Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 20, 1915, Image 1

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    ffL Hi (! fHB ! fl
I J n i ifirtr 111. dymatrtiT
4 1 I
vxll vic ku in. 1.1 jmm hi
Russian Forces Driven Back Upon New Lines of Defense
Forty Miles From Warsaw-Fifty Thousand Prisoners
Taken-Russians Admit Steady Retirement But Deny
Reports of Hea7 Losses
Berlin, via London, July 20. Russian : the I.ublin-Cholin railway toward which
forces to the north of Warsaw have ; Field Alurshui Von Mackensen is but
been forced back upon now positions j tering his way in the inovomeiit upon
less than forty miles from the Polish : Warsaw from southern Poland. In the
capital. ; Kiga region the evacuation of Tukuin is
In the first official statement issued reported. Tho enemy is now advancing
f rom the war office since Sunday con-1 toward llofzuinberg.
timiance of the advance of the kaiser's' In the Frusnysz region Porelv was
losses along the vast front from the captured by the Germans, the official
Baltic provinces to Bukowina is report- i statement declared, but at Pockitchniak
ed today. More thnn 50,000 prisoners! the enemy was beaten off. Continuous
have been taken and the Russians every- assaults are now being made along
where are retreating, abandoning grout the Narew river.
(pinutitios of munitions. j "In the region of Oraboviec four
From the north of Gullnwitz, the I furious attacks were repulsed on a wide
statement asserted, the Russians were ; front, the statement, continues,
forced to retreat across the Nurew riv-j" Along the east bank of the Bug we
or. There they, took up new positions ; are attacking the Auslrians who cross
within forty miles of Warsaw -upon j ed the river north of Sokal. Fighting
which the Hermans are advancing. ! continues along the Dniester."
South of Przasnysz the forces of It is admitted that in the region of
Field .Marshal Von Hindenburir have! the mouth of the Voltzn river nnd the
captured 101 Russian officers and 2",
VOO men. Between the Bug and Vistula
rivers, Field Marshal Von Mackensen
has taken HI, 230 prisoners within the
past two days.
The forces of General Von Bulow
have occupied Tukuin in their sweep
througli the Kigu region
German cnvnlrv is overrunning the
entire Wimluu river region while the! French Aeroplanes Raid.
German advance has carried General I Paris, July I'dSix French aeroplanes
Von Hulow within less than forty miles ' showered the railway nation at Colmnr
of Kiga itself. One wing of this in-'with bombs, the war office announced
vading force has captured Wimluu, com- J today. Four airmen also attacked the
mantling the railway leading direct to
To the south of Przasnvsr. the Rus
sians nre retiring upon tho fortress of
Novo Georgievsli, twenty miles north
of Warsaw, and one of the main de
fenses of the capital.
Of the operations to the south the
statement said:
"General Von Mnckensen defeated
the Russians at Graboviee, despite stub
born resistance and forced a crossing
of the Volica river.
"North of Sokal the Austrinns cross
ed the Bug, though the enemy resisted
desperately. ' '
Russians Admit Retreat.
Petrograd. July 20. Admission of a
steady letirenient before the Germans
at a half dozen points was made by the
.ar office in its statement today.
On Sunday night, the statement ns-.
sorted, the Russians lost Krasnotaf. '
This point is only eight miles south of j
J For Four Years Woman Saw i
Light of Way Only Through
Unwashed Windows
New York, July i
Iv seen the light of
y-nrs Mrs. Theresa
!i). Having scarce
day f ir four long
Pluneta is being
iired for lit the fiorenee Crittenton
home today nfter having been rescued
ith her two yci.r old child from a three
n tenement flat where In r husband
h id held her a prisoner.
Four years ago Joseph Planetn, the
I'l-lmnd. a pri'speroi.'s rigurmnkcr,
l oinl a phut, 'graph of his w'r'e's form
er sweetheart, whom she I' a I known in
I'd." He inilne Lately be. ame jeal
ous and .!me that time has taken her
I loin t!ie sipmhd flat only six ti
I'he.c trips were made at nielit. When
ion in tne morning i r iks worK.
I'Ui'ieta sealed the doors a "i J windows
of ins wife's prison. It the wax was
In nken when he came home he bent her
!! i llilv und denied her f od fur days.
" ei pu ering fear p. ev-n' d M i s,
I'lnneta from appealing for aid and tn
viMirs ngo her child us born.
No t.hvsicinn was summoned to at
tend Mrs. Planets at lim c:i;.ml tune
i nd neither did the urm.il of the child
soften Plnin tu In hi -rnnnatio i to'
k'ep Ins wife confined in t!ie i.crmeti
il air, I fi;it. r i.-d ti,e
child hn l never seen davl g'.t except
thf.c.lgh C'C UliWlls'i' l te", meat Wl'i
I 'ns. The in,,' hi r l.ivl p-s.'to ally notii
"!! I" est il ,'j t a p!.le ot stale spa
tti daily It'll rre in a serious
" liM'i-, Ail I- it wn. k.-l iu niir.d
.in i ,,,.v. everv eff irt is n i lieing
'i'le I v , tuiri'.'il'le org-,
re them to t slth
I'lantea ' tint w as l r
In after jr. form I'l -t
lr n1 ins to re
ken i'lt i by the
t ) his w fe
lf;"g hel I prisoner
" s srrested after a
I" foivl.t the o'n.-c:
itiu sis family.
ha 1 1.-.;
i 11
t He
ho tl
ught to
I village of Gaevniki superior Austrian
forces compelled General lvanoff to re
tire eastward, where the Russians took
! up their second line positions.
I "In the region of l'npelinny we con-
tinue to press the enemy who was re
pulsed from Shavli ami driven across
I the Niemnn," the statement said.
railway junction at Challerange, hurl
' ing numerous bombs upon the positions.
Alio object of the air raid wus to!
I wreck tho communications of the army
of the crown prince. The aviators re
' ported they were confident heavy dum
I age was done by their bombs.
Says Austrian? Defeated.
Rome, July 20. The Austrinns are
declared to have lost 10,000 men in
severe defeat administered by the Ital
ians east of the Isono near Sngrado,
in unofficial dispatches received here
today. The teort is without confirma
tion from the war office.
Fighting on the ( urso plateau is de
clared to have greatly increased in in
tensity since reports were received that
Austrinns had invaded Italy. The
enemy forces have crossed into terri
tore formerly part of the Venetian
Retreat uf the Austrian is
I to be but a matter of hours,
dispatches declared today.
Arizona's Deferred Hanging;
Bee Scheduled To Take
Place On July 30
Phoenix, Ari., July SM.-TI-e death
watch was again placed today over the
five murderers condemned to hang iu
Florence penitentiury licfore July .'In
These are the five men v ho were saved
from the gnllows ut me elewnth limit
lust May by the intervention of W. J.
Bryan, t'.en secretary of Ma'.e. Bryan
liskcl for a reprieve at the rei)uest ot
General Fnim isco loll, who claimed
his countrymen had been ualairW
Five pine coffins, their rmigh I" nr l
' rucked by the sir-, stand in the pi.s.o,
Jllld l.t llolelee tttiiting tor t!i i
dim I men. They have sfo. n...
ever Mnic May it. wli.-n the state pur
don board -'.lintcd the last lain.ile t
e. at'er the couits had ret usi d I
rfere. and the disappointed witnfs
ses filed -lowiy out if tin' deii.ii ton
er. Ill the prison eenieti-iy there nre
five o n gruves.
R iiiii'Ii I'lalob.is, one of the con
detuned, has been graiile,! the riht to
al r.
al again b .Ij.le Vsugtiii. ol I'm-
unity. I'Ut. the 1 1 ine limit Jur il na
sed and Attorney tieiiernl .1 !. ad
.J Warden Sims ii.dny to disregard
app.nl and hang Villai"l" w.tli the
to all '
. ulMiot
,-al to
iu Sun
,t,s f. r s ri fereti lurii i ! . :i ui
f capital p'inis'.imeiit nie in ctr
. b'jt gaining ! sigtic.t ,re.
i for the fin- plus new m j.
ti,e I r-it.-d Slates iircui' court
Fsh-ivi. tiovern -r Hunt re
1 ia. s to ,V 'JIl"'
iiiten lii t ' I"' i
di.te 't for the
are still t-onfnb
hat h ' plans re. He
i sun Fruncisiti m- the
uartt'ing. but tne five
it th! the "log it.ncr
n. r"
n't let them be klilel The
f iarl..n ssis there will be no
farther de!
court i ou
Judgr Sawt
The Aru .ns ';prn,e
a ! ation avj Fe lerl
lc, tJ wt.om thi ron lemiird
a pt'tfi d
.1 Mi i ia 'aiifofBia.
Seattle, Wash., July 20 In
1SC7 the FiSted States paid $7,
200,000 for the territory of
Alaska. In 1915, six vessels
arriving in one day from
Alaska brought to the port of
Seattle cargoes valued at $720,
000. The liner Senator, the steam
ers Mariposa, City of Seattle,
Al-Ki, and Dolphin, and the
freighter Redondo arrived here
Monday with canned sal'-ion,
gold concentrates, gold bullion,
silver, lead, and copper ore,
whale oil and furs, and 421 passengers.
Chancellor of Empire Suc
ceeds In Making Terms
With Dissatisfied Miners
Ed L. Keen.
'iFnitcd Press Staff Correspondent.)
Cardiff, Wales, July 20. The most
serious industrial crisis in Kngland
since the opening of the war passed to
day when the strike of more than 12.V
000 miners in the coal fields of Souta
Wales was settled. The mine owners
agreed to grant a minimum wnho in
crease of ten per cent to the men. This
iiL'i'eeiucnt is to remain in force until!
six months utter the close ol the war j
and will then continue until either tin I
miners or operators servo notice three:
months iu advance of their desire to ab
rogate it. I
The settlement if n personal vioton !
for David I.loyd-Georgu, minister of I
munitions, whose conference tirst with
the operators and then with the strike
leaders led to tin! settlement.
I'nless the settlement ngroed to by
the strike leaders should be rejected b
the miners they will return to work ou
Thursday. The executive committee i
the miners was empowered to treat with
the operators and government represen
tatives, but on condition that anv
(Continued ou Tne Five.)
Not Since Days of Alexander Great Has World Seen Any
thing Approaching It-Daring Effort To Crush Russia
and Release Great Armies For Western Operations
London, July "0.--The most stupen
lous campaign since the time of Alex
ander the Great is now not utilv threat-
niug Warsaw but contemplates the j
oiivelirpiueiit ol' the '"hief Kiissiun field
t oniniuniiiies from the war office in
lierlin and Petrograd today revelled
the vast extent of the Geiitiau opera
tions ou the eastern front in stii h a
n;iv ns fairly to t.iiiger military cril
iis. The daring stioke nf toe kaiser,
u coup to release his great eastern
anoies of operations against the French,
and Lnti-h in I'ihiu'c und Klniiilets has
fiiua.-i'd Lnglniel. With General Von
Itolow presMing forwatd in thte Malto'
pro', no es and Field Mnisliats 'ou lltn
letiliurg and Von Macl,eii.en closing m
upon Warsaw from opposiie d'ree?in'is,
it is now evident that the l.niser is ma'i'
iiiv! a ilaiuiij iitten,pt to uipture Idg'i,
the ri, ll I III It ne.-ipiilt. II lid the I'oli-li
capital siiiiitlluiicoii-.lv.
1 1 1 II if llllll-t II
In-. nit a i n i ng
sin il w olel v
Id opeiatm,.
i hand with this st '
two strung offer. s
Miparnteil points
are being curried
in su. h a maiiio-r a. in en liaor to
eti'.elep Ihe or,..,t lii,s-iari lirti.O's ol
cential Polainl or fori e then relnciricrit
to Lic-t Litmsk. Ilo it. iles o tl A.t
Lxtreme pi-.siiiii-m prevails iu Lou
dun. M.I. Mm i'iiii are able to "c
li'lle hope uf Ihe Ko-oiilis recii-erinj
ft i nn the I'tter iiinapse wlinli ha. ful
low.',! Ilieir ii-tleul liotli the jll. The
iiertnau arniies of the ea.t are appar
ently In-iiig Niipplnd with tiiilniiitci
, sllpl'jies of liliilliuinlioli.
'I he I . i, .io s t.clav perm. tie, I th,- Post
to punt -.1st ati h frooi p.udupest that
tne i'IIi'Iij
let . .I. 'lh
t ton
' Hulhunti
the pr
of Hie
t I'
.'. ,1 .
.', ti. -Poll.
ere lite, I the r. I
l'l eltt Hill n'-Ut On-ill
. al'ttll by .he II ...
so-; rt-e here.
'I he I. IS! Ill ft"
h:. h i io...
:i " t t. j . ot Field
lei. I, ng to lute th.
t.) be .-si''ht In-lni"
the Imilll alll -o
oi3 r Tire I It is V i
lier-eral Jit.inW s i
:l I r.i.v lie, w il h; li
1 i CHI.
mi-, ah ,t VS av.w, i
r, s,.e, t Ii r tep.-ate ,
Mar sal 'oti Mm
i1 Iv, lis now alto il
'n stta'-ks !' m lei'll
nh tinb-ss lhi iier
Al the same torts
Malrv rsole- hvc
In DiiW of lliji
I the Aiistnatii ai striking heavtlv
in l.ao-ia. ttret' lung the vast f.ghtm
line aiotig a front nf mure than In'
milr. S j . ortM.trijtl are tho hu4i4us
City Has Power To Pass
Ordinance But Must
Notify Owners of Dogs
Ordinance Held To Be Void
On One Point Only and
Can Be Remedied
Judge Galloway's decision relative to
dogs running at large in the city of
Salem was affirmed iu the supreme
court this morning in a decision writ
ten by Justice Benson. The dogs miiy
not romp anil gambol with entire free
dura through the Pity streets under the
protection of a license tag, however,
as Justico Benson held that the city
had an absolute right to puss the ordi
nance making it necessary that nil dogs
feel the restraining influence of a lead
ing chain while taking the air, but af
firmed the decision of the lov.t r court
upon the point that it is necessary to
give due notice before a dog may be
killed, which was not provided tm' in
the proposed ordinance,
This ordinance whs first
passed bv
the council about a year ago and a
petition of the dog owners of the city,
under the name of tin' humane society,
held it up and it was submitted to a
vote of the people at the lust city elec
tion. The nr.linunce carried by a vote
of about 2 to 1 an I the humane society
secured un injunction upon the enfoice
ment of the law. A test case was filed I
hv neorge I.. K.'.ie against tl ty ot i
Salem, .1. T. Welch, city marshal, ami
F. S. ltudlong, street commissioner. I
Judge Gulloniiy heard the testimony '
and arguments iu the ease and decided I
that the nnlini.nc.ti was void. It was
(Continued on Pago Four.)
fiiuil being keot eiiL'neeiL
upon every
1 nit a ri'b
to reint'ot
i i I
pii-ilion of the Slav forces
e the most desperately j
, ,),!,,
Is is rcguMcil us impos e
bltle contradiction of the
iGetiiuiu ilaiins of continued succcs to
be tuind iu tl fficinl statemciit from
l'etroi;ra.. s,,aied successes lire claim
! ed, but ret i icmrtit ut tho Sljo's at the
n ost iiupoiliii.t points is admitted. The
: ItusHians an forming a new line for
the defi'ii.c of Warsaw on the north
less than P unlit from the city, with
'the i Inet point of reslslnucii at Nno
1 1 cot tf :e -k
tlie I il tress :n miles to the
llol ' liw est
leTl'ti una
mote llinii 'i'i
i' I tiio capture of
'U Itiissinii prisoners dur' .
n it tint's along the prin-1
I' eld Mursl ui Von llhi
i ns taken i'l.T'lu men '
r -. w htle the irisoners ot ,
n total more than IH.nno.
it. its the cHptiiii' of
t he on r iish i no ii t in v of
llig the jli-;
c:i. al It
'tel. hum. III'
an I o oil
Yon M:n I ci
I t r- r it t
K rssiiotn
V,, Ma
liertt an.
et,ht tin
Way, th.
. apture ,
a .irei
fiNcl. l'
1 rom I .
.I'-e. t to
'I,, the
bv Vo-i
ii'ius n
i Wild this Ihrnst the
forced their wav within
t '.lie Lublin hokn rati
ti i Jiate ob)ectne. The
- railway will give them
to the fortress of Ivsn
e Warsaw on the smith
f l!
:n I
. i'i I Ihe tailwav cuiiliiiin-s
,, ..,"th.
...lh of thn capital the ll.is
i l ' the capture of Purely
I ii'iiirg 'a triMtps. I mi t - ii
i ste ilii-lareil to ,e in
the NiireW river, while
i'i the iiiianiat ion as to
l-t rernciit of the Slavs
at oil of Tokiiru, on the
i. a elmu,e. I ,v the (or
i.i, i admitted from I'e
' 1 '' Itlllttr region, I .i-nersl
,0, i was iii eointtnind along
V ou K lo k in the first
little I. let'
Lie gt.i,',a'
Tl.e le , ii
road in I! .
It an s'at. 't
''"n, ,
Von ll.'low.
.... I, ..
'S Ci,rii-tig one of
. e lavalry mi ,(M
iii erriiiiinng the in-
hi-ton Ii
In i f er
; liuv.mr, .
' t iward II
t In Imh
arid, nciirdiiig to the
t, is now advancing
rg fraori Tukiiitt.
fighting IS centered
ri In
, error
the In,
ser. N'liuerieallv su
forces have i-ntupellel
of Ihe Slavs at some
Aiiitrians have i roised
the t O tretlnni!
p'nt at I 'h.
thn r:vc
in, r t.i of Nkal, where petro
iff i I ani,oiii'-l the ItiiMian l'orrr art
now ait. king the em u..
Us Angeles, Cal., July 20.
Spirits or practical jokers are
agitating tho neighborhood in
the vicinity of Avenue Fojrty.
five and l'lcmdena avenue, to
day. Mrs. Charles Gilbert and
her family have moved out of
a house there because, they as
sert, tho spirit of lr. Mills, the
famous spiritualist, who perish
ed in tho Titantic disaster keep
them awi.ke nights by pounding
on the walls. They believe it is
lr. Mills' spirit because they
found his name written on spir
itualists slates under the house.
. The owner of the cottage says
the rapping is caused by loose
Threats of Union Leaders Car
ried Out When Employes
Lay Down Tools
Bridgeport, Conn., July 20. Threats
of the strike at the Remington Aims
and Ammunition plant assuming more
serious proportions became, a reality to
day when (Inn machinists and bricklay
ers walked out at noon tody. There
was no disorder.
I'aion lenders decline the walkout to
day is only the beginning of a strike
which will tie up the Remington plant
and the plants of nil sul luuliuctors
within u week.
J. .1. Keppler, vice president of the
machinist union und John A. Houston,
vice president of the stnictuinl iron
workers life iu charge of the strike. Fob
lowing the machinists, the die sinkers,
die makers, drop forger und tool mak
ers in the Remington shops will rlriko,
irding to Keppler
Vast quantities of war munitions for
,, uir, ,ir Mag manufiictiiied lit
,, Kcmington plant and in the shops
f ,,. f iM ul, contractors,
The inuchinisls in four subsidiary
,,i- ,,f i, lie,iutnii o unv i,l.
stun k todiiv. Picketing immediately I
I began about the parent plant ns well nn .
I ine siinsKinrv snoiis. i ne plums are
running to full capacity, but the sliike
lenders declare the u I of luncliiuirts
will force u shut donu within a week.
Bitter FmIIiii Aroused.
Itridgoport, I 'nun., Julv l!n.- Hitter
feeling was aroused in union ranks this
afternoon when lenders ol the strike of ;
the Rciiiingtou Arms and Aiiiiiiiiuitioii
company emploveis clinrgcd that Ihe
coriipuny ot t iciuls tind not permitted Ihe
miicliiiiists to leave thn plant during
the lunch hour.
Heing held in the f,nory they were
not able to join aboul I, nun men who
are already on strike. It is ex ted
they will join the strike a I ,'i o'cbe'li,
however, when their dav's woik is com
Kconrdlos of ruinnrs that Gerinnii
gulil IS respolisihle lor caning ol the
log strike in the Memingtini plant at
liriilgepolt, ( oiiii., the Aiiieruaii Fed
eriilion of Liilmr will do il nliuot t "
organize the men and improve their
working conditions, sieeretiiry I'rniik
Morrison sind today. The strike is the
"big point" at issue, siild .Moruson.
Frank's Wound Infected :
and Condition Critical
Mllledgl'Ville. I.ll,
illfecllnll of the w
Flank 's rick set
temperature ro.e Iii
.'o Serious '
I, I.e., M
Mini in
ill I ml II V
III 1011 to
nod his
101 I this
sf lernooii,
Ihe ill fee 1 1
llerplle 1 1,
from tin
ili'coverv that
rusty I. Pole of
the knife with wlinli Wlllicm 'r-eii
cut Flunk's thmat, the alteii'liag
phvsii inns are n'iII hopeful.
Frank vm.s r.'inovi.) rnlav to n ip lei
room of the prison Ituiu liifirtniirv Mis
I'latik is coii-tii a ' I v r his beil-olc arnl
ill leave only ! .r lo r nicitls
I r.-i'ii rematii'i stJIi-ii und sil.at, lie i
till iii solitary cnfii.eii.enl i
i I, a i iim. Iinverii'.r Harris and th
ii.tiiiiii' sinners w,!l arirc loieS
In III Ilk'' Stl illNes'i',1,,,11 ntlo
toe k upon Frank .
.Nn v
Kallimofo S.ar That
sin u win I ai r.ppbe I for
linn papers in N'ni-'liliigluii
expects the war to lust
and Lei i "Vi in safety f.rst.
I year old
li.il urt.li i
fl .dent ly
some time
gmir Fa .r to
111 1
v, t 'intllllled
' , 10,
i 'j r . ""'I'i
Cabinet Considers Rejoinder to Germany's Reply, Although
Several Members Are Absent-Matter Up To President
and Secretary Orduna Incident Will Be Probed and
Affidavits of Passengers Taken
By 0. F. Stewart.
Washington, July 20. The tentative
draft of tho new note to Germany deal
ing with the submarinn warfare was
lui.l liiit'orn th.i in.it l.i.luU ll.isiwt.
the imoortanee of the matter 'to b .lis-!
cussed several members of the cabinet j
were absent, but it is realized that
President Wilson slid Secretary of State
lamsing urn largely handling the situ
ation alone,
'Iriendlv lint final, was the wav a
. , , i . ., . , , :
high administration olliciul character-1
i.od the new communication today. It
will be revised and perfected after to
day's cabinet meeting and will be ap
proved at the session of ministers on
Friday. If nothing arises to Interrupt
this program it is thought likely that
the new protest will go forward t"
llerlia ut the end of the week.
I resilient Wilson has iloprociiited
speculation ns to the contents of the
! new nolo to Gcruiuny, but nevertheless
'it is accepted that it will stoutlv iiiain-!
tain the rights of American under inter ucco. dunce with, the suggestions which
national law. U is understood the note; were nuide to the cabinet today and It
expresses "surprise und regret" that I'" submitted for final approval ou
Germany does not ai pt thn views of I'lidny.
this country that humiiuiliirian laws do- T" wl,l ,'x,,,, ",v w'"
maud that' vessels be warned bv sub-t"r", '!' ,l", "'vry with Oenuuay
marines before torpedoes nr fired und , Wl1' ''''pend upon the results of the tn
that suspected merchantmen should h V"'"l,!:",1"", '", I'""''; " U' '"T
visited and searched beforo b g sent '"' '"
, ,1.1,, .. ,.i .i .'marine to stop for searcu, It was Intl-
to the bottom upon tl... supposition that- , ' ,, , ft)(,
hey carry munitions, endangering ,.., ,.! i I from the Cnited State,. At
live of un combatants who may u events the Ordunn incident will not
alma rd as passengers. ,,hiv ,,m r. . w r.l i n of tho new nolo
I ho Hntish embassy Indicated today lieill.., Lansing said,
thai it might present thn Orduna cnne 'piie coinniunici.tioii uuw being prie
lo tho stale department. This would I ,u,ed will lis shorter than the two prn-
muiK nie nine's iiou uio liner on nor
voyage to New York officially be-
lore this goveriin I. As vet the stale
department has only unol'ficfi.l reports i
of I he Orduna having been shellcl hv a
siibmni ine. Should Kuelaiul formally 1
call the attention of the administration '
to I lie (Irdiiun, it nits generally ci t-!
ed here that Germany would discredit
the ronorlH nf thn li Iiuvi,,,, I
The cabinet wus in session for two
I rs mid ten minutes .Secretary Inns
lag's draft of the new nolo to be dis
patched lo lli ilia iu the controversy as
to I lie submarine wnrfuro was gone over
repeatedly. Only Secretary Itcdiield
was absent from the ineetinir and the
j giaviiy wnn wiio n the situation is re
giiideil was made evident by the serious
inieii of the various ministers ns liny
I left the conference.
Prior In the minuet meeting Secre
tary Lniisiug went to the While House
I and was closeted with Ihe president In
a private conference for an hour.
j While engaged in preparing Airier-
I ii a 's reiteration of the dcinniids that
rights upon the sens be respected, Ltins
ing also began nil investigation Into
! the ii I ( in-k upon the liner Hiuutin, which
' i' io hod New York Saturday. Il hud
bein believed tlnil while Germany has
withheld compliance with the first do
miunls made by this government, fn
, lowing the sinking of the l.iisilnuiii,
they were being observed In prio lice in
tlnit passenger carrying ships were not
In be attacked without warning The
..helling of the Orduna conseipicnt ly up-
Julv "ii. Smashed nver
tilell thrown into a .hnl'
, I I V 1 1 1 Mil iwell. forlner
the II
low c
id and
iiiul in I
Iiiimiii Uiiiiid lit rioreni-e, An.,
wus lliiil.jered t'l'lliv by II forlner I'll
ot. mi onlm,' In the theory of the
-In til l 's ol I i e.
Ma. will's bodv was found in the ca
nal this moiitiiig. Wlntiier he wus kill
el t.v Ifowmlig or bv the blow oil the
head will not be known until the no
topsv. MillWi'll fin mis said he hud
been Ihtilltenct l,v firmer conviils.
T.ii'V believe One of tlii-ln llire Max
well I'nio, Ins sttmuier cotliige here and
ii,iir,erc. h.iu.
(Bjr J. W. T. Mainni, written for the
United Press.)
New York, Jul) J". Ileyeliipini-nts in
Poland (ire I. unng very eonf iseil. I n
cirtuinty rittisl pievuil nt the l('isiun
h. a.i niiters whether the real stroke by
Ihe Germans hguin-t Warsaw is thnt
by Von Mackeiisen from the southeast
or Von Hiinleiiurg ' from the north
' l(c citing to old riii thiels of warfare,
rarely seen in the present ronfln t
wlieii corici iilrnent and field strategy
t sre of vital i in po rUi nee, the Germans
are feinting It hns been accepted
lgi i.ciu.lty that Von Ma-aeiiscu 'a thrust
set all theories in this respect. No of
ficial information has yet reached the
state department as to lite attack upon
tho latter, but the treasury department
luis now been asked to obtain affldav-
fr,,m V""Krs and members of the
rew of the Orduna through customs of
Secretary Lansing has received no
1 word iu substantiation of the report
that a torpedo was fired at the Orduna,
but hits now asked for all available in-
I H. . . .1 .. ... ........ 1.
i hi mn I iimi im iu i iiv . ui I m it ui'ou nm
,. 1
Members of the
Iibinet refused to
discuss the situation fallowing thn
meeting, and beyond saying that tho
new note was in course of prcarutiou
Secretary Lansing would not discuss it.
It is understood, however, that thn
views of President Wilson and tun
premier lor a firm reiteration or tnrl
original demands upnii Germany wur
indorsed unanimously by the cabinet.
Secretary Lansing will draw up th
formal and liual dtiilt of the note iu
vuius notes ileallng with the sane suli-
jeet, ami there wen. uncoiif irmed re-
ports that the I'niled States would r-
spui.d to Germany's hint of mediation
as to tho warfare at sen. Iterlin, it was
staled, might property be asked til mako
a definite proposition throiieh Wsso-
ington to London regarding tin. sug-
I gested mm III nation on the sulmiurino
' win tare. 111 ciiso Kngland agrees to
i modify the
"starvation blockade" ol
The Orduu Incident.
Washington, July '.'0. The stale de
partment today begun an tnvcstignlina
into Ihe attack upon Ihe liner Orduna
hv u submarine on Its last voyage from
Liverpool. The treasury department
was asked to obtain through customs
offfii nils uffidavlls from passenger
and members of the crew and such
other iiiforiiiiitiou as may be available.
The action was taken following th
receipt of a letter from W, O. Thomp
son, of 1'hn'iigo, telling of Ihe shelling
of the Unburn. Thompson wus one of
Ihe L'l American passengers aboard th
Thompson did not claim to have per
sonal knowledge of the ut tuck upon
tho Orduna, tint said that shots, pre
sumably from the siihmariiie he uuder-
sl I hns altackeil Ihe liner, awakened
Secietaiy Ionising is withnut substan
tiation nf the report that u torpedo)
was fired at the Orduna without warn
ing i .
I'KOGHFiHrll Vi'iH
Pnrtli.inl, Ore
duly "II. - A number if
progressive general
.f I'urtliitnl wern
Wetlliu' liroll'l sltllli
ilci totlny following
the Vint of their
.11 1 in il li 1 1 .- r in chief
'I II loll- Koosevelt.
Although th ilonel spent only twen
ty minutes in the cify vi'sterduy after
noon it was long enough for him to Imlil
a whispered conference with each of the
Hull M
leinleis tind address tint
that coillieicd at .he stv
tiiic crowd
'Ihe forme
t.V hit Wife
to II..' Calif.
r pri'siilent
mid secretary
tiiiii f 'tpo-ttii,
i a root
in Poland
Much Confined
was the major Ht'ink nguinst Warsaw,
but Ihe ft. lure may show that it is simp
ly n. divet.ioii planned in order that
nn Hindeiibnrg may capture th" Polish
i tipttul.
'I he It issii.ns are short of untmuiii
liini. If thov are persiiuded to Con
centrate their principal stores along a
false front, the object of the Gentian
feints will have been accomplished. If
Hie Russians out guess the Germans,
however, it is probable that Warsaw
will be saved. Warsaw's future, in fact,
depends inure, upon the efficiency of
Ihe Hussinn secret service system than
, upon tl.e defeuse of the. city,