V FOfe. TOP HAVE "WE" DAUaHTER.f .areas.-.. rre. Bjcert. . wS&CE - ROOM'? Mr TATTtfT FAT rwrjuwA MA' PAPtB. ikiTo Tnt J , -1 Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Pace RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word forStho first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each su:cessive subsequent insertion ABSTRACTS. ONION ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts that protect. Our books posted up to ! date, each morning. Call Main 120 j and a messenger will call for your i abstract. J. C. Siegmund, president; ' Max Gehlhar, secretary, 245 State street. I AUCTIONEEE. "I AUCTIONEER Salem a reliable seller) Farm aales solicited. Terms, 1 per' cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no ! pay. Henry : M. Voorhies, Michigan j avenue, .first street east of the state fair grounds. CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST. r T c -",mm n .. 1 . . . I i uu, v. u. otuii urauuate or iUiro-1 j practic's Fountain Head, Davenport ' - Iowa. If vou have tried evervthini? I ;. and have got no relief, try Chiroprnc-I tic spinal adjustments and get well. ; Office 40G-7-8 U. S. National Bank j Building. Phone Main 87. Residence! Main 828-K. CHIROPRACTOR. OONSULT DR. MAT, experienced and I successful Chiropractor, for acute and j chronic disorders. Has practiced sixi years in Oregon. Free consultation Hours, 9 to 12, I to 6. 305-6-7 Hub- j bard Bldg. Lady attendant. Phone! Office 572; residence 9S2-R. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. pit. LEO D. SCOTT, Osteopathic Thy ' iiician. A graduate of the Los An f gcles College of Osteopathy and Los ( Angeles Medical College of Ophthal mology. Tronts acue and chronic j diseases. Offices 405-400 iSalem Bank ; of Commerce Building. Phone 480. r Lady attendant. BRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON, Osteopathic physicinns and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amercan School of Osteopnthv, Kirksville, Mo. Tost graduate and specialized in nerve dijenses at Lvsi Angeles college. Treat aouto and i CHADWICK OIAPTER No. 37, O. E. ehronie diseases. Consultation free. I S. Regular meeting every first and Lady attendant. Office 505 500 U. S. I third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ma National Bank building;. Phone 831). ! sonic Temple. Elizabeth Read, W. Residence 340 North Capitol Btreet. t'nnne 4ti. SCAVENGER. ; H4LEJI SCAVENGER Charles Poos t proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all I kinds removed on monthly contraets i tt reasonable rates. Yards aud cess ! pools cleaned. Office phone Main x-ii. Residence Main 22i2. .MAUSOLEUM. MOCNT CREST ABBEY MAUSO LEUM. The Better Way. Dry nnd sanitary. Building always open to visiters, Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. ,;:tl.ill, in!in::u'r. Pi'mi i:!ijs. UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN It CLOUGH C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral di rectors. Lr.tcut modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court street. Main 120,Mnin 8S. Kt 3 DON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 2.12 North n; ........ !,. -i t rm Bwcuk. Mjnj sua mgnt puone 1 IV v WATER COMPANY. frLEM WATER COMPANY Office turner Commercial and Trade strceta For water service applv at office. "ids pnynble monthlr in advance. L. WOOD AND COAL. f M.EM FUEL YARDS the place of j quality. All kinds of dry wood, four foot or cut in stove leng'hs to suit.' Prompt delivery Wo handle the best I eoals on the market. Trv our Kirgi tl; it is the best. 752 Trade street. Phone Main 529. Mark SHdsll. prop. , Y CLEANING PRESSING. i ' '"thes rleanvr. pressem. repairers' ' '.' ers. One trial will . inlin e you: ur work and rhatges are right.' 1 1: psrliir open to 1 p. m. (Imdsj f"r !''id delnered fiee. phone Apparel Servn e Co., l.'ts S. Jl.gh !)j'1'ftii.iiitir.aiiMra , lllniinrH'BFKKHFEHLEl H f"r..,.f . --.w Sain, r-mmm VinMp.raa. 1 I iti lrs Hint. .h, , sr-i- - V I..' ' ? rv 1 " ""- mim.:,.: u.i.TT J - Ml 4.M W A LODGE DIRECTORY. A. 0. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. 1 Meets every Monday evening at 8 j in the McCornnck Hall, corner Court J T ; l i .. a r . k . I sou ..mercy streets, a. t. Aurranco Af w. s A MiriMn A. L. Brown, F. CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. ' . McCornack building Tuesday even- i n - r P mirth mnnlr n 4 71(1 Hnn 7i 1 ing of each week at 7:30. Goo. Win-1 chcll, C. C.j James V. Coi, K. of j R. and S. i sALEM LODGE No. 4, A. T. & A. M. stated communicati ns first Friday in ench month at 7;30 m Jn tue Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W.M.J S. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. SO, A. F. A. U. Stated communications third Fri- da7 in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple, Glenn C. Niles,! W- M-i H. Choate, secretary. I I " OI uregon urnpe tamp No. 1360, meets every Thursday even ing in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. Elevator. Mrs. Syl via Schaupp, 1791 Market, Oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co., recordor. MULTNOMAH BOYAL TER No. 1, R. A. M. ARCH CHAP Regular meet- in second Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in the Maaonio Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, secretary. UODHON COUNCIL No. I, R. & 8. M. Stated assembly first Monday iu each month, Masonic Temple. James Plant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glen C. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 5, K. T. Regular concluvo fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Geo. U. Burnett, E. C; Frank A. Turner, recorder. II.; Ida M. Babcook, secretary. WOODMEN OF TIIE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornnck block, Oscar Donaldson, C. C; L. S. Geer, clerk. 507 Court street. Phone 593. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. in Moose hull. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M. A.; J. T. Penn, secretary 413 Masonic Temple SACKM HUMANE SOCIETY I). D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6248,meets every Thursday evening at 8 oclock in McCornack hall, cornrr Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service W. W. Hill. V. C; Hex A. Turner.rlerk. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A MISCELLANEOUS. WE WRITE all kinds of insurance fire, automobile, areideiit and health and alvi surety bonds of all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed. Square Deal Realty Co., V. S. Hank bldg. tf A cent a word will tell yout itory in the Journal New Today Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A MONEY TO LOAN Oi Oood Seal ErtiS 8csrtty yhos. k. roao Over UAi k Bull aak. Bataia. Orsisi CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years j Signature of THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL TOR SALE. SMALL general stock of merchandise! for sale. Inquire ll'.H) North Cap itol street. tf , - , SLCO.ND-IIANU wagons, linrnoss, col lars and tanning tools, for sale or trade. Fred Schindler, Center street, near bridge. July -!) AUj KINDS of furm ,, ci, .)ropcrtvi . . ' sow or exrnanged. tire insurance written; loans made. Call and see us at room 3, Payne building, 311 : Mate street, lie U. Jacob t o, SKCOXD-HAXD Mason jars, half gal Inns, new lids and rubbers, liOe dozen. New and second hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. Deutsch gospro eiien. Peotz Furniture Store, 233 N. Coininereial. FOR SALE (i room residence, near stato house ami university. Very at tractive, furnace, fireiluee, nnd built in conveniences. Price $3S)0. $1.(0 ensh, balance terms, fl per cent. Ad dress owner. X., care .Innrnal. tf FOR RENT. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 835 North Coininereial. FOR REXT Housekeeping nnd tran sient rooms very cheap in Cottlo ap artment house, 3 43 North Com mercial street. All newly renovated. Under new management. JulySU FOR REXT An 8-room houso at 1044 Marion street, newly papered and Bnd painted on interior and painted on outside; good barn and space for garden. Electric lights nnd water. Inquire at J. L. Stockton's lure or resilience. tf WANTED. EXPERIENCED boolifceener will keen your books and mail your statements for small monthly salary. Phone 175. ( all for Conner. tf COLLECTIONS. CLAIMS of anv descriptions culliiteil nn percentage anvwheie. Business Men's Adjustment Co, Masonic Klilg I'hnne (II I. .lulvli1 The household helper t your wife needs can be found quick ly through the Journal Want Ads. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R ! A Always cheap and always dependable a Journal Want Ad. 4.4 Salem Fence and Stove Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. Depot American Fence S To HopIGrowers: Morley'i Pat Brved Basket. SUnds the strain. Buy now and tare money. Don't wait until yon need them. Or order now aud get them later. 250 Ooirt 8treet Phone 124 Back of Chicago Stora L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and . Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE.. THE MARKETS MARKKT8 The. new prices on liny are ipioto.l to ilav, the jirices uaiued being for the new crop. Vetch and cheat ngien with a price of ! to $Ul u ton ;in. timoihv at $11 to $12. The live stuck market is ciiii with' very little trading. Ilullir is ln,l,mg firm at the prices quoted tin the prist "celt, and the same may he saiil of eggs. The 22 cent price un eggs seems to bo the ruling quotation no lor candled, No. 1. Grains. Hay, timothy, per tort ' i Oats, vetch Cheat Wheat, per bushel Oats, per bushel Rolled barley , Corn ('racked corn Urn n iflliiil2 . i'Mn till ....Mil. .tin 'n.u- . 44(Vi ICi- ao ;ib $10 $2!MHI Shorts, per ton $,12.00 ButUr. Hutterfat , 2Hc Creamery butter, per pound 30c Country butter .17c Eggs and Poultry, Eggs, candled, No. 1 riih No. 2 Eggs, cash Hens, pound Roosters, old, per pound .... Spring chickens, lb .17c III.- ,.I7i Pork. Veal iud Mutton. Veal, dressed p,. Pork, dressed 9 )-2(idOi' 1'ork, on font ". 7c Spring lambs, milk fid lie Steers 5 l-2n'iic Cows 4 (ii 4 I 2c 1'ulls 3 l-2(ii lc r.wes 4p Sheep 5c Veiretnlilei, CiihbnjTo 40c Ionintoes, Ciililorniii .SO String (iarlic IHc Ilmlishes .(le I'otatoes, new, lb l.fn l'ntiitiies. i. Ill i- New pens ,r,e Cucumbers 75c i mi 1 1 i r n mi onions l.i,(fn2 Hen ns (lw eorn 30c Fruits. Strawberries, crate Oranges, X aleiicia I.OOn; I.L'o Lemons, per box 4.75d llnunnns, lb , f t ulifomin grape fru.t 'A Dates, driiiucdury, rase , .i ;;") Kurd dates ll.liO Cneonnuts, per io.n (! Ciintnli,iiiea ) J . 7 Watc run loin 2c Retail Prlca r'k'i;", per dozen , . Sugar, ciinc Sugar, D. (1 Creamery butter Klour, hard brut Klour, valley ... 2r.r s)7.2.1 7.C". 3.V 11.75(1(2.15 l.f,5 Portland f 1 1 hi ii .1, Hi'' . .1 vl.irkets. ' v I.'.. Win at I. feed, 25, Club. Il'le; I, In. '.I.H., llt- Nil. I ll e liar ley- Peed. -l Hoi:- I'-.i in-. s.ei'ls, 17; lull ' t 7...0; "puny li.o I -. Hotter i it i . i. Kgg.-- s. I," t."l I'" Un,., !.". .. I . Kr.-.o, 1e. . X,(n 7. Hi; nil. prim , 4 in '...HI. 'rv, 2soi J!ie. I eitras, 2.'.'''i Vh liroilt-r, so; Jl.r Weekly Report of Union Stock Yards Nutlh I iMIBii-l. f if t nf t h w with ri'fc: : rut -.. 'Uv ' n,jr k i -t'l titt-;i. f i of hi'M r jin fc;"' i i fi. of lirrlc t ).', hr ttil -! l I'l t- I . ri I'M, i nt in rti,' r tlfini; ittit t' urif in (rifir h:n ! MirH'lv H m at Mt .'(- ' hM'f b 'tthg '''."'1, rw1 "!., July M - TI.4' I 1 'I of ritfli h'-yj,,, .'"' hi'j.(; M.i "ft Itriiklv nt t-iTit, ji Hrliiiil ul 7 fur I'M. tiftllt V Iff Hi i UK . ' , a r;ik ni4i Mtil uW irff. 1 "I b(iw aiiv Int i '' tl.H , H. it.t ()f L ! rrrtu nniif iltrkt i'Oiiiit'r if Uit, t'. lmii( 1 ' Hi ilo-iht i tt u-i 1 n ('in THURSDAY. JULY 15. 1915 port ion; morning 1700 change at an even I hands Monday price with last week. Iie'icsentuti e L" steers ti" steers iN steeis ."s steers Ill cows oil rows Ul uiws I''0 eows ii heifers sale . Iidil ..I US.". . I HI . !MI m lusil 10 III In;i7 VJO . lino Kin . IlK'ill .. in:. .. 1st $7,011 ti.r.'r tl.lill tt.tc .-..on ! ."..'Jo ,Vi:. O.IIO ti.no ,V.ii r.nu o.'jr. 7.I.". 7,;ui 7.011 tl.'J.'. .'..no 4. oil .' heifers I bull I stai; 1 SHI hoes : hog, ll." hoi,'s I so II lll.gs ... I!MI tit'. Iii nibs M2 It vein lins Inn 2" ewes lilt ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Advertised July II, 111 15. Hull, Mrs. M. ,1. Hi i r 1 1 i'm, Mr. Chas. Hairy, Mi. tiny. Hnrtges, Miss Velma. Ilobell, Mr. II. W. Hover, II. W, Hrowning, Mrs. Jane. Caldwell, Mr. 1. I. Canrielil, Mr. C. II. chase, Miss Hlaneh. Clark, Mrs. C. W. Clark, Mrs. Kern L. t hupiiian. Miss Mul.el. I oi i ell, Mihs I, viiil. Cuiiuingiiaiii, M.iss Irene, Cusieli, Mrs. I-:. V. I'cnuiris, Mr. .Ie-.s. Uesuntisi, A, l-'ii i r, Mr. K. T. l-o ll li I li i )l . Mis. Kathclilie M. Kriiger, Mr. M. Ilinliiiin, Mr. 1'. II. tlrigys He I tn 1 1 1' r . (ii'ov,,, Mrs. A I i,.. I I it in i 1 1 Mi-- Stella. 1 1 ask ins. Mrs. K. W. IIchh, Mr. .Iiiines. Ilnl I'litiiii, ,Mr. Misinli. 1 1 nit .ni.'i nil, Mr. Iliil.ert C. .Illllkcy, llei.le. Jay, Mrs. I'lnia. Kuupp, M r. i lias. M, Kemp, Mr. nnd Mi. K. Keni.eilv, l.s I'mimv. I.llillein e, Mr. I', M, Melntw., Mis. W. l. .MeKll'lop, ,1. A Martin, M iss Cla re. Mi-iiiis, Mih Kuth. Mill, Mr I-:. C. O'Coon.-ll, Mr. T. Ol-cn. Mr. Cud. Plilteismi, Mi-. I-: 1 1 'iilirth A. Pci-tnip, Misv Ciiiiiees. I'ross, Ifev. I,. T. IfowleV, Mr'. Ctliel. Schinglers, Mr. Id.lph. Smith. Mr. nril.ln. Sliimli-h. ,Mi Kate. 'rtinii.Hs, Si rs. Arthur. Tli'iMip-iin, M i-h Miiiiiic. DR. EVA MURPHY Magnetic Healing and Electric Baths Cure nil kinds of diseases, female trouble a spieielty. Cumo ami see me. Room 17, Bush k Breytnsn Bldg. I. 4 Skin of rsauiy is a Joy horeve DR. T. FLIIIGOIMD'S ORIENTAL i CltLAfl CR MAGICAL BtAL'TIFILP h. it wl ( 1 1 ;! f.t U t M It 4)ll I rt"Mt.4j II ;ri4tri' t trmm' I'M .wrfi. i t, tfvoJt) t.l'f ') I DUMI.I.O.oil 4 4X ffla.T Ha?i:HProa. 27 desl km i'M IvTv CHICHESTER S PILLS 1 II K 111 ! I llBI'll. A ll.l Ak.,,l..i(l..lf A 0- 1 1 n-"- I" " ll.-A t '. J.i'JL l-n u.d H . I ,J . S St 1 ..... 1 1. - .. j rir l"'i. a. 1.1 111 111 rm iiia: ,..,. I.t :K.I ',, f-l . SOLO BY DRLOOISIS LVLUVAKI 3 ? t4 i". "11, r'n,i ' I'J i lr V1 Hm. i4 -kn K J r 1 TL' li 7 --'I U-4 (! Hit v! W IV " Tompkins, Miss Cecil, Wall , Mrs. Mntildu. Waters, Mr.JU. I,. Western Novelty Works ('.'). Wilkinson, Mr. Arch. Williamson, I'". Woll'er, Miss I, ilium. Al'lil'ST lll'CKESTEIX, P. SHIPS INCREASE RATf.S ON GRAIN AND LUMBER Portland, Ore., duly 1.1.-Freight THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quickhandy reference for busy people Telephone ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Sulein Abstrnct Company, 212 -21!2 Salem Dunk and Trust Hldg S3S AOTO TOBE VOL0ANIZINO. Auto Tube Vuli'uni.ing, 2fto. Shop, foot of Union street ,.,1517-J EVEUYTniNQ ELECTRICAL. Sulein Electric Co., Mnsonie Temple, M North 11 i(b Main l'JOO LAUNDRIES. Sulein Stciiiu I.nundry, 111 I) South Liberty Alain 2 PLUMniNO, STEAM TITTINO AND TINNING T. M. llarr, Hit South Commercial Street Main 102 UNDERTAKERS. Iligdon Hichiirdson Co., 231 North High street Day aad night, Main 11.1 TttANSrF.R AND DRAYAOE. Sulein T'uek & Pray Co., corner Statu aad front streets Main 74 JOB PilNTINO. Heaver State Printers, Patton Dluck IS' J I TRAVELERS' GUIDE 1 SOUTHERN PACIIIO. a. in. North Bound. No. HI -Oregon Kipress ... 8:01) No. .VI Sunn. I Special II.IIH a.m. No. 2H -Willamette Limited U:l.'ll a m, No. I'J- Hhnsta Limited .. .11:7.5 a Hi. No. 1H -Purtlniid Passenger 2:00 p m. No. 20 -Portland I'lissenger 5.011 p.m. No. II - Portland Kiprens . HMD p in. No, 222 - Portland fast Ir't.HI.IH pin. No. 22d-Local way Kr't ...H):.'13 p.m. South Bound. No. 15 - California I'.npress H:.'I2 a in. No. 17-Hoeburg Piissenger 1 1 :20 a.m. 'i. .'.ii - Imposition Sp.eiul L'; IJ p in, No. Hi Cottage (In.vii Pus. 4:2') j. in. No. II -Shasta l.iiinteil ... 5:11 p.m. No. 27 Willuiiintte Limited II: H) p in. No. i:i -Han I'ruiicisco Ki..lU:3H p.m. No. 221- San rrancisco rnst t'reight ..12:33 a i No. 22,' -Local ny Kr't... H: 10 u.ui. Salem fleer Lin. Arrives at Salem. Leaves Salem . . No. No. No. 0:1.1 B.tn. (1:50 in. Ar. Salem linin'l) 2:00 pin. No. I.i'iivis Hi. I. 'in .... 4:15 p.m. .o connection south of Ouer. 111 -I.v. Hnlem, motor.. 7.00 am. IH'l Lv. hali'in, motor 0:1.1 am, 11.5-l.v. Salem, motor.. 1.40 pm. 107 I.v, Salem, motor., 3 25 p.m, Hl'.i I.v. Si.lem, motor.. :15 pin. 2 ill -Way Kr't lv. Salem 5:00 a 111. 102 -Ar. Si.l.in H 10 a.m. No. 10t--Ar. Sslein 1 1 25 am. No. I i.i) Ar. Snl. -in , 3:15 p m. NV Hit -Ar. Huliiii 5::i0 pin. No. 1.0 Ar. Ssl.-ui 7:45 p.m. No. 210 -Way Pr't r. Salem 1;35 p m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Noitbhound. Tisin No. Sale Ar, Pivtlan l li 5 i a 111. : ,10 a m. . II r. a m in 2 Owl .... rn a m Hi Limited in 12 111 II 11.. .. HI Limited .... 1:45 pm. ... 4 10 p 111. ..... 5 50 p m M:0O p. Ill 7 i'l . 10:0.) pm Houthiiouad. I.v. I'n.'iai.'l Ar. Halern 1 1 I', u tn ! . 153 a m, ll.iS a. a l.imittil 10: 1 1 a.m. H. 411 aw -. 7 12.53 SEVEN rates for carrying grain from Port land to San Eranciscn liiive been in creased from $ 1.7)0 to $1.75 a ton and the lumber traffic has none up from $:i to $:l..10 for the transportation of a thousand feet of the product to the Hay City. These rates will be paid for carrying grain nnd lumber down the const from here on the next trips I "'' steamers Daisy Putnam and Sui- m,w- 'I'1"' Intter will leave San Fran- cisco for Cortland Kriday and she will '", followed north by the Magnum- on Saturday. , 2:11) p in.. : 1:10 p.m... I 11:011 p.m.. 1 1 : 1.', p.m. II 4:3,1 y ui. 13 Limited 0 10 p.m. .. 17 Local 8:10 p.m. 21 Owl ... 1:55 a.m. Ar. Salem ... 5:37 p.m. Ar. Salem ... U: 15 a.m. ... I :,M) p.m. ... 4:00 j. m. ... 7:53 p.m. ... 3:10 a.m. Ar. Albany Northbound, l.v. Con albs 4; HI p.m 20 I.v, Kugeiia 7:in a. in 10 Limited II 1.1 s in . 1:1.0 p.m.. 5:10 p.m... 12. 0i u.ui ... It . 10 Llmitinl . 2 Owl"".!. Houllibouiid. I,v. Salem 4:115 p in. , 3:35 p.m. Ar, Kugsn 7:05 p.m. Ar. Kugeiia 7:50 a.m. 1 1:30 a.m. ... 12.25 p.m. Ar. Alliuny . . . 2.05 p.m. at Ct.rvullil Ar. Kugeiia 8 jo p.m. I.v. Salem 2:00 s iu. II li'. a.m. 10: 15 a m. . 21 Onl 1 ... Limited ... 7 ... I,v. Siilcui I HO p m.. Slop: Lv. Salem 0 10 p.m LI CORVALLia CONNECTIONS. Northbound. Lv. Corvallis Ar. Raima N 20 a 111. HI li: 13 a.m. ( Local Albany to Salem.) 12 12 pin.. 2 32 p.m. . 4 10 p.m. U.U3 pm. Lv Salem 11 u.'i a. 111. . lo. 15 a 111 I 35 . in. I 00 p 111. II 13 p 111. 14 1:50 p.m. 10 20 22 4:00 p.m. 5 37 p III. 7 53 p m, Uouthljouiid. Ar. Corvnlbs I ,1 li 7 LI lo ill am. 11:31 am. . ll 02 p.m. . 2 32 p.m. .. 8.00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. Oregon City Transportation Company. Heme. Portland fur (iregon City, Itiitteville, Ncwherg, Misiion (St. Paul), Wheat land, Salem (daily tn e t Sunday) 0:4.1 a.m. L.KMi i'ortland fur Indepen dence, All. any, Corvallis, (Tuesdav, '1 l.nri'liiy and Saturday) 0.13 a.m. Rsturulntf. Le avos Corvallis AH'iiny I nli'peiiilen.' Salem 0 a m. Mon.,Ws'.,l''rL 7 a m. Mii.,W,!,l.,Krl, .. Da m. Mon.,Weil..Prt, ll a m. Tues.Thur.Sat, pja.l f ali-w U a m.- Mua.,Weil.,rr- ft