Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 12, 1915, Image 4

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    al Journal"
Editor and Manager.
Editorial Page of "The
,,Pe assert right along that MOUNT ANGEL NEWS
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. ;ff.
it .. ouldrt be a very pleasant thing to lace mt pt i :,,r, w. m vr . i r-
ss1k p . ...r. Ua-ir countries when peace came iney ougm i, t,M;!- ;"-a ,,
7,,";:::;::::;::;;'j;: :;:::;S.:::::i;iat it v.;n u- any to face them. i::.'.;;;. ,-!
1..I1. In- ttrrirt,
- .... it. i:i ...a,- is
: Albany is riot on the map as i.u u.c . f.' .,..,, , i
' .. f.,.n.,l mmI th- people there are exceeding! w'ai M ,., ! th-,-.,. ? ..,';
ov r th- slight. Hill posi'.iy me KUdi.u ,
- relic having heard frequently of Albany, New H k . - ,;,
ilh their lack "i opportumiy Jor uioruun
'f'TSSS rr:: It: slild, I'.ut po-ihly the guardians of the sacre
, ; I ti..' .,v. n vv 1:1 ' "
n.Mi :,...r.- walk-.
..,.., , .,; WaHa .'.'alia. aii..
cil i heir i( n H I' i nn uuiHi ft .... ,,..,. v,..,:;r. !,t "' ""
decided to t;.l.e no chances. : ZX
l 11. nu Tiwi.' ' tor-man "' "
',.! l y ,rrv:...i Will .l.-ftVr-
i-i-Ti-ps: TOTHKOL1) llOMii i ... .,..... ..... ; ,iw t.1;ii,,,,in..s. The kids over " ',-J'uZ "L"
. . , i ii ... .1... t ,l !,.," n h- ' ..... ... to w " ''' "'
,. . , , ( ... thrtv lire h a'l iLr 0 mmu en mi; .-iw... .j
,.;;,t.W(,t( North or South torches , for n;o f . , VnlhuHa'tic 1,.m.t, for. the national game. -;,
y'H t;,ttll we know as ,.J"ri ::;.k' I;,! ue" CuvMu,u and Laseball p. hand in hand ahvays.
-rvs . :r(1;; i,,i,.iv the a.
half the lovwi, wii-'M .:', , Vi(l, )ilt ,
.,,;,.l l.v the "hummer visil"i, l .t nu n v.
in-.l l,V the "summer visl-r, nt . k! ( a ,,,ik (,,my p;ip,r. '1 hat ,s going to n
s,,lt throogh," v,here the '""f ' ' ' , ... !,,, M.'.rmamtl. scImm.1 mii-htv Mtular with the gir
OIlly a gnon, could have worked ;; U ' f:ltm,,
.. j. c. e ,!,-. ..f Xi.rtl. Il"w.-1!.
, ,,., ! ii::; t' : 1 m iin
,1,' in- iN:T.'-! :: . i.-li'iv t
,....;. I fr..:n i-f f'1'ii-r', !
fur. t.. l..-r
..v. ... r.. , ... 1 ...., lii-it,. trr.fr f'll fr.'H'eitienlS.
.N i I ! I I -1 1 1 ll'iliu.u ,""" -; . . ., .... ,. ., i..,., r:.
nr. I hat is going to make uie ;;A ,,.
L R' A. .I'.i'-l''' i ' '
Hiiiaiioiiij aKi . V" ... ,. ,; :,. ,1,,. ,, u- i- I -Uiirc
.1,, yellow lad.es Siperj-reu. "
i . . i . . i . ,. i.f v i eh
. . . I 1 - ......... Mi' I.J - I III UP 1'
l.lnoill'ool atl'l Ilf.nn.n ' CTTC MtVfC
, , , , . v STATE NEUS
' ... ' .1 v ill i' . rlillle What v
Name. We retni'iiiovr wi .,i-..
1Aado1i,ed:lH1.,en1,erfor,;.tth,htle , ,
WV ch. ridl the iMfof Png hack s-'im; da. t.ik.i i
,, walks, crawling und, r the harhed-wue leh.vs i "
pursuit of the douoy yelio uo!.! rojMhU on t : 11
.IsuherMhehlypad-UiethH , Ami h-n at la t lu-
!il(1,(,,m,s.Nvhaldou,lin,r.' Thatahheh.leneh.e., ,
lict'ii dicamiiin of the old ha'.mts, the devil pm-se:-.. ed pol l ,
ahl, saw-mill' ha heen snillling and sooting from one to
i,,,,,,!,,,- ,aing deva,talion in its wake; uhne oiav . ...
vdld tloweis and .iiiuvs.H pine sprang up under the tall
tu.,.s. are li.uh lieaps, audust, chip, and stumps, with .
the Packer of little grem hireh h av.s trjing their beM
Id liiilc tin' ruins. . 1 "
The returning native (.(arts out for an old tune lile
ami his Jehu ohiect.t; "Creat Hill'.' 'that ain't m. good. ...
Them trees tire all cut down and it's hot as blazes over
them hills."
The Jim King road? "That am t no better.
Tim Little le.servuir: "That's a pretty drive."
"Oh there ain't no little reservoir since the new water
weiks are put in, and them trees is all gone, ton"
Tun the wild hedges id elder and alder of sumach , ,
and withe-rod are "cleaned up". The only kind advice to ;
(he returning native is Punch's matrimonial prescription
"Don't." except in "memory tender" to an I'.deu where no n
Cain commits, what Jell'erson deemed "a ci hue little ,-diort
f murder;" the "unnecessary felling of a tree."
: i'i:oi; Aid r. onvoMr. 1
, 1,,, 1 .,,.,. n,t ..f Mt. Al'n'l
,'..,,','k. T! 1- !..;! nil '- "-r
, ,1 .l .-r.. . l-ii! 0'"
in t" I"' I l.'lli- Oi- i' "
I h'
M,:,,..r. -,',.t in- I'.!-' I.-.-. - t!.,. l.-t ,..r Mh.. H.I:-. I
.1 1 , . .. 1 ... I- ul..-r.. b- I'l'.- I'!in li:i.--'!
l'..'fl -11 . rs 1111,1 v :r. ' 1 ' " -ii
x x . j, I , v I !..- ...iu.h-.-r O..- .;.t !:..-- ini,.."l (:, M !; I- .J.-
. , .. ,r , ,,... t'l I,', .'! !.! Oil-,' H-
..; -. M I'.lni.. lie H'i '-i'l - I'l'n .-...! .'ii Ii-'- '''"" 'l--.ii-' .
... .,; ..;,i,:i. -..-.,t II" --i. ' I!:.it. .''"-' "' N,"!,'1;, ufA
,,. i;,,,' "..-.Mi I' A. Ii:i-ii.ii-. ""I ' ." ini'l III- ci'.iii"! I.;.- i-.-'1'. ;' Oi.-r.
, 1 " h,.' .:,nv ilr.n.' 1" V-1.. '.i'"i . 11. .....k.Ktf. 'I''"" ' '" 1 ''
. ,,, , I .- .1 ,.., Ml.. ihi-y i .-i.l ll"' k.'iv '!" I " li"' O-I'N. n.i ".- 'fum-.
' ,;, , :, I , .., k' Oiiiniii-.. ' i.' i I"' !'. r-ult. Ti'- .am. !.-
, ,,, . h . - 1; I in ll.'t 1 -, Sr., : H'I ' 1 1'. 1 1 '. , I.':. i 1 i. r, ill il.. iin.' Ii 'I '"'i' ' i-i"-
,1 1 i. I:,....- aii'l 'if.', ,!.i- On liiri'T ;,,! ,t ill 11. 1. 1 T.-Mly t" ll"' i'.li-i!"l
' , , , '. , 1,1,1. h.,l:,li : ti. 1 I'liilnii. ll' u ! K-f- -mt lialMi-l 111 Ir..m.
. ' , , ,i ..-I ...iiulv, O. A. M.ll-r "m.'b .1. I.. I'.'li-"". a t'aii' -r 1,1
1. It. s-ii.itli .mil v -1 '-in'iay v... Ilill. liv im.. ..uti. t M.yr
1,1 Wnli. .11 spriiiKK. t".i. :iin .. W.'.i ii' lay wit'i a
. i,. 1 I'urki-r iii 'l ii.-rli.-K I"ii ' t',.iii-Ii.thi-t.'iini I'l.'l l':!ul."l I-1".-a a- A
"" "' 1,1. 1 in,. I .--1,-iMir.l .1 .inn . .... i.l I'. iliaii l. , I'ninii.'li l.i'i.l. r win. Ii h- pn. !':'-. I
'' 1 ' nr.. t...l...( Hi T. S. I'u. !;'.- m Ml. ..i.'l 0 a I--..I .i.i'-r. Mr.
Mi,. II-..! 10.. I cl.i: in "1. ' I i'."i:".i ;,im,.i .'laiins I" Irn- ".a l- a'a'.n j
r,', . , iii tin- I'.il u. k im"i .'. V Ins ,iirrlia-ii. in Otis ' ity.
' ' , ir. ll. W. Han . 1.1 I- S ! an.'
I.r: -.a Imlllh i" y ill at Hi.. v :i.-: 1 1. .1. a !'' " .lav - a,.. W"l'l
' l..,. ,1 1,,-r ilaaKlil.'.. Ml- II:.rr,-".i r iv.-.l W, .Im-lav tin! la'
' .1 Ii. itniH Miir. . niarli.-.l to 1. "l"ila.' v "'ia li-lv ll.
1 ' .i-liinli.n 1'itv. Si a. .... . I' O al '!av
NOltTH HOW I'.I.L li,-i, tl. vvnlil'in:; i.. ."in. 1 a'ttla-
ti.nis frmii In t'11. a. I- in Ml. A 11 IX-1
Mi :,i"l Mr. Win. ,'.'-'' -U"l rl.'.- vv,T.' fl.'atin' i..T t!..- vv i 1 . - 1 .!. 11
,,..i,. ,1 W1-1 ..linn. vi-!i,.l u! W in i,',.r,. in,, I S.kun.'.
i.., -i.h.lav 111..I M lav. (in,, nf Ilia I'li'tli.'-. ".'l.i:a-i I'.iat
u Mr- I.. V. l'.."l..'r, 11 ' "III 'i"l, i-ani.' ,;,h I II snli'lllt i.'.l in t!.i ' i'y f'-r
. ..I iv .,, -,,'.i'l lli.' .11.11111. 'i VM.Ii Iht .,,m,' tiini' was al ll.' 1 1. 11. .-I. T'ii'-.lav
In i.r Mi. Mi.'i- W'.ili. Mi--. I .!!. "1m. r l.i'.aiii'' 111.-
,v .-. K, ,!,.' ih ll..- ..ivi'.-r .1' .1 ... " ,r,. ,,f Mr. ,lii..'i 1 11. !'. I.l, l'..'t'a -''
. i'v,-,ii,i,l - (Ii,. ,'.,iitra.'lia' I :i rt 1 .-. ar- vv,'ll l.ll'vvn
1 1 K,v.v:,l .1... willl'.' I,.-1 I at ti..- Mt Alii'.' I i'...;.- an. I l.nvi' many
-1 r. 'i la liv.i w.'. ks, I" ninnihi; Saa fi i.ii.I-. vv , l.,..i- t'..r , .al r s '.-t a I, a ,
I-,.- ,1,'v II. If.-v i I Ml- ... i.f, 1 1 1,.., '1"-,. r,.-.-im.i,v vv:i.
,l,., r ,.1 Mil,. 111, mil lii.w .-liarn- ,1 ,. ,,,,,.1 .v K,i. Vntln-r .l.-r al
.'"' -. .n,,'. VI ari- in. uli. illy invit.1 ... , I,,,,,.!, ,,, (',.. r ni-i- i.f a lart-
.'. ..'i.t " '.:' ..all" 11 al' n v it. .1 (.a. -ti. It vv:,.
'-,! .111 I:.!". .at,' allair. I li. wo.I.Vti"
:,l ir:, I v .l.-rry IV Mii-ll. til.' 1"
,! I", i, i ll vv a- r.-r'anilv a 1 ' :i ' I v
i.i'iviiis Slar. ... a,., ' I . ;,n, ,,,-t ii. ., a. I. at t'"' tin-
i ii.:, i, I . w u. ii 1 1 ,ii r .y ra in ..I !.
-. i. . , ,1, . mi...,, I in,,.'t !'a'lt:''',i!
i':, , niiln.liM m;i,li- T' r " 1 1 . t;.'-.H
V - - , .1
Al.( OlluL 3 PU( CENT.
ling tJ te Siciiisciis andBovi'dsof
Promotes D i dc stio'i .CheerPjI-
yimvitw Std
ItiiZquai tturrr.
Apr-iforl Remedy for Conslii
Hon, Sour Sloraach.l'taii'lwM
racS'miilc Siijialiiri'
The CtNTAin CompakT,
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI cibt,or .iomhnv, i.ew ion cm.
in.iww.uw. .wiwi.w llir.ii wuppi in il I II I III I I II I TI I III I ll I I lll f
.. ,1
i ! ,1
I,, I.. i.-, ..'.t
I '... I, ,11 : . . !...( Sinnlav l l,-. ,.
, ,il. H.-v Ii .'. I W,,,.,ll. inn al Mai,
-. ... .' vv :,- . ' ! III.' I I . 1
Tillamook Seashore Resorts
ln-ri' lli.Mifan.ls of i i-i i il.. ili'!i-hl lo sjii'iiil their uniiner vncution
i.vvr itii. ua.-t wtni.li'rful f.'cni.' trip mi (In- Amcrii-an f'ontiiiont
Ti'.'.nm.M.U rin.n'iiKr't l.v. IVrtlnn.l :" a. ui.
s-a-li. ra Spivial l.v. l'.irfliuiil 1 :4U p. in.
l'iiilnr (il.M i'Miiii.n Car vvilh luitici liun h mi tin' "Si'ii.-lnire Spi'riul''
From All Points
A-k f..r f..M.T '-..a-liMri' Tiiln k Cniiitv" sjiving Ut of lintels,
The illilliedlilti' etl'ect of War i.- to dissolu- pal lies,
1'ieak dow n in. puhtr e.,. enuneut, eentralie authority,
make the liiMitmg arm of the late suieiue, a,s ll.e
Mllineapi.liS I'arill, Stock lli.l'le. This liuij beob-elSid
alike in tin many, where the Sofiali-ts have ceased lor
the time being all opposition to the e."-i nuu nt, and m
I "lie la in I, w here the Ivor earn at imi ot the tiune-l i s im .m
ihe ci s sal ion for tin' pi nod of the w ar of pai i;o( i n-
Mv'.,l:wl.i!e, what aie the pinpli tliii k;H'.', '.' Ho l!,i'
: iUi.d', approve war, and lh pur.iM' I'm which il i.-.
e. eg Waged? Pill. hi. I'l ei',chil;;'.i', (i.iinai!, Auslii.in,
I!u-m,vU l.ae alike b. . n told a'. l l.c!i.'e thiil llus i a
v arfm the eiy e,s'.. live ..!' ilir t.,rlhc an
l.i a! to ti ad, t, oils, to , nasties, (o m'.tai i-ui. W lu n th.
Mast of war is uu, what will tin id.ct be? ,i
not U that duias'. c and im'-.t.ii y i'" i i:'ia i,. h..ii r.c'.i 1
to pi uli v I the pioplcs'," W.'l the w oi kincn.an and ll..
I'c.ivii.t J.., to M c ti:,t w h.i',e i r i!.,',iv'!i sivs, ll... M.-;
il;iKs f.,il to a.-.s, n. ii.me I'i.-v. '''i:i th.diivii -!,.,,.,
thai I., i.e. Umh the alternative of w,u i ;.t her t h.m p,
, sj with the ivmm.m po.p'.e" T I.,-. M , !Us i'.
lias..' able safv- plv.pla i i,. A1 ! I., I; wIMV.l.,
oi t lu balance and i.s fo;;iid wa:.l:"c I'h.-ic u :i a:i:s ,..:!,
v c'.-'.'H ' ac a-, vu- nop,- ti,,- c."-,m,.r
I. Iv ll! Tin- I', " Tr '
i,.i- no iu'1,1 t.. .'-
'' ' li.'r -I- 8M0KINU IN .HTNEYS
i-loii liri.. I" a
m "" in ti.,' - i. ,,f r ,
' , . iK.-i.,i.i ti.. I.,, i'.i -
' " ' I. l'"'.!'. "' !.,".
I . . ,l,. 1 1 :i . 1 1- -. ''..,! ' , ...
v I" i llnit Mi. l . -I. ... --.
1 . V ,-n I,'., I. 1 .-. ,,; ! 1 - I
'I.l ...I... V I !i . ; . ' '
1 " ! t'l..... VV.ll ' ' ' I
W ..' .1
r . i' "
p V '( the value of
Q Banksccounti
V teach your
ru-i's. ot,
A Vi-il t til,.
Two World Expositions
a' .in l'r.- .,1 saa I'i. -o i, an ovont of
a 111-liii.c in,. I (.in. y ii n not al'l'oi'l to ini..s
to S.ui Fran, isi'o, Los Aiielcs and San Diego on certain dates
will .i .., i,v or in i i:!nT -liri'i't ion
Four Fino Trains Daily in Each Direction
1 (ia i.ilif.v.i.ia pr unit .....p-,,v ims at San Francis.'.'
ai.,1 !... Aiii li'i In ,v tin.' i:.pi.iMti,ins
.-i'. -i A-.. 1 1 i'.m ,i!if..ri.m u. l's T W'oil.l Expositions"
"'..iv s,!,. ,,t,.j shaota 1,'outi'."
Southern Pacific
J-l.n M. Scott. Ociioral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
W hi n this war i (1er ie, Parol tlu 'ie co'.rc to r, ,-,
mm. (ti.,i t in ,. ,.f i ... i a lN ',;.,.,; u;i ,.;..,.,,., .,.
Vsliivh the 1' luted St.il.s .iKU. (ll (,, !,, ,t))U)
ui t!-j ii a; tim t.iee to Unu- as lb, lum.r V nrnVlh'.
war ; t.d cam on the wtk of r. pa.in'i. a-,i i, ,' ... .
a Putt) k'oe.1 port on f the ,.',( c... ,..lUl!. Tb.ie'aiv
Niaix t.f bc.s;i,sv al.ca.l f.M- th, l'i ;v, Stat-s a- i
, ... 1 1. .. I. .... . : .. . . i . - i , ...
tt.C)' h adv to take Caie f ;, ,j 4.,lf;.s " 1,' (
ivw,;.,, chaeacl i ;.-:,c ,f tl, s ,,
rv i
1 ! 3
1 , rb&
v.f-v.y. Hotel PT DTPIC OthSuJuncti
,s Hi- ... otocmon an.
;!"'" " ' 1 Si iK 1 'EN VISITtNCTrlE EXTOSIT10N MAKE
; '. . , r t i S t : J U , OIK I ILADOUARTERS AT THE
ii' 1 b: " 11 l .r ST. REGIS
I I j it) A ; 1 ' i i i . s f Reels
. 1 ; niuiiii uau U1UV.K Ol C'CTJTllUlg ' Wll
!'' t .11 , H III I j i out cr lim- to h L pout ion.
V'. l Iv'N I w
IADD & BUSH, Bankers
rtablish'i m",;
Trn.ut a Krm u! hanking husinCvs
Safety I , posit r,ot
W ;th whom would mi rather
'.!'.( man with a i;a:.k acc.
: without one? Th:' k ,., .-,
.vii:u signiiies ciiaracl.r a-d h.-w
"...cii oil have in l;a::k is y.. s- ;,.;,,,..
as the fad that , :i.,t. a,.,j
haw- a l?ank acco:;! t. T;:a:' i'-.,- ca","c
;' .no measured b ;.r bin ,i!hj
h itant posilii.rs that ,.t';.-; starts
''" m "ii the road to vV-Vk.
il 1 J ' l-1HIUi
EJ?tl! 1 Sfl fill' ''roohotcoldrunrungwrterwryc
:2rf.. 'l;z;i "
s. T.V. liinru . .-I1...I . t
"'" 1
'Ii- 1 '
-1 M!;:.
I Interest I'aid On S.
.:.:.;i';.. tc iMaNniaiHM,i
l VI. .. l'. pari- I Uh. I. IUkuji. Muirr M1 Prnudrnt
" '' 5rNK 250 K1ARNY ST.
'' - ! .10' IT, j Jirt5oHer and BoJi j
" .--. r ,1 .
'--"a. I). 1 ., I
- I . . ! 1 '!': , I
' .'..iv l-i!
, of Salem, Oregon
A modem, Ert-prooi, up-to-dite Hoifl.
ri m the ctnlrr oi rr vising rd on
a r for I d"tIiotolheEDoiiiooCn)Utidi. I
1. to tl... I - RiTFC
11 .'-.. m DfiL-hAii.,. . ..n.,h
, , , , . f I IV Sit
i-""' ; "" 1.0fl,1.50i(.;t 51.S0. 12.00 i!r'i
M.50. 52 00 JouhlK 2.03.t2.50i)o
s l50Rj,n,,Jsj.ir i.r r..n.-
' " la.linii I ,. " 1
' ..rf .r'hcr S t TJ Sl tNA l " !
-I- 4 .1 km, St. K..Uk,Vth. Ot
''to 5.;... I TUt I T.inivm.l- Una dlrtfvH to 110L I