THREE One Year of Great War THE SOUND OF THE THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. ORE., FRIDAY. JULY 30. 1915. Now Js the Time to Bricklay ers and Carpenters It means prosperity. jCome and hammers is the sweetest music played in Salem. hear them. They are like a submarine they are bound to tear through everything in their way until they have accomplished their purpose. From no won it is our business to clear the coast. All goods throughout the store must be sold. egardless of Cost sicrs, Combination Suits ... .49c Ladies' ReadytoWear feather headpiece .... 5t'c and 65c Boy and Girls ....OO $10.00, 12.50, $15.00 and $20.00 Men's 50c Mesh and Balbrig- nt. Straw aW Canvas' Hats COl TAILORED SUITS yan Underwear CdC . ,. ' Plain, Btripes, Checks, Novelties 3'Jc and 4oc Ladies Check Of ft Boys' J5 Blue Bib Overalls, OO Gingham Aprons ! Jl IjQ $D.9U 1'"" l.'c Bleacbed Huck Towels, 0 10 . . Men's 8."e and 1.00 Dreys JO 1S34 in., sale O QqjJj jqJ DfCSSCS and Neglige.) Shirts 40C Misses' and Children's Pumps AQn $8.50, $10.00 and $12.50 24-in. leather Bound Jap. flO. Mid Oxfords OK LADIES' COATS AND DRESSES Suit. Case, sale VOC with no thought of costs "if and $1.00 Ladies' Long ....CQ- mty j nn Men's 25c Fibre Silk 10 1 O. White Silk Oloves 33C Jpj.yU 3J1Q $4,311 Socks, tan or black It, LmLC 5e and $1.00 Corsets, all ' iOrt ... . . ! . 1.00 Children's Barefoot rr M70. long or Wt : 4QC Vf-lStS aild SklllS Sandals, nil DOC 75e and 85c Ladies' Outing dQ watmAIaSSS ran M'n " m ',", 2.CBSsi'"e QKP C.owns. white and fancy 45C ' WAISTS AND TAILORED SKIRTS ,, Tweo,, Tro,el., ydC In Two Lots i 'JOc and I5c Fancy Dresden 1A- QQ I ffl Q0 75c and 85c Baby's Crib OQ. Ribbons, 4 in. wide iwt 30C OnQ 1.30 Blankets, all colors J.V. A Comparison Will Convince 12c ami 14c Dress Ging- OIQ- Mil 1 1NFR V PRMTQ 1 00 do. Ladies' FVst. Black C- hams, light or dark O 1JC lUlLLlULIU lAHCd joc and 12 1 -2c Hose JC $1.25, $1.60 and $2.00 LADIES' . and MISSES' STRAW. CANVAS, , . 75c and $1.00 Children's JQ- rpT . -..r . $1.3.) and 1. 50 Honeycomb JC Wash Dresses FELT nd nBEE HATS Bedspreads, full size IdC .',(.,. Seersucker and Cham- OC llHf rITIfl tlMC and 20c White Striped Q 1 O. bray Petticoats, sale VWV W or Figured Scrims J i'-t $1. 0l Ladies' Silk .Boot Jlose, Ah TRIMMED HATS Ladies' 12 l-2c, and 15c Swiss O Hsle top "f $3.60. $4.00 and $5.00 Ribb Vests 01 LADIES' TRIMMED HATS' .V, lie, 7 l-2c Laces and En J. On One Table in One Lot i and $1.50 White Middy AO broidery' iC and tC 49 Blouses, .ale 48c and JOW Is: bv IS Bleached Napkins, AQ- Men's and Boys' Bathing Aft per dozen - PARASOLS S"""' H"le 25c' 39c "d HJt 12 12c Cretonne, all new 0 1 25 8tyl V"? 100 nd1.25 E. ru or JO interna sale O IOC Pongee Parasola White Lace Curtains i.merna, sate ,2 bQ j3 00 4nd $3 50 vaiue 7.-c and 5 Full Size Bed Ah. QCp 2M and $2.50 White Duck .... JA Sheets, salo ISC iOt Wash. Skirts, special ''' I army of teiucious veterans, twotoone! jmore efficieut than nt the outset of' j the war. She tmiished the ghost of 1S70. I She leaned to tight as the other I THE ENGLISH OtTLOOK. (By Ed. L. Keen.) (Vnitcd Staff t unespondent.) Loudou, July 3'. Kni'land starts uiH)ii the seroiul yenr of the C.reat War i with dtviiled anvantn;:. h mcr her po , fellow fights bv binrowiiii; sitirm of twelve mom lis ns;o. : She retook iurt of Alsace, her lost I She has eoiiimsnil or the seas. She proviuce. has au army, tniinc I ami in training,! She stiij'ped the erown prince at Ve-r-1 of nearly three million n-en. Her "ex- dun. j petitionary toree' in FtlTce is nowj She held N'aury, the eastern gate to1 firmly entrenched in a position regard-' Paris. ed as impiegunble, even if the pros- Slu cronlct heavy artillery, lacking 'fleets of making a mio ssful general at the start. offensive movement ure net immediate.1 She ousted shirkeis from safe posi-l Her airmen haVe i-si::lil;h,..t beyouil tions back to the line and sent them question their snpeiioriiy in skill and ; to the trenches; ami brought out of daring ttver, those of the i ncniv. She is! the trenches mechanics, engineers and building a Keit aerial tleet. She has others needed for war material file-' at last begun with nil the resources at lories. 1 her command, uinterinl mi, I human, to; She sent a lame expeditionary force manufacture a preponderating i(iiamity ; to the PnrdKiiclles. ' ' of arms and ainiiiiniitinn of the right; She biiiOcd the Austrian fleet in the sort. She has buck of her a united A.hiiitic, just as Knglaml bottled the nation and a united empire. .(Senium fleet at Kiel, keeping the Mod- I The war found her unprepared, not , ilurrnnenu open. i only irom me nniii:uy sinii.ipoiiit, nut one siiceessimiy inunclieil all war politically. The lihcial go eminent 'financial ni"nures. was apparently ridiui; fir a tit 1 1. There She abolished absinthe and put other I Iih.I been all but nintiuy in the army, i intoxicants under control. I The Irish had become more turbulent j She provided for the fan ilies of sol than ever. Sir Kdwcnl ( arson had es- diers.. tnblished his " Provb ioiml (tovernuieiit , She eared for her own refugees audi of I'lster," end revolution was in sight. provided homes ami nourishment fur India wns swthing wilh sedition. Kven ' Hclginns. Canada had shown signs of tiring of j She placed women In men's jobs and the restiaint of mother's iiprmi strings, kept the economic life of the country Industrial unrest was at it h height. Ab S"-" together things were in a very bu, way. She kept calm despite invasion of her Now most of these tumbles have dis-1 territory; bucked her soldiers with a appeared. Some of them remained I patient, toiling, united citineury; and, longer than others, it in true. It hasinuch to her credit, has yet to niter the been a yenr of readjustment. Liberals first word it' criticism against any one and conservatives, radical.! and tories.jof her allies. i now sleep in the urine bed. So far as France was never so calm as now. the Irish disaffection, upon which the She has suffered and is still suffering kaiser polluted so fondly thanks to the cruelly but she has not complained, lack of understanding on the part of Her feeling runs too deep for outward hs emissaries is concerned, that van-1 "how, thus revealing a little-known I ished almost 'over night. It was a1 trait of the French. i short way irom Tippernry. Sir Kdwnrdi dodging by what France litis nceomi ! Carson, whom they were about to lock I Wished during the first year of the i up in the Tower, is now attorney gen- war, and by her present dcndlv calm, oral of (irent Britain, and John Hed mceid could be ill the cabinet if he wanted to. One hundred and twenty- j second year of the five thousand Irishmen have joined tile i Sunday. i King a army. .atiouiihsts and union, i ist 75,000 of the former and 50,0110 of the latter insterd of drenching Ire land with other's blood are fight ing side by side under the l uioii Jack. ! i nnnda heard the call o arms and, after a year 'responded at once with SH.tniO men, to up thus: whi.ii she has been adding regularly I ricsiiisiou of Kmisian I'oliiud, ltd since, i ncy or miner wnut is ion or gnim una northern r mice- -territory ns them are serving in the trenches along : large nnd rich rs New Kiiglaud l.nd with (ihurbns from India. Australians New ork. and New Zealnndcrs, together with I The tnth.'ili.nd entirely free of the Welshmen pud Scotsmen, ure engaged enemy, nave for il small strip of in the Dardanelles in one of the most i em Alsace. valorous campaigns in the history ofl Powerful nnd active submarine and warfare. The sporadic uprising in . Zeppelin fleet u. South Africa has been suppressed, audi A tradition for the navy. the great mass of liners against whim j An ainiv still cr.pable of offensive r.nglnnd conducted her unrighteous war ; i.perations meiywhere in the war lli l.i years ago, with Cencral llotlia at inters. And hundreds of thousands of their head, have cniiipiered (ionium men capable f be, ring arms not yet Southwest Africa fiu Knglnnd. Labor , ei Ileal to the colors, nnd cnpital have joined their forces iui Finances uiiiiupalicd the only bel the conflict. 'ligcrcnt which has not borrowed ' heav- There has been much talk of eon-lily, openly or in secret, in foreign scription of late, bitili military and in-1 1." nds. nod which has neither declined diiHtrinl, The lenders of the nation be-In moratorium or ci.ncelled public debts. Move Kiigluud can win without either,' A million ci.i'.cm In iieiitial loads mill if the recent response of the man- ready to retnni In and help lieriiiiiuv , tne Hiwers or central Mirope have a hot time in store for them during the war, which begins GERMANY'S PRESENT ASSETS. (By Carl W. Ackemian.) ' (Vniteil Pri'ss St.-ff Coriespondeiit.) Kerlin, .lulv .10. dcrmniiv s assct-i wjirfare can be summed Buy Your Summer Underwear Hosiery Sport Shirts Straw Hats Washable Ties, Bathing Suits EXTRA SPECIAL Summer Clothing AT 4 OFF 70 rick Bros. Is the House that Guarantees Every Purchase Corner State and Liberty The CHICAGO Store howl of the country is any criterion they are right. Hut they are prepared for conscription, if that should prove tn be the only solution. The national leg ister scheme lool.s ns if it hi that direction. The miicliinerv for conscription is to bo created, but only in lie utilized in the gravest emergency. Although sli ness, Knglaml lias by no melius lost hope. She now that the strug gle lli.'iv be long and desperate, lint1 recuperate titter the war. Territiry pract'ciilly uinliiiiiiigcd In itio ravages of car, tiermanv's dining the year's a step struggle are: nvi-r one hall ol In i colonial empire n tuied. All her ocrv:is eouiuieice teuiho lias lost her cock-sure-j rarily destioved. Tno I lied iniil liltv lliomiiiul sol liers killed. Kxpcudilurc of about t..'.'0'i jlii,iiiu. Iiii-i given (ieimtinv these CoUapsed on Arrest Portland, lire., Julv 'M. Arrested on Jap rorester Arriyes. 'the ehuige of selling a ring belonging July 30. Preparatory ,u nance, .miss ueiia Kiciiter, i nom as r. niia, iti, vi minimi, nnu i:iuiinn 10 lie u college griidiiuto and the son of wealthy parents is in the emergency hospital today suffering from hysteria. Kirk, who declares that he sold the ring with Miss Kleiner's consent and that she remonstruted only when he bought liquor with the money, enlliipsed when taken into custody. TODAY'S PORTLAND NEWS Bryan U Coming. Portland, Ore., July 30. Williuiu J Bryan will arrive here late today fri in Albany. A big reception commit tee will meet him ut the station and he and Mrs. Bryan wilt be escorted to s hotel where 'they ill remain until ( o'clock when the' former secretary of ;ite will address en "Fundamentals" at the Heilig theatre. Jap Tor Portluud, Ore., toi spending three weeks in studying the national furests of the northwest, It. Nakai, secretary of the forestry bureau of the imperial Japanese govern incut, is in Portland. Nakai has ready inspected a number of national forests. all i;'itt'rn I ZE ROLE ME OJLS V CREASES BED CROWN GASOLINE Awarded (Q) L jo) n. fast Francisco i Japan's Cabinet Crises i Result of Scandal Tokin, July U0. The cabinet crisis i which it nas predicted would follow the iM-nniliil growing out of bribery in 'the March elections came today when i Premier Count Okuma presented the I resignations of all the minister, en j bloc. The Mikado is considering the mutter j but has not yet accepted the resign. jtion.. The eniieriir culled the elder states I Bieu into conference this afternoon to consider the situation. He will not take j any action until they have passed on (the resignations. I . The resignation of the cabinet I precipitated by the arrest of K. Hays shada, chief rlerk of the lower house. This a followed by rharge. that Vis -count Ours, home minister, bad accept, led t.Vxj from a political candidate lust spring. Oura tendered hia resignation hu h was arcepted by the eoiiieror. It was freely stat'd yestenlur that 1915 the entire ministry would reliniuiah of fire and Count Ok"uni' art ion twliiy created little surprise. The Exposition Rve M' honors to these Standard prod uct made from California competition with other gaiolinei and automobile oil. Standard Oil Company it roiiaolercd ii An Km h" will till you n lime. Prance hs .her staying ' n htn Praariaeo, Julv .10. The finding of purpose and the lunger the lo iter for her allies in I lie war the end. Military writers, mini v of I hemes: them, say tiermany has now reached The kaiser. the maximum of her efficiency, while. Kield ,l.u-li:l on Hindi iibeig, who Knglnnd has only got n good start tit 'won the buttle of the Miiiiiiiiii Lakes, ward that goal. With the boundless fi I east I'm ia from the Mm s nli-l resources of the llritish empire still to pricked the bubble of llus-iu's irresis -draw upon Knland believes ultimate tilde might, victory for the allies can only be a l.ieuleuaui von dcr I. nob n, who vm'Ii I ipiestiiin of tune - if the spirit that nnw'lj men captured n tort lit Nainnr, llnl j ilouiiniites Knghiiol eieitiuues. jgiom, without filing a shot mid permit I If it is In be .1 wnr of exhaustion, ted the lieiioiim. to begin the roul nt she says, then the odds are in favor the Allies. i of Knglnnd and IhT allies. l ommaioler Olio Wcldigeii, of the - siilunai me I L'll, .lm sank lour Mulish THE YEARS ACCOMPLISHMENT. ( cruisers in the Noil I, nd who (By William Philip Blinma.) ( finally nu t hi i di illi uhen his sub (Puiled I'r--- Staff ( orrespoiulent.) !'' ' sih.Ii bv a llriti h ship fly I'sns, Julv m.-Orie v. ur ago to "'' nl"' Swedish Hag. morrow, the'g. n-ral iiiol.'iliMliou order 1 Moeel.e, a bciiteuiint of was posted in Franco culling the men!""' ''"nous r.ea raider Knob n, who led to the This was war. Today!""' 1 '"tiding paity from her leaders ,n-ider the crisis passed ""' r-mdeii salelv bj. k to ll. rha, after and that vi ..iv is onlv a nnestion of ""' r.iinlen w.i sunk, tj,,,,, ' Admiral v, a Hpc, who a i k one Th ini.t. r nf wnr, M. Aleiander ' ""t"1' !'"adi.iii and preferred to f.ght Millerand, has i.nnoui.ce.l that the tier 1 ," " ''"''""" alk- man ollensne i broken and that the"'U ""t11 hip. end crew, went to defensive soon will oe. Prime Minister , ""' bottom, ri.lher Ih u surrender to an k...... VkMii.i in no interview ...... led uv '' ' 111 H'.inpy ii. p. nor lir.lisli fl.-i-l i 'i-i... i me, declared Herman resources in in.iiiov 'and supplies to be in a bud way, and j.M. Victor Augngiieiir, minister of the I navy, Ims tu'd me that (lermanv's sub ruaiine war M.iot have any effect 1.11 i the filial issue. Krniiee, then-tore, is confident, but not om r onfi'l. nl. Hhe realizes that 'there is yet n o. h wink to be done. Mie 'argues, Iiowcm r, that if liermiinv, with iher flying -i uri nnd an army in the pink of coiohi "ii and at its maximuin strength, could nut shatter the French army, aught oif lis guard br a i ' bruk attack.' the kai'er 's furei are l helpless now. For not only has Kri e reiincri.l from ihut sudden first blow sh.ii .he ! I iilono to icceiVf, it. but 'tunning a"' ,. r,n,,r II , n ul lh ..s.l i.1 the It-ims. One of the I war. The Kngli h are daily im-re juing in number and the Kuss.ati avnlm.che ihaustible. ii, or Kreiichwomaii, IS a ipiestioll of . . . i against win ships themselves. t I lie Hermiiiis nre convinceil inai ini submarines liuxe demivalir.ed Hnlain's coiifiileiice. That is why the govern tiieut will not it I i in Ion lis siibmnriiie policy, no inn 1 1 r how long the war way go on. Newspaperman Fights Battle With Big Ostrich - Itnkersfield, Oil., July .10. Attacked by Diamond llick, u big iiiibian ostrich, Itoss C. Miller, newspaper man, fought a thirty minute battle with the giant bird here today. He was rescued by M. It. I'nrrn, owner of tne ostrich ranch, after he Imd slipped und fnlleu ekliliust ed. Miller attempted to walk across Hie' extensive nslrich range. When in the middle of the pasture he received a' severe blow on the head from Diaiiiond . Dick's beak. Warding off the bird's blows, Miller tiied to reach the fence. Hut the ostrich constantly circled sol as tu keep Miller's eves to the sun,: always peeking viciously at his head. j When Miller fell, Diamond lin k wns stiiitled for an instant, lief. ire he could attack again Jiinii appeared on thei scene, armed with an ostii.-h hook. He J assisted Miller In rise, tin. I the two. fo light their way to the fence, pursued ! by the infuriated bird. I M'CAIX'B MAGAZINE TREE McCall's Miignine one year, with choice of pattern free to every auliscrilier of the Capital .1 1 u i mi I who pays three months' siib.icriptiou at one time lit the regular price delivered by cur rier. A Port hind paper is now milking a offer, but it is not aeee;i: ury to scud four mon ey a w iiy from home in ruder to get this iitciuium. The Capital .loiirn.ii is a better paper fur H:ileui peipb thru uuy Portluud paper. A cent a word will tell your wants In a Journal Ad under Today. Try it. MAT IE BOICIDE PACT ' ox lur imsi.j UI wen i.reppe.j uuiiicnil- I ii-re rt- s.y,'.-- i fied woman in hiirerkels lake in (iuld-, first year of ih rn (.ate psrk lit bours after the rlia i roirery of the lody if an unidentified in almoat the same spot, at. v al 1 f i il toniahe.l the world by itirt, bv her unanimity v her aeroiiiplihiiiei.t. f her di U during the nr: Mie accompli '.cd hi r own lulidnritv. Mie friistra'i I ii.-iinsnr plan of . -an. 1 1- V'1' I he li!i nl heroi :i eiiuttt iIiom of the army, (iernu i.v believci the tiod.liou ec r.blislu .1 f. r h r ny by the iintn. live, eouragi- i nd : bility of her sn.lors during the pit vc.u one ,d the mod vh Ina III- bci,.',it. the war has confer red on her. The men who hu do d al s.-a for the f,. tin Hi nd will have then Humes inscribed on' itupcrishulil.- rolls it a new for the empire Wh ri the ptcetit wir broke out II. e lieruiiia u i. v wim an unlricd ii.stru meiit. It Irs b aru. d all it knew of sea tightin I.v in: delivers and study. 'I he war hrs leuioi. tinted coo. lu.nw- ! ly to licru iiiiv Ih. t m.';ti for lusu the Kniflid., with I II their centuries of a the I' of the ini lor surprisi of the war la the .-ouipurntltc Incf fico-ricv of Kiigland's iii':'l coinmaiolers. 'I'he maun, r in which Admin I I ru be k al low., I Inl.ia If to be oul maneuvered in the Hub nn on In ttle by Admiral von hp.-e, tie f.-tiliiv ol the Kngb h sttir..;t to tone the I ar .lane ll-, and the disput 's of the Munriiltv in J.ll- b", eiiionraii.ig in Ih.- o-n mutiny of It" roil Fish, r, lire all believed bv the (i.-rmns us r.pre .-i.tative incidents, showing f'.nli'h naval prestige has been original 'rmfni ntly injured. The intivitics nl the li.-rrMin -ubmi-rin are among the HE SUNK AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GREAT EXTENSION SALE NOW ON. victory of the Maine, moat potent ri ii f of l.erroaa opt iin.-rn n a ii vn r of waifnre bi-gina. Tl c the Mn Praii'iaco poliri. Iwlay. N" won in T .... al.... ...:. :J. . -1 i. . lavihf I'nris. .tur.iirufv vi h fui. nir i in n i -.-- , . , ... atreng.h. ned br the fact ,Ui there i. a d.f-a:..l me Herman attempt t-. ' ' " bullef wound ,'n the head of the .,.,!." Dui kiik. .'.Li. lU.ulogn. l to deairoy tie K.ig b-h navy or I..I, the wound in the woman'. he.dV"h" '"""'1 "" ' " 1 ,V" " ' ' ... r,l,,l e.ud . a U.i.l1...n. ''he forml the lirrmaas to ac-pt " high n f.e.t In venture for.h was evidently eausei by a bludgeon. . f,.,,t,.,e.,t from Prance and II. I to battle. Th.. belief del prevail lor i JnlJd. MM J 1. V T' ' '( -nipbtcl Ike ZiM,nu of "I b.i' - he North nr.. but ,t )t,,Ud U Qs J. to M. hft lu )ir v v)if ptui,ht nu l)li((pr NM.r.,hHe.s, the j ' iK.etatioii .igjni't Knj'lniid nifrih.lil j A ! m WOT tOttl tU ym Nll )na ,t. nrt,,r f individual..! fleet are rourdend to be second onlv I ttery In th Journal Nm Tod my irniran.rnUlits aai thinker, into aa'ia ni.rlai..e t.. under atiacti. Sale Commoncos at 9 A. M. Saturday Specials Womens Silk Gloves COe Values 4QC 85c Values ..' 65c $1.00 Values gOc ifl.50 Values..... $1,19 Women's Summer weight knit I'ants and TighLs, 50c values, lace knee, pair 34c This is less than wholesale cost. 10c White Lawn, Saturday, yard He Yyj TRY SALEM FIRST M