Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 30, 1915, Image 1

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DInr nnivrk 'ri?VT2 ON trains AND news
il . H Ii . f!
mil i Miirifli
By Tomorrow Polish Capital
Will Be Denuded Of
Public Records
Battle For Possession of City
At End-Stubborn Rear
Guards Expected
Loudon, July 30. The Russians
have begun evacuating Warsaw. They
.-.re removing all public documents and
treasure from the city and the bnnkH
nre sending their gold to Petrograd.
By tomorrow it is believed Warsaw
vill be denuded of government stores
likely to be of use to the Oermnns.
Hi,' most prominent citizens and their
families havo left the city. For days
trains have been carrying refugees out
of the ancient Polish capital over the
iiihvny lines still open to the east.
Grand Duke Xicholas is concentrating
troop trains for fur rne removal of his
.1'ildicrs and the evacuation may goon be
expected to be complete.
With this information as tho sub
foame of advices reaching here today,
London was prepared for the fall of
Warsaw at any time. All dispatches
from Petrograd brought reports of
measures taken by the Russian press to
prepare the people for the surrender of; motion to reargue the appeal, he hail
llie city. Tho grip of the German army been rather resigned to his fate, al
ilmut Warsaw has proved too firm to ' though he profevwd hope to the end.
be broken. The Russian line must be I It was exactly three years ago last
withdrawn and the city abandoned to Sunday that Grinblcr Herman Rosen-
tl. ......i . Itl.nl ...i,l, th.. titti.rniiei.il thnt acnteil his
The work nf removing nlihea.v . 1
rom the fortress of Novo GeorgiewskJ
northwest of Warsaw, is being pushed
to the utmost. Part of the iirmament
if the fortress will be left intact until
the last moment so as to hold the Ger-1
mans at bnv until tue vast Slav army!
-"ape. Preparation.- are bcin made
everywhere for stubborn rear guard ac- j
tv. but the battle for possession of !
M e city as a wholo is generally regard -
' IS ui n.,,1 , grilliu . lili me iuiiw"...p ','
I as at an end. h , k f Nl,w yirk.s
Hie Russians are preparing to dyna- ,
'""' vTvthiiig of military value in the r St of RosenUiai KlUing.
fortresses and in Warsaw itself as the 8horh. afi,r vMlll)lht of th(l i,;,h,
-st batch of troops retire. If this plan ,.,;,, wr. vulna a ate supper in
d;es not miscarrv in the tinol stress (h(l n, r()n, of t)lt, 1Iotl, M,.tropole
retreat, little .booty will fall to the jn i-ort v I liii .1 street, just off Broad
t.'.'nnnns. The country about Warsaw , A V(llll, ,,Hn, 'whose identity
I' is been laid waste and previous dis- ntr wa, Vlecrlv estcbli'hcd, appeared
iMtehes have declared the city will be ,,t tlm ,jor and'lieekoneil him. Risen-
.'iiedby the Slavs as they leave. I thai was afrr.id hin enemies would "get
Hie kaiser is nrcnnrinir for a trium' i. ' r... L,,i mini';, led ns inueh to
' il entry into Warsaw. The kaiserin
"a her way to join ntm at the army
eidqunrters and will enter the city at
s side.
l!ussi:m military critics declare the
at of the Slav nrmy is the only step
at could he considered by the com- men standii.g on tl urb fired simiil-,
inders from a strategic standpoint, 'taneouslv a id the gambler dropped to,
The Gernwins are equipped with vast- ;he sidewalk. His death was ii.stan -
uperi..r quantities ot ammunition, taneous. 1
o-Russians can, therefore, only choose' The murderers mi across the street,
avoid a decisive battle at the pre.- jumped into a Ion.; grey car. the engine,
it time and retire to new positions
.oh have been urennred. This line
to new positions
i be held while new supplies of am
mi'i.in nre being rushed forward.
The Germans control nil but two rail
i l leading into Warsaw. These lines
a to the east and will be used by the
si ius in. their retreat. It is expect-
t th Slav retirement will be back.
' t'ir as Brest l.itovsk, 115 miles east
Warsaw, and on the north to the
through the fortresmis of Grodno
I Kovno.
Germans Are Repulsed.
I'ris. July 3d. Kndeavnrinj trt re-
" I "t positions in'the " labyrinth "
Germans delivered fierce attacks
: i"it the French with hand grenades
"".it lat ulght, precipitating a bitter
t:i r-F'4vv
stf n
Ore.n: Filr
tonight and St
urd-yj ; westerly
( L
Not Becker But His Wife Who
Paid the Maximum Penalty
(By Berth Knatvold Mellett.)
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Ossining, X. Y., July 30. I have
spent this dr.y for my husband, not for! possibilitv of talking with her.
n story." ! ! should think nnu'lier woman
Mrs. Helen Becker made, me this re-."""I'' have too much sympathy to ask
spouse shortly before midnight, without I tht now- lhiu't you think you would
a trace of 'impatience or ill feeling,; v'a,lt ,0 ,M left' alone if the one yon
hut with the same calm that has char-! '"' best was Boing Ui be killed to-
acterized her evcrv action since her
husband was condemned to death.
" It has been hard
There "were volume nf expression in
this word.
The people of Xew York, in whose
name all official murders are commit
ted, thought thvy were sentencing Beck
er to the maximum penaltv. Instead,
they are inflicting the real penalty up-
on this quiet little woman. Becker paid outbursts, " said the warden's secro
in full this morning, but Helen must tary, Malloy.
go on, and vth her ahemo and horror' Father Casdiiu. the prison chaplain,
as companions. Mre. Becker explained 1 spoke kindly of Becker.
gently that she. could not talk then. "His whole nature has changed,"
" When could you talk " 1 asked her. i Father Casliin said. "He came here ar-
"I don't think ever. It will do no! rogant, domineering and bitter. He is
good to talk after." as docile as a child now, F.vcn his fea-
Then she went down the steel carri-1 turcs seem changed. I believe if Beck
dors toward tho death cell. er were released he would be a safer
I talked to men who hnd seen her : citizen than many who have never corn
under the stress of her huslmnd's ever- mitted or been accuser of crime."
Story of Rosenthal!
and Conviction of Murderers
Ossining, N. Y., July 30. Charles
Becker's three-year fight for life,
which ended today when the big steel
lever in Sing Sing's executitai chamber
crashed on the current that drove the
life from his body, was the most bit
terly fought in. Now Vork court annals.
Twice had the convicted policev.tieu
tenant had his hopes raised only ,to see
them tumble about his ears. Since
June H, this year, however, when the
court of appeals that once had saved
him from the ch.-.ir, refused to grant a
fat - whe he first publicly accused -
Becker of being a grafter. Rosenthal,
i published statement, swore that
'Iot was his partner in the Forty
f'M' street gambling house. The police
lieutenant, he said, had invested 100
'" Amplication of these
followed daily from then until
lune I t, when liosenthnl made au affi
lavit of his charges, which was pub-
lisn"(1 ,'" ,,w 1
,ll" - v "'afl
newspapers. . 1 he
reed to go before the
flistrict Attorney nitmnn wnen nc i
made his affidavit, but he
rose from,"'
the table nun went out the dour
As he stepped from the door into the
street, his irame sil!n -netted against the,
i.rilliantlv lighted hotel interior, four
of which was roiiiiiiig. and were wnin-
cd away while tl row. I was gasping.
Kwrvthing wa cieitiision, but a citi
zen gliinsc, the nun. ber on the car in
the melee, rnd it was on this thread
tl,f Ii sir ,-f Attorney nniTiiinn oiini
the c i.e that he sent Vim- men to their
, '
lien 'u. ....
The next dav. vig..r.iHly prod'ie.i in
i... v... v..,L i,'u..T.. ... i. o lee srroi
i ti-..,:.. i...,r.. ,1.1 posn named
l.ibbv. own. is ot the ear. I'roni thein
thev d ew that s 'cmlder nai I Jaek
R.W.. had hired the iiii..-luiie. " Brid-
Weber was nrrc t. t the ssnie ,1.11.
engagement, the ear wffbe announced
todav. . .
Heavy loe were also suffer,! t.v
the cremv in the V.-g" ""'"'I'"
were made to regain l"-t ground. The
Germans were thrown back under a hot
cres fire, the communique stuted. Artil
,rv duel, sre in progress between the
Ois.' snd Vhe Aisne.
An air
but the to
raid w n.a.ie upon .- .
.mlc.r.lii.est "f th- t.'n
not ef-. t.i"
t',e .ftoial ststcmect
Kaiser Expect. V.r r.'ext Year. j
The ll'ig'ic Julv .-e-i.-hais-r Wilhelm
ejH-ct. another amter and ninirser ,
"The knser Ut.-lv i.i'.d u t dm .
0,r "' the .fieer w,...e. "We ag
,t,e soldier -n 'We'll ' ' ! ;
Thercui-n the kaiser ai.l: ,
.. . n..r r. mr.l . ''! si ust
,.t think
, this "ill b t
It o-e sgin
You "ill protitti
,r,, r..e l.l.oiit in the
dreading eli.-nces for life. Everyone
applauded her. Warden Osborne finally I
'reached the exasperation point of n
I tioppila.l .I.iv a-l,.,.. I nLL-.i.l ... ... .i...
morrow. He asked.
1 missed the- hurt of the rebuke iu
wondering that he said "killed" and
not "executed."
Deputy Warden Johnson said:
"She is courage all through. I dw
not see where she gets her strength."
"Such self -possession as she. had
maintained during this whole ordeal of
three years must have cost her more
in tortu-e than others given to violent
on suspicion, mid the next day
Hose, who nail been "laying low,
Kose ailmitteil lie una nirea the car
and collected tho fortr gunmen, "(iyp
flic Blood," "l.ot'ty Louie," "Dago
Frank" and "Whitey Lewis," mem
bers of "Big Jack" .dig's Fast Side
gR- ..
Gunman Rounded Up.
I Then began the round up ot the gun
men. "Dago frank was the tirst
arrested, and on August 1 "Whitey
Lewis" was found hiding in the Cats
kill mountains. "Gyp the lllortl" and
"Lefty Louie" were not arrested until
late in September.
In the meantime, Becker hnd been in
dicted for murder, due to the confes
n of "Bald Jack " Rose "Gridgie' '
Weber and llnrrv Vallon, who also had
been taken for his value as a witness.
It was lint Until n mouth after Becker
was indicted that, murder indictments
were returned against "Gyp the
Bloul," "Lefty Louie," "Dago
Frank," "Whitey Lewis," "Jack"
Sullivan and Willie Shapiro. The last
two got out of the muss because ol
their work in aiding the state, and be
cause they were not directly implicated
in the killing of liosenthnl.
With all the principals safely lodged
behind tho burs, District Attorney
Whitman began gathering the mass nf
evidence. Sleuths were put oa Beck
er's past and his whole life war bared
in the tirst murder trial. The inves
tigatnrs fcund money in various New
York bank.i in Becker's mime, aggre-1
gating in all lo between $7.'i,lHH) and1
IOO,u(l0. fins was one of the strougest
links in the district attorneys chain,
tendcn to
eorrohorute Kose s
Becker attempted
. graft
"r""" ". i-i"i( " ?jof data by the
ine aectimiitsiion or venrs iw saving
; . ,
""" ' " ' ...ui..u.
I '
Jlc ilg . tuuea.
n October II, the day before Becker
as put on trial, 'Big Jack .dig
"'"''I"" fK'"' !J''1' !"""'. '' ";
ot the four tha murdered liosenthnl,
was shot to death it. s ,.! avenue by
'"' .
Becker went tu trial the next dav
before Justice Golf. In three weeks, on
October S!4, the jury rctitrticl a verdict
.of "yuilly in the first degree." ,
Beekrr was convicted mainly on the,
famous '
of Jaek Kose, about the nun
Harlem I 'unferenee. " In
' that eoitferenee. Kio.e swore, he met
IV.'. k . r at llth stris-t and Seventh
aveime, . the night of June U'T, and
I'.e.-ser prounsi-,1 hnn and his pals tin .
ii. unity if they wool,) ,ut Itoseiiti.nl out i
, f l)ie wn) . The testimony of Weboi '
and Vallon eorrobonit.'.l Hose's stale
meats. Jt wr.s furr.ier corroborated by .
a tiei;ro naiti.-d Mjirhj:ll, in no way cisi
nc le i Willi the e e. who said he saw .
K'me nod Bi ker N.lking ou that cot t
uer that i,ii'hl.
After Ins f otivo torn, who h he look
with renjrkatili fortitude, He.-kcr was
entenee.l 10 die De. i n l.er W. An ap :
t'eal saved him, howmer, as it acted
as a stay of etii ot.on,
(In November l, ; v - the ('.;., I. "
"tthitt-y l'wi.." "I'sjo Frank'' and
'LeftV Louie" i re tiion l geiltv of
murder in the f.r-l decree un.i were
x-liti-need tl Im- i e. t ro.-uted.
I.ittfe of io:f,rtcit.-.t o..Mirre in the
, ss d iriu 111, There we. stradu
uut'o ot aetr 1 1 v . Icit i,. .in i. ,,.(,
n.te J 'VeliiJ.e.1.
U-ck.-r i-u :,ll !).. ttrni. tri the
de-irh hooe at n, Sti.g. near wtwre
tt.e f sir g.tniTori w..,. nwa.tir.g -leatri.
H' iron ii,'.' ii 'iir talwc.j. Neither
did those of his four hireliris.
It was February i'4 l.efure a rift in
the .-louds revvaJe! to tr.e ion v ote.i '
(-i!o lieutenant a rhaa'e to r. tb
(Continue- oa Kijht )
i OF efrvii m 1 BLU"s killed W n WnloirKtlJ rtift! tK
VI Uklllllllll VI ILU
Interests of Americans In
Allied Territory Placed
In Peril
Problems Before State De
partment Grow In Number
With Increasing Gravity
By ft P, Stewart
Washington, July 30. - The
forgery :
of American passports ny Hermans is
imperiling Americans in allied territory,
ottcials prvateiy aonnuci here Unlay. ;
1 ne state (teparimeiir tiicreiore consul-!
ere.l itself justified in directing Am-
bassndnr Gerard to make inquiries of
Foregin Minister Vuti .lagow on the sub-j
ject. flie matter is licing hiiiulled with.
extreme enre to avoi.l offense, but the
statements nf Germans arrested as
spies, asserting thnt they were furnished
with forged American pnssHirts, are to
be called to the attcntiou of the im
perial government.
If the confession, of the alleged
German spies are trim, then German,
officialdom is involved. The source of!
this testimony is regarded us rendering,
it doubtful, however. 1 lie (urged pass-,
ports, it has been alleged, were furn-i
ished the spies by their auticriors in
the secret service.
Nothing was made public today as to J
the conference between Ambassador;
Gerard and Chancellor Yon Betliinanii-
Hollweg, following the latter ' return
from Hie kaiser's headquarters.
The belief is growing that the sup
plementiiry note o be received from!
Kngland in reply to this government V,
pretest against the order in council
will make some concessions as to
American trade with neutrals. It is
Imped this will facilitate settlement of
the submarine controversy with Ger-i
Problems Ar Numerous.
With the steady " accumulation of'
complication, the administration is
now confrontc. I w'h five grave prob
lems. There is the question of national
defense to whi. h opposition is develop. j
ing In some quarters; the submarine
controversy with Germany; the Anglo-
American trill" controversy, Mexico!
and the newly developed situation in;
, It was adiniticd today that unex
t.cted iiiii.osiii.t, to Hie . national del
f,,niw ,n- ,:,
i ,11,. v,,v.
.evelned In the mid !
rtheless the gutherlng
ar and navy depart
and preparations are
ward thnt all informa-.
presented lo President
- ,,;,
' "" rapidly I
tjlll niBV (l
Tho negoiia',
,; 1(( , ,,.,,
,.,,.,,.,. ,
! ,
, J,, . Ui,Hti
; wijily M
s with Germany re
k. The unanimity of
t, as learned through
lrnui Berlin, is taken
the German people sre
I'.c gnverniiient in re
fusilier to i-ortail
The priihit'iil lo
lion of this pf"l
ing on the sup"'
ing llriti-h in'
eoiniiii-ree to I
tl.oi. It is h"!"
l'onr-slolls w I'.'
amii-able sen!. ' 1
tr.iM'rsc th'i... I.
Knglund at, I li"
Mcxi' ..
The Men. ,1,
early aetoi, i ; r
sunn restored h'i
e submarine warfare,
e for au early sulu
in is therefore rest I
'ui ntiiry note regaid
feri-nce with neutral
forwarded fr I .on
I this may make sufnc
' may b-ad to an
ot of Ihi' (ermull coii
.'oinpromises l,y both
llllperilll gov erillllellt.
ii Situation,
-iiuatiifii is acute and
r' .nised unless ordt r is
t the food lues to Mei
s ed. The attack M,
an Ainernan, and
n o ity are r
on Allan Mail
the trampling .
I the American flag by
.Uptllin'kS re.u.'
lions being, .ot
Pr.iifipt explaioi'
the i.eterolers v '
Amen. an ii. a '
trol at I up IL.
Prin. .
U il)i the umh
Adrnlial I .',e'rl'.
marities sn I bo
shor dutv si 1'
crui set N ari , ,Hi
Hsitiin to.t.'ic '
will le availibl
. ruiss-r lies, ar',-
I in new represent
to Mexico Citv todav.
"U and punishment of
s ileuiauded.
nes are now iu eon-
lieu au.l Port An
al of the collier Jasoa
, had been 4isi ari l 'is
jackets available for
.rt Au Prime The
was ordere.l to Ca;ss
that addilumal for. rs
there. Tha Fine h
s is now at Port Au
forces from the -s-l
ashore. T nvre is as r ill.
f'rinee. but no
have Its-en fw-ul
however rh askwar.l i.siIioh ki r
la'iug to Frsnee eh-,, ,ay as a """ J"'r '"- Two Ausinsn cruis
re.ult of the violation of the Vren.h "' ' destroyer, lamlnl marines
leualu.1. .he. I'leludeat U, nil. urn was " ' l'lag" l ef
.i.....i ....I ..i .K..I im.i..
ibemg orencl by ' th Ameneaa
Snipers Take Toll of Life But
Situation Is Well In Hand,
Says Admiral
Washington, July 30. Two American
marines wero killed today during
fighting at Port Au Prime, Haiti, ac
ceding to advices to the navy depart
ment this afternoon.
The men killed were sniped from am
bush in the southwest art of town.
The battleship Connecticut was order
ed to proceed to Port An Prince im
mediately with 500 marines.
In a message to the navy department
Admiral Cnperton said threats hud
been made of an attack on the town
tonight and thnt he would therefore
land reinforcement at five o'clock this
''There is no cause for alarm, but 1
must have sufficient troops to handle
the situation," the admiral's message
The Connecticut will lenve Phil
dclplnn tonight under command of
l aptain K. II. Durell.
IIV eailllli? IIIHili tile r reneh cruiser
IKseartes Admiral l apelon has an im
mediate force of about LoOO men avail
able while the Kagle nn.l Nnshvillo
Wllh 400 ndilitional men are only
twelve hours nwav nt Cape Haillien
The bluejackets 'killed were:
William (lumpers, Brooklyn.
crl Whit burnt, Norfolk.
The arrival of the baltleshio Con
neetieut at Port Au Pri will swell
Admira Cnpertoii's forces by l'.'Oll men,
l lie t oniicetlcut was ordered to start
immediately and will sail tonight. , It
is a five dayi trp to Port Au Prince.
I he navy department this aflernoon
wired messages of ei.iol.il. nee to
nearest kin of the men killed ,v
llailicn snipers.
Newark, N. ,l July .'!'- Brok
en in health and spirit and un
nerved by the memories aroused
by the execution of Charles
Becker, Mrs. Herman Itosentlnil
went tu the cottage of a friend
on Long Inland today that she
might uscapr the attention
again directed toward her. Tho
widow of the murdered guiiililer
is penniless.
State Department Ask Zapat
istas to Explain Rough
Treatment of Mallory
Washington, July .'ID. The stale de
partment today mu le urgent represen
tations to the .ripstislns in M' tieii
I'itv l..n,nn,lit.,f mi ,.lM..n t .1...
tt, u , A(nn M,tv Al.r
:,.,. ,i,..' ... i
bile while en rniile to the const by
Zapatista soldiers. Au Amerntiti fh.g
was flying from the automobile but
this was torn from its staff und trump
led ui.on by the .Mexicans.
iiort to the slate il. paiiuiet.t ni, I
Mall. .rv was stops-d wi'li I b. son of
the I'alinii minister to -rei.o and I w ..
Spaniards. I'pun being dreeg'-d f roin
the automobile, they were . ,n-In d ' he
Spaniards were oidered eie iit, ., but
the nirssnge did Hot state win ther Ihe
order was carried out M.iliury pro
tested arid wns told to "shut Ins mouth
or he would lie shot. ' '
The state department Is believed to
have demanded puuishin'iil of the gml
ty pnrtie m the representations todny.
1 1, in.-i.lcnt ,,f the flag being torn
' f ruin the sutoifiobife and triinqdcd by
the Mexicans wus taken op in the ihhs
- se to Mesie'l Cly.
Secretary Lansing iniimitt.-.l that
neither in this roriirnuni.-ntion ro.r in
the message previously f "Kurd.-d aa
to reopening the fo.! rout- s o Mesic
City, w.-r any threats insde. But if
there is snv great delay, the admim
tration will a-t to restore or b r short
Advices were received at the slate de
partment today reporting; th
lion of a suburb of M-ii'
Carrangisf as.
fort Iii recapture It, aad rffirial :itate-
"" asnooneed t.elar The ait, king
His Declaration of Innocence Only Legacy Left For De
Yoted Wife-Execution Was Badly Bungled and Three
Shocks Were Necessary to Produce DeathAs Breast
Is Bared Picture of Wife Confronts His Executioners
Ossining, N. V., July 30. -The dying statement nf Charles F. Becker,
typewritten, but signed iu the handwriting of the convicted man,
follows: 1
M dying declaration. Gentlemen: I stand botoro you in my run
senses, knowing that no power on ciirth "an save me from the grave
that is to receive me. Iu the face f that, In tho teeth of those who
condemned me and In the presence of my God and your God, I pro
claim my absolute Innocence of the foul crime for which I must die.
You are now about to witness my destruction by the slnte which Is
organized lo protect the lives of the innocent. May Almighty God
pardon everyone who has contributed iu any ilgi' lu- ni.v untimely
"And now, on the brink e my grave. I declare to the world that
I am proud to have been the huslnnd of the purest, noblest woman
that ever lived r Helen Becker. This ackuowlcdg ent is the only
legacy 1 can leave her. I Kid you all g I bye. Fnllier, I nut ready to
A"""' . (Signed) "Charles F. Becker."
Ossining, N. V.,' Jolv 3D. " Prom your experience with condemned
men, isn't il vuur belief that the guilty alwav ifc in the last"
Father ( ashiii, chaplain of Slug Sing was ssk.il to. lav, fallowing
tha caeeotiun f Charles F. Becker.
"Invariably," he replied. " Csunlly they i fens lifter the sncrii-
ment is given. Father Curry suid to Becker lifter administering the
ameruaent: ''Are you ginllv' by word, or .lee.l, or In any milliner what
soever of this critnet"
"Becker answered: (Father, as I "land on the brink of the grin
I sat nut '."
Br George R. Holmes.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Osalnlng, N. V July .in. At peace
with his maker, a prayer upon his lips
and his iron will unlaltciiug, I liuib s
F, Becker opinio. I the murder nf
Gambler Herman Kosenthal when he
was shocked to death in the electric
chair at S:.ric u. in. today. I'iuiie.l to
his shirt near his heart, the former
crr of the tenderloin curried to his
death a picture of his devoted wile.
In kls hand I bitched a erm-ifn.
Three ahncks were required.
Prayer On His Lips.
The deadly i nrreut cut off n whis
pared ''Jesus have nien-v'' from Beck'
er's Hps and his body straine.l against
the straps in the first shock of death.
It was not tho pba of u mini fearful
of death, but ru'hcr the player of one
facing tha filler of destiny coin in. e. I
that Tie was innocent and was being
offered as a sacrifice.
Before stepping into llie death
chamber, from his . ell, tin in id. I
man turned to Father ' nrry, his relig
ious adviser and said'
' I am not guilty liV deed, eolispliaev
or any other wuv .. fKosi uihul's . I . - ii I .
1 am Wilis' sacr, fuel for my fiienls. "
Not Uullly His Only Leg" 7
Previously in a ".leing ci Innit .'
which he (ave out from Ins cell n1 I ' in
a. m. Becker pus-ioiialclv reiterated his
Innocence and l rf ns his onl l.vncy to
his Wife, this u. k now led'ciuci.t :
"I declare lo I In- world that I so.
proud to baic I. ."m the liol,iiu. of the
purest, noblest woman tin
.r b
- Helen IW'i'ker ''
fie. Iter Died (lima.
Becker "died gllll.e." II
I unassisted Into the '. n'li
I 'ITie fnriner p do . In- .l.'i.ui,
will... I
1,1 led the
limit and
Hie green
co.lirds cos
At Ins .1 1,
on . ).I l.lli Hi
, procession w ho Ii od
j s,ernnly tliroo .h the ''I
j door, ' the offo i:'1.- having
j ocquiscsd to his i-h, for
tomarily are m tl., led
j were Fstln r 1 a-l.in, the pn
alul Father "Mi It." I,.
r lo.i l
statement, in the denth
head was '! v iouslv .1.-,
. b ii in t ,.-1
, liowev.
Ii ml
he was not drug!.'. I ',w I n r- .'
unshaken as tl... u i..fd. :id;u'i.. tl,
elrctroiles lilol lie looked about hi
i calmly, noting the vitnets. s Then the
condemned man helpe i to
straps which were i,, l... ,
he wan Slim I e, II let hit V.
! Father I'a-hin si 4 Father ' urr
stanlly Intorted pruvers und )!.
'lips eni.ataiiil. n n. r.'ie. the
'Means hav Oiel. V
t These were , i . I:,. I or I' I lv .
over he said tl.. n, rN us hi.
ket '
Over 01. d
ss his flic
was sntinli
t t." heal
' was evieii so l h.s
rd by the a I , .-nt
: sod face pic
I bssmis tn Douth Clumber.
l At 8 4o all s.ti w. r,
j the death "hsii. lo r Al.ointe
i vailed. The ;ni r. Hie I
s,al. I in
quiet pi
iUbIv the "little gr.cn ,,,.
.vt llllg
i npee. Ite' k r lo,m."ii.ii.-u npp.-are.i.
His fan was aolemii, but his eve, were
clear and were unfalteringly fur. I up.
OB th ptliv lo denth. It 'si i.ol
wit aa air of br i' t lo that lie. K. -
. tw1 l(.f.
the ,ooiw;, But
' no hand aided his step. No guard
watched Into for fcaf he would collapse.
The low voices of thu priests and Beck
er 's own whispered exhortations ei hoe I
through. ml the ehuinber.
Becker carried n Id k crucifix about
ten Inches long in his left hand. As lit
calmly sat back In the chair he raised
llie crucifix to his lips. Father Curry
ami l-'n I her I usliin Intoned:
1 '"Mi l.otd assist me in my last
ngmii. I give you my heart and my
; snol. '
In the mcsfiiliiue the guards worked
'swiftly and defile. It took but a fe
s rids to adjust the sirups. The right
leg of Becker's trousers was slit an I
Ins lck bared from the knee to his shoe.
The sight of this big bare leg seemed la
be one of the most striking featiirca
of the strange picture. Becker's fin -s
wns mostly hidden by the (guards :n
they worked about the chair ndjiistin
the straps.
The c .lid. 'limed man wore the pro
scribed black trousers ami loose hlacs
shirt open at the fhrnul, They gavi
, hoi more the appeiitNiien of a workman
than the belled and buckled police
lleiitcnanl familiar to the public.
The ril'li. ml exceiitlotier wns a lii.p.'r
voung m an of pethnps ,'fu, Mis iiat.ot
was not anioioiieed, hut il was -aid Ini
would r ne iin each -for
cicciltiti Becker Slid Sum Unities, I
iii gru
A Horrible Exhibition.
When nil was fen.lv, the eve. ntlolier,
ill full v i.mv of the w itnesses, rnlinl
shot the switch A ''le powerful I'll'
rent ..hot through Cte frame of Iho
foimer iioi'ter of the guiiuo'ii, Ins bt
bo.lv shot stimuli! nut, Inching at h
real. in,r stiaps I'or a full minute it,
was sirei.hed thus A slight sizzling
wns li.itrd und a curl of siuolte went ll't
from th,. llht side of the h'nd unle
the cMl W Inch held the held el." "I. , .
The living loan's gtip on the eruiti
1 1. tiic. . I llnl
SW It. I," off tl
r. lme I fm. rs
11. ckei 's bo '. the
posilion of otter
.ho .
pi, ."I
nun i f
I '
..I, tho, k,
mi i,
I. lids.
ft ' IS, I ' ted II few
I, -loo k Soil volt..
No Doubt of Oullt.
N. V., July .1" "There I
U1,t t ihadie ui .loom as in nis gui .
nn.l there never was a more ."rto'ii
pioven eat.-," raid Governor Wlntmia
today, rommeoting otu.n tho execiitma
r or i naiu-s nc. i.r ami ms iote-,,i. ..,
"f innocence. A
lo'li II orrenl 'V tl 4
rust -tl ,cd f i" ,1 ill t
A K.iild ' io.'I.i I'.
II dlop., blC K i II 'I
ColUl,'." CtlV.I. :l,1
' II oritinued nn Patfe Two)
ho U ll s, CUTED :
C3 C
e-..nv't eotiatry
forr was repulsed with keavy l ws.