . . u...i..,. .
t'" '. 11 a fr grearer bearing ,, ,r'.,e,ai r,;;:;:;:;:''',':";::; mm "-'
education than Uiih ,I wl.u.,l .... .1... .,...r ... mi.' , .... .... ,r" 1 :' " r, ,
rfi K)rli well umially have a Utter rrnso ,f Fmriiui, .m,i ' ,V "', V""" """'" "..) o.- i.-tn,'. ,,.,.
- mn e?U,,ded fbul.ry. A poor". dling has " '' Z'Z ZV, V"". -
oh,1 w tb, vtKubulan has l,eer, diminished until' now it 1. '!Z ' r" -
Kj.UU.hhat mth a large numWr of p.,,p,. fifty words. - '7, u'u,'
dK;?:rr''':M,,ut,' ,,,,,st of ,h" -y: Tr-;;.
oernon nri.l in their nu iwt n. ' ...(. m. !..,i , ., . J .
The ivinrrta of the naii,,;,.,'! i.,i ; , .. ::r:A ' " '
-!?te that piacUca. cducaUon h " . i ' Zl
;; "-t of .he atuci,,,,. ,,, ,f,.,, scho, r
lI,;t;kl''- ;;rt-d lus uunum f Uu- rum, of nmnl-r
t.. tl..-V-,-y ;i,t. t.,a itw.,stl,,.,,T(,on of,,,,,,,
nor UbHiiinii. who proMruted tl. C l, , ,,,,,
j K'lk.s p,.r, lup.wt,,,, , . ,:, ).afll.., 1 1
:,",un,vv"1 -h:!. m, ,i ,h;;' !
i:t ""'drraMh..w ;. ,. " t U:' lewa,
.j- .-. . hi. ,i,.
i ,
I Mill Is. .. i. .1
I'M II j,
" " '; ; "i 1 i... tM, .1...
,"; '' 1 i. ... i ii, . ,
' '""Ml . I.H.. . ,.f II,,. . T-! I,-,.
' ",m!" '" I m ....,.,., A I I '
' ' I ' I ,.. ,. W,,,.. ,,.
1 1 " II..- I ,,,,.1 f
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:.lli m ,,,
Il ":i a II -t III,. I,,,,, j,.
1 Hi
... I.:
Iv I.
. ...,in
' I'.
H, I
" HI.,
) 1 . I . I ,
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,.,! P.. ,
: Im.i l..t, I,.,,
-. . ,
..' I ... .
. I
. l...
I.. ,, i ,
! ' Jl-l .-.- .hull ,,.,,
"H ! ' " Ol,ir , .,. , ,
" i i.ailir Htrrw Oi,. ,, n. i, .,i
, "' ' i'l. .!, .ir,.,.
''"''- ! ;r.
In iu.li,i, i , ,,.
J " ' hnme ht-att. ,-,,,
" ' .l in ilia,
i' ir, ilni i,,,
I' r , t)inia.
"" t '- Ihe ,,, , M ,,
' ' i K .fill .(. k. , (
1 ' '. .I I
V-f wl.,
..TV,.l.,.r,. Th
1 '.'in.... .! t'- .. :i,..
n.i.l .. th.... ,,,,
I .I'lllt'lH V,
ll Mill. I Hl,.,,u .1 ,
! ''i with h.iv,,,'
N " I'tlHIiT .V,,
kii..n .,, I,,,
'' : ill Allnn'.i l'. ..
' ..! O ,. .....
llarley-Kei-J, $24
I 4 . . . . . "otter City rreamerv, 29c.
K)ms-N,t,.,e,l 0,.-e'xtra, o4
T..IHV-, riKirk,, ,),, a ,e ,.(,,,,., '-""-i wil,.,"lB(5 S,e,e,
I,,,., ,,ti,i(,..s. ru,ui,.rs
:ir" '1- -1 ut ."'I . ..ins, hile the
l m nitli.U.. js '.5o.,
. :n. lit. a ..tin-, .. ;ir, hi. ,,.nts a uXi .
'-"''I.' fJ.-'a an.! J4.-HI. (ir.K-- , , ...
r in, i.:,viti, m . , i.MMa.rrv riit-ki nir is nvpr .,rl
H, m tru.l, f.r T,, hg mnrkK u!'' " i6'"'1-, !e' hundred dollars hae
' -f "oknew. The .p J'.tnl.ute. .mong over a hundred
tni .i U- i t ii,,. ,i,,i. i. i . inilustnoun ouunle.
misniiiiiei .... . ', I .
t.i v ut !.:; n-ut, but.,)" "Ie Ba-V ,la8 cut and
" ruts iibuve tlio t,'S- ,1 are bua.v getting it renjv to
I'" are afraid Mr. Kiueu
."ill fill hm hi. f.,1. i,.... .... l...
V p "!"" ,hp danc- Uon't d it,
ilr. Bnuc h. " - .
rtto;J,:hHi:,ti I-n,hr"P ha. been visit
' " ii f h" "other, MrS. Dorman, tb.
,'hm few weeka
";; Xr- MM Free h. Bne f. Xe-
4' port to b the sut of Mr. Jennie I.u k
" t"r a mi, nth. . '
. 1!"-v tii'""''' and Arthur Hev.Mwj
.... 40 have gone to I'ortlun.l. Thev ,H, ,.,
.. I-M.uil go ea,t this fall. " 1
J'l OO .lisso, (JUdyg gna r.V)n Steven-n
i re emi.li.yed aa aulea ludien in the i.i
1 .ng.) store.
.... SSc. Nvma ratier loDvy pn tie .
"r",1"J amec the aurveyer. have g..ae
1,c alV"-v- ,St"n i the young folks havs
'"J.ved their ,tlly here verv aiiuh.
in IVrtm,
ill.r i.ri- ...
"h '
H:iv. Wu
af. e
1 IVTlt
".II, ,
' 'V- I ,r '
K-ll-l bar!,v"
' r:icktd coru
l. :'-, .,r t"!l
r t.'ii
;.r,a' r.vl 't-M-rV.-und
1 M'.!rv i,,t;,r . .
1 s
ES and Poultry
'!'!. N". 1 -a-Ti ....
- .'LI. I'.'r I ...;J
hi , ., .,
I'-Tk. Veal and Mutton.
A .,
TU Of H.
' - ' to dw.t. t ji,. , ,,,,
': but ,,, ,
' - -'UU'..i I
...''ai'ital Journal Special Kervi.v."
I - J 'ftMbnd. Ore.. Jul; .v.).
, , uW jmii, ot
"' tiB.':ii,ted with the f .rni
w ' I: M;" ty",M"n tbi. week. .Mr.
.. I,,,,,. Kinu.H fcrlusf1,r of the Chri-tian
" 7S ,-''ln.,ft-l'.h,W town and the
.. S ldire KmptWl, vMe.r him a two mnth m-
j ''. 1 '"'until have a nuri.i
' , :;';!, ;i
I'.i.ir i ...
t.iiHMIC, JSliS
Tr,u'Ml inline hnntst
Naftty IViH.sit It.ix.
savings im:p.im-mi:xt
Professor Fri-iu'h Cds
Pi'siliun In Colorado
I .: au I awui.iK ,,
.l kidney lr.,,1,,.
met imm n n i
1 ! ki'lp . ,s6i,, '
'"kin m. I. V ,
' K' k..lMr . ,, i
' ' ! (it U.. 1 :
' 1 ( k.alh , '
' ' e. l, i,. s, .
! ' whm to ,i ,,.
v ' Kti-t l.u'i Ki.t '
mr turpiue. ", ,
" nifBl iii a frt, "
.( b. '.t,, ,Wt
. my a:.,vt,i, ;.
.: ilr.l,ii.ll. I, . .
t I Si I iiw.l tK.i,, V .. j
-liier JYi. , . , . ,
"1 I h.t .,. ,,, , ,
1 ' ..( ki.ln... Pl, ,, , ., , ,.
r vi..
i . ,
t I
r rrotu.
1. .
A ...
.... 1
.1 .l.lf l't
'n.' rl.-.N .
lite kh e t
v ...lei Mi,t.H. .
v . t u
... ,
. ' J'r ' .
. -,- .ur ..aiqrii nave i
J l .iulc l"'"'j;t.-r-rrinrtlin Salem
W.jlra. Brun.on. with
8- ""'"'I'.'rs o,f the familv. ntnrte.l V.
' t""'"' 'fvr '-' port. Thev will m.vt
v..r , luM ,, ,,r )..
40e vf"fnt Sun Jr.'qiev mil !:..
I. "J-.'7'r '! tinrfoiii'ginj.'flams in.!
.-,.!,lr'"."K -4 wah.,.,
4"V v.. " f'oi r.4rtve,lt Atri.li.t-
1 I'" "nv,r'lort an lnvaiiiia,f gra-'ii n
f!.:, l",r. hich have mtioiisIv dairn.. I
... 4e Win,-
S'V- rt'toji, ft frtrtner (residerf. i
...1.75 . '2 l1," Ike p,i,-ary a,iu mi M'
4c 1,1 ' 1''m. ; . ,
w Mr. Kireher' nf the Iktl.-I l:t: , t
. " 1m:i1,Ui,k .a large uaW, "
.?V"rt'', lt r.';,yrM tJiatvtS. kn - I
' " ti i'' i'," inanCeni,olat l..i.'k. r.l
'.. J,. "ill run a b..p-i.i.K i n j t.
... .1 ,1111, tl,i- .r. 1
. ; ,3 .. " ."-'i,. me on,. ,.i -
. .i2ri "! " nn v,,.-ation in i'-: t
I. 0 Hh..th, r. tl,. ... ....
piair ,ip un it "t .
n.e cue nek.. , Aunt !- ia ! "
' uthl tml t,,.r.l,,, .1,,
- .. . "n""'.l ' rWU,.n between
I 1 ' Mates and .(.. rnianv. .-h.' 'r'
'i't i,y ,iti.,Jv ta;.-5
' I.. ' "' ,',"',.. t)Ut it il- liVelv tlli. )-'. 'r
, V"ir. r-T IT.-i.ff nr. A f.r '
."" IV; tVtia 'will ,, a iri.ve
' '.:V3 !'" at .!! risk ..f e,.m,.r, nu. -C
ri'.'.M'i '"' :,r:l!'tv .' afj that i that
"' - ....l.t . i, ,-,, k .'
' MrkeM ' ' - -,'"' fi id. A lor.lt)., w,ll et, I '
'. t it- ""'v r'."tren t,i fie I "
f .. a wi-h.Mit wariiini i a p
. !:'-' ffnnrial nf the deejt
1 N v. -i ln.e it IV V
II. Ml
. j;.:i'.
r.,-a.: rr-.ce