Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 12, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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IVE been hired for,
We try to give you Laundry
work thtt shows wo tri'at your
Clothes well and a service that '
proves we treat you well.
Wo don't doubt but that there
are other Laundries as good as
ours, but you have the satisfac
tion of knowing there are none
better either for quality or
Home of Baldy Breezer.
Salem Laundry Co.
Salem, Oregon
Oregon Welcomes foil
Noisely At Baker City
Baker. Ore.. July 12. owds from I
radius of lot) miles, more than ten thou
sand in all, saw Lie historic Liberty
Bell ia Baker this noon, when it stoi
ped lor 30 minutes on its wav to fan
rranvisco. Kverv whistle tooted and
every bell in the city rang as the spe-j
cial train pulled iut'o the yards.
P 1'iTIIllo ' A feature of the celebration was the I
Evangelist io Hold Serices!ehHB',u,','araJofkw"hoo,
Oovernor James Wiihycombe wel-1
coined the bell into Oregon. He spoke
in i art : ,
In the name of the people of Ore-1
gun, 1 welcome the Liberty Bell into
our state. 1 welcome it not tor itself;
alone, but for the sacred memories con
nected with it. This visitation is a dis-1
ti lift honor to Oregon and the inspira
tion thus given us should make lis bet
ter in every way and more useful citi
zens. ' '
A reception was given in his honor
this morning. The atternoou was given
to games and sports at the city park.
In Bungalow Christian
One cent per word each inaer-
J tion.
Copy for idTertisement nn-
der this heading ihould be ia by
J 8 p.m.
- . 4
t PHONE MAIN 81. i
OAK wood $3, fir 3.30 per eord. Phone
12249. .
j I
,'t- "' I
I '"- -Hi; . - j
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1 v"'- v- i
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f, X .
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''!? - M
Li.,,, 'in nCiA XjJ
New York, July 12. New York City
is threatened with otic of the biggest
strikes in its history unless H.tXiO pants
makers arc granted nil increase in
wages. If the strike is declared. ItiO.OOO
clothing workers will be affected. City
officials are attempting to have the
workers conciliate with employers..
The nuinutacture of clot lies will be at
its height within a fortnight.
"The ladies a.e imt wearing pants,
at It-art, not yet, so the threatened
strike will not uffect us,'' said Beu
jliinin Schlesingtr. ptesidetit of the
Ladies' (.iui'iaeut Workers I'nion here
Sclilesingcr denied that the union of
which he i;i load, wid join in a svni-
I pathetic strike with 1 he pants workers.
He added that he thought there was
little probability that a strike involviig,
ItiO.iHHI workers v.oui.i nr called.
TO CLEAN UP our Spring and Summer stock we are going to make
another big cut in prices. Our entire stock will be sold for what it will
bring. If you want any thing in the shoe line, do not miss this Great
Bargain-Giving Event. All low shoes and summer goods must go, regard
less of cost. Nothing reserved except the famous Hanan shoes, which are
always the same price. The stock of the Monmouth Mercantile Company
still on sale. Bought at less than 30 cents on the dollar and sold in many
instances below half the wholesale cost.
I'OR KALK Bigs for sale
I'hono S3F5
July 12
TWO young Jersey cows for sale. Your
choice at $10 each. J!vl2
JTUNISIIKD rooms, both, for rent,
close in. l'hune H. or 2 IMI-.I. tt
NKAKLY -NEW Feed cutter for sale
cheap. 2720 Cherry Ave. July 12
J-'OK SALK One wagon 1V4, hay and
wood rack. l'hune ltK'3.1. July Ki
VOU SALE Two fresh cows, $4.) aud
$o5. Ht. 8, box 103. JulyH
WANTF.D About 12 loganberry pick
ers. 1'hone 37F1) evenings. July 12
WANTKD Heliable farm hand, l'hune
4tiF-ll or 127. No cigarette smok
ers wanted. July 13
jc sjt jc Jc jjc sjc 5jc c c sjc sc
WANTKl) At ome, a few tons it
good old bright straw. 1). A. White
it Sons. Julyl3
I'lN'K DlllVlNG UOUSK ami buggy
for sale. Kuiuire at Cherry City
bum. July 13
M11DLK ACKl) LADY wishes to do
housework a few hours each dav.
I'hono l"i!W-M. Juhl2
KDt'M) King in Salem bout factory.
Owner can have same by culling there
and paying fur ad. Julylt
Contrary to expectations and to the
delight of every one the Chenieketa
street revival being conducted by llev.
Clayton S. Brooks did not close last
evening but will go on until next Sun
day. Prof. Fitz, who tins been assist
ing with the music, departed this morn
ing for l'ortlaad and Sun Francisco but
Dr. Brooks remains. He will speak this
evening on "Words and Their Influ
ence." Mrs. Blanche Liston Niemeyer will
give n rending of rnre excellence and
Miss Coddington will sing. The music
thin neck will be under the able direc
tion of l'r. Kplcy. Some of the best
musicians nnd soloists in Sulem will be
heard at the meetings this week. The
services will now nil be held in the
Bungulow church on Court und Cheniek
eta streets.
Salem people are awaking to the
realization that they have in the per
son of Mr. Brooks one of the ablest
evangelists to be found anywhere, u
imiu oi mKui'ni i muni! hum u i iuumi.li i, wiifio'l Univeott, who returned mi
wnose ettorts in n religious way nre tuiMirt though full of thrilling stories of
be a permanent Dene! it to tlie city ut j narrow escapes, from the war rone, has
'nr-'p' been engRueil bv Selwvn & Comimnv
i. r l... i..,- e l i...- ... ' . . ' .
.,11. I'iouiva nun 1011101 u iiuiiiooi 01 i ,r
former classinutes in ciilem. Burton Z.
liiggs and Hev. Alvyn Ki-son, of Al-
Arthur Aylesworth, who scored a hit
as the night clerk when "Over Night''
was produced in New York, has been
engaged by Sehvvn & Company lot
nn important part in Kdgar Selwvn 's
" (lolling Stones.''
James Kearney. 1'iiiiik Kingdom nnd
Susanne Willis are others who have
been ndded by Selwvn 4i Company to
the "Holling Stones" east.
Frank Kingdim, a brother of Mrs.
Edith Kiugdon Could, who has played
Michael Harrington in Kio Cooper Me
grue's "I'nder Cover" while Wilfred
Drnyeott was abroad, was one of the
most popular mnuhem of the cast of
"Alias JiiHinie Valentine."
Over oO styles Ladios' Poinps, all the latest
styles, if-1.00 to $5.00 grades go at . .
100 pairs Men's, Women's and Children's black
Tennis Shoes, Toe to $1.25 grades go at ... .
o00 pairs Men's Outing Bals, green, brown flC
and black, all sizes, reg. $2.50 to $2.75, at
100 pairs Hoys' and Youths' Outing Hals, green,
brown and black, all sizes, regular $1.75 to(
$2.00 grades go at $1.35 and
100 pairs Children's Shoes. Monmouth stock, black
niacK with white and blue tons, fomilar $1 .",
& tn t "
to $2.00 values go at
25 pairs Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Monmouth stock,
regularly sold at $::.o0 to $5.00.
now go at ,
ltlW T 1. ....
aiu pairs uuiies' bhoes, Monmouth stock,
ami kinds, regularly sold up to $1.00,
Repair work done better and at less prices than any
Try us once and you will be a regular customer
Ever wear hose, the most popular hose in the world,
go at
shop in town
all sizes
Only the very best leather used.
another pair free, no questions asked. .Cotton 25c, silks f0c and 75c.
If they do not wear well bring them back and tret
326 State Street
Phone 616
Ladd & Bush Bank
for his original role of Michael liar-
rington when " I'nder Cover'' goes on
tour this season.
For canning Ht vutir residence on
Julv 13, 14, 13 or 10. I'hono 3-1F13.
July 12
NEW I'uderwood Typewriter, all latest
improvements, two color ribbon, etc.;
iirico reasonable, suitable terms. I',
care Journal. Ju)yl7 j
WANTED Klderly woman for light I
house work in pin in home for board.i
room ami small wages. Write lii.ij
Independence, Oregon. July I3j
FOlt RENT 7-roomed dwelling, large!
lot, good location, 7 per month. I
I'hono Carey I'. Martin. I'hono 419.1
i'0 KENT Nicely furnished modern
room in prhste home. Math adioin
ing. Four blocks Irom La. 1. 1 A. Hush
liank. One or two gcntlemi'ii pre
ferred. Address S, care Journal, tf i
SECOND HAND Mason jars, half gal i
Ions, new lids and rubbers, tide dozen.
New and second hand goods bought. j
wild and exchanged. Deutsi h gespro-,
fuen. Boot. Furniture Store, 2 13 N.
Commercial. j
VOCNti lady or gentleman witn good
Allocation ami chaiactcr will have the!
privilege to Icaru photography. No.
tuition required. Afterwardii good
lM)sition obtainable. If interested,
all at Eisner's Studio, 2ii"i North,
Commercial street, Salem. ,lulyt2j
"WONKY" The mint makes it and
under the terms of the ontinental
Mortgage Company you can si-cure it:
t t! per cent for any legal purpose on '
approved real estate. Terms ea'y.
Tell us your wants nnd we will co-:
operate with yon. Betty i Co.. 513
I'enhnm buibring. Denver, C oin. M v3
bnny, all graduates of Transylvania uni
versity, Lexington, Kentucky, of the
..l a tioi T 11- l...rf t
,"" """"" """""" the all star rust of
ty oi nuictit, uiiu u ui outer ui .mis.
William 1'. Babcock, is also a former
college companion of the evangelist.
All the signs Sunday indicated a real
revival at the Chemeketn street tabcr
nncle meeting. The building was fill
ed at all the services. There wus a
record attendance ut Bible school.
4. II f..l....l. I,.. It i I. ....
"Tl. Possible ..ml 1im.nHsil.le in Nnlvn. r"'Fr r-eiw.M, Hi B mat llClllg an at'
tion." The solos by Miss McAdd.ini """I'''-'"''! stage director is wreck and
und Brof. Eitz were' unusually fine. rm" , vacation, sinee he will 0
.i it n:.vn I K .pj inn n i ,'u..t ...
Ferdinand (lottsehnlk, who is one of
ometlians provided
by Selwvn k Company for the first
production of Avery llopwood's new
farco "The Mystic Shrine" at Atlnntic
City tonight, was last icer. In New
York in the brilliant revivnl of
I'Truth," by Clyde l'itcn, in which
Zclda Scars played her original role.
In the evening the sermon was con
cerning ''The Judgment." By special
retpicst l'rif. Fitz sang "The ll.dv
"Tho Mystic Shrine" that he will have
to begin on "Holling Stones." Mr. Sol
w.vli and James Forbes Loth belong to
the acute minority who believe that an
author should direct his own plays.
F. A. Legg is in l'ol'tland today on
N. C. Maris, of Cortland, ig registered
nt the Bligh.
Lincoln Savage, of Grants 1'nss, was
here yesterday.
Mrs. F. II. Morrison, of Dallas, is n i
visitor in Salem toiiar. i
Miss Clara llniistead was ill the city In n r. cet t intervi, w concerning
yesterday from Silverton. . " Wotn.n.md " her greatest work viz-
Clarence Benin hiunp, a druggist ot ( ualicd us a i.otnl.le tu reen .Iraina bv
Stayton, is in the city today. 'William Fox, niol -liowing nt the (We-
V.. T. Barnes and family motored yes gon tonight, Miss I orelli Nii.l: "I am
tordav to M.luima and Silver rails. 'gla'l that, a ,itit.guishc. American
Margaret Illington's long season in
"The Lie,'' in which she hud a season
long success at the Harris Theatre,
!an.I iu which she will tour the whole
, country during the coming year, opens
t r Atlantic city lute in July. She will
; play rfeveral weeks in the seashore
cities before the goes into Chicago tor
' a long stay.
Discouraged Citizens Will Find Comfort
In the Experioiu e of a Salem Man.
Experience is the modern instructor.
l'rofit by the cvperieuce of others.
It may save your life,
The experience of friends and neigh
bors. Tho testimony of Salem people.
'Will bring renewed encouragement,
Here ia a case in point:
J. II. l'enton, lll.i Lee St., Salon,
says: "A cold settled on my kidneys,
causing pain through my back. 1 knew
that my kidnos were to blame and
hearing several local citizens endorse
Douu's Kidney 1'ills highly, I began us
ing them. 'Ihev were jutt whnt I
needed to relieve tho pains and other
kidney troubles. Whenever 1 have tak
en Loan's Kidney l'illn siuee, a few
doses have Ittought me relief.'
Crieo ODc, at ail dealers. Don't (im
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
i'oun 'i Kidney 1'ills the nunc that Mr.
l'enton hud. Foter Milburii Co., Crops.,
Buffalo, N. V.
Henry Dahl has been on duly nt
Join. son's diug store ulnle l.b.ier Olc
sen was taking a Micntion nt Hieiten
bush Springs.
Mr. ami Mis. C. W. Herman were'
among the Sntunliiv guests from Molul !
In, who i aim- for the lug e.-lel. ration.
Olc llnltel,er g and Jio k Netno en
joyed ii i-it with H.eir lnothorui'luw , !
N. H. Siilhoss, Mini wife, of Muter, Iowa,
the past Week, Tliey v.eic I.I-. guests;
of the liny Diilliiu. Iiunily while lute.
Mr. and .Mis. M. M. Nivor cnleili.iu
ed their sou's w.te, Mrs, Aitliur Silver,,
nod l.nbv, from ei.-lein On-gou, the lust
of the week.
Miss l.corgiu Webb, daughter of Dr.
Webb, of Mt. Angi-I, is usiiing Nihoi
Good Will
ton relatives tl.is w
Chiules lloll.ku.
hiis u guest at ti.
lie pli-t week
WrilV l.lollin
O. II.
die Ct.nVINg a
ton, vi.itiiig
of interest.
Mrs. Di-iii. In!
. I'. L. and If. II.,
tlnoiili Wi.sliuig
nnd other poinls
leg tl.o pn
; f i o lid ret ii
inoiiniig. Mi
vho hits li.'i
eel, Willi
lo l',:,;la
w i. s io ri
I'l.ill Kin
.I... v
g I'll to
I. spend '
S.Uellou '
d by h.'t
ill sp.-ii.l .
lio.t li. i 's
Two Office Rooms
Best location in
Salem. Inquire of
303 State St
Chieago News: You rannot aiwayj
about retreats, h'etreatin; was
!nst the best thing in Oenoral Wash ,
uglon's relebrated, b cf tri. kj. j
Dr. M. K. Comcroy returned this
morning from a two weeks' visit to San
Kzra Buyer will leave tomorrow for
Sun Fmncisco, taking the water route
from Flu vol.
Mrs. Wesley Davis, of Mc.Minnville.
is here visiting with ine family of Dr.
B. F. Bound.
Mr. and Mrs. T. ,1. Wylnnd. of Smiths
Center. Kansas, ar- in the city visiting
with F. 1.. Connd.
John 11. Br-.ok, who was recently
elected postmaster ut Silverton, was in
the city yestnrdny.
Mrs. H. Y.. Cumin returned today to
her home nt I'or'laml lifter a week's
visit with B. O. Ilnnlenbrook.
Z. Y. Burt will leave tomorrow for
Chillipsbiirg. Kansas, taking the
steamer (ir-'iit No-thorn nt lltucl.
J. C. Berry will have the latter part
of the week to attend the convention
of Kexnll druggists in Mm Frncis .
J f. Macv. "f MrJImnn
Stib-m vesterdiiv to visit h
Ib-rt Mucy, ami seeing the bnsel-iiil
Otto l.i.nl.a. mp.-r Wfl tl.is mori.tng
for a visit of m vernl months with
f ri nds and n lutivcs living ia Decutu.-.
Miss Uap-1 "c,,tt returned yester
day from Cortland, where she l,ns be-n
for the past two weeks on profession
al business.
Chas. Csrme'ter. who h "'"n wri
m:slv ill at Ins Io me on North Front
street, is rip. r'i l tisluy to be abght
Iv imprn in?.
' l'd Allen and wife, of North Ysin
hill. ar.d iet -r Tolssv and if. "f
r.-he.trr lad. :it d yilerdT I'b
Mrs. V I . C..rg'r, on North
t-. i:th jireet.
(Capital Journal Special Serv'.'o.i
Silv.rton, Or-.. July 12,-Mi-s K si Ii
ryn Freeninu .nine home from (Cidge
Iw ld, Wash., to rpi-iid her Mimu.er vio n
tion. 'She has h.n teaching ut Hint
ntlv wmt I lII"1"'1' "io !"'- io or three yenr-.
I" Ins resulted in the pro) The Joe Liu fuuiiiy e nt.rtnii , d
the ficn i.oison. absinthe, friends from Mt Anuel Snturdi.v who
great thing to fame H attend the celebration. They
were .Mrs. John l.;.i and daucli'i r. M ...
a llunipett und ,i,s
" VV'oriuwii
h.bition of
into Atneri. ii. 1 1, is is a
nave aecoioidislic. . Io have
noble nut ion trom i... of the most ma
liglUl.t curses of uioderi. 1 1 tl,
iiin.t crying evil that exists in France.
I have reaun tn love America for the i
ake of the many fticn.l, mv writings
have wn for me there; friends whose,
fa.-is I have never n, but who corn- I
spoti.l frequently with me and whom I1
"in tiiiniliutlv to know through thel
kindly written exptessiun of their
hn.ghts. With r.-giitd to the present
torv, whiih I trust may help to rouse i
public iittei.tH.i. to a perm, , out evil
who h t. gradually spreading over all i
the world, I believe most intelligent
Alien, mis who have visited I'nris will'
rend it w:th n ote or o aniious inter !
est. It y.ns. I think, a fanning Ameri.
can senator whn .pnte recently wrtie a!
li.i. an- i xli.l.is'ne r ra.l on I
, Kosil,
Anna Olliv
Two of J. II ,. rison't brother., mine
the fust of the week f,,r a visit, ilio
is a resident ol I' lrtlauil nod tin- other
hails from S.,.ith Dakota.
Among Ho ,.,.! uf town gu,.i who
Cllllie to ll-le 1,1 ut lust SlilurdllV were
F. K. Johns.. n . nd family, oi Mar
ipmm; Mr. nt.l Mrs. Tom Mr Morris, of
Al.upiu, and the I tank Whitlork Imnily,
of rscotu Mills.
Mrs. F. s. J'ortrr enjoyed a short
visit with lo r M-t. r, Miss I'ansy Hr,,wn
nig, who rtiine fioin I'onallis the first
ill.-, was it,,r ,fl,a,-iiald. n.isehi.-f wr.eight by the
ins brother ,,.,,, Bh, ,) r, ,., nM lmr
of the wee
Miss Cii
I.)' hot wh
of t.ir,,r,i
account , . ., . , '
"."ill .,, n lie r '
state nortniil
i undnv with
iiiliv .loiii I have attemnte.l t.. o.t.
and ?f one or two more le.er anorig 1 'r,'-v'
thinker.. .hv-,olg,.t, ,, ..,,, i Dr.
wool, r.-i.s.. their vooes to a.,1 ,,, ,, I M.-rton L.
ie I'. ufkert.y, a mpatiinl
I 1 1, nil, Miss Li. no c I Oi vis,
iiiiic home from M-.n
In.y are atteiolll.g the
t . seio Sutiir.luv ur I
Mr and Mn. A. F. ftlu-
a couple
O. J. lletmaiooli and I'lieiid of Albeit
l.ea, Minn., sloj ..I n Mlvertoii on
tin it wuy bun.-- fin I the Mid l i.u.i is. o
ti.ir to nnt at the M s I. ome. Mi.
Ibrinnnsoi. wi's inu h plen-.'d wiit the
illlitnette v;ill-'V iii.d coin pli fueiited
the f II r lire r H on their lit j, pp .sports.
Miss M.rnic Digrrio-si hud lo r fti-'iid
Mis. Neil 1 1 u in pt on roo.e liocn limb
for the week end und lo eli)oy the . . e
!. ration Hjitiirduv.
Mi-. Ii. Ii lot. ire wus lre:.l,, t.. t,
hi.ppy Miiptise Inst r-tin.lity, week. Tin
o. -i-uoii bring 111 honoi ol her filly
thlld lirthlllV, 'lie guests Were I lie
Koviil Nei. htiots und other friends, who
served dit.iK-r on the li.wr. nl high
in on. so. ml a tier i.ooi. was pusi-cl
Hid all report a I lime.
Mr, nnd Mt, J. W. Miwyr, of I'm!
hu d. were Sondrty g.o M i at the M
I 'l ol V hold!
Mis. ii. Warren Ih.l.bs entertiin.iil
her ti.nt. Mric .1 It. Don.il.lsot., witn
li r -In lehter, Mrs. Joe lien iitiniu, n
i fw dl.;. s ll;o, 1 hi'se Indu s wt-ie fioln
Fii.tbault, Minn, tiiid -n route to uli
foflnll to littelol the elposltioll.
Frank lioot, if C",'b.tol, was :t. 1 1
ertoi the first of the werh ,,n busitir-.n
Mild V.sifed Ht the I t !l SU'Wtilt ll'OIO-
Mr. nnd Mrs '', iimli .pent .Monday
tt the I up.'i.l ' ity.
Atnoig the I'ortlliljd guest; to help
Viiti buy insurancv against
"lire, acciilcnt, fliiod" and
every othor sccahle danger.
Why not fcciue insurance
against loss of good will?
(iiMid will i.s a mighty fine
asset to have intact if your
plant should he swept away,
(iood will is built up by
quality, service and
unrig- is going into
Will Insurance."
Consider our adu'rtiMiitf from Ibis
ifui'stnunt nin( of icw and vi this
newspaper lu lp jou.
.1 of the hvio.,1 . loi
In. i. .ph i.nl Inst
'I he I. II. lies ' A
no t w i tli M is. J,
lirsllnv ultrriiool.
Miss I. una Viintri-ss, of
who tins lui n a gitrst of
ffo nds. r i, ii,,, to Nlvrrtoll I
I. Mill. II Cobb the Inst of the we
tuniing on Motolny to Mt. Angel
Mts, K. H. Mount erite.taiio
friend, Mrs. I.. I. Dold.s, and bn
I. h
1 V Is
I Mi
h, te
d In I
New L in, "unilny.
The l.r.ll gnmr b.-l .-"uturduv b. twr, i
the Villh ,,we!l I...VS 110.1 r-llveit.,.
l olls lesiilled hi u llcl'ellt for the 1,1. it
ing tel.io ll.e srore beiey " to CI in f.i
V"i ot r-. 1 1 r r tor..
M r". II. rt l a t nw
day lor an extend. v
the I In ! tint ri Ir-.tl
rtll I. lives Moll
oil w it Ii her sou.,
'fs, of ."scuttle
, ( I.M
i.ooi.eing t),,, t,a brain -b-Kradatuni
and briiiting it well l,.-tr,rp the run. id
nation of those who are the heads of
authortv m Frame, it might I eh-'k
c.l in it. destructive progress, and, with
a hole .sriie.t i,i,, j work, be
tai.e. out altogether, as a diM-ase is
Ma,n,. i... bv perf.-.-t aintat:on. In
this I... e I h:r. e w it ten Worm
wood"; in tl.is :r I trust it ri.IT be
r iv-'.
opherson. so. ccssor t'
", w i have ,i off o c
in the h. Ames liilldlllg, where he will
be fully eip.ipp d to practice ib'tltil trv
X. O. Ilele. tson Slant Satlip'uy Willi
JUrty and fun,.!, of
I, a traveling k,1.s
"'a, Nehru'lin, was a
of hit brother, .1.
st few dsvs.
lot'ti'lny w,-re
it VSurniuth rird
,k dii to r t.t (Io
s bi
N-vn F'tttv i A lino ntunrd today f.oin
thort taealioo at Wv-ynburn.
eel. brute tin- Nation 'i
Mi-s Wartnuth, s-ilvc.t
Mr. lii'.ertimn, who to.
Joe I His lo ilie.
John I. arson
U fe dftVS tills Wet
his daughter, Mr. Marty and fun,.!, of J I.. ' .UISOU. of tl.l
Donald. Ore. ' Mr. nr,-l Mrs T. n
Hurry I isiiw I, a traveling k,1.s nn i ' lob d vis t w .
man from Lit a, Xs-braska, wus a i'v.
guest at the holi of hit brother, J. F.i Mrs. I., C lo.vw
inliwieMl, tin- pt few dsvs. 1 Hdgc at.d Ii
H. X. kind, in, of Albiii, .'.ebreska. .s :t with In'iv,
who l.ss Is-sti mkiiiK in the igl.' at J Boll I', in this week
th Frisco fuir i "i-ending a f dsvs J. ,t. mil i. .of fermg fr,,tn a scr
with his bi thir, 11. M. Uiiiduiu aiid of n,e,.iiwti .-n and i und.-r
family. !d'e tor 's tire.
of Mater, C
w .- k w i ' h h
llooth i,
I. rclntivi
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e ll.nr H'g
s st Mills
Mr. II. (..
en :ov trig a
at C .rl.ku I und
I vjs
aa "f. m m -x.
-v -v- a i
William Fox Presents at the Oregon
the Film Hit of the Year. A
photoplay of vivid, pulsing
action and heart-touch
ing charms.
The story
that legislated
Absinth from America.
Admission 10c Today Only
Coming Wed. Clara Kimball Young
, Mstnsjas
-r-"-s' -' Mr-ltlrtHBI, """"I-" T -t ' f ("" -J'g-S