THE SALEM DAILY CAPITA!, JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE.. FRII1AY. JITLY 23. 1915. FIVE NEW TODAY EXCELLENT Fred's Night Lnnch. July26 s-CEXT lunch at taa Jitney Coffee Club. Jiy24 BAKHV City window cleaner. 1850-J. Phone Aug22 WOMAN wishes to do housework part of day. Phone 1598-M. OAK wood $5, fir 3.30 per cord. Piou S249. SALEM chimney sweep. Phone 19. July26 1TRN1SHED apartments, 1'hone 2093-M. close in. July28 pjk KENT FurniBhed six-room house. 0 W. Johnson. Jly26 vtV potatoes delivered at your house theap. Phone 14-F-24. July23 PUKMSHED rooms, bath, for rent, Hose in. Phone 382 or 2480-J. tf AWNINGS for sale. See prices. C. lMlman, 2011 Maple avenue. Jly23 joliJS) Purse with money. Inquire Albert Jouientz, at Steusloff market. VACt'L'M eleamng, 20c per room, l'hone 2129 R. L. L. Buekner. Jly30 UHi, sound horsa for sale, cheap, or trade for pony. Phone 7ti-F-ll. 24July YVnltK. wanted by man and wife, hay iu" or threshing. A. B., care Journal. July 23 il'liMTl'HK of fivo room house for -In. nuuire at 4.1.) t-or.itn seven teenth street. Jlv2 yolt SALE Some fine red pigs, also gasnlino engine 1300 Ninth Front t l'hoin HU M. July:.:, vri? tslt HI) hniiL'alow for rent. 175 South Nineteenth street. , Plume r.ill-.l, after (1. tf ytil'NC lady good family .) on mill . wishes housework in Address No. B, care of July23 PuK SALE One, new gas range, 4 burner, 2 oven. Inquire 14!5 (.'ho-nu-ketu, or phone 1202. WANTED 3 or 4 furnished rooms, close in; price must be reasonable. J 'In ie 1D3-.I mornings. July23 , t COURT HOUSE NEWS PORTLAND NEWS TODAY A suit for divorce was filed ester y by Ber.vl Lo8n against Homer Lo gan. The couple were m&rri.l . su. lem in 1913 and uave one child, Doro-lney Evans today. "v ' montns. The plaintiff al leges cruel and inhuman treatment for cause. She asks for a decree of ab solute divorce and for $0 as suit monev and support, and the custody of the child. Carey F. Martin is attorney for tho plaintiff. Portland. Or., July 23; After a qnarrel with his wim wife, Ben Tan nka, a Japanese interpreter, tried to set fire to his own home, fearing that she would sue him for divorce and ob tain the property for herself, accord ing to his confession to District Attor- Six months son Tamfe fonjwl with Miss Mamie Poti'.e. a Lincoln- hich school ftudcut. Tanaka is held under $2000 bonds. Sprinter Will Compete. Portland, Ore., Julv 23. 8am Sten strom, the I niversitv of vVashington The case of Conrad Mever aeainst 8 .1 vrs.ty of Washington T. (i. Bliuii ... ..Y1-.1 i.- .v ' l J'nt, will make the trip to Han .,.. .i,r..... """"irroneiaeo to particinato in the far court, department No. 1, this mornina . . . ''""'"''V0 m tn a. soon a. the jury in tie BurseT. ea.ei I" lntL0D?chumVon!iV oti,n.l . .k. .corn S. ibVinging n,o,Z.u7:;!pr:f HW fh0StD to.-r t the $1651 88 leas the nm of k- uilaclflc Northwest association, but it iiirnur uunuing in Albany under a, contract entered into by Mr. Mever o . nd Mr. Bligh. Mr. Bligh' contends that P TlUfT while he managed the Albany theater Tortll,m,V''" J"'-v that he paid all of ti.o rental due and T' ,!,,In' ? S?,h v.1 Sf f..!U",eiJ ,0. r. Uf lur, of ; S V v cording to information received here to this city, and has no further ct.inec non witn the case. He claims that after he transferred the lease to Mr. iaiiar ne had no further interest Senator Tillman to Alaska. Portland, Ore., July 23. Senator Ber arolina. acconma- his daughters. Mian Sally May Tillman and Mrs. Henry W. Hughes, and his two grandchildren, the little daughters of Mrs. Hughes. will leave toincut for Alaska Th.lgon th mno 4t . I party will go as fur north as Sknownv Weatherford, of Albany, and (luv O ' the t.r'1' W1" 1,0 Prin,r'ly one Smith, of this city, are appearing for" : '"IT"?' hi'mU Till'"au wi" look the plaintiff, and John A. Carson and I , ' f tftf " ",7 "'' John MeNary for the defendant. j,n,lr01"' to be built in Alaska. Four Boys Arrested. Portland, Ore., July 23. four bovs are mnler arrest nml warrants are out Judgo Galloway was ilclaved this morning in reaching this city from i.ainyottc to open court in bis depart ment of tho circuit court and did not ,, 7" ' T ' 8 r,ot wn,,'h take up the matter of the resign on ! "T V of Insurance Commissioner Wells as! 1 1h K "'. l"t .night. Victor .or of three mutual fire in.ur.nepj :,, Ita lfor I 5. ,1 I """ . , mi m i thi. .Uf.. . ...i.: . '""'I A Hradtord. a 'layground director. were very roughlv hiin.llt-.l mid severely iniiir...! I... 41... .....t. .... it ' win rrob- ; ,"" uo-vs 1,1 "'i" i'i-iii ul'l'rtI. HlOWM Witf tvi IU oil 1 V thn rmwi A default .judgment and foreclosure "!"' ""J j " w '" was ordered in the ease of the Htnrl r""l""K h"- Land Co. against Albert Lewis audi ntk..u !.. 4k.. ..: . . I bv .hid, i.nli., tv. i.i. ...i..V lort.iuid, (Ire., July 23. That that the ,dninti.fil,, 7. . , i. ' ! ,!,m'" '"" !" ""'"l i Portland .is roeeiv companies in this state, one of which was the Horticultural Fire Relief of uregon. Judge Cia ownv ably dewde tho matter tor'norrow. Warrants Nat Called For. ludge Galloway, the plaintiffs ment in the sum of $!l(Ml with $7.1 lis at torney s tees auiunst Albert Lewis, Sr.. and Leonard Lew:s. A mortgage on the east 100 feet of lot Nn 1 of block 10, Southwest addition to Salem, was ordered foreclosed. they might be is indicated by the fail lure of 22o people who served on elec ; tiun hoards Inst June to cull on the citv . rc.isurcr fur a total of ifTiil) due thorn 1 Ml salary. The inventory and appraisement in1 the estato of Letitia Kvans, deceased,! was filed today in the probate court. ( The inventory shows that the deceased Pi'li .sALK 7-year-old bay horse, gen tle and good worker, weight 1250 tniinds. Cherry Citv Barn. Pull KKNT 7-roomed dwelling, largi lot, good location, 7 per month Phone Carey P. Martin. Phone 419 WANTKD (rood, fresh cow, Jersey preferred; must be good and reason able. Address S 13, care Journal. July24 U. S. Treasurer Coming. Portland, Oie July 23. 1'nited States Treasurer John llurke is ached uh'd to arrive here tonight from San Krniicin-o for a visit with his brother, Tii......... n. ...I... I-..:., i i, wns nose,l ,. ,a, 4 .k.. 4 ' o'kii .-lines collector . i """ij m im- niiiirnf ...,,1,,.,., .mi.i- ui .r."i.i.--. ,i,iaiii ii. r.gan.i noorgp iMiiney and J.ou Martin were iapraiscr9. r . ,. A PRAYER FOR THE HORSE. -Marriages licenses were issued yes-' terday afternoon bv tho eonntv clerk1 llv di rectitltl lit tint Iinll.-n unnmuu. Wiediner, a .Salem cigar i siouer of New Vork tlioie , ,,..,! in Maurer, a school every stable where pu'ice horses are also to Jesse VY.Ikct.t. n nf u-lii, I. . I,.. f.,n. Savage, a Salem gnrdincr, anil Anna a com ; Wells Resigns As Recdycrlof Defunct Mutual Companies Stating that the extra work and num erous letter received daily are taking too mock time from his regular duties State Insurance Commissioner Wells yesterday asked Judge Galloway to re lieve him of the duties as receiver of three defunct mutual insurance corn panic. The companies of which Mr. Wells haa bees serving as receiver are the Horticultural Fire Relief of Oregon, The Oregon Merchants' Mutual Pire In surance association and the Pacific Home Mutual Fire Insurance company. Mr. Wells requests Judge Gallov.ay to relieve him of the duties of received August 1. The appointment of sew re ceivers for these three companies will entail an added expense to the policy holders of about $500 per month as Mr. Wells has been serving w ithout pay for this work. Ia his letter Commissioner Wells says in part: "Dear Sir: This is to notify you that it will be impossible for me' to continue as receiver for the Horticul tural Pire Relief of Oregon, the Ore- Merchants' Mutual Pire Assur ance association, niui the Pacific Home Mutual Pire Insurance company for the reason that I can not do jus tice to the work of the insurance depart ment and give proper attention to the receivership." IcOO For Any Straw Hat in Our Store Former Priced $4, $3 and $2 Hammond-Bishop Co. Leading Clothiers 1 67 Commercial Street Salem, Oregon to llarrv J. maker, and Helen teacher of this citv; I). Schirmer. a cashier. Foil RKNT Vroom house, close in, with electric light, water nnd gas. Partially or unfurnished. Phone 213U-J. July24 TDK SAI.K Green beans, market price; delivery Tuesdays, lliursiiays and Saturdavs. Cnll nisins nud even-j ings, phone 2H-K-5. July23 WANTED TO KKNT Dairy farm on shares, on or before October 1. Life eipericnce; best of reference. Ad dress X, care Journal. July2(i FOR KXt'll ANGK. Large well located r-alcm house for mountain ranch or alifornia acreage. Address 2217 Fairgrounds road, Salem. Jlv24' HK CAME HACK If you have auyj old carpets you wish woven into beau- j tiful ilutfvrugs uotifv S. A. Dobner, phone 2lib-W. " tf, AVTO Folt SALE Overland roadster,: 1113 model, in goul condition; just been overhauled. ScO H. H. Mills,; Spnulding Logging Co. office. tt I "ANTED To rent first-class rooming! house, best location In city, to car-1 peiiter in exchange for work. Phone rM days, CM evenings. tf, tilt A IN FARM FOU KENT Good ' house and barn, running water, 240 1 acres, mo m cultivation; tt mill north of .Salem, Pulk county; terms cao. l'hone 7 P-I1. July23 Poll KENT 2 aero fully-equipped, chicken ranch; renter to buy abuit 2 ,0 i hi, kens of best breeding. On D stteet, 2 blocks from carline. Ad diets H, rare Journal. July2l IXiK KENT Nicely furnished modern room in private nume. Hath adjoin ing. Four blocks from Ladd k bush bank. One or two gentlemen pre-1 ferrcl. Address S, care Journal, tf ; Aili. ImitsoN will begin a sis weeks' roumier mhool at the Last building! '"M M,ii, lay morning. Any pupil; ''suing to mnke up work, review or! tsk advanced work niav see him at i the school house Monday foreuuon. "AliTl.ET pears wanted. We arc in ! t,ie market to contract for large or sniall quantities of Hnrtlet pears.; Call at ,)ij State street, opposite; cirt house. Phone 56. Drager Fruit ' o. July 23' "'! SALE New, modern S-room bun (slow st a sacrifice, by party going to Lin no colon v. l'('R Tl! AM'.--; miO equity in a modern ni i Hi f,,r an Btitomot ile, ly a party guii.g to the Llano ooUsiy. See lliorth i I'etersun Co., local a"etits l.lanu Colunv, 327 Hubbard Baltimore Star: Seems strange for the Balkan states to be oiilnoking while the rest of Europe does the fighting. Ye LIBERTY Today and Saturday The Famous Players Film Com pany Presents the Eminent Star John Mason In Sir Charles L. Young's Phe nomeuaUy Successful Drama U)M THE PENMAN" ALSO A GOOD COMEDY SUNDAY AND MONDAY "SCANDAL" CAPITAL HILLS NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.1 'upitnl Hill, Ore., July 23 The berry picking in this vicinity is most a thing of the past. Mr. Winter's lost a very valuable horse Sunday by being caught in u barb wire fence. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pnge nnd daughter, of South Salem, drove out .Monday ev ening to visit Mr. and Mrs. John lii'll, I, before shirting out on their long motor ing trip. Miss lleth Day returned home .Mon day utter sH'nding a fortnight with oh! school mutes at .Maiioii. Misses Elizabeth and Amelia Small er, of Albany, are here visiting their sister, Mrs. Marie Paulson. Myrtle Thompson and daughter, Swyncth, of Eugene, ur,' visiting Capi tal Hill relntives this week. Mrs. Chase and daughter, Julia, nre leaving today to a daughter nnd sister at Shedds. Mr. Flunk Hench, who went to Wal la Walla to harvest, has returned, not Treasurer llurke was formerly uover- i '"''"R nl,l,, ,0 "''""'""'I the heat and ......... . , l1M ,l i, ; .1... ..,1 . .' ' i ,.. 1111 1 lll-ll l pn 411 llll- 4ll,-i,l lii'll,. Little Miss Lorettu l.ushnny, of Portland, cunie up Sunday to spend a week with Vera flernstml, iier cousin. Miss Minnie Sprnnger is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Mich nrdson, of Portliind, Mr. Puulseu has just had finished a ninety foot drilled well. i nor of Nil th Dakota To Thee, My Master, 1 Offer My I'niyer; Feed me. water and care for men and when the day's wink is dune, pro vide nic with shelter, a clean dry bed uinl wnle enough lor me to excursions to vnriou.. units, including both the south and null, talis, while their ciders enjoyed themselves in con versation on various topics in the shade lie oi tne camp gronn1. low ii in comrort. HUH tu me. ourl Ice. crown ami cake were served in voice often means as mum to me asltiie nf term,' n betoro the party started Jet me sometimes, that 1 1 'or their homes alxiit six p. in. more gladly and! Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. T. HKKR In woinlrt" nd Dtiiirvtml lny. Nnt nrntruli , ,miI eninttiumlly Mirrt. A ty nhnul errrUv P pla nirh hb we mi! In dully 1U. Mitt Ii l km hit hmntin (f.liMin nrn tren II U ulriinK an Itiiniutt iiiiluri U v rk. Vmii maul niftkff It point tu r thUlt U tv Mv illur to nlii. YE LIBERTY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY July 24 and 25 ' the reins. may serve you th learn to love von. Do uot jerk the reins and do nn' jwhip me when going up hill. Never .strike, beat or kick me when I do not iunderptnnd what you mean, but give I me a chance to understand you. WaUh me, and il' I tail to do your bidding, stv if there is nut something wruag wiin my narness or loot. M. ration and daughter, (leuevieve; Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones anil children, Thoiuas and Alice; Mr. and Mis. J. T. Hunt and i,augliter, Helen, and sun, Marion; Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Hunt and children, (ieorgie and Unchol; Mrs. T. J. Hill and sou, Mux; Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Carter and Hazel Uecr; Mr. and Mrs. . II. Tate and sons, Winnie, r.xamine my .teeth when 1 do not eat. Dick and Libert, and duughter, Kdua, I may have an liberated tooth, and and grandson, Kruncis, of Portland: tnnt, you know, is very painful. Do not tio my head in au unnatural posi tion or take nway my best iletense against tlies and im.scpiitors by cutting off my tail, And final, Oh, my master, when my useful strength is gone, do not turn me out to sturve or freeze, or sell me to some cruel owner to be slowly tor tured and starved tn death; but do thou, my master, take my life in the kindest way and your God will reward you here and hereafter. Vou may not consider mo irreverent if I ask in the name of Him who was born in a stable. Amen. CLTJB HOLDS ANNUAL PICNIC. COMING "THE ETERNAL CUT By Hall Cains The Ln.lUs' Wa Hi dub of the Wal do Hills held their annual July picnic at the lieautilul Silver reek Siindnv, Julv IS. Most of tho party arrived In autos fr,4ii I il:. 'til tn 11, and in another hour, a dinner, nu ll as the ladies of the Wa Hi club nre famous for, was spread un der the miigmt leent trees that surround tho lower falls on all sides. After dinner the young people made lr. and Mrs. It. Wagner and diiuchtcr. Mnyhellc; Mr. and Mrs. Prank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harrows and ,, Ijoater and Freddie: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ashby, mid Mrs. Itoharda and daughter. Miss l.ncile, of Portland. Htaytou Mail. 8TOCK JUDOINU CONTEI1T. Although but a few people turned out to see the stick judging Saturday in Htayton by I'rufcssor Pitts, of the (). A. ('., vet it was a success from every point of view, ns the interest was kce'l and the different points were closely followed by tho crowd. A much linger attendance would have resulted if tho day and object had been longer and better advertised. The good points of a dairy cow were Palls, taken up in the tivrnoou and a nice bunch of sin or seven cows were in the ring. The prof,'sor gave a lecture before judging the h, t I and eiplamed every point and aiiswen d many ,,,, est ions, K'. Shepherd's cow nn lirst, J. K. Sin- ISfi toe cow was carefully scu'ed in ap proved show ring style. An interesting talk on the horse was made in the afternoon, but undoubtedly the most inter, st centers around the dairy cow. The Staylnn (iiange it to be thanked tor 'heir eflorts in getting l'nil'esoi Kills here, and it is tn be hoped that thers will be more such ,enioi,tratiiins iu the future Stnvlon Mini. Huston Globe: As Huston under stands it, the lO.liuil puiitsmnkers in New Vork who were to go oi strike yesterday mukn trousers. Clashes At Night i Mark Progress Of , Bayonne's Strike (Crntinued from rags One.) Sunday Excursions TO Newport and Return Heginning not Sunday, July S,1, and every Sunday tin rcafter miring mini mer, an Kxcursinn Tiain will run from W Iburu, via. Ml. Angel, Silverton, 'leer and Salem to Albany connecting there with regular 'Homing train for Now poll. King stops will bo n, u! ii!1 iiitermediirt poii, Is goin and re I '.i ining, Schedule Lcav Wood bum r:iio a. m. Leave Mt. Angel li.17 a. m. Lesye Silverton 5:;w a. m. Arrive Salem U:.'i!S p. m. Leave. 8011th Salem H;;l'J a. m. Arrive Albany 7:: AiTlvo Newport 12:13 p. m. - Rcturnin'' Leave Newport fl:00 p. in. Leave Albany 10: Mi p. m. Arrive Hslcm 11 ;R p. nv Arrive Wvodbunt 1:1!. a. m. ROUND TRIP FARES Wooilbiirn, Mt. Angel, Silverton, Sslein, f2. "ill, I iiriesponding low fares from ol her points. Tickets good going Mid retiiriiiug Si nduy only. Pull p4i liculiirs from nearest Agent, SOUTHERN PACIFIC Join M. Scott, (letters! Passenger Agent, Portland, Oiegon, truce might be effected while the com niissinnris confer Willi the strikers. Ii it w ii 'im yurd.i l'ri',1, t tin wall about the oil plant, about which the fatal con filets were fought , luring yenlcidnv's nn'iiig. Styker.i nnd their sviiipathi its paced up uud down on the othei per s seeoiKl, aii'l .luo. .Mielke .Score cards ' third supplied and one of Rumored Dynainits Plot. Itavoiine, , J., Julv 'J't.- Ituiiiors of dynamite plots kept the police on the uiert here Inlay, but up to a lain hunt tois atternoon there hud been no ie l.cwiil of the fiL'htlliil which mlllked the .triko of the Sinn, lard lil .cities l"lav re.pieslllig l..illci,rnl po eoiot v i midlives vestenlav. in omen in uiii ine null ioi, o noo ,o S.e, llll deputies mvoiii III bv Shenfl I lies. Kuikesd patioll, d a "dead line" he I men on doty This force, Im helievi s, (Will be siillbient tn control the siliiu lion without the aid of m, litis. (iuaids nipiile tun Slinidiiid (III plant were wiifiud l,y Sheriff Kuikesd tods i,l of the lino wlilen thev were tor ! that if they fuel a single shot, ei.ept bidden to nr, but no shots were filed in ,l,l, ,i-e of their lives, they wmld since during the curly morning. As be uncle, I iiiimediiilelv. that tiiuo tlido was only iiiteiiintlenl The mediiitoi appointed by I he do firing mid no one was reported wound . piirtiuent of hilmr arrived In Mumum," todliv, Thev eoiifenrd Willi llleuuthoi Mies, Lilt lo-pn ts of a Nellie, ne, it went legiinb i li s lo'-'Huso the trlli 'Ts me no oiaiii''d no, I Ihcie are im re, Mi'lll. ed I, H,l M with wti i.u tl.e in, l mi I..I s , an lo gel ill te. d. The slienlf fcle honed lo III ne.iibv If thn reipii st in eoo,pl,el il luive 1 1'll iiildil ioiiiiI iioif. with llied , vi 1 1 . 1 , 11 if. FOR RENT! Two Office Room Best location in Salem. Inquire of Dr.W.A.Cox 303 State St -,.,,.. mummmm , ' i' 1 ii in i I'll lip" ".i ni'iww Mini mil ip, isi ii ii u iiiiwim m in TPiinii mis 'sspipswy m iiiimi m I;",, ..'.,..,....' , ' , ' - Vl' ' " ' " ' ' ' f' C'"1" ' '' .''.V'.pl. ,, msm- rf v item j ll(,WT.J- -iiMiiiiirt .ii.ii- ' : s-- ' n-iinotiisr-MhsMisisi-i A n:rr-i mulSMtrii li"T r f OREGON THEATRE Saturday Evening and Sunday SEVEN ROYAL HAWAII ANS I Great Mimical ShoW'-Vocal and ImttumcntuU-Admission 25c Tonight and Tomorrow THE BEST "WHO PAYS" EPISODE TODAY AND TOMORROW Bring Your Sons and Daughters to See Ihia Weekly Events Showing Shooting of J. P. Morgan