Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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0 eent per word etch buer- 4
tion. 1
Copy for tdTertiaemsiita o- 4
der this keadiag ihould b la by 4
p. m. 1
I 4
EXCELLENT Fred " Sight Lunch.
HARRY City window eleaner. Phone
1850-J. Aug20
WOMAN wishes to do housework part
of dav. - I'hone 15U8-M.
1'OR RENIN Furnished six-room house.
Em U. W. Johnson. Julyli)
variety. Phono 37-F-ll.
OAK wood $5, fir $3.30 per cord. Phone !
2249. i
GOOD bathtub for sale cheap, 2680
Cherry ave. July-0
FURNISHED rooms, bath, for rent)
close in. Phone 382 or 24S0-J. U
KL1 AND HOARD in modern home,
391 N. Cottage St. Phone 340. Jlyl9
FOR SALE A fine thoroughbred Jer
sey heifer calf. 17."0 Market. Jly 19
FUR SALE OR T R A P Kt-Kresh cow
and calf. 157 South Commercial st.
FARM for rent in Howell Prairie. For
information address Box 215, New
port, Ore. July21
FOR SALE One new gas range, 4
burner, 2 oven. Inquire 1495 Cho
meketa, or phone 1202.
"WANTED A girl to help with house
work a few hours each day. Call at
270 North Commercial. July20
FOR SALE New. modern 5-rorrn buii
palow at a sacrifice, by party going
to Llano colony.
FOR TRADE ySH0 equity in a modern
house lor an automobile, by a party
going to tile I.lnno colony.
FOR SALE 7-viar old bav horse, gen
tle and good worker, weight 1250
pounds. Cherry City Barn. j
FOR SALE Good five-passenger an-1
tomobile, or will trade for motorcycle. I
Address E. U care Journal. Jly 19
FOB KENT 7-roomed dwelling, largF
lot, good location, 7 per month.
Phono Carev F. Mattin. Thone 419
AVANTEl) 1'ii:o on good farm security.
Sen lljorth Ji Peterson o., local
agents, l.lauo Colony, 327 Hubbard'
building. tf
Fl'RNlTt'U'E Ft Hi SALE Davenport, '
full dining set. bedroom and kitchen;
furniture; all law. 2274 State street,!
Salem. July2u
HE I AM K BA l If yoi have any,
old carpets you wish woven into lienu-1
tiful flnffv"nigs uotifv S. A. Pobner, '
phone 24-il-W. ' tf'
Al'TO FOR SALE Overland roadster. :
1913 model, in guol condition; just:
been itverhniiled. See li. II. .Mills,!
Spaulding Lodging Co. oft ice. tf
WANTED To rent first -class rmiiiing!
house, best location In city, to car-1
penter in exchange for work. Phone j
ftM days, ti"4 evenings. tfj
W'K HO ri-puir work of all kinds
woodwork, automobile and gas eu
ginoN. a specialty. All work guaran
teed. Ill') hemeketa. Juiyl ,
1'tH'M) On the folk county side in!
the river. ahoe the wngiri bridge, a
gold watch and chain, Klgin works, i
tiwner may get it at this olfice by
describing property. .hilyl
AVAXTKO A girl to live with middle-1
nged lady, more aa company than:
border. Small amount $'J per week,
charged ns board. Address '. C '.,
cars Journal. JulylDj
FOR RKNT Nicely furnished modern
room in private home, liath ndioin-1
ing. Four blocks from Lndd Jc Hush;
bank. One or two gentlemen pre- j
ferred. Address s', care Journal, tf!
BAIiTIKT pears wanted. We are in1
tiie market to contract for large or
Bmall tpiantitii of Tinrtlet pears. .
Call nt 5!0 State street, opposite!
rorirt house. I'hone .'til. Drnger Fruit :
Co. ,lnlyj:i
WANTKO Kdiieiited, refined women. '
for two or three months. S ial
work iu connection with child-train-j
ing. Salary. .f-.Vl per day; incrca-e
if capable, liive phone and address..
Hoi 10, the Capitol Journal. .Ilvl'.l
HAI.KS.M AN WANTCD-To toll uir
fruit and ori.itineutal nursery stock,
ruses, shrubbery, etc.; exclusive ter
ritory; liberal ciih ndvaioe weekly;
on order: fret! outfit. Yakima &
'olunibtn River Nursery ( o.. North
Yakima, Wash. July
Ft Ml .-i.K -"i'. acres of good -i I, " .
acres under cultivation, balnine pis-'
ture, good drainai;e, ; 1 . tntles from'
Salem. I'ri e (", .--'i d'uvn, bill
nnce lil per n oiith, 'I per cent int.1
V. H. Orabenhorst Jt Co., Ilo.on -Hush
Hank h!dg. July 1
"MuNKY" The mint makes it and
under the terns of the Continental
Mortgage cotnani V'.t can ore it
at per cent for any lejal purpose
on nti proved r"il estate. Terms ertv. j
Tell us y,oi' wants and we will cq- ,
fit.ernte with yon. I', t'v i Company.
C 13 Peiiham building. Penrer, Colo.
Two Office Rooms
Best location in
Salem. Inquire of
303 State St
No Orchard BGght I
Says Professor Barssj
H V Rr a. . , I
il, sr. Bars, of the Oregon AgmouK
tural eoliege. after having made a
examination of
from the on-hard of Mr.
Rickreall, in which C. E.
White at
county fair inspector of Lane county
Claims to have found fireblight, savs
be finds no evidence of bacteria, and
that certainly no fireblight exists.
County Fruit Inspector J. S. Parker
went to Salem on Monday and there
met Mr. Barss, who took the suspic
ious specimens to Corvallis for mi
.croscopio examinations. The apple
specimens given consideration, showed
i.l. !:... . i , . i .
iiieuugui, uui irom wuere tuaen is
not known to the Observer, it not;
being able to locate Mr. Parker, whoi
is busy with his work in the county.'
n nas a copy ot -Mr. Haras' letter to
the fruit inspector, which is given as
follows: i
Corvallis, July 13. I have made mi-j
croscopical examinations of the quince;
and apple branches which you gave'
me and find no evidence of 'bacteria. !
In both eases a fungus was uresent.
but certainly the Rickreall
of yours is not firoblieht. The near '
specimens appear to be affected by n ' pirding the (icrmun nttnek upon the lin
fungus, very likely dry rot, but not i or Orduna. This incredibly stupid action
by bacteria". I would watch such i in which the commander of a submarine
trees, however, and have examinations 'virtually gave the lie to the past fort
made of anv cases which seem to show light 's painstaking diplomatic reasaur-
new blighting, either this season nr:nnfos fr,im Berlin, inevitably
later, for it is hard to identify posi-!
tively a disease in parts that have been
dead long. The apple tree spur Might'
which we went to see with Mr. Parks. J
and the apple canker on the limb hoi
sawed off, were typical firelilight audi
swarming with bacteria. "Dallas Ob-!
Appreciates Work Of
n . t v. ia m
MlPTtl ? PnlirP rniVP
MmU 8 1 UiaC rU1LC
n-. ..- .i. ,
i' "imi iu express tnrotigii tno rap
:.ni i.... i .... . ,
splendid work of the Salem police Z'W
partment in so promptly capturing the
men who burglarized our store during
the night of July loth, leaving no clue
as to ineir identity. i
Practically all of tie articles stolen.
auiouiiting to 14H, hnve been returned
to us n ml the burglars are in jail. ;
This speaks well fur the efficiency of ,
our present police force, due to 'the i
business-like organization of the depart
incur l.v v met Helen. i
Wo wish also to thnnk the citieus of I
West Salem who aided Officers Niehol-
son and n lute in the enpture.
A cent a word will tell your
wants in a Journal Ad under
New Today. Try it.
'It 3c fc s(c sfc sft sc sfcn)cfcscc
t'OK SA1.K liouiiii
rooms, .'f'liiUI; terms,
.miso, 111
A. K., cure .lour
tf I'llU SAI.K Haled wheat hay, if II in
the Held. Win, l'e Vrirs, pltruie 'Jll
roll SA I.K Ilonschiild goods in good
coiiilition. 41.) Ninth Twcntv tliir l
Juli l,i
Foil KXt'HA.NCK Large well located
Sit loin house for mountain ranch or
California acreage. Address 'J'27
Fairgrounds road, Salem. JlyJt
WANTF.I) (lood litht used auto, ,V
I'lissenger or roadster, pi ice must be
right. Will pay cash. Call at Snel
son's (.larage, 17o Suiith Twelfth st.
July IU
FiiU SAI.K ID acre, of land, 4 acres
under plow, balance easily- cleared;
some small liuihliujs. Will take a
cant lot fir auto as part payment.
What have yon to ott'er. I'riee sj-jn.ni,
W. II. (1 rahenhorst i. to., boom J
Hush IS.ii t)k bl.lg. JulyJl
nV ii"iu"M w
Kitchen Economy
With wood or coal waste heat. Too
much or too little for bcit cooking. In hot
weather too much heat coming out into the
With a i,'1 O'l oi!-'t'ivf ro waste h?at cr ft:.!.
One liiirr.tr it f-.tir- V tl .tre cr !ii'i--a -I'.'.v ;ire
or a I:it mic. All tlur convenience ot ga ior titry
Y.uv.'x, all i!:c year ruiui'l.
New Perfection
Oil Cook-Stove
Far Bm,t Rttult V, Pmmtl Oil
T-rKtt (' t ;n c fljmr adjustable lo Jtist the .Irg'-e r.'f
ed f . r r. .,.", ( r It .id. f. r pi-trr Nr. i r. ret
tui.t the I" I. A cij..l c.,ii in.) i than k.r.'fi A, It your
dealer. See i.'cinijn':ra;..i!i, I'alice Kit M.r.uiicturts,
J'iiuiiu-l'.irt: 1 jpcuiva
('.., iVintj)
Speculative Industrial
Shares Break Sharply
(Copyright 1915 bv the New York Ev
fvlng VosO
Xew York. Ju!v l'J. Two influenrea
wertf ily visible as responsible for
8narP break 'n speculative industrial
shares on the stork pxchantr tndnv.
One was a calm public statement from
the vice-president of the Crucible Steel
company. that the company's common
stock, the price of-'whieh has risen S5
points in the last week and 53 since
May, had no reason to expect dividends
for many years and was not worth
the price.
Such a remark with reference to
shares whose performances in connec
tion with the "war order" speculative
mania have been notorious is ant to
be rejected anijrilv bv the stock iob
, . . ... . - . .
ner ns "outsuie the pulilie." if it is i
not ascribed by them to some evil
speculative purpose of its author. But
particular grounds were given for the
assertion ami the time will naturally
come when sober explanations backed
by figures showing why a season of
" munition orders" will not double the
net profits of a plnnt in perpetuity,
must have its effect even on the Wall
street mind in its present mood.
The second influence, which mnv pes'
sibly have hud less effect thaii the
vruemie statement, was the news re
..,,a ,1,11,1 ,,,-,1111, i in-v ii iioi. ensi u
'dow of doubt upon Wall street's re-
j viving confidence retarding
American controversy.
Those who rcinember Albert Chcval-
I icr, the wonderful English character
! actor, when he was in this country star- j
I ring and in vaudeville, will be inter-I
..... s.. i.: : i ... .i... i
vo.,., , r,,,n Mini ,ii;uiii, mm on uir !
wreeus, in the Metro Pictures coriioia- 1
tiou s new production of Henry Arthur!
Stirling nnil pathetic pluv, "The i
Middleman," during his American tours !
r"gU'"r ,,r!'""""' ,,',",,r,', Th"
depth of feeling dispinyed ley the sweet i.
nattired pottery maker, Cyrus. Hletiknin, j
for his in ut it u routed daughter, his;
trials iu a life of icissitiules. hit (lis-
coveru'H nnil consetpient jovh when they
bring bio k to him nil that lit loves
most iu the world his daughter, will
be recalled by everybody who has neon
this reniiirkiiide piny. There in reason
to con jeetitre that when the screening
ot this plav is seen at
the Oregon to-!
m. u- .t 11.. i,.... .,, .1...., ,,. I l.
thousands who will rejoice iu having
seen it. Mr. l hevnlier s acting in the
lole made notable by Mr. Willnrd, is
understood to lie not only vilile and
dramatic but he has nalied the ncet
character of Itloiikinn with the force
of ninnliiiess and chariictcr that are
composite in him.
Chehnlis, Wash., July lib
Fire early ttvlnv dotroyed the
building in which the Harry k
Alldis Foundry and National
I ji ii ii.t ry are located with an
estiinated l:i in it r i of .tlo.lioil, e
.The tno.t ot the ,is fell on the
proprietois of the two firms. He
VTV: im: 5?l VI
U - :i UA
l !
i " I
1 l ' " II
Ita.k Kl'tmt
iff J v-'
(c) Underwood & Underwood
Lrieli Mnenter (tup) and Frank Holt
That Frank Holt, the man wlm
tried to kill J. P. Morgan and failing
in that killed liimsell', is the Krich
Muenter who in l'.iuii killed his first
wife while lie wus a teacher in Har
vard University is the belief of ,icv
e'.nl persona who knew both Muetilei
utul Holt. The handwriting of th.
two was similar, and except for tin
whiskers Muenter wore there
not a grout (leul of dilfuif nco in the;
nppeurunco. 9
Frank's Condition
Is Quite Serious
(Continued Troin Pago Ore.) i
is a waitress, today said CriMi had
been insane sin, e eiiildhooil nl;tu he
was iiijurcil by a blow on the I" ad.
The licorgiii piisoti eoiumisMni, wh'u Ii
will investigate the attack upon Fiaiiit,
is incline, lo hclieve Crc-n to In- la
Mine, it was learned this nftc n.
Creen is serving a lite teun for murder
ninl was dc. 'hue. I sane at the tuno of
his trial, but no itibers of tin uiuis
sion are uii.lcr-'uod tu have in.li, ai. -l
they helieie he utunt ne iinltaliiio i .!.
Earlier RportB.
Mille.lgev ,t, . i,ii .Itilv III. The i mi
lit ion o l..o M. Flunk, who-e throat
wits cut
I v night by William
onvp't. at the pils-.lt
r.'gnnled as serious In
l recti, a I.
farm here, was
Frank nppciit.
terdav, lutt .'a 1 1
worse, His t. i
to lo-'. The v,
also swelling, ti.
come infect". I.
Mrs. l-'ranl.
the prison ho- i
ill! Illtetol. .1 I-'
Inn own fa mil
jugular ii'it. .
1 reeii iitns.'c I
neck While I,"
though eietciln
relieve the pi.
day iiili-. h. :i hi
A prehmiiia'.
e. by the pit
tout the it 1 1 ii.
aiol that let I.
( reen ,,-n,. . I I e
one, sluing
done. ' ' I i i ti,
tertu for m- r !
hilling stttl.l'.'l
from Military .
tliilii d.
It .i
may be i ri -n i .
eier, wlo-n it,
VM li'.r. nio I v. a
mi lid.
The ttlt.i. s "t
nlotrtlv al'cr 1 '
nn m,i." li'.ti
used a I" I lo '
vein mm. . u'.
I to be .
y today
".III. I ill
had be. i
rime fiotti
his nc. k
to'ii'iiig that.
Frank win
I had be
ill gnat
i vvito her hu.baiol nt
'ill todav and lit' IS be
Ur. .Illselih Id, ftiberif,
phymenm, Frank 't
ilell WitH Helen. l VA lien
lilltellt-r kllile inlii ho '
-lept, was i,ine-l, nio I
g poiwibll. M II. done to
ner, il mis loured to
I set iu,
IIIVestiKiitlon, con. In. t
hi officials, nolira'i'l
won ( rcti ' on n oh a
'SI'll'M were involved
wan influence, I bv anv
'nought "it .h.eil, I be
who in seriinu a I'!.-
r. e.le..c rerel lot
Frank when l,i.i..khi
llf.llt lliellt In be t o .
ted In lay that tn n
H" Y.UH ellllllllleil, how
I for m ir er iiii, I ..., !
lee lured to I .oitii I
e Frank, wVi. h was ri.n.lc
' o'elo, k .!, I lav liiltt,
ti In-hind Tue lis .lill.nt
t i.tlife. Frank ' j'tutiir
. I. ut neither th.- , ,i ,t I
v. itolpi, ni.t in ircl.
liiii.le in ike tlt.r
'i Were not ut the tunc.
. I to navr ,, .). Knile
- riMili rlii'hiiig.
.. the nttioli that tot
i. to interfere, Frun.i
"r, Inn crien mtln.g ,e
I .arda, whu an it. h. , i.n
rurd nor th
T lie attio ti
mitorv. Ail
frn is u : 1 1
ecretc.i iii I,
sf .11. hi. I I
guard h:tl t.u
fell In fh" I!.
attention of ir
he liel,'.. II
Frank sn. n
"il mi spurting from
'. and amlier ii.oior
rnaki. hi. way l.a n to
ma.le from a file, artj
"la lad us-, I hi killing
' day, ftiiin.l im tlie
trvinil to
bed. A 1.11 fe
who h th- i "li
hogi duriig ti.
dorrmtitrv !!.
Inspire Another Cilm.
K'liding, I t , July I'.t l.'.i.li iilly hi-
furd by Till of the iilij. k un
Iji M. Fians, Mik lulimeer killed
Frank hwnvil,. a fellow piis-.nrr in
lb tail here t.i.lar l.v eniting k.r
Himat. Iitlniit'cr then roroinitt.'l m
ri.lo with lha .ni knife.
, N -TV?)
Mi .- - '
Beginning Tomorrow
We Offer Any Straw Hat in Our Store
At Half Price
Hammond-Bishop Co.
167 Commercial
l.eiinu Mishler hns filed a suit for di
vorce frmn her husband Ami U. Mi.-liler
iu the ciicuit court of this county. In
the ci -hi pin i tit she stntcs that tile oulv
property rights to be settled consists of
indebtedness and some few household
effects. Mu. alleges creel and iuhiiuiun
treatment and stntcs that her huslmiid
struck her when in tin intoxicated con
dition ii e.il cuised and suoie at her.
The coiijle were inuiricd in eitsteiu
Oregon in l'.ni:i and hnve fie rlnlilreii,
Hieluird Mishler. aged II; Wilham
Mishler, nged i; An nie Mishler, nged 7;
Barley Mishlel', nged ti ;,eurs, niui Ma
tilda Mishler, agetl Is' uioiiths. She
states that nil of tl Iiililren with the
exception of the veunesi one is witli
the ilcfi'iiiiinit lit present ninl iiskh for
a decree ordering the defendant to to.
tin' children i'MT to her keeping niol
to -nve!t him tr.-in molesting theni.
V. I'. V:i slew is nttoi ncl fur the plain
A ''.lit 1o r..i . t inntn'V ii.li'jjeil dm' ntt
u r inir..' iTV th'ti' u h l ilfil 1 tiiiity in
tin- riK'u.t it iil'f t l' tins rnuntv lv '
M. Wt;iv ajiMiiiM I.. A. I.hmmi. It n nl
Ift'i! i,at t ii it .riiiiiifsiirv iih(i lur fnti
tlirit '.hv ftittrr iimi ipiil im uin iluc uinl
owiiii;. In ntliliti.'ii tlii I'liuntitf m'ci.r
jllilli " M l-ir 'J. US Uttotm'V M tlM'H. I'1.
A. I'i vii'ttiii is ntti.rt.rv fur lln' pltuii
A s'.it hits licen tiled ill the crcuit
ci uit I v V. Itiichiier : ; i , 1 l.u
g. tie llo'eert to collect s l!l.!','l tillered ioc
Ion It hid lull of I 'Jlrll.'!. S. l. I'.lidlcott
in nt ii. i in y tor t he plaintiff.
Alleging that none of the i i t i -i j al on
pl'omis.oi note lot s l'i Ml has .,.n
Mlir-lii.l! W. Il-i llmdnaie i -hi
I n nisli t suit in the in nit
this coil ul . .i gat trsl I ,ti, i tie
ci.i.l t i !
lb.;;, it. i
In a-hlil
-I ti i nt 1 1 1
toritey 's
t ot in v :
n.-.lt il IU I C. II. Il.lge.t.
.it t'
SJOII w llll II tel'ent the
mliito iii i or .'(! ns at
W. I ', U lllsloW is nt
phi i nt . 1 1 .
-a, irony fo-tuni; the jury in the ctte
nl l.i.eii.i I',., celt i.::util W. F. Iiiag. l.
i g l.il.illesi .IS th" I'llli;. I' I'lUlt cottl
pi ii v . I r.-.iuh ' in li i ' i . I ii I i n I in in ot
the pilitl.l ,t f III the sunt of Ir'-'W. T'.'.
I'l.io was tie :n I op . ;;lii l.v M r.
l-g- l ' ill he h he ull.-ge. Hint I "It
j tin. .1
, litnerr
'nil It"
llli I n.t
J I .,iu imU ..I 1. 1 ii tics t "i M i .
.'i I : i ci-. per el ..r
t !it t.. tin- .oiiiii mid it
I 2 I - cet,. tin all m.-i
p.iiiinl. He In i in. .1 thai
. -lul ,ue i a I he ci, nli to t.
..it till.-". that he had n-1
j pill In the
trit'ij was
'I to lb ten. In
j v.iai ed siiut
Hie i' l . 1 1 lit MilioiiH
' f line, i
had a
, five
.11111 ill
Alt. n a.
1.1 the
i and Mi
irieg lite l.ai'.c-.t I Hint he
I .-ut t-Vei !0, n, tliatt he Im. I
I or iio s tut lte-1 he It-.lti il this
iti.tier and cr.i.s cionplailit.
I I'ge li. Ill'il'lilllll leplc-ellt
ti.bint lile I Alt. -I iu s Srnilh
li pciirci for the plllllltilf.
The S
piihV V
t il: l
h in Tile ihi'I VI. rcartttle con
nvviirib .1 a icr.lo t in the sunt
s again. i 1 1.' .liTcielutit, U
i ' i i' i'.'H...:
Ip. ';'; ; ';;';;j I rfr
I I i r ' .'a K - i .-... f .
f: ; .;... '"4 '- ,
I r ' . ' n K f. 1
! i I.
t ' Teleplionf and leleiraph elnc In Kl Cmlro, fl ifler nuake.
r Svr datnar amo'intlrir t'l hulf rriillii.ti ijullnrit ami mnit Im.a of lifa inn tho res.il'a of the earllnpiaV
hit h rwacti tha liriperiul Vailey an linn of inui.htin I aliforniat. Irriitatmn work un 4UU.U00 strea ut land aj
ft.dui,ui i4 lorn wera yle.Uoy'i, )h ivertit l.v-ki went felt In t'.l
Leading Clothiers
Something New
in Salem
Poole's Drug Store recently purchased
a supply of the best Eczema remedy in
the world. Ask him to tell you about
Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin
ami Moist Zensal for all watery eruptions.
S. Mutt, iu the circuit court Sntur
day. This as an nction brought ti
recover money ter eoods a leer
and ilelisernl.
Sfiimlor Rinoliam WnnW
Increase School Fund
Senator Isnne 1 1 1 ti t.- Im in , of lam 1M1.
ty, believes that the rendu mid irrign
, ti.. n projects en a take care of litem
selves for the present but that the
stule school fund could lu increased lo n
Hood ml i a nl line by the proceeds Irom
'the sale of the Ininls now involved in
the controversy between the govern
incut ninl the Oregon ii ml Cnliloruiu
linill'oiiil i'oiit'iiny. iloicruor Wilhi
t'otlilie adtlresisil 11 letter to eneh of tit,.
Illclllliel's of the 0."l leginliiiiue asking
.the h'mslittor 's opinion of a special ses
I sion and ulso his leciiuiiueiiilatioii ns to
the best llielhoil of disposing of the
Intuit, should th" t.tle I. 'Veil to tin
I In reply to the I. tit r St nator Ilia
haul Miid:
"I 11 1 lid l. i t.u
t'l.ie p,..nl,o ..
thioiii:h i, ur no ml"
have tin-, land ilt-.
. .'. ii. t in t i d ,. cr t
crv bit
ol into.
car on c.inj;ie-
fi mil this siiile to
-..I of and Hi, pi,,
t he gc lie i ill s. ho. '1
tntul ol the state."
Seiititor Iliiickiiitt went on to vn thai
llii.-t of tl." land wa- unfit tor iii'ilntl
tiiinl piiipo.es ninl was vahuiPrc tor ils
I niil.e
lli'lte niui shnttlil I." hi hi Iii tin-
bolder for ilie timliei.
I "I hi it lie pul l ill o I he ln k
int i inn d t he etrtt .,)', ' ' ami liii v e
a I'ltlt of ii lor. -I leserve. In
nlity t. .I'll I.I i n cent of lin
net on the fas toll itu.l never
' It net ...Hit of the loicst re-
" Ho
Pol," c
it liiloie
I. II lie . I
Will le
. nt
Hnea II
Mb n, ..!' Ma
he lt ptiiv. -I
ill-pose ol II"
.'!. OUT t.' -'i"
ronil nio I ii'it
V.ll. ItU'l o.
t , .laid that
ci n. r ' l,iii to
to tain tiio t v
of the g.
land and
.t l in re
llto the hi l.
t-'itiinn f it in
p..s...l to a
lul nr.-.
. Mi.
pii'llll Se
Ut th" h
Id like t.i
1 1 t
ld a ml
" H.I, I
.1 hi
to the
I. .1
Mr. All. e.
g.. lo the
i;i, . I n no lit
ml Hi"
rot i i ils
ru-t revolt
i' ninl
. it!'.
ft: War has it
ibinariat. is l.otlt
ii mm is .onk it
I Iv ing nui, hitie t
it to flieht.
t -ml.
. lo.
In I.e.
nt'-l i.l
It 111 II it IH
' -
1 -i
1 I A I ... v:.e
. .-, : ', .', :
r:;,i A:rA
Tlvy clear ilwrwd
:tyourWiiiit. Truoncl
I. os A lii;e(i s 'Pi llli s
I'lieie me a lot
oi oei ii r w a i n oi spen. ling one
niiiicc litnu to 1 1 1 1 v minium it ion for
o.llll that slioolH ,11 in:ics.
eii't la
il lr
I he
girl, ill
"Lonesome Heart"
A I pint Mutual Maf it pi. I no
"Cannon Bullets"
-tM ft illlllt' otnIM)
allnii.f hi iitiili,
"Exploits of Elaine"
luie iliat
Willie. i v
po lure
Bligh Theatre
None Hotter
v, '1
' ' ? ? "
'V.- '
! '"'
9, ...