THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE., THURSDAY. JULY 15. 1915. THREE fir ma- - mm jcb sw .j w m mj - ur eater oargain MEDALS San Francisco 1915 ZEROLENE OILS V GREASES RED CROVM GASOLINE The Exposition jury found Zerolfne first in lubri cating efficiency; Red Crown, first in carbureting qualities, in purity and uniformity. A victory for Standard products made from California crudes, in competition with other gasolines and automo bile oils! Standard Oil Company (California) imi m mmw;. rrrt,,.. n u rvi r 1 1 . r r y. ;jlBJ!.iiu.U)i.uin.m;' The Short Cut of the Telephone The telephone is the short cut to the person or place you wish to reach. Our improved "Long Distance" sen-ice elim inates the distance to 1800 cities and towns from Vancouver, B. C, to the Mexican line in the states of California, Oregon, Wash ington, Nevada and Idaho. Mahe a "Long Distance" call today. fi 1 PACIFIC TELEPHONE (5 W AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY W Why pay high prices elsewhere for Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases and Travelling accessories when you can buy at this store the cele brated "Hartman" line which has just been awarded the "GRAND PRIZE" at the San Francisco Exposition, for less than you pay for in ferior baggage at other stores For the benefit of your vacation trip this summer we have marked down every piece of bag gage in our Trunk department. Let us prove to you that we can save you money Trunks from $2.85 up Bags from $1.93 up Suit Cases from 98 up Wardrobe Trunks . . . .$22.50 up Quarterly Permits Embrace Extensive Irrigation and Power Projects During the quarter ending June 30 1913, the department of state engineer isimed a total of l'Jij permits to appro priate water, including nine for the storage of water iu reservoirs in differ- i ent sections of the state, the estimnt ed eost of all such improvements aggre gating 734,000 and involves the con struction of 2-48 miles of cnmil lines for I the irrigation of 21, Hi acres of laud and the development of 4,254 horse power, i Among the most important of the per-1 uiits issued during the quarter aie: To August Ciuignnrd, for the develop ment of 2,273 horsepower with the wa ter:) of Hood river, costing approximate ly 300,000. The Rogue Kivcr district Improve ment company secured a permit to ap propriate water from Rogue river for the irrigation of 1,302 acres of land near Clrants 1'ass, costing (1,500. This district was organized under the district improvement act. The Oregon-Washington Colonization company, of St. l'aul, according to a permit issued to it, proposes to irrigate 4,152 acres of land in the .Malheur val ley. The Bnndon Power company proposes to develop 500 horsepower with the wa ters of Spring creek near Bnndon. The city of Milton contemplates the enlargement of its municipal power plum by the development of 4i0 horse power n't a cost of $1-S.000. CLAXTERNEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Clnxton, Ore., July 15. The funeral of Deo Kady which occurred hero on Sunday was well attended. .Members of the Unyosville Boys' clnss acted ns pallbearers, while the young people of Sunday school sang two wings, "Sate in the Arms of Jesus, " and "doing Down the Valley," both favorite songs of the deceased. The services were conducted by Uev. Harold Stover, of Sa- lem, nnil were liner but touching. The llayesville Baptist church pre-, i senu uu attractive appearance in a new coat of white paint. On uddiliun will soon be made to this well known church, making it more roomy to ucciiru moilatc the increasing membership, j The first ripe wheat to be cut in this vicinity was on the A. Springstul.e I farm y.'itrly this week. I'list'tllcd weather conditions are causing liaymen 1 snme uneasiness. Some hay is down, I getting the benefit of the prevailing dampness. Some of the huy is cured and safely housed. But the great main ; crop is still iu the nloudows awaiting j suitable weather to care for it. i Predictions lire heard on every side I that hay will be an expensive necessity the coming winter, unless the great crop now standing is safely cured fur. ; A few days of good weather will no doubt greatly brighten this situation. Keiser View Hairy huve demands for all the Jersey milk they can possibly supply. Their buildings nre a model I of neatness, whitewashed throughout. Their herd uf Jerseys tubercular tested, an abundnncv of succulent food tor' ! their cattle and best of al! a steady do : mnnil for their output at top prices, j .Mr. Hans llostetter, of this place, a. young Swias farmer, who attended most of the Chuutuuquu sessions held liu Salem, was much pleased with the music of his cuuntrvmeu, the Swiss , Vodlers. The tlirec yenr-old son of F. L. Mead, i who has been quite ill fur the past two mouths, is about recovered, i It is thought t li ut 10 days more will! complete loganberry work here. ' .Mr. and .Mrs. Al. ''ndy, whose son was buiied ut Hnyesville last Sundav, arc this week to their fnrut ' in the l.uke l.nbish neighborhood. The John Westleys spent Sunday as the guests of the Dr. Kviins family. Both lnmilica spent the greater pint 1 of the day l:i sightseeing iu Dr. Kv-1 ans' automobile. .Mr. and Airs. Charles l'oyser, well-' known former residents of this place,, now own procrty in Imperial valley, California, Relative here feel soiiie uneasiness regarding them since the re cent eurthquuke disturbances in that mu hndvertiscd country. I Raspberries, both red mid of the' blnckcup vnilety, ore good crop here ( this year, and when a better method i of handling these dainty berries is le- ' vised they will no doubt run other ber ries a close race for popularity. ! One of the pleasant eciits of the week was the ice (Train social on Sat urday evening lit the William W'cstlcv j home. The following Indira and gentle I men were present: Mr. and Mrs. 'Ail - lin in liu kniim. Mr. and Mrs. Jinny 1 Junes, Mr. Arthur firlffith, Mr. John Kii kninn, Misses I.i-na Kobuk and Miss( 'Lily Johnson, Mr. and Mis. William , Wcstlcy, Master I.t o West ley, Al lister! .Claudiiw Wrstlev, ' I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Herman Shcllherif et til to ( lis. A Luther rt in. lots i and 1 7 Whit ney Add Stiytou. Martin Nelson et uf to Frank A. I'ook all rights and interest under contract, ).U I), H 4H iu Tract !, Trol finder Tracts. . Nellie M Dniiick to Krank A l'ook Trrt Trilbrier Tracts. A 1' tod II J l otirter to ieo V Vi -k pt J raiKv l 3 in. I .1) s-.l W. S H lli-o et ut to W It (Juiniv lot 4 block 3 ardsrell All Salem. COWBOT BADLT HURT. ; Seattk, Wh., July IV Karl R-n-., a Wall Walla rowbur, ws badly injured yesterday afternoon at th Roundup here, in the presence of 1", ; ism spe. tutors, when, in wild horse roe, his mount and that of M Indiao rider rolbded. He takcu to I'rovl- j deoee ho.pital sufferir.g from roiictis- ioo of the brain. i Than Ever We are closing out hundreds of short lines, including all of our very best lines excepting the famous Hanan Shoes, which are never on sale. We also have some of the Monmouth stock that we bought at less than 30c on the dollar that we are displaying in the already famous Bargain Basement at prices never before equalled. Sizes for every one. Still a great many Monmouth Stock Children's Shoes, regularly sold up to $2.00, A go at DUC Still a great many Monmouth Stock Women's Shoes, regularly sold up to $5.00, QC go at uuC Still a few Monmouth Stock Men's Shoes and Oxfords, regularly sold up to $5.00. QC go at VoC Hundreds of pairs Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords, regular stock, regularly sold up to (jJO AC $5.00. go at $L.Vd Hundreds of pairs Men's Shaes and Oxfords, regular stock, regularly sold up to $5.00, dJO AC goat... . About 50 pairs Men's, Women's and Children's Tennis Shoes, in all sizes gjj, A new supply of Children's Barefoot Sandals in all sizes, 5 up to 2, go at 95C A new supply of Ladies' Barefoot Sandals in all sizes from size 2 1-2 up to 7, go at . . J 3 5 A few Boys' and Youths' Elk Bals, in all colors, now 35 3 lid $1 65 ) A few Men's Elk Bals, all colors and sizes, best grades, now go at . . . $1.95 IF YOU HAVE NOT USED ! i J DON'T MISS OUR REPAIR DE- EVER WEAR HOSE YOU ARE nf fWffg PARTMENT. WE HALF SOLE BOTH LOSING MONEY AND V1)1 AND HEEL SHOES AT PRICES Se'1 S! VSIM j-- - ING TO DARN OUR HOSE. Cft CFPTINT. TUP MN TIIVT EVERY PAIR IS POSITIVELY noFS Til F niiK vr ri y GUARANTEED TO GIVE BET- 11 V wlVJ " imr-po , n TER WEAR THAN ANY HOSE SHOES A I LOW PRK ES FOR YOU HAVE EVER USED, OR v ADVERTISING ONLY, NOT A NEW PAIR FREE. 326 STATE ST. FOR PROFIT. Wilson Will Insist Upon Right Of Americans To Sail Seas Freely WushiiiKt""- -'uly I-"- The new note to (lerinunv reilerutiii( the demands of the I nitid Slims as to the kaiser si ssibmnriue warfarn will probably be prepare. I by I'M-ideiit Wilson uud Sec retary I.ausii'H in"t Wednes.lay, it wn" understood today. - They will present their views as to the nature of the reply that should be made to tint last (lerintn note to the cabinet Tucl, following the presi dent ' retain from . Ornish ami me ,,,,, , ,,.,,, f l,rk,.n sprint work of fmniini? the new commuiiica- ( t)l,.ir ,,uri when they started north lion ill tlnn be taken up. 1 1 liin ufternoon thev als.. ihwuven-d that It is not ci""'ted the note will 'lif on,, f t. uxles'of the iniohine was fer iu substan e from previous '""' Mru iijr. and as a result they weie ob inunii atioiis rck'ardin( the sinkiim or (u rt.t tir rt to tow n. KoseburK lb the l,usitaina and the ((eneral null-; vj,,w inarin( warfare whb b hve been for M ti rt i n Hoyle. of the (!(.! Creek inin- warde.l to llerlin, except in one In- jh(( distro t. in I'lackami inly, i in slnnce. Tliis will be in the inclusion n,,, j t v today, nmiiiiK on busiin-s ami of a inni)!rii h which probably will be ,,! (0" .P the Liberty bell, to the effect that the I'liited Stales , si,t, ,,f stuvton, mperinteii would like an cipliiit answer ns to the ,,.( f t It mill (lit' li, is u iitor hi re deinand that A'iierins be assured or snfetv iu ihimI Uxm the was. The; onteiitions made in previous notes or the nuM of AmernaUH to traM'li uu riioleslel will be reiterated and it i expected l.ermai.y will be told that a direct aii.wir and not a series of evasions and ..-unler proposals is e pe.'ted. At the since tiiin the receipt of tne liirionu uicin. .ran. lulu reluliiiK to th ebrakar. wns anrio. lined Secretary l.ansiiiK adiiui" ! the receipt of a 'out rnuniration fi"in Vienna proieslmK atininst the shipment of munitions to the allies, lie 0ld he had not r I it cari'follv n it, but that he did not think it wouid nrcessitaie a reiil v. It was the 'i retary l.lipre,.,,!,, ,,., Htr- .i . ... Austrian oinn uni. atioii wa sent in dependent of I'.erlin No forrt al p'otest was ever made to (ieriiiany a. to the attack ii-m the Nel.rasn " ev nee or ine v en - el havina" n torpedoed ill more or les cir-urn.'si'iial. Ambassador tier ard was n,.r.iv asked to request that firrmaiiy n.ase an iiivestiyattou. The meiiioraii'lum received ttelay slates that this -Woe and d.iuti that the Nebraskan ws torpedoed. H reelares that it was tot an attack upon the Anerican fUr. however, but an "tin- fortunate a"-i lent." The name of the Nebra.san rnuM Dot be disttnKUished by the sui.n.arme, --tne Dole sai l, nor could any or aeutral markiria be seen. The il rnarine eoiiimander eon seaeMlr a.-ime.l that the Nebraskan . an emuy mer hautuian. After lill"iliH fired "lie toipolo the i-riiiiiiiiind saw that the Ano'ioau flii(f hud bei ii run up mid thi'i I'llllllCcI lloni further uttm li. The Nelini-kiin n able to port, and with the receipt i.f th until iu 111 in 11 ii icri r i iii t I it i peeled the incident "ill be li m.n payment of imh uinitv. nun, i . Her ;), PERSONALS Miss f .in-i U- ( luise, of Salem, a md Mate of the OrcL'on Aifiiculturnl ' ol lejje, was elected to the head of the doiiiestic science ilcpa rt ineiit tur the en ui)(, Vl,nr (lV t , ,,, llhl ,.v. cniii! - Lupi ne lb-lister. An aiitomoiole piiii,y on ine way south, consisting id the tollowin' t .. i- . ... liilil : hr. and Mrs. A. H. Sl, buck, N. Ildv ,. andl1 appoiiitcd as adminisl rat. , of the Thus. Stoekwell, all of Dalit.., and Mrs. V'1"" "f , l'"lk " ... miner, deceased, .i. .. o i i t i .i i .i ti.. A I perKin-t hinii.L' claiinN liv'uiii't snci T. II. S iirbiu k, of I'ort and, and Mis. ; . . ' . ' " . . , .. i, . . e'lat.i lire riipiiiiil to picseut them licaver o Salem.- ,,e Ib'k''""T. u,thni ' ,f V. A. and wile, of Salem, j m (,r ,,.,. wno iirrive., itere in.e nii .li,,, . nnde.snincl III Salem, Itoulo automobile, were delayed here mil il this . .. . ,,, tmbiv. antics Milium of the C, ,tre, is lnkiii here nn-htion, K nine; today. I. (trcenbaurn, of tl A (ireeiibaum, will i' firm of llosti-ln Itt.M. for an auto tour to Sun Irim. wife and children. II.- nwav al-oiit a mohlh. h . IS to ;,"Why Do the Disciples Exist?" To Be Brook's Topic "Why do the Di.ciplcs i:rll" b the ipnsi.oi. Dr. ri.)lon s, llroosi l.r..ii.i. s to answer this .-M-i ii j at 'In c . , ,,..,... .I.,,.,,, ..,SU. ,.,......., ..,. ,,. ,n .i Mi.. l,.r.l.s Kttnrt w-.ll it t-orr.rt . . . ,.,.:,., ,,i,. .,,., ..i.,..,,! ,v hrf XnUntrtl ,,r,.r Ult heNrt.'d, mi 1 ., .,..,, i,, l ,,i .ii ,i,.,.. n.,. tll'iailtstie Dr. Kplev ! Interest increases the re ai..roaehes the end. Dr. Hro. ks has but two more ev.rnie;. iu Sabm1 and will leave afl.r the servi.e Krulii) li. Chi f" I. os AriKt les to at'cid the j Krrat fonvention of the church 'f which j he it a member. I '"Vorks" w. the, fruitf il, theme of the iliscourM- last evening i .M:is Alice Kb k or .nriir a solo arul K D Mel, rnd Dr. K. II. l.pb'V ai(( a duet enttili .1, "(iod I Way." Dr. I.plejr ; eonlnbuled a splendid solo, line fine young woman aeeeplej the g.spel and deep interest was ILainfestriJ In tka n.-itine. OBTEOPATII IS Ari'OlNTKD Uncoil t'ily, Ore., July 1 1 - The county- enurt today Uipoiuted Hr. drel Wi Mi health ot'ticer of ( 'lin Kiiiinis county to succeed r. .1, A, Vuiillrakle, wlio uiueil nation wide t'uiiie by beniK the i nly oslenpiith iu the country oc- jciipvMi such a position. j lltiiin almost all of 'niiMriikle 's itciui, pliyso'ians of the old si hool sought to have him removed, decbinu him i . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 but the siipreuu vuuit 1 upheld Iiih rnjht to the office. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby I'nen that the uu dorsiKiicd by an order of the 'utility I'oiiit- of Munon I'oiintv, llreunu, has I'ltlcd this I Ith dav of June, l!i". S A III N A Mi'llllAMMKII, A. bin. ust nil i I of thu Lsiat.. of l-'rauk Mnrhainiiier. ADMIN INTRA TOR'S OR EX ECU TOR'S NOTICE Or HEAKINU Of ITNAL ACCOUNT. Not hereby kim'U that the final ' a.-coni.i. ol i.eore r rolnuader as ad iu i nisi ralor 'af the ew'ale of IJiubetli M. r'rohuiadcr, deceased, has been fil.-d in tit. I'ouutv I'oort of Mn rid ti ' o.ui i.eioit.V, Slnle of (Iri'ifun, and Hull '.'i.lh .lav or .inn, r.iii, at the nour or .. .1. .. ..'. t I I..I.. j i, . IU' H H . Ill ., II . . O. II 'Mil. ''V ""' 1 ourt for the InurniK .it ob- I'1 1 lO'.S to Such filial Uc'Olllll lllld III'' .el I It II it-lit lllereof, at which tunc i.ny ,e p' lsou ilitcr.-sleil .rt so.-ti ."Uale may .'tpieur a ii. i ine on leeiions iriercii. iu writing mi. I .onte'it th .aloe. (iKlllHii:, Adlllll.lslr;ttor of the l.stltt '. To Ilia I'ollryholdera of , THE I'KUDDNTI AL INSURANCE COMPANY Ol' AMERICA, 1 N'liTM K is lu-rcbv jinet. that a UK "f the polo holders of The I'm 'dt.itial In. urn. oh Company of America Iwill be held at the Home (illi.u of said ompar.y tit the I it y of Scwailt, l.Siwr Jersey, on M.atduy, the suth duv 'of December, Hill, at twelvn (j 'illicit noon, fur the purpose of seleciiu lit t ii persons to be voted for by the ' poll'- , holders 1 Trustee as members of Mhr lloard of Directors at the annual election of Director of the Company lo be held on the tenth day of January, , l li!. .until . iiilock p. nt. uf July Jl, lul.i, At .'cli inettine every policv holder : for furnishiii mnteriala ami lubor for I of the orporatiori wim is of tl. ai(i thn cotistructton of nn udditiou to thu 're twenty one years or upward, and brick a.sembly hall, in itrict accord slin.s poli.-v ha 1-eeit in force lor al ul" w" the li n:i, speeificatioM ami I least one year last pa. I, shall be en -i instruction.) to bidden, which may bu ! tilled to ca.t one vote in person or by ejiiiiuned at the office of Hid paper ur Iproiv. KOKIIKST K. DKVDKN, in whiej tin advertisement I'r bnl EXECUTOR'S riNAi. NOTICE. otoe il u.reby ijtven that the un del-lulled i:eeulrix has filed her final account of the esliiln ol' Miuotwi Aim I 'ice, deceased, with the ( oiintv ( i l( of Million ' ou li ty , tlrenon, mid the l oiinly I'ouit of said ( irinlv has t'ixe.l W'e.lii.-.lii r, I,,. L'stli duv of' July, H ,, at I" o'.-biik in thu forenoon, us the tune for li.iiiiiiu ub ject ions to said final neeuiiiil and (he s.-ttiei it Iheieof, and all pel. on. nileiestcil Iu said eslad' nine, on i,r beforu Kind dale, file oh .lection, if any there lire, Iu .Hid io ''""HI and hliow cause, if any exi i, why said arioiiut smiuld not be nlluwed' oiiwina k. si'i:iiii;i(, of the Kstate of MinerMi Ann hire, Heceasi-d. ADMIN I8TRTOR-'S OR EXECUT OR'S NOTICE or HEARING Of 1'INAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby j(ivcn Hint the fine I account uf ,1, K. I'oulsoii us admniistra tor of the vHlati. of Rachel ('.nil son, 'I used, has I filed ill Hie cuunt court of Million county, slate of die K'.n, and that, the lillh day uf .uj..m, 1113. at the hour of III o'clm k u. at , ;i I nas i. ecu duly iippoiulc.l hy such rouii lor tne iiearniK or nlijc.-t iuns to such I noil a unit and the settlement there of, at which tune any persu.i interested in s i. li estate may appear and file id. je. ii,,n thereto in writing and conic .1. the Mill.e, f .1. H. col I.SdN, A.liiilnistratur of the I -tale July ' 1,V:'2 fti Amj. 3 I NOTICE Of FINAL HEARING. In H.c rentier of III.' Kslale til' Sn I. el J. Kc Nolo,- I dr..;it.,.-l of . Dect-HHi'd. n hereby j(i ton I It il t the ill. ha . t ill d his f noil u cuiitil -late, nit, I Hint the until Minion I'minty, Stale uf tlr. II 1 . I It I r i We.llli .dttv, I h.l .lil.i- 1,1 .: . i r. , of o roo... I place btv of Aoi:u-t, IIM"., at the .ion. o'clock u. in., iu the I I null e-f -in, I I uu tit v, as the tune and of hc.iriuir, ol. .ctloiis to .aid 1' ii. c.i.i.t and llio st-ttb in, -ill thcr'nt; nil ei.oir iiilere.lcd in ropiired to '"Use or 1. 1.' their ol.e.'lliilis, it II..'., I','' '" I''"1' ,u of "aid "' '"" . ' . A- h r. o!(, AdiiMiiiMiut.r le Ijoiiii noil ol -u I -1 IMate. I'llul'OSAI.H I'tdl ADDITION T') 111(1. K ASSKMI1I.Y HA1.I.. Depart merit of Thu Interior, Iffn a of In-li tn Affuin, Washington, D. '., June I, lull. Scaled prtiposula, plainly marked on the oiHndn of the aealed envelope: "I'lopo-als for Addition to llriek A-t-s. Hull, Sab-ut School, Urcoit," and u.ldrcs.ed to thu " ( umiiiissiuncr of i Indian Affair, W ifdiint.)n, D. will be received u. tilt) Indian Office, ,cars, tne inilcd htulei : s.'innl, cheinawa, Orison. Kor further 1 information apply lo the Suporintomt- ,.h, (lf Kat,m school, inn Sells, , oiiiiiiirsiuiii'r.